function validate_two_factor_auth_code($code) { require_once CONFIG_PATH_THIRDPARTY . 'Google2FA/Google2FA.php'; $valid = false; $secret = db_select_one('two_factor_auth', array('secret'), array('user_id' => $_SESSION['id'])); try { $valid = Google2FA::verify_key($secret['secret'], $code); } catch (Exception $e) { message_error('Could not verify key.'); } return $valid; }
function db_count($tbl, $where = '') { return db_select_one($tbl, 'COUNT(1)', $where); }
<?php require '../../include/'; enforce_authentication(CONST_USER_CLASS_MODERATOR); validate_id($_GET['id']); $challenge = db_select_one('challenges', array('*'), array('id' => $_GET['id'])); head('Site management'); menu_management(); section_subhead('Edit challenge: ' . $challenge['title']); form_start(CONFIG_SITE_ADMIN_RELPATH . 'actions/edit_challenge'); form_input_text('Title', $challenge['title']); form_textarea('Description', $challenge['description']); form_textarea('Flag', $challenge['flag']); form_input_checkbox('Automark', $challenge['automark']); form_input_checkbox('Case insensitive', $challenge['case_insensitive']); form_input_text('Points', $challenge['points']); form_input_text('Num attempts allowed', $challenge['num_attempts_allowed']); form_input_text('Min seconds between submissions', $challenge['min_seconds_between_submissions']); $opts = db_query_fetch_all('SELECT * FROM categories ORDER BY title'); form_select($opts, 'Category', 'id', $challenge['category'], 'title'); $opts = db_query_fetch_all(' SELECT, ch.title, ca.title AS category FROM challenges AS ch LEFT JOIN categories AS ca ON = ch.category ORDER BY ca.title, ch.title'); array_unshift($opts, array('id' => 0, 'title' => '-- User must solve selected challenge before revealing this one --')); form_select($opts, 'Relies on', 'id', $challenge['relies_on'], 'title', 'category'); form_input_checkbox('Exposed', $challenge['exposed']);
<?php require '../../include/'; enforce_authentication(CONST_USER_CLASS_MODERATOR); validate_id($_GET['id']); $category = db_select_one('categories', array('*'), array('id' => $_GET['id'])); head('Site management'); menu_management(); section_subhead('Edit category: ' . $category['title']); form_start(CONFIG_SITE_ADMIN_RELPATH . 'actions/edit_category'); form_input_text('Title', $category['title']); form_textarea('Description', $category['description']); form_input_checkbox('Exposed', $category['exposed']); form_input_text('Available from', date_time($category['available_from'])); form_input_text('Available until', date_time($category['available_until'])); form_hidden('action', 'edit'); form_hidden('id', $_GET['id']); form_button_submit('Save changes'); form_end(); section_subhead('Delete category: ' . $category['title']); form_start(CONFIG_SITE_ADMIN_RELPATH . 'actions/edit_category'); form_input_checkbox('Delete confirmation'); form_hidden('action', 'delete'); form_hidden('id', $_GET['id']); message_inline_red('Warning! This will delete all challenges under this category, as well as all submissions, files, and hints related those challenges!'); form_button_submit('Delete category', 'danger'); form_end(); foot();
<?php require '../../include/'; enforce_authentication(CONFIG_UC_MODERATOR); validate_id($_GET['id']); head('Site management'); menu_management(); section_subhead('Edit user type'); $user_type = db_select_one('user_types', array('*'), array('id' => $_GET['id'])); form_start(CONFIG_SITE_ADMIN_RELPATH . 'actions/edit_user_type'); form_input_text('Title', $user_type['title']); form_textarea('Description', $user_type['description']); form_hidden('action', 'edit'); form_hidden('id', $_GET['id']); form_button_submit('Save changes'); form_end(); section_subhead('Delete user type'); form_start(CONFIG_SITE_ADMIN_RELPATH . 'actions/edit_user_type'); form_input_checkbox('Delete confirmation'); form_hidden('action', 'delete'); form_hidden('id', $_GET['id']); message_inline_red('Warning! Any users of this type will be without a type. You must manually give them a type in the DB. If no types will exist after this action, you must set their type to 0.'); form_button_submit('Delete user type', 'danger'); form_end(); foot();
<?php require '../../include/'; enforce_authentication(CONST_USER_CLASS_MODERATOR); validate_id($_GET['id']); $user = db_select_one('users', array('team_name', 'email', 'enabled', 'competing', 'country_id'), array('id' => $_GET['id'])); head('Site management'); menu_management(); section_subhead('Edit user: '******'team_name']); form_start(CONFIG_SITE_ADMIN_RELPATH . 'actions/edit_user'); form_input_text('Email', $user['email']); form_input_text('Team name', $user['team_name']); $opts = db_query_fetch_all('SELECT * FROM countries ORDER BY country_name ASC'); form_select($opts, 'Country', 'id', $user['country_id'], 'country_name'); form_input_checkbox('Enabled', $user['enabled']); form_input_checkbox('Competing', $user['competing']); form_hidden('action', 'edit'); form_hidden('id', $_GET['id']); form_button_submit('Save changes'); form_end(); section_subhead('Reset password'); form_start(CONFIG_SITE_ADMIN_RELPATH . 'actions/edit_user'); form_input_checkbox('Reset confirmation'); form_hidden('action', 'reset_password'); form_hidden('id', $_GET['id']); form_button_submit('Reset password', 'warning'); form_end(); section_subhead('Delete user'); form_start(CONFIG_SITE_ADMIN_RELPATH . 'actions/edit_user'); form_input_checkbox('Delete confirmation'); form_hidden('action', 'delete');
<?php require '../../include/'; enforce_authentication(CONFIG_UC_MODERATOR); head('IP log'); menu_management(); // show a users IP log if (isset($_GET['id']) && valid_id($_GET['id'])) { $user = db_select_one('users', array('team_name'), array('id' => $_GET['id'])); section_head('IP log for team: <a href="' . CONFIG_SITE_URL . 'user?id=' . $_GET['id'] . '">' . htmlspecialchars($user['team_name']) . '</a>', '', false); user_ip_log($_GET['id']); } else { if (isset($_GET['ip']) && valid_ip($_GET['ip'])) { section_head('Teams using IP ' . $_GET['ip']); echo ' <table id="files" class="table table-striped table-hover"> <thead> <tr> <th>Team name</th> <th>Hostname</th> <th>First used</th> <th>Last used</th> <th>Times used</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> '; $entries = db_query_fetch_all(' SELECT INET_NTOA(ipl.ip) AS ip, ipl.added,
<?php /** * componet: job * liet ke cac job cua user */ //kiem tra userlogin chua session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION["username"])) { header('Location:' . BASE_URL . 'index.php'); exit; } //Liet ke tat cac cac cong viec cua user //Ket noi co so du lieu require_once LIB_PATH . '/database.php'; db_connect(); //dau tien lay id cua nguoi dung $username = $_SESSION["username"]; $userIDQuery = "SELECT uid FROM user WHERE uaccount = '{$username}'"; $uid = db_select_one($userIDQuery); //Liet ke cong viec $job_query = "SELECT * FROM job WHERE juser = {$uid} and jprioty = 3"; $jobs = db_select($job_query); //load template $pageTitle = "qhxh.todo | manager your idea"; require PUBLIC_PATH . '/tjob.php';
<?php require '../../../include/'; enforce_authentication(CONST_USER_CLASS_MODERATOR); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { validate_id($_POST['id']); validate_xsrf_token($_POST[CONST_XSRF_TOKEN_KEY]); if ($_POST['action'] == 'delete') { db_delete('submissions', array('id' => $_POST['id'])); redirect(CONFIG_SITE_ADMIN_RELPATH . 'list_submissions.php?generic_success=1'); } else { if ($_POST['action'] == 'mark_incorrect') { db_update('submissions', array('correct' => 0, 'marked' => 1), array('id' => $_POST['id'])); redirect(CONFIG_SITE_ADMIN_RELPATH . 'list_submissions.php?generic_success=1'); } else { if ($_POST['action'] == 'mark_correct') { $submission = db_select_one('submissions', array('user_id', 'challenge', 'correct'), array('id' => $_POST['id'])); $num_correct_submissions = db_count_num('submissions', array('user_id' => $submission['user_id'], 'challenge' => $submission['challenge'], 'correct' => 1)); if ($num_correct_submissions > 0) { message_error('This user already has a correct submission for this challenge'); } db_update('submissions', array('correct' => 1, 'marked' => 1), array('id' => $_POST['id'])); redirect(CONFIG_SITE_ADMIN_RELPATH . 'list_submissions.php?generic_success=1'); } } } }
/** * isPeakTime() */ public static function isPeakTime($f_iResource, $f_szDate, $f_szTime) { $iUtcStartTime = common::mktime($f_szDate); $iToday = (int) date('w', $iUtcStartTime); if ($iSpecialSet = db_select_one('special_opening_hours_sets', 'id', 'resource_id = ' . (int) $f_iResource . " AND ('" . $f_szDate . "' BETWEEN start_date AND end_date) ORDER BY id DESC")) { return 0 < db_count('resource_opening_hours t, peak_times_in_special_opening_hours_sets p', ' = p.resource_opening_hours_id AND p.special_opening_hours_set_id = ' . (int) $iSpecialSet . ' AND t.open_' . $iToday . " <= '" . $f_szTime . "' AND t.closed_" . $iToday . " > '" . $f_szTime . "' AND t.open_" . $iToday . ' != t.closed_' . $iToday); } return 0 < db_count('resource_opening_hours t, peak_hours_in_resources p', ' = p.resource_opening_hours_id AND p.resource_id = ' . (int) $f_iResource . ' AND t.open_' . $iToday . " <= '" . $f_szTime . "' AND t.closed_" . $iToday . " > '" . $f_szTime . "' AND t.open_" . $iToday . ' != t.closed_' . $iToday); }
<?php require '../../include/'; prefer_ssl(); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { if ($_POST['action'] == 'register') { if (CONFIG_RECAPTCHA_ENABLE_PUBLIC) { validate_captcha(); } validate_email($_POST['email']); $interest = db_select_one('interest', array('id'), array('email' => $_POST['email'])); if ($interest['id']) { message_error('You have already registered your interest!'); } $id = db_insert('interest', array('added' => time(), 'name' => $_POST['name'], 'email' => $_POST['email'], 'secret' => generate_random_string(40))); if ($id) { message_generic('Success', 'The email ' . htmlspecialchars($_POST['email']) . ' has been registered. We look forward to seeing you in our next competition!'); } else { message_error('Could not register interest. You must not be interested enough!'); } } }
<?php require '../include/'; login_session_refresh(); if (!isset($_GET['show'])) { message_error(lang_get('please_request_page')); } $menu_data = db_select_one('dynamic_menu', array('internal_page'), array('permalink' => $_GET['show'])); if (!is_valid_id($menu_data['internal_page'])) { message_error(lang_get('not_a_valid_link')); } $content = db_select_one('dynamic_pages', array('id', 'title', 'body', 'visibility', 'min_user_class'), array('id' => $menu_data['internal_page'])); if ($content['visibility'] == 'private') { enforce_authentication($content['min_user_class']); } head($content['title']); if (cache_start($content['id'], CONFIG_CACHE_TIME_DYNAMIC, CONST_CACHE_DYNAMIC_PAGES_GROUP)) { section_head($content['title']); require CONST_PATH_THIRDPARTY . 'nbbc/nbbc.php'; $bbc = new BBCode(); $bbc->SetEnableSmileys(false); echo $bbc->parse($content['body']); cache_end($content['id'], CONST_CACHE_DYNAMIC_PAGES_GROUP); } foot();
echo '<tr class="bt">'; echo '<td><a href=?id=' . $arrTopic['id'] . '>' . (trim($arrTopic['title']) ? htmlspecialchars($arrTopic['title']) : '---') . '</a></td>'; echo '<td align="center"><b>' . $arrTopic['rulername'] . '</b><!-- of <b>' . $arrTopic['planetname'] . '</b>--></td>'; echo '<td class="right">' . strtolower(date("d-M-Y \\a\\t H:i", $arrTopic['utc_time'])) . '</td>'; echo '<th class="right">' . $arrTopic['num_replies'] . '</th>'; if ((int) $g_arrUser['moc_planet_id'] === PLANET_ID) { echo '<td align=right><a href="?delete_id=' . $arrTopic['id'] . '">del</a></td>'; } echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table>'; } echo "<br>\n<br>\n\n"; $disabled_ornot = ''; if (isset($_GET['id']) && !empty($t) && (int) $GAMEPREFS['galaxy_forum_wait_for_turn']) { if (PLANET_ID === (int) db_select_one('politics', 'creator_planet_id', 'galaxy_id = ' . (int) $g_arrUser['galaxy_id'] . ' AND (id = ' . (int) $_GET['id'] . ' OR parent_thread_id = ' . (int) $_GET['id'] . ') ORDER BY id DESC')) { $disabled_ornot = ' disabled="1"'; } } ?> <form method="post" action=""> <table border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" width="600" align="center"> <tr> <th class="bb"><?php echo !empty($t) ? 'REPLY' : 'NEW POST'; ?> </th> </tr> <?php echo !empty($t) ? '<input type="hidden" name="parent_thread_id" value="' . (int) $_GET['id'] . '" />' : '<tr class="bt"><td class="c">Title:</td></tr><tr><td class="c"><input' . $disabled_ornot . ' type="text" name="title" style="width:450px;" /></td></tr>'; ?>
<?php require '../../include/'; prefer_ssl(); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { if ($_POST['action'] == 'register') { if (CONFIG_RECAPTCHA_ENABLE_PRIVATE) { validate_captcha(); } validate_email($_POST['email']); $recruit = db_select_one('recruit', array('id'), array('email' => $_POST['email'])); if ($recruit['id']) { message_generic('Thank you', 'Your email was already registered!'); } $id = db_insert('recruit', array('added' => time(), 'user_id' => $_SESSION['id'], 'name' => $_POST['name'], 'email' => $_POST['email'], 'city' => $_POST['city'], 'country' => $_POST['country'])); if ($id) { message_generic('Success', 'The email ' . htmlspecialchars($_POST['email']) . ' has been registered. Thanks!'); } else { message_error('Could not register interest. You must not be interested enough!'); } } }
<?php require '../../../include/'; enforce_authentication(CONFIG_UC_MODERATOR); enforce_instance_auth(); if ($_GET['action'] == 'view') { $instanceInformation = db_select_one('instances', array('id', 'instanceURI', 'name', 'authoratativeAccountID', 'registrationToken'), array('id' => $_GET['id'])); $_SESSION['IID'] = $instanceInformation['id']; $_SESSION['IName'] = $instanceInformation['name']; $_SESSION['IAID'] = $instanceInformation['authoratativeAccountID']; redirect(CONFIG_SITE_ADMIN_RELPATH . 'index.php'); } if ($_GET['action'] == 'reset') { $instanceInformation = db_select_one('instances', array('id', 'instanceURI', 'name', 'authoratativeAccountID', 'registrationToken'), array('id' => '0')); $_SESSION['IID'] = $instanceInformation['id']; $_SESSION['IName'] = $instanceInformation['name']; $_SESSION['IAID'] = $instanceInformation['authoratativeAccountID']; redirect(CONFIG_SITE_ADMIN_RELPATH . 'index.php'); } if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { validate_id($_POST['id']); validate_xsrf_token($_POST['xsrf_token']); if ($_POST['action'] == 'delete') { db_delete('categories', array('instanceID' => $_POST['id'])); db_delete('challenges', array('instanceID' => $_POST['id'])); db_delete('news', array('instanceID' => $_POST['id'])); db_delete('submissions', array('instanceID' => $_POST['id'])); db_delete('purchases', array('instanceID' => $_POST['id'])); db_delete('hints', array('instanceID' => $_POST['id'])); db_delete('instances', array('id' => $_POST['id'])); redirect(CONFIG_SITE_ADMIN_RELPATH . 'list_instance.php');
', $challenge['description'], ' </div> <!-- / challenge-description -->'; } if ($_GET['BAlert'] == "1") { echo '<script>window.onload = function(){bootbox.alert("You do not enough points to perform that transaction.");}</script>'; } // only show the hints and flag submission form if we're not already correct and if the challenge hasn't expired if (!$challenge['correct_submission_added'] && $time < $challenge['available_until']) { // write out hints if (cache_start('hints_challenge_' . $challenge['id'], CONFIG_CACHE_TIME_HINTS)) { $hints = db_select_all('hints', array('*'), array('visible' => 1, 'challenge' => $challenge['id'])); foreach ($hints as $hint) { if ($hint['value'] == 0) { message_inline_yellow('<strong>Hint!</strong> ' . $bbc->parse($hint['body']), false); } else { $hint1 = db_select_one('purchases', array('*'), array('hid' => $hint['id'], 'uid' => $_SESSION['id'])); if ($hint1['value'] > 0) { message_inline_yellow('<strong>Hint!</strong> ' . $bbc->parse($hint['body']), false); } else { echo '<p><a href="actions/hints.php?action=purchase&id=' . $hint['id'] . '" class="btn btn-xs btn-info">Purchase hint</a><strong> [This hint is available for purchase at ' . $hint['value'] . ' points.]</strong></p>'; } } } cache_end('hints_challenge_' . $challenge['id']); } if ($remaining_submissions) { if ($challenge['num_submissions'] && !$challenge['automark'] && $challenge['marked']) { message_inline_blue('Your submission is awaiting manual marking.'); } // write out files if (cache_start('files_' . $challenge['id'], CONFIG_CACHE_TIME_FILES)) {
function register_account($email, $password, $team_name, $country, $type = null, $phoneNo, $age, $eduI, $eduLevel, $fullName, $instanceID) { if (!CONFIG_ACCOUNTS_SIGNUP_ALLOWED) { message_error('Registration is currently closed.'); } if (empty($email) || empty($password) || empty($team_name)) { message_error('Please fill in all the details correctly.'); } if (isset($type) && !is_valid_id($type)) { message_error('That does not look like a valid team type.'); } if (strlen($team_name) > CONFIG_MAX_TEAM_NAME_LENGTH || strlen($team_name) < CONFIG_MIN_TEAM_NAME_LENGTH) { message_error('Your team name was too long or too short.'); } validate_email($email); if (!allowed_email($email)) { message_error('Email not on whitelist. Please choose a whitelisted email or contact organizers.'); } $num_countries = db_select_one('countries', array('COUNT(*) AS num')); if (!isset($country) || !is_valid_id($country) || $country > $num_countries['num']) { message_error('Please select a valid country.'); } $user = db_select_one('users', array('id'), array('team_name' => $team_name, 'email' => $email), null, 'OR'); if ($user['id']) { message_error('An account with this team name or email already exists.'); } $user_id = db_insert('users', array('email' => $email, 'passhash' => make_passhash($password), 'team_name' => $team_name, 'added' => time(), 'enabled' => CONFIG_ACCOUNTS_DEFAULT_ENABLED ? '1' : '0', 'user_type' => isset($type) ? $type : 0, 'country_id' => $country, 'DOB' => $age, 'mobileNo' => $phoneNo, 'eduInstitution' => $eduI, 'eduLevel' => $eduLevel, 'fullName' => $fullName, 'instanceID' => $instanceID)); // insertion was successful if ($user_id) { // log signup IP log_user_ip($user_id); // if account isn't enabled by default, display message and die if (!CONFIG_ACCOUNTS_DEFAULT_ENABLED) { message_generic('Signup successful', 'Thank you for registering! Your chosen email is: ' . htmlspecialchars($email) . '. Make sure to check your spam folder as emails from us may be placed into it. Please stay tuned for updates!'); } else { return true; } } // no rows were inserted return false; }
<?php require '../../include/'; enforce_authentication(); if ($_GET['action'] == "purchase") { $hint = db_select_one('hints', array('*'), array('id' => $_GET['id'])); $scores = db_query_fetch_one(' SELECT AS user_id, u.team_name, u.instanceid, AS country_id, co.country_name, co.country_code, SUM(c.points) AS score, MAX(s.added) AS tiebreaker FROM users AS u LEFT JOIN countries AS co ON = u.country_id LEFT JOIN submissions AS s ON = s.user_id AND s.correct = 1 LEFT JOIN challenges AS c ON = s.challenge WHERE = \'' . $_SESSION["id"] . '\' GROUP BY ORDER BY score DESC, tiebreaker ASC'); $hintpurchase = db_query_fetch_one('SELECT SUM(value) as total FROM purchases WHERE uid =' . $_SESSION['id']); $userbal = $scores['score'] - $hintpurchase['score']; if ($hint['value'] <= $userbal) { $id = db_insert('purchases', array('type' => '1', 'value' => $hint['value'], 'uid' => $_SESSION["id"], 'hid' => $hint['id'], 'instanceID' => $_SESSION['IID'])); redirect('challenges'); } else { redirect('challenges?BAlert=1'); }
require '../../include/'; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { // get auth data if (isset($_POST['auth_key']) && is_valid_id($_POST['id'])) { $auth = db_select_one('reset_password', array('id', 'user_id', 'auth_key'), array('auth_key' => $_POST['auth_key'], 'user_id' => $_POST['id'])); if (!$auth['user_id']) { message_error('No reset data found'); } } // stage 1, part 2 if ($_POST['action'] == 'reset_password') { if (CONFIG_RECAPTCHA_ENABLE_PUBLIC) { validate_captcha(); } $user = db_select_one('users', array('id', 'team_name', 'email'), array('email' => $_POST[md5(CONFIG_SITE_NAME . 'EMAIL')])); if ($user['id']) { $auth_key = hash('sha256', generate_random_string(128)); db_insert('reset_password', array('added' => time(), 'user_id' => $user['id'], 'ip' => get_ip(true), 'auth_key' => $auth_key)); $email_subject = 'Password recovery for team ' . htmlspecialchars($user['team_name']); // body $email_body = htmlspecialchars($user['team_name']) . ', please follow the link below to reset your password:'******'reset_password?action=choose_password&auth_key=' . $auth_key . '&id=' . $user['id'] . "\r\n" . "\r\n" . 'Regards,' . "\r\n" . CONFIG_SITE_NAME; // send details to user send_email(array($user['email']), $email_subject, $email_body); } message_generic('Success', 'If the email you provided was found in the database, an email has now been sent to it with further instructions!'); } else { if ($_POST['action'] == 'choose_password' && is_valid_id($auth['user_id'])) { $new_password = $_POST[md5(CONFIG_SITE_NAME . 'PWD')]; if (empty($new_password)) { message_error('You can\'t have an empty password');
function db_count_num($table, array $where = null, $whereGlue = 'AND') { $count = db_select_one($table, array('COUNT(*) AS num'), $where, false, $whereGlue, false); return $count['num']; }
if (empty($_POST['flag'])) { message_error('Did you really mean to submit an empty flag?'); } $submissions = db_select_all('submissions', array('correct', 'added'), array('user_id' => $_SESSION['id'], 'challenge' => $_POST['challenge'])); // make sure user isn't "accidentally" submitting a correct flag twice $latest_submission_attempt = 0; $num_attempts = 0; foreach ($submissions as $submission) { $latest_submission_attempt = max($submission['added'], $latest_submission_attempt); if ($submission['correct']) { message_error('You may only submit a correct flag once.'); } $num_attempts++; } // get challenge information $challenge = db_select_one('challenges', array('flag', 'category', 'case_insensitive', 'automark', 'available_from', 'available_until', 'num_attempts_allowed', 'min_seconds_between_submissions'), array('id' => $_POST['challenge'])); $seconds_since_submission = $time - $latest_submission_attempt; if ($seconds_since_submission < $challenge['min_seconds_between_submissions']) { message_generic('Sorry', 'You may not submit another solution for this challenge for another ' . seconds_to_pretty_time($challenge['min_seconds_between_submissions'] - $seconds_since_submission)); } if ($challenge['num_attempts_allowed'] && $num_attempts >= $challenge['num_attempts_allowed']) { message_generic('Sorry', 'You\'ve already tried ' . $challenge['num_attempts_allowed'] . ' times. Sorry!'); } if ($challenge['available_from'] && $time < $challenge['available_from']) { message_generic('Sorry', 'This challenge hasn\'t started yet.'); } if ($challenge['available_until'] && $time > $challenge['available_until']) { message_generic('Sorry', 'This challenge has expired.'); } $correct = false; // automark the submission
function register_account($email, $password, $team_name, $country, $type = null) { if (!CONFIG_ACCOUNTS_SIGNUP_ALLOWED) { message_error(lang_get('registration_closed')); } if (empty($email) || empty($password) || empty($team_name)) { message_error(lang_get('please_fill_details_correctly')); } if (isset($type) && !is_valid_id($type)) { message_error(lang_get('invalid_team_type')); } if (strlen($team_name) > CONFIG_MAX_TEAM_NAME_LENGTH || strlen($team_name) < CONFIG_MIN_TEAM_NAME_LENGTH) { message_error('team_name_too_long_or_short'); } validate_email($email); if (!allowed_email($email)) { message_error(lang_get('email_not_whitelisted')); } $num_countries = db_select_one('countries', array('COUNT(*) AS num')); if (!isset($country) || !is_valid_id($country) || $country > $num_countries['num']) { message_error(lang_get('please_supply_country_code')); } $user = db_select_one('users', array('id'), array('team_name' => $team_name, 'email' => $email), null, 'OR'); if ($user['id']) { message_error(lang_get('user_already_exists')); } $user_id = db_insert('users', array('email' => $email, 'passhash' => make_passhash($password), 'team_name' => $team_name, 'added' => time(), 'enabled' => CONFIG_ACCOUNTS_DEFAULT_ENABLED ? '1' : '0', 'user_type' => isset($type) ? $type : 0, 'country_id' => $country)); // insertion was successful if ($user_id) { // log signup IP log_user_ip($user_id); // signup email $email_subject = lang_get('signup_email_subject', array('site_name' => CONFIG_SITE_NAME)); // body $email_body = lang_get('signup_email_success', array('team_name' => htmlspecialchars($team_name), 'site_name' => CONFIG_SITE_NAME, 'signup_email_availability' => CONFIG_ACCOUNTS_DEFAULT_ENABLED ? lang_get('signup_email_account_availability_message_login_now') : lang_get('signup_email_account_availability_message_login_later'), 'signup_email_password' => CONFIG_ACCOUNTS_EMAIL_PASSWORD_ON_SIGNUP ? lang_get('your_password_is') . ': ' . $password : lang_get('your_password_was_set'))); // send details to user send_email(array($email), $email_subject, $email_body); // if account isn't enabled by default, display message and die if (!CONFIG_ACCOUNTS_DEFAULT_ENABLED) { message_generic(lang_get('signup_successful'), lang_get('signup_successful_text', array('email' => htmlspecialchars($email)))); } else { return true; } } // no rows were inserted return false; }
<?php require '../../include/'; enforce_authentication(CONST_USER_CLASS_MODERATOR); validate_id($_GET['id']); head('Site management'); menu_management(); section_subhead('Edit dynamic menu item'); $menu_item = db_select_one('dynamic_menu', array('*'), array('id' => $_GET['id'])); form_start(CONFIG_SITE_ADMIN_RELPATH . 'actions/edit_dynamic_menu_item'); form_input_text('Title', $menu_item['title']); form_input_text('Permalink', $menu_item['permalink']); dynamic_visibility_select($menu_item['visibility']); $pages = db_select_all('dynamic_pages', array('id', 'title')); array_unshift($pages, array('id' => 0, 'title' => '--- No internal link ---')); form_select($pages, 'Internal page', 'id', $menu_item['internal_page'], 'title'); user_class_select($menu_item['min_user_class']); form_input_text('URL', $menu_item['url']); form_input_text('Priority', $menu_item['priority']); form_hidden('action', 'edit'); form_hidden('id', $_GET['id']); form_button_submit('Save changes'); form_end(); section_subhead('Delete menu item'); form_start(CONFIG_SITE_ADMIN_RELPATH . 'actions/edit_dynamic_menu_item'); form_input_checkbox('Delete confirmation'); form_hidden('action', 'delete'); form_hidden('id', $_GET['id']); form_button_submit('Delete menu item', 'danger'); form_end(); foot();
} if (empty($_POST['job-end'])) { $addError['end'] = 'Job Start date must be filled'; $addOk = FALSE; } else { $jobEnd = $_POST['job-end']; } //Lay du lieu tu select va radio $jobPrioty = $_POST['job-prioty']; $jobStatus = $_POST['job-status']; require_once LIB_PATH . '/database.php'; db_connect(); if ($addOk == TRUE) { //Lay id user $username = $_SESSION["username"]; $uid = db_select_one("SELECT uid FROM user WHERE uaccount = '{$username}'"); $listRecords = array('jtitle', 'jinfo', 'jstart', 'jend', 'jprioty', 'jstatus', 'juser'); $listValues = array($jobTitle, $jobInfo, $jobStart, $jobEnd, $jobPrioty, $jobStatus, $uid); if (db_insert('job', $listRecords, $listValues)) { $addError['message'] = "Insert successfull"; } else { $addError['message'] = 'insert fail'; } } db_close(); } //load template $pageTitle = 'Add more job for life'; if (file_exists(PUBLIC_PATH . '/taddjob.php')) { include PUBLIC_PATH . '/taddjob.php'; } else {
<?php require '../include/'; login_session_refresh(); if (strlen(array_get($_GET, 'code')) != 2) { message_error(lang_get('please_supply_country_code')); } $country = db_select_one('countries', array('id', 'country_name', 'country_code'), array('country_code' => $_GET['code'])); if (!$country) { message_error(lang_get('please_supply_country_code')); } head($country['country_name']); if (cache_start(CONST_CACHE_NAME_COUNTRY . $_GET['code'], CONFIG_CACHE_TIME_COUNTRIES)) { section_head(htmlspecialchars($country['country_name']) . country_flag_link($country['country_name'], $country['country_code'], true), '', false); $scores = db_query_fetch_all(' SELECT AS user_id, u.team_name, u.competing, AS country_id, co.country_name, co.country_code, SUM(c.points) AS score, MAX(s.added) AS tiebreaker FROM users AS u LEFT JOIN countries AS co ON = u.country_id LEFT JOIN submissions AS s ON = s.user_id AND s.correct = 1 LEFT JOIN challenges AS c ON = s.challenge WHERE u.competing = 1 AND = :country_id GROUP BY ORDER BY score DESC, tiebreaker ASC', array('country_id' => $country['id']));
<?php require '../../include/'; enforce_authentication(CONST_USER_CLASS_MODERATOR); validate_id($_GET['id']); $news = db_select_one('news', array('*'), array('id' => $_GET['id'])); head('Site management'); menu_management(); section_subhead('Edit news item: ' . $news['title']); form_start(CONFIG_SITE_ADMIN_RELPATH . 'actions/edit_news'); form_input_text('Title', $news['title']); form_textarea('Body', $news['body']); form_hidden('action', 'edit'); form_hidden('id', $_GET['id']); form_button_submit('Save changes'); form_bbcode_manual(); form_end(); section_subhead('Delete news item'); form_start(CONFIG_SITE_ADMIN_RELPATH . 'actions/edit_news'); form_input_checkbox('Delete confirmation'); form_hidden('action', 'delete'); form_hidden('id', $_GET['id']); form_button_submit('Delete news item', 'danger'); form_end(); foot();
<?php require '../../include/'; enforce_authentication(CONFIG_UC_MODERATOR); validate_id($_GET['id']); $rule = db_select_one('restrict_email', array('rule', 'enabled', 'white', 'priority'), array('id' => $_GET['id'])); head('Site management'); menu_management(); section_subhead('Edit signup rule'); form_start(CONFIG_SITE_ADMIN_RELPATH . 'actions/edit_restrict_email'); form_input_text('Rule', $rule['rule']); form_input_text('Priority', $rule['priority']); form_input_checkbox('Whitelist', $rule['white']); form_input_checkbox('Enabled', $rule['enabled']); form_hidden('action', 'edit'); form_hidden('id', $_GET['id']); form_button_submit('Save changes'); form_end(); section_subhead('Delete rule'); form_start(CONFIG_SITE_ADMIN_RELPATH . 'actions/edit_restrict_email'); form_input_checkbox('Delete confirmation'); form_hidden('action', 'delete'); form_hidden('id', $_GET['id']); form_button_submit('Delete rule', 'danger'); form_end(); foot();
<?php require '../../include/'; enforce_authentication(CONST_USER_CLASS_MODERATOR); validate_id($_GET['id']); $page = db_select_one('dynamic_pages', array('*'), array('id' => $_GET['id'])); head('Site management'); menu_management(); section_subhead('Edit dynamic page: ' . $page['title']); form_start(CONFIG_SITE_ADMIN_RELPATH . 'actions/edit_dynamic_page'); form_input_text('Title', $page['title']); form_textarea('Body', $page['body']); dynamic_visibility_select($page['visibility']); user_class_select($page['min_user_class']); form_hidden('action', 'edit'); form_hidden('id', $_GET['id']); form_button_submit('Save changes'); form_bbcode_manual(); form_end(); section_subhead('Delete'); form_start(CONFIG_SITE_ADMIN_RELPATH . 'actions/edit_dynamic_page'); form_input_checkbox('Delete confirmation'); form_hidden('action', 'delete'); form_hidden('id', $_GET['id']); form_button_submit('Delete', 'danger'); form_end(); foot();
<?php require '../../include/'; enforce_authentication(CONFIG_UC_MODERATOR); $rule = db_select_one('instances', array('*'), array('id' => $_SESSION['IID'])); head('Site management'); menu_management(); section_subhead('Edit Instance Settings'); form_start(CONFIG_SITE_ADMIN_RELPATH . 'actions/edit_settings'); echo '<div class="form-group"> <label class="col-sm-2 control-label" for="rule">Registration Token</label> <div class="col-sm-10"> <input id="rule" readonly name="rule" class="form-control" placeholder="Registration Token" value="', $rule['registrationToken'] != 0 ? $rule['registrationToken'] : 'Registration Tokens are not enabled.', '" type="text"> </div> </div>'; form_hidden('action', 'edit'); echo $rule['registrationToken'] == 0 ? form_button_submit('Enable Registration Token') : form_button_submit('Disable Registration Token'); form_end(); foot();
<?php require '../include/'; $user = db_select_one('users', array('id', 'enabled'), array('download_key' => $_GET['team_key'])); if (!is_valid_id($user['id'])) { log_exception(new Exception('Invalid team key used for download')); message_error(lang_get('invalid_team_key')); } if (!$user['enabled']) { message_error(lang_get('user_not_enabled')); } $file = db_query_fetch_one(' SELECT, f.title, f.size, f.md5, c.available_from FROM files AS f LEFT JOIN challenges AS c ON = f.challenge WHERE f.download_key = :download_key', array('download_key' => $_GET['file_key'])); if (!is_valid_id($file['id'])) { log_exception(new Exception('Invalid file key used for download')); message_error(lang_get('no_file_found')); } if (time() < $file['available_from'] && !user_is_staff()) { message_error(lang_get('file_not_available')); } download_file($file);