예제 #1
파일: api.php 프로젝트: raylouis/kvwebme
 * get a form
 * @return array
function Meetings_formsGet()
    if (!isset($_SESSION['userdata'])) {
        return false;
    return dbAll('select * from forms_nonpage');
예제 #2
파일: plugin.php 프로젝트: raylouis/kvwebme
 * show ads
 * @param array $params parameters
 * @return ads HTML
function Ads_widget($params)
    if (!isset($params->{'ad-type'})) {
        return 'missing ad type';
    $type_id = (int) $params->{'ad-type'};
    $howmany = (int) $params->{'how-many'};
    $type = dbRow('select * from ads_types where id=' . $type_id);
    $ads = array();
    $i = 0;
    if ($howmany > 1) {
        $sql = 'select id,image_url,target_type,poster from ads' . ' where type_id=' . $type_id . ' and is_active and cdate>date_add(now(), interval -2 day) order by rand()' . ' limit ' . $howmany;
        $adsNew = dbAll($sql);
        for (; $i < count($adsNew); ++$i) {
            $ads[] = $adsNew[$i];
    $adsOld = dbAll('select id,image_url,target_type,poster from ads' . ' where type_id=' . $type_id . ' and is_active order by rand()' . ' limit ' . $howmany);
    for ($j = 0; $j < $howmany - $i && $j < count($adsOld); ++$j) {
        $ads[] = $adsOld[$j];
    $html = '<div class="ads-wrapper type-' . $type_id . '">';
    foreach ($ads as $ad) {
        $html .= Ads_adShow($ad, $type);
        dbQuery('insert into ads_track set ad_id=' . $ad['id'] . ', view=1, cdate=now()');
    $html .= '</div>';
    return $html;
예제 #3
function send_email($subject, $body, $type, $reply_to)
    if ($subject == '' || $body == '') {
        return false;
    $options = dbAll('select name,value from mailing_list_options');
    foreach ($options as $option) {
        $OPT[$option['name']] = $option['value'];
    $list = dbAll('select * from mailing_list where status="activated"');
    $emails = '';
    $num = '';
    foreach ($list as $email) {
        $emails .= $email['email'] . ',';
    $headers = 'From: ' . $OPT['email'] . "\r\n";
    if ($repyl_to != '') {
        $headers .= 'Reply-To:' . $reply_to . "\r\n";
    if ($type == 'HTML') {
        $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
    } else {
        $headers .= 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
    if ($OPT['use_bcc'] == 1) {
        $headers .= 'Bcc: ' . $emails . "\r\n";
    } else {
        $to = $emails;
    $headers .= 'X-Mailer: PHP ' . phpversion();
    $headers .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\n";
    mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers);
    return $num;
예제 #4
파일: index.php 프로젝트: raylouis/kvwebme
 * blah
 * @param int $id id of the banner
 * @return null
function BannerImage_drawForm($id = 0)
    if (!$id) {
        $fdata = array('id' => 0, 'html' => '', 'name' => 'banner');
    } else {
        $fdata = dbRow("select * from banners_images where id={$id}");
    echo '<form method="post" action="/ww.admin/plugin.php?_plugin=banner-ima' . 'ge&amp;_page=index" enctype="multipart/form-data"><input type="hidden' . '" name="id" value="' . (int) $fdata['id'] . '" />';
    echo '<table>';
    // {
    echo '<tr><th>Name</th><td><input name="name" value="' . htmlspecialchars($fdata['name']) . '" /></td></tr>';
    // }
    // { what pages should this be applied to
    echo '<tr><th>Pages</th><td>This banner will only be shown on the <select' . ' name="pages_' . $fdata['id'] . '[]" multiple="multiple" style="max-width' . ':200px;height:500px">';
    $ps = dbAll('select * from banners_pages where bannerid=' . $fdata['id']);
    $pages = array();
    if (count($ps)) {
        foreach ($ps as $p) {
            $pages[] = $p['pageid'];
    BannerImage_selectKiddies(0, 1, $pages);
    echo '</select> pages. <span style="color:red;font-weight:bold">If no pag' . 'es are specified, then the banner will be shown on all pages.</span><' . '/td></tr>';
    // }
    // { show HTML form
    echo '<tr><th>Banner</th><td><div id="banner_image_html">' . ckeditor('html_' . $fdata['id'], Core_unfixImageResizes($fdata['html']), 0, '', 180) . '</div></td></tr>';
    // }
    // { show submit button and end form
    echo '<tr><td><a href="./plugin.php?_plugin=banner-image&_page=index&dele' . 'te_banner=' . $fdata['id'] . '" onclick="return confirm(\'are you sure yo' . 'u want to remove this banner?\');" title="remove banner">[x]</a></td>' . '<td><input type="submit" name="save_banner" value="Update" /></td></tr>';
    // }
    echo '</table></form>';
예제 #5
파일: api.php 프로젝트: raylouis/kvwebme
 * get all ad types
 * @return list of ad types
function Ads_typesGet()
    $sql = 'select * from ads_types';
    if (isset($_REQUEST['not_for_sale'])) {
        $sql .= ' where not_for_sale=' . (int) $_REQUEST['not_for_sale'];
    return dbAll($sql . ' order by name');
예제 #6
파일: libs.php 프로젝트: raylouis/kvwebme
 * retrieve a list of comments for the page
 * @param object $page Page object
 * @param string $dir  sort ascending or descending by date
 * @param int    $num  how many comments to get - 0=all
 * @param array  $also array of comment ids to show whether valid or not
 * @return array list of comments
function Comments_getListOfComments($page, $dir = '', $num = 0, $also = array())
    $query = 'select * from comments where objectid=' . $page->id . ' and (isvalid=1';
    if (count($also)) {
        $query .= ' or id in (' . join(',', $also) . ')';
    $limit = $num ? ' limit 0,' . $num : '';
    return dbAll($query . ') order by cdate ' . $dir . $limit);
예제 #7
 * DynamicSearch_catags
 * @param array  $catags categories
 * @param string $s      search string
 * @param string $cat    category to search
 * @param int    $limit  how many results to return
 * @return array
function DynamicSearch_catags($catags, $s, $cat, $limit)
    if (!in_array($cat, $catags)) {
        die('Category does not exist.');
    $id = dbOne('select id from pages where name="' . $cat . '"', 'id');
    $gd = getDescendants($id);
    $q = dbAll('select * from pages where (id=' . $id . ' ' . $gd . ') and (body like "%' . $s . '%" or name like "%' . $s . '%") order by edate limit ' . $limit);
    return $q;
예제 #8
function show_banner($vars)
    $banner = false;
    if (!is_array($vars) && @$vars->id) {
        $b = Core_cacheLoad('banner-images', 'id' . $vars->id);
        if ($b === false) {
            $b = dbRow('select * from banners_images where id=' . $vars->id);
            if ($b && count($b) && !$b['html']) {
                $b['html'] = BannerImage_getImgHtml($vars->id);
                dbQuery('update banners_pages set html="' . addslashes($b['html']) . '" where id=' . $vars->id);
            Core_cacheSave('banner-images', 'id' . $vars->id, $b);
    } elseif ($GLOBALS['PAGEDATA']->id) {
        $b = Core_cacheLoad('banner-images', 'bypage' . $GLOBALS['PAGEDATA']->id);
        if ($b === false) {
            $b = dbAll('select * from banners_pages,banners_images where pageid=' . $GLOBALS['PAGEDATA']->id . ' and bannerid=id');
            Core_cacheSave('banner-images', 'bypage' . $GLOBALS['PAGEDATA']->id, $b);
        $i = rand(0, count($b) - 1);
        $b = isset($b[$i]) ? $b[$i] : false;
        if ($b && count($b) && !$b['html']) {
            $b['html'] = BannerImage_getImgHtml($b['id']);
            dbQuery('update banners_pages set html="' . addslashes($b['html']) . '" where id=' . $b['id']);
    if (!isset($b) || $b === false || !count($b)) {
        $b = Core_cacheLoad('banner-image', 'all');
        if ($b === false) {
            $b = dbAll('select * from banners_images');
            Core_cacheSave('banner-image', 'all', $b);
        $i = rand(0, count($b) - 1);
        $b = isset($b[$i]) ? $b[$i] : false;
    if ($b && count($b)) {
        $banner = $b['html'];
        if (!$banner) {
            $banner = BannerImage_getImgHtml($vars->id);
    if (!$banner) {
        if (is_array($vars) && @$vars['default']) {
            $banner = $vars['default'];
        } else {
            $banner = '';
    if (!$banner) {
        return '';
    return '<style type="text/css">#banner{background:none}</style>' . $banner;
예제 #9
파일: search.php 프로젝트: raylouis/kvwebme
 * retrieve list of search results
 * @return string HTML list of search results
function Search_showResults()
    global $PLUGINS;
    // { variables
    global $PAGEDATA;
    $start = (int) @$_REQUEST['start'];
    $search = @$_REQUEST['search'];
    if (!$search) {
        return '<em id="searchResultsTitle">no search text entered</em>';
    $c = '';
    // }
    // { pages
    $q = dbAll('select * from pages where (name like "%' . $search . '%" or body like "%' . $search . '%") order by edate desc limit ' . $start . ',20');
    $n = count($q);
    if ($n > 0) {
        foreach ($q as $p) {
            Page::getInstance($p['id'], $p);
        $q = array_slice($q, $start, 20);
        $c .= '<h2>Page Search Results</h2><em id="searchResultsTitle">';
        if ($n == 1) {
            $c .= '1 result found';
        } else {
            $c .= $n . ' results found';
        $c .= '</em> <div>';
        if ($start > 0) {
            $c .= '[<a href="' . $PAGEDATA->getRelativeURL() . '?search=' . urlencode($search) . '&amp;start=' . ($start - 20) . '">previous 20</a>] ';
        if ($start + 20 < $n) {
            $c .= '[<a href="' . $PAGEDATA->getRelativeURL() . '?search=' . urlencode($search) . '&amp;start=' . ($start + 20) . '">next 20</a>] ';
        $c .= '<ol start="' . ($start + 1) . '" id="searchResults">';
        foreach ($q as $r) {
            $title = $r['title'] == '' ? $r['name'] : $r['title'];
            $c .= '<li><h4>' . htmlspecialchars($title) . '</h4>' . '<p>' . substr(preg_replace('/<[^>]*>/', '', $r['body']), 0, 200) . '...<br /><a href="/' . urlencode($r['name']) . '?search=' . $search . '">/' . htmlspecialchars($r['name']) . '</a></p></li>';
        $c .= '</ol></div>';
    // }
    // { others
    foreach ($PLUGINS as $plugin) {
        if (@$plugin['search']) {
            $c .= $plugin['search']();
    // }
    if (!$c) {
        return '<em id="searchResultsTitle">' . __('no results found', 'core') . '</em>';
    return $c;
예제 #10
 static function getByIds($ids = array())
     $ids = addslashes(join(',', $ids));
     if (array_key_exists($ids, self::$instancesByIds)) {
         return self::$instancesByIds[$ids];
     self::$instancesByFilter[$ids] = array();
     $rs = dbAll("select * from poll where id in ({$ids})");
     foreach ($rs as $r) {
         self::$instancesByIds[$ids][] = Poll::getInstance($r['id'], $r);
     return self::$instancesByIds[$ids];
예제 #11
 function getGroups()
     if (isset($this->groups)) {
         return $this->groups;
     $byid = array();
     $gs = dbAll('select groups_id from users_groups ' . 'where user_accounts_id=' . $this->id);
     foreach ($gs as $g) {
         $byid[] = $g['groups_id'];
     $this->groups = $byid;
     return $this->groups;
예제 #12
파일: Pages.php 프로젝트: raylouis/kvwebme
  * get list of pages that have a common parent
  * @param string  $constraint the SQL constraint to use
  * @param boolean $filter     whether to only show "published" pages
  * @return object the Pages object
 function __construct($constraint, $filter = true)
     global $isadmin;
     $filter = $isadmin || !$filter ? '' : ' && !(special&2)';
     $rs = dbAll("select * from pages where {$constraint} {$filter} " . "order by special&2,ord,name");
     if (!count($rs)) {
         $rs = array();
     foreach ($rs as $r) {
         $this->pages[] = Page::getInstance($r['id'], $r);
     Pages::$instancesByParent[$constraint] =& $this;
예제 #13
 * check if a voucher is valid
 * @param string $code  the voucher to check
 * @param string $email the user's email address
 * @return boolean
function OnlineStore_voucherCheckValidity($code, $email)
    if (isset($GLOBALS['OnlineStore_voucherInstance'])) {
        return $GLOBALS['OnlineStore_voucherInstance'];
    $rs = dbAll('select * from online_store_vouchers where code="' . addslashes($code) . '"' . ' and start_date<now() and end_date>now()');
    $valid = false;
    $error = __('invalid voucher code, or voucher has expired');
    foreach ($rs as $voucher) {
        if ($voucher['user_constraints'] == 'userlist') {
            $voucher['users_list'] = json_decode($voucher['users_list'], true);
            // { if you're not on the guest-list, you're not coming in!
            if (!in_array($_SESSION['userdata']['id'], $voucher['users_list']['users']) && !in_array($email, $voucher['users_list']['emails'])) {
                $error = __('your email address is not associated with this voucher');
            // }
            // { has the quota of voucher copies been used up?
            if ($voucher['usages_in_total'] && isset($voucher['users_list']['total_uses']) && $voucher['users_list']['total_uses'] >= $voucher['usages_in_total']) {
                $error = __('this voucher has been used up');
            // }
            if ($voucher['usages_per_user']) {
                // { has this email address's quota been used up?
                $usesbyemail = (int) @$voucher['users_list']['uses_by_email'][$email];
                if ($usesbyemail >= $voucher['usages_per_user']) {
                    $error = __('you have used your quota of this voucher');
                // }
                // { has the user account's quota been used up?
                $uid = (int) @$_SESSION['userdata']['id'];
                $usesbyuser = (int) @$voucher['users_list']['uses_by_user'][$uid];
                if ($uid && $usesbyuser >= $voucher['usages_per_user']) {
                // }
        $valid = $voucher;
    if (!$valid) {
        return array('error' => $error);
    $GLOBALS['OnlineStore_voucherInstance'] = $valid;
    return $valid;
예제 #14
파일: widget.php 프로젝트: raylouis/kvwebme
 * widget for blog stuff
 * @param array $vars variables
 * @return html
function Blog_widget2($vars = null)
    $c = '';
    global $PAGEDATA;
    $entry_ids = array();
    if ($vars->tag) {
        $rs = dbAll('select entry_id from blog_tags where tag="' . addslashes($vars->tag) . '"');
        foreach ($rs as $r) {
            $entry_ids[] = $r['entry_id'];
    $blog_author = '';
    $excerpts_offset = isset($vars->excerpts_offset) && $vars->excerpts_offset ? $vars->excerpts : 0;
    $excerpts_per_page = isset($vars->excerpts) && $vars->excerpts ? $vars->excerpts : 2;
    $links_prefix = $PAGEDATA->getRelativeURL();
    if ($PAGEDATA->type != 'blog|blog') {
        $page = PAGE::getInstanceByType('blog');
        $links_prefix = $page->getRelativeURL();
    /** @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */
    $excerpt_length = 100;
    /** @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */
    $nobottomlinks = true;
    if (!isset($vars->widgetType)) {
        $vars->widgetType = '0';
    switch ($vars->widgetType) {
        case '1':
            // { featured posts
            require dirname(__FILE__) . '/featured-posts.php';
            // }
        // }
            // {
            if (isset($vars->imageSizeX) && $vars->imageSizeX) {
                /** @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */
                $excerptImageSizeX = (int) $vars->imageSizeX;
            if (isset($vars->imageSizeY) && $vars->imageSizeY) {
                /** @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */
                $excerptImageSizeY = (int) $vars->imageSizeY;
            require dirname(__FILE__) . '/excerpts.php';
    return $c;
예제 #15
function showCategoriesRecursive($pid, $level, $sid)
    $opts = array();
    $cs = dbAll('select id,name from products_categories where parent_id=' . $pid . ' order by name', false, 'products_categories');
    foreach ($cs as $c) {
        $opt = '<option value="' . $c['id'] . '"';
        if ($c['id'] == $sid) {
            $opt .= ' selected="selected"';
        $opt .= '>' . str_repeat('&raquo;&nbsp;', $level) . htmlspecialchars(__FromJson($c['name'])) . '</option>';
        $opts[] = $opt;
        $opts[] = showCategoriesRecursive($c['id'], $level + 1, $sid);
    return join('', $opts);
예제 #16
 function selectkiddies($i = 0, $n = 1, $id = 0)
     $arr = array();
     $q = dbAll('select name,id,alias from pages where parent="' . $i . '" and id!="' . $id . '" order by ord,name');
     if (count($q) < 1) {
         return $arr;
     foreach ($q as $r) {
         if ($r['id'] != '') {
             $arr[$r['id']] = str_repeat('» ', $n) . $r['name'];
             $arr = array_merge($arr, selectkiddies($r['id'], $n + 1, $id));
     return $arr;
 * retrieve HTML summary for a set page
 * @param int $id ID of the page
 * @return string HTML summary for a set page
function PageSummaries_getHtml($id)
    $PAGEDATA = Page::getInstance($id);
    global $sitedomain;
    $r = dbRow('select * from page_summaries where page_id="' . $PAGEDATA->id . '"');
    if (!count($r)) {
        return '<em>This page is marked as a page summary, but there is no ' . 'information on how to handle it.</em>';
    if ($r['rss']) {
        return PageSummaries_rssToHtml($r['rss']);
    // { build rss
    $title = $PAGEDATA->title == '' ? $sitedomain : htmlspecialchars($PAGEDATA->title);
    $rss = '<' . '?xml version="1.0" ?' . '><rss version="2.0"><channel><title>' . $title . '</title>';
    $rss .= '<link>' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '</link><description>RSS for ' . $PAGEDATA->name . '</description>';
    $category = $PAGEDATA->category ? ' and category="' . $PAGEDATA->category . '"' : '';
    $containedpages = PageSummaries_getContainedPages($r['parent_id']);
    if (count($containedpages)) {
        $q2 = dbAll('select edate,name,title,body from pages where id in (' . join(',', $containedpages) . ')' . $category . ' order by cdate desc limit 20');
        foreach ($q2 as $r2) {
            $rss .= '<item>';
            if (!$r2['title']) {
                $r2['title'] = $r2['name'];
            $rss .= '<title>' . htmlspecialchars($r2['title']) . '</title>';
            $rss .= '<pubDate>' . date_m2h($r2['edate']) . '</pubDate>';
            // { build body
            if ($r['amount_to_show'] == 0 || $r['amount_to_show'] == 1) {
                $length = $r['amount_to_show'] == 0 ? 300 : 600;
                $body = str_replace('  ', ' ', preg_replace('/<[^>]*>/', ' ', str_replace(array('&amp;', '&nbsp;', '&lsquo;'), array('&', ' ', '&apos;'), $r2['body'])));
                $body = substr($body, 0, $length) . '...';
            } else {
                $body = $r2['body'];
            $body = str_replace('&euro;', '&#8364;', $body);
            // }
            $rss .= '<description>' . $body . '</description>';
            $rss .= '<link>http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/' . urlencode(str_replace(' ', '-', $r2['name'])) . '</link>';
            $rss .= '</item>';
    $rss .= '</channel></rss>';
    dbQuery('update page_summaries set rss="' . addslashes($rss) . '" where page_id="' . $PAGEDATA->id . '"');
    // }
    return PageSummaries_rssToHtml($rss);
예제 #18
  * This is the main function. 
  * It figures out if a list of quizzes, questions
  * or results should be displayed and displays the correct thing
  * @see displayQuizInfo
  * @see [QuizSession::]getScore()
  * @return string $displayString The correct page HTML
function getPageHtml()
    // { datatables
    WW_addScript('http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.dataTables/1.9.4/' . 'jquery.dataTables.min.js');
    WW_addCSS('http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.dataTables/1.9.4/css/' . 'jquery.dataTables.css');
    WW_addCSS('http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.dataTables/1.9.4/css/' . 'jquery.dataTables_themeroller.css');
    // }
    // { The Script
    $displayString = '<script defer="defer">' . '$(function(){' . '$(\'#quizzesFrontend\').dataTable().fnSetFilteringDelay();' . '});' . '</script>';
    // }
    $quizzes = dbAll("SELECT DISTINCT \n\t\t\tquiz_quizzes.id, \n\t\t\tname, \n\t\t\tquiz_quizzes.description \n\t\t\tFROM quiz_quizzes, quiz_questions \n\t\t\tWHERE quiz_quizzes.id=quiz_questions.quiz_id \n\t\t\tand quiz_quizzes.enabled=1");
    $displayString = $displayString . '<form method="post">';
    $displayString = $displayString . '<table id="quizzesFrontend" 
										style="{width:100% postion:top}">';
    $displayString = $displayString . '<thead><tr>';
    $displayString = $displayString . '<th>Name</th>';
    $displayString = $displayString . '<th>Description</th>';
    $displayString = $displayString . '<th>&nbsp</th>';
    $displayString = $displayString . '</tr></thead>';
    $displayString = $displayString . '<tbody>';
    foreach ($quizzes as $quiz) {
        $quizId = $quiz['id'];
        $name = $quiz['name'];
        $topic = $quiz['description'];
        $id = $quiz['id'];
        $displayString = $displayString . '<tr>';
        $displayString = $displayString . displayQuizInfo($name, $topic, $id);
        $displayString = $displayString . '</tr>';
    $displayString = $displayString . '</tbody></table>';
    $displayString = $displayString . '</form>';
    if (isset($_POST['take'])) {
        $id = $_POST['take'];
        $id = addSlashes($id);
        $quiz = new QuizSession($id);
        $_SESSION['id'] = $id;
        $displayString = $quiz->getQuestionPageHtml();
    if (isset($_POST['check'])) {
        $quiz = new QuizSession($_SESSION['id']);
        $displayString = $quiz->checkAnswers($_SESSION['questions'], $_POST);
    return $displayString;
예제 #19
function Core_getUserData()
    if (!isset($_SESSION['userdata'])) {
        // not logged in
        return array('error' => 'you are not logged in');
    $user = dbRow('select id,name,email,phone,address,parent,extras,last_login,last_view,da' . 'te_created from user_accounts where id=' . $_SESSION['userdata']['id'] . ' limit 1');
    $user['address'] = json_decode($user['address'], true);
    $user['extras'] = @$user['extras'] ? json_decode($user['extras'], true) : array();
    $groups = dbAll('select groups_id from users_groups where user_accounts_id=' . $_SESSION['userdata']['id']);
    $g = array();
    foreach ($groups as $group) {
        array_push($g, $group['groups_id']);
    $user['groups'] = $g;
    return $user;
예제 #20
 * select list of sub-pages as select options
 * @param int   $i      parent ID
 * @param int   $n      depth of child
 * @param array $s      don't remember
 * @param int   $id     already selected page
 * @param int   $prefix something or other
 * @return string
function Panels_selectChildPages($i = 0, $n = 1, $s = array(), $id = 0, $prefix = '')
    $q = dbAll('select name,id from pages where parent="' . $i . '" and id!="' . $id . '" order by ord,name', false, 'pages');
    if (count($q) < 1) {
        return '';
    $html = '';
    foreach ($q as $r) {
        if ($r['id'] != '') {
            $html .= '<option value="' . $r['id'] . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars($r['name']) . '"';
            $html .= in_array($r['id'], $s) ? ' selected="selected">' : '>';
            $name = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '-', $r['name']));
            $html .= htmlspecialchars($prefix . $name) . '</option>';
            $html .= Panels_selectChildPages($r['id'], $n + 1, $s, $id, $name . '/');
    return $html;
예제 #21
파일: api.php 프로젝트: raylouis/kvwebme
function News_getHeadlinesMonth()
    $y = (int) $_REQUEST['y'];
    $m = (int) $_REQUEST['m'];
    $p = (int) $_REQUEST['pid'];
    if ($y < 1000 || $y > 9999 || $m < 1 || $m > 12) {
    $m = sprintf('%02d', $m);
    $sql = 'select id from pages where parent=' . $p . ' and associated_date>"' . $y . '-' . $m . '-00" and associated_date<date_add("' . $y . '-' . $m . '-01", interval 1 month) order by associated_date';
    $ps = dbAll($sql);
    $headlines = array();
    foreach ($ps as $p) {
        $page = Page::getInstance($p['id']);
        $headlines[] = array('url' => $page->getRelativeURL(), 'adate' => $page->associated_date, 'headline' => htmlspecialchars($page->alias));
    return $headlines;
예제 #22
파일: polls.php 프로젝트: raylouis/kvwebme
function poll_display()
    $poll = dbRow('select * from poll where enabled limit 1');
    if (!count($poll)) {
        return '<div class="polls-wrapper"><em>No polls available.</em></div>';
    $id = $poll['id'];
    $html = '<div class="polls-wrapper" poll-id="' . $id . '">';
    $html .= '<div class="question">' . $poll['body'] . '</div><ul class="answers">';
    $answers = dbAll("select * from poll_answer where poll_id={$id} order by num");
    foreach ($answers as $answer) {
        $html .= '<li><input type="radio" name="poll_answer" value=' . '"' . $answer['num'] . '" />' . htmlspecialchars($answer['answer']) . '</li>';
    $html .= '</ul><input type="button" class="polls-vote" value="Vote" /><inpu' . 't type="button" class="polls-results" value="View Results" />';
    $html .= '</div>';
    return $html;
예제 #23
파일: plugin.php 프로젝트: raylouis/kvwebme
 * switches the reader to a translation if one exists
 *	@param object $PAGEDATA page object
 * @return void
function Translate_checkCurrentPage($PAGEDATA)
    // { if this is a translation page, and no language is selected, select this one.
    if ($PAGEDATA->type == 'translate' && !isset($_SESSION['translate-lang'])) {
        $_SESSION['translate-lang'] = $PAGEDATA->vars['translate_language'];
    // }
    // { if no language is selected, then return
    if (!isset($_SESSION['translate-lang']) || !$_SESSION['translate-lang']) {
    // }
    // { various checks if this page is a translation one
    $page_to_translate = $PAGEDATA->id;
    if ($PAGEDATA->type == 'translate') {
        // { if this page's language is the selected one, return
        if ($PAGEDATA->vars['translate_language'] == $_SESSION['translate-lang']) {
        // }
        $page_to_translate = (int) $PAGEDATA->vars['translate_page_id'];
    $trs = dbAll('select page_id from page_vars where name="translate_page_id" and value=' . $page_to_translate, false, 'page_vars');
    // { try to find a version of the current page in the selected language
    if ($trs === false || !count($trs)) {
    $ids = array();
    foreach ($trs as $tr) {
        $ids[] = $tr['page_id'];
    $page_id = dbOne('select page_id from page_vars where name="translate_language" and value="' . addslashes($_SESSION['translate-lang']) . '" limit 1', 'page_id');
    // { if none found, return
    if ($page_id === false) {
    // }
    $page = Page::getInstance($page_id);
    if ($page->id) {
    // }
예제 #24
 * show the news in Headline mode
 * @param array $PAGEDATA the page object
 * @return string HTML of the news
function News_displayHeadlines($PAGEDATA)
    $items_per_page = isset($PAGEDATA->vars['news_items']) ? $PAGEDATA->vars['news_items'] : 5;
    $p = isset($_REQUEST['news_page']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['news_page'] : 0;
    if ($p < 0) {
        $p = 0;
    $arr = Core_cacheLoad('pages', 'news-' . $GLOBALS['id'] . '-' . $p . '-' . $items_per_page);
    if ($arr === false) {
        $order_by = isset($PAGEDATA->vars['news_order']) ? addslashes($PAGEDATA->vars['news_order']) : 'associated_date desc';
        $rs = dbAll('select * from pages where parent=' . $GLOBALS['id'] . ' order by ' . $order_by . ',cdate desc limit ' . $p . ',' . $items_per_page);
        $num_stories = dbOne('select count(id) as num from pages where parent=' . $GLOBALS['id'], 'num');
        Core_cacheSave('pages', 'news-' . $GLOBALS['id'] . '-' . $p . '-' . $items_per_page, array($num_stories, $rs));
    } else {
        $num_stories = $arr[0];
        $rs = $arr[1];
    $nextprev = array();
    $nextprev[] = '<span class="page_n_of_n">' . __('page %1 of %2', array(1 + floor($p / $items_per_page), ceil($num_stories / $items_per_page)), 'core') . '</span>';
    if ($p) {
        $nextprev[] = '<a class="prev" href="?news_page=' . ($p - $items_per_page) . '">' . __('Previous Page') . '</a>';
    if ($p + $items_per_page < $num_stories) {
        $nextprev[] = '<a class="next" href="?news_page=' . ($p + $items_per_page) . '">' . __('Next Page') . '</a>';
    $nextprev = '<div class="nextprev">' . join(' | ', $nextprev) . '</div>';
    $html = $nextprev;
    $links = array();
    foreach ($rs as $r) {
        $page = Page::getInstance($r['id'], $r);
        $content = isset($PAGEDATA->vars['news_display']) && $PAGEDATA->vars['news_display'] == 'full' ? $page->render() : substr(preg_replace('/<[^>]*>/', '', preg_replace('#<h1>[^<]*</h1>#', '', $page->render())), 0, 600);
        $date = isset($PAGEDATA->vars['news_title']) && $PAGEDATA->vars['news_title'] == 'yes' ? '<h2 class="news-header"><a href="' . $page->getRelativeURL() . '">' . htmlspecialchars($page->name) . '</a></h2>' . '<a class="news-date" href="' . $page->getRelativeURL() . '">' . __('posted on %1', array(Core_dateM2H($page->associated_date)), 'core') . '</a>' : '';
        if (!isset($page->associated_date) || !$page->associated_date) {
            $page->associated_date = $page->cdate;
        $links[] = $date . '<p class="news-paragraph">' . $content . '...</p>';
    $html .= join('<div class="news-break"></div>', $links);
    $html .= $nextprev;
    return $html;
예제 #25
 * build up a selectbox of pages and their child nodes
 * @param int $i  parent of the child nodes to show
 * @param int $n  level of indentation to show
 * @param int $s  currently selected page's ID (if any)
 * @param int $id page NOT to show in the list
 * @return null
function selectkiddies($i = 0, $n = 1, $s = 0, $id = 0)
    $q = dbAll('select name,id,alias from pages where parent="' . $i . '" and id!="' . $id . '" order by ord,name');
    if (count($q) < 1) {
    foreach ($q as $r) {
        if ($r['id'] != '') {
            echo '<option value="' . $r['id'] . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars($r['name']) . '"';
            echo $s == $r['id'] ? ' selected="selected">' : '>';
            echo str_repeat('&raquo; ', $n);
            $name = $r['alias'];
            if (strlen($name) > 20) {
                $name = substr($name, 0, 17) . '...';
            echo htmlspecialchars($name) . '</option>';
            selectkiddies($r['id'], $n + 1, $s, $id);
예제 #26
 static function precache($ids)
     if (count($ids)) {
         $rs3 = dbAll('select * from pages where id in (' . join(',', $ids) . ')');
         $pvars = dbAll('select * from page_vars where page_id in (' . join(',', $ids) . ')');
         $rs2 = array();
         foreach ($pvars as $p) {
             if (!isset($rs2[$p['page_id']])) {
                 $rs2[$p['page_id']] = array();
             $rs2[$p['page_id']][] = $p;
         foreach ($rs3 as $r) {
             if (isset($rs2[$r['id']])) {
                 Page::getInstance($r['id'], $r, $rs2[$r['id']]);
             } else {
                 Page::getInstance($r['id'], $r);
예제 #27
function showshortcuts($id, $parent)
    $q = dbAll('select id,name from pages where parent="' . $parent . '" order by ord desc,name');
    if (count($q)) {
        echo '<ul>';
        foreach ($q as $r) {
            echo '<li>';
            echo wInput('shortcuts[' . $r['id'] . ']', 'checkbox');
            $r2 = dbRow('select id,name from pagelinks where fromid="' . $id . '" and toid="' . $r['id'] . '"');
            if (count($r2)) {
                echo ' checked="checked"';
                $r['name'] = $r2['name'];
            echo ' />';
            echo wInput('shortcutsName[' . $r['id'] . ']', 'text', htmlspecialchars($r['name']));
            showshortcuts($id, $r['id']);
            echo '</li>';
        echo '</ul>';
예제 #28
파일: plugin.php 프로젝트: raylouis/kvwebme
 * widget for mailing lists
 * @param array $vars parameters
 * @return html
function MailingLists_widget($vars)
    $html = '<div id="mailinglists-subscribe">' . '<input type="email" placeholder="' . __('enter email address') . '"/>';
    $sql = 'select * from mailinglists_lists';
    $md5 = md5($sql);
    $lists = Core_cacheLoad('mailinglists', $md5, -1);
    if ($lists === -1) {
        $lists = dbAll($sql);
        Core_cacheSave('mailinglists', $md5, $lists);
    if (count($lists) > 1) {
        $html .= '<select><option value="">' . __('Mailing List') . '</option>';
        foreach ($lists as $list) {
            $html .= '<option value="' . $list['id'] . '">' . htmlspecialchars($list['name']) . '</option>';
        $html .= '</select>';
    $html .= '<button>' . __('Subscribe') . '</button></div>';
    return $html;
예제 #29
  * The constructor function
  * @param int $num The id of the quiz
  * @return null if the id doesn't exist
  * 		The quiz otherwise
 function __construct($num)
     $this->id = (int) $num;
     $id = $this->id;
     $this->score = 0;
     $quiz = dbRow("SELECT * FROM quiz_quizzes WHERE id = '" . $id . "'");
     $rows = dbAll("SELECT * \n\t\t\t\tFROM quiz_questions \n\t\t\t\tWHERE quiz_id = '{$id}' \n\t\t\t\tAND question IS NOT NULL");
     if (count($rows) != 0) {
         // I want the questions to be in an indexed array
         $this->allQuestions = array();
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $this->allQuestions[$i] = $row;
         $this->numQuestionsToBeAnswered = $quiz['number_of_questions'];
         $this->numQuestions = count($rows);
         if ($this->numQuestionsToBeAnswered > $this->numQuestions) {
             $this->numQuestionsToBeAnswered = ceil($this->numQuestions / 2);
     } else {
         return null;
예제 #30
function Menu_getChildren($parentid, $currentpage = 0, $isadmin = 0, $topParent = 0, $search_options = 0)
    $md5 = md5($parentid . '|' . $currentpage . '|' . $isadmin . '|' . $topParent . '|' . $search_options);
    $cache = cache_load('menus', $md5);
    if ($cache) {
        return $cache;
    $pageParentFound = 0;
    $PARENTDATA = Page::getInstance($parentid);
    $filter = $isadmin ? '' : '&& !(special&2)';
    // { menu order
    $order = 'ord,name';
    if (isset($PARENTDATA->vars['order_of_sub_pages'])) {
        switch ($PARENTDATA->vars['order_of_sub_pages']) {
            case 1:
                // { alphabetical
                $order = 'name';
                if ($PARENTDATA->vars['order_of_sub_pages_dir']) {
                    $order .= ' desc';
                // }
            // }
            case 2:
                // { associated_date
                $order = 'associated_date';
                if ($PARENTDATA->vars['order_of_sub_pages_dir']) {
                    $order .= ' desc';
                $order .= ',name';
                // }
            // }
                // { by admin order
                $order = 'ord';
                if ($PARENTDATA->vars['order_of_sub_pages_dir']) {
                    $order .= ' desc';
                $order .= ',name';
                // }
    // }
    $rs = dbAll('select id as subid,id,name,type,(select count(id) from pages where ' . "parent=subid {$filter}) as numchildren from pages where parent='" . $parentid . "' {$filter} order by {$order}");
    $menuitems = array();
    // { optimise db retrieval of pages
    $ids = array();
    foreach ($rs as $r) {
        if (!isset(Page::$instances[$r['id']])) {
            $ids[] = $r['id'];
    // }
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($rs as $k => $r) {
        $PAGEDATA = Page::getInstance($r['id']);
        if (isset($PAGEDATA->banned) && $PAGEDATA->banned) {
        $c = array();
        $c[] = $parentid == $topParent ? 'menuItemTop' : 'menuItem';
        if (!$i++) {
            $c[] = 'first';
        if ($r['numchildren']) {
            $c[] = 'ajaxmenu_hasChildren';
        if ($r['id'] == $currentpage) {
            $c[] = 'ajaxmenu_currentPage';
            $pageParentFound = 1;
        } else {
            if ($r['numchildren'] && !$pageParentFound && Menu_containsPage($currentpage, $r['id'])) {
                $c[] = 'ajaxmenu_containsCurrentPage';
                $pageParentFound = 1;
        $rs[$k]['classes'] = join(' ', $c);
        $rs[$k]['link'] = $PAGEDATA->getRelativeURL();
        $rs[$k]['name'] = $PAGEDATA->name;
        $rs[$k]['parent'] = $parentid;
        $menuitems[] = $rs[$k];
    cache_save('menus', $md5, $menuitems);
    return $menuitems;