$_FILES[$image_fieldname]['error'] == 0 or handle_error("the server couldn't upload the image you selected.", $php_errors[$_FILES[$image_fieldname]['error']]); // Is this file the result of a valid upload? @is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$image_fieldname]['tmp_name']) or handle_error("you were trying to do something naughty. Shame on you!", "Uploaded request: file named '{$_FILES[$image_fieldname]['tmp_name']}'"); // Is this actually an image? @getimagesize($_FILES[$image_fieldname]['tmp_name']) or handle_error("you selected a file for your picture that isn't an image.", "{$_FILES[$image_fieldname]['tmp_name']} isn't a valid image file."); // Name the file uniquely $now = time(); while (file_exists($upload_filename = $upload_dir . $now . '-' . $_FILES[$image_fieldname]['name'])) { //$userpic = $_FILES[$image_fieldname]['name']; $now++; } // Finally, move the file to its permanent location @move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$image_fieldname]['tmp_name'], $upload_filename) or handle_error("we had a problem saving your image to its permanent location.", "permissions or related error moving file to {$upload_filename}"); $original_filename = str_replace($upload_dir, '/', $upload_filename); createlargepic($originals_dir, $large_dir, $original_filename, $large_width); createthumbs($originals_dir, $thumb_dir, $original_filename, $thumb_width); $message = "Congratulations! You successfully uploaded an image and turned it into a thumbnail!"; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>PHP File upload and create thumnnail test</title> </head> <body> <h1>PHP File upload and create thumnnail test</h1> <form name="fileupload" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> " enctype="multipart/form-data">
<?php /* code to copy image file form originals folder uploaded to, then reduce size to thumbnail, then save in thumbnail directory */ function createthumbs($origImagePath, $tnImagePath, $fname, $thumbWidth) { // 1. open the originals directory $dir = opendir($origImagePath); // 2. Find the original imaeg file //$fname = "1397841364-KamalProfPic1.jpg"; echo "Creating thumbnail for {$origImagePath}{$fname} <br />"; // 3. load image and get image size $img = imagecreatefromjpeg("{$origImagePath}{$fname}"); $width = imagesx($img); $height = imagesy($img); // 4. calculate thumbnail size $new_width = $thumbWidth; $new_height = floor($height * ($thumbWidth / $width)); // 5. create a new temporary image $tmp_img = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height); // 6. copy and resize old image into new image imagecopyresized($tmp_img, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height); // 7. save thumbnail into a file imagejpeg($tmp_img, "{$tnImagePath}{$fname}"); // 8. close the directory closedir($dir); } createthumbs("assets/images/uploads/profpic/originals/", "assets/images/uploads/profpic/thumb/", "1397841364-KamalProfPic1.jpg", 50);