예제 #1
function get_module_list($options = "type=string")
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    printmsg('DEBUG => get_module_list(' . $options . ') called', 3);
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.01';
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or !$options['type']) {
        $self['error'] = 'ERROR => Insufficient parameters';
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        return array(1, <<<EOM

Returns a list of available DCM modules

  Synopsis: get_module_list(OPTIONS)

    type=<string|perl|array>  format module list in the specified format
                                string = human readable for console
                                perl   = hash for perl parsing
                                array  = php array

    // $pad_length is the amount of padding to put after each NAME.
    $pad_length = 25;
    $modules_string = str_pad('NAME', $pad_length) . " :: DESCRIPTION\n";
    $modules_perl = "";
    $modules_array = array();
    // Get a list of the valid "modules" and their descriptions.
    // FIXME: move this to the db later!
    list($status, $rows, $modules) = db_get_records($onadb, 'dcm_module_list', '1', 'name');
    printmsg("DEBUG => get_module_list() found {$rows} modules in db", 4);
    foreach ($modules as $module) {
        if ($module['name'] != 'get_module_list') {
            $modules_string .= str_pad($module['name'], $pad_length) . " :: {$module['description']}\n";
        $modules_array[$module['name']] = $module['description'];
        $modules_perl .= "\$modules{'{$module['name']}'} = \"{$module['description']}\";\n";
    // Return the list of modules as a string or array.
    if ($options['type'] == 'string') {
        return array(0, "\n" . $modules_string . "\n");
    } else {
        if ($options['type'] == 'array') {
            return array(0, $modules_array);
        } else {
            if ($options['type'] == 'perl') {
                return array(0, $modules_perl);
            } else {
                return array(3, "ERROR => get_module_list() Invalid \"type\" specified!");
예제 #2
function ws_display_list($window_name, $form = '')
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    global $images, $color, $style;
    $html = '';
    $js = '';
    $debug_val = 3;
    // used in the auth() calls to supress logging
    // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $form
    $form = parse_options_string($form);
    // Override system default for lists.. we want logs to show more
    $conf['search_results_per_page'] = 20;
    // Find the "tab" we're on
    $tab = $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']]['tab'];
    // Build js to refresh this list
    $refresh = "xajax_window_submit('{$window_name}', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}'), 'display_list');";
    // If it's not a new query, load the previous query from the session
    // into $form and save the current page and filter in the session.
    // Also find/set the "page" we're viewing
    $page = 1;
    if ($form['page'] and is_numeric($form['page'])) {
        $form = array_merge($form, (array) $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['q']);
        $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['page'] = $page = $form['page'];
        $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['filter'] = $form['filter'];
    // Calculate the SQL query offset (based on the page being displayed)
    $offset = $conf['search_results_per_page'] * ($page - 1);
    if ($offset == 0) {
        $offset = -1;
    // Search results go in here
    $results = array();
    $count = 0;
    // Start building the "where" clause for the sql query to find the vlans to display
    $where = "";
    $and = "";
    if ($form['all_flag']) {
        $where .= $and . "id > 0";
        $and = " AND ";
    // CAMPUS ID
    if ($form['id']) {
        $where .= $and . "id = " . $onadb->qstr($form['id']);
        $and = " AND ";
    if ($form['username']) {
        $where .= $and . " username LIKE " . $onadb->qstr('%' . $form['username'] . '%');
        $and = " AND ";
    // Wild card .. if $while is still empty, add a 'ID > 0' to it so you see everything.
    if ($where == '') {
        $where = 'id > 0';
    // Do the SQL Query
    $filter = '';
    if ($form['filter']) {
        $filter = ' AND username LIKE ' . $onadb->qstr('%' . $form['filter'] . '%');
    list($status, $rows, $results) = db_get_records($onadb, 'ona_logs', $where . $filter, "timestamp DESC", $conf['search_results_per_page'], $offset);
    // If we got less than search_results_per_page, add the current offset to it
    // so that if we're on the last page $rows still has the right number in it.
    if ($rows > 0 and $rows < $conf['search_results_per_page']) {
        $rows += $conf['search_results_per_page'] * ($page - 1);
    } else {
        if ($rows >= $conf['search_results_per_page']) {
            list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'ona_logs', $where . $filter, "", 0);
    $count = $rows;
    $html .= <<<EOL
        <!-- List -->
        <table id="{$form['form_id']}_ona_db_logs_list" class="list-box" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0">

            <!-- Table Header -->
                <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Timestamp</td>
                <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Username</td>
                <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Remote location</td>
                <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Context</td>
                <td class="list-header" align="center">Message</td>
    // Loop and display each record
    foreach ($results as $record) {
        // Escape data for display in html
        foreach (array_keys($record) as $key) {
            $record[$key] = htmlentities($record[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']);
        $html .= <<<EOL
            <tr onMouseOver="this.className='row-highlight'" onMouseOut="this.className='row-normal'">

                <td class="list-row">

                <td class="list-row" align="left">

                <td class="list-row">

                <td class="list-row">

                <td class="list-row">


    $html .= <<<EOL
    // Build page links if there are any
    $html .= get_page_links($page, $conf['search_results_per_page'], $count, $window_name, $form['form_id']);
    // If there was only 1 result, and we're about to display results in the "Search Results" window, display it.
    if ($count == 1 and $form['content_id'] == 'search_results_list' and $form['filter'] == '') {
        $js .= $primary_object_js;
    // Insert the new html into the content div specified
    // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object
    $response = new xajaxResponse();
    $response->addAssign("{$form['form_id']}_{$tab}_count", "innerHTML", "({$count})");
    $response->addAssign($form['content_id'], "innerHTML", $html);
    if ($js) {
    return $response->getXML();
예제 #3
파일: main.inc.php 프로젝트: edt82/ona
                <td colspan="5" align="left" valign="middle" nowrap="true" class="act-box">

                    <form id="form_dhcp_entry_add_{$kind}_{$record['id']}"
                        ><input type="hidden" name="{$kind}_id" value="{$record['id']}"
                        ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$extravars['refresh']}"

                    <a title="Add DHCP Entry"
                        onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_dhcp_option_entry', xajax.getFormValues('form_dhcp_entry_add_{$kind}_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');"
                    ><img src="{$images}/silk/page_add.png" border="0"></a>&nbsp;

                    <a title="Add DHCP Entry"
                        onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_dhcp_option_entry', xajax.getFormValues('form_dhcp_entry_add_{$kind}_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');"
                    >Add DHCP Entry</a>&nbsp;
    $modbodyhtml .= "</table>";
// Show a menu warning about gateway missing
if ($kind == 'subnet' and $hasgateway == 0) {
    list($status, $rows, $dhcp_servers) = db_get_records($onadb, 'dhcp_server_subnets', array('subnet_id' => $record['id']));
    if ($rows or $poolrows) {
        $modwsmenu[0]['menutitle'] = "Add DHCP Entry <span style='background-color: #FFDDDD;'>(<img src='{$images}/silk/error.png' border='0'>Gateway)</span>";
예제 #4
파일: main.inc.php 프로젝트: edt82/ona

$title_left_html = 'Custom Attributes';
// Determine if this is a host, a subnet or a vlan we are dealing with
if (is_numeric($record['subnet_type_id'])) {
    $kind = 'subnet';
} elseif (is_numeric($record['device_id'])) {
    $kind = 'host';
} else {
    $kind = 'vlan';
// This adds an "s" at the end of the table name.  assumes all tables are plural
list($status, $rows, $attributes) = db_get_records($onadb, 'custom_attributes', array('table_id_ref' => $record['id'], 'table_name_ref' => $kind . 's'), '');
// create workspace menu items
// This is where you list an array of menu items to display for this workspace
$modwsmenu[0]['menutitle'] = 'Add Custom Attribute';
$modwsmenu[0]['tooltip'] = "Add Custom Attribute to this {$kind}";
$modwsmenu[0]['authname'] = 'custom_attribute_add';
$modwsmenu[0]['commandjs'] = "xajax_window_submit('edit_custom_attribute', xajax.getFormValues('form_{$kind}_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');";
$modwsmenu[0]['image'] = '/images/silk/tag_blue.png';
if ($rows) {
    $modbodyhtml .= <<<EOL
        <!-- CUSTOM ATTRIBUTES -->
        <table width=100% cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" style="margin-bottom: 8px; margin-top: 0px;">
    foreach ($attributes as $entry) {
        list($status, $rows, $ca_type) = ona_get_custom_attribute_record(array('id' => $entry['id']));
        $modbodyhtml .= <<<EOL
            <tr onMouseOver="this.className='row-highlight';"
예제 #5
function config_diff($options = "")
    // The important globals
    global $conf;
    global $self;
    global $onadb;
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.03';
    printmsg('DEBUG => config_diff(' . $options . ') called', 3);
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or (!$options['host'] or !$options['type']) and (!$options['ida'] or !$options['idb'])) {
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        return array(1, <<<EOM

Displays the difference between selected archive entries
  Synopsis: config_diff [KEY=VALUE] ...
    host=ID or NAME[.DOMAIN]    display most recent config for specified host
    type=TYPE                   type of config to display -
                                  usually "IOS_VERSION" or "IOS_CONFIG"
    ida=ID                      First config ID to compare against idb
    idb=ID                      Second config ID to compare against ida

    If you don't pass any IDs you will get the two most recent configs
    related to the host/type you provide.

    $text = "";
    // Compare arbitrary configs based on config IDs
    // If we have ids, lets use those instead
    if ($options['ida'] and $options['idb']) {
        // get the two configs from the db
        list($status, $rows, $configs) = db_get_records($onadb, 'configurations', "id in ({$options['ida']},{$options['idb']})", 'ctime DESC', '2', '');
    } else {
        // Get a config record if there is one
        $self['error'] = "";
        list($status, $rows, $config) = ona_find_config($options);
        list($status, $rows, $configs) = db_get_records($onadb, 'configurations', array('host_id' => $config['host_id'], 'configuration_type_id' => $config['configuration_type_id']), 'ctime DESC', '2', '');
    // Error if an error was returned
    if ($status or $rows != 2) {
        if ($self['error']) {
            $text = $self['error'] . "\n";
        $text .= "ERROR => One or more config text entries not found!\n";
        return array(2, $text);
    // Get a unified text diff output
    $text .= text_diff($configs[1]['config_body'], $configs[0]['config_body']);
    // Return the success notice
    return array(0, $text);
예제 #6
파일: tooltips.inc.php 프로젝트: edt82/ona
function ws_interface_move_save($window_name, $form = '')
    global $base, $include, $conf, $self, $onadb;
    // Check permissions
    if (!auth('advanced')) {
        $response = new xajaxResponse();
        $response->addScript("alert('Permission denied!');");
        return $response->getXML();
    // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object
    $response = new xajaxResponse();
    $js = '';
    $refresh = "xajax_window_submit('list_interfaces', xajax.getFormValues('list_interfaces_filter_form'), 'display_list');";
    // Validate input
    if (!$form['host'] and !$form['ip']) {
        $response->addScript("alert('Please complete all fields to continue!');");
        return $response->getXML();
    list($status, $total_interfaces, $ints) = db_get_records($onadb, 'interfaces', array('host_id' => $form['orig_host']), '', 0);
    // Decide if we're editing or adding
    $module = 'interface_move_host';
    // Run the module
    list($status, $output) = run_module($module, $form);
    // If the module returned an error code display a popup warning
    if ($status) {
        $js .= "alert('Save failed. " . preg_replace('/[\\s\']+/', ' ', $self['error']) . "');";
    } else {
        // Check if this is the last interface, if it is, delete the host too.
        if ($total_interfaces == 0) {
            // Run the host del module
            list($status, $output) = run_module('host_del', array('host' => $form['orig_host'], 'commit' => 'y'));
            if ($status) {
                // If the host del failed, move the interface back to the original host to clean things up
                list($status, $output) = run_module('interface_move_host', array('host' => $form['orig_host'], 'ip' => $form['ip']));
                $js .= "alert('Host delete failed. " . preg_replace('/[\\s\']+/', ' ', $self['error']) . "');";
            } else {
                $js .= "removeElement('{$window_name}');{$refresh}";
                if ($form['js']) {
                    $js .= $form['js'];
        } else {
            $js .= "removeElement('{$window_name}');{$refresh}";
            if ($form['js']) {
                $js .= $form['js'];
    // Insert the new table into the window
    return $response->getXML();
예제 #7
function dns_record_del($options = "")
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    printmsg("DEBUG => dns_record_del({$options}) called", 3);
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.03';
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Sanitize options[commit] (default is no)
    $options['commit'] = sanitize_YN($options['commit'], 'N');
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or !$options['name']) {
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        $self['error'] = 'ERROR => Insufficient parameters';
        return array(1, <<<EOM

Deletes a DNS record from the database

  Synopsis: dns_record_del [KEY=VALUE] ...

    name=NAME[.DOMAIN] or ID      hostname or ID of the record to delete
    type=TYPE                     record type (A,CNAME,PTR...)

    ip=ADDRESS                    ip address (numeric or dotted)
    commit=[yes|no]               commit db transaction (no)

    thoughts on the flow of things:
    A records:
        remove any CNAMES using this A record
        remove any PTR records using this A record
        test that it is not a primary_dns_id, if it is, it must be reassigned
    should make a find_dns_record(s) function.  a find by host option would be good.
    need to do a better delete of DNS records when deleting a host.. currently its a problem.
    MP: TODO:  this delete will not handle DNS views unless you use the ID of the record to delete.  add a view option at some point.
    // If the name we were passed has a leading . in it then remove the dot.
    $options['name'] = preg_replace("/^\\./", '', $options['name']);
    // FIXME: MP Fix this to use a find_dns_record function  ID only for now
    // Find the DNS record from $options['name']
    list($status, $rows, $dns) = ona_find_dns_record($options['name'], $options['type']);
    printmsg("DEBUG => dns_record_del() DNS record: {$options['name']}", 3);
    if (!$dns['id']) {
        printmsg("DEBUG => Unknown DNS record: {$options['name']} ({$options['type']})", 3);
        $self['error'] = "ERROR => Unknown DNS record: {$options['name']} ({$options['type']})";
        return array(2, $self['error'] . "\n");
    // Check permissions
    if (!auth('host_del') or !authlvl($host['LVL'])) {
        $self['error'] = "Permission denied!";
        printmsg($self['error'], 0);
        return array(10, $self['error'] . "\n");
    // If "commit" is yes, delete the host
    if ($options['commit'] == 'Y') {
        $text = "";
        $add_to_error = "";
        // SUMMARY:
        //   Display any associated PTR records for an A record
        //   Display any associated CNAMEs for an A record
        // Test if it is used as a primary_dns_id unless it is the host_del module calling
        if (!isset($options['delete_by_module'])) {
            list($status, $rows, $srecord) = db_get_record($onadb, 'hosts', array('primary_dns_id' => $dns['id']));
            if ($rows) {
                $self['error'] = "ERROR => dns_record_del() The DNS record, {$dns['name']}.{$dns['domain_fqdn']}[{$dns['id']}], is a primary A record for a host! You can not delete it until you associate a new primary record, or delete the host.";
                printmsg($self['error'], 0);
                return array(5, $self['error'] . "\n");
        // Delete related Points to records
        // get list for logging
        list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'dns', array('dns_id' => $dns['id']));
        // do the delete
        list($status, $rows) = db_delete_records($onadb, 'dns', array('dns_id' => $dns['id']));
        if ($status) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => dns_record_del() Child record delete SQL Query failed: {$self['error']}";
            printmsg($self['error'], 0);
            return array(5, $self['error'] . "\n");
        if ($rows) {
            // log deletions
            // FIXME: do better logging here
            printmsg("INFO => {$rows} child DNS record(s) DELETED from {$dns['fqdn']}", 0);
            $add_to_error .= "INFO => {$rows} child record(s) DELETED from {$dns['fqdn']}\n";
        // TRIGGER: flag the domains for rebuild
        foreach ($records as $record) {
            list($status, $rows) = db_update_record($onadb, 'dns_server_domains', array('domain_id' => $record['domain_id']), array('rebuild_flag' => 1));
            if ($status) {
                $self['error'] = "ERROR => dns_record_del() Unable to update rebuild flags for domain.: {$self['error']}";
                printmsg($self['error'], 0);
                return array(7, $self['error'] . "\n");
        // Delete the DNS record
        list($status, $rows) = db_delete_records($onadb, 'dns', array('id' => $dns['id']));
        if ($status) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => dns_record_del() DNS record delete SQL Query failed: {$self['error']}";
            printmsg($self['error'], 0);
            return array(5, $add_to_error . $self['error'] . "\n");
        // TRIGGER: flag the current dnsrecords domain for rebuild
        list($status, $rows) = db_update_record($onadb, 'dns_server_domains', array('domain_id' => $dns['domain_id']), array('rebuild_flag' => 1));
        if ($status) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => dns_record_del() Unable to update rebuild flags for domain.: {$self['error']}";
            printmsg($self['error'], 0);
            return array(7, $self['error'] . "\n");
        // FIXME: if it is a NS or something display a proper FQDN message here
        // Display proper PTR information
        if ($dns['type'] == 'PTR') {
            list($status, $rows, $pointsto) = ona_get_dns_record(array('id' => $dns['dns_id']), '');
            list($status, $rows, $ptrint) = ona_get_interface_record(array('id' => $dns['interface_id']), '');
            $ipflip = ip_mangle($ptrint['ip_addr'], 'flip');
            $octets = explode(".", $ipflip);
            if (count($octets) > 4) {
                $arpa = '.ip6.arpa';
                $octcount = 31;
            } else {
                $arpa = '.in-addr.arpa';
                $octcount = 3;
            $dns['fqdn'] = "{$ipflip}{$arpa} -> {$pointsto['fqdn']}";
        // Return the success notice
        $self['error'] = "INFO => DNS {$dns['type']} record DELETED: {$dns['fqdn']}";
        printmsg($self['error'], 0);
        return array(0, $add_to_error . $self['error'] . "\n");
    // We are just displaying records that would have been deleted
    // SUMMARY:
    //   Display any associated PTR records for an A record
    //   Display any associated CNAMEs for an A record
    // Otherwise just display the host record for the host we would have deleted
    $text = "Record(s) NOT DELETED (see \"commit\" option)\n" . "Displaying record(s) that would have been deleted:\n";
    // Test if it is used as a primary_dns_id
    list($status, $rows, $srecord) = db_get_record($onadb, 'hosts', array('primary_dns_id' => $dns['id']));
    if ($rows) {
        $text .= "\nWARNING!  This DNS record is a primary A record for a host\n";
    // Display the complete dns record
    list($status, $tmp) = dns_record_display("name={$dns['id']}&verbose=N");
    $text .= "\n" . $tmp;
    // Display associated Child records
    list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'dns', array('dns_id' => $dns['id']));
    if ($rows) {
        $text .= "\nASSOCIATED POINTS-TO RECORDS ({$rows}):\n";
    foreach ($records as $record) {
        if ($record['type'] == 'NS') {
            $record['name'] = '';
        // FIXME:I could fix this but I'm lazy
        if ($record['type'] == 'PTR') {
            $record['name'] = '??';
        list($status, $rows, $domain) = ona_get_domain_record(array('id' => $record['domain_id']), '');
        $text .= " {$record['type']}: {$record['name']}.{$domain['fqdn']} -> {$dns['fqdn']}\n";
    return array(7, $text);
예제 #8
function build_dhcpd_conf($options = "")
    global $self;
    global $conf;
    global $onadb;
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.10';
    // Exit status of the function
    $exit = 0;
    printmsg('DEBUG => build_dhcpd_conf(' . $options . ') called', 3);
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or !$options['server']) {
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        return array(1, <<<EOM

Builds configuration for dhcpcd from the database

  Synopsis: build_dhcpd_conf [KEY=VALUE] ...

    server=NAME[.DOMAIN] or ID    Build conf by hostname or HOST_ID

    header_path=PATH              Path to the server local header to include

    * Specified host must be a valid DHCP server
    * header_path is a file on the DHCP server.  It will be defined at
      the very top of your configuration using the DHCP "include" directive.

    // TODO: ipv6 need to pass in if we want v4 or v6.. default to v4 for now.
    //       looks like you cant have a mixed config
    // Debugging
    printmsg("DEBUG => Building DHCP config for: {$options['server']}", 3);
    // Validate that there is already a host named $options['server'].
    list($status, $rows, $host) = ona_find_host($options['server']);
    if (!$host['id']) {
        return array(2, "ERROR => No such host: {$options['server']}\n");
    // Now determine if that host is a valid server
    list($status, $dhcp_rows, $dhcp_server) = db_get_records($onadb, 'dhcp_server_subnets', array('host_id' => $host['id']), '');
    list($status, $dhcpf_rows, $dhcpf_server) = db_get_records($onadb, 'dhcp_failover_groups', "primary_server_id = {$host['id']} or secondary_server_id = {$host['id']}", '');
    if ($dhcp_rows == 0 and $dhcpf_rows == 0) {
        return array(3, "ERROR => Specified host is not a DHCP server: {$options['server']}\n");
    // Throw the host id into a self variable for later use
    $self['serverid'] = $host['id'];
    // Start an output variable with build timestamp
    $text .= "###### DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE ###### \n";
    $text .= "# dhcpd.conf file for {$host['fqdn']} built on " . date($conf['date_format']) . "\n#\n";
    $text .= "# This file is built by an automated script.  Any change to this \n";
    $text .= "# file will be lost at the next build.\n\n";
    // setup standard include path
    // TODO: MP possibly put this into a configuration option like header so the user can easily change where this is.
    if (isset($options['header_path'])) {
        $text .= "include \"{$options['header_path']}\";\n";
    /////////////////////////////// Build global options //////////////////////////////////////////
    list($status, $globals) = build_global($host['id']);
    $text .= $globals;
    /////////////////////////////// Failover groups //////////////////////////////////////////
    // build list of failover group statements for provided server
    list($status, $failovergroup) = ona_dhcp_build_failover_group($host['id']);
    $text .= $failovergroup;
    /////////////////////////////// shared subnets //////////////////////////////////////////
    // setup a variable to keep track of which vlan we are on
    $vlananchor = '';
    // Loop through all of the vlan subnets and print them
    printmsg("DEBUG => Processing all Shared (VLAN) Subnets", 1);
    $i = 0;
    do {
        list($status, $rows, $vlan_subnet) = ona_get_record('vlan_id != 0 AND
                                                              id IN (SELECT subnet_id
                                                                     FROM   dhcp_server_subnets
                                                                     WHERE  host_id = ' . $host['id'] . '
                                                                     SELECT subnet_id
                                                                     FROM dhcp_pools
                                                                     WHERE dhcp_failover_group_id IN (SELECT id
                                                                                                      FROM dhcp_failover_groups
                                                                                                      WHERE primary_server_id = ' . $host['id'] . '
                                                                                                      OR secondary_server_id = ' . $host['id'] . '))', 'subnets', 'vlan_id ASC');
        if ($status) {
            printmsg($self['error'], 0);
            $exit += $status;
        if ($rows == 0) {
            printmsg("DEBUG => build_dhcpd_conf(): Found no shared subnets.", 3);
        } else {
            if ($i == 0) {
                $text .= "# --------SHARED SUBNETS (count={$rows})--------\n\n";
        printmsg("DEBUG => Processing vlan subnet " . ($i + 1) . " of {$rows}", 3);
        // pull info about the vlan itself
        list($status, $vlanrows, $vlan) = ona_get_vlan_record(array('id' => $vlan_subnet['vlan_id']));
        if ($status) {
            printmsg($self['error'], 0);
            $exit += $status;
        // check to see if we have switched to a new vlan
        if ($vlananchor != $vlan_subnet['vlan_id']) {
            // if this is NOT the first loop through, close the previous shared network block
            if ($i >= 1) {
                $text .= "}\n\n";
            // print the opening statement for the shared network block and strip characters that may cause errors
            $text .= "shared-network " . preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_-]/', '', "{$vlan['vlan_campus_name']}-{$vlan['number']}-{$vlan['name']}") . " {\n";
        // print the subnet block for the current subnet in the loop
        list($status, $subnetblock) = subnet_conf($vlan_subnet, 1);
        if ($status) {
            printmsg("ERROR => subnet_conf() returned an error: vlan subnet: {$vlan_subnet['name']}", 0);
            $exit += $status;
        } else {
            $text .= $subnetblock;
        // If the loop is at the end,and this isnt the first time we've come through the loop, print a close statement
        // if ($i == $rows && $vlananchor != '') {$text .= "}\n\n";}
        if ($i == $rows) {
            $text .= "}\n\n";
        // continue to update the vlan anchor
        $vlananchor = $vlan_subnet['vlan_id'];
    } while ($i < $rows);
    /////////////////////////////// standard subnets //////////////////////////////////////////
    // Loop through all of the NON vlan subnets and print them
    printmsg("DEBUG => Processing all Non-Shared (Standard) Subnets", 1);
    // We do our own sql query here because it makes more sense than calling ona_get_record() a zillion times ;)
    $q = "SELECT *\n          FROM subnets\n          WHERE vlan_id = 0 AND\n                id IN (SELECT subnet_id\n                       FROM dhcp_server_subnets\n                       WHERE host_id = {$host['id']}\n                       UNION\n                       SELECT subnet_id\n                       FROM dhcp_pools\n                       WHERE dhcp_failover_group_id IN (SELECT id\n                                                        FROM dhcp_failover_groups\n                                                        WHERE primary_server_id = {$host['id']}\n                                                        OR secondary_server_id = {$host['id']}))\n\n          ORDER BY name ASC";
    $rs = $onadb->Execute($q);
    if ($rs === false) {
        $self['error'] = 'ERROR => build_dhcpd_conf(): standard_subnets: SQL query failed: ' . $onadb->ErrorMsg();
        printmsg($self['error'], 0);
        $exit += 1;
    $rows = $rs->RecordCount();
    if ($rows > 0) {
        $text .= "# --------STANDARD SUBNETS (count={$rows})--------\n";
    $i = 0;
    // Loop through the record set
    while ($std_subnet = $rs->FetchRow()) {
        printmsg("DEBUG => build_dhcpd_conf() Processing standard subnet " . ($i + 1) . " of {$rows}", 3);
        // print the subnet info for the current subnet in the loop
        list($status, $subnetblock) = subnet_conf($std_subnet, 0);
        if ($status) {
            printmsg("ERROR => subnet_conf() returned an error: non-vlan subnet: {$std_subnet['description']}", 0);
            $exit += $status;
        } else {
            $text .= $subnetblock;
    /////////////////////////////// build static hosts //////////////////////////////////////////
    list($status, $hostconf) = build_hosts($host['id']);
    $text .= $hostconf;
    /////////////////////////////// Yer done, go home //////////////////////////////////////////
    // Return the config file
    return array($exit, $text);
예제 #9
파일: report.inc.php 프로젝트: edt82/ona
function rpt_get_data($form)
    global $base, $onadb;
    // If they want to perform a scan on an existing file
    if ($form['subnet']) {
        $rptdata['scansource'] = "Based on an existing scan file for '{$form['subnet']}'";
        //$xml = shell_exec("{$nmapcommand} -sP -R -oX - {$form['subnet']}");
        list($status, $rows, $subnet) = ona_find_subnet($form['subnet']);
        if ($rows) {
            $netip = ip_mangle($subnet['ip_addr'], 'dotted');
            $netcidr = ip_mangle($subnet['ip_mask'], 'cidr');
            $nmapxmlfile = "{$base}/local/nmap_scans/subnets/{$netip}-{$netcidr}.xml";
            if (file_exists($nmapxmlfile)) {
                $xml[0] = xml2ary(file_get_contents($nmapxmlfile));
            } else {
                $self['error'] = "ERROR => The subnet '{$form['subnet']}' does not have an nmap scan XML file on this server. {$nmapxmlfile}";
                return array(2, $self['error'] . "\n");
        } else {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => The subnet '{$form['subnet']}' does not exist.";
            return array(2, $self['error'] . "\n");
    // If they want to build a report on ALL the nmap data
    if ($form['all']) {
        $rptdata['scansource'] = "Showing all scan data";
        $nmapdir = "{$base}/local/nmap_scans/subnets";
        $dh = @opendir($nmapdir);
        $c = 0;
        while (false !== ($filename = @readdir($dh))) {
            if (strpos($filename, 'xml')) {
                $xml[$c] = xml2ary(file_get_contents($nmapdir . '/' . $filename));
    // If they pass a file from the remote host via CLI
    if ($form['file']) {
        $rptdata['scansource'] = "Based on an uploaded XML file";
        $nmapxmlfile = $form['file'];
        // clean up escaped characters
        $nmapxmlfile = preg_replace('/\\\\"/', '"', $nmapxmlfile);
        $nmapxmlfile = preg_replace('/\\\\=/', '=', $nmapxmlfile);
        $nmapxmlfile = preg_replace('/\\\\&/', '&', $nmapxmlfile);
        $xml[0] = xml2ary($nmapxmlfile);
    // loop through all the xml arrays that have been built.
    for ($z = 0; $z < count($xml); $z++) {
        // Find out how many total hosts we have in the array
        $rptdata['totalhosts'] = $xml[$z]['nmaprun']['_c']['runstats']['_c']['hosts']['_a']['total'];
        $rptdata['runtime'] = $xml[$z]['nmaprun']['_c']['runstats']['_c']['finished']['_a']['timestr'];
        // pull args to find subnet/cidr
        $rptdata['args'] = $xml[$z]['nmaprun']['_a']['args'];
        // process args
        list($subnetaddr, $netcidr) = explode('/', preg_replace("/.* (.*)\\/(\\d+)\$/", "\\1/\\2", $rptdata['args']));
        $netip = ip_mangle($subnetaddr, 'dotted');
        $netcidr = ip_mangle($netcidr, 'cidr');
        // Process the array for the total amount of hosts reported
        for ($i = 0; $i < $rptdata['totalhosts']; $i++) {
            // Clear MAC each itteration of the loop
            $macaddr = '';
            // Gather some info from the nmap XML file
            $netstatus = $xml[$z]['nmaprun']['_c']['host'][$i]['_c']['status']['_a']['state'];
            $ipaddr = $xml[$z]['nmaprun']['_c']['host'][$i]['_c']['address']['_a']['addr'];
            //$macaddr = $xml['nmaprun']['_c']['host'][$i]['_c']['address']['_a']['addr'];
            $dnsname = $xml[$z]['nmaprun']['_c']['host'][$i]['_c']['hostnames']['_c']['hostname']['_a']['name'];
            $dnsrows = 0;
            $dns = array();
            // Try the older nmap format if no IP found.. not sure of what differences there are in the XSL used?
            if (!$ipaddr) {
                $ipaddr = $xml[$z]['nmaprun']['_c']['host'][$i]['_c']['address']['0']['_a']['addr'];
                $macaddr = $xml[$z]['nmaprun']['_c']['host'][$i]['_c']['address']['1']['_a']['addr'];
            // Lookup the IP address in the database
            if ($ipaddr) {
                list($status, $introws, $interface) = ona_find_interface($ipaddr);
                if (!$introws) {
                    $interface['ip_addr_text'] = 'NOT FOUND';
                    list($status, $introws, $tmp) = ona_find_subnet($ipaddr);
                    $interface['subnet_id'] = $tmp['id'];
                } else {
                    // Lookup the DNS name in the database
                    list($status, $dnsrows, $dnscount) = db_get_records($onadb, 'dns', "interface_id = {$interface['id']}", "", 0);
                    list($status, $dnsptrrows, $dnsptr) = ona_get_dns_record(array('interface_id' => $interface['id'], 'type' => 'PTR'));
                    list($status, $dnsprows, $dns) = ona_get_dns_record(array('id' => $dnsptr['dns_id']));
            // Find out if this IP falls inside of a pool
            $inpool = 0;
            $ip = ip_mangle($ipaddr, 'numeric');
            if ($ip > 0) {
                list($status, $poolrows, $pool) = ona_get_dhcp_pool_record("ip_addr_start <= '{$ip}' AND ip_addr_end >= '{$ip}'");
            if ($poolrows) {
                $inpool = 1;
            // some base logic
            // if host is up in nmap but no db ip then put in $nodb
            // if host is up and is in db then put in $noissue
            // if host is down and not in db then skip
            // if host is down and in db then put in $nonet
            // if host is up an in db, does DNS match?
            //    in DNS but not DB
            //    in DB but not DNS
            //    DNS and DB dont match
            // Setup the base array element for the IP
            $rptdata['ip'][$ipaddr] = array();
            $rptdata['ip'][$ipaddr]['netstatus'] = $netstatus;
            $rptdata['ip'][$ipaddr]['netip'] = $ipaddr;
            $rptdata['ip'][$ipaddr]['netdnsname'] = strtolower($dnsname);
            if ($macaddr != -1) {
                $rptdata['ip'][$ipaddr]['netmacaddr'] = $macaddr;
            $rptdata['ip'][$ipaddr]['inpool'] = $inpool;
            $rptdata['ip'][$ipaddr]['dbip'] = $interface['ip_addr_text'];
            $rptdata['ip'][$ipaddr]['dbsubnetid'] = $interface['subnet_id'];
            $rptdata['ip'][$ipaddr]['dbdnsrows'] = $dnsrows;
            if (!$dns['fqdn']) {
                // lets see if its a PTR record
                if ($dnsptrrows) {
                    // If we have a PTR for this interface, use it (never if built from ona?)
                    $rptdata['ip'][$ipaddr]['dbdnsname'] = $dns['fqdn'];
                    $rptdata['ip'][$ipaddr]['dbdnsptrname'] = $dnsp['fqdn'];
                } else {
                    // find the hosts primary DNS record
                    list($status, $hostrows, $host) = ona_get_host_record(array('id' => $interface['host_id']));
                    if ($host['fqdn']) {
                        $host['fqdn'] = "({$host['fqdn']})";
                    if ($dnsrows) {
                        list($status, $dnstmprows, $dnstmp) = ona_get_dns_record(array('interface_id' => $interface['id']));
                        $rptdata['ip'][$ipaddr]['dbdnsname'] = $dnstmp['fqdn'];
                    } else {
                        $rptdata['ip'][$ipaddr]['dbdnsname'] = 'NO PTR';
                    $rptdata['ip'][$ipaddr]['dbdnsptrname'] = $host['fqdn'];
            } else {
                if ($dnsptrrows > 1) {
                    $rptdata['ip'][$ipaddr]['dbdnsname'] = $dns['fqdn'];
                    $rptdata['ip'][$ipaddr]['dbdnsptrname'] = $dnsp['fqdn'];
                } else {
                    $rptdata['ip'][$ipaddr]['dbdnsname'] = $dns['fqdn'];
                    $rptdata['ip'][$ipaddr]['dbdnsptrname'] = $dnsp['fqdn'];
            $rptdata['ip'][$ipaddr]['dbmacaddr'] = $interface['mac_addr'];
            $rptdata['netip'] = $netip;
            $rptdata['netcidr'] = $netcidr;
            if ($form['all']) {
                $rptdata['all'] = 1;
            if ($form['update_response']) {
                $rptdata['update_response'] = 1;
    return array(0, $rptdata);
예제 #10
function dhcp_server_del($options = "")
    // The important globals
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.03';
    printmsg("DEBUG => dhcp_server_del({$options}) called", 3);
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Sanitize options[commit] (default is yes)
    $options['commit'] = sanitize_YN($options['commit'], 'N');
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or !($options['subnet'] and $options['server'])) {
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        $self['error'] = 'ERROR => Insufficient parameters';
        return array(1, <<<EOM

Removes a subnet record from a DHCP server

  Synopsis: dhcp_server_del [KEY=VALUE] ...

    subnet=NAME or ID               subnet name or ID
    server=NAME[.DOMAIN] or ID      server name or ID

    commit=[Y|N]                    commit db transaction (no)

    DOMAIN will default to {$conf['dns_defaultdomain']} if not specified

    // Determine the entry itself exists
    list($status, $rows, $subnet) = ona_find_subnet($options['subnet']);
    // Test to see that we were able to find the specified record
    if (!$subnet['id']) {
        printmsg("DEBUG => Unable to find the subnet record using {$options['subnet']}!", 3);
        $self['error'] = "ERROR => Unable to find the subnet record using {$options['subnet']}!";
        return array(4, $self['error'] . "\n");
    printmsg("DEBUG => dhcp_server_del(): Found subnet, {$subnet['name']}", 3);
    if ($options['server']) {
        // Determine the server is valid
        list($status, $rows, $host) = ona_find_host($options['server']);
        if (!$host['id']) {
            printmsg("DEBUG => The server ({$options['server']}) does not exist!", 3);
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => The server specified, {$options['server']}, does not exist!";
            return array(2, $self['error'] . "\n");
    //printmsg("DEBUG => dhcp_server_del(): Found server, {$host['FQDN']}", 3);
    // Test that this subnet is even assigned to the server
    list($status, $rows, $dhcpserver) = ona_get_dhcp_server_subnet_record(array('host_id' => $host['id'], 'subnet_id' => $subnet['id']));
    if (!$rows) {
        printmsg("DEBUG => Unable to find {$subnet['name']} on server {$host['fqdn']}", 3);
        $self['error'] = "ERROR => Unable to find {$subnet['name']} on server {$host['fqdn']}";
        return array(11, $self['error'] . "\n");
    // If "commit" is yes, delete the record
    if ($options['commit'] == 'Y') {
        // Check permissions
        if (!auth('advanced') or !authlvl($host['LVL']) or !authlvl($subnet['LVL'])) {
            $self['error'] = "Permission denied!";
            printmsg($self['error'], 0);
            return array(10, $self['error'] . "\n");
        // check if allowed to remove subnet from server
        // check for pool assigned to the server itself
        list($status, $rows, $pools) = db_get_records($onadb, 'dhcp_pools', array('subnet_id' => $subnet['id']));
        foreach ($pools as $pool) {
            if ($pool['dhcp_failover_group_id']) {
                $foundfg = 0;
                list($status, $rows, $primary) = ona_get_dhcp_failover_group_record(array('id' => $pool['dhcp_failover_group_id'], 'primary_server_id' => $host['id']));
                if ($rows) {
                list($status, $rows, $secondary) = ona_get_dhcp_failover_group_record(array('id' => $pool['dhcp_failover_group_id'], 'secondary_server_id' => $host['id']));
                if ($rows) {
                // if a subnet/server pair is found in dhcp pools, don't allow removal
                if ($foundfg > 0) {
                    printmsg("DEBUG => Subnet ({$subnet['name']}) has a pool assigned to this Server ({$host['fqdn']}), which is part of a failover group.  The server must be removed from the failover group first.", 3);
                    $self['error'] = "ERROR => Subnet ({$subnet['name']}) has a pool assigned to this Server ({$host['fqdn']}), which is part of a failover group.  The server must be removed from the failover group first.";
                    return array(12, $self['error'] . "\n");
        // MP: remove this after testing.  dhcp options should not stop us from dis-associating a subnet from a server
        //     Not really sure why I have this.. probably left over cruft from old thoughts
        //         // check if there are any DHCP parameters assigned to the subnet
        //         list($status, $rows, $tmp) = ona_get_dhcp_option_entry_record(array('subnet_id' => $subnet['id']));
        //         // if so, check that this is not the last DHCP server that services this subnet
        //         if ($rows > 0) {
        //             list($status, $rows, $tmp) = ona_get_dhcp_server_subnet_record(array('subnet_id' => $subnet['id']));
        //             // If this is the last DHCP server that services this subnet, don't allow removal until DHCP parameters are removed
        //             if($rows <= 1){
        //                 printmsg("DEBUG => Subnet ({$subnet['name']}) has DHCP parameters assigned which need to be removed first",3);
        //                 $self['error'] = "ERROR => Subnet ({$subnet['name']}) has DHCP parameters assigned which need to be removed first";
        //                 return(array(12, $self['error'] . "\n"));
        //             }
        //         }
        // delete record from dhcp_server_subnets
        list($status, $rows) = db_delete_records($onadb, 'dhcp_server_subnets', array('id' => $dhcpserver['id']));
        if ($status) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => dhcp_server_del() SQL Query failed:" . $self['error'];
            printmsg($self['error'], 0);
            return array(9, $self['error'] . "\n");
        // Return the success notice
        $self['error'] = "INFO => DHCP Subnet/Server Pair DELETED: {$subnet['name']}/{$host['fqdn']} ";
        printmsg($self['error'], 0);
        return array(0, $self['error'] . "\n");
    // Otherwise display the record that would have been deleted
    $text = <<<EOL
    Record(s) NOT DELETED (see "commit" option)
    Displaying record(s) that would have been removed:

    {$subnet['name']} from: {$host['fqdn']}

    return array(6, $text);
예제 #11
function ws_editor($window_name, $form = '')
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    global $font_family, $color, $style, $images;
    $window = array();
    // Check permissions
    if (!auth('advanced')) {
        $response = new xajaxResponse();
        $response->addScript("alert('Permission denied!');");
        return $response->getXML();
    // If an array in a string was provided, build the array and store it in $form
    $form = parse_options_string($form);
    // If $form is a number, it's an dhcp entry record id- so we transform $form into an array
    if ($form['id']) {
        list($status, $rows, $dhcp_entry) = ona_get_dhcp_option_entry_record(array('id' => $form['id']));
        $window['title'] = "Edit DHCP Entry";
    } else {
        $window['title'] = "Add DHCP Entry";
    // If they are adding a global option
    $global_id = 'N';
    if (is_numeric($form['global_id'])) {
        // Setup a title description for this edit type
        $window['edit_type'] = "Global";
        $window['edit_type_value'] = 'This will be a Global DHCP option';
        $global_id = 'Y';
    // Load the subnet record and associated info.
    if (is_numeric($form['subnet_id'])) {
        list($status, $rows, $subnet) = ona_get_subnet_record(array('id' => $form['subnet_id']));
        // Setup a title description for this edit type
        $window['edit_type'] = "Subnet";
        $window['edit_type_value'] = "{$subnet['name']}";
    // If they are adding a new DHCP entry they will usually pass a host_id in
    if (is_numeric($form['host_id'])) {
        list($status, $rows, $host) = ona_find_host($form['host_id']);
        // Setup a title description for this edit type
        $window['edit_type'] = "Host";
        $window['edit_type_value'] = $host['fqdn'];
    // If they are adding a new server level DHCP entry they will usually pass a server_id in
    if (is_numeric($form['server_id'])) {
        list($status, $rows, $server) = ona_find_host($form['server_id']);
        // Setup a title description for this edit type
        $window['edit_type'] = "Server";
        $window['edit_type_value'] = $server['fqdn'];
    // Escape data for display in html
    foreach (array_keys((array) $subnet) as $key) {
        $subnet[$key] = htmlentities($subnet[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']);
    foreach (array_keys((array) $zone) as $key) {
        $zone[$key] = htmlentities($zone[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']);
    foreach (array_keys((array) $host) as $key) {
        $host[$key] = htmlentities($host[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']);
    foreach (array_keys((array) $server) as $key) {
        $server[$key] = htmlentities($server[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']);
    // Build dhcp option list
    list($status, $rows, $dhcpoptions) = db_get_records($onadb, 'dhcp_options', 'id >= 1', 'display_name');
    $dhcp_option_list = '<option value="">&nbsp;</option>\\n';
    $dhcpoptions['dhcp_options'] = htmlentities($dhcpoptions['display_name']);
    foreach ($dhcpoptions as $record) {
        $selected = "";
        if ($record['id'] == $dhcp_entry['dhcp_option_id']) {
            $selected = "SELECTED=\"selected\"";
        if ($record['id']) {
            $dhcp_option_list .= "<option {$selected} value=\"{$record['id']}\">{$record['display_name']} ({$record['number']})</option>\n";
    // Javascript to run after the window is built
    $window['js'] = <<<EOL
        /* Put a minimize icon in the title bar */
        el('{$window_name}_title_r').innerHTML =
            '&nbsp;<a onClick="toggle_window(\\'{$window_name}\\');" title="Minimize window" style="cursor: pointer;"><img src="{$images}/icon_minimize.gif" border="0" /></a>' +

        /* Put a help icon in the title bar */
        el('{$window_name}_title_r').innerHTML =
            '&nbsp;<a href="{$_ENV['help_url']}{$window_name}" target="null" title="Help" style="cursor: pointer;"><img src="{$images}/silk/help.png" border="0" /></a>' +

        el('{$window_name}_form').onsubmit = function() { return false; };
    // Define the window's inner html
    $window['html'] = <<<EOL

    <!-- DHCP entry Edit Form -->
    <form id="{$window_name}_form" onSubmit="return false;">
    <input type="hidden" name="host" value="{$host['id']}">
    <input type="hidden" name="subnet" value="{$subnet['id']}">
    <input type="hidden" name="server" value="{$server['id']}">
    <input type="hidden" name="global" value="{$global_id}">
    <input type="hidden" name="id" value="{$dhcp_entry['id']}">
    <input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$form['js']}">
    <table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" style="background-color: {$color['window_content_bg']}; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px;">

        <!-- DHCP ENTRY RECORD -->
            <td align="left" nowrap="true"><b><u>DHCP Entry Record</u></b>&nbsp;</td>
            <td class="padding" align="left" width="100%">&nbsp;</td>

            <td align="right" nowrap="true">
            <td class="padding" align="left" width="100%">

            <td class="input_required" align="right" nowrap="true" >
                DHCP Option
            <td class="padding" align="left" width="100%">
                <select id="option" name="option" class="edit" accesskey="l">

            <td class="input_required" align="right" nowrap="true">
            <td class="padding" align="left" width="100%">
                    size="31" maxlength="255"

            <td align="right" valign="top" nowrap="true">
            <td class="padding" align="right" width="100%">
                <input type="hidden" name="overwrite" value="{$overwrite}">
                <input class="edit" type="button" name="cancel" value="Cancel" onClick="removeElement('{$window_name}');">
                <input class="edit" type="button"
                    accesskey=" "
                    onClick="xajax_window_submit('{$window_name}', xajax.getFormValues('{$window_name}_form'), 'save');"

    return window_open($window_name, $window);
예제 #12
function custom_attribute_display($options = "")
    // The important globals
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    $text_array = array();
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.02';
    printmsg("DEBUG => custom_attribute_display({$options}) called", 3);
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or !$options['host'] and !$options['id'] and !$options['subnet'] and !$options['vlan']) {
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        $self['error'] = 'ERROR => Insufficient parameters';
        return array(1, <<<EOM

Display the custom attribute specified or attributes for a host

  Synopsis: custom_attribute_display

    id=ID                     custom attribute ID
    host=ID or NAME[.DOMAIN]  display custom attributes for specified host
    subnet=ID or NAME         display custom attributes for specified subnet
    vlan=NAME                 display custom attributes for specified VLAN

    type=ID or NAME           If you specify a type and a host or subnet you
                              will only get back a 1 or a 0 indicating that
                              that type is set or not set for the host or subnet

    // if a type was set, check if it is associated with the host or subnet and return 1 or 0
    if ($options['type']) {
        $field = is_numeric($options['type']) ? 'id' : 'name';
        list($status, $rows, $catype) = ona_get_custom_attribute_type_record(array($field => $options['type']));
        // error if we cant find the type specified
        if (!$catype['id']) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => The custom attribute type specified, {$options['type']}, does not exist!";
            return array(5, $self['error']);
        $where['custom_attribute_type_id'] = $catype['id'];
    // Search for the host first
    if ($options['host']) {
        list($status, $rows, $host) = ona_find_host($options['host']);
        // Error if the host doesn't exist
        if (!$host['id']) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => The host specified, {$options['host']}, does not exist!";
            return array(2, $self['error']);
        } else {
            $where['table_id_ref'] = $host['id'];
            $where['table_name_ref'] = 'hosts';
            list($status, $rows, $cas) = db_get_records($onadb, 'custom_attributes', $where);
        $anchor = 'host';
        $desc = $host['fqdn'];
    // Search for subnet
    if ($options['subnet']) {
        list($status, $rows, $subnet) = ona_find_subnet($options['subnet']);
        // Error if the record doesn't exist
        if (!$subnet['id']) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => The subnet specified, {$options['subnet']}, does not exist!";
            return array(3, $self['error']);
        } else {
            $where['table_id_ref'] = $subnet['id'];
            $where['table_name_ref'] = 'subnets';
            list($status, $rows, $cas) = db_get_records($onadb, 'custom_attributes', $where);
        $anchor = 'subnet';
        $desc = $subnet['description'];
    // Search for vlan
    if ($options['vlan']) {
        list($status, $rows, $vlan) = ona_find_vlan($options['vlan']);
        // Error if the record doesn't exist
        if (!$vlan['id']) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => The VLAN specified, {$options['vlan']}, does not exist!";
            return array(3, $self['error']);
        } else {
            $where['table_id_ref'] = $vlan['id'];
            $where['table_name_ref'] = 'vlans';
            list($status, $rows, $cas) = db_get_records($onadb, 'custom_attributes', $where);
        $anchor = 'vlan';
        $desc = $vlan['description'];
    // Now find the ID of the record, returns a specific record only
    if ($options['id']) {
        list($status, $rows, $ca) = ona_get_custom_attribute_record(array('id' => $options['id']));
        if (!$ca['id']) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => The custom attribute specified, {$options['id']}, is invalid!";
            return array(4, $self['error']);
        $text_array = $ca;
        $text .= "CUSTOM ATTRIBUTE ENTRY RECORD ({$ca['id']})\n";
        $text .= format_array($ca);
    } elseif ($options['type']) {
        // If we requested type, now is the time to return a response if it is found associated.
        if ($cas[0]) {
            $text .= '1';
            $text_array['has_attribute'] = 'Y';
        } else {
            $text .= '0';
            $text_array['has_attribute'] = 'N';
    } else {
        // Build text to return
        $text .= strtoupper($anchor) . " CUSTOM ATTRIBUTE RECORDS ({$desc})\n";
        // Display the record(s)
        $i = 0;
        do {
            $text .= "\nASSOCIATED CUSTOM ATTRIBUTE ENTRY RECORD ({$i} of {$rows})\n";
            $text .= format_array($cas[$i]);
            list($status, $carows, $ca) = ona_get_custom_attribute_type_record(array('id' => $cas[$i]['custom_attribute_type_id']));
            $text_array[$ca['name']] = $cas[$i]['value'];
        } while ($i < $rows);
    // change the output format if other than default
    if ($options['format'] == 'json') {
        $text = $text_array;
    if ($options['format'] == 'yaml') {
        $text = $text_array;
    // Return the success notice
    return array(0, $text);
예제 #13
function ws_editor($window_name, $form = '')
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    global $font_family, $color, $style, $images;
    $window = array();
    // Check permissions
    if (!(auth('subnet_modify') and auth('subnet_add'))) {
        $response = new xajaxResponse();
        $response->addScript("alert('Permission denied!');");
        return $response->getXML();
    // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $form
    $form = parse_options_string($form);
    // If $form is a number, it's an record ID- so we transform $form into an array
    if (is_numeric($form)) {
        $form = array('subnet_id' => $form);
    $subnet = array();
    // Load an existing record (and associated info) if $form is an id
    if (is_numeric($form['subnet_id'])) {
        list($status, $rows, $subnet) = ona_get_subnet_record(array('id' => $form['subnet_id']));
        if ($rows) {
            if (strlen($subnet['ip_addr']) > 11) {
                $subnet['ip_mask'] = '/' . ip_mangle($subnet['ip_mask'], 'cidr');
            } else {
                $subnet['ip_mask'] = ip_mangle($subnet['ip_mask'], 'dotted');
            $subnet['ip_addr'] = ip_mangle($subnet['ip_addr'], 'dotted');
            // Vlan Record
            list($status, $rows, $vlan) = ona_get_vlan_record(array('id' => $subnet['vlan_id']));
            $subnet['vlan_desc'] = $vlan['vlan_campus_name'] . ' / ' . $vlan['name'];
    } else {
        if (strlen($form['ip_addr']) > 1) {
            $subnet['ip_addr'] = ip_mangle($form['ip_addr'], 'dotted');
        if (strlen($form['ip_mask']) > 1) {
            $subnet['ip_mask'] = ip_mangle($form['ip_mask'], 'dotted');
        if (strlen($form['name']) > 1) {
            $subnet['name'] = $form['name'];
    if (!$subnet['vlan_id']) {
        $subnet['vlan_desc'] = 'None';
    // Escape data for display in html
    foreach (array_keys((array) $subnet) as $key) {
        $subnet[$key] = htmlentities($subnet[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']);
    // Set the window title:
    $window['title'] = "Add Subnet";
    if ($subnet['id']) {
        $window['title'] = "Edit Subnet";
    // Build subnet type list
    list($status, $rows, $subnettypes) = db_get_records($onadb, 'subnet_types', 'id > 0', 'display_name');
    $subnet_type_list = '<option value="">&nbsp;</option>\\n';
    $subnettypes['subnet_type_name'] = htmlentities($subnettypes['display_name']);
    foreach ($subnettypes as $record) {
        $selected = "";
        if ($record['id'] == $subnet['subnet_type_id']) {
            $selected = "SELECTED=\"selected\"";
        if ($record['id']) {
            $subnet_type_list .= "<option {$selected} value=\"{$record['id']}\">{$record['display_name']}</option>\n";
    // Javascript to run after the window is built
    $window['js'] = <<<EOL
    /* Put a minimize icon in the title bar */
    el('{$window_name}_title_r').innerHTML =
        '&nbsp;<a onClick="toggle_window(\\'{$window_name}\\');" title="Minimize window" style="cursor: pointer;"><img src="{$images}/icon_minimize.gif" border="0" /></a>' +

    /* Put a help icon in the title bar */
    el('{$window_name}_title_r').innerHTML =
        '&nbsp;<a href="{$_ENV['help_url']}{$window_name}" target="null" title="Help" style="cursor: pointer;"><img src="{$images}/silk/help.png" border="0" /></a>' +

    el('{$window_name}_edit_form').onsubmit = function() { return false; };

    /* Setup the Quick Find VLAN icon */
    var _button = el('qf_vlan_{$window_name}');
    _button.style.cursor = 'pointer';
    _button.onclick =
        function(ev) {
            if (!ev) ev = event;
            /* Create the popup div */
            wwTT(this, ev,
                 'id', 'tt_qf_vlan_{$window_name}',
                 'type', 'static',
                 'direction', 'south',
                 'delay', 0,
                 'styleClass', 'wwTT_qf',
                 "xajax_window_submit('tooltips', '" +
                     "tooltip=>qf_vlan," +
                     "id=>tt_qf_vlan_{$window_name}," +
                     "text_id=>vlan_text_{$window_name}," +

    suggest_setup('masks_{$window_name}', 'suggest_masks_{$window_name}');


    // Define the window's inner html
    $window['html'] = <<<EOL

    <!-- Subnet Edit Form -->
    <form id="{$window_name}_edit_form" onSubmit="return false;">
    <input type="hidden" name="subnet" value="{$subnet['id']}">
    <input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$form['js']}">
    <table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" style="background-color: {$color['window_content_bg']}; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px;">

        <!-- SUBNET RECORD -->
            <td align="left" nowrap="true"><b><u>Subnet Record</u></b>&nbsp;</td>
            <td class="padding" align="left" width="100%">&nbsp;</td>

            <td align="right" nowrap="true">
            <td class="padding" align="left" width="100%" nowrap="true">

                <span id="qf_vlan_{$window_name}">
                    <a id="vlan_text_{$window_name}"
                    <img src="{$images}/silk/find.png" border="0"

            <td class="input_required" align="right" nowrap="true">
            <td class="padding" align="left" width="100%">
                    alt="Subnet name"
                    size="35" maxlength="100"

            <td class="input_required" align="right" nowrap="true">
                Subnet type
            <td class="padding" align="left" width="100%">
                <select name="set_type" class="edit" accesskey="t">

            <td class="input_required" align="right" nowrap="true">
                IP Address
            <td class="padding" align="left" width="100%">
                    alt="IP Address"
                    size="35" maxlength="40"

            <td class="input_required" align="right" nowrap="true">
            <td class="padding" align="left" width="100%">
                    alt="Netmask (i.e. or /24)"
                    size="35" maxlength="17"
                <div id="suggest_masks_{$window_name}" class="suggest"></div>

    // Show a "keep adding" checkbox if they are adding records
    if (!isset($subnet['id'])) {
        $window['html'] .= <<<EOL
            <td align="right" nowrap="true">
            <td class="padding" align="left" width="100%">
                    alt="Keep adding more subnets"
                > Keep adding more subnets

            <td colspan="2" class="padding" align="center" width="100%">
            <span id="statusinfo_{$window_name}" style="color: green;" ></span>

    $window['html'] .= <<<EOL

            <td align="right" valign="top" nowrap="true">
            <td class="padding" align="right" width="100%">
                <input class="edit" type="button" name="cancel" value="Cancel" onClick="removeElement('{$window_name}');">
                <input class="edit" type="button"
                    accesskey=" "
                    onClick="xajax_window_submit('{$window_name}', xajax.getFormValues('{$window_name}_edit_form'), 'save');"

    return window_open($window_name, $window);
예제 #14
function ws_display($window_name, $form = '')
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    global $images, $color, $style;
    $html = '';
    $js = '';
    $debug_val = 3;
    // used in the auth() calls to supress logging
    // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $form
    $form = parse_options_string($form);
    // Load the server record
    list($status, $rows, $record) = ona_get_host_record(array('id' => $form['host_id']));
    if ($status or !$rows) {
        $html .= "<br><center><font color=\"red\"><b>Server doesn't exist!</b></font></center>";
        $response = new xajaxResponse();
        $response->addAssign("work_space_content", "innerHTML", $html);
        return $response->getXML();
    // Pick up host information
    //list($status, $rows, $host) = ona_find_host($form['host_id']);
    // Update History Title
    $history = array_pop($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history']);
    $js .= "xajax_window_submit('work_space', ' ', 'rewrite_history');";
    if ($history['title'] == $window_name) {
        $history['title'] = "DNS server - " . $record['fqdn'];
        array_push($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history'], $history);
    // Create some javascript to refresh the current page
    $refresh = htmlentities(str_replace(array("'", '"'), array("\\'", '\\"'), $history['url']), ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']);
    $refresh = "xajax_window_submit('work_space', '{$refresh}');";
    $style['content_box'] = <<<EOL
        margin: 10px 20px;
        padding: 2px 4px;
        background-color: #FFFFFF;
        vertical-align: top;
    $style['label_box'] = <<<EOL
        font-weight: bold;
        padding: 2px 4px;
        border: solid 1px {$color['border']};
        background-color: {$color['window_content_bg']};
    // Escape data for display in html
    foreach (array_keys((array) $record) as $key) {
        $record[$key] = htmlentities($record[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']);
    $html .= <<<EOL
    <div style="{$style['content_box']}">
    <table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0"><tr>

        <td nowrap="true" valign="top" style="padding-right: 15px;">
    $html .= <<<EOL
            <table width=100% cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" style="margin-bottom: 8px;">
                <tr><td colspan="99" nowrap="true" style="{$style['label_box']}">
                    DNS server <a title="View host. ID: {$record['id']}"
                           onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_host\\', \\'host_id=>{$record['id']}\\', \\'display\\')');"
    $html .= <<<EOL

        <td valign="top" style="padding-right: 15px;">
    $html .= <<<EOL

        <td valign="top" style="padding-right: 15px;">
    $html .= <<<EOL
    <!-- END OF TOP SECTION -->
    $tab = 'domain_server';
    $submit_window = "list_{$tab}";
    $form_id = "{$submit_window}_filter_form";
    $_SESSION['ona'][$form_id]['tab'] = $tab;
    $content_id = "{$window_name}_{$submit_window}";
    $html .= <<<EOL
    <!-- Domain Servers LIST -->
    <div style="border: 1px solid {$color['border']}; margin: 10px 20px;">

        <!-- Tab & Quick Filter -->
        <table id="{$form_id}_table" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0">
                <td id="{$form_id}_{$tab}_tab" class="table-tab-active">
                    Assigned domains on {$record['name']}.{$record['domain_fqdn']} <span id="{$form_id}_{$tab}_count"></span>

                <td id="{$form_id}_quick_filter" class="padding" align="right" width="100%">
                    <form id="{$form_id}" onSubmit="return false;">
                    <input id="{$form_id}_page" name="page" value="1" type="hidden">
                    <input name="content_id" value="{$content_id}" type="hidden">
                    <input name="form_id" value="{$form_id}" type="hidden">
                    <input name="server_id" value="{$record['id']}" type="hidden">
                    <div id="{$form_id}_filter_overlay"
                         style="position: relative;
                                display: inline;
                                color: #CACACA;
                                cursor: text;"
                         onClick="this.style.display = 'none'; el('{$form_id}_filter').focus();"
                        alt="Quick Filter"
                        onFocus="el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.display = 'none';"
                        onBlur="if (this.value == '') el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.display = 'inline';"
                            if (typeof(timer) != 'undefined') clearTimeout(timer);
                            code = 'if ({$form_id}_last_search != el(\\'{$form_id}_filter\\').value) {' +
                                   '    {$form_id}_last_search = el(\\'{$form_id}_filter\\').value;' +
                                   '    document.getElementById(\\'{$form_id}_page\\').value = 1;' +
                                   '    xajax_window_submit(\\'{$submit_window}\\', xajax.getFormValues(\\'{$form_id}\\'), \\'display_list\\');' +
                            timer = setTimeout(code, 700);"


        <div id='{$content_id}'>
    if (auth('advanced', $debug_val)) {
        $html .= <<<EOL

        <div class="act-box" style="padding: 2px 4px; border-top: 1px solid {$color['border']}">
            <form id="{$form['form_id']}_domain_server_{$record['id']}"
                    ><input type="hidden" name="server" value="{$record['id']}"
                    ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}"

            <!-- ADD DOMAIN LINK -->
            <a title="Assign domain"
               onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_domain_server', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}_domain_server_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');"
            ><img src="{$images}/silk/page_add.png" border="0"></a>

            <a title="Assign domain"
               onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_domain_server', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}_domain_server_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');"
            >Assign existing domain</a>&nbsp;


            <!-- ADD DOMAIN LINK -->
            <a title="New DNS domain"
                onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_domain', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}_domain_server_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');"
            ><img src="{$images}/silk/page_add.png" border="0"></a>

            <a title="New DNS domain"
                onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_domain', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}_domain_server_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');"
            >Add DNS domain</a>&nbsp;

    $html .= <<<EOL
    // If we have a build type set, then display the output div
    if ($conf['build_dns_type'] && auth('dns_record_add', $debug_val)) {
        // Get a list of the views so we can build a select option
        if ($conf['dns_views']) {
            list($status, $rows, $recs) = db_get_records($onadb, 'dns_views', 'id >= 0', 'name');
            $dns_view_list = '';
            foreach ($recs as $rec) {
                $rec['name'] = htmlentities($rec['name']);
                $dns_view_list .= "<option value=\"{$rec['id']}\">{$rec['name']}</option>\n";
            $html .= <<<EOL
    <div style="margin: 10px 20px;padding-left: 8px;">
        Show config for DNS view: <select name="build_dns_view"
                onchange="xajax_window_submit('{$window_name}', 'fqdn=>{$record['fqdn']},view=>'+el('build_dns_view').value , 'display_config');"
        $html .= <<<EOL
    <div id="confoutputdiv" style="border: 1px solid rgb(26, 26, 26); margin: 10px 20px;padding-left: 8px;overflow:hidden;width: 100px;"><pre style='font-family: monospace;overflow-y:auto;' id="confoutput"><center>Generating configuration...</center><br>{$conf['loading_icon']}</pre></div>
        $js .= "xajax_window_submit('{$window_name}', 'fqdn=>{$record['fqdn']}', 'display_config');";
    $js .= <<<EOL
        /* Setup the quick filter */
        el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.left = (el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').offsetWidth + 10) + 'px';
        {$form_id}_last_search = '';

        /* Tell the browser to load/display the list */
        xajax_window_submit('{$submit_window}', xajax.getFormValues('{$form_id}'), 'display_list');

        setTimeout('el(\\'confoutputdiv\\').style.width = el(\\'{$form_id}_table\\').offsetWidth-8+\\'px\\';',900);
    // Insert the new html into the window
    // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object
    $response = new xajaxResponse();
    $response->addAssign("work_space_content", "innerHTML", $html);
    if ($js) {
    return $response->getXML();
예제 #15
function ws_display_list($window_name, $form = '')
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    global $images, $color, $style;
    $html = '';
    $js = '';
    // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $form
    $form = parse_options_string($form);
    // Find the "tab" we're on
    $tab = $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']]['tab'];
    // Build js to refresh this list
    $refresh = "xajax_window_submit('{$window_name}', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}'), 'display_list');";
    // If it's not a new query, load the previous query from the session
    // into $form and save the current page and filter in the session.
    // Also find/set the "page" we're viewing
    $page = 1;
    if ($form['page'] and is_numeric($form['page'])) {
        $form = array_merge($form, (array) $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['q']);
        $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['page'] = $page = $form['page'];
        $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['filter'] = $form['filter'];
    printmsg("DEBUG => Displaying subnets list page: {$page}", 1);
    // Calculate the SQL query offset (based on the page being displayed)
    $offset = $conf['search_results_per_page'] * ($page - 1);
    if ($offset == 0) {
        $offset = -1;
    // Search results go in here
    $results = array();
    $count = 0;
    //       FIND RESULT SET
    // Start building the "where" clause for the sql query to find the subnets to display
    $where = "";
    $and = "";
    // enable or disable wildcards
    $wildcard = '%';
    if ($form['nowildcard']) {
        $wildcard = '';
    if ($form['all_flag']) {
        $where .= $and . "id > 0";
        $and = " AND ";
    // SUBNET ID
    if ($form['subnet_id']) {
        $where .= $and . "id = " . $form['subnet_id'];
        $and = " AND ";
    // VLAN ID
    if ($form['vlan_id']) {
        $where .= $and . "vlan_id = " . $onadb->qstr($form['vlan_id']);
        $and = " AND ";
    if ($form['nettype']) {
        $where .= $and . "subnet_type_id = " . $onadb->qstr($form['nettype']);
        $and = " AND ";
    // find subnets that are associated with dhcp server
    if ($form['server_id']) {
        $where .= $and . "id IN (SELECT subnet_id FROM dhcp_server_subnets WHERE host_id = " . $onadb->qstr($form['server_id']) . ')';
        $and = " AND ";
    if ($form['subnetname']) {
        // This field is always upper case
        $form['subnetname'] = strtoupper($form['subnetname']);
        $where .= $and . "name LIKE " . $onadb->qstr($wildcard . $form['subnetname'] . $wildcard);
        $and = " AND ";
    if ($form['ip_subnet']) {
        // Build $ip and $ip_end from $form['ip_subnet'] and $form['ip_subnet_thru']
        $ip = ip_complete($form['ip_subnet'], '0');
        if ($form['ip_subnet_thru']) {
            $ip = ip_complete($form['ip_subnet'], '0');
            $ip_end = ip_complete($form['ip_subnet_thru'], '255');
            // Find out if $ip and $ip_end are valid
            $ip = ip_mangle($ip, 'numeric');
            $ip_end = ip_mangle($ip_end, 'numeric');
            if ($ip != -1 and $ip_end != -1) {
                // Find subnets between the specified ranges
                $where .= $and . " ip_addr >= " . $ip . " AND ip_addr <= " . $ip_end;
                $and = " AND ";
        } else {
            list($status, $rows, $record) = ona_find_subnet($ip);
            if ($rows) {
                $where .= $and . " id = " . $record['id'];
                $and = " AND ";
    // tag
    if ($form['tag_net']) {
        $where .= $and . "id in (select reference from tags where type like 'subnet' and name like " . $onadb->qstr($form['tag_net']) . ")";
        $and = " AND ";
    // custom attribute type
    if ($form['custom_attribute_type_net']) {
        $where .= $and . "id in (select table_id_ref from custom_attributes where table_name_ref like 'subnets' and custom_attribute_type_id = (SELECT id FROM custom_attribute_types WHERE name = " . $onadb->qstr($form['custom_attribute_type_net']) . "))";
        $and = " AND ";
        $cavaluetype = "and custom_attribute_type_id = (SELECT id FROM custom_attribute_types WHERE name = " . $onadb->qstr($form['custom_attribute_type_net']) . ")";
    // custom attribute value
    if ($form['ca_value_net']) {
        $where .= $and . "id in (select table_id_ref from custom_attributes where table_name_ref like 'subnets' {$cavaluetype} and value like " . $onadb->qstr($wildcard . $form['ca_value_net'] . $wildcard) . ")";
        $and = " AND ";
    // display a nice message when we dont find all the records
    if ($where == '' and $form['content_id'] == 'search_results_list') {
        $js .= "el('search_results_msg').innerHTML = 'Unable to find subnets matching your query, showing all records';";
    // Wild card .. if $where is still empty, add a 'ID > 0' to it so you see everything.
    if ($where == '') {
        $where = 'id > 0';
    // Do the SQL Query
    $filter = '';
    if ($form['filter']) {
        // Subnet namess are always upper case
        $form['filter'] = strtoupper($form['filter']);
        $filter = ' AND name LIKE ' . $onadb->qstr('%' . $form['filter'] . '%');
    list($status, $rows, $results) = db_get_records($onadb, 'subnets', $where . $filter, "ip_addr", $conf['search_results_per_page'], $offset);
    // If we got less than search_results_per_page, add the current offset to it
    // so that if we're on the last page $rows still has the right number in it.
    if ($rows > 0 and $rows < $conf['search_results_per_page']) {
        $rows += $conf['search_results_per_page'] * ($page - 1);
    } else {
        if ($rows >= $conf['search_results_per_page']) {
            list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'subnets', $where . $filter, "", 0);
    $count = $rows;
    // *** BUILD HTML LIST ***
    $html .= <<<EOL
    <!-- Subnet Results -->
    <table id="{$form['form_id']}_subnet_list" class="list-box" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0">

        <!-- Table Header -->
            <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Name</td>
            <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Subnet</td>
            <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Usage</td>
            <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Type</td>
            <td class="list-header" align="center">&nbsp;</td>
    // Loop and display each record
    foreach ($results as $record) {
        // Get additional info about eash subnet record //
        // Convert IP and Netmask to a presentable format
        $record['ip_addr'] = ip_mangle($record['ip_addr'], 'dotted');
        $record['ip_mask'] = ip_mangle($record['ip_mask'], 'dotted');
        $record['IP_SUBNET_MASK_CIDR'] = ip_mangle($record['ip_mask'], 'cidr');
        list($status, $rows, $type) = ona_get_subnet_type_record(array('id' => $record['subnet_type_id']));
        $record['type'] = $type['display_name'];
        // Calculate the percentage of the subnet that's used (total size - allocated hosts - dhcp pool size)
        $usage_html = get_subnet_usage_html($record['id']);
        // Escape data for display in html
        foreach (array_keys($record) as $key) {
            $record[$key] = htmlentities($record[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']);
        $primary_object_js = "xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_subnet\\', \\'subnet_id=>{$record['id']}\\', \\'display\\')');";
        $html .= <<<EOL
        <tr onMouseOver="this.className='row-highlight'" onMouseOut="this.className='row-normal'">

            <td class="list-row">
                <a title="View subnet. ID: {$record['id']}"

            <td class="list-row" align="left">
                {$record['ip_addr']} <span title="{$record['ip_mask']}">/{$record['IP_SUBNET_MASK_CIDR']}</span>&nbsp;

            <td class="list-row" align="center" style="vertical-align: middle;">

            <td class="list-row" align="left">

            <td class="list-row" align="right">
                <form id="{$form['form_id']}_list_subnet_{$record['id']}"
                    ><input type="hidden" name="subnet_id" value="{$record['id']}"
                    ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}"

                <a title="Display subnet map"
                   onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_block_map\\', \\'ip_block_start=>{$record['ip_addr']}\\', \\'display\\');');"
                ><img src="{$images}/silk/shape_align_left.png" border="0"></a>&nbsp;
        if (auth('subnet_modify')) {
            $html .= <<<EOL

                <a title="Edit subnet"
                   onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_subnet', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}_list_subnet_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');"
                ><img src="{$images}/silk/page_edit.png" border="0"></a>&nbsp;
        if (auth('subnet_del')) {
            $html .= <<<EOL

                <a title="Delete subnet"
                   onClick="var doit=confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this subnet?');
                            if (doit == true)
                                xajax_window_submit('edit_subnet', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}_list_subnet_{$record['id']}'), 'delete');"
                ><img src="{$images}/silk/delete.png" border="0"></a>&nbsp;
        $html .= <<<EOL

    $html .= <<<EOL
    // Build page links if there are any
    $html .= get_page_links($page, $conf['search_results_per_page'], $count, $window_name, $form['form_id']);
    // If there was only 1 result, and we're about to display results in the "Search Results" window, display it.
    if ($count == 1 and $form['content_id'] == 'search_results_list' and $form['filter'] == '') {
        $js .= $primary_object_js;
    // Insert the new html into the content div specified
    // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object
    $response = new xajaxResponse();
    $response->addAssign("{$form['form_id']}_{$tab}_count", "innerHTML", "({$count})");
    $response->addAssign($form['content_id'], "innerHTML", $html);
    if ($js) {
    return $response->getXML();
예제 #16
function ws_more_host_options($window_name, $form = '')
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    global $images, $color, $style;
    $html = '';
    $js = '';
    // Build custom attribute list
    list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'custom_attribute_types', 'id >= 1', '');
    $custom_attribute_type_list = '<option value="">&nbsp;</option>\\n';
    foreach ($records as $record) {
        $custom_attribute_type_list .= "<option value=\"{$record['id']}\">{$record['name']}</option>\n";
        unset($records, $ca);
    // Build device model list
    list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'models', 'id >= 1');
    $models = array();
    foreach ($records as $record) {
        list($status, $rows, $manufacturer) = ona_get_manufacturer_record(array('id' => $record['manufacturer_id']));
        $models[$record['id']] = "{$manufacturer['name']}, {$record['name']}";
    $device_model_list = '<option value="">&nbsp;</option>\\n';
    foreach (array_keys($models) as $id) {
        $models[$id] = htmlentities($models[$id]);
        $device_model_list .= "<option value=\"{$id}\">{$models[$id]}</option>\n";
    unset($models, $model);
    // Build device type list
    list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'roles', 'id >= 1', 'name');
    $device_role_list = '<option value="">&nbsp;</option>\\n';
    $record['name'] = htmlentities($record['name']);
    foreach ($records as $record) {
        $device_role_list .= "<option value=\"{$record['id']}\">{$record['name']}</option>\n";
    // Build device manufacturer list
    list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'manufacturers', 'ID >= 1', 'name');
    $device_manufacturer_list = '<option value="">&nbsp;</option>\\n';
    $record['name'] = htmlentities($record['name']);
    foreach ($records as $record) {
        $device_manufacturer_list .= "<option value=\"{$record['id']}\">{$record['name']}</option>\n";
    // Build the new HTML
    $html = <<<EOL
    <table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0">
        <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
            <u>C</u>ustom attribute
        <td align="left" class="asearch-line">
            <select id="custom_attribute_type" name="custom_attribute_type" class="edit" accesskey="c">
            <input id="ca_value" name="ca_value" type="text" class="edit" size="15" accesskey="v" />

        <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
            Device mode<u>l</u>
        <td align="left" class="asearch-line">
            <select id="model" name="model" class="edit" accesskey="l">

        <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
            Device <u>t</u>ype Role
        <td align="left" class="asearch-line">
            <select id="role" name="role" class="edit" accesskey="t">

        <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
            Device man<u>u</u>facturer
        <td align="left" class="asearch-line">
            <select id="manufacturer" name="manufacturer" class="edit" accesskey="u">
    $js = "el('more_options_link').style.display = 'none';";
    // Insert the new html
    $response = new xajaxResponse();
    $response->addAssign("more_host_options", "innerHTML", $html);
    if ($js) {
    return $response->getXML();
예제 #17
function get_class_c_html($ip = 0, $zoom = 2, $row_height)
    global $conf, $self, $onadb, $color, $style, $images;
    $html = '';
    if ($ip == 0) {
        return $html;
    $ip_end = $ip + 255;
    $x_px_per_ip = $zoom;
    // Select all subnet records in this class C
    //$where = "ip_addr >= {$ip} AND ip_addr <= " . $ona->qstr($ip_end);
    $where = "ip_addr >= {$ip} AND ip_addr <= {$ip_end}";
    list($status, $num_subnets, $subnets) = db_get_records($onadb, 'subnets', $where, "ip_addr ASC");
    // If the first record isn't a subnet, see if the first IP is in another subnet
    if ($subnets[0]['ip_addr'] != $ip) {
        $where = "ip_addr < {$ip} AND ((4294967295 - ip_mask) + ip_addr) >= {$ip}";
        list($status, $rows, $subnet) = db_get_record($onadb, 'subnets', $where);
        if ($rows) {
            array_unshift($subnets, $subnet);
    $block_start = $ip;
    // Find the next block of addresses
    while ($block_start < $ip_end) {
        if (!is_array($subnet) or $block_start > $subnet['ip_addr']) {
            $subnet = array_shift($subnets);
            if (is_array($subnet)) {
                $subnet['SIZE'] = 0xffffffff - $subnet['ip_mask'] + 1;
                $subnet['ip_addr_end'] = $subnet['ip_addr'] + $subnet['SIZE'] - 1;
            } else {
                // pretend like the next subnet record is the next class C
                $subnet['SIZE'] = $ip_end - $block_start + 1;
                $subnet['ip_addr'] = $ip_end + 1;
        // If it's unallocated space
        if ($block_start < $subnet['ip_addr']) {
            $block_end = $subnet['ip_addr'] - 1;
            $block_color = $color['bgcolor_map_empty'];
        } else {
            $block_end = $subnet['ip_addr_end'];
            if ($block_end > $ip_end) {
                $block_end = $ip_end;
            $block_color = $color['bgcolor_map_subnet'];
        $block_size = $block_end - $block_start + 1;
        $block_size_total += $block_size;
        // $block_title = htmlentities($subnet['DESCRIPTION'] . " :: Size={$block_size}", ENT_QUOTES) . ' :: ' . ip_mangle($block_start, 'dotted') . " -> " . ip_mangle($block_end, 'dotted');
        // Display the current block (-1 for px border unless it's IE)
        $x = $block_size * $x_px_per_ip - 1;
        if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE') != false) {
        $html .= <<<EOL
<div id="{$block_start}_block"
       clear: none; float: left;
       border-right: 1px solid #000000; background-color: {$block_color};
       width: {$x}px; height: {$row_height}px;"
       wwTT(this, event,
         'id', 'tt_subnet_{$block_start}',
         'type', 'velcro',
         'styleClass', 'wwTT_niceTitle',
         'direction', 'south',
         'javascript', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'tooltips\\', \\'tooltip=>subnet,id=>tt_subnet_{$block_start},subnet_ip=>{$block_start}\\');'
        $block_start = $block_end + 1;
    return $html;
예제 #18
function ws_display_list($window_name, $form = '')
    global $conf, $self, $onadb, $baseURL;
    global $images, $color, $style;
    $html = '';
    $js = '';
    $debug_val = 3;
    // used in the auth() calls to supress logging
    // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $form
    $form = parse_options_string($form);
    // Find the "tab" we're on
    $tab = $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']]['tab'];
    // Build js to refresh this list
    $refresh = "xajax_window_submit('{$window_name}', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}'), 'display_list');";
    // If it's not a new query, load the previous query from the session
    // into $form and save the current page and filter in the session.
    // Also find/set the "page" we're viewing
    $page = 1;
    if ($form['page'] and is_numeric($form['page'])) {
        $form = array_merge($form, (array) $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['q']);
        $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['page'] = $page = $form['page'];
        $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['filter'] = $form['filter'];
    // Calculate the SQL query offset (based on the page being displayed)
    $offset = $conf['search_results_per_page'] * ($page - 1);
    if ($offset == 0) {
        $offset = -1;
    // Search results go in here
    $results = array();
    $count = 0;
    // Start building the "where" clause for the sql query to find the records to display
    $where = '';
    $and = '';
    if ($form['all_flag']) {
        $where .= $and . "id > 0";
        $and = " AND ";
    if ($form['host_id']) {
        $where .= 'host_id = ' . $form['host_id'];
        $and = " AND ";
    // Do the SQL Query
    $filter = '';
    if ($form['filter']) {
        $filter = $and . ' configuration_type_id in (select id from configuration_types where name like "%' . $form['filter'] . '%")';
    list($status, $rows, $results) = db_get_records($onadb, 'configurations', $where . $filter, 'configuration_type_id ASC, ctime DESC', $conf['search_results_per_page'], $offset);
    // If we got less than search_results_per_page, add the current offset to it
    // so that if we're on the last page $rows still has the right number in it.
    if ($rows > 0 and $rows < $conf['search_results_per_page']) {
        $rows += $conf['search_results_per_page'] * ($page - 1);
    } else {
        if ($rows >= $conf['search_results_per_page']) {
            list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'configurations', $where . $filter, "", 0);
    $count = $rows;
    $html .= <<<EOL
        <!-- Config List -->
        <table id="{$form['form_id']}_config_list" class="list-box" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0">

            <!-- Table Header -->
                <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">A</td>
                <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">B</td>
                <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Date</td>
                <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Type</td>
                <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">MD5 Checksum</td>
                <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Size (chars)</td>
                <td class="list-header" align="center">&nbsp;</td>
    // Loop and display each record
    foreach ($results as $record) {
        // Counter used for comparison seleciton
        // Grab some info from the associated record
        list($status, $rows, $ctype) = ona_get_config_type_record(array('id' => $record['configuration_type_id']));
        $record['config_type_name'] = $ctype['name'];
        // Escape data for display in html
        foreach (array_keys($record) as $key) {
            $record[$key] = htmlentities($record[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']);
        // MP: FIXME still not working right for encoded stings.. always returns 0
        $confsize = mb_strlen(html_entity_decode($record['config_body'], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']), $conf['php_charset']);
        $html .= <<<EOL
            <tr onMouseOver="this.className='row-highlight'" onMouseOut="this.className='row-normal'">

                <td align="center" class="list-row" style="padding-right: 4px; width: 20px;"
                  ><input id="old{$id}" name="old" type="radio" value="{$record['id']}"
                        var tmp = 1; var obj = el('new' + tmp);
                        while (obj) {
                            obj.style.visibility = (tmp <= {$id}) ? 'visible' : 'hidden';
                            if (tmp > {$id}) obj.checked = false;
                            obj = el('new' + tmp++);

                <td class="list-row" align="center" style="width: 20px;">
                    <input id="new{$id}" style="visibility: hidden;" name="new" type="radio" value="{$record['id']}">

                <td class="list-row" align="center">

                <td class="list-row" align="center">

                <td class="list-row" align="center">

                <td class="list-row" align="center">
                <td class="list-row" align="right">
                    <form id="{$form['form_id']}_list_configs_{$record['id']}"
                        ><input type="hidden" name="config_id" value="{$record['id']}"
                        ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}"
        if (auth('host_config_admin', $debug_val)) {
            $html .= <<<EOL

                    <a title="View config. ID: {$record['id']}"
                       onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_config_text\\', \\'host_id=>{$record['host_id']},type_id=>{$record['configuration_type_id']},displayconf=>{$record['id']}\\', \\'display\\')');"
                    ><img src="{$images}/silk/zoom.png" border="0"></a>&nbsp;

                    <a title="Download config"
                    ><img src="{$images}/silk/disk.png" alt="Download config" border="0"></a>&nbsp;

                    <a title="Delete config"
                       onClick="var doit=confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this config record?');
                                if (doit == true)
                                    xajax_window_submit('display_config_text', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}_list_configs_{$record['id']}'), 'delete_config');"
                    ><img src="{$images}/silk/delete.png" alt="Delete config" border="0"></a>&nbsp;

        $html .= <<<EOL


    $html .= <<<EOL
    // Build page links if there are any
    $html .= get_page_links($page, $conf['search_results_per_page'], $count, $window_name, $form['form_id']);
    // Insert the new html into the content div specified
    // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object
    $response = new xajaxResponse();
    $response->addAssign("{$form['form_id']}_{$tab}_count", "innerHTML", "({$count})");
    $response->addAssign($form['content_id'], "innerHTML", $html);
    if ($js) {
    return $response->getXML();
예제 #19
파일: main.inc.php 프로젝트: edt82/ona
$title_left_html = '';
$modbodyhtml = '';
// if this is a display host screen then go ahead and make a puppet facts window
if ($extravars['window_name'] == 'html_desktop') {
    // Set up a generic where clause
    $where = 'id > 0';
    // Start getting various record counts
    list($status, $host_count, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'hosts', $where, "", 0);
    list($status, $dns_count, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'dns', $where, "", 0);
    list($status, $interface_count, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'interfaces', $where, "", 0);
    list($status, $domain_count, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'domains', $where, "", 0);
    list($status, $subnet_count, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'subnets', $where, "", 0);
    list($status, $pool_count, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'dhcp_pools', $where, "", 0);
    list($status, $block_count, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'blocks', $where, "", 0);
    list($status, $vlan_campus_count, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'vlan_campuses', $where, "", 0);
    list($status, $config_archive_count, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'configurations', $where, "", 0);
    $title_left_html .= "&nbsp;Record Counts";
    $modbodyhtml .= <<<EOL
<script type="text/javascript">
  function record_counts_pie(rownum) {
    // Function modified from code posted on http://www.phpied.com/canvas-pie/

    // source data table and canvas tag
    var data_table = document.getElementById('record_counts');
    var td_index = 1; // which TD contains the data
    var canvas = document.getElementById('record_counts_pie');

    // exit if canvas is not supported
    if (typeof canvas.getContext === 'undefined') {
예제 #20
function ws_delete($window_name, $form = '')
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    // Check permissions
    if (!auth('advanced')) {
        $response = new xajaxResponse();
        $response->addScript("alert('Permission denied!');");
        return $response->getXML();
    // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object
    $response = new xajaxResponse();
    $js = '';
    // Load the record to make sure it exists
    list($status, $rows, $subnet_type) = db_get_record($onadb, 'subnet_types', array('id' => $form));
    if ($status or !$rows) {
        $response->addScript("alert('Delete failed: Subnet type ID {$form} doesnt exist');");
        return $response->getXML();
    // Get a list of subnets that use this subnet type
    list($status, $rows, $subnet) = db_get_records($onadb, 'subnets', array('subnet_type_id' => $form), '', 0);
    // Check that there are no parent records using this type
    if ($rows > 0) {
        $js .= "alert('Delete failed: There are {$rows} subnets using this subnet type.');";
    } else {
        // Delete the record
        list($status, $rows) = db_delete_records($onadb, 'subnet_types', array('id' => $subnet_type['id']));
        // If the module returned an error code display a popup warning
        if ($status != 0) {
            $js .= "alert('Delete failed: " . trim($self['error']) . "');";
    // Refresh the current list.. it's changed!
    $js .= "xajax_window_submit('{$window_name}', xajax.getFormValues('{$window_name}_filter_form'), 'display_list');";
    // Send an XML response
    return $response->getXML();
예제 #21
function get_ip_suggestions($q, $max_results = 10)
    global $onadb;
    $formatted = $results = array();
    // Complete the (potentially incomplete) ip address
    $ip = ip_complete($q, '0');
    $ip_end = ip_complete($q, '255');
    // Find out if $ip and $ip_end are valid
    $ip = ip_mangle($ip, 'numeric');
    $ip_end = ip_mangle($ip_end, 'numeric');
    if ($ip == -1 or $ip_end == -1) {
        return array();
    // It's not valid ip addresses
    // Now use SQL to look for subnet ip records that match
    $table = 'subnets';
    $field = 'ip_addr';
    $where = "{$field} >= " . $onadb->qstr($ip) . " AND {$field} <= " . $onadb->qstr($ip_end);
    $order = "{$field} ASC";
    // Search the db for results and put results into $results
    list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, $table, $where, $order, $max_results);
    foreach ($records as $record) {
        $results[] = $record[$field];
    // If we need more suggestions, look in the host_subnets table
    $max_results -= count($results);
    if ($max_results) {
        $table = 'interfaces';
        list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, $table, $where, $order, $max_results);
        foreach ($records as $record) {
            $results[] = $record[$field];
    // Format the ip's in dotted format
    foreach ($results as $result) {
        // format ipv6 or regular
        $format = is_ipv4($result) ? 'dotted' : 'ipv6';
        $formatted[] = ip_mangle($result, $format);
    unset($results, $result, $records, $record);
    return $formatted;
예제 #22
function ws_delete($window_name, $form = '')
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    // Check permissions
    if (!auth('advanced')) {
        $response = new xajaxResponse();
        $response->addScript("alert('Permission denied!');");
        return $response->getXML();
    // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object
    $response = new xajaxResponse();
    $js = '';
    // Load the record to make sure it exists
    list($status, $rows, $role) = db_get_record($onadb, 'roles', array('id' => $form));
    if ($status or !$rows) {
        $response->addScript("alert('Delete failed: Role id {$form} does not exist');");
        return $response->getXML();
    // Get a list of device models that use this role
    list($status, $rows, $devicemodels) = db_get_records($onadb, 'models', array('role_id' => $form), '', 0);
    // Check that there are no parent records using this type
    if ($rows > 0) {
        $js .= "alert('Delete failed: There are {$rows} device models using this role.');";
    } else {
        // Delete the record
        list($status, $rows) = db_delete_records($onadb, 'roles', array('id' => $role['id']));
        if ($status or !$rows) {
            // If the module returned an error code display a popup warning
            $js .= "alert('Delete failed: " . trim($self['error']) . "');";
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => role_list ws_delete() SQL Query failed: " . $self['error'];
            printmsg($self['error'], 0);
        } else {
            $self['error'] = "INFO => Role DELETED: {$role['name']} ";
            printmsg($self['error'], 0);
    // Refresh the current list.. it's changed!
    $js .= "xajax_window_submit('{$window_name}', xajax.getFormValues('{$window_name}_filter_form'), 'display_list');";
    // Send an XML response
    return $response->getXML();
예제 #23
function ws_search_results_submit($window_name, $form = '')
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    global $font_family, $color, $style, $images;
    // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $form
    $form = parse_options_string($form);
    // We're building the window in $window and will use window_open() to create the window
    $window = array('title' => "Search Results", 'html' => "", 'js' => "");
    $max_img = "{$images}/silk/bullet_arrow_down.png";
    $min_img = "{$images}/silk/bullet_arrow_up.png";
    // Build subnet type list
    list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'subnet_types', 'id >= 1', 'display_name');
    $subnet_type_list = '<option value="">&nbsp;</option>\\n';
    foreach ($records as $record) {
        $record['display_name'] = htmlentities($record['display_name']);
        $subnet_type_list .= "<option value=\"{$record['id']}\">{$record['display_name']}</option>\n";
    // Build subnet type list
    if ($conf['dns_views']) {
        list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'dns_views', 'id >= 0', 'name');
        $dns_view_list = '<option value="">&nbsp;</option>\\n';
        foreach ($records as $record) {
            $record['name'] = htmlentities($record['name']);
            $dns_view_list .= "<option value=\"{$record['name']}\">{$record['name']}</option>\n";
    // keep wildcard checkbox value
    if ($form['nowildcard']) {
        $wildchecked = 'checked="yes"';
    // Load some html into $window['html']
    $form_id = "{$window_name}_filter_form";
    $content_id = $_SESSION['ona'][$form_id]['content_id'] = "{$window_name}_list";
    $window['html'] .= <<<EOL

    <!-- Tabs & Quick Filter -->
    <table id="{$form_id}_table" width="100%" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" style="{$style['borderT']} {$style['borderB']}">
            <td id="{$form_id}_blocks_tab" class="table-tab-inactive" onClick="xajax_window_submit('{$window_name}', 'form_id=>{$form_id},tab=>blocks', 'change_tab');">
                Blocks <span id="{$form_id}_blocks_count"></span>

            <td id="{$form_id}_vlan_campus_tab" class="table-tab-inactive" onClick="xajax_window_submit('{$window_name}', 'form_id=>{$form_id},tab=>vlan_campus', 'change_tab');">
                Vlan campuses <span id="{$form_id}_vlan_campus_count"></span>

            <td id="{$form_id}_subnets_tab" class="table-tab-inactive" onClick="xajax_window_submit('{$window_name}', 'form_id=>{$form_id},tab=>subnets', 'change_tab');">
                Subnets <span id="{$form_id}_subnets_count"></span>

            <td id="{$form_id}_hosts_tab" class="table-tab-inactive" onClick="xajax_window_submit('{$window_name}', 'form_id=>{$form_id},tab=>hosts', 'change_tab');">
                Hosts <span id="{$form_id}_hosts_count"></span>

            <td id="{$form_id}_records_tab" class="table-tab-inactive" onClick="xajax_window_submit('{$window_name}', 'form_id=>{$form_id},tab=>records', 'change_tab');">
                DNS records <span id="{$form_id}_records_count"></span>

            <td style="vertical-align: middle;" class="padding" nowrap="true">
                <img id="adv_search_img" src="{$min_img}" />
                <span id="adv_search_div_toggle"
                    style="text-align: right;"
                    onclick="if (el('adv_search_div').style.display=='none') {
                                el('toggle_text').innerHTML='Hide search form';
                            } else {
                                el('toggle_text').innerHTML='Show search form';
                                el('adv_search_img').src='{$max_img}';}" >
                <span id="toggle_text" style="font-size: xx-small;">Hide search form</span>

            <td id="{$form_id}_quick_filter" class="padding" align="right" width="100%">
                <form id="{$form_id}" onSubmit="return false;">
                <input id="{$form_id}_page" name="page" value="1" type="hidden">
                <input id="{$form_id}_tab" name="tab" value="" type="hidden">
                <input name="content_id" value="{$content_id}" type="hidden">
                <input name="form_id" value="{$form_id}" type="hidden">
                    <div id="{$form_id}_filter_overlay"
                         style="position: relative;
                                display: inline;
                                color: #CACACA;
                                cursor: text;"
                         onClick="this.style.display = 'none'; el('{$form_id}_filter').focus();"
                    alt="Quick Filter"
                    onFocus="el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.display = 'none';"
                    onBlur="if (this.value == '') el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.display = 'inline';"
                        if (typeof(timer) != 'undefined') clearTimeout(timer);
                        code = 'if ({$form_id}_last_search != el(\\'{$form_id}_filter\\').value) {' +
                               '    {$form_id}_last_search = el(\\'{$form_id}_filter\\').value;' +
                               '    el(\\'{$form_id}_page\\').value = 1;' +
                               '    xajax_window_submit(\\'list_\\' + el(\\'{$form_id}_tab\\').value, xajax.getFormValues(\\'{$form_id}\\'), \\'display_list\\');' +
                        timer = setTimeout(code, 700);"


    <div id="adv_search_div" style="background-color: {$color['window_content_bg']};padding-top: 5px;">
    <!-- Block Search Tab -->
    <form id="block_search_form">
    <input type="hidden" name="search_form_id" value="block_search_form">
    <table id="blocks_search" style="display: none;" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0">

        <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
            <u>B</u>lock name
        <td align="left" class="asearch-line">
            <input id="blocks_field1" name="blockname" type="text" class="edit" size="35" accesskey="b" value="{$form['blockname']}" />
            <div id="suggest_hostname" class="suggest"></div>

        <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
        <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
            <input class="button" type="button" name="clear" value="Clear" onClick="clearElements('block_search_form');">
            <input class="button" type="button" name="search" value="Search" accesskey="s" onClick="xajax_window_submit('search_results', xajax.getFormValues('block_search_form'));">


    <!-- Vlan Campus Search Tab -->
    <form id="vlan_campus_search_form">
    <input type="hidden" name="search_form_id" value="vlan_campus_search_form">
    <table id="vlan_campus_search" style="display: none;" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0">

        <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
            <u>C</u>ampus name
        <td align="left" class="asearch-line">
            <input id="vlan_campus_field1" name="campusname" type="text" class="edit" size="35" accesskey="c" value="{$form['campusname']}" />
            <div id="suggest_hostname" class="suggest"></div>

        <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
        <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
            <input class="button" type="button" name="clear" value="Clear" onClick="clearElements('vlan_campus_search_form');">
            <input class="button" type="button" name="search" value="Search" accesskey="s" onClick="xajax_window_submit('search_results', xajax.getFormValues('vlan_campus_search_form'));">


    <!-- Host Search Tab -->
    <form id="host_search_form">
    <input type="hidden" name="search_form_id" value="host_search_form">
    <table id="hosts_search" style="display: none;" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0">

      <table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0">
            <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
            <td align="left" class="asearch-line">
                <input id="hosts_field1" name="hostname" type="text" class="edit" size="35" accesskey="h" value="{$form['hostname']}" />
                <div id="suggest_hostname" class="suggest"></div>

            <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
                Subdomain (<u>z</u>one)
            <td align="left" class="asearch-line">
                <input id="domain" name="domain" type="text" class="edit" size="35" accesskey="z" value="{$form['domain']}" />
                <div id="suggest_domain" class="suggest"></div>

            <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
            <td align="left" class="asearch-line">
                <input id="mac" name="mac" type="text" class="edit" size="17" accesskey="m" value="{$form['mac']}" />
                <div id="suggest_mac" class="suggest"></div>

            <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
                <u>I</u>P Address
            <td align="left" class="asearch-line" nowrap="true">
                <input id="ip" name="ip" type="text" class="edit" size="15" accesskey="i" value="{$form['ip']}" />
                <div id="suggest_ip" class="suggest"></div>
                <input id="ip_thru" name="ip_thru" class="edit" type="text" size="15" value="{$form['ip_thru']}">
                <div id="suggest_ip_thru" class="suggest"></div>

            <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
            <td align="left" class="asearch-line">
                <input id="notes" name="notes" type="text" class="edit" size="17" accesskey="n" value="{$form['notes']}" />
                <div id="suggest_notes" class="suggest"></div>

            <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
                <u>L</u>ocation Ref
            <td align="left" class="asearch-line">
                <input id="location" class="edit" type="text" name="location" size="8" accesskey="l" value="{$form['location']}" />
                <span id="qf_location_{$window_name}"><img src="{$images}/silk/find.png" border="0"/></span>
                <div id="suggest_location" class="suggest"></div>



      <table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0">

            <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
                <u>C</u>ustom attribute
            <td align="left" class="asearch-line">
                <input id="custom_attribute_type" type="text" name="custom_attribute_type" size="20" class="edit" accesskey="c" value="{$form['custom_attribute_type']}">
                <div id="suggest_custom_attribute_type" class="suggest"></div>
                <input id="ca_value" name="ca_value" type="text" class="edit" size="15" accesskey="v" value="{$form['ca_value']}"/>

            <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
                Device mode<u>l</u>
            <td align="left" class="asearch-line">
                <input id="model" type="text" name="model" class="edit" size="20" accesskey="l" value="{$form['model']}">
                <div id="suggest_model" class="suggest"></div>

            <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
                Device <u>t</u>ype Role
            <td align="left" class="asearch-line">
                <input id="role" type="text" name="role" class="edit" size="20" accesskey="t" value="{$form['role']}">
                <div id="suggest_role" class="suggest"></div>

            <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
                Device man<u>u</u>facturer
            <td align="left" class="asearch-line">
                <input id="manufacturer" type="text" name="manufacturer" class="edit" size="20" accesskey="u" value="{$form['manufacturer']}">
                <div id="suggest_manufacturer" class="suggest"></div>

            <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
            <td align="left" class="asearch-line">
                <input id="tag_host" type="text" name="tag_host" size="20" class="edit" accesskey="t" value="{$form['tag_host']}">
                <div id="suggest_tag_host" class="suggest"></div>



        <td colspan=4 align="right" class="asearch-line">
            Disable Wildcards: <input class="button" type="checkbox" name="nowildcard" {$wildchecked} title="Disable usage of SQL wildcards in queries, you must supply your own in the search form as needed.">
            <input class="button" type="button" name="reset" value="Clear" onClick="clearElements('host_search_form');">
            <input class="button" type="button" name="search" value="Search" accesskey="s" onClick="xajax_window_submit('search_results', xajax.getFormValues('host_search_form'));">


    <!-- DNS record Search Tab -->
    <form id="dns_record_search_form">
    <input type="hidden" name="search_form_id" value="dns_record_search_form">
    <table id="records_search" style="display: none;" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0">

    // Display view dropdown
    if ($conf['dns_views']) {
        $window['html'] .= <<<EOL
        <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
            DNS <u>V</u>iew
        <td align="left" class="asearch-line">
            <select id="dns_view" name="dns_view" class="edit" accesskey="v" >
    $window['html'] .= <<<EOL
        <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
        <td align="left" class="asearch-line">
            <input id="records_field1" name="hostname" type="text" class="edit" size="35" accesskey="h" value="{$form['hostname']}" />
            <div id="suggest_hostname" class="suggest"></div>

        <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
            Subdomain (<u>z</u>one)
        <td align="left" class="asearch-line">
            <input id="dns_domain" name="domain" type="text" class="edit" size="35" accesskey="z" value="{$form['domain']}" />
            <div id="suggest_dns_domain" class="suggest"></div>

        <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
        <td align="left" class="asearch-line">
            <select id="dnstype" name="dnstype" class="edit" accesskey="u" >

        <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
            <u>I</u>P Address
        <td align="left" class="asearch-line" nowrap="true">
            <input id="dns_ip" name="ip" type="text" class="edit" size="15" accesskey="i" value="{$form['ip']}" />
            <div id="suggest_dns_ip" class="suggest"></div>

        <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
        <td align="left" class="asearch-line">
            <input id="notes" name="notes" type="text" class="edit" size="17" accesskey="n" value="{$form['notes']}" />
            <div id="suggest_notes" class="suggest"></div>

        <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
        <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
            Disable Wildcards: <input class="button" type="checkbox" name="nowildcard" {$wildchecked} title="Disable usage of SQL wildcards in queries, you must supply your own in the search form as needed.">
            <input class="button" type="button" name="clear" value="Clear" onClick="clearElements('dns_record_search_form');">
            <input class="button" type="button" name="search" value="Search" accesskey="s" onClick="xajax_window_submit('search_results', xajax.getFormValues('dns_record_search_form'));">


    <!-- END DNS record Search Tab -->

    <!-- subnet Search Tab -->
    <form id="subnet_search_form">
    <input type="hidden" name="search_form_id" value="subnet_search_form">
    <table id="subnets_search" style="display: none;" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0">

        <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
        <td align="left" class="asearch-line">
            <input id="subnets_field1" name="vlandesc" type="text" class="edit" size="32" accesskey="v" value="{$form['vlandesc']}" />

        <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
            Subnet <u>T</u>ype
        <td align="left" class="asearch-line">
            <select id="nettype" name="nettype" class="edit" accesskey="u" accesskey="t" >

        <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
            Subnet <u>N</u>ame
        <td align="left" class="asearch-line">
            <input id="subnet" name="subnetname" type="text" class="edit" size="32" accesskey="n" value="{$form['subnetname']}" />
            <div id="suggest_subnet" class="suggest"></div>

        <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
            <u>I</u>P Address
        <td align="left" class="asearch-line" nowrap="true">
            <input id="ip_subnet" name="ip_subnet" class="edit" type="text" size="15" accesskey="i" value="{$form['ip_subnet']}" />
            <div id="suggest_ip_subnet" class="suggest"></div>
            <input id="ip_subnet_thru" name="ip_subnet_thru" class="edit" type="text" size="15" value="{$form['ip_subnet_thru']}" />
            <div id="suggest_ip_subnet_thru" class="suggest"></div>

            <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
                <u>C</u>ustom attribute
            <td align="left" class="asearch-line">
                <input id="custom_attribute_type_net" type="text" name="custom_attribute_type_net" size="20" class="edit" value="{$form['custom_attribute_type_net']}">
                <div id="suggest_custom_attribute_type_net" class="suggest"></div>
                <input id="ca_value_net" name="ca_value_net" type="text" class="edit" size="15" value="{$form['ca_value_net']}"/>

            <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
            <td align="left" class="asearch-line">
                <input id="tag_net" type="text" name="tag_net" size="20" class="edit" accesskey="t" value="{$form['tag_net']}">
                <div id="suggest_tag_net" class="suggest"></div>

        <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
        <td align="right" class="asearch-line">
            Disable Wildcards: <input class="button" type="checkbox" name="nowildcard" {$wildchecked} title="Disable usage of SQL wildcards in queries, you must supply your own in the search form as needed.">
            <input class="button" type="button" name="reset" value="Clear" onClick="clearElements('subnet_search_form');">
            <input class="button" type="button" name="search" value="Search" accesskey="s" onClick="xajax_window_submit('search_results', xajax.getFormValues('subnet_search_form'));">

    <center><span style="font-weight: bold;color: green; font-size: small;" id="search_results_msg"></span></center>

    <!-- Item List -->
    <div id="{$content_id}">{$conf['loading_icon']}</div>
    //TODO: this is a test I did on having a click focus bring up the full list of entries.. kinda like a dropdown dialog..
    //onfocus="suggest_display('role', 'suggest_role');searchKeyDown('37', el('role'), 'suggest_role');"
    // Before we can let the browser call "display_list"
    // we need to make sure we know what type of list we'll be displaying
    switch ($form['search_form_id']) {
        case 'host_search_form':
            $tab = 'hosts';
        case 'subnet_search_form':
            $tab = 'subnets';
        case 'block_search_form':
            $tab = 'blocks';
        case 'vlan_campus_search_form':
            $tab = 'vlan_campus';
        case 'dns_record_search_form':
            $tab = 'records';
        case 'qsearch_form':
            // If the quick search begins with a "/" it's a command
            if (strpos($form['q'], '/') === 0) {
                $form['q'] = substr($form['q'], 1);
                return qsearch_command($form['q']);
            // We (unfortunately) have to do a few sql queries to see what kind of
            // search this is and what "tab" we'll be displaying data on.
            list($tab, $form) = quick_search($form['q']);
    // Save a few things in the session (the search query, page, and tab)
    $_SESSION['ona'][$form_id]['tab'] = $tab;
    $_SESSION['ona'][$form_id][$tab]['q'] = $form;
    // A little javascript for the browser to run once we've created the window
    $window['js'] .= <<<EOL
        /* Put a minimize icon in the title bar */
        el('{$window_name}_title_r').innerHTML =
            '&nbsp;<a onClick="toggle_window(\\'{$window_name}\\');" title="Minimize window" style="cursor: pointer;"><img src="{$images}/icon_minimize.gif" border="0" /></a>' +

        /* Put a help icon in the title bar */
        el('{$window_name}_title_r').innerHTML =
            '&nbsp;<a href="{$_ENV['help_url']}{$window_name}" target="null" title="Help" style="cursor: pointer;"><img src="{$images}/silk/help.png" border="0" /></a>' +

        /* Setup the quick filter */
        el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.left = (el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').offsetWidth + 10) + 'px';
        {$form_id}_last_search = '';

        /* Save the new tab and make it look active */
        el('{$form_id}_tab').value = '{$tab}';
        el('{$form_id}_{$tab}_tab').className = 'table-tab-active';
        el('{$tab}_search').style.display = 'block';

        /* make the first field have focus */

        suggest_setup('hosts_field1', 'suggest_hostname');
        suggest_setup('domain',     'suggest_domain');
        suggest_setup('dns_domain', 'suggest_dns_domain');
        suggest_setup('mac',      'suggest_mac');
        suggest_setup('ip',       'suggest_ip');
        suggest_setup('dns_ip',   'suggest_dns_ip');
        suggest_setup('ip_thru',  'suggest_ip_thru');
        suggest_setup('notes',    'suggest_notes');
        suggest_setup('ip_subnet', 'suggest_ip_subnet');
        suggest_setup('ip_subnet_thru',  'suggest_ip_subnet_thru');
        suggest_setup('subnet', 'suggest_subnet');
        suggest_setup('location', 'suggest_location');
        suggest_setup('custom_attribute_type', 'suggest_custom_attribute_type');
        suggest_setup('custom_attribute_type_net', 'suggest_custom_attribute_type_net');
        suggest_setup('role', 'suggest_role');
        suggest_setup('model', 'suggest_model');
        suggest_setup('manufacturer', 'suggest_manufacturer');
        suggest_setup('tag_host', 'suggest_tag_host');
        suggest_setup('tag_net', 'suggest_tag_net');

        el('host_search_form').onsubmit = function() { return false; };
        el('subnet_search_form').onsubmit = function() { return false; };

        /* Setup the Quick Find location icon */
        var _button = el('qf_location_{$window_name}');
        _button.style.cursor = 'pointer';
        _button.onclick =
            function(ev) {
                if (!ev) ev = event;
                /* Create the popup div */
                wwTT(this, ev,
                     'id', 'tt_qf_location_{$window_name}',
                     'type', 'static',
                     'direction', 'south',
                     'delay', 0,
                     'styleClass', 'wwTT_qf',
                     "xajax_window_submit('tooltips', '" +
                         "tooltip=>qf_location," +
                         "id=>tt_qf_location_{$window_name}," +

        /* Display the list of results */
        xajax_window_submit('list_' + el('{$form_id}_tab').value, xajax.getFormValues('{$form_id}'), 'display_list');

    // Lets build a window and display the results
    return window_open($window_name, $window);
예제 #24
function ws_display_list($window_name, $form = '')
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    global $images, $color, $style;
    $html = '';
    $js = '';
    // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $form
    $form = parse_options_string($form);
    // Find the "tab" we're on
    $tab = $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']]['tab'];
    // Build js to refresh this list
    $refresh = "xajax_window_submit('{$window_name}', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}'), 'display_list');";
    // If it's not a new query, load the previous query from the session
    // into $form and save the current page and filter in the session.
    // Also find/set the "page" we're viewing
    $page = 1;
    if ($form['page'] and is_numeric($form['page'])) {
        $form = array_merge($form, (array) $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['q']);
        $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['page'] = $page = $form['page'];
        $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['filter'] = $form['filter'];
    // Calculate the SQL query offset (based on the page being displayed)
    $offset = $conf['search_results_per_page'] * ($page - 1);
    if ($offset == 0) {
        $offset = -1;
    // Search results go in here
    $results = array();
    $count = 0;
    // Start building the "where" clause for the sql query to find the blocks to display
    $where = "";
    $and = "";
    if ($form['all_flag']) {
        $where .= $and . "id > 0";
        $and = " AND ";
    // BLOCK ID
    if ($form['id']) {
        $where .= $and . "id = " . $onadb->qstr($form['id']);
        $and = " AND ";
    // BLOCK , assume a block descripton
    if ($form['blockname']) {
        $where .= $and . "name LIKE " . $onadb->qstr('%' . strtoupper($form['blockname']) . '%');
        $and = " AND ";
    // display a nice message when we dont find all the records
    if ($where == '' and $form['content_id'] == 'search_results_list') {
        $js .= "el('search_results_msg').innerHTML = 'Unable to find blocks matching your query, showing all records';";
    // Wild card .. if $while is still empty, add a 'ID > 0' to it so you see everything.
    if ($where == '') {
        $where = 'id > 0';
    // Do the SQL Query
    $filter = '';
    if ($form['filter']) {
        $filter = ' AND name LIKE ' . $onadb->qstr('%' . $form['filter'] . '%');
    list($status, $rows, $results) = db_get_records($onadb, 'blocks', $where . $filter, "ip_addr_start ASC", $conf['search_results_per_page'], $offset);
    // If we got less than search_results_per_page, add the current offset to it
    // so that if we're on the last page $rows still has the right number in it.
    if ($rows > 0 and $rows < $conf['search_results_per_page']) {
        $rows += $conf['search_results_per_page'] * ($page - 1);
    } else {
        if ($rows >= $conf['search_results_per_page']) {
            list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'blocks', $where . $filter, "", 0);
    $count = $rows;
    $html .= <<<EOL
        <!-- Block List -->
        <table id="{$form['form_id']}_block_list" class="list-box" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0">

            <!-- Table Header -->
                <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Block Name</td>
                <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Starting IP</td>
                <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Ending IP</td>
                <td class="list-header" align="center">&nbsp;</td>
    // Loop and display each record
    foreach ($results as $record) {
        // Grab some info from the associated block record
        list($status, $rows, $block) = ona_get_block_record(array('id' => $record['id']));
        $num_hosts = 0xffffffff - $block['ip_addr_end'];
        $block['ip_block_end'] = $block['ip_addr'] + $num_hosts;
        $record['name'] = $block['name'];
        // Convert IP and Netmask to a presentable format
        $record['ip_addr_start'] = ip_mangle($record['ip_addr_start'], 'dotted');
        $record['ip_addr_end'] = ip_mangle($block['ip_addr_end'], 'dotted');
        // Escape data for display in html
        foreach (array_keys($record) as $key) {
            $record[$key] = htmlentities($record[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']);
        $primary_object_js = "xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_block\\', \\'block_id=>{$record['id']}\\', \\'display\\')');";
        $html .= <<<EOL
            <tr onMouseOver="this.className='row-highlight'" onMouseOut="this.className='row-normal'">

                <td class="list-row" align="left">
                    <a title="View block. ID: {$record['id']}"

                <td class="list-row" align="left">

                <td class="list-row" align="left">

                <td class="list-row" align="right">
                    <form id="{$form['form_id']}_list_block_{$record['id']}"
                        ><input type="hidden" name="block_id" value="{$record['id']}"
                        ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}"
        if (auth('advanced')) {
            $html .= <<<EOL

                    <a title="Edit block. ID: {$record['id']}"
                       onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_block', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}_list_block_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');"
                    ><img src="{$images}/silk/brick_edit.png" border="0"></a>&nbsp;
        $html .= <<<EOL
                    <a title="Display subnet map"
                       onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_block_map\\', \\'ip_block_start=>{$record['ip_addr_start']},ip_block_end=>{$record['ip_addr_end']},id=>{$record['id']}\\', \\'display\\');');"
                    ><img src="{$images}/silk/shape_align_left.png" border="0"></a>&nbsp;
        if (auth('advanced')) {
            $html .= <<<EOL

                    <a title="Delete block"
                       onClick="var doit=confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this block?');
                                if (doit == true)
                                    xajax_window_submit('edit_block', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}_list_block_{$record['id']}'), 'delete');"
                    ><img src="{$images}/silk/delete.png" border="0"></a>
        $html .= <<<EOL


    $html .= <<<EOL
    // Build page links if there are any
    $html .= get_page_links($page, $conf['search_results_per_page'], $count, $window_name, $form['form_id']);
    // If there was only 1 result, and we're about to display results in the "Search Results" window, display it.
    if ($count == 1 and $form['content_id'] == 'search_results_list' and $form['filter'] == '') {
        $js .= $primary_object_js;
    // Insert the new html into the content div specified
    // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object
    $response = new xajaxResponse();
    $response->addAssign("{$form['form_id']}_{$tab}_count", "innerHTML", "({$count})");
    $response->addAssign($form['content_id'], "innerHTML", $html);
    if ($js) {
    return $response->getXML();
예제 #25
function ona_find_host($search = "")
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    printmsg("DEBUG => ona_find_host({$search}) called", 3);
    // By record ID?
    if (is_numeric($search)) {
        list($status, $rows, $host) = ona_get_host_record(array('id' => $search));
        if ($rows) {
            printmsg("DEBUG => ona_find_host({$search}) called, found: {$host['fqdn']}", 3);
            return array($status, $rows, $host);
    // By Interface ID or IP address?
    list($status, $rows, $interface) = ona_find_interface($search);
    if (!$status and $rows) {
        // Load and return associated info
        list($status, $rows, $host) = ona_get_host_record(array('id' => $interface['host_id']));
        return array($status, $rows, $host);
    // If it does not have a dot in it. append the default domain
    if (!strstr($search, '.')) {
        $search = $search . '.' . $conf['dns_defaultdomain'];
    // It's an FQDN, do a bunch of stuff!
    // lets test out if it has a / in it to strip the view name portion
    $view['id'] = 0;
    if (strstr($search, '/')) {
        list($dnsview, $search) = explode('/', $search);
        list($status, $rows, $view) = db_get_record($onadb, 'dns_views', array('name' => strtoupper($dnsview)));
        printmsg("DEBUG => ona_find_host: DNS view [{$dnsview}] was not found, using default", 2);
        if (!$rows) {
            $view['id'] = 0;
    // FIXME: MP this will currently "fail" if the fqdn of the server
    // is the same as a valid domain name.  not sure why anyone would have this but
    // never say never.  I'll leave this issue unfixed for now
    // Find the 'first', domain name piece of $search
    list($status, $rows, $domain) = ona_find_domain($search, 0);
    if (!isset($domain['id'])) {
        printmsg("ERROR => Unable to determine domain name portion of ({$search})!", 3);
        $self['error'] = "ERROR => Unable to determine domain name portion of ({$search})!";
        return array(3, $self['error'] . "\n");
    printmsg("DEBUG => ona_find_domain({$search}) returned: {$domain['fqdn']}", 3);
    // Now find what the host part of $search is
    $hostname = str_replace(".{$domain['fqdn']}", '', $search);
    // Let's see if that hostname is valid or not in $domain['id']
    $domain_parts = explode('.', $domain['fqdn']);
    foreach ($domain_parts as $part) {
        // Loop through the parts of the domain to find host.sub domain.com type entries..
        list($status, $dnsrows, $dnsrecs) = db_get_records($onadb, 'dns', array('domain_id' => $domain['id'], 'name' => $hostname, 'dns_view_id' => $view['id']));
        // If we didnt just find a dns record.. lets move the period over and try a deeper domain/host pair.
        if (!$dnsrows) {
            $hostname = $hostname . '.' . $part;
            $name = str_replace("{$part}.", '', $domain['fqdn']);
            list($status, $rows, $domain) = ona_get_domain_record(array('name' => $name));
        } else {
    // If we found one or more dns records, lets loop through them all and find the first primary host using that name
    if ($dnsrows) {
        foreach ($dnsrecs as $entry) {
            list($status, $rows, $host) = ona_get_host_record(array('primary_dns_id' => $entry['id']));
            if ($host['id']) {
                return array($status, $rows, $host);
    // Otherwise, build a fake host record with only a few entries in it and return that
    $host = array('id' => 0, 'name' => $hostname, 'fqdn' => "{$hostname}.{$domain['fqdn']}", 'domain_id' => $domain['id'], 'domain_fqdn' => $domain['fqdn']);
    return array(0, 0, $host);
예제 #26
function ws_display_list($window_name, $form = '')
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    global $images, $color, $style;
    $html = '';
    $js = '';
    // If the user supplied an array in a string, transform it into an array
    $form = parse_options_string($form);
    // Find the "tab" we're on
    $tab = $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']]['tab'];
    // Build js to refresh this list
    $refresh = "xajax_window_submit('{$window_name}', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}'), 'display_list');";
    // If it's not a new query, load the previous query from the session
    // into $form and save the current page and filter in the session.
    // Also find/set the "page" we're viewing
    $page = 1;
    if ($form['page'] and is_numeric($form['page'])) {
        $form = array_merge($form, (array) $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['q']);
        $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['page'] = $page = $form['page'];
        $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['filter'] = $form['filter'];
    printmsg("DEBUG => Displaying records list page: {$page}", 1);
    // Calculate the SQL query offset (based on the page being displayed)
    $offset = $conf['search_results_per_page'] * ($page - 1);
    if ($offset == 0) {
        $offset = -1;
    // Search results go in here
    $results = array();
    $count = 0;
    //       FIND RESULT SET
    // Start building the "where" clause for the sql query to find the records to display
    $where = "";
    $and = "";
    $orderby = "";
    // enable or disable wildcards
    $wildcard = '%';
    if ($form['nowildcard']) {
        $wildcard = '';
    // RECORD ID
    if ($form['record_id']) {
        $where .= $and . "id = " . $onadb->qstr($form['record_id']);
        $and = " AND ";
    // DNS VIEW ID
    if ($form['dns_view']) {
        if (is_string($form['dns_view'])) {
            list($status, $rows, $dnsview) = ona_get_dns_view_record(array('name' => $form['dns_view']));
        if (is_numeric($form['dns_view'])) {
            list($status, $rows, $dnsview) = ona_get_dns_view_record(array('id' => $form['dns_view']));
        $where .= $and . "dns_view_id = " . $onadb->qstr($dnsview['id']);
        $and = " AND ";
    if ($form['interface_id']) {
        $where .= $and . "interface_id = " . $onadb->qstr($form['interface_id']);
        $and = " AND ";
    // DNS RECORD note
    if ($form['notes']) {
        $where .= $and . "notes LIKE " . $onadb->qstr($wildcard . $form['notes'] . $wildcard);
        $and = " AND ";
    if ($form['dnstype']) {
        $where .= $and . "type = " . $onadb->qstr($form['dnstype']);
        $and = " AND ";
    if ($form['hostname']) {
        $where .= $and . "id IN (SELECT id " . "  FROM dns " . "  WHERE name LIKE " . $onadb->qstr($wildcard . $form['hostname'] . $wildcard) . " )";
        $and = " AND ";
    // DOMAIN
    if ($form['domain']) {
        // FIXME: MP test if this clause works correctly?  Not sure that anything even uses this?
        list($status, $rows, $tmpdomain) = ona_find_domain($form['domain']);
        $where .= $and . "domain_id = " . $onadb->qstr($tmpdomain['id']);
        $orderby .= "name, domain_id";
        $and = " AND ";
    // DOMAIN ID
    if ($form['domain_id']) {
        //$where .= $and . "primary_dns_id IN ( SELECT id " .
        //                                    "  FROM dns " .
        //                                    "  WHERE domain_id = " . $onadb->qstr($form['domain_id']) . " )  ";
        $where .= $and . "domain_id = " . $onadb->qstr($form['domain_id']);
        $orderby .= "name, domain_id";
        $and = " AND ";
    $ip = $ip_end = '';
    if ($form['ip']) {
        // Build $ip and $ip_end from $form['ip'] and $form['ip_thru']
        $ip = ip_complete($form['ip'], '0');
        if ($form['ip_thru']) {
            $ip_end = ip_complete($form['ip_thru'], '255');
        } else {
            $ip_end = ip_complete($form['ip'], '255');
        // Find out if $ip and $ip_end are valid
        $ip = ip_mangle($ip, 'numeric');
        $ip_end = ip_mangle($ip_end, 'numeric');
        if ($ip != -1 and $ip_end != -1) {
            // We do a sub-select to find interface id's between the specified ranges
            $where .= $and . "interface_id IN ( SELECT id " . "        FROM interfaces " . "        WHERE ip_addr >= " . $onadb->qstr($ip) . " AND ip_addr <= " . $onadb->qstr($ip_end) . " )";
            $and = " AND ";
    // display a nice message when we dont find all the records
    if ($where == '' and $form['content_id'] == 'search_results_list') {
        $js .= "el('search_results_msg').innerHTML = 'Unable to find DNS records matching your query, showing all records';";
    // Wild card .. if $while is still empty, add a 'ID > 0' to it so you see everything.
    if ($where == '') {
        $where = 'id > 0';
    // If we dont have DNS views turned on, limit data to just the default view.
    // Even if there is data associated with other views, ignore it
    if (!$conf['dns_views']) {
        $where .= ' AND dns_view_id = 0';
    // Do the SQL Query
    $filter = '';
    if ($form['filter']) {
        // Host names should always be lower case
        $form['filter'] = strtolower($form['filter']);
        $filter = ' AND name LIKE ' . $onadb->qstr('%' . $form['filter'] . '%');
    // If we get a specific host to look for we must do the following
    // 1. get (A) records that match any interface_id associated with the host
    // 2. get CNAMES that point to dns records that are using an interface_id associated with the host
    if ($form['host_id']) {
        // If we dont have DNS views turned on, limit data to just the default view.
        // Even if there is data associated with other views, ignore it
        // MP: something strange with this, it should only limit to default view.. sometimes it does not???
        if (!$conf['dns_views']) {
            $hwhere .= 'dns_view_id = 0 AND ';
        // Get the host record so we know what the primary interface is
        list($status, $rows, $host) = ona_get_host_record(array('id' => $form['host_id']), '');
        list($status, $rows, $results) = db_get_records($onadb, 'dns', $hwhere . 'interface_id in (select id from interfaces where host_id = ' . $onadb->qstr($form['host_id']) . ') OR interface_id in (select interface_id from interface_clusters where host_id = ' . $onadb->qstr($form['host_id']) . ')', "type", $conf['search_results_per_page'], $offset);
        // If we got less than search_results_per_page, add the current offset to it
        // so that if we're on the last page $rows still has the right number in it.
        if ($rows > 0 and $rows < $conf['search_results_per_page']) {
            $rows += $conf['search_results_per_page'] * ($page - 1);
        } else {
            if ($rows >= $conf['search_results_per_page']) {
                list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'dns', $hwhere . 'interface_id in (select id from interfaces where host_id = ' . $onadb->qstr($form['host_id']) . ') OR interface_id in (select interface_id from interface_clusters where host_id = ' . $onadb->qstr($form['host_id']) . ')' . $filter, "", 0);
    } else {
        list($status, $rows, $results) = db_get_records($onadb, 'dns', $where . $filter, $orderby, $conf['search_results_per_page'], $offset);
        // If we got less than search_results_per_page, add the current offset to it
        // so that if we're on the last page $rows still has the right number in it.
        if ($rows > 0 and $rows < $conf['search_results_per_page']) {
            $rows += $conf['search_results_per_page'] * ($page - 1);
        } else {
            if ($rows >= $conf['search_results_per_page']) {
                list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'dns', $where . $filter, "", 0);
    $count = $rows;
    // *** BUILD HTML LIST ***
    $html .= <<<EOL
        <!-- dns record Results -->
        <table id="{$form['form_id']}_dns_record_list" class="list-box" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0">

            <!-- Table Header -->

                <td colspan="2" class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Name</td>
                <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Time to Live</td>
                <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Type</td>
                <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Data</td>
                <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Effective</td>
    if ($conf['dns_views']) {
        $html .= "<td class=\"list-header\" align=\"center\" style=\"{$style['borderR']};\">DNS View</td>";
    $html .= <<<EOL
                <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Notes</td>
                <td class="list-header" align="center">&nbsp;</td>
    // Loop and display each record
    //  $last_record = array('name' => $results[0]['name'], 'domain_id' => $results[0]['domain_id']);
    //  $last_record_count = 0;
    for ($i = 1; $i <= count($results); $i++) {
        $record = $results[$i];
        // Get additional info about each host record
        $record = $results[$i - 1];
        // if the interface is the primary_dns_id for the host then mark it
        $primary_record = '&nbsp;';
        if ($host['primary_dns_id'] == $record['id']) {
            $primary_record = '<img title="Primary DNS record" src="' . $images . '/silk/font_go.png" border="0">';
        // Check for interface records (and find out how many there are)
        list($status, $interfaces, $interface) = ona_get_interface_record(array('id' => $record['interface_id']), '');
        if ($interfaces) {
            // Get the host record so we know what the primary interface is
            //list($status, $rows, $inthost) = ona_get_host_record(array('id' => $interface['host_id']), '');
            // Make the type correct based on the IP passed in
            if (strlen($interface['ip_addr']) > 11 and $record['type'] == 'A') {
                $record['type'] = 'AAAA';
            $record['ip_addr'] = ip_mangle($interface['ip_addr'], 'dotted');
            // Subnet description
            list($status, $rows, $subnet) = ona_get_subnet_record(array('id' => $interface['subnet_id']));
            $record['subnet'] = $subnet['name'];
            $record['ip_mask'] = ip_mangle($subnet['ip_mask'], 'dotted');
            $record['ip_mask_cidr'] = ip_mangle($subnet['ip_mask'], 'cidr');
            // Create string to be embedded in HTML for display
            $data = <<<EOL

        } else {
            // Get other DNS records which name this record as parent
            list($status, $rows, $dns_other) = ona_get_host_record(array('id' => $record['dns_id']));
            // Create string to be embedded in HTML for display
            if ($rows) {
                $data = <<<EOL
                <a title="View host. ID: {$dns_other['id']}"
                    onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_host\\', \\'host_id=>{$dns_other['id']}\\', \\'display\\')');"
                >.<a title="View domain. ID: {$dns_other['domain_id']}"
                        onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_domain\\', \\'domain_id=>{$dns_other['domain_id']}\\', \\'display\\')');"
        $record['notes_short'] = truncate($record['notes'], 30);
        // Add a dot to the end of record name for display purposes
        $record['name'] = $record['name'] . '.';
        // Process PTR record
        if ($record['type'] == 'PTR') {
            list($status, $rows, $pointsto) = ona_get_dns_record(array('id' => $record['dns_id']), '');
            list($status, $rows, $pdomain) = ona_get_domain_record(array('id' => $record['domain_id']), '');
            // Flip the IP address
            $record['name'] = ip_mangle($record['ip_addr'], 'flip');
            $record['domain'] = $pdomain['name'];
            if ($pdomain['parent_id']) {
                list($status, $rows, $parent) = ona_get_domain_record(array('id' => $pdomain['parent_id']));
                $parent['name'] = ona_build_domain_name($parent['id']);
                $record['domain'] = $pdomain['name'] . '.' . $parent['name'];
            // strip down the IP to just the "host" part as it relates to the domain its in
            if (strstr($record['domain'], 'in-addr.arpa')) {
                $domain_part = preg_replace("/.in-addr.arpa\$/", '', $record['domain']);
            } else {
                $domain_part = preg_replace("/.ip6.arpa\$/", '', $record['domain']);
            $record['name'] = preg_replace("/{$domain_part}\$/", '', $record['name']);
            $data = <<<EOL
                    <a title="Edit DNS A record"
                       onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_record', 'dns_record_id=>{$record['dns_id']}', 'editor');"
                    >{$pointsto['name']}</a>.<a title="View domain. ID: {$pointsto['domain_id']}"
                         onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_domain\\', \\'domain_id=>{$pointsto['domain_id']}\\', \\'display\\')');"
        // Process CNAME record
        if ($record['type'] == 'CNAME') {
            list($status, $rows, $cname) = ona_get_dns_record(array('id' => $record['dns_id']), '');
            $data = <<<EOL
                    <a title="Edit DNS A record"
                       onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_record', 'dns_record_id=>{$record['dns_id']}', 'editor');"
                    >{$cname['name']}</a>.<a title="View domain. ID: {$cname['domain_id']}"
                         onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_domain\\', \\'domain_id=>{$cname['domain_id']}\\', \\'display\\')');"
        // Process NS record
        if ($record['type'] == 'NS') {
            // clear out the $record['domain'] value so it shows properly in the list
            $record['name'] = '';
            list($status, $rows, $ns) = ona_get_dns_record(array('id' => $record['dns_id']), '');
            $data = <<<EOL
                    <a title="Edit DNS A record"
                       onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_record', 'dns_record_id=>{$record['dns_id']}', 'editor');"
                    >{$ns['name']}</a>.<a title="View domain. ID: {$ns['domain_id']}"
                         onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_domain\\', \\'domain_id=>{$ns['domain_id']}\\', \\'display\\')');"
        // Process MX record
        if ($record['type'] == 'MX') {
            // show the preference value next to the type
            $record['type'] = "{$record['type']} ({$record['mx_preference']})";
            list($status, $rows, $mx) = ona_get_dns_record(array('id' => $record['dns_id']), '');
            $data = <<<EOL
                    <a title="Edit DNS A record"
                       onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_record', 'dns_record_id=>{$record['dns_id']}', 'editor');"
                    >{$mx['name']}</a>.<a title="View domain. ID: {$mx['domain_id']}"
                         onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_domain\\', \\'domain_id=>{$mx['domain_id']}\\', \\'display\\')');"
        // Process SRV record
        if ($record['type'] == 'SRV') {
            // show the preference value next to the type
            $record['type'] = "{$record['type']} ({$record['srv_port']})";
            list($status, $rows, $srv) = ona_get_dns_record(array('id' => $record['dns_id']), '');
            $data = <<<EOL
                    <a title="Edit DNS A record"
                       onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_record', 'dns_record_id=>{$record['dns_id']}', 'editor');"
                    >{$srv['name']}</a>.<a title="View domain. ID: {$srv['domain_id']}"
                         onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_domain\\', \\'domain_id=>{$srv['domain_id']}\\', \\'display\\')');"
        // Process TXT record
        if ($record['type'] == 'TXT') {
            // some records will have an interfaceid and dnsid when associated to another dns name
            // some will just be un associated txt records or domain only records.  Determine that here and
            // display appropriately.  This is to ensure associated DNS records match up if the name changes
            if ($record['interface_id'] and $record['dns_id']) {
                list($status, $rows, $txtmain) = ona_get_dns_record(array('id' => $record['dns_id']), '');
                $record['name'] = $txtmain['name'] . '.';
            $data = truncate($record['txt'], 70);
        // Get the domain name and domain ttl
        $ttl_style = 'title="Time-to-Live"';
        list($status, $rows, $domain) = ona_get_domain_record(array('id' => $record['domain_id']));
        // Make record['domain'] have the right name in it
        if ($record['type'] != 'PTR') {
            $record['domain'] = $domain['fqdn'];
        // clear out the $record['domain'] value so it shows properly in the list for NS records
        if ($record['type'] == 'NS') {
            $record['domain'] = $domain['fqdn'];
        // if the ttl is blank, use the one in the domain (minimum)
        if ($record['ttl'] == 0) {
            $record['ttl'] = $domain['default_ttl'];
            $ttl_style = 'style="font-style: italic;" title="Using TTL from domain"';
        // format the ebegin using the configured date format
        $ebegin = '';
        // If it is in the future, print the time
        if (strtotime($record['ebegin']) > time()) {
            $ebegin = '<span title="Active in DNS on: ' . $record['ebegin'] . '">' . date($conf['date_format'], strtotime($record['ebegin'])) . '</span>';
        // If it is 0 then show as disabled
        if (strtotime($record['ebegin']) < 0) {
            $ebegin = <<<EOL
                    title="Disabled: Won't build in DNS"
                    onClick="var doit=confirm('Are you sure you want to enable this DNS record?');
                                if (doit == true)
                                    xajax_window_submit('edit_record', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}_list_record_{$record['id']}'), 'enablerecord');"
        // If we get this far and the name we have built has a leading . in it then remove the dot.
        $record['name'] = preg_replace("/^\\./", '', $record['name']);
        // Get the name of the view and the description
        if ($conf['dns_views']) {
            list($status, $rows, $dnsview) = ona_get_dns_view_record(array('id' => $record['dns_view_id']));
            $record['view_name'] = $dnsview['name'];
            $record['view_desc'] = $dnsview['description'];
        // Escape data for display in html
        foreach (array_keys($record) as $key) {
            $record[$key] = htmlentities($record[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']);
        //$primary_object_js = "xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\'display_host\', \'host_id=>{$record['id']}\', \'display\')');";
        $html .= <<<EOL
            <tr onMouseOver="this.className='row-highlight';" onMouseOut="this.className='row-normal';">
                <td class="list-row" style="padding-right: 2px; padding-left: 4px;" width="16px">

                <td class="list-row">
                    <span title="Record. ID: {$record['id']}"
                    ><a title="View domain. ID: {$domain['id']}"
                         onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_domain\\', \\'domain_id=>{$domain['id']}\\', \\'display\\')');"

                <td class="list-row">
                    >{$record['ttl']} seconds</span>&nbsp;

                <td class="list-row">
                    <span title="Record Type"

                <td class="list-row" align="left">
        // Put the data in!
        $html .= $data;
        $html .= <<<EOL

                <td class="list-row" align="center">
        // Display the view we are part of
        if ($conf['dns_views']) {
            $html .= <<<EOL
                <td class="list-row" align="center" title="{$record['view_desc']}">
        $html .= <<<EOL
                <td class="list-row">
                    <span title="{$record['notes']}">{$record['notes_short']}</span>&nbsp;

                <!-- ACTION ICONS -->
                <td class="list-row" align="right">
                    <form id="{$form['form_id']}_list_record_{$record['id']}"
                        ><input type="hidden" name="dns_record_id" value="{$record['id']}"
                        ><input type="hidden" name="host_id" value="{$host['id']}"
                        ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}"
        if (auth('dns_record_modify')) {
            // If it is an A record but not the primary, display an option to make it primary. and only if we are dealing with a specific host
            if (($record['type'] == 'A' or $record['type'] == 'AAAA') and $host['primary_dns_id'] != $record['id'] and $form['host_id']) {
                $html .= <<<EOL

                    <a title="Make this the primary DNS record"
                       onClick="var doit=confirm('Are you sure you want to make this the primary DNS record for this host?');
                                if (doit == true)
                                    xajax_window_submit('edit_record', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}_list_record_{$record['id']}'), 'makeprimary');"
                    ><img src="{$images}/silk/font_go.png" border="0"></a>
        // display a view host button on the dns record search form list
        if ($form['search_form_id'] == 'dns_record_search_form') {
            $html .= <<<EOL

                    <a title="View associated host record: {$interface['host_id']}"
                       onClick="xajax_window_submit('display_host', 'host_id=>{$interface['host_id']}', 'display');"
                    ><img src="{$images}/silk/computer_go.png" border="0"></a>&nbsp;
        if (auth('dns_record_modify')) {
            $html .= <<<EOL

                    <a title="Edit DNS record"
                       onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_record', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}_list_record_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');"
                    ><img src="{$images}/silk/page_edit.png" border="0"></a>&nbsp;
        if (auth('dns_record_del')) {
            $html .= <<<EOL

                    <a title="Delete DNS record"
                       onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_record', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}_list_record_{$record['id']}'), 'delete');"
                    ><img src="{$images}/silk/delete.png" border="0"></a>
        $html .= <<<EOL

        // reset the record counter before we go back for the next iteration
        $last_record = array('name' => $record['name'], 'domain_id' => $record['domain_id']);
        $last_record_count = 1;
    $html .= <<<EOL
    // Build page links if there are any
    $html .= get_page_links($page, $conf['search_results_per_page'], $count, $window_name, $form['form_id']);
    // Insert the new html into the content div specified
    // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object
    $response = new xajaxResponse();
    $response->addAssign("{$form['form_id']}_{$tab}_count", "innerHTML", "({$count})");
    $response->addAssign($form['content_id'], "innerHTML", $html);
    if ($js) {
    return $response->getXML();
예제 #27
파일: block.inc.php 프로젝트: edt82/ona
function block_display($options = "")
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.00';
    printmsg("DEBUG => block_display({$options}) called", 3);
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Sanitize options[verbose] (default is yes)
    $options['verbose'] = sanitize_YN($options['verbose'], 'Y');
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or !$options['block']) {
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        $self['error'] = 'ERROR => Insufficient parameters';
        return array(1, <<<EOM

Displays a block record from the database

  Synopsis: block_display [KEY=VALUE] ...

    block=NAME or ID      Block name or ID of the block display

    verbose=[yes|no]      Display additional info (DEFAULT: yes)

    // The formatting rule on block names is all upper and trim it
    $options['block'] = trim($options['block']);
    $options['block'] = preg_replace('/\\s+/', '-', $options['block']);
    $options['block'] = strtoupper($options['block']);
    // If the block provided is numeric, check to see if it's an block
    if (is_numeric($options['block'])) {
        // See if it's an block_id
        list($status, $rows, $block) = ona_get_block_record(array('id' => $options['block']));
        if (!$block['id']) {
            printmsg("DEBUG => Unable to find block using the ID {$options['block']}!", 3);
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => Unable to find block using the ID {$options['block']}!";
            return array(2, $self['error'] . "\n");
    } else {
        list($status, $rows, $block) = ona_get_block_record(array('name' => $options['block']));
        if (!$block['id']) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => Unable to find block using the name {$options['block']}!";
            printmsg("DEBUG => Unable to find block using the name {$options['block']}!", 3);
            return array(2, $self['error'] . "\n");
    printmsg("DEBUG => Found block: {$block['name']}", 3);
    // Build text to return
    $text = "BLOCK RECORD\n";
    $text .= format_array($block);
    // If 'verbose' is enabled, grab some additional info to display
    if ($options['verbose'] == 'Y') {
        $where .= " ip_addr >= " . $block['ip_addr_start'] . " AND ip_addr <= " . $block['ip_addr_end'];
        list($status, $netrows, $nets) = db_get_records($onadb, 'subnets', $where, "ip_addr");
        // subnet record(s)
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($nets as $record) {
            list($status, $rows, $subnet) = ona_get_subnet_record(array('id' => $record['id']));
            if ($rows == 0) {
            $text .= "\nASSOCIATED SUBNET RECORD ({$i} of {$netrows})\n";
            $text .= format_array($subnet);
    // Return the success notice
    return array(0, $text);
예제 #28

 * This finds the disctrict number in the request and match the district senator's name and display On behalf of Senator (firstname + lastname)
$dbh = open_db();
if (isset($_GET['fm_requestid'])) {
    $fm_requestid = $_GET['fm_requestid'];
} else {
    $fm_requestid = $_POST['fm_requestid'];
$table_name = 'request';
$key_field = 'uuid';
$key_value = $fm_requestid;
$result = db_get_records($dbh, $table_name, $key_field, $key_value, $sortby = null);
if ($result != null) {
    $table_name = 'senator';
    $key_field = 'district';
    $key_value = $result[0]['district'];
    $result = db_get_records($dbh, $table_name, $key_field, $key_value, $sortby = null);
    if ($result != null) {
        print 'On behalf of Senator ';
        print $result[0]['firstname'] . " " . $result[0]['lastname'];
print '<br /><br />';
예제 #29
function ws_display_list($window_name, $form = '')
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    global $images, $color, $style;
    $html = '';
    $js = '';
    // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $form
    $form = parse_options_string($form);
    // Find the "tab" we're on
    $tab = $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']]['tab'];
    // Build js to refresh this list
    $refresh = "xajax_window_submit('{$window_name}', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}'), 'display_list');";
    // If this is the display_host screen that called, add refresh for DNS records too
    if ($form['content_id'] == 'display_host_list_interfaces') {
        $refresh .= "xajax_window_submit('list_records', xajax.getFormValues('list_records_filter_form'), 'display_list');";
    // If it's not a new query, load the previous query from the session
    // into $form and save the current page and filter in the session.
    // Also find/set the "page" we're viewing
    $page = 1;
    if ($form['page'] and is_numeric($form['page'])) {
        $form = array_merge($form, (array) $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['q']);
        $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['page'] = $page = $form['page'];
        $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['filter'] = $form['filter'];
    // Calculate the SQL query offset (based on the page being displayed)
    $offset = $conf['search_results_per_page'] * ($page - 1);
    if ($offset == 0) {
        $offset = -1;
    // Search results go in here
    $results = array();
    $count = 0;
    // Start building the "where" clause for the sql query to find the interfaces to display
    $where = "";
    $and = "";
    // HOST ID
    if ($form['host_id']) {
        $where .= $and . "host_id = " . $onadb->qstr($form['host_id']) . " OR id in (select interface_id from interface_clusters where host_id = " . $onadb->qstr($form['host_id']) . ")";
        $and = " AND ";
    // Do the SQL Query
    $filter = '';
    if ($form['filter']) {
        $form['filter'] = ip_mangle($form['filter']);
        $filter = $and . ' ip_addr LIKE ' . $onadb->qstr('%' . $form['filter'] . '%');
    list($status, $rows, $results) = db_get_records($onadb, 'interfaces', $where . $filter, "ip_addr ASC", $conf['search_results_per_page'], $offset);
    // If we got less than serach_results_per_page, add the current offset to it
    // so that if we're on the last page $rows still has the right number in it.
    if ($rows > 0 and $rows < $conf['search_results_per_page']) {
        $rows += $conf['search_results_per_page'] * ($page - 1);
    // Re-Count only "internal" interfaces, not nat interfaces
    list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'interfaces', 'nat_interface_id = \'0\' and ' . $where . $filter, "", 0);
    $count = $rows;
    $html .= <<<EOL
        <!-- Interface List -->
        <table id="{$form['form_id']}_interface_list" class="list-box" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0">

            <!-- Table Header -->

                <td colspan="2" class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Interface</td>
                <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Subnet</td>
                <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">MAC</td>
                <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Name</td>
                <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Description</td>
                <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Last Response</td>
                <td class="list-header" align="center">&nbsp;</td>
    // Loop and display each record
    foreach ($results as $record) {
        // Get additional info about each host record //
        // Check if this interface has an external NAT
        unset($extnatint, $extnatdisplay, $extnatdisplay, $extnatsubdisplay);
        if ($record['nat_interface_id'] > 0) {
            list($status, $rows, $extnatint) = ona_get_interface_record(array('id' => $record['nat_interface_id']));
            // GDO: get the subnet object of the NATing interface, display it in both Interface and Subnet columns
            list($status, $rows, $extnatintsub) = ona_get_subnet_record(array('id' => $extnatint['subnet_id']));
            $extnatint['ip_addr'] = ip_mangle($extnatint['ip_addr'], 'dotted');
            //$extnatdisplay = "<span title='Interface is NATed to {$extnatint['ip_addr']}'> &nbsp;&nbsp;=> &nbsp;{$extnatint['ip_addr']}</span>";
            $extnatdisplay = "<span title='Interface is NATed to {$extnatint['ip_addr']} (on {$extnatintsub['name']})'> &nbsp;&nbsp;=> &nbsp;{$extnatint['ip_addr']}</span>";
            $extnatsubdisplay = " => <a title=\"View NATed subnet. ID: {$extnatintsub['id']}\"\n                                            class=\"nav\"\n                                            onClick=\"xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_subnet\\', \\'subnet_id=>{$extnatintsub['id']}\\', \\'display\\')');\"\n                                         >{$extnatintsub['name']}</a>";
        // Check if this interface is an external NAT for another interface
        list($isnatstatus, $isnatrows, $isnat) = db_get_records($onadb, 'interfaces', "nat_interface_id = {$record['id']}", '', 0);
        // If the current interface is external NAT for another, dont display it in the list.
        if ($isnatrows > 0) {
        list($status, $intclusterrows, $intcluster) = db_get_records($onadb, 'interface_clusters', "interface_id = {$record['id']}");
        // Grab some info from the associated subnet record
        list($status, $rows, $subnet) = ona_get_subnet_record(array('id' => $record['subnet_id']));
        $record['ip_mask'] = $subnet['ip_mask'];
        $record['subnet_id'] = $subnet['id'];
        $record['subnet_description'] = $subnet['name'];
        // Convert IP and Netmask to a presentable format
        $record['ip_addr'] = ip_mangle($record['ip_addr'], 'dotted');
        $record['ip_mask'] = ip_mangle($record['ip_mask'], 'dotted');
        $record['ip_mask_cidr'] = ip_mangle($record['ip_mask'], 'cidr');
        if ($record['mac_addr']) {
            $record['mac_addr'] = mac_mangle($record['mac_addr']);
        $record['description_short'] = truncate($record['description'], 40);
        // Escape data for display in html
        foreach (array_keys($record) as $key) {
            $record[$key] = htmlentities($record[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']);
        // Format the date and colorize if its older than 2 months
        if ($record['last_response']) {
            $record['last_response_fmt'] = date($conf['date_format'], strtotime($record['last_response']));
            if (strtotime($record['last_response']) < strtotime('-2 month')) {
                $record['last_response_fmt'] = "<span style=\"color: red;\">" . $record['last_response_fmt'] . "</style>";
        $html .= <<<EOL
            <tr onMouseOver="this.className='row-highlight'" onMouseOut="this.className='row-normal'">

                <td nowrap="true" class="list-row" style="padding: 0px;" width="16px">
        // Display cluster related information
        $clusterhtml = '&nbsp;';
        $clusterstyle = '';
        $clusterscript = '';
        if ($intclusterrows > 0) {
            $clusterstyle = 'font-weight: bold';
            $clusterscript = "onMouseOver=\"wwTT(this, event,\n                        'id', 'tt_interface_cluster_list_{$record['id']}',\n                        'type', 'velcro',\n                        'styleClass', 'wwTT_niceTitle',\n                        'direction', 'south',\n                        'javascript', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'tooltips\\', \\'tooltip=>interface_cluster_list,id=>tt_interface_cluster_list_{$record['id']},interface_id=>{$record['id']}\\');'\n                        );\"";
            $clusterhtml .= <<<EOL
                    <img src="{$images}/silk/sitemap.png" border="0" {$clusterscript} />
        $html .= $clusterhtml;
        $html .= <<<EOL

                <td class="list-row">
        // MP: Disabling the display_interface link. I dont think this will be needed
        if (1 < 0) {
            $html .= <<<EOL
                    <a title="View interface. ID: {$record['id']}"
                       onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_interface\\',\\'interface_id=>{$record['id']}\\', \\'display\\')');">
        } else {
            $html .= "<span style='{$clusterstyle}' {$clusterscript}>{$record['ip_addr']}</span>";
        $html .= <<<EOL
                    <span style="{$clusterstyle}" title="{$record['ip_mask']}">/{$record['ip_mask_cidr']}</span> {$extnatdisplay}

                <td class="list-row" align="left">
                    <a title="View subnet. ID: {$subnet['id']}"
                       onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_subnet\\', \\'subnet_id=>{$subnet['id']}\\', \\'display\\')');"
                    >{$record['subnet_description']}</a> {$extnatsubdisplay}

                <td class="list-row" align="right">

                <td class="list-row" align="left">

                <td class="list-row" align="left" title="{$record['description']}">

                <td class="list-row" align="left" title="{$record['last_response']}">

                <td class="list-row" align="right">
                    <form id="{$form['form_id']}_list_interface_{$record['id']}"
                        ><input type="hidden" name="interface_id" value="{$record['id']}"
                        ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}"
        if (auth('interface_modify')) {
            $html .= <<<EOL

                    <a title="Interface Menu"
                       onmouseover="wwTT(this, event,
                                            'id', 'tt_quick_interface_menu_{$record['id']}',
                                            'type', 'velcro',
                                            'delay', 0,
                                            'styleClass', 'wwTT_int_menu',
                                            'lifetime', 1000,
                                            'direction', 'west',
                                            'javascript', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'tooltips\\', \\'tooltip=>quick_interface_menu,id=>tt_quick_interface_menu_{$record['id']},interface_id=>{$record['id']},ip_addr=>{$record['ip_addr']},orig_host=>{$record['host_id']},form_id=>{$form['form_id']}_list_interface_{$record['id']},subnet_id=>{$subnet['id']},natip=>{$record['nat_interface_id']}\\');'
                    ><img src="{$images}/silk/add.png" border="0"></a>&nbsp;
        if (auth('interface_modify')) {
            $html .= <<<EOL

                    <a title="Edit interface. ID: {$record['id']}"
                       onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_interface', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}_list_interface_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');"
                    ><img src="{$images}/silk/page_edit.png" border="0"></a>&nbsp;
        if (auth('interface_del')) {
            $html .= <<<EOL

                    <a title="Delete interface"
                       onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_interface', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}_list_interface_{$record['id']}'), 'delete');"
                    ><img src="{$images}/silk/delete.png" border="0"></a>&nbsp;
        $html .= <<<EOL

    if ($count == 0 and $form['host_id'] and !$form['filter']) {
        $html .= <<<EOL
     <tr><td colspan="99" align="center" style="color: red;">Please add an interface to this host, or delete the host</td></tr>
    $html .= <<<EOL
    // Build page links if there are any
    $html .= get_page_links($page, $conf['search_results_per_page'], $count, $window_name, $form['form_id']);
    // Insert the new html into the content div specified
    // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object
    $response = new xajaxResponse();
    $response->addAssign("{$form['form_id']}_{$tab}_count", "innerHTML", "({$count})");
    $response->addAssign($form['content_id'], "innerHTML", $html);
    if ($js) {
    return $response->getXML();
예제 #30
파일: edit_host.inc.php 프로젝트: edt82/ona
function ws_editor($window_name, $form = '')
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    global $font_family, $color, $style, $images;
    $window = array();
    // Check permissions
    if (!(auth('host_modify') or auth('host_add'))) {
        $response = new xajaxResponse();
        $response->addScript("alert('Permission denied!');");
        return $response->getXML();
    // If an array in a string was provided, build the array and store it in $form
    $form = parse_options_string($form);
    // Load an existing host record (and associated info) if $form is a host_id
    $host = array('fqdn' => '.', 'domain_fqdn' => $conf['dns_defaultdomain']);
    $interface = array();
    if (is_numeric($form['host_id'])) {
        list($status, $rows, $host) = ona_get_host_record(array('id' => $form['host_id']));
        if ($rows) {
            // Load associated INTERFACE record(s)
            list($status, $interfaces, $interface) = ona_get_interface_record(array('host_id' => $host['id']));
            list($status, $rows, $subnet) = ona_get_subnet_record(array('id' => $interface['subnet_id']));
            $interface['ip_addr'] = ip_mangle($interface['ip_addr'], 'dotted');
            if ($interface['mac_addr']) {
                $interface['mac_addr'] = mac_mangle($interface['mac_addr'], 2);
            //FIXME: (PK) should not use numeric format specifier here!
    } else {
        if (strlen($form['ip_addr']) > 1) {
            $interface['ip_addr'] = $form['ip_addr'];
        if (strlen($form['hostname']) > 1) {
            $host['name'] = $form['hostname'];
    // Set the default security level if there isn't one
    if (!array_key_exists('lvl', $host)) {
        $host['lvl'] = $conf['ona_lvl'];
    // Load a subnet record if we got passed a subnet_id
    if ($form['subnet_id']) {
        list($status, $rows, $subnet) = ona_get_subnet_record(array('id' => $form['subnet_id']));
    // Load a domain record if we got passed a domain_id
    if ($form['domain_id']) {
        list($status, $rows, $domain) = ona_get_domain_record(array('id' => $form['domain_id']));
        $host['domain_fqdn'] = $domain['fqdn'];
    // If we dont have a domain_fqdn yet.. lets use the system default domain
    if (!$host['domain_fqdn']) {
        $host['domain_fqdn'] = $conf['dns_defaultdomain'];
    // Build a device_types list
    list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'device_types', 'id >= 1');
    $device_types = array();
    foreach ($records as $type) {
        list($status, $rows, $model) = ona_get_model_record(array('id' => $type['model_id']));
        list($status, $rows, $role) = ona_get_role_record(array('id' => $type['role_id']));
        list($status, $rows, $manufacturer) = ona_get_manufacturer_record(array('id' => $model['manufacturer_id']));
        $device_types[$type['id']] = "{$manufacturer['name']} {$model['name']} ({$role['name']})";
    list($status, $rows, $device) = ona_get_device_record(array('id' => $host['device_id']));
    list($status, $rows, $location) = ona_get_location_record(array('id' => $device['location_id']));
    $host['location'] = $location['reference'];
    $device_model_list = "<option value=\"\"></option>\n";
    foreach (array_keys((array) $device_types) as $id) {
        $device_types[$id] = htmlentities($device_types[$id]);
        $selected = '';
        if ($id == $device['device_type_id']) {
            $selected = 'SELECTED';
        $device_model_list .= "<option value=\"{$id}\" {$selected}>{$device_types[$id]}</option>\n";
    unset($device_types, $device, $manufacturer, $role, $model, $records);
    //Get the list of DNS views
    if ($conf['dns_views']) {
        list($status, $rows, $dnsviews) = db_get_records($onadb, 'dns_views', 'id >= 0', 'name');
        foreach ($dnsviews as $entry) {
            $selected = '';
            //$dnsviews['name'] = htmlentities($dnsviews['name']);
            // If this entry matches the record you are editing, set it to selected
            if ($host['id'] and $entry['id'] == $host['dns_view_id']) {
                $selected = "SELECTED=\"selected\"";
                $dns_view_name = $entry['name'] . '/';
            } elseif (!$host['id'] and $entry['id'] == 0) {
                // Otherwise use the default record if we are adding a new entry
                $selected = "SELECTED=\"selected\"";
                $dns_view_name = $entry['name'] . '/';
            $dns_view_list .= "<option {$selected} value=\"{$entry['id']}\">{$entry['name']}</option>\n";
    // Escape data for display in html
    foreach (array_keys((array) $host) as $key) {
        $host[$key] = htmlentities($host[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']);
    foreach (array_keys((array) $subnet) as $key) {
        $subnet[$key] = htmlentities($subnet[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']);
    foreach (array_keys((array) $interface) as $key) {
        $interface[$key] = htmlentities($interface[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']);
    // Set the window title:
    $window['title'] = "Add Host";
    if ($host['id']) {
        $window['title'] = "Edit Host";
    } else {
    // Javascript to run after the window is built
    $window['js'] = <<<EOL
        /* Put a minimize icon in the title bar */
        el('{$window_name}_title_r').innerHTML =
            '&nbsp;<a onClick="toggle_window(\\'{$window_name}\\');" title="Minimize window" style="cursor: pointer;"><img src="{$images}/icon_minimize.gif" border="0" /></a>' +

        /* Put a help icon in the title bar */
        el('{$window_name}_title_r').innerHTML =
            '&nbsp;<a href="{$_ENV['help_url']}{$window_name}" target="null" title="Help" style="cursor: pointer;"><img src="{$images}/silk/help.png" border="0" /></a>' +

        suggest_setup('set_domain_{$window_name}',    'suggest_set_domain_{$window_name}');
        suggest_setup('set_location_{$window_name}',  'suggest_set_location_{$window_name}');

        /* Setup the Quick Find location icon */

        var _button = el('qf_location_{$window_name}');
        _button.style.cursor = 'pointer';
        _button.onclick =
            function(ev) {
                if (!ev) ev = event;
                /* Create the popup div */
                wwTT(this, ev,
                     'id', 'tt_qf_location_{$window_name}',
                     'type', 'static',
                     'direction', 'south',
                     'delay', 0,
                     'styleClass', 'wwTT_qf',
                     "xajax_window_submit('tooltips', '" +
                         "tooltip=>qf_location," +
                         "id=>tt_qf_location_{$window_name}," +

    // If we are modifying do not allow them to edit/change dns names.  this should only be done when creating a new host
    $hideit = '';
    if ($host['id']) {
        $hideit = 'style="display: none;"';
    // Define the window's inner html
    $window['html'] = <<<EOL

    <!-- Host Edit Form -->
    <form id="{$window_name}_edit_form" onSubmit="return false;">
    <input type="hidden" name="host" value="{$dns_view_name}{$host['fqdn']}">
    <input type="hidden" name="interface" value="{$interface['id']}">
    <input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$form['js']}">
    <table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" style="background-color: {$color['window_content_bg']}; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px;">

        <!-- HOST RECORD -->
            <td align="left" nowrap="true">
                <b><u>Host Record</u></b>&nbsp;
            <td class="padding" align="left" width="100%">
    // Print a dns view selector
    if ($conf['dns_views']) {
        $window['html'] .= <<<EOL
        <tr {$hideit}>
            <td align="right" nowrap="true">
                DNS View
            <td class="padding" align="left" width="100%">
                    alt="DNS View"

    $window['html'] .= <<<EOL
        <tr {$hideit}>
            <td class="input_required" align="right" nowrap="true">
                DNS Name
            <td class="padding" align="left" width="100%">
                    size="20" maxlength="64"

        <tr {$hideit}>
            <td class="input_required" align="right" nowrap="true">
            <td class="padding" align="left" width="100%">
                    alt="Domain name"
                    size="25" maxlength="64"
                <div id="suggest_set_domain_{$window_name}" class="suggest"></div>

            <td class="input_required" align="right" nowrap="true">
                Device type
            <td class="padding" align="left" width="100%">
                    alt="Device type"

            <td align="right" nowrap="true">
            <td class="padding" align="left" width="100%">
                <textarea name="set_notes" class="edit" cols="40" rows="1">{$host['notes']}</textarea>
            <td align="right" nowrap="true">
            <td class="padding" align="left" width="100%">
                    size="7" maxlength="10"
                <div id="suggest_set_location_{$window_name}" class="suggest"></div>
                <span id="qf_location_{$window_name}" title="Location Quick Search"><img src="{$images}/silk/find.png" border="0"/></span>
    // Display an interface edit section if it's a new host or there were exactly one interface.
    if (!$interfaces) {
        $window['js'] .= <<<EOL

        /* Setup the Quick Find for available IPs */
        var _button = el('qf_free_ip_{$window_name}');
        _button.style.cursor = 'pointer';
        _button.onclick =
            function(ev) {
                if (!ev) ev = event;
                /* Create the popup div */
                wwTT(this, ev,
                     'id', 'tt_qf_free_ip_{$window_name}',
                     'type', 'static',
                     'direction', 'south',
                     'delay', 0,
                     'styleClass', 'wwTT_qf',
                     "xajax_window_submit('tooltips', '" +
                         "tooltip=>qf_free_ip," +
                         "id=>tt_qf_free_ip_{$window_name}," +
                         "text_id=>associated_subnet_{$window_name}," +
                         "text_value=>" + el('associated_subnet_{$window_name}').innerHTML + "," +

        $window['html'] .= <<<EOL

        <!-- FIRST INTERFACE -->
            <td align="left" nowrap="true">
            <td class="padding" align="left" width="100%">

            <td align="right" nowrap="true">
            <td class="padding" align="left" width="100%" nowrap="true">
                <span id="associated_subnet_{$window_name}"

            <td class="input_required" align="right" nowrap="true">
                IP Address
            <td class="padding" align="left" width="100%">
                    alt="IP Address"
                    size="25" maxlength="64"
                <span id="qf_free_ip_{$window_name}" title="Available IP Quick Search"><img src="{$images}/silk/find.png" border="0"/></span>
                <div id="suggest_set_ip_{$window_name}" class="suggest"></div>

            <td align="right" nowrap="true">
                MAC Address
            <td class="padding" align="left" width="100%">
                    alt="MAC Address"
                    size="17" maxlength="17"
                <a class="nav" onClick="this.style.display = 'none'; el('force_{$window_name}').style.display = browser.isIE ? 'block' : 'table-row';">More >></a>

        <tr id="force_{$window_name}" style="display: none;">
            <td align="right" nowrap="true">
            <td class="padding" align="left" width="100%">
                    alt="Allow duplicate MAC addresses"
                > Allow duplicate MAC addresses

            <td align="right" nowrap="true">
                Interface name
            <td class="padding" align="left" width="100%">
                    alt="Interface name"
                    size="17" maxlength="255"

            <td align="right" nowrap="true">
                Interface description
            <td class="padding" align="left" width="100%">
                    alt="Interface description"
                    size="25" maxlength="255"
    if (!$host['id']) {
        $window['html'] .= <<<EOL
        <td align="right" nowrap="true">
            Auto create PTR
        <td class="padding" align="left" width="100%" nowrap>
                alt="Automaticaly create PTR record"
            <td align="right" nowrap="true">
            <td class="padding" align="left" width="100%">
                    alt="Keep adding more hosts"
                > Keep adding more hosts

            <td colspan="2" class="padding" align="center" width="100%">
            <span id="statusinfo_{$window_name}" style="color: green;" ></span>

    $window['html'] .= <<<EOL

            <td align="right" valign="top" nowrap="true">
            <td class="padding" align="right" width="100%">
                <input class="edit" type="button" name="cancel" value="Cancel" onClick="removeElement('{$window_name}');">
                <input class="edit" type="button"
                    accesskey=" "
                    onClick="xajax_window_submit('{$window_name}', xajax.getFormValues('{$window_name}_edit_form'), 'save');"

    return window_open($window_name, $window);