$saisonId = $db->getLastInsertedId();
        // create matches
        $dateObj = DateTime::createFromFormat($website->getConfig("date_format") . ", H:i", $_POST["firstmatchday_date"] . ", " . $_POST["firstmatchday_time"]);
        $matchTimestamp = $dateObj->getTimestamp();
        $timeBreakSeconds = 3600 * 24 * $_POST['timebreak'];
        $matchTable = $website->getConfig("db_prefix") . "_spiel";
        foreach ($schedule as $matchDay => $matches) {
            // creates matches of match day
            foreach ($matches as $match) {
                $homeTeam = $match[0];
                $guestTeam = $match[1];
                $teamcolumns = array();
                $teamcolumns["spieltyp"] = "Ligaspiel";
                $teamcolumns["liga_id"] = $_POST["league"];
                $teamcolumns["saison_id"] = $saisonId;
                $teamcolumns["spieltag"] = $matchDay;
                $teamcolumns["home_verein"] = $homeTeam;
                $teamcolumns["gast_verein"] = $guestTeam;
                $teamcolumns["datum"] = $matchTimestamp;
                $db->queryInsert($teamcolumns, $matchTable);
            $matchTimestamp += $timeBreakSeconds;
            // add additional break between two rounds
            if ($matchDay % $numberOfMatchDaysPerRound == 0) {
                $matchTimestamp += 3600 * 24 * $_POST['timebreak_rounds'];
        echo createSuccessMessage($i18n->getMessage("generator_success"), "");
        echo "<p>&raquo; <a href=\"?site=" . $site . "\">" . $i18n->getMessage("back_label") . "</a></p>\n";
                    $homeTeam = $match[0];
                    $guestTeam = $match[1];
                    $matchcolumns = array();
                    $matchcolumns["spieltyp"] = "Pokalspiel";
                    $matchcolumns["pokalname"] = $round["cup_name"];
                    $matchcolumns["pokalrunde"] = $round["round_name"];
                    $matchcolumns["pokalgruppe"] = $groupName;
                    $matchcolumns["home_verein"] = $homeTeam;
                    $matchcolumns["gast_verein"] = $guestTeam;
                    $matchcolumns["datum"] = $matchTimestamp;
                    $db->queryInsert($matchcolumns, $dbTable);
                $matchTimestamp += $timeBreakSeconds;
        echo createSuccessMessage($i18n->getMessage("alert_save_success"), "");
    // count matches
    $result = $db->querySelect("COUNT(*) AS hits", $website->getConfig("db_prefix") . "_spiel", "pokalname = '%s' AND pokalrunde = '%s'", array($round["cup_name"], $round["round_name"]));
    $matches = $result->fetch_array();
    $matchesUrl = "?site=manage&entity=match&" . http_build_query(array("entity_match_pokalname" => escapeOutput($round["cup_name"]), "entity_match_pokalrunde" => escapeOutput($round["round_name"])));
	<div class="well">
    if (isset($matches["hits"]) && $matches["hits"]) {
		<p><a href="<?php 
        echo $matchesUrl;
    throw new Exception($i18n->getMessage("error_access_denied"));
echo "<p><a href=\"?site=manage&entity=match\" class=\"btn\">" . $i18n->getMessage("back_label") . "</a></p>";
$matchId = isset($_REQUEST["match"]) && is_numeric($_REQUEST["match"]) ? $_REQUEST["match"] : 0;
$match = MatchesDataService::getMatchById($website, $db, $matchId, FALSE, FALSE);
if (!count($match)) {
    throw new Exception("illegal match id");
// ******** action: delete player from match
if ($action == "delete") {
    if ($admin["r_demo"]) {
        throw new Exception($i18n->getMessage("validationerror_no_changes_as_demo"));
    $itemId = (int) $_REQUEST["itemid"];
    $db->queryDelete($website->getConfig("db_prefix") . "_matchreport", "id = %d", array($itemId));
    echo createSuccessMessage($i18n->getMessage("manage_success_delete"), "");
} elseif ($action == "create") {
    if ($admin["r_demo"]) {
        throw new Exception($i18n->getMessage("validationerror_no_changes_as_demo"));
    $homeActive = $match["match_home_id"] == $_POST["team_id"] ? "1" : "0";
    $message_id = (int) $_POST["message_id"];
    $minute = (int) $_POST["minute"];
    $playerNames = $_POST["playernames"];
    $goals = $_POST["intermediateresult"];
    if ($message_id && $minute) {
        $db->queryInsert(array("match_id" => $matchId, "message_id" => $message_id, "active_home" => $homeActive, "minute" => $minute, "goals" => $goals, "playernames" => $playerNames), $website->getConfig("db_prefix") . "_matchreport");
// ******** form for adding new item
echo "<form action=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "\" class=\"form-horizontal\" method=\"post\">";
                // delete youth player
                if ($maxYouthAge > 0 && $maxYouthAge <= $playerage) {
                    $db->queryDelete($conf['db_prefix'] . '_youthplayer', 'id = %d', $youthplayer['id']);
                    // update youth player
                } else {
                    $db->queryUpdate(array('age' => $playerage), $conf['db_prefix'] . '_youthplayer', 'id = %d', $youthplayer['id']);
            // dispatch event
            $event = new SeasonOfTeamCompletedEvent($website, $db, $i18n, $team['id'], $season['id'], $rank);
        // reset clubs statistics of teams which have not been moved
        $teamcolumns = array();
        $teamcolumns['sa_tore'] = 0;
        $teamcolumns['sa_gegentore'] = 0;
        $teamcolumns['sa_spiele'] = 0;
        $teamcolumns['sa_siege'] = 0;
        $teamcolumns['sa_niederlagen'] = 0;
        $teamcolumns['sa_unentschieden'] = 0;
        $teamcolumns['sa_punkte'] = 0;
        $db->queryUpdate($teamcolumns, $conf['db_prefix'] . '_verein', 'liga_id = %d', $season['liga_id']);
        // update season
        $db->queryUpdate($seasoncolumns, $conf['db_prefix'] . '_saison', 'id = %d', $season['id']);
        echo createSuccessMessage($i18n->getMessage('alert_save_success'), '');
        echo '<p>&raquo; <a href=\'?site=' . $site . '\'>' . $i18n->getMessage('back_label') . '</a></p>';


  This file is part of OpenWebSoccer-Sim.

  OpenWebSoccer-Sim is free software: you can redistribute it 
  and/or modify it under the terms of the 
  GNU Lesser General Public License 
  as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
  the License, or any later version.

  OpenWebSoccer-Sim is distributed in the hope that it will be
  useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public 
  License along with OpenWebSoccer-Sim.  
  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

// execute transfer
DirectTransfersDataService::executeTransferFromOffer($website, $db, $website->getRequestParameter('id'));
// remove pending state
$db->queryUpdate(array('admin_approval_pending' => '0'), $website->getConfig('db_prefix') . '_transfer_offer', 'id = %d', $website->getRequestParameter('id'));
// create success message
echo createSuccessMessage($i18n->getMessage('transferoffer_approval_success'), '');
예제 #6
    if ($action == "execute" && !$admin["r_demo"]) {
        $jobId = $_REQUEST["id"];
        $xml = simplexml_load_file(JOBS_CONFIG_FILE);
        $jobConfig = $xml->xpath("//job[@id = '" . $jobId . "']");
        if (!$jobConfig) {
            throw new Exception("Job config not found.");
        $jobClass = (string) $jobConfig[0]->attributes()->class;
        if (class_exists($jobClass)) {
            $job = new $jobClass($website, $db, $i18n, $jobId);
        } else {
            throw new Exception("class not found: " . $jobClass);
        echo createSuccessMessage($i18n->getMessage("jobs_executed"), "");
  <table class="table table-striped">
    echo $i18n->getMessage("jobs_head_name");
    echo $i18n->getMessage("jobs_head_last_execution");
예제 #7
            // generate players
            $positions = array();
            $positions['T'] = !empty($_POST['option_T']) ? max(0, $_POST['option_T'] - $positionsCount['T']) : 0;
            $positions['LV'] = !empty($_POST['option_LV']) ? max(0, $_POST['option_LV'] - $positionsCount['LV']) : 0;
            $positions['IV'] = !empty($_POST['option_IV']) ? max(0, $_POST['option_IV'] - $positionsCount['IV']) : 0;
            $positions['RV'] = !empty($_POST['option_RV']) ? max(0, $_POST['option_RV'] - $positionsCount['RV']) : 0;
            $positions['LM'] = !empty($_POST['option_LM']) ? max(0, $_POST['option_LM'] - $positionsCount['LM']) : 0;
            $positions['ZM'] = !empty($_POST['option_ZM']) ? max(0, $_POST['option_ZM'] - $positionsCount['ZM']) : 0;
            $positions['RM'] = !empty($_POST['option_RM']) ? max(0, $_POST['option_RM'] - $positionsCount['RM']) : 0;
            $positions['DM'] = !empty($_POST['option_DM']) ? max(0, $_POST['option_DM'] - $positionsCount['DM']) : 0;
            $positions['OM'] = !empty($_POST['option_OM']) ? max(0, $_POST['option_OM'] - $positionsCount['OM']) : 0;
            $positions['LS'] = !empty($_POST['option_LS']) ? max(0, $_POST['option_LS'] - $positionsCount['LS']) : 0;
            $positions['MS'] = !empty($_POST['option_MS']) ? max(0, $_POST['option_MS'] - $positionsCount['MS']) : 0;
            $positions['RS'] = !empty($_POST['option_RS']) ? max(0, $_POST['option_RS'] - $positionsCount['RS']) : 0;
            $playersToGenerate = FALSE;
            foreach ($positions as $posCount) {
                if ($posCount > 0) {
                    $playersToGenerate = TRUE;
            if ($playersToGenerate) {
                DataGeneratorService::generatePlayers($website, $db, $teamId, $_POST['player_age'], $_POST['player_age_deviation'], $_POST['entity_player_vertrag_gehalt'], $_POST['entity_player_vertrag_spiele'], $strengths, $positions, $_POST['playersgenerator_label_deviation']);
        echo createSuccessMessage($i18n->getMessage('firemanagers_dismiss_success'), '');
        echo '<p>&raquo; <a href=\'?site=' . $site . '\'>' . $i18n->getMessage('back_label') . '</a></p>';
    $teamIds = $_POST["teams"];
    $insertTable = $website->getConfig("db_prefix") . "_spiel";
    // create combinations
    while (count($teamIds) > 1) {
        $homeTeamId = array_pop($teamIds);
        $guestTeamId = array_pop($teamIds);
        // create first round
        $db->queryInsert(array("spieltyp" => "Pokalspiel", "pokalname" => $round["cup_name"], "pokalrunde" => $round["round_name"], "datum" => $round["firstround_date"], "home_verein" => $homeTeamId, "gast_verein" => $guestTeamId), $insertTable);
        // create second round
        if ($round["secondround_date"]) {
            $db->queryInsert(array("spieltyp" => "Pokalspiel", "pokalname" => $round["cup_name"], "pokalrunde" => $round["round_name"], "datum" => $round["secondround_date"], "home_verein" => $guestTeamId, "gast_verein" => $homeTeamId), $insertTable);
    echo createSuccessMessage($i18n->getMessage("managecuprounds_generate_success"), "");
    echo "<p><a href=\"?site=managecuprounds&cup=" . $round["cup_id"] . "\" class=\"btn btn-primary\">" . $i18n->getMessage("managecuprounds_generate_success_overviewlink") . "</a></p>";
// ****** Display selection form ***********

	<div id="noCupPossibleAlert" class="alert" style="display: none;">
echo $i18n->getMessage("managecuprounds_generate_noroundspossible");
	<div id="possibleCupRoundsAlert" class="alert alert-info" style="display: none;">
echo $i18n->getMessage("managecuprounds_generate_possiblerounds");
        $columns["M.gast_w" . $subNo . "_condition"] = "guest_sub_" . $subNo . "_condition";
    $result = $db->querySelect($columns, $fromTable, "M.id = %d", $matchId);
    $matchinfo = $result->fetch_array();
    // init default simulation strategry in order to include dependend constants. Yeah, refactor this once having to much time...
    $dummyVar = new DefaultSimulationStrategy($website);
    $matchModel = SimulationStateHelper::loadMatchState($website, $db, $matchinfo);
    // compute audience
    if ($website->getRequestParameter("computetickets")) {
        SimulationAudienceCalculator::computeAndSaveAudience($website, $db, $matchModel);
    if ($matchinfo["type"] == "Pokalspiel") {
        SimulationCupMatchHelper::checkIfExtensionIsRequired($website, $db, $matchModel);
    // complete match
    $observer = new DataUpdateSimulatorObserver($website, $db);
    // show success message
    echo createSuccessMessage($i18n->getMessage("match_manage_complete_success"), "");
echo "<h3><a href=\"" . $website->getInternalUrl("team", "id=" . $match["match_home_id"]) . "\" target=\"_blank\">" . escapeOutput($match["match_home_name"]) . "</a> - <a href=\"" . $website->getInternalUrl("team", "id=" . $match["match_guest_id"]) . "\" target=\"_blank\">" . escapeOutput($match["match_guest_name"]) . "</a></h3>";
echo "<div class=\"well\">" . $i18n->getMessage("match_manage_complete_intro") . "</div>";
echo "<form action=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "\" method=\"post\" class=\"form-horizontal\">";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"site\" value=\"{$site}\"/>";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"complete\"/>";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"match\" value=\"{$matchId}\"/>";
echo FormBuilder::createFormGroup($i18n, "computetickets", array("type" => "boolean", "value" => "1"), "1", "match_manage_complete_");
echo "<div class=\"form-actions\">";
echo "<button type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-primary\">" . $i18n->getMessage("match_manage_complete_button") . "</button>";
echo "</div></form>";
예제 #10
    $datei = '../generated/adminlog.php';
    if (!file_exists($datei)) {
        echo createErrorMessage($i18n->getMessage('alert_error_title'), $i18n->getMessage('all_logging_filenotfound'));
    } elseif ($admin['r_demo']) {
        echo createErrorMessage($i18n->getMessage('error_access_denied'), '');
    } else {
        if ($action == 'leeren') {
            $fp = fopen($datei, 'w+');
            $ip = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');
            $content = 'Truncated by ' . $admin['name'] . ' (id: ' . $admin['id'] . '), ' . $ip . ', ' . date('d.m.y - H:i:s');
            fwrite($fp, $content);
            if ($fp) {
                echo createSuccessMessage($i18n->getMessage('all_logging_alert_logfile_truncated'), '');
            } else {
                echo createErrorMessage($i18n->getMessage('alert_error_title'), $i18n->getMessage('all_logging_error_not_truncated'));
        $datei_gr = filesize($datei);
        $gr_kb = round($datei_gr / 1024);
        if ($datei_gr && !$gr_kb) {
            $gr_kb = 1;
        echo '<div class=\'well\'>' . sprintf($i18n->getMessage('all_logging_filesize'), number_format($gr_kb, 0, ' ', ',')) . '</div>';
        if (!$datei_gr) {
            echo '<p>' . $i18n->getMessage('empty_list') . '</p>';
        } else {
예제 #11


  This file is part of OpenWebSoccer-Sim.

  OpenWebSoccer-Sim is free software: you can redistribute it 
  and/or modify it under the terms of the 
  GNU Lesser General Public License 
  as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
  the License, or any later version.

  OpenWebSoccer-Sim is distributed in the hope that it will be
  useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public 
  License along with OpenWebSoccer-Sim.  
  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

echo '<h1>' . $i18n->getMessage('clearcache_title') . '</h1>';
// clear templates cache
echo createSuccessMessage($i18n->getMessage('clearcache_success_title'), $i18n->getMessage('clearcache_success_message'));
예제 #12
	<div class='container'>
echo $i18n->getMessage('login_title');
if ($forwarded) {
    echo createWarningMessage($i18n->getMessage('login_alert_accessdenied_title'), $i18n->getMessage('login_alert_accessdenied_content'));
} else {
    if ($loggedout) {
        echo createSuccessMessage($i18n->getMessage('login_alert_logoutsuccess_title'), $i18n->getMessage('login_alert_logoutsuccess_content'));
    } else {
        if ($newpwd) {
            echo createSuccessMessage($i18n->getMessage('login_alert_sentpassword_title'), $i18n->getMessage('login_alert_sentpassword_content'));
        } else {
            if (count($errors) > 0) {
                echo createErrorMessage($i18n->getMessage('login_alert_error_title'), $i18n->getMessage('login_alert_error_content'));

		<p><a href='?lang=en'>English</a> | <a href='?lang=de'>Deutsch</a></p>
		<form action='login.php' method='post' class='form-horizontal'>
		  <div class='control-group<?php 
if (isset($errors['inputUser'])) {
    echo ' error';