예제 #1
function db_get_course_name($id)
    $id = db_clean($id);
    $sql = "SELECT namn FROM kurs WHERE id='{$id}' LIMIT 1";
    $r = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql));
    return $r['namn'];
예제 #2
파일: admin.php 프로젝트: hungnv0789/vhtm
 function _fields()
     $data = array (
         'langname'      =>  strtolower(db_clean($_POST['langname'])),
         'status'        =>  db_clean($_POST['status']),
     return $data;
예제 #3
파일: admin.php 프로젝트: hungnv0789/vhtm
 function _fields()
     $data = array(
     'email'        => db_clean($_POST['mail']),
     'password'    => $this->userlib->encode_password($_POST['password0'])
     return $data;
예제 #4
 function updateEmployee()
     $birthday = isset($_POST['birthday']) ? $_POST['birthday'] : '0-0-0';
     $array_birth = explode('-', $birthday);
     $enterday = isset($_POST['enterday']) ? $_POST['enterday'] : '0-0-0';
     $array_enter = explode('-', $enterday);
     $data = array('name' => db_clean($_POST['name']), 'dept_id' => id_clean($_POST['dept_id']), 'position' => db_clean($_POST['position']), 'mobile' => db_clean($_POST['mobile']), 'telephone' => db_clean($_POST['telephone']), 'address' => db_clean($_POST['address']), 'zipcode' => db_clean($_POST['zipcode']), 'birth_year' => id_clean($array_birth[0]), 'birth_month' => id_clean($array_birth[1]), 'birth_day' => id_clean($array_birth[2]), 'enter_year' => id_clean($array_enter[0]), 'enter_month' => id_clean($array_enter[1]), 'enter_day' => id_clean($array_enter[2]), 'idcard' => db_clean($_POST['idcard']), 'graduateschool' => db_clean($_POST['graduateschool']), 'education' => db_clean($_POST['education']));
     $this->db->where('id', $_POST['id']);
     $this->db->update('yz_employees', $data);
예제 #5
파일: admin.php 프로젝트: hungnv0789/vhtm
	function _fields()
        $temp = str_replace("@$%#@", 'style="color: ',$_POST['backup']);
    	$temp = str_replace("&$%#@", 'style="background-color: ',$temp);
        $data = array(
        'title'       => db_clean($_POST['title']),
        'content'     => $temp
        return $data;
예제 #6
    function updateSubscriber()
    	$data = array( 
    		'name' => db_clean($_POST['name']),
    		'email' => db_clean($_POST['email'])
     	$this->db->where('id', id_clean($_POST['id']));
    	$this->db->update('omc_subscribers', $data);	

예제 #7
파일: admin.php 프로젝트: hungnv0789/vhtm
 function _feild()
     $data = array(
         'name'          => db_clean($_POST['name']),
         'shortdesc'     => db_clean($_POST['shortdesc']),
         'longdesc'      => db_clean($_POST['longdesc'],5000),
         'status'        => db_clean($_POST['status'],8),
         'image'         => $this->input->post('image'),
     return $data;
예제 #8
 function updateDepartment($id, $name)
     $data = array('name' => db_clean($name));
     $this->db->where('id', $id);
     $this->db->update('yz_departments', $data);
     if ($this->db->affected_rows() > 0) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
예제 #9
파일: admin.php 프로젝트: hungnv0789/vhtm
 function _fields()
 	$data = array(
     'yahoo_nick1'        => db_clean($_POST['online1']), 
 	'yahoo_nick2'        => db_clean($_POST['online2']),   
 	'name'     			 => db_clean($_POST['name']),
     'phone'     		 => db_clean($_POST['phone'])
     return $data;
예제 #10
파일: madmins.php 프로젝트: sspat/citest
		function updateUser()
      		$data = array(
      			'username' => db_clean($_POST['username'], 16),
				'e-mail' => db_clean($_POST['email'], 255),
				'status' => db_clean($_POST['status'], 8),
				'password' => db_clean(hash('md5', $_POST['password']), 16)
	  		$this->db->where('id', id_clean($_POST['id']));
	  		$this->db->update('admins', $data);	
예제 #11
파일: admin.php 프로젝트: hungnv0789/vhtm
 function _fields_settings()
 	$data = array(
     'site_name'        => db_clean($_POST['SITE_NAME']),
     'site_url'   	   => db_clean($_POST['SITE_URL']),
 	'site_secure'      => db_clean($_POST['SITE_URL_SECURE']),
     'friendly_url'     => db_clean($_POST['FRIENDLY_URL']),
 	'temporary'        => db_clean($_POST['temporary_close'])
     return $data;
예제 #12
파일: admin.php 프로젝트: hungnv0789/vhtm
 function _fields()
     $data = array(
     'name'        => db_clean($_POST['name']),
     'metadesc'    => db_clean($_POST['metadesc']),
     'metakeyword' => db_clean($_POST['metakeyword']),
     'shortdesc'   => db_clean($_POST['shortdesc']),
     'longdesc'    => $this->input->post('longdesc'),
     'is_display_in_menu' => $_POST['is_display_in_menu'],
     'parentid' => $_POST['parent_id'] 
     return $data;
예제 #13
파일: admin.php 프로젝트: hungnv0789/vhtm
 function _feild()
     $data = array(
         'name'          => db_clean($_POST['name']),
         'shortdesc'     => db_clean($_POST['shortdesc']),
         'longdesc'      => db_clean($_POST['longdesc'],5000),
         'status'        => db_clean($_POST['status'],8),
         'slide_order'   => db_clean($_POST['slide_order']),
         'thumbnail'     => db_clean($_POST['thumbnail']),
         'image'         => db_clean($_POST['image']),
     return $data;
예제 #14
파일: admin.php 프로젝트: hungnv0789/vhtm
 function _feild()
     $data = array(
         'name'          => db_clean($_POST['name']),
         'shortdesc'     => db_clean($_POST['shortdesc']),
         'longdesc'      => db_clean($_POST['longdesc'],5000),
         'status'        => db_clean($_POST['status'],8),
         'slide_order'   => db_clean($_POST['slide_order']),
         'thumbnail'     => db_clean($_POST['thumbnail']),
         'image'         => db_clean($_POST['image']),
         'readmorelink'      => $this->input->post('readmorelink'),
     return $data;
예제 #15
파일: admin.php 프로젝트: hungnv0789/vhtm
 function _fields()
     $data = array(
         'customer_first_name'   => db_clean($_POST['customer_first_name'],25),
         'customer_last_name'    => db_clean($_POST['customer_last_name'],25),
         'phone_number'          => db_clean($_POST['phone_number'],15),
         'email'                 => db_clean($_POST['email'],50),
         'address'               => db_clean($_POST['address'],50),
         'city'                  => db_clean($_POST['city'],25),
         'post_code'             => db_clean($_POST['post_code'],10),
         'password'              => db_clean(do_hash($_POST['password']),16)
     return $data;
예제 #16
파일: admin.php 프로젝트: hungnv0789/vhtm
 function _fields()
     $data = array(
         'name'             => db_clean($_POST['name']),
         'metakeyword'      => db_clean($_POST['metakeyword']),
         'metadesc'         => db_clean($_POST['metadesc']),
         'path'             => db_clean($_POST['path']),
         'content'          => $this->input->post('content'),
         'status'           => db_clean($_POST['status'],8),
         'lang_id'          => $this->input->post('lang_id'),
     return $data;
예제 #17
파일: mpages.php 프로젝트: sspat/citest
		function updatePage()
			$data = array(
				'name' => db_clean($_POST['name']), 
				'keywords' => db_clean($_POST['keywords']), 
				'description' => db_clean($_POST['description']), 
				'status' => db_clean($_POST['status'], 8), 
				'path' => db_clean($_POST['path']), 
				'content' => $_POST['content']
			$this->db->where('id', $_POST['id']);
			$this->db->update('pages', $data);
예제 #18
 function checkSubscriber($email)
     $numrow = 0;
     $this->db->where('email', db_clean($email));
     $Q = $this->db->get('omc_subscribers');
     if ($Q->num_rows() > 0) {
         $numrow = TRUE;
         return $numrow;
     } else {
         $numrow = FALSE;
         return $numrow;
예제 #19
파일: admin.php 프로젝트: hungnv0789/vhtm
 function _fields()
     $data = array(
         'name'          =>  db_clean($_POST['name']),
         'shortdesc'     =>  db_clean($_POST['shortdesc']),
         'status'        =>  db_clean($_POST['status'],8),
         'parentid'      =>  id_clean($_POST['parentid']),
         'order'         =>  id_clean($_POST['order'],10),
         'page_uri_id'   =>  db_clean($_POST['page_uri_id']),
         'lang_id'       =>  db_clean($_POST['lang_id']),
         'menu_id'       =>  db_clean($_POST['menu_id'])
     // $this->MKaimonokago->addItem($this->module, $data);
     return $data;
예제 #20
 function updateRole()
     $data = array('name' => db_clean($_POST['name']), 'description' => db_clean($_POST['description']));
     $this->db->where('role_id', $_POST['roleid']);
     $this->db->update('yz_roles', $data);
     $this->db->where('role_id', $_POST['roleid']);
     $actions = $_POST['actionItems'];
     $array_actions = explode(',', $actions);
     if (count($array_actions)) {
         foreach ($array_actions as $value) {
             $data = array('role_id' => $_POST['roleid'], 'action_id' => intval($value));
             $this->db->insert('yz_roles_actions', $data);
예제 #21
파일: admin.php 프로젝트: hungnv0789/vhtm
 function _fields()
     $data = array(
     'name'        => db_clean($_POST['name']),
     'metadesc'    => db_clean($_POST['metadesc']),
     'metakeyword' => db_clean($_POST['metakeyword']),
     'shortdesc'   => db_clean($_POST['shortdesc']),
     'longdesc'    => $this->input->post('longdesc'),
     'status'      => db_clean($_POST['status'],8),
     'parentid'    => id_clean($_POST['parentid']),
     'lang_id'     => id_clean($_POST['lang_id']),
     'order'       => id_clean($_POST['order'],10),
     'table_id'    => id_clean($_POST['table_id'])
     // $this->MKaimonokago->addItem($this->module, $data);
     return $data;
예제 #22
 function updateUser()
     $data = array('username' => db_clean($_POST['username']), 'password' => md5($_POST['password']), 'email' => db_clean($_POST['email']), 'group' => id_clean($_POST['group']), 'status' => id_clean($_POST['status']));
     $this->db->where('uid', $_POST['uid']);
     $this->db->update('yz_users', $data);
     /* 		$this->db->where('roleid', $_POST['roleid']);
     		$actions= $_POST['actionItems'];
     		if (count($array_actions)){
     			foreach ($array_actions  as $value){
     				$data = array('roleid' => $_POST['roleid'],
     						'actionid' => intval($value));
     		} */
예제 #23
 function updateCustomer()
     $data = array('name' => db_clean($_POST['name']), 'contact' => db_clean($_POST['contact']), 'mobile' => db_clean($_POST['moblie']), 'phone' => db_clean($_POST['phone']), 'fax' => db_clean($_POST['fax']), 'addr' => db_clean($_POST['addr']), 'zipcode' => db_clean($_POST['zipcode']));
     $this->db->where('id', $_POST['id']);
     $this->db->update('yz_customers', $data);
     /* 		$this->db->where('roleid', $_POST['roleid']);
     		$actions= $_POST['actionItems'];
     		if (count($array_actions)){
     			foreach ($array_actions  as $value){
     				$data = array('roleid' => $_POST['roleid'],
     						'actionid' => intval($value));
     		} */
예제 #24
 function verifyCustomer($e, $pw)
     $this->db->where('email', db_clean($e, 50));
     $this->db->where('password', db_clean(dohash($pw), 16));
     $Q = $this->db->get('omc_customer');
     if ($Q->num_rows() > 0) {
         $row = $Q->row_array();
         $_SESSION['customer_id'] = $row['customer_id'];
         $_SESSION['customer_first_name'] = $row['customer_first_name'];
         $_SESSION['customer_last_name'] = $row['customer_last_name'];
         $_SESSION['phone_number'] = $row['phone_number'];
         $_SESSION['email'] = $row['email'];
         $_SESSION['address'] = $row['address'];
         $_SESSION['city'] = $row['city'];
         $_SESSION['post_code'] = $row['post_code'];
     } else {
         // $_SESSION['customer_id'] = 0; // this will eliminate error
예제 #25

if (!isset($_SESSION['sendMe']['id'])) {
    header("Location: index.php");
require 'config.php';
require 'functions.php';
$fid = explode("-", $_GET['file']);
$time = db_clean($fid[0]);
$name = db_clean($fid[1]);
$safe_name = $time . "-" . $name;
// om vi postar en kommentar/betyg
if (isset($_POST['submitGrade'])) {
    $comments = db_clean($_POST['comments']);
    $grade = db_clean($_POST['grade']);
    if ($grade == 0) {
        $message = "Du måste ange ett omdöme/betyg för uppgiften.";
    } else {
        $sql = "SELECT id FROM uppgifter WHERE name_orig='{$name}' AND inlamnad='{$time}' LIMIT 1";
        $r = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql));
        $uid = $r['id'];
        // lagra
        $update_sql = "UPDATE uppgifter SET rattad='1', rattad_av='" . $_SESSION['sendMe']['id'] . "', betyg='" . $grade . "' WHERE id='{$uid}'";
        $update_query = mysql_query($update_sql);
        $insert_sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO kommentar(uppgift_id, kommentar, tid, kommentar_av) VALUES('%s','%s','%s','%s')", $uid, $comments, time(), $_SESSION['sendMe']['id']);
        $insert_query = mysql_query($insert_sql);
        $message = "Din kommentar och ditt omdöme registerades.";
예제 #26
 function _fields()
     $data = array('name' => db_clean($_POST['name']), 'shortdesc' => db_clean($_POST['shortdesc']), 'longdesc' => db_clean($_POST['longdesc'], 5000), 'status' => db_clean($_POST['status'], 8), 'parentid' => id_clean($_POST['parentid']), 'lang_id' => id_clean($_POST['lang_id']), 'table_id' => id_clean($_POST['table_id']));
     // $this->MKaimonokago->addItem($this->module, $data);
     return $data;
예제 #27

if (!isset($_SESSION['sendMe']['id'])) {
    header("Location: index.php");
require 'config.php';
require 'functions.php';
if (isset($_POST['submitAddCourse'])) {
    $kurs_id = db_clean($_POST['kurs_id']);
    //$message = $kurs_id;
    $sql = "SELECT id FROM kurs_user WHERE user_id='" . $_SESSION['sendMe']['id'] . "' AND kurs_id='{$kurs_id}' LIMIT 1";
    if (mysql_num_rows(mysql_query($sql)) == 1) {
        $message = "Du är redan medlem i den kursen.";
    } else {
        $sql = "INSERT INTO kurs_user(user_id, kurs_id) VALUES('" . $_SESSION['sendMe']['id'] . "','" . $kurs_id . "')";
        $message = "Du lades till i kursen " . db_get_course_name($kurs_id) . " .";
require 'top.php';
<h1>SendMe :: Mina kurser</h1>
<p>Här kan du se vilka kurser du är medlem i och lägga till nya.</p>
<h2>Mina kurser</h2>
$sql = "SELECT kurs_id FROM kurs_user WHERE user_id='" . $_SESSION['sendMe']['id'] . "' AND active='1'";
$q = mysql_query($sql);
if (mysql_num_rows($q) > 0) {
    print "<table>";
    while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($q)) {
예제 #28
 function emailorder()
     $data['title'] = $this->preference->item('site_name') . " | " . "checkout";
     // old way of validation, I hope Bep will update to CI 1.7.2
     $fields['customerr_first_name'] = lang('orders_first_name');
     $fields['customerr_last_name'] = lang('orders_last_name');
     $fields['telephone'] = lang('webshop_mobile_tel');
     $fields['email'] = lang('orders_email');
     $fields['emaildonf'] = lang('orders_email_confirm');
     $fields['shippingaddress'] = lang('orders_shipping_address');
     $fields['city'] = lang('orders_post_code');
     $fields['post_code'] = lang('orders_city');
     $rules['customer_first_name'] = 'trim|required|min_length[3]|max_length[20]';
     $rules['customer_last_name'] = 'trim|required|min_length[3]|max_length[20]';
     $rules['telephone'] = 'trim|required|min_length[8]|max_length[12]|numeric';
     $rules['email'] = 'trim|required|matches[emailconf]|valid_email';
     $rules['emailconf'] = 'trim|required|valid_email';
     $rules['shippingaddress'] = 'required';
     $rules['city'] = 'trim|required';
     $rules['post_code'] = 'trim|required';
     $shippingprice = $this->shippingprice();
     $data['shippingprice'] = $shippingprice['shippingprice'];
     if ($this->validation->run() == FALSE) {
         // $this->session->set_flashdata('msg', 'Please fill all the fields. Please try again!');
         // send back to confirmorder. validation error will be displayed automatically
         $data['page'] = $this->config->item('backendpro_template_shop') . 'confirmorder';
         $data['module'] = $this->module;
         $this->load->view($this->_container, $data);
     } else {
          * If validation is ok, then
          * 1. enter customer info to db through $this->MOrders->entercustomerinfo();
          * 2. enter oder info to db through $this->MOrders->enterorderinfo();
          * 3. enter oder items to db $this->MOrders->enterorderitems();
          * 4. send email to the customer and me
          * 5. redirect to ordersuccess page and display thanks message
         $totalprice = $_SESSION['totalprice'];
         //Create body of message by cleaning each field and then appending each name and value to it
         $body = "<h1>" . lang('email_here_is') . "</h1><br />";
         $email = db_clean($this->input->post('email'));
         $lastname = db_clean($this->input->post('lname'));
         $firstname = db_clean($this->input->post('fname'));
         $name = $firstname + " " + $lastname;
         // $shipping= 65;
         $shipping = $_SESSION['shippingprice'];
         $body .= "<table border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='5' width='80%'><tr><td><b>" . lang('email_number_of_order') . "</b></td><td><b>" . lang('email_product_name') . "</b></td><td><b>" . lang('email_product_price') . "</b></td></tr>";
         if (count($_SESSION['cart'])) {
             $count = 1;
             foreach ($_SESSION['cart'] as $PID => $row) {
                 $body .= "<tr><td><b>" . $row['count'] . "</b></td><td><b>" . $row['name'] . "</b></td><td><b>" . $row['price'] . "</b></td></tr>";
         $grandtotal = (int) $totalprice + $shipping;
         $body .= "<tr><td colspan='2'><b>" . lang('orders_sub_total_nor') . " </b></td><td colspan='1'><b>" . number_format($totalprice, 2, '.', ',') . "</b></td></tr>";
         $body .= "<tr><td colspan='2'><b>" . lang('orders_shipping_nor') . " </b></td><td colspan='1'><b>" . number_format($shipping, 2, '.', ',') . "</b></td></tr>";
         $body .= "<tr><td colspan='2'><b>" . lang('orders_total_with_shipping') . " </b></td><td colspan='1'><b>" . number_format($grandtotal, 2, '.', ',') . "</b></td></tr>";
         $body .= "</table><br />";
         $body .= "<table border=\"1\" cellspacing='0' cellpadding='5' width='80%'>";
         $body .= "<tr><td><b>" . lang('orders_name') . ": </b></td><td><b>" . $_POST['customer_first_name'] . " " . $_POST['customer_last_name'] . "</b></td></tr>";
         $body .= "<tr><td><b>" . lang('orders_email') . ": </b></td><td><b>" . $_POST['email'] . "</b></td></tr>";
         $body .= "<tr><td><b>" . lang('webshop_mobile_tel') . ": </b></td><td><b>" . $_POST['telephone'] . "</b></td></tr>";
         $body .= "<tr><td><b>" . lang('orders_shipping_address') . ": </b></td><td><b>" . $_POST['shippingaddress'] . "</b></td></tr>";
         $body .= "<tr><td><b>" . lang('orders_post_code') . ": </b></td><td><b>" . $_POST['post_code'] . "</b></td></tr>";
         $body .= "<tr><td><b>" . lang('orders_city') . ": </b></td><td><b>" . $_POST['city'] . "</b></td></tr>";
         $body .= "</table>";
         $body .= "<p><b>" . lang('email_we_will_call') . "</b></p>";
         //removes newlines and returns from $email and $name so they can't smuggle extra email addresses for spammers
         $headers = "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\n";
         $headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n\n";
         //Create header that puts email in From box along with name in parentheses and sends bcc to alternate address
         $from = 'From: ' . $email . "(" . $name . ")" . "\r\n" . 'Bcc: admin@gmail.com' . "\r\n";
         //Creates intelligible subject line that also shows me where it came from
         $subject = 'webshop.com Order confirmation';
         $admin_email = $this->preference->item('admin_email');
         //Sends mail to me, with elements created above
         mail($admin_email, $subject, $body, $headers, $from);
         $site_name = $this->preference->item('site_name');
         // Send confirmation email to the customer
         mail($email, $subject, $body, $headers, $site_name);
         // $this->session->set_flashdata('msg', 'Thank you for your order! We will get in touch as soon as possible.');
         redirect($this->module . '/ordersuccess');
예제 #29
파일: mcolors.php 프로젝트: sspat/citest
 function updateColor()
     $data = array('name' => db_clean($_POST['name'], 32), 'status' => db_clean($_POST['status'], 8));
     $this->db->where('id', id_clean($_POST['id']));
     $this->db->update('colors', $data);
예제 #30
파일: mcats.php 프로젝트: hungnv0789/vhtm
    function updateCategory()
        $data = array( 
        	'name' =>  db_clean($_POST['name']),
        	'shortdesc' =>  db_clean($_POST['shortdesc']),
        	'longdesc' =>  db_clean($_POST['longdesc'],5000),
        	'status' =>  db_clean($_POST['status'],8),
        	'parentid' =>  id_clean($_POST['parentid'])

    	$this->db->where('id', id_clean($_POST['id']));
        $this->db->update('omc_category', $data);	