function reg_form() { $config = get_config(); $disable_acct = parse_bool($config, "disable_account_creation"); page_head("Register"); start_table(); echo "<tr><td>"; echo "<h3>Create an account</h3>"; create_account_form(0, "download.php"); echo "</td><td>"; echo "<h3>If you already have an account, log in</h3>"; login_form("download.php"); echo "</td></tr>"; end_table(); page_tail(); }
require_once '../inc/'; require_once '../inc/recaptchalib.php'; check_get_args(array("next_url", "teamid")); $next_url = sanitize_local_url(get_str('next_url', true)); redirect_to_secure_url("create_account_form.php?next_url={$next_url}"); $config = get_config(); if (parse_bool($config, "disable_account_creation")) { error_page("This project is not accepting new accounts"); } if (parse_bool($config, "no_web_account_creation")) { error_page("This project has disabled Web account creation"); } page_head(tra("Create an account"), null, null, null, recaptcha_get_head_extra()); if (!no_computing()) { echo "<p>\n <b>" . tra("NOTE: If you use the BOINC Manager, don't use this form. Just run BOINC, select Add Project, and enter an email address and password.") . "</b></p>\n "; } $teamid = get_int("teamid", true); if ($teamid) { $team = BoincTeam::lookup_id($teamid); $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($team->userid); if (!$user) { error_page("Team {$team->name} has no founder"); $teamid = 0; } else { echo "<b>" . tra("This account will belong to the team %1 and will have the project preferences of its founder.", "<a href=\"team_display.php?teamid={$team->id}\">{$team->name}</a>") . "</b><p>"; } } create_account_form($teamid, $next_url); page_tail(); $cvs_version_tracker[] = "\$Id\$"; //Generated automatically - do not edit