$first_optpage = $next_optpage; } else { print_optionpages_row($first_optpage, $next_optpage); $first_optpage = false; } } if ($first_optpage != false) { print_optionpages_row($first_optpage); } echo "</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>\n"; do_hook('options_link_and_description'); /*************************************************************************/ /* If we are not looking at the main option page, display the page here. */ /*************************************************************************/ } else { echo addForm('options.php', 'POST', 'f') . create_optpage_element($optpage) . create_optmode_element(SMOPT_MODE_SUBMIT) . html_tag('table', '', '', '', 'width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"') . "\n" . html_tag('tr') . "\n" . html_tag('td', '', 'left') . "\n"; /* Output the option groups for this page. */ print_option_groups($optpage_data['options']); /* Set the inside_hook_name and submit_name. */ switch ($optpage) { case SMOPT_PAGE_PERSONAL: $inside_hook_name = 'options_personal_inside'; $bottom_hook_name = 'options_personal_bottom'; $submit_name = 'submit_personal'; break; case SMOPT_PAGE_DISPLAY: $inside_hook_name = 'options_display_inside'; $bottom_hook_name = 'options_display_bottom'; $submit_name = 'submit_display'; break; case SMOPT_PAGE_HIGHLIGHT:
$submit_name = 'submit_highlight'; break; case SMOPT_PAGE_FOLDER: $bottom_hook_name = 'options_folder_bottom'; $submit_name = 'submit_folder'; break; case SMOPT_PAGE_ORDER: $bottom_hook_name = 'options_order_bottom'; $submit_name = 'submit_order'; break; default: $bottom_hook_name = ''; $submit_name = 'submit'; } // Begin output form echo addForm('options.php', 'post', 'option_form', '', '', array(), TRUE) . create_optpage_element($optpage) . create_optmode_element(SMOPT_MODE_SUBMIT); // This is the only variable that is needed by *just* the template. $oTemplate->assign('option_groups', $optpage_data['options']); global $ask_user_info, $org_name; if ($optpage == SMOPT_PAGE_PERSONAL && $ask_user_info && getPref($data_dir, $username, 'email_address') == "") { $oTemplate->assign('topmessage', sprintf(_("Welcome to %s. Please supply your full name and email address."), $org_name)); } // These variables are not specifically needed by the template, // but they are relevant to the page being built, so we'll add // them in case some plugin is modifying the page, etc.... // $oTemplate->assign('max_refresh', isset($max_refresh) ? $max_refresh : NULL); $oTemplate->assign('page_title', $optpage_title); $oTemplate->assign('optpage', $optpage); $oTemplate->assign('optpage_name', $optpage_name); $oTemplate->assign('optmode', $optmode);