예제 #1
 * Prüfen, ob ein Knoten im Netz für den aktuellen Benutzer sichtbar ist.
 * @param int $nodeid	Die id des zu prüfenden Knotens
 * @return bool 		Gibt wahr oder falsch zurück
function node_visible_for_user($nodeid)
    global $DB, $CFG;
    $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id($modname = 0, $nodeid, $courseid = 0, $sectionnum = false, $strictness = IGNORE_MISSING);
    if (coursemodule_visible_for_user($cm, $userid = 0)) {
        return true;
    return false;
예제 #2
파일: lib.php 프로젝트: numbas/moodle
 * Prints a section full of activity modules
function print_section($course, $section, $mods, $modnamesused, $absolute = false, $width = "100%", $hidecompletion = false)
    global $CFG, $USER, $DB, $PAGE, $OUTPUT;
    static $initialised;
    static $groupbuttons;
    static $groupbuttonslink;
    static $isediting;
    static $ismoving;
    static $strmovehere;
    static $strmovefull;
    static $strunreadpostsone;
    static $groupings;
    static $modulenames;
    if (!isset($initialised)) {
        $groupbuttons = ($course->groupmode or !$course->groupmodeforce);
        $groupbuttonslink = !$course->groupmodeforce;
        $isediting = $PAGE->user_is_editing();
        $ismoving = $isediting && ismoving($course->id);
        if ($ismoving) {
            $strmovehere = get_string("movehere");
            $strmovefull = strip_tags(get_string("movefull", "", "'{$USER->activitycopyname}'"));
        $modulenames = array();
        $initialised = true;
    $modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($course);
    $completioninfo = new completion_info($course);
    //Accessibility: replace table with list <ul>, but don't output empty list.
    if (!empty($section->sequence)) {
        // Fix bug #5027, don't want style=\"width:$width\".
        echo "<ul class=\"section img-text\">\n";
        $sectionmods = explode(",", $section->sequence);
        foreach ($sectionmods as $modnumber) {
            if (empty($mods[$modnumber])) {
             * @var cm_info
            $mod = $mods[$modnumber];
            if ($ismoving and $mod->id == $USER->activitycopy) {
                // do not display moving mod
            if (isset($modinfo->cms[$modnumber])) {
                // We can continue (because it will not be displayed at all)
                // if:
                // 1) The activity is not visible to users
                // and
                // 2a) The 'showavailability' option is not set (if that is set,
                //     we need to display the activity so we can show
                //     availability info)
                // or
                // 2b) The 'availableinfo' is empty, i.e. the activity was
                //     hidden in a way that leaves no info, such as using the
                //     eye icon.
                if (!$modinfo->cms[$modnumber]->uservisible && (empty($modinfo->cms[$modnumber]->showavailability) || empty($modinfo->cms[$modnumber]->availableinfo))) {
                    // visibility shortcut
            } else {
                if (!file_exists("{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/{$mod->modname}/lib.php")) {
                    // module not installed
                if (!coursemodule_visible_for_user($mod) && empty($mod->showavailability)) {
                    // full visibility check
            if (!isset($modulenames[$mod->modname])) {
                $modulenames[$mod->modname] = get_string('modulename', $mod->modname);
            $modulename = $modulenames[$mod->modname];
            // In some cases the activity is visible to user, but it is
            // dimmed. This is done if viewhiddenactivities is true and if:
            // 1. the activity is not visible, or
            // 2. the activity has dates set which do not include current, or
            // 3. the activity has any other conditions set (regardless of whether
            //    current user meets them)
            $canviewhidden = has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddenactivities', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $mod->id));
            $accessiblebutdim = false;
            if ($canviewhidden) {
                $accessiblebutdim = !$mod->visible;
                if (!empty($CFG->enableavailability)) {
                    $accessiblebutdim = $accessiblebutdim || $mod->availablefrom > time() || $mod->availableuntil && $mod->availableuntil < time() || count($mod->conditionsgrade) > 0 || count($mod->conditionscompletion) > 0;
            $liclasses = array();
            $liclasses[] = 'activity';
            $liclasses[] = $mod->modname;
            $liclasses[] = 'modtype_' . $mod->modname;
            $extraclasses = $mod->get_extra_classes();
            if ($extraclasses) {
                $liclasses = array_merge($liclasses, explode(' ', $extraclasses));
            echo html_writer::start_tag('li', array('class' => join(' ', $liclasses), 'id' => 'module-' . $modnumber));
            if ($ismoving) {
                echo '<a title="' . $strmovefull . '"' . ' href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/course/mod.php?moveto=' . $mod->id . '&amp;sesskey=' . sesskey() . '">' . '<img class="movetarget" src="' . $OUTPUT->pix_url('movehere') . '" ' . ' alt="' . $strmovehere . '" /></a><br />
            $classes = array('mod-indent');
            if (!empty($mod->indent)) {
                $classes[] = 'mod-indent-' . $mod->indent;
                if ($mod->indent > 15) {
                    $classes[] = 'mod-indent-huge';
            echo html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => join(' ', $classes)));
            // Get data about this course-module
            list($content, $instancename) = get_print_section_cm_text($modinfo->cms[$modnumber], $course);
            //Accessibility: for files get description via icon, this is very ugly hack!
            $altname = '';
            $altname = $mod->modfullname;
            if (!empty($customicon)) {
                $archetype = plugin_supports('mod', $mod->modname, FEATURE_MOD_ARCHETYPE, MOD_ARCHETYPE_OTHER);
                if ($archetype == MOD_ARCHETYPE_RESOURCE) {
                    $mimetype = mimeinfo_from_icon('type', $customicon);
                    $altname = get_mimetype_description($mimetype);
            // Avoid unnecessary duplication: if e.g. a forum name already
            // includes the word forum (or Forum, etc) then it is unhelpful
            // to include that in the accessible description that is added.
            if (false !== strpos(textlib::strtolower($instancename), textlib::strtolower($altname))) {
                $altname = '';
            // File type after name, for alphabetic lists (screen reader).
            if ($altname) {
                $altname = get_accesshide(' ' . $altname);
            // We may be displaying this just in order to show information
            // about visibility, without the actual link
            $contentpart = '';
            if ($mod->uservisible) {
                // Nope - in this case the link is fully working for user
                $linkclasses = '';
                $textclasses = '';
                if ($accessiblebutdim) {
                    $linkclasses .= ' dimmed';
                    $textclasses .= ' dimmed_text';
                    $accesstext = '<span class="accesshide">' . get_string('hiddenfromstudents') . ': </span>';
                } else {
                    $accesstext = '';
                if ($linkclasses) {
                    $linkcss = 'class="' . trim($linkclasses) . '" ';
                } else {
                    $linkcss = '';
                if ($textclasses) {
                    $textcss = 'class="' . trim($textclasses) . '" ';
                } else {
                    $textcss = '';
                // Get on-click attribute value if specified
                $onclick = $mod->get_on_click();
                if ($onclick) {
                    $onclick = ' onclick="' . $onclick . '"';
                if ($url = $mod->get_url()) {
                    // Display link itself
                    echo '<a ' . $linkcss . $mod->extra . $onclick . ' href="' . $url . '"><img src="' . $mod->get_icon_url() . '" class="activityicon" alt="' . $modulename . '" /> ' . $accesstext . '<span class="instancename">' . $instancename . $altname . '</span></a>';
                    // If specified, display extra content after link
                    if ($content) {
                        $contentpart = '<div class="' . trim('contentafterlink' . $textclasses) . '">' . $content . '</div>';
                } else {
                    // No link, so display only content
                    $contentpart = '<div ' . $textcss . $mod->extra . '>' . $accesstext . $content . '</div>';
                if (!empty($mod->groupingid) && has_capability('moodle/course:managegroups', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id))) {
                    if (!isset($groupings)) {
                        $groupings = groups_get_all_groupings($course->id);
                    echo " <span class=\"groupinglabel\">(" . format_string($groupings[$mod->groupingid]->name) . ')</span>';
            } else {
                $textclasses = $extraclasses;
                $textclasses .= ' dimmed_text';
                if ($textclasses) {
                    $textcss = 'class="' . trim($textclasses) . '" ';
                } else {
                    $textcss = '';
                $accesstext = '<span class="accesshide">' . get_string('notavailableyet', 'condition') . ': </span>';
                if ($url = $mod->get_url()) {
                    // Display greyed-out text of link
                    echo '<div ' . $textcss . $mod->extra . ' >' . '<img src="' . $mod->get_icon_url() . '" class="activityicon" alt="' . $modulename . '" /> <span>' . $instancename . $altname . '</span></div>';
                    // Do not display content after link when it is greyed out like this.
                } else {
                    // No link, so display only content (also greyed)
                    $contentpart = '<div ' . $textcss . $mod->extra . '>' . $accesstext . $content . '</div>';
            // Module can put text after the link (e.g. forum unread)
            echo $mod->get_after_link();
            // If there is content but NO link (eg label), then display the
            // content here (BEFORE any icons). In this case cons must be
            // displayed after the content so that it makes more sense visually
            // and for accessibility reasons, e.g. if you have a one-line label
            // it should work similarly (at least in terms of ordering) to an
            // activity.
            if (empty($url)) {
                echo $contentpart;
            if ($isediting) {
                if ($groupbuttons and plugin_supports('mod', $mod->modname, FEATURE_GROUPS, 0)) {
                    if (!($mod->groupmodelink = $groupbuttonslink)) {
                        $mod->groupmode = $course->groupmode;
                } else {
                    $mod->groupmode = false;
                echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                echo make_editing_buttons($mod, $absolute, true, $mod->indent, $section->section);
                echo $mod->get_after_edit_icons();
            // Completion
            $completion = $hidecompletion ? COMPLETION_TRACKING_NONE : $completioninfo->is_enabled($mod);
            if ($completion != COMPLETION_TRACKING_NONE && isloggedin() && !isguestuser() && $mod->uservisible) {
                $completiondata = $completioninfo->get_data($mod, true);
                $completionicon = '';
                if ($isediting) {
                    switch ($completion) {
                        case COMPLETION_TRACKING_MANUAL:
                            $completionicon = 'manual-enabled';
                        case COMPLETION_TRACKING_AUTOMATIC:
                            $completionicon = 'auto-enabled';
                            // wtf
                } else {
                    if ($completion == COMPLETION_TRACKING_MANUAL) {
                        switch ($completiondata->completionstate) {
                            case COMPLETION_INCOMPLETE:
                                $completionicon = 'manual-n';
                            case COMPLETION_COMPLETE:
                                $completionicon = 'manual-y';
                    } else {
                        // Automatic
                        switch ($completiondata->completionstate) {
                            case COMPLETION_INCOMPLETE:
                                $completionicon = 'auto-n';
                            case COMPLETION_COMPLETE:
                                $completionicon = 'auto-y';
                            case COMPLETION_COMPLETE_PASS:
                                $completionicon = 'auto-pass';
                            case COMPLETION_COMPLETE_FAIL:
                                $completionicon = 'auto-fail';
                if ($completionicon) {
                    $imgsrc = $OUTPUT->pix_url('i/completion-' . $completionicon);
                    $imgalt = s(get_string('completion-alt-' . $completionicon, 'completion', $mod->name));
                    if ($completion == COMPLETION_TRACKING_MANUAL && !$isediting) {
                        $imgtitle = s(get_string('completion-title-' . $completionicon, 'completion', $mod->name));
                        $newstate = $completiondata->completionstate == COMPLETION_COMPLETE ? COMPLETION_INCOMPLETE : COMPLETION_COMPLETE;
                        // In manual mode the icon is a toggle form...
                        // If this completion state is used by the
                        // conditional activities system, we need to turn
                        // off the JS.
                        if (!empty($CFG->enableavailability) && condition_info::completion_value_used_as_condition($course, $mod)) {
                            $extraclass = ' preventjs';
                        } else {
                            $extraclass = '';
                        echo "\n<form class='togglecompletion{$extraclass}' method='post' action='" . $CFG->wwwroot . "/course/togglecompletion.php'><div>\n<input type='hidden' name='id' value='{$mod->id}' />\n<input type='hidden' name='modulename' value='" . s($mod->name) . "' />\n<input type='hidden' name='sesskey' value='" . sesskey() . "' />\n<input type='hidden' name='completionstate' value='{$newstate}' />\n<input type='image' src='{$imgsrc}' alt='{$imgalt}' title='{$imgtitle}' />\n</div></form>";
                    } else {
                        // In auto mode, or when editing, the icon is just an image
                        echo "<span class='autocompletion'>";
                        echo "<img src='{$imgsrc}' alt='{$imgalt}' title='{$imgalt}' /></span>";
            // If there is content AND a link, then display the content here
            // (AFTER any icons). Otherwise it was displayed before
            if (!empty($url)) {
                echo $contentpart;
            // Show availability information (for someone who isn't allowed to
            // see the activity itself, or for staff)
            if (!$mod->uservisible) {
                echo '<div class="availabilityinfo">' . $mod->availableinfo . '</div>';
            } else {
                if ($canviewhidden && !empty($CFG->enableavailability)) {
                    $ci = new condition_info($mod);
                    $fullinfo = $ci->get_full_information();
                    if ($fullinfo) {
                        echo '<div class="availabilityinfo">' . get_string($mod->showavailability ? 'userrestriction_visible' : 'userrestriction_hidden', 'condition', $fullinfo) . '</div>';
            echo html_writer::end_tag('div');
            echo html_writer::end_tag('li') . "\n";
    } elseif ($ismoving) {
        echo "<ul class=\"section\">\n";
    if ($ismoving) {
        echo '<li><a title="' . $strmovefull . '"' . ' href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/course/mod.php?movetosection=' . $section->id . '&amp;sesskey=' . sesskey() . '">' . '<img class="movetarget" src="' . $OUTPUT->pix_url('movehere') . '" ' . ' alt="' . $strmovehere . '" /></a></li>
    if (!empty($section->sequence) || $ismoving) {
        echo "</ul><!--class='section'-->\n\n";
예제 #3
 * Prints a section full of activity modules
 * @Overrides course/lib.php=>print_section
function ss_print_section($course, $section, $mods, $modnamesused, $absolute=false, $width="100%", $hidecompletion=false) {
	global $CFG, $USER, $DB, $PAGE, $OUTPUT;

    static $initialised;

    static $groupbuttons;
    static $groupbuttonslink;
    static $isediting;
    static $ismoving;
    static $strmovehere;
    static $strmovefull;
    static $strunreadpostsone;
    static $usetracking;
    static $groupings;

    if (!isset($initialised)) {
        $groupbuttons     = ($course->groupmode or (!$course->groupmodeforce));
        $groupbuttonslink = (!$course->groupmodeforce);
        $isediting        = $PAGE->user_is_editing();
        $ismoving         = $isediting && ismoving($course->id);
        if ($ismoving) {
            $strmovehere  = get_string("movehere");
            $strmovefull  = strip_tags(get_string("movefull", "", "'$USER->activitycopyname'"));
        if ($usetracking = forum_tp_can_track_forums()) {
            $strunreadpostsone = get_string('unreadpostsone', 'forum');
        $initialised = true;

    $labelformatoptions = new stdClass();
    $labelformatoptions->noclean = true;
    $labelformatoptions->overflowdiv = true;

/// Casting $course->modinfo to string prevents one notice when the field is null
    $modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($course);
    $completioninfo = new completion_info($course);

    //Accessibility: replace table with list <ul>, but don't output empty list.
    if (!empty($section->sequence)) {

        // Fix bug #5027, don't want style=\"width:$width\".
        echo "<ul class=\"section img-text\">\n";
        $sectionmods = explode(",", $section->sequence);

        foreach ($sectionmods as $modnumber) {
            if (empty($mods[$modnumber])) {

            $mod = $mods[$modnumber];
            if ($ismoving and $mod->id == $USER->activitycopy) {
                // do not display moving mod

            if (isset($modinfo->cms[$modnumber])) {
                // We can continue (because it will not be displayed at all)
                // if:
                // 1) The activity is not visible to users
                // and
                // 2a) The 'showavailability' option is not set (if that is set,
                //     we need to display the activity so we can show
                //     availability info)
                // or
                // 2b) The 'availableinfo' is empty, i.e. the activity was
                //     hidden in a way that leaves no info, such as using the
                //     eye icon.
                if (!$modinfo->cms[$modnumber]->uservisible &&
                    (empty($modinfo->cms[$modnumber]->showavailability) ||
                      empty($modinfo->cms[$modnumber]->availableinfo))) {
                    // visibility shortcut
            } else {
                if (!file_exists("$CFG->dirroot/mod/$mod->modname/lib.php")) {
                    // module not installed
                if (!coursemodule_visible_for_user($mod) &&
                    empty($mod->showavailability)) {
                    // full visibility check

            // In some cases the activity is visible to user, but it is
            // dimmed. This is done if viewhiddenactivities is true and if:
            // 1. the activity is not visible, or
            // 2. the activity has dates set which do not include current, or
            // 3. the activity has any other conditions set (regardless of whether
            //    current user meets them)
            $canviewhidden = has_capability(
                get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $mod->id));
            $accessiblebutdim = false;
            if ($canviewhidden) {
                $accessiblebutdim = !$mod->visible;
                if (!empty($CFG->enableavailability)) {
                    $accessiblebutdim = $accessiblebutdim ||
                        $mod->availablefrom > time() ||
                        ($mod->availableuntil && $mod->availableuntil < time()) ||
                        count($mod->conditionsgrade) > 0 ||
                        count($mod->conditionscompletion) > 0;

            $liclasses = array();
            $liclasses[] = 'activity';
            $liclasses[] = $mod->modname;
            $liclasses[] = 'modtype_'.$mod->modname;
            echo html_writer::start_tag('li', array('class'=>join(' ', $liclasses), 'id'=>'module-'.$modnumber));
            if ($ismoving) {
                echo '<a title="'.$strmovefull.'"'.
                     ' href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/course/mod.php?moveto='.$mod->id.'&amp;sesskey='.sesskey().'">'.
                     '<img class="movetarget" src="'.$OUTPUT->pix_url('movehere') . '" '.
                     ' alt="'.$strmovehere.'" /></a><br />

            $classes = array('mod-indent');
            if (!empty($mod->indent)) {
                $classes[] = 'mod-indent-'.$mod->indent;
                if ($mod->indent > 15) {
                    $classes[] = 'mod-indent-huge';
            echo html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class'=>join(' ', $classes)));

            $extra = '';
            if (!empty($modinfo->cms[$modnumber]->extra)) {
                $extra = $modinfo->cms[$modnumber]->extra;
            if ($mod->modname == "label") {
                if ($accessiblebutdim || !$mod->uservisible) {
                    echo '<div class="dimmed_text"><span class="accesshide">'.
                } else {
                    echo '<div>';
                echo format_text($extra, FORMAT_HTML, $labelformatoptions);
                echo "</div>";
                if (!empty($mod->groupingid) && has_capability('moodle/course:managegroups', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id))) {
                    if (!isset($groupings)) {
                        $groupings = groups_get_all_groupings($course->id);
                    echo " <span class=\"groupinglabel\">(".format_string($groupings[$mod->groupingid]->name).')</span>';

            } else { // Normal activity
                $instancename = format_string($modinfo->cms[$modnumber]->name, true,  $course->id);
              #  echo format_string($modinfo->cms[$modnumber]->intro, true,  $course->id);
              #  echo format_string($modinfo->cms[$modnumber]->name, true,  $course->id);
              #  print_r($modinfo->cms[$modnumber]);

                $customicon = $modinfo->cms[$modnumber]->icon;
                if (!empty($customicon)) {
                    if (substr($customicon, 0, 4) === 'mod/') {
                        list($modname, $iconname) = explode('/', substr($customicon, 4), 2);
                        $icon = $OUTPUT->pix_url($iconname, $modname);
                    } else {
                        $icon = $OUTPUT->pix_url($customicon);
                } else {
                    $icon = $OUTPUT->pix_url('icon', $mod->modname);

                //Accessibility: for files get description via icon, this is very ugly hack!
                $altname = '';
                $altname = $mod->modfullname;
                if (!empty($customicon)) {
                    $archetype = plugin_supports('mod', $mod->modname, FEATURE_MOD_ARCHETYPE, MOD_ARCHETYPE_OTHER);
                    if ($archetype == MOD_ARCHETYPE_RESOURCE) {
                        $mimetype = mimeinfo_from_icon('type', $customicon);
                        $altname = get_mimetype_description($mimetype);
                // Avoid unnecessary duplication.
                if (false !== stripos($instancename, $altname)) {
                    $altname = '';
                // File type after name, for alphabetic lists (screen reader).
                if ($altname) {
                    $altname = get_accesshide(' '.$altname);

                // We may be displaying this just in order to show information
                // about visibility, without the actual link
                if ($mod->uservisible) {
                    // Display normal module link
                    if (!$accessiblebutdim) {
                        $linkcss = '';
                        $accesstext  ='';
                    } else {
                        $linkcss = ' class="dimmed" ';
                        $accesstext = '<span class="accesshide">'.
                            get_string('hiddenfromstudents').': </span>';

                    echo '<a '.$linkcss.' '.$extra.
                         ' href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/'.$mod->modname.'/view.php?id='.$mod->id.'">'.
                         '<img src="'.$icon.'" class="activityicon" alt="'.get_string('modulename',$mod->modname).'" /> '.
                         $accesstext.'<span class="instancename">'.$instancename.$altname.'</span></a>';

                    if (!empty($mod->groupingid) && has_capability('moodle/course:managegroups', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id))) {
                        if (!isset($groupings)) {
                            $groupings = groups_get_all_groupings($course->id);
                        echo " <span class=\"groupinglabel\">(".format_string($groupings[$mod->groupingid]->name).')</span>';
                } else {
                    // Display greyed-out text of link
                    echo '<span class="dimmed_text" '.$extra.' ><span class="accesshide">'.
                        get_string('notavailableyet','condition').': </span>'.
                        '<img src="'.$icon.'" class="activityicon" alt="'.get_string('modulename', $mod->modname).'" /> <span>'.
            if ($usetracking && $mod->modname == 'forum') {
                if ($unread = forum_tp_count_forum_unread_posts($mod, $course)) {
                    echo '<span class="unread"> <a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/forum/view.php?id='.$mod->id.'">';
                    if ($unread == 1) {
                        echo $strunreadpostsone;
                    } else {
                        print_string('unreadpostsnumber', 'forum', $unread);
                    echo '</a></span>';

            if ($isediting) {
                if ($groupbuttons and plugin_supports('mod', $mod->modname, FEATURE_GROUPS, 0)) {
                    if (! $mod->groupmodelink = $groupbuttonslink) {
                        $mod->groupmode = $course->groupmode;

                } else {
                    $mod->groupmode = false;
                echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                echo make_editing_buttons($mod, $absolute, true, $mod->indent, $section->section);
                hook_make_edit_icon_button($mod, $OUTPUT);

            // Completion
            $completion = $hidecompletion
                : $completioninfo->is_enabled($mod);
            if ($completion!=COMPLETION_TRACKING_NONE && isloggedin() &&
                !isguestuser() && $mod->uservisible) {
                $completiondata = $completioninfo->get_data($mod,true);
                $completionicon = '';
                if ($isediting) {
                    switch ($completion) {
                        case COMPLETION_TRACKING_MANUAL :
                            $completionicon = 'manual-enabled'; break;
                        case COMPLETION_TRACKING_AUTOMATIC :
                            $completionicon = 'auto-enabled'; break;
                        default: // wtf
                } else if ($completion==COMPLETION_TRACKING_MANUAL) {
                    switch($completiondata->completionstate) {
                        case COMPLETION_INCOMPLETE:
                            $completionicon = 'manual-n'; break;
                        case COMPLETION_COMPLETE:
                            $completionicon = 'manual-y'; break;
                } else { // Automatic
                    switch($completiondata->completionstate) {
                        case COMPLETION_INCOMPLETE:
                            $completionicon = 'auto-n'; break;
                        case COMPLETION_COMPLETE:
                            $completionicon = 'auto-y'; break;
                        case COMPLETION_COMPLETE_PASS:
                            $completionicon = 'auto-pass'; break;
                        case COMPLETION_COMPLETE_FAIL:
                            $completionicon = 'auto-fail'; break;
                if ($completionicon) {
                    $imgsrc = $OUTPUT->pix_url('i/completion-'.$completionicon);
                    $imgalt = s(get_string('completion-alt-'.$completionicon, 'completion'));
                    if ($completion == COMPLETION_TRACKING_MANUAL && !$isediting) {
                        $imgtitle = s(get_string('completion-title-'.$completionicon, 'completion'));
                        $newstate =
                            ? COMPLETION_INCOMPLETE
                            : COMPLETION_COMPLETE;
                        // In manual mode the icon is a toggle form...

                        // If this completion state is used by the
                        // conditional activities system, we need to turn
                        // off the JS.
                        if (!empty($CFG->enableavailability) &&
                            condition_info::completion_value_used_as_condition($course, $mod)) {
                            $extraclass = ' preventjs';
                        } else {
                            $extraclass = '';
                        echo "
<form class='togglecompletion$extraclass' method='post' action='togglecompletion.php'><div>
<input type='hidden' name='id' value='{$mod->id}' />
<input type='hidden' name='sesskey' value='".sesskey()."' />
<input type='hidden' name='completionstate' value='$newstate' />
<input type='image' src='$imgsrc' alt='$imgalt' title='$imgtitle' />
                    } else {
                        // In auto mode, or when editing, the icon is just an image
                        echo "<span class='autocompletion'>";
                        echo "<img src='$imgsrc' alt='$imgalt' title='$imgalt' /></span>";

            // Show availability information (for someone who isn't allowed to
            // see the activity itself, or for staff)
            if (!$mod->uservisible) {
                echo '<div class="availabilityinfo">'.$mod->availableinfo.'</div>';
            } else if ($canviewhidden && !empty($CFG->enableavailability)) {
                $ci = new condition_info($mod);
                $fullinfo = $ci->get_full_information();
                if($fullinfo) {
                    echo '<div class="availabilityinfo">'.get_string($mod->showavailability
                        ? 'userrestriction_visible'
                        : 'userrestriction_hidden','condition',

            echo hook_show_activity_intro($mod);
            echo html_writer::end_tag('div');
            echo html_writer::end_tag('li')."\n";

    } elseif ($ismoving) {
        echo "<ul class=\"section\">\n";

    if ($ismoving) {
        echo '<li><a title="'.$strmovefull.'"'.
             ' href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/course/mod.php?movetosection='.$section->id.'&amp;sesskey='.sesskey().'">'.
             '<img class="movetarget" src="'.$OUTPUT->pix_url('movehere') . '" '.
             ' alt="'.$strmovehere.'" /></a></li>
    if (!empty($section->sequence) || $ismoving) {
        echo "</ul><!--class='section'-->\n\n";
예제 #4
파일: lib.php 프로젝트: richheath/moodle
 * @global object
 * @global object
 * @param object $forum
 * @param object $discussion
 * @param object $post
 * @param object $user
 * @param object $cm
 * @return bool
function forum_user_can_see_post($forum, $discussion, $post, $user = NULL, $cm = NULL)
    global $CFG, $USER, $DB;
    // retrieve objects (yuk)
    if (is_numeric($forum)) {
        debugging('missing full forum', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
        if (!($forum = $DB->get_record('forum', array('id' => $forum)))) {
            return false;
    if (is_numeric($discussion)) {
        debugging('missing full discussion', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
        if (!($discussion = $DB->get_record('forum_discussions', array('id' => $discussion)))) {
            return false;
    if (is_numeric($post)) {
        debugging('missing full post', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
        if (!($post = $DB->get_record('forum_posts', array('id' => $post)))) {
            return false;
    if (!isset($post->id) && isset($post->parent)) {
        $post->id = $post->parent;
    if (!$cm) {
        debugging('missing cm', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
        if (!($cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('forum', $forum->id, $forum->course))) {
    if (empty($user) || empty($user->id)) {
        $user = $USER;
    if (isset($cm->cache->caps['mod/forum:viewdiscussion'])) {
        if (!$cm->cache->caps['mod/forum:viewdiscussion']) {
            return false;
    } else {
        $modcontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
        if (!has_capability('mod/forum:viewdiscussion', $modcontext, $user->id)) {
            return false;
    if (isset($cm->uservisible)) {
        if (!$cm->uservisible) {
            return false;
    } else {
        if (!coursemodule_visible_for_user($cm, $user->id)) {
            return false;
    if ($forum->type == 'qanda') {
        $firstpost = forum_get_firstpost_from_discussion($discussion->id);
        $modcontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
        $userfirstpost = forum_get_user_posted_time($discussion->id, $user->id);
        return $userfirstpost !== false && time() - $userfirstpost >= $CFG->maxeditingtime || $firstpost->id == $post->id || $post->userid == $user->id || $firstpost->userid == $user->id || has_capability('mod/forum:viewqandawithoutposting', $modcontext, $user->id, false);
    return true;
예제 #5
if ($move > 0 and confirm_sesskey()) {
    $return = $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=' . $discussion->id;
    require_capability('mod/forum:movediscussions', $modcontext);
    if ($forum->type == 'single') {
        print_error('cannotmovefromsingleforum', 'forum', $return);
    if (!($forumto = $DB->get_record('forum', array('id' => $move)))) {
        print_error('cannotmovetonotexist', 'forum', $return);
    if ($forumto->type == 'single') {
        print_error('cannotmovetosingleforum', 'forum', $return);
    if (!($cmto = get_coursemodule_from_instance('forum', $forumto->id, $course->id))) {
        print_error('cannotmovetonotfound', 'forum', $return);
    if (!coursemodule_visible_for_user($cmto)) {
        print_error('cannotmovenotvisible', 'forum', $return);
    require_capability('mod/forum:startdiscussion', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cmto->id));
    if (!forum_move_attachments($discussion, $forum->id, $forumto->id)) {
        echo $OUTPUT->notification("Errors occurred while moving attachment directories - check your file permissions");
    $DB->set_field('forum_discussions', 'forum', $forumto->id, array('id' => $discussion->id));
    $DB->set_field('forum_read', 'forumid', $forumto->id, array('discussionid' => $discussion->id));
    add_to_log($course->id, 'forum', 'move discussion', "discuss.php?d={$discussion->id}", $discussion->id, $cmto->id);
    require_once $CFG->libdir . '/rsslib.php';
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/forum/rsslib.php';
    // Delete the RSS files for the 2 forums to force regeneration of the feeds
    redirect($return . '&moved=-1&sesskey=' . sesskey());
function print_section_newsroom($course, $section, $mods, $modnamesused, $absolute = false, $width = "100%")
    /// Prints a section full of activity modules
    global $CFG, $USER;
    static $initialised;
    static $groupbuttons;
    static $groupbuttonslink;
    static $isediting;
    static $ismoving;
    static $strmovehere;
    static $strmovefull;
    static $strunreadpostsone;
    static $usetracking;
    static $groupings;
    if (!isset($initialised)) {
        $groupbuttons = ($course->groupmode or !$course->groupmodeforce);
        $groupbuttonslink = !$course->groupmodeforce;
        $isediting = isediting($course->id);
        $ismoving = $isediting && ismoving($course->id);
        if ($ismoving) {
            $strmovehere = get_string("movehere");
            $strmovefull = strip_tags(get_string("movefull", "", "'{$USER->activitycopyname}'"));
        include_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/forum/lib.php';
        if ($usetracking = forum_tp_can_track_forums()) {
            $strunreadpostsone = get_string('unreadpostsone', 'forum');
        $initialised = true;
    $labelformatoptions = new object();
    $labelformatoptions->noclean = true;
    /// Casting $course->modinfo to string prevents one notice when the field is null
    $modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($course);
    //Acccessibility: replace table with list <ul>, but don't output empty list.
    if (!empty($section->sequence)) {
        // Fix bug #5027, don't want style=\"width:$width\".
        echo "<ul class=\"section img-text\">\n";
        $sectionmods = explode(",", $section->sequence);
        foreach ($sectionmods as $modnumber) {
            if (empty($mods[$modnumber])) {
            $mod = $mods[$modnumber];
            if ($ismoving and $mod->id == $USER->activitycopy) {
                // do not display moving mod
            if (isset($modinfo->cms[$modnumber])) {
                if (!$modinfo->cms[$modnumber]->uservisible) {
                    // visibility shortcut
            } else {
                if (!file_exists("{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/{$mod->modname}/lib.php")) {
                    // module not installed
                if (!coursemodule_visible_for_user($mod)) {
                    // full visibility check
            // The magic! ... if indent == 1 then ... hide module
            if ($mod->indent == 1) {
                $hiddemodule = 'hidden';
            } else {
                $hiddemodule = '';
            echo '<li class="activity ' . $mod->modname . ' ' . $hiddemodule . '" id="module-' . $modnumber . '">';
            // Unique ID
            if ($ismoving) {
                echo '<a title="' . $strmovefull . '"' . ' href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/course/mod.php?moveto=' . $mod->id . '&amp;sesskey=' . $USER->sesskey . '">' . '<img class="movetarget" src="' . $CFG->pixpath . '/movehere.gif" ' . ' alt="' . $strmovehere . '" /></a><br />
            if ($mod->indent) {
                print_spacer(12, 20 * $mod->indent, false);
            $extra = '';
            if (!empty($modinfo->cms[$modnumber]->extra)) {
                $extra = $modinfo->cms[$modnumber]->extra;
            if ($mod->modname == "label") {
                echo "<span class=\"";
                if (!$mod->visible) {
                    echo 'dimmed_text';
                } else {
                    echo 'label';
                echo '">';
                echo format_text($extra, FORMAT_HTML, $labelformatoptions);
                echo "</span>";
                if (!empty($CFG->enablegroupings) && !empty($mod->groupingid) && has_capability('moodle/course:managegroups', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id))) {
                    if (!isset($groupings)) {
                        $groupings = groups_get_all_groupings($course->id);
                    echo " <span class=\"groupinglabel\">(" . format_string($groupings[$mod->groupingid]->name) . ')</span>';
            } else {
                // Normal activity
                $instancename = format_string($modinfo->cms[$modnumber]->name, true, $course->id);
                if (!empty($modinfo->cms[$modnumber]->icon)) {
                    $icon = "{$CFG->pixpath}/" . $modinfo->cms[$modnumber]->icon;
                } else {
                    $icon = "{$CFG->modpixpath}/{$mod->modname}/icon.gif";
                //Accessibility: for files get description via icon.
                $altname = '';
                if ('resource' == $mod->modname) {
                    if (!empty($modinfo->cms[$modnumber]->icon)) {
                        $possaltname = $modinfo->cms[$modnumber]->icon;
                        $mimetype = mimeinfo_from_icon('type', $possaltname);
                        $altname = get_mimetype_description($mimetype);
                    } else {
                        $altname = $mod->modfullname;
                } else {
                    $altname = $mod->modfullname;
                // Avoid unnecessary duplication.
                if (false !== stripos($instancename, $altname)) {
                    $altname = '';
                // File type after name, for alphabetic lists (screen reader).
                if ($altname) {
                    $altname = get_accesshide(' ' . $altname);
                $linkcss = $mod->visible ? "" : " class=\"dimmed\" ";
                echo '<a ' . $linkcss . ' ' . $extra . ' href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/' . $mod->modname . '/view.php?id=' . $mod->id . '">' . '<img src="' . $icon . '" class="activityicon" alt="" /> <span>' . $instancename . $altname . '</span></a>';
                //echo " $mod->modname ";
                // Special NEWSPAPER magic ... show summry from resource and blog's 200 chars from each post OUBlog (nadavkav)
                if ($mod->modname == 'resource') {
                    $article = get_record('resource', 'id', $mod->instance);
                    //print_r($article );
                    echo "{$article->summary}";
                if ($mod->modname == 'oublog') {
                    require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/oublog/locallib.php';
                    $oublog = get_record('oublog', 'id', $mod->instance);
                    if (!($oublogcm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('oublog', $oublog->id))) {
                        //error("Course module ID was incorrect");
                    $oublogcontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $oublogcm->id);
                    //oublog_check_view_permissions($oublog, $oublogcontext, $oublogcm);
                    $currentgroup = oublog_get_activity_group($oublogcm, true);
                    echo '<br/>';
                    /// Get Posts
                    list($posts, $recordcount) = oublog_get_posts($oublog, $oublogcontext, 0, $oublogcm, $currentgroup);
                    //, -1, $oubloguser->id, $tag, $canaudit);
                    $i = 0;
                    foreach ($posts as $post) {
                        if ($i < 3) {
                            echo '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/oublog/viewpost.php?blog=' . $oublog->id . '&post=' . $post->id . '">' . $post->title . '</a><br/>';
                            $summaryformatoptions->noclean = false;
                            echo mb_substr(format_text($post->message, FORMAT_HTML, $summaryformatoptions), 1, 600) . "<hr/>";
                        if ($i > 2 and $i < 6) {
                            echo '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/oublog/viewpost.php?blog=' . $oublog->id . '&post=' . $post->id . '">' . $post->title . '</a><br/>';
                    //print_r($article );
                    //echo "$article->summary";
                    echo '<br/><a ' . $linkcss . ' ' . $extra . ' href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/' . $mod->modname . '/view.php?id=' . $mod->id . '">' . '<img src="' . $icon . '" class="activityicon" alt="" /> <span>' . get_string('more', 'format_newsroom') . '</span></a>';
                if (!empty($CFG->enablegroupings) && !empty($mod->groupingid) && has_capability('moodle/course:managegroups', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id))) {
                    if (!isset($groupings)) {
                        $groupings = groups_get_all_groupings($course->id);
                    echo " <span class=\"groupinglabel\">(" . format_string($groupings[$mod->groupingid]->name) . ')</span>';
            if ($usetracking && $mod->modname == 'forum') {
                if ($unread = forum_tp_count_forum_unread_posts($mod, $course)) {
                    echo '<span class="unread"> <a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/forum/view.php?id=' . $mod->id . '">';
                    if ($unread == 1) {
                        echo $strunreadpostsone;
                    } else {
                        print_string('unreadpostsnumber', 'forum', $unread);
                    echo '</a></span>';
            if ($isediting) {
                // TODO: we must define this as mod property!
                if ($groupbuttons and $mod->modname != 'label' and $mod->modname != 'resource' and $mod->modname != 'glossary') {
                    if (!($mod->groupmodelink = $groupbuttonslink)) {
                        $mod->groupmode = $course->groupmode;
                } else {
                    $mod->groupmode = false;
                echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                echo make_editing_buttons($mod, $absolute, true, $mod->indent, $section->section);
            echo "</li>\n";
    } elseif ($ismoving) {
        echo "<ul class=\"section\">\n";
    if ($ismoving) {
        echo '<li><a title="' . $strmovefull . '"' . ' href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/course/mod.php?movetosection=' . $section->id . '&amp;sesskey=' . $USER->sesskey . '">' . '<img class="movetarget" src="' . $CFG->pixpath . '/movehere.gif" ' . ' alt="' . $strmovehere . '" /></a></li>
    if (!empty($section->sequence) || $ismoving) {
        echo "</ul><!--class='section'-->\n\n";
예제 #7
파일: lib.php 프로젝트: r007/PMoodle
function forum_user_can_see_post($forum, $discussion, $post, $user = NULL, $cm = NULL)
    global $USER;
    // retrieve objects (yuk)
    if (is_numeric($forum)) {
        debugging('missinf full forum', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
        if (!($forum = get_record('forum', 'id', $forum))) {
            return false;
    if (is_numeric($discussion)) {
        debugging('missinf full discussion', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
        if (!($discussion = get_record('forum_discussions', 'id', $discussion))) {
            return false;
    if (is_numeric($post)) {
        debugging('missinf full post', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
        if (!($post = get_record('forum_posts', 'id', $post))) {
            return false;
    if (!isset($post->id) && isset($post->parent)) {
        $post->id = $post->parent;
    if (!$cm) {
        debugging('missing cm', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
        if (!($cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('forum', $forum->id, $forum->course))) {
            error('Course Module ID was incorrect');
    if (empty($user) || empty($user->id)) {
        $user = $USER;
    if (isset($cm->cache->caps['mod/forum:viewdiscussion'])) {
        if (!$cm->cache->caps['mod/forum:viewdiscussion']) {
            return false;
    } else {
        $modcontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
        if (!has_capability('mod/forum:viewdiscussion', $modcontext, $user->id)) {
            return false;
    if (isset($cm->uservisible)) {
        if (!$cm->uservisible) {
            return false;
    } else {
        if (!coursemodule_visible_for_user($cm, $user->id)) {
            return false;
    if ($forum->type == 'qanda') {
        $firstpost = forum_get_firstpost_from_discussion($discussion->id);
        $modcontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
        return forum_user_has_posted($forum->id, $discussion->id, $user->id) || $firstpost->id == $post->id || has_capability('mod/forum:viewqandawithoutposting', $modcontext, $user->id, false);
    return true;
function fix_condition_targetid($labelmods, $resourcemods, $course, $cm, $targetid, $includeungraded = false, $includeresources = false, $includelabels = false, $requirecompletion = false)
    global $DB;
    if ($targetid >= 0) {
        return intval($targetid);
    if (!($modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($course))) {
        return 0;
        // shouldn't happen !!
    // set default search values
    $id = 0;
    $modname = '';
    $sectionnum = -1;
    $requiregraded = false;
    // restrict search values
    if ($targetid > 0) {
        // specific activity
        $id = $targetid;
    } else {
        if ($targetid == PREVIOUS_SAME_COURSE || $targetid == PREVIOUS_SAME_SECTION || $targetid == NEXT_SAME_COURSE || $targetid == NEXT_SAME_SECTION) {
            // same type of activity
            $modname = $cm->modname;
        if ($targetid == PREVIOUS_ANY_SECTION || $targetid == PREVIOUS_SAME_SECTION || $targetid == NEXT_ANY_SECTION || $targetid == NEXT_SAME_SECTION) {
            // same section
            $sectionnum = $cm->sectionnum;
        if ($includeungraded == false) {
            $requiregraded = true;
    // get grade info, if required (we just need to know if an activity has a grade or not)
    if ($requiregraded) {
        // basic SQL to get grade items for graded activities
        $select = 'cm.id, gi.id AS gradeitemid, gi.itemtype, gi.itemmodule, gi.iteminstance, gi.gradetype';
        $from = '{grade_items} gi' . ' LEFT JOIN {modules} m ON gi.itemmodule = m.name' . ' LEFT JOIN {course_modules} cm ON m.id = cm.module AND gi.iteminstance = cm.instance';
        $where = "gi.courseid = ? AND gi.itemtype = ? AND gi.gradetype <> ?";
        $params = array($course->id, 'mod', GRADE_TYPE_NONE);
        // restrict results to single module, if we can
        if ($modname) {
            $where .= ' AND gi.itemmodule = ?';
            $params[] = $modname;
        // restrict results to current section, if we can
        if ($sectionnum >= 0) {
            $from .= ' LEFT JOIN {course_sections} cs ON cs.id = cm.section';
            $where .= ' AND cs.section = ?';
            $params[] = $sectionnum;
        $gradedcms = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT {$select} FROM {$from} WHERE {$where}", $params);
    // are we searching for a PREVIOUS activity (usually we are)
    $previous = $targetid == PREVIOUS_ANY_COURSE || $targetid == PREVIOUS_ANY_SECTION || $targetid == PREVIOUS_SAME_COURSE || $targetid == PREVIOUS_SAME_SECTION;
    // get cm ids (reverse order if necessary)
    $coursemoduleids = array_keys($modinfo->cms);
    if ($previous) {
        $coursemoduleids = array_reverse($coursemoduleids);
    // search for next, previous or specific course module
    $found = false;
    foreach ($coursemoduleids as $coursemoduleid) {
        if (method_exists($modinfo, 'get_cm')) {
            $coursemodule = $modinfo->get_cm($coursemoduleid);
        } else {
            $coursemodule = $modinfo->cms[$coursemoduleid];
        if ($id && $coursemoduleid != $id) {
            // wrong activity
        if ($sectionnum >= 0) {
            if ($previous) {
                if ($coursemodule->sectionnum > $sectionnum) {
                    // later section
                if ($coursemodule->sectionnum < $sectionnum) {
                    return 0;
                    // previous section
            } else {
                if ($coursemodule->sectionnum < $sectionnum) {
                    // earlier section
                if ($coursemodule->sectionnum > $sectionnum) {
                    return 0;
                    // later section
        if ($requirecompletion && empty($coursemodule->completion)) {
            // cm does not have completion conditions
        if ($requiregraded && empty($gradedcms[$coursemoduleid])) {
            // skip ungraded activity
        if ($modname && $coursemodule->modname != $modname) {
            // wrong module
        if ($includelabels == false && in_array($coursemodule->modname, $labelmods)) {
            // skip labels
        if ($includeresources == false && in_array($coursemodule->modname, $resourcemods)) {
            // skip resources
        if ($found || $coursemoduleid == $id) {
            if (class_exists('\\core_availability\\info_module')) {
                // Moodle >= 2.7
                $is_visible = \core_availability\info_module::is_user_visible($coursemodule);
            } else {
                // Moodle <= 2.6
                // Indirect modification of overloaded property
                // cm_info::$availableinfo has no effect
                // lib/datalib.php on line 1588
                $is_visible = coursemodule_visible_for_user($coursemodule);
            if ($is_visible) {
                if ($requirecompletion) {
                    // return cm id
                    return intval($coursemoduleid);
                } else {
                    // return grade item id
                    return intval($gradedcms[$coursemoduleid]->gradeitemid);
            if ($coursemoduleid == $id) {
                // required cm is not visible to this user
                return 0;
        if ($coursemoduleid == $cm->id) {
            $found = true;
    // next/prev cm not found
    return 0;
예제 #9
function RWSGUVQList($r_cid)
    global $RWSUID;
    $r_vqms = array();
    $r_qzms = get_coursemodules_in_course("quiz", $r_cid);
    if ($r_qzms === false || count($r_qzms) == 0) {
        return $r_vqms;
    foreach ($r_qzms as $r_qzm) {
        if (coursemodule_visible_for_user($r_qzm, $RWSUID)) {
            $r_vqms[] = $r_qzm;
    return $r_vqms;
 * This function will preprocess all the mods in section, adding the required stuff to be able to
 * output them later in a nested lists behaviour
function preprocessmods4topicstree($sectionmods, &$mods, &$modinfo)
    global $CFG;
    $prev = null;
    $next = null;
    $tree = array();
    /// To create the tree structure while
    $parents = array();
    /// iterating. Needed to detect last items
    array_push($parents, 0);
    /// Initial parent
    foreach ($sectionmods as $key => $modnumber) {
        $treeized = false;
        /// To know if we have inserted one module
        /// in the $tree/$parents structures
        if (empty($mods[$modnumber])) {
        /// Calculate current
        $mod = $mods[$modnumber];
        /// Calculate next
        if (isset($sectionmods[$key + 1])) {
            $next = $mods[$sectionmods[$key + 1]];
        } else {
            $next = null;
        /// Code goes here
        /// First item cannot have indent, reset it
        if (empty($prev) && $mod->indent > 0) {
            $mod->indent = 0;
        /// Any difference > 1 isn't accepted, reduce it to 1
        if (!empty($next) && $next->indent - $mod->indent > 1) {
            $next->indent = $mod->indent + 1;
        /// If prev is more indented than current, annotate it
        if (!empty($prev) && $prev->indent > $mod->indent) {
            $mod->closelevel = $prev->indent - $mod->indent;
            /// Delete from list of parent
            for ($n = 0; $n < $mod->closelevel; $n++) {
                $last = array_pop($parents);
            /// Assign current mod to current parent
            if (!$treeized) {
                $tree[end($parents)][$modnumber] = $modnumber;
                $treeized = true;
        /// If next is more indented than current, annotate it
        if (!empty($next) && $next->indent > $mod->indent) {
            $mod->openlevel = $next->indent;
            /// Assign current mod to current parent
            if (!$treeized) {
                $tree[end($parents)][$modnumber] = $modnumber;
                $treeized = true;
            /// Now add mod to list of parents and start new list in tree for it
            array_push($parents, $modnumber);
            $tree[end($parents)] = array();
        /// Assign current mod to current parent if not done before (in opening/closing)
        if (!$treeized) {
            $tree[end($parents)][$modnumber] = $modnumber;
            $treeized = true;
        /// Just to be sure changes apply
        if ($mod) {
            $mods[$modnumber] = $mod;
        if ($next) {
            $mods[$sectionmods[$key + 1]] = $next;
        /// Calculate new previous
        $prev = $mods[$modnumber];
    /// Now iterate over all the arrays in tree, getting last elements and
    /// marking them as last in $mods
    foreach ($tree as $list) {
        $mods[end($list)]->islast = true;
    /// Finally, iterate over all the arrays in tree, looking for hidden parents
    /// and replacing that module by a custom label to respect the tree format
    foreach ($tree as $key => $list) {
        /// Skip 0 (virtual) tree
        if ($key == 0) {
        /// Check user visibility, and replace module by hand-made label if it isn't visible
        if (!coursemodule_visible_for_user($mods[$key])) {
            $mods[$key]->modname = 'label';
            $mods[$key]->visible = 1;
            $modinfo->cms[$key]->uservisible = 1;
            $modinfo->cms[$key]->modname = 'label';
            $modinfo->cms[$key]->name = '';
            $modinfo->cms[$key]->extra = '<img src="' . $CFG->pixpath . '/f/folder.gif" alt="" />';
예제 #11
  * get_cm
  * @param xxx $type
  * @return xxx
 public function get_cm($type)
     // gets the next, previous or specific Moodle activity
     // get entry/exit cm id
     $cm_field = $type . 'cm';
     $cmid = $this->{$cm_field};
     if ($cmid == self::ACTIVITY_NONE) {
         return false;
     if (!($modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($this->course))) {
         return false;
         // no modinfo - shouldn't happen !!
     if (method_exists($modinfo, 'get_cm')) {
         if (!$modinfo->get_cm($this->cm->id)) {
             return false;
             // target cm not found - shouldn't happen !!
     } else {
         if (!isset($modinfo->cms[$this->cm->id])) {
             return false;
             // target cm not found - shouldn't happen !!
     // set default search values
     $id = 0;
     $modname = '';
     $sectionnum = -1;
     // restrict search values
     if ($cmid > 0) {
         $id = $cmid;
     } else {
         if ($cmid == self::ACTIVITY_COURSE_HOTPOT || $cmid == self::ACTIVITY_SECTION_HOTPOT) {
             $modname = 'hotpot';
         if ($cmid == self::ACTIVITY_SECTION_ANY || $cmid == self::ACTIVITY_SECTION_HOTPOT) {
             $sectionnum = $modinfo->get_cm($this->cm->id)->sectionnum;
     // get cm ids (reverse order if necessary)
     $cmids = array_keys($modinfo->cms);
     if ($type == 'entry') {
         $cmids = array_reverse($cmids);
     // search for next, previous or specific course module
     $found = false;
     foreach ($cmids as $cmid) {
         if (method_exists($modinfo, 'get_cm')) {
             $cm = $modinfo->get_cm($cmid);
         } else {
             $cm = $modinfo->cms[$cmid];
         if ($id && $cm->id != $id) {
             // wrong activity
         if ($sectionnum >= 0) {
             if ($type == 'entry') {
                 if ($cm->sectionnum > $sectionnum) {
                     // later section
                 if ($cm->sectionnum < $sectionnum) {
                     return false;
                     // previous section
             } else {
                 // exit (=next)
                 if ($cm->sectionnum < $sectionnum) {
                     // earlier section
                 if ($cm->sectionnum > $sectionnum) {
                     return false;
                     // later section
         if ($modname && $cm->modname != $modname) {
             // wrong module
         if ($cm->modname == 'label') {
             // skip labels
         if ($found || $cm->id == $id) {
             if (coursemodule_visible_for_user($cm)) {
                 return $cm;
             if ($cm->id == $id) {
                 // required cm is not visible to this user
                 return false;
         if ($cm->id == $this->cm->id) {
             $found = true;
     // next cm not found
     return false;
예제 #12
 function get_course_mods($id, $username = '')
     global $CFG, $DB;
     $username = utf8_decode($username);
     $username = strtolower($username);
     if ($username) {
         $user = get_complete_user_data('username', $username);
     $sections = get_all_sections($id);
     $forum = forum_get_course_forum($id, 'news');
     $news_forum_id = $forum->id;
     get_all_mods($id, $mods, $modnames, $modnamesplural, $modnamesused);
     $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $id);
     $e = array();
     foreach ($sections as $section) {
         if (!$section->visible) {
         $sectionmods = explode(",", $section->sequence);
         foreach ($sectionmods as $modnumber) {
             if (empty($mods[$modnumber])) {
             $mod = $mods[$modnumber];
             $resource['completion_info'] = '';
             if ($username) {
                 $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id(false, $mod->id);
                 if (!coursemodule_visible_for_user($cm, $user->id)) {
                     if (!$mod->showavailability) {
                         // Mod not visible, and no completion info to show
                     $resource['available'] = 0;
                     $ci = new condition_info($mod);
                     $resource['completion_info'] = $ci->get_full_information();
                 } else {
                     $resource['available'] = 1;
             } else {
                 $resource['available'] = 1;
             $e[$section->section]['section'] = $section->section;
             $e[$section->section]['name'] = $section->name;
             $e[$section->section]['summary'] = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($section->summary, 'pluginfile.php', $context->id, 'course', 'section', $section->id);
             $e[$section->section]['summary'] = str_replace('pluginfile.php', '/auth/joomdle/pluginfile_joomdle.php', $e[$section->section]['summary']);
             $resource['id'] = $mod->id;
             $resource['name'] = $mod->name;
             $resource['mod'] = $mod->modname;
             // Format for mod->icon is: f/type-24
             $type = substr($mod->icon, 2);
             $parts = explode('-', $type);
             $type = $parts[0];
             $resource['type'] = $type;
             //In forum, type is unused, so we use it for forum type: news/general
             if ($mod->modname == 'forum') {
                 $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('forum', $mod->id);
                 if ($cm->instance == $news_forum_id) {
                     $resource['type'] = 'news';
             $e[$section->section]['mods'][] = $resource;
     return $e;
function print_section_dblistview($course, $section, $mods, $modnamesused, $absolute = false, $width = "100%")
    /// Prints a section full of activity modules
    global $CFG, $USER;
    static $initialised;
    static $groupbuttons;
    static $groupbuttonslink;
    static $isediting;
    static $ismoving;
    static $strmovehere;
    static $strmovefull;
    static $strunreadpostsone;
    static $usetracking;
    static $groupings;
    if (!isset($initialised)) {
        $groupbuttons = ($course->groupmode or !$course->groupmodeforce);
        $groupbuttonslink = !$course->groupmodeforce;
        $isediting = isediting($course->id);
        $ismoving = $isediting && ismoving($course->id);
        if ($ismoving) {
            $strmovehere = get_string("movehere");
            $strmovefull = strip_tags(get_string("movefull", "", "'{$USER->activitycopyname}'"));
        include_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/forum/lib.php';
        if ($usetracking = forum_tp_can_track_forums()) {
            $strunreadpostsone = get_string('unreadpostsone', 'forum');
        $initialised = true;
    $labelformatoptions = new object();
    $labelformatoptions->noclean = true;
    /// Casting $course->modinfo to string prevents one notice when the field is null
    $modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($course);
    //Acccessibility: replace table with list <ul>, but don't output empty list.
    if (!empty($section->sequence)) {
        // Fix bug #5027, don't want style=\"width:$width\".
        echo "<ul class=\"section img-text\">\n";
        $sectionmods = explode(",", $section->sequence);
        foreach ($sectionmods as $modnumber) {
            if (empty($mods[$modnumber])) {
            $mod = $mods[$modnumber];
            if ($ismoving and $mod->id == $USER->activitycopy) {
                // do not display moving mod
            if (isset($modinfo->cms[$modnumber])) {
                if (!$modinfo->cms[$modnumber]->uservisible) {
                    // visibility shortcut
            } else {
                if (!file_exists("{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/{$mod->modname}/lib.php")) {
                    // module not installed
                if (!coursemodule_visible_for_user($mod)) {
                    // full visibility check
            // The magic! ... if indent == 1 then ... hide module
            //            if ($mod->indent == 1) {
            //                $hiddemodule = 'hidden';
            //            } else {
            //                $hiddemodule = '';
            //            }
            echo '<li class="activity ' . $mod->modname . ' ' . $hiddemodule . '" id="module-' . $modnumber . '">';
            // Unique ID
            if ($ismoving) {
                echo '<a title="' . $strmovefull . '"' . ' href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/course/mod.php?moveto=' . $mod->id . '&amp;sesskey=' . $USER->sesskey . '">' . '<img class="movetarget" src="' . $CFG->pixpath . '/movehere.gif" ' . ' alt="' . $strmovehere . '" /></a><br />
            if ($mod->indent) {
                print_spacer(12, 20 * $mod->indent, false);
            $extra = '';
            if (!empty($modinfo->cms[$modnumber]->extra)) {
                $extra = $modinfo->cms[$modnumber]->extra;
            if ($mod->modname == "label") {
                echo "<span class=\"";
                if (!$mod->visible) {
                    echo 'dimmed_text';
                } else {
                    echo 'label';
                echo '">';
                echo format_text($extra, FORMAT_HTML, $labelformatoptions);
                echo "</span>";
                if (!empty($CFG->enablegroupings) && !empty($mod->groupingid) && has_capability('moodle/course:managegroups', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id))) {
                    if (!isset($groupings)) {
                        $groupings = groups_get_all_groupings($course->id);
                    echo " <span class=\"groupinglabel\">(" . format_string($groupings[$mod->groupingid]->name) . ')</span>';
            } else {
                // Normal activity
                $instancename = format_string($modinfo->cms[$modnumber]->name, true, $course->id);
                if (!empty($modinfo->cms[$modnumber]->icon)) {
                    $icon = "{$CFG->pixpath}/" . $modinfo->cms[$modnumber]->icon;
                } else {
                    $icon = "{$CFG->modpixpath}/{$mod->modname}/icon.gif";
                //Accessibility: for files get description via icon.
                $altname = '';
                if ('resource' == $mod->modname) {
                    if (!empty($modinfo->cms[$modnumber]->icon)) {
                        $possaltname = $modinfo->cms[$modnumber]->icon;
                        $mimetype = mimeinfo_from_icon('type', $possaltname);
                        $altname = get_mimetype_description($mimetype);
                    } else {
                        $altname = $mod->modfullname;
                } else {
                    $altname = $mod->modfullname;
                // Avoid unnecessary duplication.
                if (false !== stripos($instancename, $altname)) {
                    $altname = '';
                // File type after name, for alphabetic lists (screen reader).
                if ($altname) {
                    $altname = get_accesshide(' ' . $altname);
                $linkcss = $mod->visible ? "" : " class=\"dimmed\" ";
                if ($mod->modname != 'data') {
                    echo '<a ' . $linkcss . ' ' . $extra . ' href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/' . $mod->modname . '/view.php?id=' . $mod->id . '">' . '<img src="' . $icon . '" class="activityicon" alt="" /> <span>' . $instancename . $altname . '</span></a>';
                //echo " $mod->modname ";
                // Special DBLISTVIEW magic ... show summry from resource and blog's 200 chars from each post OUBlog (nadavkav)
                if ($mod->modname == 'resource') {
                    $article = get_record('resource', 'id', $mod->instance);
                    //print_r($article );
                    echo "{$article->summary}";
                if ($mod->modname == 'data') {
                    require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/data/lib.php';
                    if (!($data = get_record('data', 'id', $mod->instance))) {
                        //error('Course module is incorrect');
                    $sort = 0;
                    $what = ' DISTINCT r.id, r.approved, r.timecreated, r.timemodified, r.userid, u.firstname, u.lastname ';
                    $count = ' COUNT(DISTINCT c.recordid) ';
                    $tables = $CFG->prefix . 'data_content c,' . $CFG->prefix . 'data_records r,' . $CFG->prefix . 'data_content cs, ' . $CFG->prefix . 'user u ';
                    $where = 'WHERE c.recordid = r.id AND r.dataid = ' . $data->id . ' AND r.userid = u.id ';
                    $sortorder = ' ORDER BY r.id ASC ';
                    $searchselect = '';
                    // If requiredentries is not reached, only show current user's entries
                    //if (!$requiredentries_allowed) {
                    //    $where .= ' AND u.id = ' . $USER->id;
                    /// To actually fetch the records
                    //$fromsql    = "FROM $tables $advtables $where $advwhere $groupselect $approveselect $searchselect $advsearchselect";
                    $fromsql = "FROM {$tables} {$where} ";
                    $sqlselect = "SELECT {$what} {$fromsql} {$sortorder}";
                    /// Get the actual records
                    if (!($records = get_records_sql($sqlselect))) {
                        // Nothing to show!
                    if (empty($data->listtemplate)) {
                        //data_generate_default_template($data, 'listtemplate', 0, false, false);
                    echo $data->listtemplateheader;
                    data_print_template('listtemplate', $records, $data);
                    echo $data->listtemplatefooter;
                    //print_r($article );
                    //echo "$article->summary";
                    echo '<hr/><a ' . $linkcss . ' ' . $extra . ' href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/' . $mod->modname . '/view.php?id=' . $mod->id . '">' . '<img src="' . $icon . '" class="activityicon" alt="" /> <span>' . get_string('more', 'format_dblistview') . '</span></a>';
                    if (!empty($data->csstemplate)) {
                        echo '<style>' . $data->csstemplate . '</style>';
                if (!empty($CFG->enablegroupings) && !empty($mod->groupingid) && has_capability('moodle/course:managegroups', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id))) {
                    if (!isset($groupings)) {
                        $groupings = groups_get_all_groupings($course->id);
                    echo " <span class=\"groupinglabel\">(" . format_string($groupings[$mod->groupingid]->name) . ')</span>';
            if ($usetracking && $mod->modname == 'forum') {
                if ($unread = forum_tp_count_forum_unread_posts($mod, $course)) {
                    echo '<span class="unread"> <a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/forum/view.php?id=' . $mod->id . '">';
                    if ($unread == 1) {
                        echo $strunreadpostsone;
                    } else {
                        print_string('unreadpostsnumber', 'forum', $unread);
                    echo '</a></span>';
            if ($isediting) {
                // TODO: we must define this as mod property!
                if ($groupbuttons and $mod->modname != 'label' and $mod->modname != 'resource' and $mod->modname != 'glossary') {
                    if (!($mod->groupmodelink = $groupbuttonslink)) {
                        $mod->groupmode = $course->groupmode;
                } else {
                    $mod->groupmode = false;
                echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                echo make_editing_buttons($mod, $absolute, true, $mod->indent, $section->section);
            echo "</li>\n";
    } elseif ($ismoving) {
        echo "<ul class=\"section\">\n";
    if ($ismoving) {
        echo '<li><a title="' . $strmovefull . '"' . ' href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/course/mod.php?movetosection=' . $section->id . '&amp;sesskey=' . $USER->sesskey . '">' . '<img class="movetarget" src="' . $CFG->pixpath . '/movehere.gif" ' . ' alt="' . $strmovehere . '" /></a></li>
    if (!empty($section->sequence) || $ismoving) {
        echo "</ul><!--class='section'-->\n\n";
예제 #14
파일: lib.php 프로젝트: kai707/ITSA-backup
function calendar_get_upcoming($courses, $groups, $users, $daysinfuture, $maxevents, $fromtime = 0)
    global $CFG, $COURSE;
    $display = new stdClass();
    $display->range = $daysinfuture;
    // How many days in the future we 'll look
    $display->maxevents = $maxevents;
    $output = array();
    // Prepare "course caching", since it may save us a lot of queries
    $coursecache = array();
    $processed = 0;
    $now = time();
    // We 'll need this later
    $usermidnighttoday = usergetmidnight($now);
    if ($fromtime) {
        $display->tstart = $fromtime;
    } else {
        $display->tstart = $usermidnighttoday;
    // This works correctly with respect to the user's DST, but it is accurate
    // only because $fromtime is always the exact midnight of some day!
    $display->tend = usergetmidnight($display->tstart + DAYSECS * $display->range + 3 * HOURSECS) - 1;
    // Get the events matching our criteria
    $events = calendar_get_events($display->tstart, $display->tend, $users, $groups, $courses);
    // This is either a genius idea or an idiot idea: in order to not complicate things, we use this rule: if, after
    // possibly removing SITEID from $courses, there is only one course left, then clicking on a day in the month
    // will also set the $SESSION->cal_courses_shown variable to that one course. Otherwise, we 'd need to add extra
    // arguments to this function.
    $morehref = '';
    if (!empty($courses)) {
        $courses = array_diff($courses, array(SITEID));
        if (count($courses) == 1) {
            $morehref = '&amp;course=' . reset($courses);
    if ($events !== false) {
        $modinfo =& get_fast_modinfo($COURSE);
        foreach ($events as $event) {
            if (!empty($event->modulename)) {
                if ($event->courseid == $COURSE->id) {
                    if (isset($modinfo->instances[$event->modulename][$event->instance])) {
                        $cm = $modinfo->instances[$event->modulename][$event->instance];
                        if (!$cm->uservisible) {
                } else {
                    if (!($cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance($event->modulename, $event->instance))) {
                    if (!coursemodule_visible_for_user($cm)) {
                if ($event->modulename == 'assignment') {
                    // TODO: rewrite this hack somehow
                    if (!calendar_edit_event_allowed($event)) {
                        // cannot manage entries, eg. student
                        if (!($assignment = get_record('assignment', 'id', $event->instance))) {
                            // error("assignment ID was incorrect");
                        // assign assignment to assignment object to use hidden_is_hidden method
                        require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/assignment/lib.php';
                        if (!file_exists($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/assignment/type/' . $assignment->assignmenttype . '/assignment.class.php')) {
                        require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/assignment/type/' . $assignment->assignmenttype . '/assignment.class.php';
                        $assignmentclass = 'assignment_' . $assignment->assignmenttype;
                        $assignmentinstance = new $assignmentclass($cm->id, $assignment, $cm);
                        if ($assignmentinstance->description_is_hidden()) {
                            //force not to show description before availability
                            $event->description = get_string('notavailableyet', 'assignment');
            if ($processed >= $display->maxevents) {
            $event->time = calendar_format_event_time($event, $now, $morehref);
            $output[] = $event;
    return $output;
 function fetchcourseitems($courseid)
     global $CFG, $DB;
     $xml_output = "";
     if (!($course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $courseid)))) {
     //$modinfo =& get_fast_modinfo($course);
     $modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($course);
     get_all_mods($courseid, $mods, $modnames, $modnamesplural, $modnamesused);
     if (!($sections = get_all_sections($courseid))) {
         $xml_output .= 'Error finding or creating section structures for this course';
     //loop through the sections
     foreach ($sections as $thissection) {
         //display a section seperator for each secton
         if (!$thissection->visible) {
             $xml_output .= "\t<item label='---------(hidden)" . "' url='' />\n";
         } else {
             $xml_output .= "\t<item label='-----------------" . "' url='' />\n";
         //loop through all the mods for each section
         $sectionmods = explode(",", $thissection->sequence);
         foreach ($sectionmods as $modnumber) {
             if (empty($mods[$modnumber])) {
             $mod = $mods[$modnumber];
             if (isset($modinfo->cms[$modnumber])) {
                 if (!$modinfo->cms[$modnumber]->uservisible) {
                     // visibility shortcut
                 //here we get the name of the mod. We need to encode it
                 //because the xml breaks otherwise when there arequotes etc.
                 $instancename = htmlspecialchars($modinfo->cms[$modnumber]->name, ENT_QUOTES);
             } else {
                 if (!file_exists("{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/{$mod->modname}/lib.php")) {
                     // module not installed
                 if (!coursemodule_visible_for_user($mod)) {
                     // full visibility check
                 //we have a mod, but for some reasonwe could not establish its name.
                 $instancename = "mod with no name";
             //end of if isset
             //this works for now, but ultimately we will need to ad the "extra" paramaters from $modinfo
             $xml_output .= "\t<item label='" . $instancename . "' url='" . urlencode($CFG->wwwroot . "/mod/" . $mod->modname . "/view.php?id=" . $modnumber) . "' />\n";
         //end of for each mod
     //end of for each section
     return $xml_output;
예제 #16
파일: lib.php 프로젝트: Jtgadbois/Pedadida
 * @global object
 * @global object
 * @param object $forum
 * @param object $discussion
 * @param object $post
 * @param object $user
 * @param object $cm
 * @return bool
function forum_user_can_see_post($forum, $discussion, $post, $user=NULL, $cm=NULL) {
    global $CFG, $USER, $DB;

    // Context used throughout function.
    $modcontext = context_module::instance($cm->id);

    // retrieve objects (yuk)
    if (is_numeric($forum)) {
        debugging('missing full forum', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
        if (!$forum = $DB->get_record('forum',array('id'=>$forum))) {
            return false;

    if (is_numeric($discussion)) {
        debugging('missing full discussion', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
        if (!$discussion = $DB->get_record('forum_discussions',array('id'=>$discussion))) {
            return false;
    if (is_numeric($post)) {
        debugging('missing full post', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
        if (!$post = $DB->get_record('forum_posts',array('id'=>$post))) {
            return false;

    if (!isset($post->id) && isset($post->parent)) {
        $post->id = $post->parent;

    if (!$cm) {
        debugging('missing cm', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
        if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('forum', $forum->id, $forum->course)) {

    if (empty($user) || empty($user->id)) {
        $user = $USER;

    $canviewdiscussion = !empty($cm->cache->caps['mod/forum:viewdiscussion']) || has_capability('mod/forum:viewdiscussion', $modcontext, $user->id);
    if (!$canviewdiscussion && !has_all_capabilities(array('moodle/user:viewdetails', 'moodle/user:readuserposts'), context_user::instance($post->userid))) {
        return false;

    if (isset($cm->uservisible)) {
        if (!$cm->uservisible) {
            return false;
    } else {
        if (!coursemodule_visible_for_user($cm, $user->id)) {
            return false;

    if (!forum_user_can_see_timed_discussion($discussion, $user, $modcontext)) {
        return false;

    if (!forum_user_can_see_group_discussion($discussion, $cm, $modcontext)) {
        return false;

    if ($forum->type == 'qanda') {
        $firstpost = forum_get_firstpost_from_discussion($discussion->id);
        $userfirstpost = forum_get_user_posted_time($discussion->id, $user->id);

        return (($userfirstpost !== false && (time() - $userfirstpost >= $CFG->maxeditingtime)) ||
                $firstpost->id == $post->id || $post->userid == $user->id || $firstpost->userid == $user->id ||
                has_capability('mod/forum:viewqandawithoutposting', $modcontext, $user->id));
    return true;
예제 #17
파일: lib.php 프로젝트: rwijaya/moodle
 * Gets the calendar upcoming event
 * @param array $courses array of courses
 * @param array|int|bool $groups array of groups, group id or boolean for all/no group events
 * @param array|int|bool $users array of users, user id or boolean for all/no user events
 * @param int $daysinfuture number of days in the future we 'll look
 * @param int $maxevents maximum number of events
 * @param int $fromtime start time
 * @return array $output array of upcoming events
function calendar_get_upcoming($courses, $groups, $users, $daysinfuture, $maxevents, $fromtime=0) {
    global $CFG, $COURSE, $DB;

    $display = new stdClass;
    $display->range = $daysinfuture; // How many days in the future we 'll look
    $display->maxevents = $maxevents;

    $output = array();

    // Prepare "course caching", since it may save us a lot of queries
    $coursecache = array();

    $processed = 0;
    $now = time(); // We 'll need this later
    $usermidnighttoday = usergetmidnight($now);

    if ($fromtime) {
        $display->tstart = $fromtime;
    } else {
        $display->tstart = $usermidnighttoday;

    // This works correctly with respect to the user's DST, but it is accurate
    // only because $fromtime is always the exact midnight of some day!
    $display->tend = usergetmidnight($display->tstart + DAYSECS * $display->range + 3 * HOURSECS) - 1;

    // Get the events matching our criteria
    $events = calendar_get_events($display->tstart, $display->tend, $users, $groups, $courses);

    // This is either a genius idea or an idiot idea: in order to not complicate things, we use this rule: if, after
    // possibly removing SITEID from $courses, there is only one course left, then clicking on a day in the month
    // will also set the $SESSION->cal_courses_shown variable to that one course. Otherwise, we 'd need to add extra
    // arguments to this function.

    $hrefparams = array();
    if(!empty($courses)) {
        $courses = array_diff($courses, array(SITEID));
        if(count($courses) == 1) {
            $hrefparams['course'] = reset($courses);

    if ($events !== false) {

        $modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($COURSE);

        foreach($events as $event) {

            if (!empty($event->modulename)) {
                if ($event->courseid == $COURSE->id) {
                    if (isset($modinfo->instances[$event->modulename][$event->instance])) {
                        $cm = $modinfo->instances[$event->modulename][$event->instance];
                        if (!$cm->uservisible) {
                } else {
                    if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance($event->modulename, $event->instance)) {
                    if (!coursemodule_visible_for_user($cm)) {

            if ($processed >= $display->maxevents) {

            $event->time = calendar_format_event_time($event, $now, $hrefparams);
            $output[] = $event;
    return $output;