function cw_error_check(&$array_to_check, $rules, $attributes_type = '') { $error = array(); $index = 1; foreach ($rules as $k => $v) { $func = is_array($v) && isset($v['func']) ? $v['func'] : $v; if ($func && function_exists($func)) { $is_error = $func($array_to_check[$k], $k, $array_to_check); } else { $is_error = empty($array_to_check[$k]) || !$array_to_check[$k]; } if ($is_error) { $var = 'err_field_' . ($v['lng'] ? $v['lng'] : $k); $lng = cw_get_langvar_by_name($var, '', false, true); $error[] = $index++ . '. ' . ($lng ? $lng : $var); } } if ($attributes_type) { $error = array_merge($error, cw_call('cw_attributes_check', array($array_to_check['attribute_class_id'], &$array_to_check['attributes'], $attributes_type, $index))); } if (!count($error)) { return false; } return implode("<br/>\n", $error); }
function cw_ps_bundle_update($product_id) { global $tables, $config; $product_id = (int) $product_id; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST') { cw_ps_bundle_redirect($product_id); } $offer_id = cw_call('cw_ps_offer_bundle_update', array($product_id, $_POST)); // Delete selected products if (is_array($_POST['del_cond'])) { foreach ($_POST['del_cond'] as $k => $v) { $k = intval($k); db_query("DELETE FROM {$tables['ps_cond_details']} WHERE offer_id='{$offer_id}' AND object_id='{$k}' AND object_type='" . PS_OBJ_TYPE_PRODS . "'"); db_query("DELETE FROM {$tables['ps_bonus_details']} WHERE offer_id='{$offer_id}' AND object_id='{$k}' AND object_type='" . PS_OBJ_TYPE_PRODS . "'"); } } $cond_products = cw_query_column("SELECT object_id FROM {$tables['ps_cond_details']} WHERE offer_id='{$offer_id}' AND object_type='" . PS_OBJ_TYPE_PRODS . "'"); if (count($cond_products) <= 1) { //delete offer cw_call('cw_ps_offer_delete', array($offer_id)); } cw_array2update('ps_offers', array('auto' => 0), "offer_id='{$offer_id}'"); // TODO: Domain assignation cw_ps_bundle_redirect($product_id); }
function cw_speed_bar_delete($item_id) { global $tables; db_query("delete from {$tables['speed_bar']} where item_id='{$item_id}'"); db_query("delete from {$tables['speed_bar_lng']} where item_id='{$item_id}'"); cw_call('cw_attributes_cleanup', array($item_id, 'B')); }
function cw_product_filter_get_price_ranges($attribute_id, $price_values = null) { global $config, $tables; $values = cw_call('cw_attributes_get_attribute_default_value', array($attribute_id)); $ranges = array(); foreach ($values as $v) { $pr = explode('-', $v['value_key']); $range['counter'] = 0; if (is_array($price_values)) { foreach ($price_values as $k => $p) { if ($k >= $pr[0] && $k <= $pr[1]) { $range['counter'] += $p['counter']; } } } if ($range['counter'] == 0 || $v['active'] == 0) { continue; } $range['id'] = $v['attribute_value_id']; $range['url'] = cw_query_first_cell("SELECT value FROM {$tables['attributes_values']} WHERE item_id = '{$v['attribute_value_id']}'"); $range['value'] = $v['value_key']; if ($config['product_filter']['show_ranges_values'] == "Y") { $range['name'] = $v['value'] . '(' . $config['General']['currency_symbol'] . str_replace('-', ' - ' . $config['General']['currency_symbol'], $v['value_key']) . ')'; } else { $range['name'] = $v['value']; } array_push($ranges, $range); } return $ranges; }
/** * get mail lists by customer * * @param $customer_id * @return null */ function cw_vertical_response_get_newslists_by_customer($customer_id) { global $config; $return = cw_get_return(); if ($customer_id) { $userinfo = cw_call('cw_user_get_info', array($customer_id, 0)); } else { return $return; } $vertical_response_data =& cw_session_register('vertical_response_data', array()); // clear data after day if (isset($vertical_response_data['time']) && $vertical_response_data['time'] + SECONDS_PER_DAY < cw_core_get_time()) { $vertical_response_data = array(); } if (isset($vertical_response_data['lists']) && !empty($vertical_response_data['lists'])) { foreach ($vertical_response_data['lists'] as $list) { if ($list->status == 'active') { $return['vr_' . $list->id] = array('list_id' => 'vr_' . $list->id, 'name' => $list->name, 'descr' => $list->name, 'direct' => in_array($list->id, $vertical_response_data['user_lists']) ? 1 : 0); } } } else { $vertical_response_email = trim($config[vertical_response_addon_name]['vertical_response_email']); $vertical_response_password = trim($config[vertical_response_addon_name]['vertical_response_password']); try { $vertical_response_data['time'] = cw_core_get_time(); // lifetime $vr = new SoapClient(vertical_response_wsdl, array('connection_timeout' => 5)); $sid = $vr->login(array('username' => "{$vertical_response_email}", 'password' => "{$vertical_response_password}", 'session_duration_minutes' => vertical_response_ses_time)); // get all lists $lists = $vr->enumerateLists(array('session_id' => $sid, 'type' => 'email', 'include_field_info' => false, 'limit' => 20)); $vertical_response_data['lists'] = $lists; if (!empty($lists) && count($lists)) { foreach ($lists as $list) { if ($list->status == 'active') { // find lists with user with email $userinfo['email'] $list_members = $vr->searchListMembers(array('session_id' => $sid, 'field_name' => 'email_address', 'field_value' => $userinfo['email'], 'list_id' => $list->id, 'max_records' => 1)); if (!empty($list_members) && count($list_members)) { $vertical_response_data['user_lists'][] = $list_members[0]->list_id; $vertical_response_data['user_lists'] = array_unique($vertical_response_data['user_lists']); if (empty($vertical_response_data['hash'])) { foreach ($list_members[0]->member_data as $data) { if ($data->name == 'hash') { $vertical_response_data['hash'] = $data->value; break; } } } } $return['vr_' . $list->id] = array('list_id' => 'vr_' . $list->id, 'name' => $list->name, 'descr' => $list->name, 'direct' => !empty($list_members) ? 1 : 0); } } } } catch (SoapFault $exception) { //exit ('fault: "' . $exception->faultcode . '" - ' . $exception->faultstring . "\n"); return $return; } } return $return; }
function smarty_function_pages_url($params, &$smarty) { if ($params['assign']) { $smarty->assign($params['assign'], cw_call('cw_core_get_html_page_url', array($params))); } else { return cw_call('cw_core_get_html_page_url', array($params)); } }
function view($product_id) { global $smarty; $product_video = cw_call('cw\\' . addon_name . '\\get_product_video', array($product_id)); $smarty->assign('product_video', $product_video); //cw_var_dump($product_video); return true; }
function product_stages_view() { global $smarty, $product_id, $tables; $product_stages = cw_call('cw\\' . addon_name . '\\cw_product_stages_get_product_settings', array($product_id)); $lib_stages = cw_query("select * from {$tables['product_stages_library']} order by title"); $smarty->assign('product_stages', $product_stages); $smarty->assign('lib_stages', $lib_stages); }
function export() { global $REQUEST_METHOD, $smarty, $config, $addons, $top_message, $customer_id, $tables; global $mode, $action, $amazon_config; $success = false; if ($REQUEST_METHOD != 'POST') { cw_header_location('index.php?target=' . addon_target); } if ($_POST['export_type'] == 'PaQ' && (empty($_POST['price']) && empty($_POST['quantity']))) { $top_message = array('content' => 'At least Price or Quantity must be exported.', 'type' => 'E'); cw_header_location('index.php?target=' . addon_target); return false; } $_filename = 'files/amazon/' . date('Ymd') . '_' . date('His') . '_' . $_POST['export_type'] . '.csv'; if (($filename = cw_allow_file($_filename, true)) && ($file = cw_fopen($_filename, 'w', true))) { $pids = cw_call('cw_objects_get_list_ids', array('P')); if (empty($pids)) { $pids = cw_query_column("SELECT product_id FROM {$tables['products']} WHERE status=1"); // Very bad. Use API } if ($pids) { $amazon_config = cw_array_merge($amazon_config, $config['amazon'], $_POST); cw_config_update('amazon', $_POST); $warnings = array(); $data = array(); $header_put = false; foreach ($pids as $v) { $variants = array(); $prod = cw_func_call('cw_product_get', array('id' => $v, 'info_type' => 8 | 64 | 128 | 256 | 512 | 2048)); $attr = cw_query_hash("SELECT a.field, av.value\n FROM {$tables['attributes_values']} av, {$tables['attributes']} a\n WHERE av.item_id={$v} AND av.item_type='P' AND a.attribute_id=av.attribute_id", 'field', false, true); // very bad. Use API if ($prod['is_variants']) { $variants = cw_call('cw_get_product_variants', array($v)); } else { $variants[0] = $prod; } foreach ($variants as $var) { $var = cw_array_merge($var, $attr); if ($_POST['export_type'] == 'PaQ') { $data = array('sku' => $var['productcode'], 'price' => $_POST['price'] ? $var['price'] : '', 'quantity' => $_POST['quantity'] ? $var['avail'] : '', 'leadtime-to-ship' => $amazon_config['default_leadtime_to_ship']); } if ($_POST['export_type'] == 'InvLoad') { $data = array('sku' => $var['productcode'], 'product-id' => empty($amazon_config['product_id_type']) ? '' : (string) $var[$amazon_config['product_id']], 'product-id-type' => $amazon_config['product_id_type'], 'price' => $var['price'], 'item-condition' => empty($var[$amazon_config['item_condition']]) ? $amazon_config['default_item_condition'] : $var[$amazon_config['item_condition']], 'quantity' => empty($amazon_config['fulfillment_center_id']) ? $var['avail'] : '', 'add-delete' => empty($_POST['add-delete']) ? 'a' : $_POST['add-delete'], 'will-ship-internationally' => empty($var[$amazon_config['ship_internationally']]) ? $amazon_config['default_ship_internationally'] : $var[$amazon_config['ship_internationally']], 'expedited-shipping' => empty($var[$amazon_config['expedited_shipping']]) ? $amazon_config['default_expedited_shipping'] : $var[$amazon_config['expedited_shipping']], 'standard-plus' => empty($var[$amazon_config['standard_plus']]) ? $amazon_config['default_standard_plus'] : $var[$amazon_config['standard_plus']], 'item-note' => $var[$amazon_config['item_note']], 'fulfillment-center-id' => $amazon_config['fulfillment_center_id'], 'product-tax-code' => $amazon_config['default_product_tax_code'], 'leadtime-to-ship' => $amazon_config['default_leadtime_to_ship']); } if (!$header_put) { fputcsv($file, array_keys($data), "\t"); $header_put = true; } fputcsv($file, $data, "\t"); } } } fclose($file); $top_message = array('content' => 'File <b>' . $_filename . '</b> successfully created'); } cw_header_location('index.php?target=' . addon_target); }
function cw_pages_delete_page($page_id) { global $tables, $var_dirs; $page_data = cw_query_first("select * from {$tables['pages']} where page_id='{$page_id}'"); if (!$page_data['page_id']) { return; } db_query("delete from {$tables['pages']} where page_id='{$page_id}'"); cw_call('cw_attributes_cleanup', array($page_id, 'S')); }
function smarty_function_select_country($params, &$smarty) { extract($params); if (empty($assign)) { $smarty->trigger_error("assign: missing 'assign' parameter"); return; } cw_load('map'); $smarty->assign($assign, cw_call('cw_map_get_countries')); }
function cw_product_shipping_option_default(&$product) { if (empty($product['product_shipping_option'])) { $shipping_options_data = cw_call('cw_product_shipping_get_options', array($product['product_id'])); if (!empty($shipping_options_data['shipping_values'])) { $product['product_shipping_option'] = $shipping_options_data['shipping_values'][0]['shipping_id']; } } return $product; }
function cw_group_edit_copy_product_status($status) { global $ge_id; if (!$ge_id) { return; } while ($pid = cw_group_edit_each($ge_id, 1, $product_id)) { cw_call('cw_product_update_status', array($pid, $status)); } }
function cw_on_warehouse_recalculate($product_id) { global $tables; if (cw_product_has_variants($product_id)) { $to_update = cw_query_first("select sum(avail) as avail, sum(avail_ordered) as avail_ordered, sum(avail_sold) as avail_sold, sum(avail_reserved) as avail_reserved from {$tables['products_warehouses_amount']} where product_id='{$product_id}' and warehouse_customer_id = 0 and variant_id != 0"); $to_update['warehouse_customer_id'] = 0; $to_update['product_id'] = $product_id; $to_update['variant_id'] = 0; cw_call('cw_warehouse_insert_avail', array('insert' => $to_update)); } }
function cw_payment_process_void($order) { global $config; $doc_id = $order['doc_id']; $result = cw_call('cw_payment_do_void', array($order)); if (!is_error($result)) { cw_call('cw_doc_place_extras_data', array($doc_id, array('capture_status' => 'V'))); cw_call('cw_doc_change_status', array($doc_id, 'D')); cw_add_top_message('Payment voided, order status is changed to Declined'); } return $result; }
/** * Check unique productcode * @see hook for cw_can_edit_on_place() */ function cw_can_edit_on_place_productcode($token_data) { if ($token_data['table'] == 'products' && $token_data['field'] == 'productcode' && !empty($token_data['pk'])) { $rules = array('productcode' => array('func' => 'cw_error_sku_exists')); $product_data = array('productcode' => $value); $fillerror = cw_call('cw_error_check', array(&$product_data, $rules, 'P')); if ($fillerror) { return error($fillerror); } } return true; }
function cw_ps_products_in_cart_pre($cart, $user_info) { $special_offers_apply =& cw_session_register("special_offers_apply"); # Delete all free added products if (is_array($cart['products'])) { foreach ($cart['products'] as $kk => $vv) { if ($vv["promotion_suite"]["free_product"] == 'Y') { cw_call('cw_delete_from_cart', array(&$cart, $vv['cartid'])); } } } # / Delete all free added products if (!empty($special_offers_apply['free_products'])) { foreach ($special_offers_apply['free_products'] as $pid => $qty) { # # Add product to the cart # $product = cw_func_call('cw_product_get', array('id' => $pid, 'info_type' => 8192)); $avail_amount = $product['avail']; $qty = min($qty, $avail_amount); $min_amount = $product['min_amount']; if ($qty >= $min_amount) { cw_load('warehouse'); $possible_warehouses = cw_warehouse_get_avails_customer($pid); $warehouse = key($possible_warehouses); $add_product = array(); $add_product["product_id"] = $pid; $add_product["amount"] = $qty; $add_product["product_options"] = ""; $add_product["price"] = 0.0; // warehouse is required, otherwise free product will be placed as separate order $add_product['warehouse_customer_id'] = $warehouse; // do to use cw_warehouse_add_to_cart_simple. It operates with global $cart while we use here local $cart copy // $result = cw_call('cw_warehouse_add_to_cart_simple', array($pid, $qty, '', 0.00)); $result = cw_call('cw_add_to_cart', array(&$cart, $add_product)); # Adjust just added product foreach ($cart['products'] as $ck => $cv) { if ($cv["cartid"] == $result['cartid']) { $cart['products'][$ck]["promotion_suite"]["free_product"] = true; // mark just added product as offered } } } else { unset($special_offers_apply['free_products'][$pid]); } } // foreach } // if return new EventReturn($cart['products'], array($cart, $user_info)); // replace cart in input params for main function }
function order_tracking_redirect() { global $smarty, $request_prepared; cw_load('doc'); $order = cw_call('cw_doc_get', array($request_prepared['doc_id'], 0)); if (empty($order) || $order['info']['tracking'] != $request_prepared['tracking']) { cw_header_location('index.php?target=error_message&error=access_denied&id=59'); } $smarty->assign('order', $order); $form = cw_display('addons/shipping_system/tracking.tpl', $smarty, false); echo $form; exit; }
function estimate_cart() { global $request_prepared; $user_address =& cw_session_register('user_address', array()); // Declare session var for addresses $user_address['current_address']['zipcode'] = $request_prepared['zipcode']; $user_address['current_address']['state'] = $request_prepared['state']; $user_address['current_address']['country'] = $request_prepared['country']; if (empty($user_address['current_address']['state']) && $user_address['current_address']['country'] == 'US') { cw_load('map'); $user_address['current_address']['state'] = cw_call('cw_map_get_state_by_zip', array($user_address['current_address']['zipcode'])); } cw_header_location('index.php?target=cart'); }
function cw_checkout_login_prepare() { global $smarty, $user_account, $customer_id, $user_address; $customer_id =& cw_session_register('customer_id', 0); $fields_area = cw_profile_fields_get_area($customer_id, $salesman_membership, 1); list($profile_sections, $profile_fields, $additional_fields) = cw_profile_fields_get_sections('U', true, $fields_area); # kornev, the login information is not required here. if ($customer_id) { unset($profile_sections['web']); } $smarty->assign('profile_fields', $profile_fields); $smarty->assign('profile_sections', $profile_sections); cw_include('include/check_userdata.php'); cw_include('include/check_usercart.php'); $userinfo = cw_call('cw_checkout_userinfo', array($user_account)); $smarty->assign('userinfo', $userinfo); $smarty->assign('user_account', $user_account); }
function cw_top_menu_make_sql_query() { global $tables, $app_web_dir; cw_load('category'); $pcats_ = cw_func_call('cw_category_search', array('data' => array('active' => 1, 'all' => 1))); $pcats_ = $pcats_[0]; foreach ($pcats_ as $v) { extract($v); $mid = 'p' . $category_id; $pmid = $parent_id; if ($pmid != 0) { $pmid = 'p' . $pmid; } $title = $category; $pcount = $product_count_web; //$link="$app_web_dir/?target=index&cat=$category_id"; $link = cw_call('cw_core_get_html_page_url', array(array('var' => 'index', 'cat' => $category_id))); $pos = $tm_pos; $active = $tm_active; $title2 = $tm_title; $type = 'pcat'; if (APP_AREA != 'customer' || $active != 0) { $pcats[] = compact('mid', 'pmid', 'title', 'pcount', 'link', 'pos', 'active', 'title2', 'type'); } } unset($pcats_); $fields = "CONCAT('u',category_id) as mid, CONCAT(parent_id_tag,parent_id) as pmid, category as title,\n"; $fields .= "0 as pcount, link, pos, active, '' as title2, 'ucat' as type\n"; if (APP_AREA == 'customer') { $where = "where active=1"; } else { $where = ""; } $sql = "select {$fields} from {$tables['top_menu_user_categories']} {$where};"; $ucats = cw_query($sql); $cats = array_merge($pcats, $ucats); foreach ($cats as $k => $v) { $sorter[$k] = $v['pos']; } array_multisort($sorter, $cats); return $cats; }
function cw_messages_create_new_message($customer_id, $sender_name, $recipient_id, $recipient_email, $subject, $body, $conversation_id) { global $config, $current_location; cw_load('email'); // sent message (incoming folder) $new_message_id = cw_array2insert('messages', array('subject' => $subject, 'body' => $body, 'sender_id' => $customer_id, 'recipient_id' => $recipient_id, 'sending_date' => cw_core_get_time(), 'conversation_id' => !empty($conversation_id) ? $conversation_id : 0, 'conversation_customer_id' => $recipient_id)); // duplicate for sent folder $current_conversation_id = !empty($conversation_id) ? $conversation_id : $new_message_id; $duplicate_message_id = cw_array2insert('messages', array('subject' => $subject, 'body' => $body, 'sender_id' => $customer_id, 'recipient_id' => $recipient_id, 'sending_date' => cw_core_get_time(), 'read_status' => 1, 'conversation_id' => $current_conversation_id, 'conversation_customer_id' => $customer_id, 'type' => 2, 'link_id' => $new_message_id)); // unite message if they have not been united $data = array('link_id' => $duplicate_message_id); if (empty($conversation_id)) { $data['conversation_id'] = $new_message_id; } cw_array2update('messages', $data, "message_id = '{$new_message_id}'"); // send notification email to recipient // notification is sent from system email and says about new received message from Sender at <sitename> $from = $config['Company']['site_administrator']; /* $mail_subject = "The notification of a new message"; $mail_body = '<b>You have received a new message from "' . $sender_name . '" at <a href="' . $current_location . '">'; $mail_body .= $config['Company']['company_name'] . '</a></b><br />'; $mail_body .= '<b>Subject:</b> ' . $subject . '<br />'; $mail_body .= '<b>Body:</b> ' . nl2br($body) . '<br />'; $mail_body .= '<a href="' . $current_location . '/index.php?target=message_box&mode=new'; $mail_body .= '&contact_id=' . $customer_id . '&conversation_id=' . $current_conversation_id . '">Link to reply</a><br />'; cw_send_simple_mail($from, $recipient_email, $mail_subject, $mail_body); */ global $smarty; $smarty->assign('sender_name', $sender_name); $smarty->assign('current_location', $current_location); $smarty->assign('config', $config); $smarty->assign('subject', $subject); $smarty->assign('body', $body); $smarty->assign('customer_id', $customer_id); $smarty->assign('recipient_id', $recipient_id); $smarty->assign('current_conversation_id', $current_conversation_id); $smarty->assign('new_message_id', $new_message_id); cw_call('cw_send_mail', array($from, $recipient_email, 'addons/messaging_system/mail/new_message_subj.tpl', 'addons/messaging_system/mail/new_message.tpl')); return $new_message_id; }
function cw_payment_paypal_run_processor($params, $return) { if ($params['payment_data']['processor'] == 'paypal') { global $config, $tables, $current_location; $cart =& cw_session_register('cart'); $skey = cw_call('cw_payment_start'); cw_call('cw_payment_put_data', array($skey, array('state' => 'GO', 'doc_ids' => $params['doc_ids']))); if ($params['userinfo']['current_address']['country'] == "US") { $_customer_state = $params['userinfo']['current_address']['state']; } else { $_customer_state = $params['userinfo']['current_address']['statename']; } $u_phone = preg_replace('![^\\d]+!', '', $params['userinfo']['current_address']['phone']); $pp_ordr = $config['paypal']['prefix'] . join("-", $params['doc_ids']); $fields = array("charset" => 'UTF-8', "cmd" => "_ext-enter", "custom" => $skey, "invoice" => $pp_ordr, "redirect_cmd" => "_xclick", 'item_name' => $config['paypal']['pp_payment_for'] . ' (Order #' . $pp_ordr . ')', "mrb" => "R-2JR83330TB370181P", "pal" => "RDGQCFJTT6Y6A", "rm" => "2", "email" => $params['userinfo']['email'], "first_name" => $params['userinfo']['current_address']['firstname'], "last_name" => $params['userinfo']['current_address']['firstname'], "country" => $params['userinfo']['current_address']['country'], "address1" => $params['userinfo']['current_address']['address'], "address2" => $params['userinfo']['current_address']['address_2'], "city" => $params['userinfo']['current_address']['city'], "zip" => $params['userinfo']['current_address']['zipcode'], "state" => $_customer_state, "day_phone_a" => substr($u_phone, -10, -7), "day_phone_b" => substr($u_phone, -7, -4), "day_phone_c" => substr($u_phone, -4), "night_phone_a" => substr($u_phone, -10, -7), "night_phone_b" => substr($u_phone, -7, -4), "night_phone_c" => substr($u_phone, -4), "business" => $config['paypal']['pp_account'], "item_name" => $config['paypal']['pp_payment_for'], "amount" => sprintf("%0.2f", $cart['info']['total']), "currency_code" => $config['paypal']['pp_currency'], "return" => $current_location . '/index.php?target=paypal&mode=success&secureid=' . $skey, 'cancel_return' => $current_location . '/index.php?target=paypal&mode=cancel&secureid=' . $skey, 'shopping_url' => $current_location . '/index.php?target=paypal&mode=cancel&secureid=' . $skey, "notify_url" => $current_location . '/index.php?target=paypal', "bn" => "cartworks"); if ($config['paypal']['use_preauth'] == 'Y') { $fields['paymentaction'] = 'authorization'; } cw_func_call('cw_payment_create_form', array('url' => 'https://' . ($config['paypal']['test_mode'] == 'N' ? "" : "") . '/cgi-bin/webscr', 'fields' => $fields, 'name' => $params['payment_data']['title'])); die; } return $return; }
function smarty_function_tunnel($params, &$smarty) { global $cw_allowed_tunnels; if (empty($params['func'])) { $smarty->trigger_error("tunnel: missing 'func' parameter"); return; } if (!in_array($params['func'], $cw_allowed_tunnels, true)) { $smarty->trigger_error("tunnel: function {$params['func']} is not allowed for call from templates", E_USER_ERROR); return; } if ($params['load']) { cw_load($params['load']); } $assign = $params['assign']; $func = $params['func']; if ($params['via'] == 'cw_call') { // order and number of params is important for cw_call() // we accept only paramX as params $func_params = array(); foreach ($params as $k => $v) { if (strpos($k, 'param') !== false) { $func_params[$k] = $v; } } ksort($func_params); $result = cw_call($params['func'], $func_params); } else { unset($params['load'], $params['func'], $params['assign']); $result = cw_func_call($func, $params); } if ($assign) { $smarty->assign($assign, $result); } else { echo $result; } }
cw_header_location("index.php?target=popup_poptions&target={$target}&id={$id}&err=exception"); } if ($mode == 'wishlist') { db_query("UPDATE {$tables['wishlist']} SET options = '" . addslashes(serialize($poptions)) . "' WHERE wishlist_id = '{$id}' AND event_id = '{$eventid}'"); } else { $variant_id = cw_get_variant_id($product_options, $product_id); $amount = cw_warehouse_get_warehouse_avail($cart['products'][$cartindex]['warehouse'], $product_id, null, $variant_id); // $amount = cw_get_options_amount($poptions, $cart['products'][$cartindex]['product_id']); if ($amount >= $cart['products'][$cartindex]['amount']) { $cart['products'][$cartindex]['options'] = $poptions; cw_unset($cart['products'][$cartindex], 'variant_id'); } else { cw_header_location("index.php?target=popup_poptions&target={$target}&id={$id}&err=avail"); } # Recalculate cart totals after updating $products = cw_call('cw_products_in_cart', array($cart, $user_account)); $cart = cw_func_call('cw_cart_calc', array('cart' => $cart, 'products' => $products, 'userinfo' => $user_account)); } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- if (window.opener) window.opener.location.reload(); window.close(); --> </script> <?php exit; } if (!$min_avail) { $min_avail = cw_query_first_cell("SELECT min_amount FROM {$tables['products']} WHERE product_id = '{$product_id}'"); }
$login_redirect = 1; } // Update addresses in session from database $user_address =& cw_session_register('user_address', array()); $user_address['current_address'] = cw_user_get_address($customer_id, 'current'); $user_address['main_address'] = cw_user_get_address($customer_id, 'main'); db_query("update {$tables['customers_system_info']} set last_login='******' where customer_id='{$customer_id}'"); $current_language = $user_data['language']; $items_per_page_targets = cw_core_restore_navigation($customer_id); cw_include('init/lng.php'); $cart =& cw_session_register('cart', array()); if ($current_area == "C" && cw_is_cart_empty($cart)) { $cart = cw_user_get_stored_cart($customer_id); } $userinfo = cw_user_get_info($customer_id); $products = cw_call('cw_products_in_cart', array($cart, $userinfo)); $cart = cw_func_call('cw_cart_calc', array('cart' => $cart, 'products' => $products, 'userinfo' => $userinfo)); cw_event('on_login', array($customer_id, $current_area, 0)); if (!empty($instagram_login_info['return_url'])) { cw_header_location($instagram_login_info['return_url']); } else { cw_header_location($instagram_redirect_url); } } } else { //For Guest user, get instagram login url $instagram_login_authUrl = $instagram->getLoginUrl(); $smarty->assign('instagram_login_authUrl', $instagram_login_authUrl); if (!$is_ajax) { $instagram_login_info['return_url'] = $current_host_location . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; }
cw_doc_make_relation($relation_doc_id, $rel_item_id, $v['amount']); } cw_doc_recalc($relation_doc_id); } } if ($doc_data['giftcerts'] && is_numeric($relation_doc_id)) { cw_doc_make_related_doc($doc_id, $relation_doc_id); } } } $secure_oid = $doc_ids; } else { $doc_ids = $secure_oid; } cw_session_save(); if ($action == 'request_for_quote') { cw_call('cw_doc_change_status', array($doc_ids, "Q")); $request = $app_catalogs['customer'] . "/index.php?target=order-message&doc_ids=" . implode(",", $doc_ids); $cart = $secure_oid = array(); cw_save_customer_cart($customer_id, $cart); cw_header_location($request); } else { $return = cw_func_call('cw_payment_run_processor', array('payment_data' => $payment_data, 'doc_ids' => $doc_ids, 'userinfo' => $userinfo)); if ($return && $payment_data['payment_type'] == 'cc') { $a = strlen($userinfo['card_cvv2']); $return['cvvmes'] = ($a ? $a . " digit(s)" : "not set") . " / "; } $return = cw_call('cw_payment_check_results', array($return)); cw_call('cw_payment_stop', array($return)); } exit;
function cw_salesman_change_discount_status($id, $status) { global $tables, $smarty; db_query("update {$tables['discount_coupons']} set status='{$status}' where coupon='{$id}'"); cw_load('mail', 'user'); $coupon = cw_query_first("select * from {$tables['discount_coupons']} where coupon='{$id}'"); if (!$coupon) { return; } $smarty->assign('coupon', $coupon); $userinfo = cw_user_get_info($coupon['customer_id']); $smarty->assign('userinfo', $userinfo); cw_call('cw_send_mail', array($config['Company']['orders_department'], $userinfo['email'], 'mail/salesman_coupon_subj.tpl', 'mail/salesman_coupon.tpl')); }
<?php global $docs_type; $docs_type = 'O'; cw_load('doc'); $search_data =& cw_session_register('search_data'); $search_data['orders'][$docs_type]['warehouse_area'] = $customer_id; if ($doc_id) { $doc_data = cw_call('cw_doc_get', array($request_prepared['doc_id'], 0)); if ($customer_id != $doc_data['info']['warehouse_customer_id']) { cw_header_location("index.php?target=error_message&error=access_denied&id=40"); } cw_include('include/orders/order.php'); } else { cw_include('include/orders/orders.php'); } $smarty->assign('page_acl', '__18'); $smarty->assign('current_section_dir', 'orders');
if ($list['lngcode'] != $current_language && is_array($d_langs) && !in_array($list['lngcode'], $d_langs)) { cw_header_location("index.php?target={$target}&mode=modify&list_id={$list_id}&edit_lng={$list['lngcode']}&old_lng={$current_language}"); } } $memberships = cw_query("select membership_id from {$tables['newslists_memberships']} where list_id='{$list['list_id']}'"); if ($memberships) { foreach ($memberships as $val) { $list['memberships'][$val['membership_id']] = true; } } $list_idname = cw_query_first_cell("SELECT name FROM {$tables['newslists']} WHERE list_id='{$list_id}'"); $smarty->assign('list_idname', $list_idname); $smarty->assign('list_id', $list_id); $smarty->assign('list', $list); # subscribers tabs $total_items = count($subscribers = cw_call('cw\\news\\get_subscribers', array($list_id))); if (!empty($total_items)) { $navigation = cw_core_get_navigation($target, $total_items, $page); $navigation['script'] = "index.php?target={$target}&js_tab=subscriptions&list_id=" . $list_id; $smarty->assign('navigation', $navigation); $subscribers = array_slice($subscribers, $navigation['first_page'], $navigation['objects_per_page']); } $smarty->assign('subscribers', $subscribers); # messages tab cw_load('map'); $countries = cw_map_get_countries(); $smarty->assign('countries', $countries); if (isset($messageid)) { $message = cw_query_first("SELECT * FROM {$tables['newsletter']} WHERE news_id='{$messageid}'"); $countries = cw_query("select * from {$tables['newsletter_countries']} where news_id='{$messageid}'"); if (is_array($countries)) {