예제 #1
function do_cron()
    global $config;
    ct_log("Cron-Job started.", 2, -1, 'cron');
    $btns = churchcore_getModulesSorted(false, false);
    foreach ($btns as $key) {
        include_once constant(strtoupper($key)) . "/{$key}.php";
        if (function_exists($key . "_cron")) {
            if (isset($config[$key . "_name"]) && $config[$key . "_name"] != "") {
                $arr = call_user_func($key . "_cron");
    ct_log("Cron-Job finished.", 2, -1, 'cron');
예제 #2
 * execute cron job for all modules
function do_cron()
    global $files_dir;
    ct_log("Cron-Job started.", 2, -1, 'cron');
    //delete temporary files (and sessions) older than one day
    $tempDir = $files_dir . '/tmp/';
    foreach (array_slice(scandir($tempDir), 2) as $file) {
        $path = $tempDir . $file;
        if (is_file($path) && filemtime($path) < time() - 3600 * 24) {
    //launch the cronjobs of the individual CT modules
    $modulesSorted = churchcore_getModulesSorted(false, false);
    foreach ($modulesSorted as $key) {
        include_once constant(strtoupper($key)) . "/{$key}.php";
        if (function_exists($key . "_cron") && getConf($key . "_name")) {
            call_user_func($key . "_cron");
    ct_log("Cron-Job finished.", 2, -1, 'cron');
예제 #3
function churchcal_delAddition($params)
    ct_log("del add", 1);
    $db = db_query("select cal_id from {cc_cal_add} where id=:id", array(":id" => $params["id"]))->fetch();
    if ($db == false) {
        throw new CTException("Manuellen Termin #" + $params["id"] + " nicht gefunden!");
    if (!churchcal_isAllowedToEditEvent($db->cal_id)) {
        throw new CTNoPermission("AllowToEditEvent", "churchcal");
    $i = new CTInterface();
    db_delete("cc_cal_add")->fields($i->getDBInsertArrayFromParams($params))->condition("id", $params["id"], "=")->execute(false);
예제 #4
 * logout current user
function logout_current_user()
    if (isset($_SESSION["sessionid"])) {
        db_query("DELETE FROM {cc_session} WHERE session=:id", array(':id' => $_SESSION["sessionid"]));
    if (isset($_SESSION["user"])) {
        $user = $_SESSION["user"];
        if ($user->id > 0) {
            ct_log(t('logout.successful') . ": " . $user->email, 2, -1, "login");
        //TODO use language of admin
    // on logout delete remember me cookie!
    setcookie("RememberMe", 0);
예제 #5
function churchcal_updateICalSource($id)
    // Set modified date to not load this calendar each cron job
    //db_query("UPDATE {cc_calcategory} SET modified_date = now() WHERE id = :id", (array(":id"=>$id)));
    $cat = db_query("SELECT * FROM {cc_calcategory}\n                    WHERE id = :id", array(":id" => $id))->fetch();
    if (!$cat) {
        throw new CTException("No calcategory found");
    include_once ASSETS . '/ics-parser/class.iCalReader.php';
    $ical = new ICal($cat->ical_source_url);
    $events = $ical->events();
    if (!$events) {
        ct_log("iCal Source from {$cat->bezeichnung} could not readed and processed!", 2, "calcategory", $id);
    } else {
        db_query("DELETE FROM {cc_cal} WHERE category_id = :id", array(":id" => $id));
        include_once CHURCHCAL . '/churchcal_db.php';
        foreach ($events as $event) {
            $data = array();
            $data["startdate"] = churchcore_icalToDate($event["DTSTART"]);
            if (isset($event["DTEND"])) {
                $data["enddate"] = churchcore_icalToDate($event["DTEND"]);
            $data["bezeichnung"] = utf8_encode(getVar("SUMMARY", "", $event));
            $data["category_id"] = $id;
            $data["repeat_id"] = 0;
            $data["intern_yn"] = 0;
            $data["modified_pid"] = -1;
            $data["notizen"] = getVar("SUMMARY", "", $event) . " " . getVar("DESCRIPTION", "", $event);
            $data["link"] = getVar("URL", "", $event);
            $data["ort"] = "";
            if ($data["startdate"] != "") {
                // Substract one day if it is a whole day date
                $sd = new Datetime($data["startdate"]);
                if (!isset($data["enddate"])) {
                    $ed = new Datetime($data["startdate"]);
                } else {
                    $ed = new Datetime($data["enddate"]);
                    if (isFullDay($sd, $ed)) {
                        $ed->modify("-1 DAY");
                $data["startdate"] = $sd->format("Y-m-d H:i");
                $data["enddate"] = $ed->format("Y-m-d H:i");
                churchcal_createEvent($data, null, true);
        ct_log("iCal Source from {$cat->bezeichnung} readed and processed!", 2, $id, "category");
 public function logMasterData($params, $loglevel = 2)
     ct_log($this->prepareForLog($params), $loglevel, isset($params["id"]) ? $params["id"] : null, CDB_LOG_MASTERDATA);
예제 #7
 * cron job
function churchdb_cron()
    global $config;
    include_once "churchdb_db.php";
    // delete tags
    // get tags used by churchservices
    $services = churchcore_getTableData('cs_service', '', 'cdb_tag_ids is not null');
    $tag = array();
    if ($services != false) {
        foreach ($services as $service) {
            $arr = explode(',', $service->cdb_tag_ids);
            foreach ($arr as $ar) {
                if (trim($ar) != '') {
                    $tag[trim($ar)] = true;
    $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM {cdb_tag} t LEFT JOIN {cdb_gemeindeperson_tag} gpt ON ( t.id = gpt.tag_id )\n  \t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN {cdb_gruppe_tag} gt ON ( t.id = gt.tag_id )\n                WHERE gpt.tag_id IS NULL AND gt.tag_id IS null");
    // delete unused ones
    foreach ($res as $id) {
        if (!isset($tag[$id->id])) {
            //TODO this sort of query is for reusing prepared statements - but probably no importend speed advantage to change it :-)
            db_query("delete from {cdb_tag} where id=:id", array(":id" => $id->id));
            cdb_log("CRON - Loesche Tag Id:" . $id->id . " " . $id->bezeichnung . ", da nicht verwendet", 2);
    // reset login error count for all persons
    //TODO: check time of last login try?
    db_query("update {cdb_person} set loginerrorcount=0");
    // clean mail archive
    db_query("delete FROM {cc_mail_queue}\n    WHERE (DATE_ADD( modified_date, INTERVAL 30  DAY ) < NOW( ))\n    and send_date is not null\n    and error=0");
    db_query("delete FROM {cc_mail_queue}\n    WHERE (DATE_ADD( modified_date, INTERVAL 14  DAY ) < NOW( ))\n    and send_date is not null\n    and modified_pid=-1\n    and error=0");
    db_query("delete FROM {cc_mail_queue}\n    WHERE (DATE_ADD( modified_date, INTERVAL 90  DAY ) < NOW( ))");
    // Synce MailChimp
    if (!empty($config["churchdb_mailchimp_apikey"])) {
        include_once ASSETS . "/mailchimp-api-class/inc/MCAPI.class.php";
        $api = new MCAPI($config["churchdb_mailchimp_apikey"]);
        $list_id = null;
        $db = db_query("select * from {cdb_gruppe_mailchimp} order by mailchimp_list_id");
        foreach ($db as $lists) {
            $list_id = $lists->mailchimp_list_id;
            // get all subscribers not beeing in the group anymore
            $db_g = db_query("select * from \n                   (select * from {cdb_gruppe_mailchimp_person} m where \n                        m.mailchimp_list_id='{$list_id}' and gruppe_id=:g_id) as m \n           left join  (select gpg.gruppe_id, gp.person_id from {cdb_gemeindeperson_gruppe} gpg, \n               {cdb_gemeindeperson} gp where gp.id=gpg.gemeindeperson_id) gp on (gp.gruppe_id=m.gruppe_id and gp.person_id=m.person_id)\n             where gp.person_id is null", array(":g_id" => $lists->gruppe_id));
            $batch = array();
            foreach ($db_g as $p) {
                $batch[] = array("EMAIL" => $p->email);
                db_query("delete from {cdb_gruppe_mailchimp_person} where \n               (email=:email and gruppe_id=:g_id and mailchimp_list_id=:list_id)", array(":email" => $p->email, ":g_id" => $lists->gruppe_id, ":list_id" => $list_id));
            listBatchUnsubscribe($api, $list_id, $batch, $lists->goodbye_yn == 1, $lists->notifyunsubscribe_yn == 1);
            // get persons nto yet subscribed (not in table cdb_gruppe_mailchimp_personen)
            $db_g = db_query("select * from (select p.id p_id, p.vorname, p.name, p.email p_email, gpg.gruppe_id g_id from {cdb_gemeindeperson} gp, {cdb_person} p, {cdb_gemeindeperson_gruppe} gpg\n                where gp.person_id=p.id and gpg.gemeindeperson_id=gp.id and gpg.status_no>=0 and p.email!='' \n                 and gpg.gruppe_id={$lists->gruppe_id}) as t \n                 left join {cdb_gruppe_mailchimp_person} m \n                   on (m.gruppe_id=t.g_id and m.person_id=t.p_id and m.mailchimp_list_id='{$list_id}')\n                   where m.gruppe_id is null");
            $batch = array();
            foreach ($db_g as $p) {
                $batch[] = array("EMAIL" => $p->p_email, "FNAME" => $p->vorname, "LNAME" => $p->name);
                db_query("insert into {cdb_gruppe_mailchimp_person} (person_id, gruppe_id, mailchimp_list_id, email) \n                  values (:p_id, :g_id, :list_id, :email)", array(":p_id" => $p->p_id, ":g_id" => $p->g_id, ":list_id" => $list_id, ":email" => $p->p_email));
            listBatchSubscribe($api, $list_id, $batch, $lists->optin_yn == 1);
    // delete old mails
    db_query("delete from {cc_mail_queue} where send_date is not null and datediff(send_date, now())<-60");
    // Do Statistics
    $db = db_query("select max(date) max, curdate() now from {crp_person}")->fetch();
    if ($db->max != $db->now) {
        db_query("insert into {crp_person} (\n                   SELECT curdate(), status_id, station_id, \n                       sum(case when datediff(erstkontakt,'" . $db->max . "')>=0 then 1 else 0 end), \n                       count(*) \n                   FROM {cdb_person} p, {cdb_gemeindeperson} gp\n                    where p.id=gp.person_id group by status_id, station_id\n              )");
        db_query("insert into {crp_group} (\n                    SELECT curdate(), gruppe_id, status_id, station_id, s.id gruppenteilnehmerstatus_id, \n                        sum(case when datediff(gpg.letzteaenderung,'" . $db->max . "')>=0 then 1 else 0 end), \n                        count(*) \n                     from {cdb_gemeindeperson_gruppe} gpg, {cdb_gruppenteilnehmerstatus} s, {cdb_gemeindeperson} gp, {cdb_gruppe} g\n                     where  gpg.gemeindeperson_id=gp.id  and gpg.status_no=s.intern_code\n                            and gpg.gruppe_id=g.id and (g.abschlussdatum is null or datediff(g.abschlussdatum, curdate())>-366)\n                     group by gruppe_id, status_id, station_id, gruppenteilnehmerstatus_id, s.id\n               )");
        ct_log('ChurchDB Tagesstatistik wurde erstellt.', 2);
예제 #8
function login_user($ret, $rember_me = false)
    global $q, $q_orig;
    if (!isset($ret->id)) {
        addErrorMessage("Keine Id vorhanden, Fehler beim Login!");
        return null;
    $_SESSION["email"] = $ret->email;
    if ($ret->cmsuserid == "") {
        $ret->cmsuserid = $ret->vorname . " " . $ret->name . " [" . $ret->id . "]";
        db_query("update {cdb_person} set cmsuserid='" . $ret->cmsuserid . "' where id={$ret->id}");
    if ($ret->loginstr != null) {
        db_query("update {cdb_person} set loginstr=null where id={$ret->id}");
    $ret->auth = getUserAuthorization($ret->id);
    $_SESSION["user"] = $ret;
    // 6 Tage h�lt der Login
    $ablaufDesCookies = time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 6;
    setcookie("RememberMe", $rember_me, $ablaufDesCookies);
    $_SESSION["sessionid"] = random_string();
    setcookie("CC_SessionId", $_SESSION["sessionid"], $ablaufDesCookies);
    $dt = new DateTime();
    db_query("update {cdb_person} set lastlogin=now(), loginerrorcount=0 where id=" . $ret->id);
    //  db_query("delete from {cc_session} where person_id=".$ret->id." AND hostname='".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]."'");
    db_query("delete from {cc_session} where datediff(now(), datum)>7");
    db_query("insert into {cc_session} (person_id, session, hostname, datum) \n            values (" . $ret->id . ", '" . $_SESSION["sessionid"] . "', '" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . "', '" . $dt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "')");
    if ($ret->email != '') {
        // Suche Leute aus der Familie, die die gleiche EMail-Adresse haben.
        $res = db_query("select * from {cdb_person} where email=:email and archiv_yn=0", array(":email" => $ret->email));
        $family = null;
        $count = 0;
        foreach ($res as $p) {
            if ($p->id != $ret->id) {
                $family[$p->id] = $p;
            if ($count > 15) {
        if ($family != null) {
            $_SESSION["family"] = $family;
    ct_log("Login succeed: " . $ret->email . " with " . (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : "Unkown Browser!"), 2, -1, "login");
    // Wenn es Ummelden war, dann nicht weiterleiten, denn sonst w�re das ja wieder Login.
    if ($q != $q_orig) {
        header("Location: ?q={$q_orig}");
    } else {
        if ($q == "login") {
            header("Location: ?q=" . variable_get("site_startpage", "home"));
예제 #9
 * @param array $u userdata
 * @param bool $rember_me
 * @return NULL
function login_user($u, $rember_me = false, $redirect = true)
    global $q, $q_orig, $config;
    if (empty($u->id)) {
        return null;
    $_SESSION["email"] = $u->email;
    if (!$u->cmsuserid) {
        $u->cmsuserid = "{$u->vorname} {$u->name} [" . $u->id . "]";
        db_query("UPDATE {cdb_person}\n              SET cmsuserid=:cmsuserid\n              WHERE id=:id", array(':cmsuserid' => $u->cmsuserid, ':id' => $u->id));
    if ($u->loginstr) {
        db_query("UPDATE {cdb_person}\n              SET loginstr=NULL\n              WHERE id=:id", array(':id' => $u->id));
    $u->auth = getUserAuthorization($u->id);
    $_SESSION["user"] = $u;
    // TODO: make time configurable
    // login is valid for 6 days
    $cookieExpireTime = time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 6;
    setcookie("RememberMe", $rember_me, $cookieExpireTime);
    $_SESSION["sessionid"] = random_string();
    setcookie("CC_SessionId", $_SESSION["sessionid"], $cookieExpireTime);
    $dt = new DateTime();
    db_query("UPDATE {cdb_person} SET lastlogin=NOW(), loginerrorcount=0 WHERE id=:id", array(':id' => $u->id));
    // Get language form user setting, if not available set it from current cookie
    $lang = getUserSetting("churchcore", $u->id, "language");
    if (!$lang) {
        _churchcore_savePidUserSetting("churchcore", $u->id, "language", getConf("language"));
    } else {
        setcookie("language", $lang, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30);
    // 30 days
    db_query("DELETE FROM {cc_session} WHERE datediff(NOW(), datum)>7");
    db_query("INSERT INTO {cc_session} (person_id, session, hostname, datum)\n            VALUES (:id, :session, :host, :date)", array(':id' => $u->id, ':session' => $_SESSION["sessionid"], ':host' => $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"], ':date' => $dt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
    if ($u->email) {
        // look for family users with the same email
        $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM {cdb_person}\n                     WHERE email=:email AND archiv_yn=0", array(":email" => $u->email));
        $family = array();
        $count = 0;
        foreach ($res as $p) {
            if ($p->id != $u->id) {
                $family[$p->id] = $p;
            if ($count > 15) {
            //no family should have more then 15 users
        if (count($family)) {
            $_SESSION["family"] = $family;
    ct_log("Login succeed: {$u->email} with " . getVar('HTTP_USER_AGENT', "Unkown Browser", $_SERVER), 2, -1, "login");
    if ($redirect) {
        // on switching family login dont forward to login again
        if ($q != $q_orig) {
            header("Location: " . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
        } else {
            if ($q == "login") {
                header("Location: ?q=home");
예제 #10
 * Delete CS-Event, inform people about deleted event and delete calendar entry
 * @param $params["id"] id of Event
 * @param $params["informDeleteEvent"] 1=inform people. Default=0
 * @param $params["deleteCalEntry"] 1=delete Calender entry. Default=0
 * @throws CTException if Event or Calender Entry could not be found
 * @throws CTNoPermission
function churchservice_deleteEvent($params)
    global $user;
    if (!user_access("edit events", "churchservice")) {
        throw new CTNoPermission("edit events", "churchservice");
    ct_log("[ChurchService] " . t('remove.event'), 2, $params["id"], "service");
    $db_event = db_query("SELECT e.*, DATE_FORMAT(e.startdate, '%d.%m.%Y %H:%i') AS date_de\n                        FROM {cs_event} e\n                        WHERE id=:event_id", array(":event_id" => $params["id"]))->fetch();
    if (!$db_event) {
        if ($params["id"]) {
            throw new CTException("deleteEvent(" . $params["id"] . "): " . t('x.not.found', t('event')));
        } else {
    // Inform people about the deleted event
    if (getVar("informDeleteEvent", false, $params)) {
        $db_cal = db_query("SELECT * FROM {cc_cal}\n                        WHERE id=:cal_id AND DATEDIFF(startdate, now())>=0", array(":cal_id" => $db_event->cc_cal_id))->fetch();
        if ($db_cal != false) {
            $db = db_query("SELECT p.id p_id, p.vorname, p.name, IF(p.spitzname, p.spitzname, p.vorname) AS nickname, p.email FROM {cs_eventservice} es, {cdb_person} p\n                      WHERE event_id = :event_id AND valid_yn = 1 AND p.id = es.cdb_person_id\n                        AND es.cdb_person_id IS NOT NULL AND p.email != ''", array(":event_id" => $params["id"]));
            foreach ($db as $p) {
                $lang = getUserLanguage($p->p_id);
                $subject = "[" . getConf('site_name') . "] " . t2($lang, 'cancelation.of.event.date', $db_cal->bezeichnung, $db_event->date_de);
                $data = array('person' => $p, 'eventTitle' => $db_cal->bezeichnung, 'eventDate' => $db_event->date_de);
                // Deine Dienstanfrage wurde entsprechend entfernt.'
                $content = getTemplateContent('email/eventDeleted', 'churchservice', $data, null, $lang);
                churchservice_send_mail($subject, $content, $p->email);
    if (getVar("deleteCalEntry", 1, $params) == 1) {
        db_query("DELETE FROM {cs_eventservice}\n              WHERE event_id=:event_id", array(":event_id" => $params["id"]), false);
        db_query("DELETE FROM {cs_event}\n              WHERE id=:event_id", array(":event_id" => $params["id"]), false);
    } else {
        db_query("UPDATE {cs_event} SET valid_yn=0\n              WHERE id=:id", array(":id" => $params["id"]));
 * Delete CS-Event and inform people about deleted event and delete calender entry
 * @param $params["id"] id of Event
 * @param $params["informDeleteEvent"] 1=inform people. Default=0
 * @param $params["deleteCalEntry"] 1=delete Calender entry. Default=0
 * @throws CTException if Event or Calender Entry could not be found
 * @throws CTNoPermission
function churchservice_deleteEvent($params, $source = null)
    global $user;
    if ($source == null) {
        if (!user_access("edit events", "churchservice")) {
            throw new CTNoPermission("edit events", "churchservice");
        ct_log("[ChurchService] Entferne Event!", 2, $params["id"], "service");
    $db_event = db_query("select e.*, DATE_FORMAT(e.startdate, '%d.%m.%Y %H:%i') date_de from {cs_event} e where id=:event_id", array(":event_id" => $params["id"]))->fetch();
    if (!$db_event) {
        if ($params["id"] != null) {
            throw new CTException("Event nicht gefunden!");
        } else {
    // Inform people about the deleted event
    if (isset($params["informDeleteEvent"]) && $params["informDeleteEvent"] == 1) {
        $db_cal = db_query("select * from {cc_cal} where id=:cal_id", array(":cal_id" => $db_event->cc_cal_id))->fetch();
        if (!$db_cal) {
            throw new CTException("Event im Kalender nicht gefunden!");
        $db = db_query("select p.* from {cs_eventservice} es, {cdb_person} p\n         where event_id=:event_id and valid_yn=1 and\n              p.id=es.cdb_person_id and es.cdb_person_id is not null and p.email!=''", array(":event_id" => $params["id"]));
        foreach ($db as $p) {
            $subject = "[" . variable_get('site_name') . "] Absage von " . $db_cal->bezeichnung . " " . $db_event->date_de;
            $txt = '<h3>Hallo ' . $p->vorname . "!</h3>";
            $txt .= 'Das Event ' . $db_cal->bezeichnung . " am " . $db_event->date_de . ' wurde von <i>' . $user->vorname . ' ' . $user->name . '</i> abgesagt. Deine Dienstanfrage wurde entsprechend entfernt.';
            churchservice_send_mail($subject, $txt, $p->email);
    if (!isset($params["deleteCalEntry"]) || $params["deleteCalEntry"] == 1) {
        db_query("delete from {cs_eventservice} where event_id=:event_id", array(":event_id" => $params["id"]), false);
        db_query("delete from {cs_event} where id=:event_id", array(":event_id" => $params["id"]), false);
        db_query("delete from {cc_cal} where id=:id and repeat_id=0", array(":id" => $db_event->cc_cal_id));
    } else {
        db_query("update {cs_event} set valid_yn=0 where id=:id", array(":id" => $params["id"]));
예제 #12
function editHtml($form)
    global $user;
    $dt = new DateTime();
    db_query("insert into {cc_wiki} (doc_id, text, modified_date, modified_pid) \n            values (:doc_id, :text, :date, :pid) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE text=:text, modified_date=:date, modified_pid=:pid", array(":text" => $form->fields["text"]->getValue(), ":doc_id" => $form->fields["doc_id"]->getValue(), ":date" => $dt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), ":pid" => $user->id));
    ct_log("Aktualisierung Hilfeseite " . $form->fields["doc_id"]->getValue(), 2, "-1", "help");
    header("Location: ?q=churchwiki&doc=" . $form->fields["doc_id"]->getValue());
예제 #13
 * cron job
function churchdb_cron()
    global $config;
    include_once "churchdb_db.php";
    // delete tags
    // get tags used by churchservices
    $services = churchcore_getTableData('cs_service', '', 'cdb_tag_ids is not null');
    $tag = array();
    if ($services) {
        foreach ($services as $service) {
            $arr = explode(',', $service->cdb_tag_ids);
            foreach ($arr as $a) {
                if (trim($a)) {
                    $tag[trim($a)] = true;
    $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM {cdb_tag} t LEFT JOIN {cdb_gemeindeperson_tag} gpt ON ( t.id = gpt.tag_id )\n                   LEFT JOIN {cdb_gruppe_tag} gt ON ( t.id = gt.tag_id )\n                   WHERE gpt.tag_id IS NULL AND gt.tag_id IS null");
    // delete unused tags
    foreach ($res as $id) {
        if (!isset($tag[$id->id])) {
            // TODO this sort of query is for reusing prepared statements - but probably no important speed advantage to
            // change it :-)
            db_query("DELETE FROM {cdb_tag}\n              WHERE id=:id", array(":id" => $id->id));
            cdb_log("CRON - Delete Tag Id: {$id->id} {$id->bezeichnung}, not used", 2);
    // reset login error count for all persons
    // TODO: check time of last login try?
    db_query("UPDATE {cdb_person} SET loginerrorcount=0");
    // clean mail archive
    db_query("DELETE FROM {cc_mail_queue}\n            WHERE (DATE_ADD( modified_date, INTERVAL 30  DAY ) < NOW( )) AND send_date is NOT NULL AND error=0");
    db_query("DELETE FROM {cc_mail_queue}\n            WHERE (DATE_ADD( modified_date, INTERVAL 14  DAY ) < NOW( )) AND send_date IS NOT NULL AND modified_pid=-1 AND error=0");
    db_query("DELETE FROM {cc_mail_queue}\n            WHERE (DATE_ADD( modified_date, INTERVAL 90  DAY ) < NOW( ))");
    // Synce MailChimp
    if (!empty($config["churchdb_mailchimp_apikey"])) {
        include_once ASSETS . "/mailchimp-api-class/inc/MCAPI.class.php";
        $api = new MCAPI($config["churchdb_mailchimp_apikey"]);
        $list_id = null;
        $db = db_query("SELECT * FROM {cdb_gruppe_mailchimp}\n                    ORDER BY mailchimp_list_id");
        foreach ($db as $lists) {
            $list_id = $lists->mailchimp_list_id;
            // get all subscribers not beeing in the group anymore
            $db_group = db_query("\n        SELECT *\n        FROM (SELECT * FROM {cdb_gruppe_mailchimp_person} m WHERE m.mailchimp_list_id='{$list_id}' AND gruppe_id=:g_id) AS m\n              LEFT JOIN  (SELECT gpg.gruppe_id, gp.person_id FROM {cdb_gemeindeperson_gruppe} gpg, {cdb_gemeindeperson} gp\n                WHERE gp.id=gpg.gemeindeperson_id) gp on (gp.gruppe_id=m.gruppe_id and gp.person_id=m.person_id)\n        WHERE gp.person_id is null", array(":g_id" => $lists->gruppe_id));
            $batch = array();
            foreach ($db_group as $p) {
                $batch[] = array("EMAIL" => $p->email);
                db_query("DELETE FROM {cdb_gruppe_mailchimp_person}\n                  WHERE (email=:email AND gruppe_id=:g_id AND mailchimp_list_id=:list_id)", array(":email" => $p->email, ":g_id" => $lists->gruppe_id, ":list_id" => $list_id));
            listBatchUnsubscribe($api, $list_id, $batch, $lists->goodbye_yn == 1, $lists->notifyunsubscribe_yn == 1);
            // get persons not yet subscribed (not in table cdb_gruppe_mailchimp_personen)
            $db_groups = db_query("\n        SELECT *\n        FROM (SELECT p.id AS p_id, p.vorname, p.name, p.email AS p_email, gpg.gruppe_id AS g_id\n              FROM {cdb_gemeindeperson} gp, {cdb_person} p, {cdb_gemeindeperson_gruppe} gpg\n              WHERE gp.person_id=p.id AND gpg.gemeindeperson_id=gp.id AND gpg.status_no>=0 AND p.email!=''\n                AND gpg.gruppe_id={$lists->gruppe_id}) AS t\n              LEFT JOIN {cdb_gruppe_mailchimp_person} m\n                ON (m.gruppe_id=t.g_id and m.person_id=t.p_id and m.mailchimp_list_id='{$list_id}')\n        WHERE m.gruppe_id is null");
            $batch = array();
            foreach ($db_groups as $p) {
                $batch[] = array("EMAIL" => $p->p_email, "FNAME" => $p->vorname, "LNAME" => $p->name);
                db_query("INSERT INTO {cdb_gruppe_mailchimp_person} (person_id, gruppe_id, mailchimp_list_id, email)\n                  VALUES (:p_id, :g_id, :list_id, :email)", array(":p_id" => $p->p_id, ":g_id" => $p->g_id, ":list_id" => $list_id, ":email" => $p->p_email));
            listBatchSubscribe($api, $list_id, $batch, $lists->optin_yn == 1);
    // delete old mails
    db_query("DELETE FROM {cc_mail_queue}\n            WHERE send_date IS NOT NULL AND DATEDIFF(send_date, NOW())<-60");
    // Do Statistics
    $db = db_query("SELECT MAX(date) AS max, CURDATE() AS now\n                  FROM {crp_person}")->fetch();
    // TODO: add $db->max != $db->now to sql query?
    if ($db->max != $db->now) {
        db_query("INSERT INTO {crp_person} (\n                SELECT CURDATE(), status_id, station_id,\n                  SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(erstkontakt,'" . $db->max . "')>=0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END),\n                  COUNT(*)\n                FROM {cdb_person} p, {cdb_gemeindeperson} gp\n                WHERE p.id=gp.person_id group by status_id, station_id\n              )");
        db_query("INSERT into {crp_group} (\n                SELECT curdate(), gruppe_id, status_id, station_id, s.id gruppenteilnehmerstatus_id,\n                    SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(gpg.letzteaenderung,'" . $db->max . "')>=0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END),\n                    COUNT(*)\n                FROM {cdb_gemeindeperson_gruppe} gpg, {cdb_gruppenteilnehmerstatus} s, {cdb_gemeindeperson} gp, {cdb_gruppe} g\n                WHERE gpg.gemeindeperson_id=gp.id AND gpg.status_no=s.intern_code\n                      AND gpg.gruppe_id=g.id AND (g.abschlussdatum IS NULL OR DATEDIFF(g.abschlussdatum, curdate())>-366)\n                GROUP BY gruppe_id, status_id, station_id, gruppenteilnehmerstatus_id, s.id\n               )");
        ct_log('ChurchDB Tagesstatistik wurde erstellt.', 2);
예제 #14
 * @param string $txt          
 * @param int $level          
 * @param int $domainid          
 * @param string $domaintype          
 * @param int $schreibzugriff_yn          
 * @param string $_user          
function cdb_log($txt, $level = 3, $domainid = -1, $domaintype = CDB_LOG_PERSON, $schreibzugriff_yn = 0, $_user = null)
    ct_log($txt, $level, $domainid, $domaintype, $schreibzugriff_yn, $_user);
  * @param array $params
  * @param int $loglevel
 public function logMasterData($params, $loglevel = 2)
     ct_log($this->prepareForLog($params), $loglevel, getVar("id", null, $params), CDB_LOG_MASTERDATA);