예제 #1
function wpsc_display_coupons_page()
    global $wpdb;
    if (isset($_POST) && is_array($_POST) && !empty($_POST)) {
        if (isset($_POST['add_coupon']) && $_POST['add_coupon'] == 'true' && (!isset($_POST['is_edit_coupon']) || !($_POST['is_edit_coupon'] == 'true'))) {
            $coupon_code = $_POST['add_coupon_code'];
            $discount = (double) $_POST['add_discount'];
            $discount_type = (int) $_POST['add_discount_type'];
            $use_once = (int) (bool) $_POST['add_use-once'];
            $every_product = (int) (bool) $_POST['add_every_product'];
            $is_active = (int) (bool) $_POST['add_active'];
            $start_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($_POST['add_start'])) . " 00:00:00";
            $end_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($_POST['add_end'])) . " 00:00:00";
            $rules = $_POST['rules'];
            foreach ($rules as $key => $rule) {
                foreach ($rule as $k => $r) {
                    $new_rule[$k][$key] = $r;
            foreach ($new_rule as $key => $rule) {
                if ('' == $rule['value']) {
            $insert = $wpdb->insert(WPSC_TABLE_COUPON_CODES, array('coupon_code' => $coupon_code, 'value' => $discount, 'is-percentage' => $discount_type, 'use-once' => $use_once, 'is-used' => 0, 'active' => $is_active, 'every_product' => $every_product, 'start' => $start_date, 'expiry' => $end_date, 'condition' => serialize($new_rule)), array('%s', '%f', '%d', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s'));
            if ($insert) {
                echo "<div class='updated'><p align='center'>" . esc_html__('Thanks, the coupon has been added.', 'wpsc') . "</p></div>";
        if (isset($_POST['is_edit_coupon']) && $_POST['is_edit_coupon'] == 'true' && !isset($_POST['delete_condition']) && !isset($_POST['submit_condition'])) {
            foreach ((array) $_POST['edit_coupon'] as $coupon_id => $coupon_data) {
                $coupon_id = (int) $coupon_id;
                $coupon_data['start'] = get_gmt_from_date($coupon_data['start'] . " 00:00:00");
                $coupon_data['expiry'] = get_gmt_from_date($coupon_data['expiry'] . " 23:59:59");
                $check_values = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT `id`, `coupon_code`, `value`, `is-percentage`, `use-once`, `active`, `start`, `expiry`,`every_product` FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_COUPON_CODES . "` WHERE `id` = %d", $coupon_id), ARRAY_A);
                // Sort both arrays to make sure that if they contain the same stuff,
                // that they will compare to be the same, may not need to do this, but what the heck
                if ($check_values != null) {
                if ($check_values != $coupon_data) {
                    $insert_array = array();
                    foreach ($coupon_data as $coupon_key => $coupon_value) {
                        if ($coupon_key == "submit_coupon" || $coupon_key == "delete_coupon") {
                        if (isset($check_values[$coupon_key]) && $coupon_value != $check_values[$coupon_key]) {
                            $insert_array[] = "`{$coupon_key}` = '{$coupon_value}'";
                    if (isset($check_values['every_product']) && $coupon_data['add_every_product'] != $check_values['every_product']) {
                        $insert_array[] = "`every_product` = '{$coupon_data['add_every_product']}'";
                    if (count($insert_array) > 0) {
                        $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE `" . WPSC_TABLE_COUPON_CODES . "` SET " . implode(", ", $insert_array) . " WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1;", $coupon_id));
                    $rules = $_POST['rules'];
                    foreach ((array) $rules as $key => $rule) {
                        foreach ($rule as $k => $r) {
                            $new_rule[$k][$key] = $r;
                    foreach ((array) $new_rule as $key => $rule) {
                        if ($rule['value'] == '') {
                    $conditions = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT `condition` FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_COUPON_CODES . "` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", $_POST['coupon_id']));
                    $conditions = unserialize($conditions);
                    $new_cond = array();
                    if ($_POST['rules']['value'][0] != '') {
                        $new_cond['property'] = $_POST['rules']['property'][0];
                        $new_cond['logic'] = $_POST['rules']['logic'][0];
                        $new_cond['value'] = $_POST['rules']['value'][0];
                        $conditions[] = $new_cond;
                    $wpdb->update(WPSC_TABLE_COUPON_CODES, array('condition' => serialize($conditions)), array('id' => $_POST['coupon_id']), '%s', '%d');
        if (isset($_POST['delete_condition'])) {
            $conditions = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT `condition` FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_COUPON_CODES . "` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", $_POST['coupon_id']));
            $conditions = unserialize($conditions);
            unset($conditions[(int) $_POST['delete_condition']]);
            $wpdb->update(WPSC_TABLE_COUPON_CODES, array('condition' => serialize($conditions)), array('id' => $_POST['coupon_id']), '%s', '%d');
        if (isset($_POST['submit_condition'])) {
            $conditions = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT `condition` FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_COUPON_CODES . "` WHERE `id` = '" . (int) $_POST['coupon_id'] . "' LIMIT 1");
            $conditions = unserialize($conditions);
            $new_cond = array();
            $new_cond['property'] = $_POST['rules']['property'][0];
            $new_cond['logic'] = $_POST['rules']['logic'][0];
            $new_cond['value'] = $_POST['rules']['value'][0];
            $conditions[] = $new_cond;
            $wpdb->update(WPSC_TABLE_COUPON_CODES, array('condition' => serialize($conditions)), array('id' => $_POST['coupon_id']), '%s', '%d');
    $currency_data = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT `symbol`,`symbol_html`,`code` FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST . "` WHERE `id`='" . esc_attr(get_option('currency_type')) . "' LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A);
    $currency_sign = !empty($currency_data['symbol']) ? $currency_data['symbol_html'] : $currency_data['code'];

	<script type='text/javascript'>
		/* jQuery datepicker selector */
		if (typeof jQuery('.pickdate').datepicker != "undefined") {
			jQuery('.pickdate').datepicker({ dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd' });

	<div class="wrap">
    esc_html_e('Coupons', 'wpsc');
			<a href="#" id="add_coupon_box_link" class="add_item_link button add-new-h2" onClick="return show_status_box( 'add_coupon_box', 'add_coupon_box_link' );">
    esc_html_e('Add New', 'wpsc');

		<table style="width: 100%;">
				<td id="coupon_data">
					<div id='add_coupon_box' class='modify_coupon' >
						<form name='add_coupon' method='post' action=''>
							<table class='add-coupon' >
    esc_html_e('Coupon Code', 'wpsc');
    esc_html_e('Discount', 'wpsc');
    esc_html_e('Start', 'wpsc');
    esc_html_e('Expiry', 'wpsc');
										<input type='text' value='' name='add_coupon_code' />
										<input type='text' value='' size='3' name='add_discount' />
										<select name='add_discount_type'>
											<option value='0' ><?php 
    echo esc_html($currency_sign);
											<option value='1' ><?php 
    _ex('%', 'Percentage sign as discount type in coupons page', 'wpsc');
											<option value='2' ><?php 
    esc_html_e('Free shipping', 'wpsc');
										<input type='text' class='pickdate' size='11' value="<?php 
    echo date('Y-m-d');
" name='add_start' />
										<input type='text' class='pickdate' size='11' name='add_end' value="<?php 
    echo date('Y') + 1 . date('-m-d');
										<input type='hidden' value='true' name='add_coupon' />
										<input type='submit' value='<?php 
    esc_attr_e('Add Coupon', 'wpsc');
' name='submit_coupon' class='button-primary' />

									<td colspan='3' scope="row">
											<span class='input_label'><?php 
    esc_html_e('Active', 'wpsc');
</span><input type='hidden' value='0' name='add_active' />
											<input type='checkbox' value='1' checked='checked' name='add_active' />
											<span class='description'><?php 
    esc_html_e('Activate coupon on creation.', 'wpsc');

									<td colspan='3' scope="row">
											<span class='input_label'><?php 
    esc_html_e('Use Once', 'wpsc');
</span><input type='hidden' value='0' name='add_use-once' />
											<input type='checkbox' value='1' name='add_use-once' />
											<span class='description'><?php 
    esc_html_e('Deactivate coupon after it has been used.', 'wpsc');

									<td colspan='3' scope="row">
											<span class='input_label'><?php 
    esc_html_e('Apply On All Products', 'wpsc');
</span><input type='hidden' value='0' name='add_every_product' />
											<input type="checkbox" value="1" name='add_every_product'/>
											<span class='description'><?php 
    esc_html_e('This coupon affects each product at checkout.', 'wpsc');

								<tr><td colspan='3'><span id='table_header'><?php 
    esc_html_e('Conditions', 'wpsc');
									<td colspan="8">
									<div class='coupon_condition' >
										<div class='first_condition'>
											<select class="ruleprops" name="rules[property][]">
												<option value="item_name" rel="order"><?php 
    esc_html_e('Item name', 'wpsc');
												<option value="item_quantity" rel="order"><?php 
    esc_html_e('Item quantity', 'wpsc');
												<option value="total_quantity" rel="order"><?php 
    esc_html_e('Total quantity', 'wpsc');
												<option value="subtotal_amount" rel="order"><?php 
    esc_html_e('Subtotal amount', 'wpsc');
    echo apply_filters('wpsc_coupon_rule_property_options', '');

											<select name="rules[logic][]">
												<option value="equal"><?php 
    esc_html_e('Is equal to', 'wpsc');
												<option value="greater"><?php 
    esc_html_e('Is greater than', 'wpsc');
												<option value="less"><?php 
    esc_html_e('Is less than', 'wpsc');
												<option value="contains"><?php 
    esc_html_e('Contains', 'wpsc');
												<option value="not_contain"><?php 
    esc_html_e('Does not contain', 'wpsc');
												<option value="begins"><?php 
    esc_html_e('Begins with', 'wpsc');
												<option value="ends"><?php 
    esc_html_e('Ends with', 'wpsc');
												<option value="category"><?php 
    esc_html_e('In Category', 'wpsc');

											<span><input type="text" name="rules[value][]"/></span>
												var coupon_number=1;
												function add_another_property(this_button){
													var new_property='<div class="coupon_condition">\n'+
														'<div> \n'+
														'<select class="ruleprops" name="rules[property][]"> \n'+
														'<option value="item_name" rel="order"><?php 
    echo esc_js(__('Item name', 'wpsc'));
</option> \n'+
														'<option value="item_quantity" rel="order"><?php 
    echo esc_js(__('Item quantity', 'wpsc'));
														'<option value="total_quantity" rel="order"><?php 
    echo esc_js(__('Total quantity', 'wpsc'));
														'<option value="subtotal_amount" rel="order"><?php 
    echo esc_js(__('Subtotal amount', 'wpsc'));
    echo apply_filters('wpsc_coupon_rule_property_options', '');
														'</select> \n'+
														'<select name="rules[logic][]"> \n'+
														'<option value="equal"><?php 
    echo esc_js(__('Is equal to', 'wpsc'));
</option> \n'+
														'<option value="greater"><?php 
    echo esc_js(__('Is greater than', 'wpsc'));
</option> \n'+
														'<option value="less"><?php 
    echo esc_js(__('Is less than', 'wpsc'));
</option> \n'+
														'<option value="contains"><?php 
    echo esc_js(__('Contains', 'wpsc'));
</option> \n'+
														'<option value="not_contain"><?php 
    echo esc_js(__('Does not contain', 'wpsc'));
</option> \n'+
														'<option value="begins"><?php 
    echo esc_js(__('Begins with', 'wpsc'));
</option> \n'+
														'<option value="ends"><?php 
    echo esc_js(__('Ends with', 'wpsc'));
</option> \n'+
														'</select> \n'+
														'<span> \n'+
														'<input type="text" name="rules[value][]"/> \n'+
														'</span>  \n'+
														'<img height="16" width="16" class="delete" alt="<?php 
    esc_attr_e('Delete', 'wpsc');
" src="<?php 
/cross.png" onclick="jQuery(this).parent().remove();"/></div> \n'+
														'</div> ';

													jQuery('#coupon_data .coupon_condition :last').after(new_property);

										<a class="wpsc_coupons_condition_add" onclick="add_another_property(jQuery(this));">
    esc_html_e('Add New Condition', 'wpsc');

    $columns = array('coupon_code' => __('Coupon Code', 'wpsc'), 'discount' => __('Discount', 'wpsc'), 'start' => __('Start', 'wpsc'), 'expiry' => __('Expiry', 'wpsc'), 'active' => __('Active', 'wpsc'), 'apply_on_prods' => __('Apply On All Products', 'wpsc'), 'edit' => __('Edit', 'wpsc'));
    register_column_headers('display-coupon-details', $columns);

		<table class="coupon-list widefat" cellspacing="0">

    print_column_headers('display-coupon-details', false);

    $i = 0;
    $coupon_data = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_COUPON_CODES . "` ", ARRAY_A);
    foreach ((array) $coupon_data as $coupon) {
        $alternate = "";
        if ($i % 2 != 0) {
            $alternate = "class='alt'";
        $start = get_date_from_gmt($coupon['start'], 'd/m/Y');
        $expiry = get_date_from_gmt($coupon['expiry'], 'd/m/Y');
        echo "<tr {$alternate}>\n\r";
        echo "    <td>\n\r";
        echo esc_attr($coupon['coupon_code']);
        echo "    </td>\n\r";
        echo "    <td>\n\r";
        if ($coupon['is-percentage'] == 1) {
            echo esc_attr($coupon['value']) . "%";
        } else {
            if ($coupon['is-percentage'] == 2) {
                _e('Free Shipping', 'wpsc');
            } else {
                echo wpsc_currency_display(esc_attr($coupon['value']));
        echo "    </td>\n\r";
        echo "    <td>\n\r";
        echo $start;
        echo "    </td>\n\r";
        echo "    <td>\n\r";
        echo $expiry;
        echo "    </td>\n\r";
        echo "    <td>\n\r";
        switch ($coupon['active']) {
            case 1:
                echo "<img src='" . WPSC_CORE_IMAGES_URL . "/yes_stock.gif' alt='' title='' />";
            case 0:
                echo "<img src='" . WPSC_CORE_IMAGES_URL . "/no_stock.gif' alt='' title='' />";
        echo "    </td>\n\r";
        echo "    <td>\n\r";
        switch ($coupon['every_product']) {
            case 1:
                echo "<img src='" . WPSC_CORE_IMAGES_URL . "/yes_stock.gif' alt='' title='' />";
            case 0:
                echo "<img src='" . WPSC_CORE_IMAGES_URL . "/no_stock.gif' alt='' title='' />";
        echo "    </td>\n\r";
        echo "    <td>\n\r";
        echo "<a title='" . esc_attr($coupon['coupon_code']) . "' href='#' rel='" . $coupon['id'] . "' class='wpsc_edit_coupon'  >" . esc_html__('Edit', 'wpsc') . "</a>";
        echo "    </td>\n\r";
        echo "  </tr>\n\r";
        echo "  <tr class='coupon_edit'>\n\r";
        echo "    <td colspan='7' style='padding-left:0px;'>\n\r";
        echo "      <div id='coupon_box_" . $coupon['id'] . "' class='displaynone modify_coupon' >\n\r";
        echo "      </div>\n\r";
        echo "    </td>\n\r";
        echo "  </tr>\n\r";

		<p style='margin: 10px 0px 5px 0px;'>
    _e('<strong>Note:</strong> Due to a current PayPal limitation, when a purchase is made using a coupon we cannot send a detailed list of items through for processing. Instead we send the total amount of the purchase so the customer will see your shop name and the total within PayPal.', 'wpsc');


예제 #2
function wpsc_display_coupons_page()
    global $wpdb;
    if (isset($_POST) && is_array($_POST) && !empty($_POST)) {
        if (isset($_POST['add_coupon']) && $_POST['add_coupon'] == 'true' && !($_POST['is_edit_coupon'] == 'true')) {
            $coupon_code = $_POST['add_coupon_code'];
            $discount = (double) $_POST['add_discount'];
            // cast to boolean, then integer, prevents the value from being anything but 1 or 0
            $discount_type = (int) $_POST['add_discount_type'];
            $use_once = (int) (bool) $_POST['add_use-once'];
            $every_product = (int) (bool) $_POST['add_every_product'];
            // 		$start_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", mktime(0, 0, 0, (int)$_POST['add_start']['month'], (int)$_POST['add_start']['day'], (int)$_POST['add_start']['year']));
            // 		$end_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", mktime(0, 0, 0, (int)$_POST['add_end']['month'], (int)$_POST['add_end']['day'], (int)$_POST['add_end']['year']));
            $start_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($_POST['add_start'])) . " 00:00:00";
            $end_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($_POST['add_end'])) . " 00:00:00";
            $rules = $_POST['rules'];
            foreach ($rules as $key => $rule) {
                foreach ($rule as $k => $r) {
                    $new_rule[$k][$key] = $r;
            foreach ($new_rule as $key => $rule) {
                if ($rule['value'] == '') {
            if ($wpdb->query("INSERT INTO `" . WPSC_TABLE_COUPON_CODES . "` ( `coupon_code` , `value` , `is-percentage` , `use-once` , `is-used` , `active` , `every_product` , `start` , `expiry`, `condition` ) VALUES ( '{$coupon_code}', '{$discount}', '{$discount_type}', '{$use_once}', '0', '1', '{$every_product}', '{$start_date}' , '{$end_date}' , '" . serialize($new_rule) . "' );")) {
                echo "<div class='updated'><p align='center'>" . __('Thanks, the coupon has been added.', 'wpsc') . "</p></div>";
        if (isset($_POST['is_edit_coupon']) && $_POST['is_edit_coupon'] == 'true' && !isset($_POST['delete_condition']) && !isset($_POST['submit_condition'])) {
            //exit('<pre>'.print_r($_POST, true).'</pre>');
            foreach ((array) $_POST['edit_coupon'] as $coupon_id => $coupon_data) {
                $coupon_id = (int) $coupon_id;
                // convert dates to a form that compares well and can be inserted into the database
                // 			$coupon_data['start'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", mktime(0, 0, 0, (int)$coupon_data['start']['month'], (int)$coupon_data['start']['day'], (int)$coupon_data['start']['year']));
                // 			$coupon_data['expiry'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", mktime(0, 0, 0, (int)$coupon_data['expiry']['month'], (int)$coupon_data['expiry']['day'], (int)$coupon_data['expiry']['year']));
                $coupon_data['start'] = $coupon_data['start'] . " 00:00:00";
                $coupon_data['expiry'] = $coupon_data['expiry'] . " 00:00:00";
                $check_values = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT `id`, `coupon_code`, `value`, `is-percentage`, `use-once`, `active`, `start`, `expiry` FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_COUPON_CODES . "` WHERE `id` = '{$coupon_id}'", ARRAY_A);
                //sort both arrays to make sure that if they contain the same stuff, that they will compare to be the same, may not need to do this, but what the heck
                //	exit('<pre>'.print_r($coupon_data, true).'</pre>');
                if ($check_values != $coupon_data) {
                    $insert_array = array();
                    foreach ($coupon_data as $coupon_key => $coupon_value) {
                        if ($coupon_key == "submit_coupon" || $coupon_key == "delete_coupon") {
                        if ($coupon_value != $check_values[$coupon_key]) {
                            $insert_array[] = "`{$coupon_key}` = '{$coupon_value}'";
                    //if(in_array(mixed needle, array haystack [, bool strict]))
                    if (count($insert_array) > 0) {
                        $wpdb->query("UPDATE `" . WPSC_TABLE_COUPON_CODES . "` SET " . implode(", ", $insert_array) . " WHERE `id` = '{$coupon_id}' LIMIT 1;");
                    $rules = $_POST['rules'];
                    foreach ((array) $rules as $key => $rule) {
                        foreach ($rule as $k => $r) {
                            $new_rule[$k][$key] = $r;
                    foreach ((array) $new_rule as $key => $rule) {
                        if ($rule['value'] == '') {
                    $sql ="UPDATE `".WPSC_TABLE_COUPON_CODES."` SET `condition`='".serialize($new_rule)."' WHERE `id` = '$coupon_id' LIMIT 1";
                    $conditions = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT `condition` FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_COUPON_CODES . "` WHERE `id` = '" . (int) $_POST['coupon_id'] . "' LIMIT 1");
                    $conditions = unserialize($conditions);
                    $new_cond = array();
                    if ($_POST['rules']['value'][0] != '') {
                        $new_cond['property'] = $_POST['rules']['property'][0];
                        $new_cond['logic'] = $_POST['rules']['logic'][0];
                        $new_cond['value'] = $_POST['rules']['value'][0];
                        $conditions[] = $new_cond;
                    $sql = "UPDATE `" . WPSC_TABLE_COUPON_CODES . "` SET `condition`='" . serialize($conditions) . "' WHERE `id` = '" . (int) $_POST['coupon_id'] . "' LIMIT 1";
                if ($coupon_data['delete_coupon'] != '') {
                    $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_COUPON_CODES . "` WHERE `id` = '{$coupon_id}' LIMIT 1;");
        if (isset($_POST['delete_condition'])) {
            $conditions = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT `condition` FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_COUPON_CODES . "` WHERE `id` = '" . (int) $_POST['coupon_id'] . "' LIMIT 1");
            $conditions = unserialize($conditions);
            unset($conditions[(int) $_POST['delete_condition']]);
            //$conditions = array_values($conditions);
            //  exit('<pre>'.print_r($_POST, true).'</pre><pre>'.print_r($conditions, true).'</pre>'.$sql);
            $sql = "UPDATE `" . WPSC_TABLE_COUPON_CODES . "` SET `condition`='" . serialize($conditions) . "' WHERE `id` = '" . (int) $_POST['coupon_id'] . "' LIMIT 1";
        if (isset($_POST['submit_condition'])) {
            $conditions = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT `condition` FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_COUPON_CODES . "` WHERE `id` = '" . (int) $_POST['coupon_id'] . "' LIMIT 1");
            $conditions = unserialize($conditions);
            $new_cond = array();
            $new_cond['property'] = $_POST['rules']['property'][0];
            $new_cond['logic'] = $_POST['rules']['logic'][0];
            $new_cond['value'] = $_POST['rules']['value'][0];
            $conditions[] = $new_cond;
            $sql = "UPDATE `" . WPSC_TABLE_COUPON_CODES . "` SET `condition`='" . serialize($conditions) . "' WHERE `id` = '" . (int) $_POST['coupon_id'] . "' LIMIT 1";
        if ($_POST['change-settings'] == 'true') {
            if ($_POST['wpsc_also_bought'] == 1) {
                update_option('wpsc_also_bought', 1);
            } else {
                update_option('wpsc_also_bought', 0);
            if ($_POST['display_find_us'] == 'on') {
                update_option('display_find_us', 1);
            } else {
                update_option('display_find_us', 0);
            if ($_POST['wpsc_share_this'] == 1) {
                update_option('wpsc_share_this', 1);
            } else {
                update_option('wpsc_share_this', 0);
    /*<strong><?php echo TXT_WPSC_ADD_COUPON; ?></strong>*/
<script type='text/javascript'>
		/* jQuery datepicker selector */
	if (typeof jQuery('.pickdate').datepicker != "undefined") {
		jQuery('.pickdate').datepicker({ dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd' });
<div class="wrap">
    echo __('Coupons', 'wpsc');
  <div style='margin:0px;' class="tablenav wpsc_admin_nav">
  <!-- <a target="_blank" href="http://www.instinct.co.nz/e-commerce/marketing/" class="about_this_page"><span>About This Page</span> </a> -->

 	<form action='' method='post'>
		<input id='add_coupon_box_link' type='submit' class=' add_item_link button' name='add_coupon_button' value='<?php 
    echo __('Create Coupon', 'wpsc');
' onclick='return show_status_box("add_coupon_box","add_coupon_box_link");return false;' />
<!-- <form name='edit_coupon' method='post' action=''>   -->
<table style="width: 100%;">
    <td id="coupon_data">

<div id='add_coupon_box' class='modify_coupon' >
<form name='add_coupon' method='post' action=''>
<table class='add-coupon' >
    echo __('Coupon Code', 'wpsc');
    echo __('Discount', 'wpsc');
    echo __('Start', 'wpsc');
    echo __('Expiry', 'wpsc');
    echo __('Use Once', 'wpsc');
    echo __('Active', 'wpsc');
    echo __('Apply On All Products', 'wpsc');
   <input type='text' value='' name='add_coupon_code' />
   <input type='text' value='' size='3' name='add_discount' />
   <select name='add_discount_type'>
     <option value='0' >$</option>
     <option value='1' >%</option>
     <option value='2' >Free shipping</option>
   <input type='text' class='pickdate' size='11' name='add_start' />
   <!--<select name='add_start[day]'>
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; ++$i) {
        $selected = '';
        if ($i == date("d")) {
            $selected = "selected='selected'";
        echo "<option {$selected} value='{$i}'>{$i}</option>";
   <select name='add_start[month]'>
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; ++$i) {
        $selected = '';
        if ($i == (int) date("m")) {
            $selected = "selected='selected'";
        echo "<option {$selected} value='{$i}'>" . date("M", mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1, date("Y"))) . "</option>";
   <select name='add_start[year]'>
    for ($i = date("Y"); $i <= date("Y") + 12; ++$i) {
        $selected = '';
        if ($i == date("Y")) {
            $selected = "selected='true'";
        echo "<option {$selected} value='{$i}'>" . $i . "</option>";
   <input type='text' class='pickdate' size='11' name='add_end'>
   <!--<select name='add_end[day]'>
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; ++$i) {
        $selected = '';
        if ($i == date("d")) {
            $selected = "selected='true'";
        echo "<option {$selected} value='{$i}'>{$i}</option>";
   <select name='add_end[month]'>
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; ++$i) {
        $selected = '';
        if ($i == (int) date("m")) {
            $selected = "selected='true'";
        echo "<option {$selected} value='{$i}'>" . date("M", mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1, date("Y"))) . "</option>";
   <select name='add_end[year]'>
    for ($i = date("Y"); $i <= date("Y") + 12; ++$i) {
        $selected = '';
        if ($i == date("Y") + 1) {
            $selected = "selected='true'";
        echo "<option {$selected} value='{$i}'>" . $i . "</option>";
   <input type='hidden' value='0' name='add_use-once' />
   <input type='checkbox' value='1' name='add_use-once' />
   <input type='hidden' value='0' name='add_active' />
   <input type='checkbox' value='1' checked='checked' name='add_active' />

   <input type='hidden' value='true' name='add_coupon' />
   <input type='submit' value='Add Coupon' name='submit_coupon' class='button-primary' />
 <tr><td colspan="2">
		   <input type='hidden' value='0' name='add_every_product' />
			<input type="checkbox" value="1" name='add_every_product'/>
    _e('Apply On All Products', 'wpsc');

<tr><td colspan='3'><span id='table_header'>Conditions</span></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="8">
	<div class='coupon_condition' >
		<div class='first_condition'>
			<select class="ruleprops" name="rules[property][]">
				<option value="item_name" rel="order">Item name</option>
				<option value="item_quantity" rel="order">Item quantity</option>
				<option value="total_quantity" rel="order">Total quantity</option>
				<option value="subtotal_amount" rel="order">Subtotal amount</option>
    echo apply_filters('wpsc_coupon_rule_property_options', '');
			<select name="rules[logic][]">
				<option value="equal">Is equal to</option>
				<option value="greater">Is greater than</option>
				<option value="less">Is less than</option>
				<option value="contains">Contains</option>
				<option value="not_contain">Does not contain</option>
				<option value="begins">Begins with</option>
				<option value="ends">Ends with</option>
				<input type="text" name="rules[value][]"/>
				var coupon_number=1;
				function add_another_property(this_button){
					var new_property='<div class="coupon_condition">\n'+
						'<div><img height="16" width="16" class="delete" alt="Delete" src="<?php 
    echo WPSC_URL;
/images/cross.png" onclick="jQuery(this).parent().remove();"/> \n'+
							'<select class="ruleprops" name="rules[property][]"> \n'+
								'<option value="item_name" rel="order">Item name</option> \n'+
								'<option value="item_quantity" rel="order">Item quantity</option>\n'+
								'<option value="total_quantity" rel="order">Total quantity</option>\n'+ 
								'<option value="subtotal_amount" rel="order">Subtotal amount</option>\n'+ 
    echo apply_filters('wpsc_coupon_rule_property_options', '');
							'</select> \n'+
							'<select name="rules[logic][]"> \n'+
								'<option value="equal">Is equal to</option> \n'+
								'<option value="greater">Is greater than</option> \n'+
								'<option value="less">Is less than</option> \n'+
								'<option value="contains">Contains</option> \n'+
								'<option value="not_contain">Does not contain</option> \n'+
								'<option value="begins">Begins with</option> \n'+
								'<option value="ends">Ends with</option> \n'+
							'</select> \n'+
							'<span> \n'+
								'<input type="text" name="rules[value][]"/> \n'+
							'</span>  \n'+
						'</div> \n'+
					'</div> ';
					jQuery('.coupon_condition :first').after(new_property);
<tr><td>	<a class="wpsc_coupons_condition_add" onclick="add_another_property(jQuery(this));">
    _e('Add New Condition', 'wpsc');
<br />

    $num = 0;
    echo "<table class='coupon-list'>\n\r";
    echo "  <tr class='toprow'>\n\r";
    echo "    <th>\n\r";
    echo __('Coupon Code', 'wpsc');
    echo "    </th>\n\r";
    echo "    <th>\n\r";
    echo __('Discount', 'wpsc');
    echo "    </th>\n\r";
    echo "    <th>\n\r";
    echo __('Start', 'wpsc');
    echo "    </th>\n\r";
    echo "    <th>\n\r";
    echo __('Expiry', 'wpsc');
    echo "    </th>\n\r";
    echo "    <th>\n\r";
    echo __('Active', 'wpsc');
    echo "    </th>\n\r";
    echo "    <th>\n\r";
    echo __('Apply On All Products', 'wpsc');
    echo "    </th>\n\r";
    echo "    <th>\n\r";
    echo __('Edit', 'wpsc');
    echo "    </th>\n\r";
    $i = 0;
    $coupon_data = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_COUPON_CODES . "` ", ARRAY_A);
    //exit('Coupon Data<pre>'.print_r($coupon_data, true).'</pre>');
    foreach ((array) $coupon_data as $coupon) {
        $alternate = "";
        if ($i % 2 != 0) {
            $alternate = "class='alt'";
        echo "<tr {$alternate}>\n\r";
        echo "    <td>\n\r";
        echo $coupon['coupon_code'];
        echo "    </td>\n\r";
        echo "    <td>\n\r";
        if ($coupon['is-percentage'] == 1) {
            echo $coupon['value'] . "%";
        } else {
            echo nzshpcrt_currency_display($coupon['value'], 1);
        echo "    </td>\n\r";
        echo "    <td>\n\r";
        echo date("d/m/Y", strtotime($coupon['start']));
        echo "    </td>\n\r";
        echo "    <td>\n\r";
        echo date("d/m/Y", strtotime($coupon['expiry']));
        echo "    </td>\n\r";
        echo "    <td>\n\r";
        switch ($coupon['active']) {
            case 1:
                echo "<img src='" . WPSC_URL . "/images/yes_stock.gif' alt='' title='' />";
            case 0:
                echo "<img src='" . WPSC_URL . "/images/no_stock.gif' alt='' title='' />";
        echo "    </td>\n\r";
        echo "    <td>\n\r";
        switch ($coupon['every_product']) {
            case 1:
                echo "<img src='" . WPSC_URL . "/images/yes_stock.gif' alt='' title='' />";
            case 0:
                echo "<img src='" . WPSC_URL . "/images/no_stock.gif' alt='' title='' />";
        echo "    </td>\n\r";
        echo "    <td>\n\r";
        echo "<a title='" . $coupon['coupon_code'] . "' href='javascript:void(0)' class='wpsc_edit_coupon'  >" . __('Edit', 'wpsc') . "</a>";
        echo "    </td>\n\r";
        echo "  </tr>\n\r";
        echo "  <tr>\n\r";
        echo "    <td colspan='7' style='padding-left:0px;'>\n\r";
        //  $status_style = "style='display: block;'";
        echo "      <div id='coupon_box_" . $coupon['id'] . "' class='modify_coupon' >\n\r";
        echo "      </div>\n\r";
        echo "    </td>\n\r";
        echo "  </tr>\n\r";
    echo "</table>\n\r";
  <p style='margin: 0px 0px 5px 0px;'>
    _e('<strong>Note:</strong> Due to a current limitation of PayPal, if your user makes a purchase and uses a coupon, we can not send a list of items through to paypal for processing. Rather, we must send the total amount of the purchase, so that within PayPal the user who purchases a product will see your shop name and the total amount of their purchase.', 'wpsc');
<!-- <input type='hidden' value='true' name='is_edit_coupon' /> -->
<!-- </form> -->

<br />

    echo __('Marketing Settings', 'wpsc');

<form name='cart_options' method='POST' action=''>
<input type='hidden' value='true' name='change-settings' />
    echo __('Display Cross Sales', 'wpsc');
    $wpsc_also_bought = get_option('wpsc_also_bought');
    $wpsc_also_bought1 = "";
    $wpsc_also_bought2 = "";
    switch ($wpsc_also_bought) {
        case 0:
            $wpsc_also_bought2 = "checked ='true'";
        case 1:
            $wpsc_also_bought1 = "checked ='true'";
        <input type='radio' value='1' name='wpsc_also_bought' id='wpsc_also_bought1' <?php 
    echo $wpsc_also_bought1;
 /> <label for='wpsc_also_bought1'><?php 
    echo __('Yes', 'wpsc');
</label> &nbsp;
        <input type='radio' value='0' name='wpsc_also_bought' id='wpsc_also_bought2' <?php 
    echo $wpsc_also_bought2;
 /> <label for='wpsc_also_bought2'><?php 
    echo __('No', 'wpsc');
    echo __('Show Share This (Social Bookmarks)', 'wpsc');
    $wpsc_share_this = get_option('wpsc_share_this');
    $wpsc_share_this1 = "";
    $wpsc_share_this2 = "";
    switch ($wpsc_share_this) {
        case 0:
            $wpsc_share_this2 = "checked ='true'";
        case 1:
            $wpsc_share_this1 = "checked ='true'";
        <input type='radio' value='1' name='wpsc_share_this' id='wpsc_share_this1' <?php 
    echo $wpsc_share_this1;
 /> <label for='wpsc_share_this1'><?php 
    echo __('Yes', 'wpsc');
</label> &nbsp;
        <input type='radio' value='0' name='wpsc_share_this' id='wpsc_share_this2' <?php 
    echo $wpsc_share_this2;
 /> <label for='wpsc_share_this2'><?php 
    echo __('No', 'wpsc');
    echo __('Display How Customer Found Us Survey', 'wpsc');
    $display_find_us = get_option('display_find_us');
    if ($display_find_us == '1') {
        $display_find_us1 = "checked ='checked'";
		<input <?php 
    echo $display_find_us1;
 type='checkbox' name='display_find_us'>
        <input  type='submit' value='<?php 
    echo __('Submit', 'wpsc');
' name='form_submit' />

    echo __('RSS Address', 'wpsc');
		<td colspan='2'>
    echo __('<strong>Note:</strong> Not only can people use this RSS to keep update with your product list but you can also use this link to promote your products in your facebook profile. <br />Just add the <a href="http://apps.facebook.com/getshopped">getshopped! facebook application</a> to your facebook profile and follow the instructions.', 'wpsc');
			RSS Feed Address:
    echo get_bloginfo('url') . "/index.php?rss=true&amp;action=product_list";

    echo __('Google Merchant Centre / Google Product Search', 'wpsc');
<p>To import your products into <a href="http://www.google.com/merchants/" target="_blank">Google Merchant Centre</a> so that they appear within Google Product Search results, sign up for a Google Merchant Centre account and add a scheduled data feed with the following URL:</p>
    $google_feed_url = get_bloginfo('url') . "/index.php?rss=true&action=product_list&xmlformat=google";
<a href="<?php 
    echo htmlentities($google_feed_url);
    echo htmlentities($google_feed_url);
예제 #3
        case 0:
            echo "<img src='" . WPSC_URL . "/images/no_stock.gif' alt='' title='' />";
    echo "    </td>\n\r";
    echo "    <td>\n\r";
    echo "<a href='#' onclick='return show_status_box(\"coupon_box_" . $coupon['id'] . "\",\"coupon_box_" . $coupon['id'] . "\");' >" . TXT_WPSC_EDIT . "</a>";
    echo "    </td>\n\r";
    echo "  </tr>\n\r";
    echo "  <tr>\n\r";
    echo "    <td colspan='7'style='padding-left:0px;'>\n\r";
    //$status_style = "style='display: block;'";
    echo "      <div id='coupon_box_" . $coupon['id'] . "' class='modify_coupon' {$status_style}>\n\r";
    echo "      </div>\n\r";
    echo "    </td>\n\r";
    echo "  </tr>\n\r";
echo "</table>\n\r";
  <p style='margin: 0px 0px 5px 0px;'>
<!-- <input type='hidden' value='true' name='is_edit_coupon' /> -->