function angkatan_name($a){ if(is_array($a)) $b=$a['angkatan']; else $b=$a; return dbFetch("angkatan","aka_angkatan","W/replid='$b'"); }
function setUser($user_id_md5) { global $user; global $cfg; global $season; unsetUser($user); $user_id_md5 = stripslashes($user_id_md5); list($id_user, $md5_password) = unserialize($user_id_md5); if ($id_user != "") { $users_ref = dbQuery("SELECT * FROM `{$cfg['db_table_prefix']}users` WHERE `id` = {$id_user}"); if ($users_row = dbFetch($users_ref) and $md5_password == md5($users_row['password'])) { $user['uid'] = $users_row['id']; $user['username'] = $users_row['username']; if (!isset($season)) { $season_users_ref = dbQuery("SELECT * FROM `{$cfg['db_table_prefix']}season_users` " . "WHERE `id_user` = {$users_row['id']} AND `id_season` = 0"); } else { $season_users_ref = dbQuery("SELECT * FROM `{$cfg['db_table_prefix']}season_users` " . "WHERE `id_user` = {$users_row['id']} AND (`id_season` = 0 OR `id_season` = {$season['id']})"); } while ($season_users_row = dbFetch($season_users_ref)) { if ($season_users_row['usertype_root'] == 1) { $user['usertype_root'] = $season_users_row['usertype_root']; } if ($season_users_row['usertype_headadmin'] == 1) { $user['usertype_headadmin'] = $season_users_row['usertype_headadmin']; } if ($season_users_row['usertype_admin'] == 1) { $user['usertype_admin'] = $season_users_row['usertype_admin']; } if ($season_users_row['usertype_player'] == 1) { $user['usertype_player'] = $season_users_row['usertype_player']; } } } } }
function tahunajaran_name($a) { if (is_array($a)) { $a = $a['tahunajaran']; } return dbFetch("tahunajaran", "aka_tahunajaran", "W/replid='{$a}'"); }
function MstrGetReminder($a, $b) { if (intval($b) == 0) { return 0; } else { return intval(dbFetch("reminder", "mstr_" . $a, "W/dcid='{$b}'")); } }
function departemen_name($a) { if (is_array($a)) { $b = $a['departemen']; } else { $b = $a; } return dbFetch("nama", "departemen", "W/replid='{$b}'"); }
function kategorirek_name($a) { if (is_array($a)) { $b = $a['kategorirek']; } else { $b = $a; } return dbFetch("nama", "keu_kategorirek", "W/replid='{$b}'"); }
function angkatan_name($a) { if (is_array($a)) { $b = $a['angkatan']; } else { $b = $a; } return dbFetch("angkatan", "aka_angkatan", "W/replid='{$b}'"); }
public function groupList($params = array()) { $CI =& get_instance(); extract($params); logConfig('altoDriver_group|action:list', 'logAlto'); $sql = "select group_id, group_name, group_type, group_detail from gun_groups order by group_name asc"; logConfig('altoDriver_group|sql:' . $sql, 'logAlto'); $data0 = dbFetch($sql); //====clean $groups = array(); foreach ($data0 as $arr) { $groups[] = dbCleanField($arr, 'group_'); } $data = array('total' => $CI->group->total(), 'group' => $groups); return array('code' => 9, 'data' => $data); }
function dbFetchAll($id, $name) { $data = array(); $title = dbquery("SELECT * from titles left join templates on where'{$id}' "); $result = mysql_fetch_array($title); $templateXML = fopen($result["path"], "r"); $contents = stream_get_contents($templateXML); $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($contents); foreach ($xml->geo->children() as $geo) { if ($geo["name"] == $name) { $data = dbFetch($id, $geo); } } foreach ($xml->overlay->children() as $geo) { if ($geo["name"] == $name) { $data = dbFetch($id, $geo); } } return $data; }
echo "-i <instances> -n <number> Poll as instance <number> of <instances>\n"; echo " Instances start at 0. 0-3 for -n 4\n\n"; echo "\n"; echo "Debugging and testing options:\n"; echo "-d Enable debugging output\n"; echo "-m Specify single module to be run\n"; echo "\n"; echo "Invalid arguments!\n"; exit; } include "includes/sql-schema/update.php"; $discovered_devices = 0; if ($config['distributed_poller'] === TRUE) { $where .= " AND poller_group IN(" . $config['distributed_poller_group'] . ")"; } foreach (dbFetch("SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE status = 1 AND disabled = 0 {$where} ORDER BY device_id DESC") as $device) { discover_device($device, $options); } $end = utime(); $run = $end - $start; $proctime = substr($run, 0, 5); if ($discovered_devices) { dbInsert(array('type' => 'discover', 'doing' => $doing, 'start' => $start, 'duration' => $proctime, 'devices' => $discovered_devices), 'perf_times'); } $string = $argv[0] . " {$doing} " . date($config['dateformat']['compact']) . " - {$discovered_devices} devices discovered in {$proctime} secs"; if ($debug) { echo "{$string}\n"; } if ($options['h'] != "new" && $config['version_check']) { include "includes/"; }
function app_form_gpost() { $s = array(); $a = func_get_args(); $n = count($a); for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { if ($a[$i] == 'photo') { // upload foto $id = gpost('photo'); if ($id != '') { if (intval($id) != 0) { $p = dbFetch("photo", "tmp_photo", "W/replid='{$id}'") . "'"; dbDel("tmp_photo", "replid='{$id}'"); $s['photo'] = $p; } else { $s['photo'] = ''; } } } else { //selain foto $s[$a[$i]] = gpost($a[$i]); } } return $s; }
function dbFetchKeyValue($sql, $parameters = array(), $nocache = false) { $data = array(); foreach (dbFetch($sql, $parameters, $nocache) as $row) { $key = array_shift($row); if (sizeof($row) == 1) { // if there were only 2 fields in the result // use the second for the value $data[$key] = array_shift($row); } else { // if more than 2 fields were fetched // use the array of the rest as the value $data[$key] = $row; } } return $data; }
if (isset($vars['format']) && preg_match("/^[a-z]*\$/", $vars['format'])) { # $map = 'digraph G { bgcolor=transparent; splines=true; overlap=scale; concentrate=0; epsilon=0.001; rankdir=LR $map = 'digraph G { bgcolor=transparent; splines=true; overlap=scale; rankdir=LR node [ fontname="helvetica", fontstyle=bold, style=filled, color=white, fillcolor=lightgrey, overlap=false]; edge [ bgcolor=white, fontname="helvetica", fontstyle=bold, arrowhead=dot, arrowtail=dot]; graph [bgcolor=transparent;]; '; if (!$_SESSION['authenticated']) { $map .= "\"没有经过身份验证\" [fontsize=20 fillcolor=\"lightblue\", URL=\"/\" shape=box3d]\n"; } else { $loc_count = 1; $cache['where']['devices_permitted'] = generate_query_permitted(array('device'), array('device_table' => 'D')); foreach (dbFetch("SELECT D.*, COUNT(L.local_port_id) FROM devices AS D LEFT JOIN (ports AS I, links AS L) ON (D.device_id = I.device_id AND I.port_id = L.local_port_id) " . $where . $cache['where']['devices_permitted'] . " GROUP BY D.hostname ORDER BY COUNT(L.local_port_id) DESC") as $device) { if ($device) { $links = dbFetch("SELECT * from ports AS I, links AS L WHERE I.device_id = ? AND L.local_port_id = I.port_id ORDER BY L.remote_hostname", array($device['device_id'])); if (count($links)) { $ranktype = substr($device['hostname'], 0, 2); $ranktype2 = substr($device['hostname'], 0, 3); if (!strncmp($device['hostname'], "c", 1) && !strstr($device['hostname'], "kalooga")) { $ranks[$ranktype][] = $device['hostname']; } else { $ranks[$ranktype2][] = $device['hostname']; } if ($anon) { $device['hostname'] = md5($device['hostname']); } if (!isset($locations[$device['location']])) { $locations[$device['location']] = $loc_count; $loc_count++; }
function poll_device($device, $options) { global $config, $device, $polled_devices, $db_stats, $memcache; $attribs = get_dev_attribs($device['device_id']); $status = 0; unset($array); $device_start = utime(); // Start counting device poll time echo $device['hostname'] . ' ' . $device['device_id'] . ' ' . $device['os'] . ' '; if ($config['os'][$device['os']]['group']) { $device['os_group'] = $config['os'][$device['os']]['group']; echo '(' . $device['os_group'] . ')'; } echo "\n"; unset($poll_update); unset($poll_update_query); unset($poll_separator); $poll_update_array = array(); $update_array = array(); $host_rrd = $config['rrd_dir'] . '/' . $device['hostname']; if (!is_dir($host_rrd)) { mkdir($host_rrd); echo "Created directory : {$host_rrd}\n"; } $address_family = snmpTransportToAddressFamily($device['transport']); $ping_response = isPingable($device['hostname'], $address_family, $attribs); $device_perf = $ping_response['db']; $device_perf['device_id'] = $device['device_id']; $device_perf['timestamp'] = array('NOW()'); if (can_ping_device($attribs) === true && is_array($device_perf)) { dbInsert($device_perf, 'device_perf'); } $device['pingable'] = $ping_response['result']; $ping_time = $ping_response['last_ping_timetaken']; $response = array(); $status_reason = ''; if ($device['pingable']) { $device['snmpable'] = isSNMPable($device); if ($device['snmpable']) { $status = '1'; $response['status_reason'] = ''; } else { echo 'SNMP Unreachable'; $status = '0'; $response['status_reason'] = 'snmp'; } } else { echo 'Unpingable'; $status = '0'; $response['status_reason'] = 'icmp'; } if ($device['status'] != $status) { $poll_update .= $poll_separator . "`status` = '{$status}'"; $poll_separator = ', '; dbUpdate(array('status' => $status, 'status_reason' => $response['status_reason']), 'devices', 'device_id=?', array($device['device_id'])); dbInsert(array('importance' => '0', 'device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'message' => 'Device is ' . ($status == '1' ? 'up' : 'down')), 'alerts'); log_event('Device status changed to ' . ($status == '1' ? 'Up' : 'Down'), $device, $status == '1' ? 'up' : 'down'); } if ($status == '1') { $graphs = array(); $oldgraphs = array(); if ($options['m']) { foreach (explode(',', $options['m']) as $module) { if (is_file('includes/polling/' . $module . '.inc.php')) { include 'includes/polling/' . $module . '.inc.php'; } } } else { foreach ($config['poller_modules'] as $module => $module_status) { if ($attribs['poll_' . $module] || $module_status && !isset($attribs['poll_' . $module])) { // TODO per-module polling stats include 'includes/polling/' . $module . '.inc.php'; } else { if (isset($attribs['poll_' . $module]) && $attribs['poll_' . $module] == '0') { echo "Module [ {$module} ] disabled on host.\n"; } else { echo "Module [ {$module} ] disabled globally.\n"; } } } } //end if if (!$options['m']) { // FIXME EVENTLOGGING -- MAKE IT SO WE DO THIS PER-MODULE? // This code cycles through the graphs already known in the database and the ones we've defined as being polled here // If there any don't match, they're added/deleted from the database. // Ideally we should hold graphs for xx days/weeks/polls so that we don't needlessly hide information. foreach (dbFetch('SELECT `graph` FROM `device_graphs` WHERE `device_id` = ?', array($device['device_id'])) as $graph) { if (isset($graphs[$graph['graph']])) { $oldgraphs[$graph['graph']] = true; } else { dbDelete('device_graphs', '`device_id` = ? AND `graph` = ?', array($device['device_id'], $graph['graph'])); } } foreach ($graphs as $graph => $value) { if (!isset($oldgraphs[$graph])) { echo '+'; dbInsert(array('device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'graph' => $graph), 'device_graphs'); } echo $graph . ' '; } } //end if $device_end = utime(); $device_run = $device_end - $device_start; $device_time = substr($device_run, 0, 5); // TODO: These should be easy converts to rrd_create_update() // Poller performance rrd $poller_rrd = $config['rrd_dir'] . '/' . $device['hostname'] . '/poller-perf.rrd'; if (!is_file($poller_rrd)) { rrdtool_create($poller_rrd, 'DS:poller:GAUGE:600:0:U ' . $config['rrd_rra']); } if (!empty($device_time)) { $fields = array('poller' => $device_time); rrdtool_update($poller_rrd, $fields); } // Ping response rrd if (can_ping_device($attribs) === true) { $ping_rrd = $config['rrd_dir'] . '/' . $device['hostname'] . '/ping-perf.rrd'; if (!is_file($ping_rrd)) { rrdtool_create($ping_rrd, 'DS:ping:GAUGE:600:0:65535 ' . $config['rrd_rra']); } if (!empty($ping_time)) { $fields = array('ping' => $ping_time); rrdtool_update($ping_rrd, $fields); } $update_array['last_ping'] = array('NOW()'); $update_array['last_ping_timetaken'] = $ping_time; } $update_array['last_polled'] = array('NOW()'); $update_array['last_polled_timetaken'] = $device_time; // echo("$device_end - $device_start; $device_time $device_run"); echo "Polled in {$device_time} seconds\n"; d_echo('Updating ' . $device['hostname'] . "\n"); d_echo($update_array); $updated = dbUpdate($update_array, 'devices', '`device_id` = ?', array($device['device_id'])); if ($updated) { echo "UPDATED!\n"; } unset($storage_cache); // Clear cache of hrStorage ** MAYBE FIXME? ** unset($cache); // Clear cache (unify all things here?) } //end if }
} if (!$where) { print_message("%n\nUSAGE:\n{$scriptname} [-drqV] [-i instances] [-n number] [-m module] [-h device]\n\nEXAMPLE:\n-h <device id> | <device hostname wildcard> Poll single device\n-h odd Poll odd numbered devices (same as -i 2 -n 0)\n-h even Poll even numbered devices (same as -i 2 -n 1)\n-h all Poll all devices\n-h new Poll all devices that have not had a discovery run before\n\n-i <instances> -n <id/number> Poll as instance <id/number> of <instances>\n Instance numbers start at 0. 0-3 for -i 4\n Example:\n -i 4 -n 0\n -i 4 -n 1\n -i 4 -n 2\n -i 4 -n 3\n\nOPTIONS:\n -h Device hostname, id or key odd/even/all/new.\n -i Poll instances count.\n -n Instance id (number), must start from 0 and to be less than instances count.\n -q Quiet output.\n -M Show globally enabled/disabled modules and exit.\n -V Show version and exit.\n\nDEBUGGING OPTIONS:\n -r Do not create or update RRDs\n -d Enable debugging output.\n -dd More verbose debugging output.\n -m Specify module(s) (separated by commas) to be run.\n\n%rInvalid arguments!%n", 'color', FALSE); exit; } if (isset($options['r'])) { $config['norrd'] = TRUE; } $cache['maint'] = cache_alert_maintenance(); rrdtool_pipe_open($rrd_process, $rrd_pipes); print_cli_heading("%WStarting polling run at " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 0); $polled_devices = 0; if (!isset($query)) { $query = "SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE `disabled` = 0 {$where} ORDER BY `device_id` ASC"; } foreach (dbFetch($query, $params) as $device) { $device = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = ?", array($device['device_id'])); poll_device($device, $options); $polled_devices++; } $poller_end = utime(); $poller_run = $poller_end - $poller_start; $poller_time = substr($poller_run, 0, 5); if ($polled_devices) { dbInsert(array('type' => 'poll', 'doing' => $doing, 'start' => $poller_start, 'duration' => $poller_time, 'devices' => $polled_devices), 'perf_times'); if (is_numeric($doing)) { $doing = $device['hostname']; } // Single device ID convert to hostname for log } else { print_warning("WARNING: 0 devices polled. Did you specify a device that does not exist?");
function setAsDelinquent() { $in['uRec'] = $this->uRec; $in['paymentDelinquent'] = 1; $sql = "SELECT * FROM stripeAuth WHERE uRec=" . $in['uRec']; $id = 0; if ($rc = dbQuery($sql)) { if ($row = dbFetch($rc)) { $id = $row["id"]; $update = true; } else { $update = false; } } else { logit(WARN, " DB Error: {$sql} in " . __FILE__ . " on line: " . __LINE__); } if ($update) { $sql = "UPDATE stripeAuth " . makeSql($in, "update") . " WHERE id={$id} "; } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO stripeAuth " . makeSql($in, "insert"); } if ($rc = dbQuery($sql)) { logit(INFO, 'set customer as delinquent| sql: ' . $sql); } else { logit(WARN, " DB Error: {$sql} in " . __FILE__ . " on line: " . __LINE__); return false; } }
$sR = dbFetch($id, $slantRectangle); slantRectangle($canvas, $sR["x"], $sR["y"], $sR["w"], $sR["h"], $sR["color"]); } } if ($xml->overlay->shadowText) { foreach ($xml->overlay->shadowText as $text) { $t = dbFetch($id, $text); shadowedText($canvas, $t["x"], $t["y"], $t["w"], $t["h"], $t["text"], $t["gravity"], $t["font"], $t["color"]); } } if ($xml->overlay->plainText) { foreach ($xml->overlay->plainText as $text) { $t = dbFetch($id, $text); plainText($canvas, $t["x"], $t["y"], $t["w"], $t["h"], $t["text"], $t["gravity"], $t["font"], $t["color"], true); } } if ($xml->overlay->placeImage) { foreach ($xml->overlay->placeImage as $image) { $l = dbFetch($id, $image); //print_r($l); placeImage($canvas, $l["x"], $l["y"], $l["w"], $l["h"], $l["path"]); } } header("Content-Type: image/png"); echo $canvas; $thumb = $canvas->clone(); $thumb->cropImage(1440, 1080, 0, 0); $thumb->resizeImage(53, 40, Imagick::FILTER_TRIANGLE, 1); $thumb->writeImage('thumbs/' . $titleRow["filename"] . '.png'); $canvas->setImageDepth(8); $canvas->writeImage('out/' . $titleRow["filename"] . '.png');
// Matchkey $content_tpl->set_var("I_BRACKET", htmlspecialchars($matches_row['bracket'])); $content_tpl->set_var("I_ROUND", $matches_row['round']); $content_tpl->set_var("I_MATCH", $matches_row['match']); $content_tpl->set_var("I_ID_SEASON", $season['id']); $content_tpl->set_var("I_OPT", $id_match); $content_tpl->parse("H_ADD_REPORT", "B_ADD_REPORT"); } else { if ($matches_row['id_player1'] == $user['uid']) { $player = "p1"; } elseif ($matches_row['id_player2'] == $user['uid']) { $player = "p2"; } $maps_ref = dbQuery("SELECT * FROM `{$cfg['db_table_prefix']}maps` " . "WHERE `id_match` = {$matches_row['id']} ORDER BY `num_map` ASC"); $comments = false; while ($maps_row = dbFetch($maps_ref)) { if ($maps_row["comment_{$player}"] == "") { $comments = true; $sshot_dir = "data/screenshots/{$season['id']}/"; $sshot = $sshot_dir . "{$season['id']}-{$matches_row['bracket']}-{$matches_row['round']}-{$matches_row['match']}-m{$maps_row['num_map']}_thumb.jpg"; $content_tpl->set_var("H_SCREENSHOT", ""); if (file_exists($sshot)) { $content_tpl->set_var("I_SCREENSHOT", htmlspecialchars($sshot)); $content_tpl->parse("H_SCREENSHOT", "B_SCREENSHOT"); } $content_tpl->set_var("I_NUM_MAP", $maps_row['num_map']); $content_tpl->parse("H_COMMENT", "B_COMMENT", true); } } if (!$comments) { $content_tpl->parse("H_NO_COMMENT", "B_NO_COMMENT");
function update_mib_graph_types($mibname, $oids, $mibdef, $graphs) { $seengraphs = array(); // Get the list of graphs currently in the database // FIXME: there's probably a more efficient way to do this foreach (dbFetch('SELECT DISTINCT `graph_subtype` FROM `graph_types` WHERE `graph_subtype` LIKE ?', array("{$mibname}-%")) as $graph) { $seengraphs[$graph['graph_subtype']] = true; } foreach ($oids as $index => $array) { $i = 1; foreach ($array as $oid => $val) { $graphname = "{$mibname}-" . $mibdef[$oid]['shortname']; // add the graph if it's not in the database already if ($graphs[$graphname] && !$seengraphs[$graphname]) { // construct a graph definition based on the MIB definition $graphdef = array(); $graphdef['graph_type'] = 'device'; $graphdef['graph_subtype'] = $graphname; $graphdef['graph_section'] = 'mib'; $graphdef['graph_descr'] = $mibdef[$oid]['description']; $graphdef['graph_order'] = $i++; // TODO: add colours, unit_text, and ds // add graph to the database dbInsert($graphdef, 'graph_types'); } } } }
function tahunbuku_name($a){ return dbFetch("tahunbuku","keu_tahunbuku","W/replid='$a'"); }
} $dur = $end - $start; $datefrom = date('Ymthis', $start); $dateto = date('Ymthis', $end); $dur = $end - $start; $counttot = dbFetchCell('SELECT count(`delta`) FROM `bill_data` WHERE `bill_id` = ? AND `timestamp` >= FROM_UNIXTIME( ? ) AND `timestamp` <= FROM_UNIXTIME( ? )', array($bill_id, $start, $end)); $count = round($dur / 300 / (($ysize - 100) * 3), 0); if ($count <= 1) { $count = 2; } // $count = round($counttot / 260, 0); // if ($count <= 1) { $count = 2; } // $max = dbFetchCell("SELECT delta FROM bill_data WHERE bill_id = ? AND `timestamp` >= FROM_UNIXTIME( ? ) AND `timestamp` <= FROM_UNIXTIME( ? ) ORDER BY delta DESC LIMIT 0,1", array($bill_id, $start, $end)); // if ($max > 1000000) { $div = "1000000"; $yaxis = "Mbit/sec"; } else { $div = "1000"; $yaxis = "Kbit/sec"; } $i = '0'; foreach (dbFetch('SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timestamp) AS formatted_date FROM bill_data WHERE bill_id = ? AND `timestamp` >= FROM_UNIXTIME( ? ) AND `timestamp` <= FROM_UNIXTIME( ? ) ORDER BY timestamp ASC', array($bill_id, $start, $end)) as $row) { $timestamp = $row['formatted_date']; if (!$first) { $first = $timestamp; } $delta = $row['delta']; $period = $row['period']; $in_delta = $row['in_delta']; $out_delta = $row['out_delta']; $in_value = delta_to_bits($in_delta, $period); $out_value = delta_to_bits($out_delta, $period); $last = $timestamp; $iter_in += $in_delta; $iter_out += $out_delta; $iter_period += $period; if ($iter == $count) {
echo '<option value="' . $data['features'] . '"'; if ($data['features'] == $vars['features']) { echo " selected"; } echo ">" . $data['features'] . "</option>"; } } ?> </select> </div> <div class="col-lg-2"> <select class="selectpicker" name="type" id="type"> <option value="">所有设备类型</option> <?php foreach (dbFetch('SELECT `type` FROM `devices` AS D WHERE 1 ' . $where_form . ' GROUP BY `type` ORDER BY `type`') as $data) { if ($data['type']) { echo "<option value='" . $data['type'] . "'"; if ($data['type'] == $vars['type']) { echo " selected"; } echo ">" . ucfirst($data['type']) . "</option>"; } } ?> </select> </div> <div class="col-lg-2 pull-right"> <button type="submit" onClick="submitURL();" class="btn pull-right"><i class="icon-search"></i> 搜索</button> </div>
function portalLink($id) { //fb($url); //$ids=explode(",",$id); //foreach($id as $key->$value) $id[$key]=trim($value); $sql = "SELECT * FROM articles WHERE artId in ({$id}) "; if ($rc = dbQuery($sql)) { while ($row = dbFetch($rc)) { $url = articleUrl($row["artId"]); if ($url) { if ($row["tipLong"]) { $summary = $row["tipLong"]; } elseif ($row["tipShort"]) { $summary = $row["tipShort"]; } elseif ($row["summary"]) { $summary = $row["summary"]; } $str .= "<p><a class='portalLink' href='{$url}'>{$row["headline"]}</a><br>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='portalText'>{$summary}</span></p>"; } } } return $str; }
$inp[$v] = gpost($v); } if (dbInsert("book", $inp)) { echo "TBook information has been saved."; } else { echo 'F<span style="colo:#ff0000">Failed to save book information.</span>'; } } else { if ($q == "addbook2") { $a = array('catalog', 'barcode', 'nid', 'callnumber', 'shelf', 'source', 'sourceval'); $inp = array(); foreach ($a as $k => $v) { $inp[$v] = gpost($v); } if (dbInsert("book", $inp)) { $tbl = dbFetch("ntable", "so_history", "W/status!=0"); dbInsert($tbl, array('catalog' => $inp['catalog'], 'barcode' => $inp['barcode'])); echo "TBook information has been saved."; } else { echo 'F<span style="colo:#ff0000">Failed to save book information.</span>'; } } else { if ($q == "revbook") { $dcid = gpost('dcid'); $a = array('catalog', 'barcode', 'nid', 'callnumber', 'shelf', 'source', 'sourceval'); $inp = array(); foreach ($a as $k => $v) { $inp[$v] = gpost($v); } if (dbUpdate("book", $inp, "dcid='{$dcid}'")) { echo "TBook information has been saved.";
function transferOverview($bill_id, $history) { global $list_colour_a, $list_colour_b, $config; $i = 0; $tot = array(); $traf = array(); $start = $history['timestampfrom']; $end = $history['timestampto']; //$background= $history['background']; $res = ""; $res .= "<table class=\"transferOverview\">"; $res .= " <tr bgcolor=\"#000\">"; $res .= " <th class=\"period\">Date</th>"; $res .= " <th class=\"inbound\">Inbound</th>"; $res .= " <th class=\"outbound\">Outbound</th>"; $res .= " <th class=\"total\">Total</th>"; $res .= " </tr>"; foreach (dbFetch("SELECT DISTINCT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timestamp) as timestamp, SUM(delta) as traf_total, SUM(in_delta) as traf_in, SUM(out_delta) as traf_out FROM bill_data WHERE `bill_id`= ? AND `timestamp` >= FROM_UNIXTIME(?) AND `timestamp` <= FROM_UNIXTIME(?) GROUP BY DATE(timestamp) ORDER BY timestamp ASC", array($bill_id, $start, $end)) as $data) { $date = strftime("%A, %e %B %Y", $data['timestamp']); $tot['in'] += gbConvert($data['traf_in']); $tot['out'] += gbConvert($data['traf_out']); $tot['tot'] += gbConvert($data['traf_total']); $traf['in'] = formatStorage(gbConvert($data['traf_in']), "3"); $traf['out'] = formatStorage(gbConvert($data['traf_out']), "3"); $traf['tot'] = formatStorage(gbConvert($data['traf_total']), "3"); $row_colour = !is_integer($i / 2) ? $list_colour_a : $list_colour_b; $res .= " <tr bgcolor=\"" . $row_colour . "\">"; $res .= " <td>" . $date . "</td>"; $res .= " <td class=\"right\">" . $traf['in'] . "</td>"; $res .= " <td class=\"right\">" . $traf['out'] . "</td>"; $res .= " <td class=\"right\">" . $traf['tot'] . "</td>"; $res .= " </tr>"; $i++; } $tot['in'] = formatStorage($tot['in']); $tot['out'] = formatStorage($tot['out']); $tot['tot'] = formatStorage($tot['tot']); $res .= " <tr bgcolor=\"#ccc\" style=\"border-top: 1px solid #000;\">"; $res .= " <td></td>"; $res .= " <td class=\"right\"><b>" . $tot['in'] . "</b></td>"; $res .= " <td class=\"right\"><b>" . $tot['out'] . "</b></td>"; $res .= " <td class=\"right\"><b>" . $tot['tot'] . "</b></td>"; $res .= " </tr>"; $res .= "</table>"; return $res; }
function tahunlulus_name($a){ if(is_array($a))$a=$a['tahunlulus']; return dbFetch("nama","aka_tahunlulus","W/replid='$a'"); }
function delete_device($id) { global $config, $debug; $ret = ''; $host = dbFetchCell("SELECT hostname FROM devices WHERE device_id = ?", array($id)); if (empty($host)) { return "No such host."; } // Remove IPv4/IPv6 addresses before removing ports as they depend on port_id dbQuery("DELETE `ipv4_addresses` FROM `ipv4_addresses` INNER JOIN `ports` ON `ports`.`port_id`=`ipv4_addresses`.`port_id` WHERE `device_id`=?", array($id)); dbQuery("DELETE `ipv6_addresses` FROM `ipv6_addresses` INNER JOIN `ports` ON `ports`.`port_id`=`ipv6_addresses`.`port_id` WHERE `device_id`=?", array($id)); foreach (dbFetch("SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ?", array($id)) as $int_data) { $int_if = $int_data['ifDescr']; $int_id = $int_data['port_id']; delete_port($int_id); $ret .= "Removed interface {$int_id} ({$int_if})\n"; } $fields = array('device_id', 'host'); foreach ($fields as $field) { foreach (dbFetch("SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = ? AND column_name = ?", array($config['db_name'], $field)) as $table) { $table = $table['table_name']; $entries = (int) dbDelete($table, "`{$field}` = ?", array($id)); if ($entries > 0 && $debug === true) { $ret .= "{$field}@{$table} = #{$entries}\n"; } } } $ex = shell_exec("bash -c '( [ ! -d " . trim($config['rrd_dir']) . "/" . $host . " ] || rm -vrf " . trim($config['rrd_dir']) . "/" . $host . " 2>&1 ) && echo -n OK'"); $tmp = explode("\n", $ex); if ($tmp[sizeof($tmp) - 1] != "OK") { $ret .= "Could not remove files:\n{$ex}\n"; } $ret .= "Removed device {$host}\n"; return $ret; }
if (!is_file($rrd)) { rrdtool_create($rrd, '--step 300 DS:inutil:GAUGE:600:0:100 DS:oututil:GAUGE:600:0:100 DS:outdropped:DERIVE:600:0:125000000000 DS:outerrors:DERIVE:600:0:125000000000 DS:inerrors:DERIVE:600:0:125000000000 ' . $config['rrd_rra']); } rrdtool_update($rrd, $fields); } //end foreach // print_r($entPhysical_state); } //end if // Set Entity state foreach (dbFetch('SELECT * FROM `entPhysical_state` WHERE `device_id` = ?', array($device['device_id'])) as $entity) { if (!isset($entPhysical_state[$entity['entPhysicalIndex']][$entity['subindex']][$entity['group']][$entity['key']])) { dbDelete('entPhysical_state', '`device_id` = ? AND `entPhysicalIndex` = ? AND `subindex` = ? AND `group` = ? AND `key` = ?', array($device['device_id'], $entity['entPhysicalIndex'], $entity['subindex'], $entity['group'], $entity['key'])); } else { if ($entPhysical_state[$entity['entPhysicalIndex']][$entity['subindex']][$entity['group']][$entity['key']] != $entity['value']) { echo 'no match!'; } unset($entPhysical_state[$entity['entPhysicalIndex']][$entity['subindex']][$entity['group']][$entity['key']]); } } //end foreach // End Set Entity Attrivs // Delete Entity state foreach ($entPhysical_state as $epi => $entity) { foreach ($entity as $subindex => $si) { foreach ($si as $group => $ti) {
<?php $content_tpl->set_block("F_CONTENT", "B_ADD_COUNTRY", "H_ADD_COUNTRY"); $content_tpl->set_block("F_CONTENT", "B_SIGNUP", "H_SIGNUP"); $content_tpl->set_block("F_CONTENT", "B_ADD_ACCOUNT", "H_ADD_ACCOUNT"); // Countries $countries_ref = dbQuery("SELECT * FROM `{$cfg['db_table_prefix']}countries` " . "WHERE `active` = 1 " . "ORDER BY `name` ASC"); while ($countries_row = dbFetch($countries_ref)) { $content_tpl->set_var("I_ID_COUNTRY", $countries_row['id']); $content_tpl->set_var("I_COUNTRY", htmlspecialchars($countries_row['name'])); $content_tpl->parse("H_ADD_COUNTRY", "B_ADD_COUNTRY", true); } // Signup if ($season['status'] == "signups") { $content_tpl->parse("H_SIGNUP", "B_SIGNUP"); } $content_tpl->set_var("I_ID_SEASON", $season['id']); $content_tpl->parse("H_ADD_ACCOUNT", "B_ADD_ACCOUNT");
<?php $content_tpl->set_block("F_CONTENT", "B_MESSAGE_NEWS_EDITED", "H_MESSAGE_NEWS_EDITED"); $content_tpl->set_block("F_CONTENT", "B_MESSAGE", "H_MESSAGE"); $content_tpl->set_block("F_CONTENT", "B_WARNING_HEADING", "H_WARNING_HEADING"); $content_tpl->set_block("F_CONTENT", "B_WARNING_BODY", "H_WARNING_BODY"); $content_tpl->set_block("F_CONTENT", "B_WARNING_NO_ACCESS", "H_WARNING_NO_ACCESS"); $content_tpl->set_block("F_CONTENT", "B_WARNING", "H_WARNING"); $content_tpl->set_block("F_CONTENT", "B_BACK", "H_BACK"); $content_tpl->set_block("F_CONTENT", "B_BACK_OVERVIEW", "H_BACK_OVERVIEW"); $id_news = intval($_REQUEST['opt']); $news_ref = dbQuery("SELECT * FROM `{$cfg['db_table_prefix']}news` WHERE `id` = {$id_news} AND `deleted` = 0"); $news_row = dbFetch($news_ref); // Access for headadmins [public / private news] // Access for admins [public / private news that they wrote themselves] if ($user['usertype_headadmin'] or $user['uid'] == $news_row['id_user']) { $is_complete = 1; if ($_REQUEST['heading'] == "") { $is_complete = 0; $content_tpl->parse("H_WARNING_HEADING", "B_WARNING_HEADING"); } if ($_REQUEST['body'] == "") { $is_complete = 0; $content_tpl->parse("H_WARNING_BODY", "B_WARNING_BODY"); } if ($is_complete) { $heading = dbEscape($_REQUEST['heading']); $body = dbEscape($_REQUEST['body']); dbQuery("UPDATE `{$cfg['db_table_prefix']}news` " . "SET `heading` = '{$heading}', " . "`body` = '{$body}' " . "WHERE `id` = {$news_row['id']}"); $content_tpl->parse("H_MESSAGE_NEWS_EDITED", "B_MESSAGE_NEWS_EDITED"); $content_tpl->parse("H_MESSAGE", "B_MESSAGE");