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<?php // ClanSphere 2010 - www.clansphere.net // $Id$ $cs_lang = cs_translate('ranks'); $cs_option = cs_sql_option(__FILE__, 'ranks'); $select = 'ranks_url, ranks_img, ranks_code'; $data = array(); $data['ranks'] = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, 'ranks', $select, 0, 0, 0, $cs_option['max_navlist']); $ranks_loop = count($data['ranks']); for ($run = 0; $run < $ranks_loop; $run++) { $data['ranks'][$run]['picture'] = ''; if (!empty($data['ranks'][$run]['ranks_url'])) { $picture = cs_html_img($data['ranks'][$run]['ranks_img']); $data['ranks'][$run]['picture'] = cs_html_link($data['ranks'][$run]['ranks_url'], $picture); } else { $data['ranks'][$run]['picture'] = $data['ranks'][$run]['ranks_code']; } } echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'ranks', 'navlist');
} } $wars['war']['report'] = empty($cs_wars['wars_report']) ? '-' : cs_secure($cs_wars['wars_report'], 1, 1); $wars['war']['report2'] = empty($cs_wars['wars_report2']) ? '-' : cs_secure($cs_wars['wars_report2'], 1, 1); $tables2 = 'rounds rnd INNER JOIN {pre}_maps mps ON rnd.maps_id = mps.maps_id'; $cells2 = 'rnd.rounds_score1 AS rounds_score1, rnd.rounds_score2 AS rounds_score2, ' . 'rnd.rounds_description AS rounds_description, mps.maps_name AS maps_name, ' . 'rnd.maps_id AS maps_id'; $wars['rounds'] = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, $tables2, $cells2, 'rnd.wars_id = \'' . $wars_id . '\'', 'rnd.rounds_order ASC', 0, 0); if (!empty($wars['rounds'])) { $count_rounds = count($wars['rounds']); for ($run = 0; $run < $count_rounds; $run++) { $wars['rounds'][$run]['mapurl'] = cs_url('maps', 'view', 'id=' . $wars['rounds'][$run]['maps_id']); $wars['rounds'][$run]['maps_name'] = cs_secure($wars['rounds'][$run]['maps_name']); $result2 = $wars['rounds'][$run]['rounds_score1'] - $wars['rounds'][$run]['rounds_score2']; $icon2 = $result2 >= 1 ? 'green' : 'red'; $icon2 = !empty($result2) ? $icon2 : 'grey'; $wars['rounds'][$run]['resulticon'] = cs_html_img('symbols/clansphere/' . $icon2 . '.gif'); $wars['rounds'][$run]['rounds_description'] = cs_secure($wars['rounds'][$run]['rounds_description'], 1, 1); } } else { $wars['rounds'] = array(); } if ($wars_status == 'upcoming') { $condition = 'users_id = \'' . $account['users_id'] . '\' AND squads_id = \'' . $cs_squad['squads_id'] . '\''; $squadmember = cs_sql_count(__FILE__, 'members', $condition); $wars_access = empty($account['access_wars']) ? 0 : $account['access_wars']; if (!empty($squadmember) or $wars_access >= 3) { $wars['if']['squadmember'] = TRUE; $wars['if']['no_players'] = FALSE; $wars['if']['status'] = FALSE; $tables = 'players ply INNER JOIN {pre}_users usr ON ply.users_id = usr.users_id'; $cells = 'ply.users_id AS users_id, ply.players_status AS players_status, ' . 'ply.players_time AS players_time, usr.users_nick AS users_nick, usr.users_active AS users_active';
cs_redirect('', 'users', 'manage'); } else { $error .= $cs_lang['up_error']; } } } if (empty($error)) { $data['head']['body'] = $cs_lang['picture_manage']; } else { $data['head']['body'] = $error; } if (!empty($error) or empty($files['picture']['tmp_name']) and empty($del)) { if (empty($userpic)) { $data['users']['current_pic'] = $cs_lang['nopic']; } else { $size = getimagesize($cs_main['def_path'] . '/uploads/users/' . $userpic); $data['users']['current_pic'] = cs_html_img('uploads/users/' . $userpic, $size[1], $size[0]); } $matches[1] = $cs_lang['pic_infos']; $return_types = ''; foreach ($img_filetypes as $add) { $return_types .= empty($return_types) ? $add : ', ' . $add; } $matches[2] = $cs_lang['max_width'] . $op_users['max_width'] . ' px' . cs_html_br(1); $matches[2] .= $cs_lang['max_height'] . $op_users['max_height'] . ' px' . cs_html_br(1); $matches[2] .= $cs_lang['max_size'] . cs_filesize($op_users['max_size']) . cs_html_br(1); $matches[2] .= $cs_lang['filetypes'] . $return_types; $data['users']['picup_clip'] = cs_abcode_clip($matches); $data['users']['id'] = $users_id; echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'users', 'picture_edit'); }
<?php // ClanSphere 2010 - www.clansphere.net // $Id$ $cs_lang = cs_translate('cash'); $data = array(); $data['op'] = cs_sql_option(__FILE__, 'cash'); $tables = 'cash ca INNER JOIN {pre}_users usr ON ca.users_id = usr.users_id'; $cells = 'ca.cash_id AS cash_id, ca.cash_time AS cash_time, ca.cash_inout AS cash_inout, ca.users_id AS users_id, usr.users_nick AS users_nick, ca.cash_text AS cash_text'; $cells .= ', ca.cash_money AS cash_money, ca.cash_id AS cash_id, usr.users_country AS users_country, usr.users_active AS users_active, usr.users_delete AS users_delete'; $cond = "cash_inout = 'in' AND ca.cash_time LIKE '" . cs_datereal('Y-m') . "%'"; $data['cash'] = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, $tables, $cells, $cond, 'cash_time DESC', 0, 0); if (!empty($data['cash'])) { $count_cash = count($data['cash']); for ($run = 0; $run < $count_cash; $run++) { $data['cash'][$run]['users_flag'] = cs_html_img('symbols/countries/' . $data['cash'][$run]['users_country'] . '.png'); $data['cash'][$run]['user'] = cs_user($data['cash'][$run]['users_id'], $data['cash'][$run]['users_nick'], $data['cash'][$run]['users_active'], $data['cash'][$run]['users_delete']); $data['cash'][$run]['date'] = cs_date('date', $data['cash'][$run]['cash_time']); $data['cash'][$run]['cash_text'] = cs_secure($data['cash'][$run]['cash_text'], 0, 0, 0); $data['cash'][$run]['cash_money'] = cs_secure($data['cash'][$run]['cash_money'], 0, 0, 0); } } echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'cash', 'view_cash');
for ($run = 0; $run < $answers_stop; $run++) { $answer_count = 0; for ($run_2 = 0; $run_2 < $voted_loop; $run_2++) { $voted_answer = $cs_voted[$run_2]['voted_answer']; if ($voted_answer == $run + 1) { $answer_count++; } } if (!empty($answer_count)) { $answer_percent = $answer_count / $voted_loop * 100; } else { $answer_percent = '0'; } $answer_percent = round($answer_percent, 1); $votes_navlist['results'][$run]['answer'] = $temp[$run + 1]; $votes_navlist['results'][$run]['percent'] = $answer_percent; if (!empty($answer_count)) { $votes_navlist['results'][$run]['end_img'] = cs_html_img('symbols/votes/vote02.png', '13', '2'); } else { $votes_navlist['results'][$run]['end_img'] = ''; } } $votes_navlist['votes']['id'] = $votes_id; $votes_navlist['lang']['current_vote'] = $cs_lang['current_vote']; echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $votes_navlist, 'votes', 'navlist_results'); } } else { if (!empty($votes_form)) { echo $cs_lang['no_actvote']; } }
} if (empty($edit['usersgallery_titel'])) { $error .= $cs_lang['no_titel'] . cs_html_br(1); } if (empty($edit['folders_id'])) { $error .= $cs_lang['no_cat'] . cs_html_br(1); } } if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) { $data['head']['body'] = $cs_lang['body_picture']; } elseif (!empty($error)) { $data['head']['body'] = $error; } if (!empty($error) or !isset($_POST['submit'])) { $data['data'] = $edit; $data['current']['img'] = cs_html_img('mods/gallery/image.php?usersthumb=' . $edit['usersgallery_id']); $data['folders']['select'] = make_folders_select('folders_id', $edit['folders_id'], $account['users_id'], 'usersgallery'); $data['access']['options'] = ''; $levels = 0; while ($levels < 6) { $edit['usersgallery_access'] == $levels ? $sel = 1 : ($sel = 0); $data['access']['options'] .= cs_html_option($levels . ' - ' . $cs_lang['lev_' . $levels], $levels, $sel); $levels++; } $data['status']['options'] = ''; $levels = 0; while ($levels < 2) { $edit['usersgallery_status'] == $levels ? $sel = 1 : ($sel = 0); $data['status']['options'] .= cs_html_option($cs_lang['show_' . $levels], $levels, $sel); $levels++; }
$data['wars']['new_map'] = $new_map; $data['abcode']['smileys'] = cs_abcode_smileys('rounds_description'); $data['abcode']['features'] = cs_abcode_features('rounds_description'); $data['wars']['id'] = $wars_id; $data['get']['msg'] = cs_getmsg(); $tables = 'rounds rnd LEFT JOIN {pre}_maps mps ON rnd.maps_id = mps.maps_id'; $cells = 'rnd.rounds_id AS rounds_id, rnd.rounds_score1 AS rounds_score1, '; $cells .= 'rnd.rounds_score2 AS rounds_score2, mps.maps_name AS maps_name, '; $cells .= 'rnd.rounds_order AS rounds_order'; $sort = 'rnd.rounds_order ASC, rnd.rounds_id ASC'; $cs_rounds = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, $tables, $cells, 'rnd.wars_id = \'' . $wars_id . '\'', $sort, 0, 0); $count = count($cs_rounds); if (!empty($cs_rounds)) { $data['if']['rounds'] = true; $img_up = cs_html_img('symbols/clansphere/up_arrow.png'); $img_down = cs_html_img('symbols/clansphere/down_arrow.png'); $run = 0; $run2 = 0; foreach ($cs_rounds as $round) { $run2++; $data['maps'][$run]['name'] = $round['maps_name']; $data['maps'][$run]['result'] = $round['rounds_score1'] . ' : ' . $round['rounds_score2']; $data['maps'][$run]['rounds_id'] = $round['rounds_id']; $up = $run2 != 1 ? cs_link($img_up, 'wars', 'rounds', 'id=' . $wars_id . '&up=' . $round['rounds_id']) : '-'; $down = $run2 != $count ? cs_link($img_down, 'wars', 'rounds', 'id=' . $wars_id . '&down=' . $round['rounds_id']) : '-'; $data['maps'][$run]['up_down'] = $up . ' ' . $down; $run++; } } else { $data['if']['rounds'] = false; }
$mail = empty($allow) ? '' : $mail; } $gbook[$run]['icon_mail'] = empty($mail) ? '' : cs_html_link("mailto:{$mail}", cs_icon('mail_generic')); $icq = cs_secure($cs_gbook[$run]['users_icq']); if (in_array('users_icq', $hidden)) { $icq = empty($allow) ? '' : $icq; } $gbook[$run]['icon_icq'] = empty($icq) ? '' : cs_html_link("http://www.icq.com/{$icq}", cs_icon('licq')); $jabber = cs_secure($cs_gbook[$run]['users_jabber']); if (in_array('users_jabber', $hidden)) { $jabber = empty($allow) ? '' : $jabber; } $gbook[$run]['icon_jabber'] = empty($jabber) ? '' : cs_html_jabbermail($jabber, cs_icon('jabber_protocol')); $skype = cs_secure($cs_gbook[$run]['users_skype']); $url = 'http://mystatus.skype.com/smallicon/' . $skype; $skype = cs_html_link('skype:' . $cs_gbook[$run]['users_skype'] . '?userinfo', cs_html_img($url, '16', '16', '0', 'Skype'), '0'); if (in_array('users_skype', $hidden)) { $skype = empty($allow) ? '' : $skype; } $gbook[$run]['icon_skype'] = empty($cs_gbook[$run]['users_skype']) ? '' : $skype; $url = cs_secure($cs_gbook[$run]['users_url']); if (in_array('users_url', $hidden)) { $url = empty($allow) ? '' : $url; } $gbook[$run]['icon_url'] = empty($url) ? '' : cs_html_link("http://{$url}", cs_icon('gohome')); } $gbook[$run]['text'] = cs_secure($cs_gbook[$run]['gbook_text'], 1, 1); $gbook[$run]['time'] = cs_date('unix', $cs_gbook[$run]['gbook_time'], 1); if ($cs_gbook[$run]['gbook_lock'] == 0) { $gbook[$run]['class'] = 'notpublic'; $gbook[$run]['de_activate'] = cs_link(cs_icon('submit'), 'gbook', 'center', 'unhide=' . $cs_gbook[$run]['gbook_id'], 0, $cs_lang['unhide']);
$matches[2] = $cs_lang['stage_1'] . $cs_lang['stage_1_text'] . cs_html_br(1); $matches[2] .= $cs_lang['stage_2'] . $cs_lang['stage_2_text'] . cs_html_br(1); $matches[2] .= $cs_lang['stage_3'] . $cs_lang['stage_3_text'] . cs_html_br(1); $matches[2] .= $cs_lang['stage_4'] . $cs_lang['stage_4_text']; $data['squads']['secure_clip'] = cs_abcode_clip($matches); $matches[1] = $cs_lang['pic_infos']; $return_types = ''; foreach ($img_filetypes as $add) { $return_types .= empty($return_types) ? $add : ', ' . $add; } $matches[2] = $cs_lang['max_width'] . $op_squads['max_width'] . ' px' . cs_html_br(1); $matches[2] .= $cs_lang['max_height'] . $op_squads['max_height'] . ' px' . cs_html_br(1); $matches[2] .= $cs_lang['max_size'] . cs_filesize($op_squads['max_size']) . cs_html_br(1); $matches[2] .= $cs_lang['filetypes'] . $return_types; $data['squads']['picup_clip'] = cs_abcode_clip($matches); if (empty($cs_squads['squads_picture'])) { $data['squads']['current_pic'] = $cs_lang['nopic']; } else { $place = 'uploads/squads/' . $cs_squads['squads_picture']; $size = getimagesize($cs_main['def_path'] . '/' . $place); $data['squads']['current_pic'] = cs_html_img($place, $size[1], $size[0]); $data['if']['advanced'] = TRUE; } $data['squads']['id'] = $squads_id; echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'squads', 'edit'); } else { $squads_cells = array_keys($cs_squads); $squads_save = array_values($cs_squads); cs_sql_update(__FILE__, 'squads', $squads_cells, $squads_save, $squads_id); cs_redirect($cs_lang['changes_done'], 'squads'); }
for ($run = 0; $run < $count_squads; $run++) { $data['squads'][$run]['name'] = cs_secure($data['squads'][$run]['squads_name']); } $data['sort']['date'] = cs_sort('wars', 'list', $start, $squads_id, 1, $sort); $data['sort']['enemy'] = cs_sort('wars', 'list', $start, $squads_id, 3, $sort); $data['sort']['category'] = cs_sort('wars', 'list', $start, $squads_id, 5, $sort); $select = 'war.games_id AS games_id, war.wars_date AS wars_date, war.wars_status AS status, war.clans_id AS clans_id, cln.clans_short AS clans_short, cat.categories_name AS categories_name, war.categories_id AS categories_id, war.wars_score1 AS wars_score1, war.wars_score2 AS wars_score2, war.wars_id AS wars_id'; $from = 'wars war INNER JOIN {pre}_categories cat ON war.categories_id = cat.categories_id '; $from .= 'INNER JOIN {pre}_clans cln ON war.clans_id = cln.clans_id '; $cs_wars = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, $from, $select, $where, $order, $start, $account['users_limit']); $data['wars'] = ''; $count_wars = count($cs_wars); for ($run = 0; $run < $count_wars; $run++) { $data['wars'][$run]['gameicon'] = cs_html_img('uploads/games/' . $cs_wars[$run]['games_id'] . '.gif'); $data['wars'][$run]['date'] = cs_date('unix', $cs_wars[$run]['wars_date']); $data['wars'][$run]['enemyurl'] = cs_url('clans', 'view', 'id=' . $cs_wars[$run]['clans_id']); $data['wars'][$run]['enemy'] = cs_secure($cs_wars[$run]['clans_short']); $data['wars'][$run]['caturl'] = cs_url('categories', 'view', 'id=' . $cs_wars[$run]['categories_id']); $data['wars'][$run]['category'] = cs_secure($cs_wars[$run]['categories_name']); $data['wars'][$run]['url'] = cs_url('wars', 'view', 'id=' . $cs_wars[$run]['wars_id']); $data['wars'][$run]['result'] = $cs_wars[$run]['wars_score1'] . ' : ' . $cs_wars[$run]['wars_score2']; $data['wars'][$run]['if']['upcoming'] = $cs_wars[$run]['status'] == 'upcoming' ? true : false; $data['wars'][$run]['if']['played'] = $cs_wars[$run]['status'] == 'played' ? true : false; $data['wars'][$run]['if']['running'] = $cs_wars[$run]['status'] == 'running' ? true : false; $data['wars'][$run]['if']['canceled'] = $cs_wars[$run]['status'] == 'canceled' ? true : false; $result = $cs_wars[$run]['wars_score1'] - $cs_wars[$run]['wars_score2']; $icon = $result >= 1 ? 'green' : 'red'; $icon = !empty($result) ? $icon : 'grey'; $data['wars'][$run]['resulticon'] = cs_html_img('symbols/clansphere/' . $icon . '.gif'); } echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'wars', 'list');
$data['cat'][$run]['board'][$board_run]['board_name'] = cs_secure($cs_board[$board_run]['board_name']); $data['cat'][$run]['board'][$board_run]['board_order'] = cs_secure($cs_board[$board_run]['board_order']); if ($board_run > 0 and $cs_board[$board_run]['board_order'] - 1 >= $cs_board[$board_run - 1]['board_order']) { $data['cat'][$run]['board'][$board_run]['board_up'] = cs_html_img('symbols/clansphere/up_arrow.png') . ' ' . cs_link($cs_lang['up'], 'board', 'sort', 'board=' . $cs_board[$board_run]['board_id'] . '&order=' . $cs_board[$board_run - 1]['board_order']); } else { if ($board_run > 0 and $cs_board[$board_run]['board_order'] > 0) { $board_new = $cs_board[$board_run - 1]['board_order'] - 1 > 0 ? $cs_board[$board_run - 1]['board_order'] - 1 : 0; $data['cat'][$run]['board'][$board_run]['board_up'] = cs_html_img('symbols/clansphere/up_arrow.png') . ' ' . cs_link($cs_lang['up'], 'board', 'sort', 'board=' . $cs_board[$board_run]['board_id'] . '&order=' . $board_new); } else { $data['cat'][$run]['board'][$board_run]['board_up'] = ''; } } if ($board_run < $loop_board - 1 and $cs_board[$board_run]['board_order'] + 1 <= $cs_board[$board_run + 1]['board_order']) { $data['cat'][$run]['board'][$board_run]['board_down'] = cs_html_img('symbols/clansphere/down_arrow.png') . ' ' . cs_link($cs_lang['down'], 'board', 'sort', 'board=' . $cs_board[$board_run]['board_id'] . '&order=' . $cs_board[$board_run + 1]['board_order']); } else { if ($board_run < $loop_board - 1 and $cs_board[$board_run]['board_order'] < 9999) { $board_new = $cs_board[$board_run + 1]['board_order'] + 1 < 9999 ? $cs_board[$board_run + 1]['board_order'] + 1 : 9999; $data['cat'][$run]['board'][$board_run]['board_down'] = cs_html_img('symbols/clansphere/down_arrow.png') . ' ' . cs_link($cs_lang['down'], 'board', 'sort', 'board=' . $cs_board[$board_run]['board_id'] . '&order=' . $board_new); } else { $data['cat'][$run]['board'][$board_run]['board_down'] = ''; } } } } else { $data['cat'][$run]['board'] = array(); } } } else { $data['cat'] = ''; } echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'board', 'sort');
$age--; } if (cs_datereal('d') >= $birth[2] and cs_datereal('m') == $birth[1]) { $age++; } $content .= ' (' . $age . ')'; $data['clans']['since'] = $content; } else { $data['clans']['since'] = '-'; } $select = 'squads_name, games_id, squads_id'; $where = "clans_id = '" . $cs_clans_id . "'"; $cs_squads = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, 'squads', $select, $where, 'squads_order, squads_name', 0, 0); $squads_loop = count($cs_squads); $data['lang']['game'] = $cs_lang['game']; $data['lang']['squads'] = $cs_lang[$op_squads['label']]; $data['lang']['members'] = $cs_lang[$op_members['label']]; if (empty($squads_loop)) { $data['squads'] = ''; } for ($run = 0; $run < $squads_loop; $run++) { if (!empty($cs_squads[$run]['games_id'])) { $data['squads'][$run]['game'] = cs_html_img('uploads/games/' . $cs_squads[$run]['games_id'] . '.gif'); } else { $data['squads'][$run]['game'] = ''; } $data['squads'][$run]['squads'] = cs_link(cs_secure($cs_squads[$run]['squads_name']), 'squads', 'view', 'id=' . $cs_squads[$run]['squads_id']); $where = "squads_id='" . $cs_squads[$run]['squads_id'] . "'"; $data['squads'][$run]['members'] = cs_sql_count(__FILE__, 'members', $where); } echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'clans', 'view');
settype($files_id, 'integer'); $mirror_id = isset($_REQUEST['target']) ? $_REQUEST['target'] : 0; settype($mirror_id, 'integer'); $from = 'files'; $select = 'files_count, files_name, files_mirror'; $where = "files_id = '" . $files_id . "'"; $cs_files = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, $from, $select, $where, 0, 0, 1); $files_loop = count($cs_files); if (!empty($files_loop)) { $files_count = $cs_files['files_count']; $files_mirror = $cs_files['files_mirror']; $temp_mirror1 = explode("-----", $files_mirror); $mirror = explode("\n", $temp_mirror1[$mirror_id]); $files_count = $files_count + 1; $files_cells = array('files_count'); $files_save = array($files_count); cs_sql_update(__FILE__, 'files', $files_cells, $files_save, $files_id); if (empty($advanced) and isset($mirror[1])) { header('Location: ' . $mirror[1]); } elseif (!empty($advanced)) { $data['file']['wait'] = cs_html_img('symbols/files/wait.gif', 0, 0, 0); /*print("<meta http-equiv=refresh content='3; URL=$downloadfile'>"); header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename = $downloadfile"); header("Content-Type: application/force-download"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Expires: 0");*/ } } else { include_once 'mods/errors/404.php'; }
$data['users']['users_age'] = cs_dateselect('age', 'date', $cs_user['users_age']); $data['users']['male_check'] = $cs_user['users_sex'] == 'male' ? $sel : ''; $data['users']['female_check'] = $cs_user['users_sex'] == 'female' ? $sel : ''; $data['users']['users_height'] = cs_secure($cs_user['users_height']); $data['users']['users_postalcode'] = cs_secure($cs_user['users_postalcode']); $data['users']['users_place'] = cs_secure($cs_user['users_place']); $data['users']['users_adress'] = cs_secure($cs_user['users_adress']); $data['users']['users_icq'] = cs_secure($cs_user['users_icq']); $data['users']['users_jabber'] = cs_secure($cs_user['users_jabber']); $data['users']['users_skype'] = cs_secure($cs_user['users_skype']); $data['users']['users_email'] = cs_secure($cs_user['users_email']); $data['users']['users_url'] = cs_secure($cs_user['users_url']); $data['users']['users_phone'] = cs_secure($cs_user['users_phone']); $data['users']['users_mobile'] = cs_secure($cs_user['users_mobile']); $data['users']['users_info'] = cs_secure($cs_user['users_info']); $data['users']['country_url'] = cs_html_img('symbols/countries/' . $cs_user['users_country'] . '.png', 0, 0, 'id="country_1"'); $data['hidden']['users_name'] = isset($hidden['users_name']) ? $checked : ''; $data['hidden']['users_surname'] = isset($hidden['users_surname']) ? $checked : ''; $data['hidden']['users_age'] = isset($hidden['users_age']) ? $checked : ''; $data['hidden']['users_height'] = isset($hidden['users_height']) ? $checked : ''; $data['hidden']['users_postalcode'] = isset($hidden['users_postalcode']) ? $checked : ''; $data['hidden']['users_place'] = isset($hidden['users_place']) ? $checked : ''; $data['hidden']['users_adress'] = isset($hidden['users_adress']) ? $checked : ''; $data['hidden']['users_icq'] = isset($hidden['users_icq']) ? $checked : ''; $data['hidden']['users_jabber'] = isset($hidden['users_jabber']) ? $checked : ''; $data['hidden']['users_skype'] = isset($hidden['users_skype']) ? $checked : ''; $data['hidden']['users_email'] = isset($hidden['users_email']) ? $checked : ''; $data['hidden']['users_url'] = isset($hidden['users_url']) ? $checked : ''; $data['hidden']['users_phone'] = isset($hidden['users_phone']) ? $checked : ''; $data['hidden']['users_mobile'] = isset($hidden['users_mobile']) ? $checked : ''; $data['abcode']['features'] = cs_abcode_features('users_info');
<?php // ClanSphere 2010 - www.clansphere.net // $Id$ $cs_lang = cs_translate('links'); $data = array(); $links_count = cs_sql_count(__FILE__, 'links', 'links_sponsor = 1'); $data['head']['body'] = sprintf($cs_lang['all1'], $links_count); $select = 'links_name, links_url, links_banner, links_info'; $data['links'] = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, 'links', $select, 'links_sponsor = 1', 0, 0, 0); $links_loop = count($data['links']); for ($run = 0; $run < $links_loop; $run++) { $data['links'][$run]['name'] = cs_secure($data['links'][$run]['links_name']); $target = 'http://' . $data['links'][$run]['links_url']; $data['links'][$run]['url_img'] = cs_html_link($target, $data['links'][$run]['links_url']); if (!empty($data['links'][$run]['links_banner'])) { $place = 'uploads/links/' . $data['links'][$run]['links_banner']; $img = cs_html_img($place, 0, 0, 0, $data['links'][$run]['links_name']); $data['links'][$run]['url_img'] = cs_html_link($target, $img); } $data['links'][$run]['info'] = cs_secure($data['links'][$run]['links_info'], 1, 1, 1, 1); } echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'links', 'sponsors');
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$order = 'mem.members_order ASC, usr.users_nick ASC'; $cs_members = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, $from, $select, $where, $order, 0, 0); $members_loop = count($cs_members); if (empty($cs_squads[$sq_run]['squads_picture'])) { $data['members'][$sq_run]['pic'] = $cs_lang['nopic']; } else { $place = 'uploads/squads/' . $cs_squads[$sq_run]['squads_picture']; $size = getimagesize($cs_main['def_path'] . '/' . $place); $data['members'][$sq_run]['pic'] = cs_html_img($place, $size[1], $size[0]); } $id = 'id=' . $cs_squads[$sq_run]['squads_id']; $squads_name = cs_secure($cs_squads[$sq_run]['squads_name']); $data['members'][$sq_run]['name'] = cs_link($squads_name, 'squads', 'view', $id); if (!empty($cs_squads[$sq_run]['games_id'])) { if (file_exists('uploads/games/' . $cs_squads[$sq_run]['games_id'] . '.gif')) { $data['members'][$sq_run]['icon'] = cs_html_img('uploads/games/' . $cs_squads[$sq_run]['games_id'] . '.gif'); } else { $data['members'][$sq_run]['icon'] = ''; } $where = "games_id = '" . $cs_squads[$sq_run]['games_id'] . "'"; $cs_game = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, 'games', 'games_name, games_id', $where); $id = 'id=' . $cs_game['games_id']; $data['members'][$sq_run]['game'] = ' ' . cs_link($cs_game['games_name'], 'games', 'view', $id); $data['members'][$sq_run]['if']['game'] = TRUE; } else { $data['members'][$sq_run]['if']['game'] = FALSE; $data['members'][$sq_run]['game'] = ' - '; $data['members'][$sq_run]['icon'] = ''; } if (empty($members_loop)) { $data['loop']['squad_members'] = '';