function get_tweets_username($username_complete) { if (function_exists('curl_init')) { // last tweets $username = str_replace("@", "", $username_complete); $url = "" . $username . ".json"; $latest = curl_call($url); $latest_row = parser_twitter_results($latest, 0); update_option("skyscraper_latest", $latest_row); // last mentions $url = "" . $username . "&rpp=5&include_entities=true&result_type=mixed"; $mentions = curl_call($url); if (count($mentions["results"]) > 1) { $mentions_row = parser_twitter_results($mentions["results"], 1); update_option("skyscraper_mentions", $mentions_row); } } }
} else { $token_expiry = 'No expiry time provided'; $token_expiry_human = ''; } if ($signed_request['issued_at']) { $token_issue = $signed_request['issued_at']; if (is_int($token_issue)) { $token_issue_human = '(' . date("M j Y, Hi e", $token_issue) . ')'; } } else { $token_issue = 'No issue time provided'; $token_issue_human = ''; } if ($signed_request['user_id']) { $user_id = $signed_request['user_id']; $user_name = json_decode(curl_call('' . $signed_request['user_id']), true); $user_field = '<a href="' . $config['graph-explorer'] . $user_id . '" target="_blank">' . $user_id . '</a> (' . $user_name['name'] . ')'; } else { $user_field = 'No user ID provided'; } ?> <body> <div id="fb-root"></div> <script> window.fbAsyncInit = function() { // init the FB JS SDK FB.init({ appId : '<?php echo $config['AppId']; ?>
return $content; } $link = mysql_connect('', 'cars_user', 'cars34') or die('Impossible de se connecter : ' . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db('cars') or die('Impossible de sélectionner la base de données'); $models = array(); $file = 'page.html'; $content = curl_call('', true, $file); //$content = file_get_contents($file); $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->loadHTML($content); $count = 0; $options = $doc->getElementById("marque")->getElementsByTagName("option"); foreach ($options as $option) { if ($option->getAttribute("value") != "") { $file = 'results.json'; $result = curl_call('' . $option->getAttribute('value') . '&modele=&energie=&carrosserie=&puissance=', true, $file); //$result = file_get_contents($file); $json_result = json_decode($result); foreach ($json_result->view as $json_model) { if ($json_model->key != "") { $model = array(); $model["brand"] = $option->getAttribute("value"); $model["brand_label"] = $option->nodeValue; $model["model"] = $json_model->key; $model["model_label"] = $json_model->value; $models[$model["brand"]][] = $model; pr($model); $query = 'INSERT INTO tasks (brand, brand_label, model, model_label, status) VALUES ("' . $model["brand"] . '", "' . $model["brand_label"] . '", "' . $model["model"] . '", "' . $model["model_label"] . '", "PENDING")'; mysql_query($query) or die('Échec de la requête : ' . mysql_error()); } }
} function microtime_float() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); return (double) $usec + (double) $sec; } $previous_car = ""; $current_car = ""; $page = 1; do { $begin_time = microtime_float(); usleep(500000); $previous_car = $current_car; $url = "{$brand}&modele={$model}&energie&carrosserie&puissance&form_submit=1&url_recherche=%2Finformations-vehicules%2Fautomobiles%2Frecherche&url_fiche=%2Finformations-vehicules%2Fautomobiles%2Ffiche&itemPerPage=99&f_p=1&page={$page}"; $time1 = microtime_float(); $result = curl_call($url); $time2 = microtime_float(); echo "CURL query: " . ($time2 - $time1) . "s\n"; if ($result) { $time3 = microtime_float(); $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->loadHTML($result); $time4 = microtime_float(); echo "DOM loading: " . ($time4 - $time3) . "s\n"; $time5 = microtime_float(); $title = find_elements_by_class("h1", "titre", $doc); $titleValue = trim(find_elements_by_class("span", "orange", $title[0])[0]->nodeValue); $explodedTitle = explode(" - ", $titleValue); $car["brand"] = $explodedTitle[0]; $car["model"] = $explodedTitle[1]; $car["version"] = $explodedTitle[count($explodedTitle) - 1];
function adminindex_theme() { global $theme, $globals, $user, $l; softheader($l['<title>']); echo '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="' . serverurls('latestinfo') . '"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function load_soft_info(){ $_("softnews").style.width = $_("softnewsholder").offsetWidth; //The news if(typeof(soft_news) == "undefined"){ $_("softnews").innerHTML = "' . $l['conect_to_soft'] . '"; }else{ var newsstr = ""; for(x in soft_news){ newsstr = newsstr+\'<div class="softnewshead">\'+soft_news[x][0]+\'</div>\'+\'<div class="softnewsblock">\'+soft_news[x][1]+\'</div><br />\'; } $_("softnews").innerHTML = newsstr; } //The current version if(typeof(soft_latest_version) == "undefined"){ $_("newsoftversion").innerHTML = "<i>' . $l['no_info'] . '</i>"; }else{ $_("newsoftversion").innerHTML = soft_latest_version; } } addonload(\'load_soft_info();\'); </script> <br /> <div class="sai_divroundshad" style="width:690px; margin:0px auto;"> <table width="100%" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" class="sai_cbor"> <tr> <td class="header" align="center"> <b>' . $l['news'] . '</b> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" class="cbgbor" height="200" valign="top" id="softnewsholder"> <div class="softnews" id="softnews"></div> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <br /><br />'; echo ' <div class="sai_divroundshad" style="width:650px; margin:0px auto; padding:20px;"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="75%" colspan="2"> <div align="center" class="infohead">' . $l['soft_info'] . '<br /></div> <img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'hr.jpg" width="100%" height="1" alt="" /><br /><br /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <div class="softinfo">' . (!defined('SOFTRESELLER') ? '<b>' . $l['soft_license'] . '</b> : ' . $globals['license'] . ' (' . $globals['primary_ip'] . ')<br /> <b>' . $l['soft_license_type'] . '</b> : ' . (empty($globals['lictype']) ? $l['type_0'] . ' (<a href="' . serverurls('buy') . '" target="_blank">' . $l['become_premium'] . '</a>) (<a href="' . serverurls('pricing') . '" target="_blank">' . $l['pricing'] . '</a>)' : $l['type_1']) . ' (<a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'refreshlicense">' . $l['refreshlicense'] . '</a>)' . (asperapp(0, 1, 1) ? ' (<a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=licensekey">Enter License Key</a>)' : '') : '') . ' <br /> <b>' . $l['server_addr'] . '</b> : ' . $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] . ' <br /> ' . (!defined('SOFTRESELLER') ? '<b>' . $l['expires'] . '</b> : ' . (empty($globals['licexpires']) ? $l['never'] : makedate($globals['licexpires']) . ' (DD/MM/YYYY)') . ' <br />' : '') . '<b>' . $l['ip_license'] . '</b> : ' . @substr(curl_call(fastestmirror() . '/ip.php', 0, 5), 0, 16) . '<br /> <b>' . $l['php_version'] . '</b> : ' . sphpversion() . '<br /> <b>' . $l['soft_version'] . '</b> : ' . asperapp($globals['version'], @$globals['webuzo_version'], @$globals['ampps_version']) . '<br /> <b>' . $l['latest_soft_version'] . '</b> : <span id="newsoftversion"></span> </div> </td>'; if ($globals['softpanel'] == 'ampps' || $globals['softpanel'] == 'webuzo') { echo '<td width="20%"> <img src="' . $theme['images'] . $globals['softpanel'] . (empty($globals['lictype']) ? 'free' : 'premium') . '.png" width="100%" /> </td>'; } else { echo '<td width="23%"> <img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'softaculous' . (empty($globals['lictype']) ? 'free' : 'premium') . '.png" width="100%" /> </td>'; } echo '</tr> </table> </div> <br /><br />'; softfooter(); }
$token_issue_human = '(' . date("M j Y, Hi e", $token_issue) . ')'; } } else { $token_issue = 'No issue time provided'; $token_issue_human = ''; } if ($signed_request['user_id']) { $user_id = $signed_request['user_id']; $user_name = json_decode(curl_call('' . $signed_request['user_id']), true); $user_field = '<a href="' . $config['graph-explorer'] . $user_id . '" target="_blank">' . $user_id . '</a> (' . $user_name['name'] . ')'; } else { $user_field = 'No user ID provided'; } // /SIGNED REQUEST PROCESSING // LIVE STATUS PROCESSING $live_status = json_decode(curl_call(''), true); // Is Facebook pushing code? if ($live_status['push']) { $push_status = $live_status['push']['status']; } else { $push_status = 'Unknown'; } // What is the status of the API? if ($live_status['current']) { $health = $live_status['current']['health']; switch ($health) { case 0: $health_title = '<p class="text-info">Neutral</p>'; break; case 1: $health_title = '<p class="text-success">Healthy</p>';