예제 #1
파일: lib.php 프로젝트: rezaies/moodle
 * Check if the module has any update that affects the current user since a given time.
 * @param  cm_info $cm course module data
 * @param  int $from the time to check updates from
 * @param  array $filter  if we need to check only specific updates
 * @return stdClass an object with the different type of areas indicating if they were updated or not
 * @since Moodle 3.2
function forum_check_updates_since(cm_info $cm, $from, $filter = array())
    $context = $cm->context;
    $updates = new stdClass();
    if (!has_capability('mod/forum:viewdiscussion', $context)) {
        return $updates;
    $updates = course_check_module_updates_since($cm, $from, array(), $filter);
    // Check if there are new discussions in the forum.
    $updates->discussions = (object) array('updated' => false);
    $discussions = forum_get_discussions($cm, '', false, -1, -1, true, -1, 0, FORUM_POSTS_ALL_USER_GROUPS, $from);
    if (!empty($discussions)) {
        $updates->discussions->updated = true;
        $updates->discussions->itemids = array_keys($discussions);
    return $updates;
예제 #2
파일: lib.php 프로젝트: dg711/moodle
 * Check if the module has any update that affects the current user since a given time.
 * @param  cm_info $cm course module data
 * @param  int $from the time to check updates from
 * @param  array $filter  if we need to check only specific updates
 * @return stdClass an object with the different type of areas indicating if they were updated or not
 * @since Moodle 3.2
function wiki_check_updates_since(cm_info $cm, $from, $filter = array())
    global $DB, $CFG;
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/wiki/locallib.php';
    $updates = new stdClass();
    if (!has_capability('mod/wiki:viewpage', $cm->context)) {
        return $updates;
    $updates = course_check_module_updates_since($cm, $from, array('attachments'), $filter);
    // Check only pages updated in subwikis the user can access.
    $updates->pages = (object) array('updated' => false);
    $wiki = $DB->get_record($cm->modname, array('id' => $cm->instance), '*', MUST_EXIST);
    if ($subwikis = wiki_get_visible_subwikis($wiki, $cm, $cm->context)) {
        $subwikisids = array();
        foreach ($subwikis as $subwiki) {
            $subwikisids[] = $subwiki->id;
        list($subwikissql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($subwikisids, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
        $select = 'subwikiid ' . $subwikissql . ' AND (timemodified > :since1 OR timecreated > :since2)';
        $params['since1'] = $from;
        $params['since2'] = $from;
        $pages = $DB->get_records_select('wiki_pages', $select, $params, '', 'id');
        if (!empty($pages)) {
            $updates->pages->updated = true;
            $updates->pages->itemids = array_keys($pages);
    return $updates;
예제 #3
파일: lib.php 프로젝트: dg711/moodle
 * Check if the module has any update that affects the current user since a given time.
 * @param  cm_info $cm course module data
 * @param  int $from the time to check updates from
 * @param  array $filter  if we need to check only specific updates
 * @return stdClass an object with the different type of areas indicating if they were updated or not
 * @since Moodle 3.2
function assign_check_updates_since(cm_info $cm, $from, $filter = array())
    global $DB, $USER, $CFG;
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/assign/locallib.php';
    $updates = new stdClass();
    $updates = course_check_module_updates_since($cm, $from, array(ASSIGN_INTROATTACHMENT_FILEAREA), $filter);
    // Check if there is a new submission by the user or new grades.
    $select = 'assignment = :id AND userid = :userid AND (timecreated > :since1 OR timemodified > :since2)';
    $params = array('id' => $cm->instance, 'userid' => $USER->id, 'since1' => $from, 'since2' => $from);
    $updates->submissions = (object) array('updated' => false);
    $submissions = $DB->get_records_select('assign_submission', $select, $params, '', 'id');
    if (!empty($submissions)) {
        $updates->submissions->updated = true;
        $updates->submissions->itemids = array_keys($submissions);
    $updates->grades = (object) array('updated' => false);
    $grades = $DB->get_records_select('assign_grades', $select, $params, '', 'id');
    if (!empty($grades)) {
        $updates->grades->updated = true;
        $updates->grades->itemids = array_keys($grades);
    return $updates;
예제 #4
파일: lib.php 프로젝트: dg711/moodle
 * Check if the module has any update that affects the current user since a given time.
 * @param  cm_info $cm course module data
 * @param  int $from the time to check updates from
 * @param  array $filter  if we need to check only specific updates
 * @return stdClass an object with the different type of areas indicating if they were updated or not
 * @since Moodle 3.2
function imscp_check_updates_since(cm_info $cm, $from, $filter = array())
    $updates = course_check_module_updates_since($cm, $from, array('content'), $filter);
    return $updates;
예제 #5
파일: lib.php 프로젝트: dg711/moodle
 * Check if the module has any update that affects the current user since a given time.
 * @param  cm_info $cm course module data
 * @param  int $from the time to check updates from
 * @param  array $filter  if we need to check only specific updates
 * @return stdClass an object with the different type of areas indicating if they were updated or not
 * @since Moodle 3.2
function survey_check_updates_since(cm_info $cm, $from, $filter = array())
    global $DB, $USER;
    $updates = new stdClass();
    if (!has_capability('mod/survey:participate', $cm->context)) {
        return $updates;
    $updates = course_check_module_updates_since($cm, $from, array(), $filter);
    $updates->answers = (object) array('updated' => false);
    $select = 'survey = ? AND userid = ? AND time > ?';
    $params = array($cm->instance, $USER->id, $from);
    $answers = $DB->get_records_select('survey_answers', $select, $params, '', 'id');
    if (!empty($answers)) {
        $updates->answers->updated = true;
        $updates->answers->itemids = array_keys($answers);
    return $updates;
예제 #6
파일: lib.php 프로젝트: dg711/moodle
 * Check if the module has any update that affects the current user since a given time.
 * @param  cm_info $cm course module data
 * @param  int $from the time to check updates from
 * @param  array $filter  if we need to check only specific updates
 * @return stdClass an object with the different type of areas indicating if they were updated or not
 * @since Moodle 3.2
function scorm_check_updates_since(cm_info $cm, $from, $filter = array())
    global $DB, $USER, $CFG;
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/scorm/locallib.php';
    $scorm = $DB->get_record($cm->modname, array('id' => $cm->instance), '*', MUST_EXIST);
    $updates = new stdClass();
    list($available, $warnings) = scorm_get_availability_status($scorm, true, $cm->context);
    if (!$available) {
        return $updates;
    $updates = course_check_module_updates_since($cm, $from, array('package'), $filter);
    $updates->tracks = (object) array('updated' => false);
    $select = 'scormid = ? AND userid = ? AND timemodified > ?';
    $params = array($scorm->id, $USER->id, $from);
    $tracks = $DB->get_records_select('scorm_scoes_track', $select, $params, '', 'id');
    if (!empty($tracks)) {
        $updates->tracks->updated = true;
        $updates->tracks->itemids = array_keys($tracks);
    return $updates;
예제 #7
파일: lib.php 프로젝트: dg711/moodle
 * Check if the module has any update that affects the current user since a given time.
 * @param  cm_info $cm course module data
 * @param  int $from the time to check updates from
 * @param  array $filter  if we need to check only specific updates
 * @return stdClass an object with the different type of areas indicating if they were updated or not
 * @since Moodle 3.2
function quiz_check_updates_since(cm_info $cm, $from, $filter = array())
    global $DB, $USER, $CFG;
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/locallib.php';
    $updates = course_check_module_updates_since($cm, $from, array(), $filter);
    // Check if questions were updated.
    $updates->questions = (object) array('updated' => false);
    $quizobj = quiz::create($cm->instance, $USER->id);
    $questionids = array_keys($quizobj->get_questions());
    if (!empty($questionids)) {
        list($questionsql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($questionids, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
        $select = 'id ' . $questionsql . ' AND (timemodified > :time1 OR timecreated > :time2)';
        $params['time1'] = $from;
        $params['time2'] = $from;
        $questions = $DB->count_records_select('question', $select, $params) > 0;
        if (!empty($questions)) {
            $updates->questions->updated = true;
            $updates->questions->itemids = array_keys($questions);
    // Check for new attempts or grades.
    $updates->attempts = (object) array('updated' => false);
    $updates->grades = (object) array('updated' => false);
    $select = 'quiz = ? AND userid = ? AND timemodified > ?';
    $params = array($cm->instance, $USER->id, $from);
    $attempts = $DB->get_records_select('quiz_attempts', $select, $params, '', 'id');
    if (!empty($attempts)) {
        $updates->attempts->updated = true;
        $updates->attempts->itemids = array_keys($attempts);
    $grades = $DB->get_records_select('quiz_grades', $select, $params, '', 'id');
    if (!empty($grades)) {
        $updates->grades->updated = true;
        $updates->grades->itemids = array_keys($grades);
    return $updates;
예제 #8
파일: lib.php 프로젝트: EsdrasCaleb/moodle
 * Check if the module has any update that affects the current user since a given time.
 * @param  cm_info $cm course module data
 * @param  int $from the time to check updates from
 * @param  array $filter  if we need to check only specific updates
 * @return stdClass an object with the different type of areas indicating if they were updated or not
 * @since Moodle 3.2
function glossary_check_updates_since(cm_info $cm, $from, $filter = array()) {
    global $DB;

    $updates = course_check_module_updates_since($cm, $from, array('attachment', 'entry'), $filter);

    $updates->entries = (object) array('updated' => false);
    $select = 'glossaryid = :id AND (timecreated > :since1 OR timemodified > :since2)';
    $params = array('id' => $cm->instance, 'since1' => $from, 'since2' => $from);
    if (!has_capability('mod/glossary:approve', $cm->context)) {
        $select .= ' AND approved = 1';

    $entries = $DB->get_records_select('glossary_entries', $select, $params, '', 'id');
    if (!empty($entries)) {
        $updates->entries->updated = true;
        $updates->entries->itemids = array_keys($entries);

    return $updates;
예제 #9
 public function test_course_check_module_updates_since()
     global $CFG, $DB, $USER;
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/glossary/lib.php';
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/rating/lib.php';
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/comment/lib.php';
     $CFG->enablecompletion = true;
     $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(array('enablecompletion' => 1));
     $glossary = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('glossary', array('course' => $course->id, 'completion' => COMPLETION_TRACKING_AUTOMATIC, 'completionview' => 1, 'allowcomments' => 1, 'assessed' => RATING_AGGREGATE_AVERAGE, 'scale' => 100));
     $glossarygenerator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_glossary');
     $context = context_module::instance($glossary->cmid);
     $modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($course);
     $cm = $modinfo->get_cm($glossary->cmid);
     $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
     $studentrole = $DB->get_record('role', array('shortname' => 'student'));
     $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($user->id, $course->id, $studentrole->id);
     $from = time();
     $teacher = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
     $teacherrole = $DB->get_record('role', array('shortname' => 'teacher'));
     $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($teacher->id, $course->id, $teacherrole->id);
     assign_capability('mod/glossary:viewanyrating', CAP_ALLOW, $studentrole->id, $context->id, true);
     // Check nothing changed right now.
     $updates = course_check_module_updates_since($cm, $from);
     // Do some changes.
     $entry = $glossarygenerator->create_content($glossary);
     // Name.
     set_coursemodule_name($glossary->cmid, 'New name');
     // Add some ratings.
     $rm = new rating_manager();
     $result = $rm->add_rating($cm, $context, 'mod_glossary', 'entry', $entry->id, 100, 50, $user->id, RATING_AGGREGATE_AVERAGE);
     // Change grades.
     $glossary->cmidnumber = $glossary->cmid;
     glossary_update_grades($glossary, $user->id);
     // Completion status.
     glossary_view($glossary, $course, $cm, $context, 'letter');
     // Add one comment.
     $args = new stdClass();
     $args->context = $context;
     $args->course = $course;
     $args->cm = $cm;
     $args->area = 'glossary_entry';
     $args->itemid = $entry->id;
     $args->client_id = 1;
     $args->component = 'mod_glossary';
     $manager = new comment($args);
     $manager->add('blah blah blah');
     // Check upgrade status.
     $updates = course_check_module_updates_since($cm, $from);
예제 #10
파일: lib.php 프로젝트: dg711/moodle
 * Check if the module has any update that affects the current user since a given time.
 * @param  cm_info $cm course module data
 * @param  int $from the time to check updates from
 * @param  array $filter  if we need to check only specific updates
 * @return stdClass an object with the different type of areas indicating if they were updated or not
 * @since Moodle 3.2
function label_check_updates_since(cm_info $cm, $from, $filter = array())
    $updates = course_check_module_updates_since($cm, $from, array(), $filter);
    return $updates;
예제 #11
파일: lib.php 프로젝트: dg711/moodle
 * Check if the module has any update that affects the current user since a given time.
 * @param  cm_info $cm course module data
 * @param  int $from the time to check updates from
 * @param  array $filter  if we need to check only specific updates
 * @return stdClass an object with the different type of areas indicating if they were updated or not
 * @since Moodle 3.2
function book_check_updates_since(cm_info $cm, $from, $filter = array())
    global $DB;
    $context = $cm->context;
    $updates = new stdClass();
    if (!has_capability('mod/book:read', $context)) {
        return $updates;
    $updates = course_check_module_updates_since($cm, $from, array('content'), $filter);
    $select = 'bookid = :id AND (timecreated > :since1 OR timemodified > :since2)';
    $params = array('id' => $cm->instance, 'since1' => $from, 'since2' => $from);
    if (!has_capability('mod/book:viewhiddenchapters', $context)) {
        $select .= ' AND hidden = 0';
    $updates->entries = (object) array('updated' => false);
    $entries = $DB->get_records_select('book_chapters', $select, $params, '', 'id');
    if (!empty($entries)) {
        $updates->entries->updated = true;
        $updates->entries->itemids = array_keys($entries);
    return $updates;
예제 #12
파일: lib.php 프로젝트: dg711/moodle
 * Check if the module has any update that affects the current user since a given time.
 * @param  cm_info $cm course module data
 * @param  int $from the time to check updates from
 * @param  array $filter  if we need to check only specific updates
 * @return stdClass an object with the different type of areas indicating if they were updated or not
 * @since Moodle 3.2
function lti_check_updates_since(cm_info $cm, $from, $filter = array())
    global $DB, $USER;
    $updates = course_check_module_updates_since($cm, $from, array(), $filter);
    // Check if there is a new submission.
    $updates->submissions = (object) array('updated' => false);
    $select = 'ltiid = :id AND userid = :userid AND (datesubmitted > :since1 OR dateupdated > :since2)';
    $params = array('id' => $cm->instance, 'userid' => $USER->id, 'since1' => $from, 'since2' => $from);
    $submissions = $DB->get_records_select('lti_submission', $select, $params, '', 'id');
    if (!empty($submissions)) {
        $updates->submissions->updated = true;
        $updates->submissions->itemids = array_keys($submissions);
    return $updates;
예제 #13
파일: lib.php 프로젝트: dg711/moodle
 * Check if the module has any update that affects the current user since a given time.
 * @param  cm_info $cm course module data
 * @param  int $from the time to check updates from
 * @param  array $filter  if we need to check only specific updates
 * @return stdClass an object with the different type of areas indicating if they were updated or not
 * @since Moodle 3.2
function choice_check_updates_since(cm_info $cm, $from, $filter = array())
    global $DB;
    $updates = new stdClass();
    $choice = $DB->get_record($cm->modname, array('id' => $cm->instance), '*', MUST_EXIST);
    list($available, $warnings) = choice_get_availability_status($choice);
    if (!$available) {
        return $updates;
    $updates = course_check_module_updates_since($cm, $from, array(), $filter);
    if (!choice_can_view_results($choice)) {
        return $updates;
    // Check if there are new responses in the choice.
    $updates->answers = (object) array('updated' => false);
    $select = 'choiceid = :id AND timemodified > :since';
    $params = array('id' => $choice->id, 'since' => $from);
    $answers = $DB->get_records_select('choice_answers', $select, $params, '', 'id');
    if (!empty($answers)) {
        $updates->answers->updated = true;
        $updates->answers->itemids = array_keys($answers);
    return $updates;