<span class="note">‹ visit site</span></a> </h1> </div> <div id="gb-errors" <?php echo !gb::$errors ? 'style="display:none"' : ''; ?> > <div class="wrapper"> <a class="close" href="javascript:ui.hideAlert()" title="Hide this message"><span>X</span></a> <div class="icon"></div> <ul> <li class="title"> <?php echo count(gb::$errors) === 1 ? 'An error occured' : counted(count(gb::$errors), '', 'errors occured'); ?> </li> <?php foreach (gb::$errors as $error) { ?> <li><?php echo h($error); ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> </div>
<?php } ?> </ol> </div> </div> <div class="breaker"></div> </div> <?php } elseif (gb::$is_categories && count($categories) > 1 || gb::$is_tags) { ?> <div id="summary" class="breadcrumb"> <div class="wrapper"> <p> <?php echo counted($postspage->numtotal, 'post', 'posts'); ?> <?php if (gb::$is_categories) { ?> filed under <span class="highlight"><?php echo sentenceize($categories, 'h'); ?> </span> <?php } elseif (gb::$is_tags) { ?> tagged with <span class="highlight"><?php echo sentenceize($tags, 'h'); ?> </span>
function importItem(DOMNode $item, $fallbackTZOffset = 0) { $obj = $this->createItemObject($item); if ($obj === null) { $this->report('discarded unknown item <code>%s<code>', h($this->doc->saveXML($item))); return null; } if (!$this->includeAttachments && $obj instanceof WPAttachment) { return null; } $is_exposed = !$obj instanceof WPAttachment; $obj->mimeType = 'text/html'; $datelocalstr = null; $datelocal = false; $dateutc = false; foreach ($item->childNodes as $n) { if ($n->nodeType !== XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { continue; } # we're doing doing this to avoid a bug in php where accessing this property # from strpos or str_replace causes a silent hang. $name = '' . $n->nodeName; if ($is_exposed && $name === 'title') { $obj->title = $n->nodeValue; } elseif ($is_exposed && $name === 'content:encoded') { $obj->body = $n->nodeValue; } elseif ($name === 'excerpt:encoded') { # will be derived from body by the content rebuilder, so in case WP # adds this in the future, just discard it. (In WP 2.6 this is never # present anyway.) } elseif ($is_exposed && $name === 'category') { if (($domain = $n->attributes->getNamedItem('domain')) !== null) { if ($domain->nodeValue === 'category' && $n->nodeValue !== 'Uncategorized' && $n->attributes->getNamedItem('nicename') !== 'uncategorized' && !in_array($n->nodeValue, $obj->categories)) { $obj->categories[] = $n->nodeValue; } elseif ($domain->nodeValue === 'tag' && !in_array($n->nodeValue, $obj->tags)) { $obj->tags[] = $n->nodeValue; } } } elseif ($is_exposed && $name === 'wp:comment_status') { $obj->commentsOpen = $n->nodeValue === 'open'; } elseif ($is_exposed && $name === 'wp:ping_status') { $obj->pingbackOpen = $n->nodeValue === 'open'; } elseif ($is_exposed && $name === 'wp:post_name') { $obj->slug = $n->nodeValue; } elseif ($name === 'wp:post_date_gmt') { if ($n->nodeValue !== '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $dateutc = new GBDateTime($n->nodeValue); } } elseif ($name === 'wp:post_date') { $datelocalstr = $n->nodeValue; $datelocal = new GBDateTime($n->nodeValue); $obj->wpdate = $datelocal; } elseif ($name === 'wp:menu_order' && $obj instanceof WPPage) { $obj->order = intval($n->nodeValue); } elseif ($is_exposed && $name === 'wp:status') { $obj->draft = $n->nodeValue === 'draft'; } elseif ($name === 'wp:post_id') { $obj->wpid = (int) $n->nodeValue; } elseif ($name === 'wp:postmeta') { if ($is_exposed === false) { # get attachment filename $k = $v = null; foreach ($n->childNodes as $n2) { if ($n2->nodeType !== XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { continue; } if ($n2->nodeName === 'wp:meta_key') { $k = $n2->nodeValue; } elseif ($n2->nodeName === 'wp:meta_value') { if ($k === '_wp_attached_file') { $obj->wpfilename = $n2->nodeValue; } elseif ($k === '_wp_attachment_metadata') { $obj->wpmeta = @unserialize(trim($n2->nodeValue)); if ($obj->wpmeta === false) { $this->wpmeta = array(); } } } } } } elseif ($name === 'wp:post_parent') { $obj->wpparent = $n->nodeValue; } elseif ($is_exposed === false && $name === 'wp:attachment_url') { $obj->wpurl = $n->nodeValue; } elseif ($name === 'wp:post_type') { # discard } elseif ($name === 'dc:creator') { $obj->author = new GBAuthor($n->nodeValue, $this->defaultAuthorEmail); } elseif ($is_exposed && $name === 'wp:comment') { if ($obj->comments === null) { $obj->comments = array(); } $comment = $this->parseComment($n, $wpid); $comment->post = $obj; $obj->comments[$wpid] = $comment; } elseif ($is_exposed && substr($name, 0, 3) === 'wp:' && trim($n->nodeValue)) { $obj->meta[str_replace(array(':', '_'), '-', $name)] = $n->nodeValue; } } if ($is_exposed && $obj->comments) { $this->report('Imported ' . counted(count($obj->comments), 'comment', 'comments', 'zero', 'one')); } # date $obj->modified = $obj->published = $this->_mkdatetime($datelocal, $dateutc, $datelocalstr, $fallbackTZOffset); return $obj; }
function numberOfUnapprovedComments($sone = 'comment', $smany = 'comments', $zero = 'No', $one = 'One') { return counted($this->comments ? $this->comments->countUnapproved() : 0, $sone, $smany, $zero, $one); }