예제 #1
  * Create a table index.
  * @param  ID_TEXT		The name of the table to create the index on
  * @param  ID_TEXT		The index name (not really important at all)
  * @param  string			Part of the SQL query: a comma-separated list of fields to use on the index
  * @param  array			The DB connection to make on
  * @param  ID_TEXT		The name of the unique key field for the table
 function db_create_index($table_name, $index_name, $_fields, $db, $unique_key_field = 'id')
     if ($index_name[0] == '#') {
         if (db_has_full_text($db)) {
             $index_name = substr($index_name, 1);
             $unique_index_name = 'index' . $index_name . '_' . strval(mt_rand(0, 10000));
             $this->db_query('CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ' . $unique_index_name . ' ON ' . $table_name . '(' . $unique_key_field . ')', $db);
             $this->db_query('CREATE FULLTEXT CATALOG ft AS DEFAULT', $db, NULL, NULL, true);
             // Might already exist
             $this->db_query('CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX ON ' . $table_name . '(' . $_fields . ') KEY INDEX ' . $unique_index_name, $db, NULL, NULL, true);
     $this->db_query('CREATE INDEX index' . $index_name . '_' . strval(mt_rand(0, 10000)) . ' ON ' . $table_name . '(' . $_fields . ')', $db);
예제 #2
  * Standard modular run function for search results.
  * @param  string			Search string
  * @param  boolean		Whether to only do a META (tags) search
  * @param  ID_TEXT		Order direction
  * @param  integer		Start position in total results
  * @param  integer		Maximum results to return in total
  * @param  boolean		Whether only to search titles (as opposed to both titles and content)
  * @param  string			Where clause that selects the content according to the main search string (SQL query fragment) (blank: full-text search)
  * @param  SHORT_TEXT	Username/Author to match for
  * @param  ?MEMBER		Member-ID to match for (NULL: unknown)
  * @param  TIME			Cutoff date
  * @param  string			The sort type (gets remapped to a field in this function)
  * @set    title add_date
  * @param  integer		Limit to this number of results
  * @param  string			What kind of boolean search to do
  * @set    or and
  * @param  string			Where constraints known by the main search code (SQL query fragment)
  * @param  string			Comma-separated list of categories to search under
  * @param  boolean		Whether it is a boolean search
  * @return array			List of maps (template, orderer)
 function run($content, $only_search_meta, $direction, $max, $start, $only_titles, $content_where, $author, $author_id, $cutoff, $sort, $limit_to, $boolean_operator, $where_clause, $search_under, $boolean_search)
     if (get_forum_type() != 'ocf') {
         return array();
     $remapped_orderer = '';
     switch ($sort) {
         case 'title':
             $remapped_orderer = 'm_username';
         case 'add_date':
             $remapped_orderer = 'm_join_time';
         case 'relevance':
         case 'rating':
             $remapped_orderer = preg_replace('#[^\\w]#', '', $sort);
     // Calculate our where clause (search)
     if ($author != '') {
         $where_clause .= ' AND ';
         $where_clause .= db_string_equal_to('m_username', $author);
     if (!is_null($cutoff)) {
         $where_clause .= ' AND ';
         $where_clause .= 'm_join_time>' . strval($cutoff);
     $raw_fields = array('m_username');
     $trans_fields = array();
     $rows = ocf_get_all_custom_fields_match(NULL, 1, 1);
     $table = '';
     $non_trans_fields = 0;
     foreach ($rows as $i => $row) {
         $ob = get_fields_hook($row['cf_type']);
         list(, , $storage_type) = $ob->get_field_value_row_bits($row);
         if (strpos($storage_type, '_trans') === false) {
     $index_issue = $non_trans_fields > 16;
     foreach ($rows as $i => $row) {
         $ob = get_fields_hook($row['cf_type']);
         list(, , $storage_type) = $ob->get_field_value_row_bits($row);
         $param = get_param('option_' . strval($row['id']), '');
         if ($param != '') {
             $where_clause .= ' AND ';
             if (db_has_full_text($GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->connection_read) && method_exists($GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->static_ob, 'db_has_full_text_boolean') && $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->static_ob->db_has_full_text_boolean() && !is_under_radar($param)) {
                 $temp = db_full_text_assemble('"' . $param . '"', true);
             } else {
                 $temp = db_like_assemble($param);
             if ($row['cf_type'] == 'short_trans' || $row['cf_type'] == 'long_trans') {
                 $where_clause .= preg_replace('#\\?#', 't' . strval(count($trans_fields) + 1) . '.text_original', $temp);
             } else {
                 $where_clause .= preg_replace('#\\?#', 'field_' . strval($row['id']), $temp);
         if (strpos($storage_type, '_trans') === false) {
             $raw_fields[] = 'field_' . strval($row['id']);
         } else {
             $trans_fields[] = 'field_' . strval($row['id']);
     $age_range = get_param('option__age_range', get_param('option__age_range_from', '') . '-' . get_param('option__age_range_to', ''));
     if ($age_range != '' && $age_range != '-') {
         $bits = explode('-', $age_range);
         if (count($bits) == 2) {
             $lower = strval(intval(date('Y', utctime_to_usertime())) - intval($bits[0]));
             $upper = strval(intval(date('Y', utctime_to_usertime())) - intval($bits[1]));
             $where_clause .= ' AND ';
             $where_clause .= '(m_dob_year<' . $lower . ' OR m_dob_year=' . $lower . ' AND (m_dob_month<' . date('m') . ' OR m_dob_month=' . date('m') . ' AND m_dob_day<=' . date('d') . '))';
             $where_clause .= ' AND ';
             $where_clause .= '(m_dob_year>' . $upper . ' OR m_dob_year=' . $upper . ' AND (m_dob_month>' . date('m') . ' OR m_dob_month=' . date('m') . ' AND m_dob_day>=' . date('d') . '))';
         if (either_param_integer('option__photo_thumb_url', 0) == 1) {
             $where_clause .= ' AND ';
             $where_clause .= db_string_not_equal_to('m_photo_thumb_url', '');
     $user_group = get_param('option__user_group', '');
     if ($user_group != '') {
         $bits = explode(',', $user_group);
         $where_clause .= ' AND ';
         $group_where_clause = '';
         foreach ($bits as $i => $bit) {
             $group = intval($bit);
             $table .= ' LEFT JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->get_table_prefix() . 'f_group_members g' . strval($i) . ' ON (g' . strval($i) . '.gm_group_id=' . strval($group) . ' AND g' . strval($i) . '.gm_member_id=r.id)';
             if ($group_where_clause != '') {
                 $group_where_clause .= ' OR ';
             $group_where_clause .= 'g' . strval($i) . '.gm_validated=1 OR m_primary_group=' . strval($group);
         $where_clause .= '(' . $group_where_clause . ')';
     if (!has_specific_permission(get_member(), 'see_unvalidated')) {
         $where_clause .= ' AND ';
         $where_clause .= 'm_validated=1';
     // Calculate and perform query
     $rows = get_search_rows(NULL, NULL, $content, $boolean_search, $boolean_operator, $only_search_meta, $direction, $max, $start, $only_titles, 'f_members r JOIN ' . get_table_prefix() . 'f_member_custom_fields a ON r.id=a.mf_member_id' . $table, array('!', 'm_signature') + $trans_fields, $where_clause, $content_where, $remapped_orderer, 'r.*,a.*,r.id AS id', $raw_fields);
     $out = array();
     foreach ($rows as $i => $row) {
         /*if ($user_group!='')
         			foreach ($bits as $bit)
         				if (in_array($user_group,$groups)) $ok=true;
         			if (!$ok) continue;
         if (!is_guest($row['id'])) {
             $out[$i]['data'] = $row;
             if ($remapped_orderer != '' && array_key_exists($remapped_orderer, $row)) {
                 $out[$i]['orderer'] = $row[$remapped_orderer];
             } elseif (substr($remapped_orderer, 0, 7) == '_rating') {
                 $out[$i]['orderer'] = $row['compound_rating'];
         } else {
             $out[$i]['data'] = NULL;
     return $out;
예제 #3
  * Standard modular run function for search results.
  * @param  string			Search string
  * @param  boolean		Whether to only do a META (tags) search
  * @param  ID_TEXT		Order direction
  * @param  integer		Start position in total results
  * @param  integer		Maximum results to return in total
  * @param  boolean		Whether only to search titles (as opposed to both titles and content)
  * @param  string			Where clause that selects the content according to the main search string (SQL query fragment) (blank: full-text search)
  * @param  SHORT_TEXT	Username/Author to match for
  * @param  ?MEMBER		Member-ID to match for (NULL: unknown)
  * @param  TIME			Cutoff date
  * @param  string			The sort type (gets remapped to a field in this function)
  * @set    title add_date
  * @param  integer		Limit to this number of results
  * @param  string			What kind of boolean search to do
  * @set    or and
  * @param  string			Where constraints known by the main search code (SQL query fragment)
  * @param  string			Comma-separated list of categories to search under
  * @param  boolean		Whether it is a boolean search
  * @return array			List of maps (template, orderer)
 function run($content, $only_search_meta, $direction, $max, $start, $only_titles, $content_where, $author, $author_id, $cutoff, $sort, $limit_to, $boolean_operator, $where_clause, $search_under, $boolean_search)
     if (!module_installed('catalogues')) {
         return array();
     $remapped_orderer = '';
     switch ($sort) {
         case 'rating':
             $remapped_orderer = '_rating:catalogues:id';
         case 'title':
             $remapped_orderer = 'b_cv_value';
         case 'add_date':
             $remapped_orderer = 'ce_add_date';
         case 'relevance':
             $remapped_orderer = preg_replace('#[^\\w]#', '', $sort);
     // Calculate our where clause (search)
     $sq = build_search_submitter_clauses('ce_submitter', $author_id, $author);
     if (is_null($sq)) {
         return array();
     } else {
         $where_clause .= $sq;
     if (!is_null($cutoff)) {
         $where_clause .= ' AND ';
         $where_clause .= 'r.ce_add_date>' . strval($cutoff);
     if (!$GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->is_super_admin(get_member())) {
         $where_clause .= ' AND ';
         $where_clause .= 'z.category_name IS NOT NULL';
         $where_clause .= ' AND ';
         $where_clause .= 'p.category_name IS NOT NULL';
     if (!has_specific_permission(get_member(), 'see_unvalidated')) {
         $where_clause .= ' AND ';
         $where_clause .= 'ce_validated=1';
     $g_or = _get_where_clause_groups(get_member());
     // Calculate and perform query
     $catalogue_name = get_param('catalogue_name', '');
     $ranges = array();
     if ($catalogue_name != '') {
         $extra_select = '';
         $rows = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('catalogue_fields', array('id', 'cf_name', 'cf_type', 'cf_default'), array('c_name' => $catalogue_name, 'cf_searchable' => 1), 'ORDER BY cf_order');
         $table = 'catalogue_entries r';
         $trans_fields = array('!');
         $nontrans_fields = array();
         $title_field = mixed();
         foreach ($rows as $i => $row) {
             $ob = get_fields_hook($row['cf_type']);
             $temp = $ob->inputted_to_sql_for_search($row, $i);
             if (is_null($temp)) {
                 list(, , $row_type) = $ob->get_field_value_row_bits($row);
                 switch ($row_type) {
                     case 'long_trans':
                         $trans_fields[] = 'f' . strval($i) . '.cv_value';
                         $table .= ' JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->get_table_prefix() . 'catalogue_efv_long_trans f' . strval($i) . ' ON (f' . strval($i) . '.ce_id=r.id AND f' . strval($i) . '.cf_id=' . strval($row['id']) . ')';
                         $search_field = 't' . strval(count($trans_fields) - 1) . '.text_original';
                         //$extra_select.=',t'.strval(count($trans_fields)-1).'.text_original AS f'.strval($i).'_actual_value';
                     case 'short_trans':
                         $trans_fields[] = 'f' . strval($i) . '.cv_value';
                         $table .= ' JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->get_table_prefix() . 'catalogue_efv_short_trans f' . strval($i) . ' ON (f' . strval($i) . '.ce_id=r.id AND f' . strval($i) . '.cf_id=' . strval($row['id']) . ')';
                         $search_field = 't' . strval(count($trans_fields) - 1) . '.text_original';
                         //$extra_select.=',t'.strval(count($trans_fields)-1).'.text_original AS f'.strval($i).'_actual_value';
                     case 'long':
                         $nontrans_fields[] = 'f' . strval($i) . '.cv_value';
                         $table .= ' JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->get_table_prefix() . 'catalogue_efv_long f' . strval($i) . ' ON (f' . strval($i) . '.ce_id=r.id AND f' . strval($i) . '.cf_id=' . strval($row['id']) . ')';
                         $search_field = 'f' . strval($i) . '.cv_value';
                         //$extra_select.=',f'.strval($i).'.cv_value AS f'.strval($i).'_actual_value';
                     case 'short':
                         $nontrans_fields[] = 'f' . strval($i) . '.cv_value';
                         $table .= ' JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->get_table_prefix() . 'catalogue_efv_short f' . strval($i) . ' ON (f' . strval($i) . '.ce_id=r.id AND f' . strval($i) . '.cf_id=' . strval($row['id']) . ')';
                         $search_field = 'f' . strval($i) . '.cv_value';
                         //$extra_select.=',f'.strval($i).'.cv_value AS f'.strval($i).'_actual_value';
                     case 'float':
                         $table .= ' JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->get_table_prefix() . 'catalogue_efv_float f' . strval($i) . ' ON (f' . strval($i) . '.ce_id=r.id AND f' . strval($i) . '.cf_id=' . strval($row['id']) . ')';
                         $search_field = 'f' . strval($i) . '.cv_value';
                         //$extra_select.=',f'.strval($i).'.cv_value AS f'.strval($i).'_actual_value';
                     case 'integer':
                         $table .= ' JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->get_table_prefix() . 'catalogue_efv_integer f' . strval($i) . ' ON (f' . strval($i) . '.ce_id=r.id AND f' . strval($i) . '.cf_id=' . strval($row['id']) . ')';
                         $search_field = 'f' . strval($i) . '.cv_value';
                         //$extra_select.=',f'.strval($i).'.cv_value AS f'.strval($i).'_actual_value';
                 $param = get_param('option_' . strval($row['id']), '');
                 if ($param != '') {
                     $where_clause .= ' AND ';
                     if (substr($param, 0, 1) == '=') {
                         $where_clause .= db_string_equal_to($search_field, substr($param, 1));
                     } elseif ($row_type == 'integer' || $row_type == 'float') {
                         if (is_numeric($param)) {
                             $where_clause .= $search_field . '=' . $param;
                         } else {
                             $where_clause .= db_string_equal_to($search_field, $param);
                     } else {
                         if (db_has_full_text($GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->connection_read) && method_exists($GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->static_ob, 'db_has_full_text_boolean') && $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->static_ob->db_has_full_text_boolean() && !is_under_radar($param)) {
                             $temp = db_full_text_assemble($param, true);
                         } else {
                             $temp = db_like_assemble($param);
                         $where_clause .= preg_replace('#\\?#', $search_field, $temp);
                 } else {
                     $param = get_param('option_' . strval($row['id']) . '_ranged', '');
                     if ($param != '') {
                         $ranges[$row['id']] = $param;
             } else {
                 $table .= $temp[2];
                 $search_field = $temp[3];
                 if ($temp[4] != '') {
                     $where_clause .= ' AND ';
                     $where_clause .= $temp[4];
                 } else {
                     $trans_fields = array_merge($trans_fields, $temp[0]);
                     $non_trans_fields = array_merge($nontrans_fields, $temp[1]);
             if ($i == 0) {
                 $title_field = $search_field;
         $where_clause .= ' AND ';
         $where_clause .= db_string_equal_to('r.c_name', $catalogue_name);
         if (is_null($title_field)) {
             return array();
         // No fields in catalogue -- very odd
         if ($g_or == '') {
             $rows = get_search_rows('catalogue_entry', 'id', $content, $boolean_search, $boolean_operator, $only_search_meta, $direction, $max, $start, $only_titles, $table, $trans_fields, $where_clause, $content_where, str_replace('b_cv_value', $title_field, $remapped_orderer), 'r.*,r.id AS id,r.cc_id AS r_cc_id,' . $title_field . ' AS b_cv_value' . $extra_select, $nontrans_fields);
         } else {
             $rows = get_search_rows('catalogue_entry', 'id', $content, $boolean_search, $boolean_operator, $only_search_meta, $direction, $max, $start, $only_titles, $table . ' LEFT JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->get_table_prefix() . 'group_category_access z ON (' . db_string_equal_to('z.module_the_name', 'catalogues_category') . ' AND z.category_name=r.cc_id AND ' . str_replace('group_id', 'z.group_id', $g_or) . ') LEFT JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->get_table_prefix() . 'group_category_access p ON (' . db_string_equal_to('p.module_the_name', 'catalogues_catalogue') . ' AND p.category_name=r.c_name AND ' . str_replace('group_id', 'p.group_id', $g_or) . ')', $trans_fields, $where_clause, $content_where, str_replace('b_cv_value', $title_field, $remapped_orderer), 'r.*,r.id AS id,r.cc_id AS r_cc_id,' . $title_field . ' AS b_cv_value' . $extra_select, $nontrans_fields);
     } else {
         if ($GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('translate', 'COUNT(*)') > 10000) {
             $trans_fields = array();
             $join = ' JOIN ' . get_table_prefix() . 'catalogue_efv_short c ON (r.id=c.ce_id AND f.id=c.cf_id)';
             $_remapped_orderer = str_replace('b_cv_value', 'c.cv_value', $remapped_orderer);
             $extra_select = '';
             $non_trans_fields = array('c.cv_value');
         } else {
             $join = ' LEFT JOIN ' . get_table_prefix() . 'catalogue_efv_short_trans a ON (r.id=a.ce_id AND f.id=a.cf_id) LEFT JOIN ' . get_table_prefix() . 'catalogue_efv_long_trans b ON (r.id=b.ce_id AND f.id=b.cf_id) LEFT JOIN ' . get_table_prefix() . 'catalogue_efv_long d ON (r.id=d.ce_id AND f.id=d.cf_id) LEFT JOIN ' . get_table_prefix() . 'catalogue_efv_short c ON (r.id=c.ce_id AND f.id=c.cf_id)';
             //' LEFT JOIN '.get_table_prefix().'catalogue_efv_float g ON (r.id=g.ce_id AND f.id=g.cf_id) LEFT JOIN '.get_table_prefix().'catalogue_efv_integer h ON (r.id=h.ce_id AND f.id=h.cf_id)';
             $trans_fields = array('a.cv_value', 'b.cv_value');
             $_remapped_orderer = str_replace('b_cv_value', 'b.cv_value', $remapped_orderer);
             $extra_select = ',b.cv_value AS b_cv_value';
             $non_trans_fields = array('c.cv_value', 'd.cv_value');
         $where_clause .= ' AND ';
         $where_clause .= 'r.c_name NOT LIKE \'\\_%\'';
         // Don't want results drawn from the hidden custom-field catalogues
         if ($g_or == '') {
             $rows = get_search_rows('catalogue_entry', 'id', $content, $boolean_search, $boolean_operator, $only_search_meta, $direction, $max, $start, $only_titles, 'catalogue_fields f LEFT JOIN ' . get_table_prefix() . 'catalogue_entries r ON (r.c_name=f.c_name)' . $join, $trans_fields, $where_clause, $content_where, $_remapped_orderer, 'r.*,r.id AS id,r.cc_id AS r_cc_id' . $extra_select, $non_trans_fields);
         } else {
             $rows = get_search_rows('catalogue_entry', 'id', $content, $boolean_search, $boolean_operator, $only_search_meta, $direction, $max, $start, $only_titles, 'catalogue_fields f LEFT JOIN ' . get_table_prefix() . 'catalogue_entries r ON (r.c_name=f.c_name)' . $join . ' LEFT JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->get_table_prefix() . 'group_category_access z ON (' . db_string_equal_to('z.module_the_name', 'catalogues_category') . ' AND z.category_name=r.cc_id AND ' . str_replace('group_id', 'z.group_id', $g_or) . ') LEFT JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->get_table_prefix() . 'group_category_access p ON (' . db_string_equal_to('p.module_the_name', 'catalogues_catalogue') . ' AND p.category_name=r.c_name AND ' . str_replace('group_id', 'p.group_id', $g_or) . ')', $trans_fields, $where_clause, $content_where, $_remapped_orderer, 'r.*,r.id AS id,r.cc_id AS r_cc_id' . $extra_select, $non_trans_fields);
     $out = array();
     if (count($rows) == 0) {
         return array();
     $query = 'SELECT c.* FROM ' . get_table_prefix() . 'catalogues c';
     if (can_arbitrary_groupby()) {
         $query .= ' JOIN ' . get_table_prefix() . 'catalogue_entries e ON e.c_name=c.c_name GROUP BY c.c_name';
     $_catalogues = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query($query);
     foreach ($_catalogues as $catalogue) {
         $SEARCH_CATALOGUE_ENTRIES_CATALOGUES[$catalogue['c_name']] = $catalogue;
     if (count($ranges) != 0) {
         foreach ($rows as $i => $row) {
             $out[$i]['data'] = $row;
             $catalogue_name = $row['c_name'];
             $tpl_set = $catalogue_name;
             $display = get_catalogue_entry_map($row, $SEARCH_CATALOGUE_ENTRIES_CATALOGUES[$catalogue_name], 'PAGE', $tpl_set, -1);
             foreach ($ranges as $range_id => $range_key) {
                 $bits = explode('-', $display['_FIELD_' . strval($range_id)]);
                 if (count($bits) == 2) {
                     if (intval($bits[0]) >= intval($range_key) || intval($bits[1]) <= intval($range_key)) {
                         $out[$i]['restricted'] = true;
                         continue 2;
             //$out[$i]['template']=do_template('CATALOGUE_'.$tpl_set.'_ENTRY_EMBED',$display,NULL,false,'CATALOGUE_DEFAULT_ENTRY_EMBED');//put_in_table(hyperlink($url,do_lang('_HERE')),'internal','middle','WIDE',1,do_lang('CATALOGUE_ENTRY').' ('.do_lang('IN',get_translated_text($catalogue['c_title'])).')');
             if ($remapped_orderer != '' && array_key_exists($remapped_orderer, $row)) {
                 $out[$i]['orderer'] = $row[$remapped_orderer];
             } elseif (substr($remapped_orderer, 0, 7) == '_rating') {
                 $out[$i]['orderer'] = $row['compound_rating'];
     } else {
         foreach ($rows as $i => $row) {
             $out[$i]['data'] = $row;
             if ($remapped_orderer != '' && array_key_exists($remapped_orderer, $row)) {
                 $out[$i]['orderer'] = $row[$remapped_orderer];
             } elseif (substr($remapped_orderer, 0, 7) == '_rating') {
                 $out[$i]['orderer'] = $row['compound_rating'];
     return $out;
예제 #4
파일: ajax.php 프로젝트: erico-deh/ocPortal
 * AJAX script for allowing username/author/search-terms home-in.
function namelike_script()
    header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
    // HTTP/1.1
    header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
    // Date in the past
    $id = str_replace('*', '%', get_param('id', false, true));
    $special = get_param('special', '');
    if ($special == 'admin_search') {
        $names = array();
        if ($id != '') {
            $hooks = find_all_hooks('systems', 'do_next_menus');
            foreach (array_keys($hooks) as $hook) {
                require_code('hooks/systems/do_next_menus/' . filter_naughty_harsh($hook));
                $object = object_factory('Hook_do_next_menus_' . filter_naughty_harsh($hook), true);
                if (is_null($object)) {
                $info = $object->run(true);
                foreach ($info as $i) {
                    if (is_null($i)) {
                    $n = $i[3];
                    $n_eval = is_object($n) ? $n->evaluate() : $n;
                    if ($n_eval == '') {
                    if (strpos(strtolower($n_eval), strtolower($id)) !== false && has_actual_page_access(get_member(), $i[2][0], $i[2][2])) {
                        $names[] = '"' . $n_eval . '"';
            if (count($names) > 10) {
                $names = array();
    } elseif ($special == 'search') {
        $names = array();
        $q = 'SELECT s_primary,COUNT(*) as cnt,MAX(s_num_results) AS s_num_results FROM ' . get_table_prefix() . 'searches_logged WHERE ';
        if (db_has_full_text($GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->connection_read) && method_exists($GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->static_ob, 'db_has_full_text_boolean') && $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->static_ob->db_has_full_text_boolean()) {
            $q .= preg_replace('#\\?#', 's_primary', db_full_text_assemble($id, false));
        } else {
            $q .= 's_primary LIKE \'' . db_encode_like($id) . '%\'';
        $q .= ' AND s_primary NOT LIKE \'%<%\' AND ' . db_string_not_equal_to('s_primary', '') . ' GROUP BY s_primary ORDER BY cnt DESC';
        $past_searches = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query($q, 20);
        foreach ($past_searches as $search) {
            if ($search['cnt'] > 5) {
                $names[] = $search['s_primary'];
    } else {
        if (strlen($id) == 0 && addon_installed('chat')) {
            $rows = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('chat_buddies', array('member_liked'), array('member_likes' => get_member()), 'ORDER BY date_and_time', 100);
            $names = array();
            foreach ($rows as $row) {
                $names[] = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_username($row['member_liked']);
        } else {
            $names = array();
            if (addon_installed('authors')) {
                if ($special == 'author') {
                    $num_authors = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('authors', 'COUNT(*)');
                    $like = $num_authors < 1000 ? db_encode_like('%' . $id . '%') : db_encode_like($id . '%');
                    // performance issue
                    $rows = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query('SELECT author FROM ' . $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->get_table_prefix() . 'authors WHERE author LIKE \'' . $like . '\' ORDER BY author', 15);
                    $names = collapse_1d_complexity('author', $rows);
            $likea = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_matching_members($id . '%', 15);
            foreach ($likea as $l) {
                if (count($names) < 15) {
                    $names[] = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->pname_name($l);
        $names = array_unique($names);
    @ini_set('ocproducts.xss_detect', '0');
    header('Content-Type: text/xml');
    echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . get_charset() . '"?' . '>';
    echo '<request><result>';
    foreach ($names as $name) {
        echo '<option value="' . escape_html($name) . '" />';
    echo '</result></request>';
예제 #5
  * Find whether we are doing a boolean search.
  * @return boolean		Whether we are
 function _is_boolean_search()
     $content = get_param('content', '', true);
     $boolean_search = get_param_integer('boolean_search', 0) == 1;
     if (get_value('disable_boolean_search') === '1') {
         $boolean_search = false;
         if (db_has_full_text($GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->connection_read) && method_exists($GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->static_ob, 'db_has_full_text_boolean') && $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->static_ob->db_has_full_text_boolean()) {
             $boolean_search = preg_match('#["\\+\\-]#', $content) != 0;
     return $boolean_search;
예제 #6
 * Build a fulltext query WHERE clause from given content.
 * @param  string			The search content
 * @param  boolean		Whether it's a boolean search
 * @param  string			Boolean operation to use
 * @set    AND OR
 * @param  boolean		Whether we can assume we require full coverage
 * @return string			WHERE clause
function build_content_where($content, $boolean_search, &$boolean_operator, $full_coverage = false)
    $content = str_replace('?', '', $content);
    list($body_words, $include_words, $disclude_words) = _boolean_search_prepare($content);
    $under_radar = false;
    if (is_under_radar($content) && $content != '') {
        $under_radar = true;
    if ($under_radar || $boolean_search || !db_has_full_text($GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->connection_read)) {
        if (!in_array(strtoupper($boolean_operator), array('AND', 'OR'))) {
        if ($content == '') {
            $content_where = '';
        } else {
            if (db_has_full_text($GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->connection_read) && method_exists($GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->static_ob, 'db_has_full_text_boolean') && $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->static_ob->db_has_full_text_boolean() && !$under_radar) {
                $content_where = db_full_text_assemble($content, true);
            } else {
                $content_where = db_like_assemble($content, $boolean_operator, $full_coverage);
                if ($content_where == '') {
                    $content_where = '1=1';
    } else {
        if ($content == '') {
            $content_where = '';
        } else {
            $content_where = db_full_text_assemble($content, false);
        $boolean_operator = 'OR';
    return $content_where;