function display($template, $cache_id, $cache_time = 0, $assigns = array()) { global $template_objects, $microtime; $template_object = $template_objects[$template][$cache_id] ? $template_objects[$template][$cache_id] : createTemplate($template, $cache_id); if ($template_object->isCached()) { $template_object->assign('microtime', $microtime); $template_object->assign('cached', true); } else { foreach ($GLOBALS as $key => $value) { if ($key !== 'smarty' && $key !== 'GLOBALS' && !startsWith($key, '_') && !startsWith($key, 'CNF_') && !startsWith($key, 'HTTP_')) { $template_object->assign($key, $value); } } } foreach ($assigns as $key => $value) { $template_object->assign($key, $value); } $template_object->setCacheLifetime($cache_time); $template_object->display(); }
*/ /*$str='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <IBABY><Response><Status><Code>200</Code> </Status><UserTerminalList><UserTerminal><TerminalId>398339</TerminalId><NickName>398339</NickName><Gender>1</Gender><PhoneId>00030012161926005</PhoneId><Icon>icon1.jpg</Icon><Mobile></Mobile><IsOwner>1</IsOwner><SoftVersion>C88N-G-I-01</SoftVersion><PublicName><![CDATA[]]> </PublicName></UserTerminal></UserTerminalList></Response></IBABY>'; $xmlObj = simplexml_load_string($str); // echo $xmlObj; print_r($xmlObj->Response->UserTerminalList->UserTerminal->TerminalId);*/ // echo $xmlObj->Response->Status->Code; // echo $xmlObj->Response->UserTerminalList->UserTerminal->TerminalId; // echo date('Y-m-d',time()); /* echo strpos('../../../../../../../../windows/win.ini','../'); if (strpos('../../../../../../../../windows/win.ini','../')!==false) { echo 'qq11'; }*/ $data = createTemplate('ok7q-s8TymddxP1qnbSoqAa0xWMw', 'Xnp4rfmm-ZQcJ7Ed-TH1kq38sNDzPFYgNUfmwbSYv1I', '亲爱的用户,您的服务状态发生变更', '帮我买包米', '开始执行', '请耐心等待'); // echo $data; /** *返回协议模式的模板消息 *@param touser 欲发送给目标openid *@param template_id 模板id *@param url 可空,用户点击消息显示的url *@return json */ function createTemplate($touser, $template_id, $first, $Good, $contentType, $remark, $url = '') { $data = ['touser' => $touser, 'template_id' => $template_id, 'url' => $url, 'topcolor' => '#FF0000', 'data' => ['first' => $first, 'Good' => $Good, 'contentType' => $contentType, 'remark' => $remark]]; return json_encode($data); } // UID Timestamp Nonce // echo md5('290D3A2B-FE05-47CF-A382-C8CBC316CD2C14423004824259264611kcurimnfgmkfmfl');
} } $zip->close(); } else { abort('Could not open temporary file.'); } } elseif (!is_null($issue_id) && !is_null($group_id)) { $group = Utils::getGroup($group_id); if (is_null($group)) { abort('Group not found.'); } $issue = Utils::getIssue($issue_id); if (is_null($issue)) { abort('Issue not found.'); } list($filename, $tmpfile) = createTemplate($group, $issue, false, $format); } else { abort('No group and no issue.'); } if (substr($filename, -3) == 'xls') { $mime_type = 'application/'; } else { $mime_type = 'application/zip'; } header('Content-Type: ' . $mime_type); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $filename . '"'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($tmpfile)); readfile($tmpfile);
if (isset($_GET["phase"]) && is_numeric($_GET["phase"])) { $phase = $_GET["phase"]; } else { $phase = 0; } } $sid = getSid(); $dataSource_dir = "upload_raw_data/{$sid}/"; $dataSource_dirPath = mnmpath . $dataSource_dir; // my_base_url . $dataSource_dir $excelFileMode = $_SESSION["excelFileMode_{$sid}"]; $ext = $_SESSION["fileExt_{$sid}"]; switch ($phase) { case 0: // When submit btn in step1 is clicked, the function executes. createTemplate($sid, $dataSource_dir, $dataSource_dirPath, $excelFileMode, $ext); break; case 1: // when jump to step 3, this function is called. addSheetsSettings($sid, $dataSource_dirPath); match_schema($sid); break; case 2: break; case 3: // Step 2 - get sheet name. printSheet($sid, $dataSource_dir, $dataSource_dirPath); break; case 4: break; case 5:
<?php include_once '../common.php'; include_once '../libraries/unit.php'; $template = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"), true); if (isset($template)) { if (isset($template['deleted']) && $template['deleted']) { deleteTemplate($template['id']); } else { createTemplate($template); } } fetchTemplates(); function createTemplate($template) { createLayer($template, TEMPLATE_ID()); } function deleteTemplate($id) { deleteLayer(intval($id)); } function fetchTemplates() { echo '{"result":' . json_encode(getLayers(TEMPLATE_ID())) . '}'; } function TEMPLATE_ID() { return -1; }
/* Autor: Ajiraj *****/ $ROOT = ''; /* change below lines to reflect in the joomla admin area **/ $AUTHOR = 'AjiRaj'; $DESC = 'Module Generated with module-skelton generator'; $DATE = date('d M y'); /* No need to edit below this **/ if (isset($_POST['mod_name']) && $_POST['mod_name'] != '') { $moduleName_original = $_POST['mod_name']; $moduleName = str_replace(" ", "_", $moduleName_original); $ROOT = './output/mod_' . $moduleName; createFloders($moduleName); createEntryPoint($moduleName); createXml($moduleName, $moduleName_original); createHelper($moduleName); createTemplate($moduleName); header('Location:complete.php'); } else { header('Location:index.php'); } /********************** Functions **************************/ function createFloders($moduleName, $moduleName_original) { global $ROOT; $structures = array($ROOT, $ROOT . '/tmpl', $ROOT . '/assets'); foreach ($structures as $structure) { if (!mkdir($structure, 0777, true)) { die('Failed to create folders...' . $structure); } else { $myfile = fopen($structure . "/index.html", "w") or die("Unable to open file!"); $txt = '<html><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"></body></html>';
$path = getcwd(); $matches = array(); preg_match('~/([^/]+)$~', $path, $matches); $namespace = isset($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : ''; $presenterTemplate = "<?php\n\nnamespace Admin\\{$namespace};\n\nuse Admin\\BasePresenter;\n\n/**\n * Presenter s \n *\n * @author Svaťa\n */\nclass {$presenterName}Presenter extends BasePresenter {\n\n}\n"; function createTemplate($presenterName, $name) { $template = ''; $template .= "{block #content}\n"; if ($name == 'list') { $template .= "\t<div class='widget-box'>\n\t\t<div class='widget-title'>\n\t\t\t<span class='icon'>\n\t\t\t\t<i class='fa fa-'></i>\n\t\t\t</span>\n\t\t\t<h5>{include #titleNavigation}</h5>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<div class='widget-content'>\n\t\t\t<h5><a n:href='add'>{_''}</a></h5>\n\t\t</div>\n\t</div>\n\t{control grid}"; } elseif ($name == 'edit') { $template .= "\t{control formEdit}"; } elseif ($name == 'add') { $template .= "\t{control formAdd}"; } $template .= "\n{/block}"; return $template; } $dirMod = 0775; if (!is_dir('presenters')) { mkdir('presenters', $dirMod); } if (!is_dir("templates/{$presenterName}")) { mkdir("templates/{$presenterName}", $dirMod, true); } file_put_contents("presenters/{$presenterName}Presenter.php", $presenterTemplate); $templates = array('add', 'edit', 'list'); foreach ($templates as $template) { file_put_contents("templates/{$presenterName}/{$template}.latte", createTemplate($presenterName, $template)); }
loadMemeText(); }; img.src = document.querySelector('#imageSelector').value; } function loadMemeText(){ //top text context.font = topText.size + "pt Impact"; var textWidth = context.measureText(topText.text).width; // width of text before being written to canvas if (textWidth >= canvas.width-50 && topText.size >= 30) { //text too big must be minimised topText.shrink(); } else if (textWidth <= canvas.width/2 && topText.size <= 50) { topText.dilate(); } context.fillText(topText.text, canvas.width/2, topText.size+20); context.strokeText(topText.text, canvas.width/2, topText.size+20); //bottom text context.font = bottomText.size + "pt Impact"; textWidth = context.measureText(bottomText.text).width; if (textWidth >= canvas.width-50 && bottomText.size >= 30) { //text too big must be minimised bottomText.shrink(); } else if (textWidth <= canvas.width/2 && bottomText.size <= 50) { bottomText.dilate(); } context.fillText(bottomText.text, canvas.width/2, canvas.height-20); context.strokeText(bottomText.text, canvas.width/2, canvas.height-20); } </script> <?php createTemplate(array(), 'footer');