function get_cache() { //Bind global veriables global $cache_path; //Try to read cache file if (!($json = file_easy_read(correct_path($cache_path) . "dwbn.cache"))) { echo "Error. Cannot read cache file"; exit; } else { return json_decode($json, true); } }
function update_cache() { //Bind global veriables global $cache_path; //Collect information from DWBN $members = dwbn_collect(); //Try to update cache if (file_easy_write(correct_path($cache_path) . "dwbn.cache", json_encode($members))) { $html = "Cache updated successfully"; } else { $html = "Error. Cache wasn't updated"; } //Return HTML flow return $html; }
function tiff2pdf($tiff_file_name) { //convert the tif to a pdf //Ubuntu: apt-get install libtiff-tools global $IS_WINDOWS; if (!file_exists($tiff_file_name)) { echo "tiff file does not exists"; return false; // "tiff file does not exists"; } $GS = $IS_WINDOWS ? 'gswin32c' : 'gs'; $tiff_file = pathinfo($tiff_file_name); $dir_fax = $tiff_file['dirname']; $fax_file_name = $tiff_file['filename']; $pdf_file_name = path_join($dir_fax, $fax_file_name . '.pdf'); if (file_exists($pdf_file_name)) { return $pdf_file_name; } $dir_fax_temp = $_SESSION['server']['temp']['dir']; if (!$dir_fax_temp) { $dir_fax_temp = path_join(dirname($dir_fax), 'temp'); } if (!file_exists($dir_fax_temp)) { echo "can not create temporary directory"; return false; // } $cmd = "tiffinfo " . correct_path($tiff_file_name) . ' | grep "Resolution:"'; $ok = false; $resp = exec_in_dir($dir_fax, $cmd, $ok); if (!$ok) { echo "can not find fax resoulution"; return false; // "can not find fax resoulution" } $ppi_w = 0; $ppi_h = 0; $tmp = array(); if (preg_match('/Resolution.*?(\\d+).*?(\\d+)/', $resp, $tmp)) { $ppi_w = $tmp[1]; $ppi_h = $tmp[2]; } $cmd = "tiffinfo " . $tiff_file_name . ' | grep "Image Width:"'; $resp = exec_in_dir($dir_fax, $cmd, $ok); if (!$ok) { echo "can not find fax size"; return false; // "can not find fax size" } $pix_w = 0; $pix_h = 0; $tmp = array(); if (preg_match('/Width.*?(\\d+).*?Length.*?(\\d+)/', $resp, $tmp)) { $pix_w = $tmp[1]; $pix_h = $tmp[2]; } $page_width = $pix_w / $ppi_w; $page_height = $pix_h / $ppi_h; $page_size = 'a4'; if ($page_width > 8.4 && $page_height > 13) { $page_width = 8.5; $page_height = 14; $page_size = 'legal'; } elseif ($page_width > 8.4 && $page_height < 12) { $page_width = 8.5; $page_height = 11; $page_size = 'letter'; } elseif ($page_width < 8.4 && $page_height > 11) { $page_width = 8.300000000000001; $page_height = 11.7; $page_size = 'a4'; } $page_width = sprintf('%.4f', $page_width); $page_height = sprintf('%.4f', $page_height); $cmd = join(array('tiff2pdf', '-i -u i', '-p', $page_size, '-w', $page_width, '-l', $page_height, '-f', '-o', correct_path(path_join($dir_fax_temp, $fax_file_name . '.pdf')), correct_path($tiff_file_name)), ' '); $resp = exec_in_dir($dir_fax, $cmd, $ok); if (!file_exists(path_join($dir_fax_temp, $fax_file_name . '.pdf'))) { echo "can not create temporary pdf: {$resp}"; return false; } $cmd = join(array($GS, '-q -sDEVICE=tiffg3', '-r' . $ppi_w . 'x' . $ppi_h, '-g' . $pix_w . 'x' . $pix_h, '-dNOPAUSE', '-sOutputFile=' . $fax_file_name . '_temp.tif', '--', $fax_file_name . '.pdf', '-c quit'), ' '); $resp = exec_in_dir($dir_fax_temp, $cmd, $ok); unlink(path_join($dir_fax_temp, $fax_file_name . '.pdf')); if (!file_exists(path_join($dir_fax_temp, $fax_file_name . '_temp.tif'))) { echo "can not temporary tiff: {$resp}"; return false; } $cmd = join(array('tiff2pdf', '-i -u i', '-p', $page_size, '-w', $page_width, '-l', $page_height, '-f', '-o', correct_path($pdf_file_name), correct_path(path_join($dir_fax_temp, $fax_file_name . '_temp.tif'))), ' '); $resp = exec_in_dir($dir_fax, $cmd, $ok); unlink(path_join($dir_fax_temp, $fax_file_name . '_temp.tif')); if (!file_exists($pdf_file_name)) { echo "can not create pdf: {$resp}"; return false; } return $pdf_file_name; }
//echo($cmd . "<br/>\n"); exec($cmd); foreach ($tif_files as $tif_file) { @unlink($tif_file); } //generate pdf (a work around, as tiff2pdf was improperly inverting the colors) $cmd = 'tiff2pdf -u i -p ' . $fax_page_size . ' -w ' . $page_width . ' -l ' . $page_height . ' -f -o ' . correct_path($dir_fax_temp . '/' . $fax_instance_uuid . '.pdf') . ' ' . correct_path($dir_fax_temp . '/' . $fax_instance_uuid . '.tif'); // echo($cmd . "<br/>\n"); exec($cmd); chdir($dir_fax_temp); //convert pdf to tif $cmd = gs_cmd('-q -sDEVICE=tiffg3 -r' . $gs_r . ' -g' . $gs_g . ' -dNOPAUSE -sOutputFile=' . correct_path($fax_instance_uuid . '_temp.tif') . ' -- ' . $fax_instance_uuid . '.pdf -c quit'); // echo($cmd . "<br/>\n"); exec($cmd); @unlink($dir_fax_temp . '/' . $fax_instance_uuid . ".pdf"); $cmd = 'tiff2pdf -u i -p ' . $fax_page_size . ' -w ' . $page_width . ' -l ' . $page_height . ' -f -o ' . correct_path($dir_fax_temp . '/' . $fax_instance_uuid . '.pdf') . ' ' . correct_path($dir_fax_temp . '/' . $fax_instance_uuid . '_temp.tif'); // echo($cmd . "<br/>\n"); exec($cmd); @unlink($dir_fax_temp . '/' . $fax_instance_uuid . "_temp.tif"); } else { if (!$included) { //nothing to send, redirect the browser $_SESSION['message_mood'] = 'negative'; $_SESSION["message"] = $text['message-invalid-fax']; header("Location: fax_send.php?id=" . $fax_uuid); exit; } } //preview, if requested if ($_REQUEST['submit'] != '' && $_REQUEST['submit'] == $text['button-preview']) { unset($file_type);
<?php require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/includes/templates.php"; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/includes/files.php"; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/includes/db.php"; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/includes/service.php"; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/includes/uris.php"; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/includes/auth.php"; $html = ""; $prepared_uri = array(); $action = $_GET['action']; $dir = correct_path($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) . "actions"; $dp = opendir($dir); while ($subdir = readdir($dp)) { if ($subdir != '.' && $subdir != '..' && is_dir($dir . "/" . $subdir)) { $action_file = $dir . "/" . $subdir . "/" . $action . ".php"; if (file_exists($action_file)) { require_once $action_file; db_connect(); $html .= $action(); } } } echo $html;
function draw_dir_tree($files_path, $files_url, $file_type = '', &$id, $level = 1) { global $initial_files_path; global $initial_files_url; global $del_path; global $text; global $lang; global $cur_dir_id; // global $last_id; // global $last_path; // global $last_url; //prepare list of files and directories $entries = array(); $files = array(); $indx = 1; $abs_files_path = abs_path($files_path); $handle = @opendir($abs_files_path); if ($handle) { while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if (is_file($abs_files_path . $file)) { //files $files[] = $file; } else { //directory $entries[$indx]['name'] = $file; $entries[$indx]['is_dir'] = true; $indx++; } } } closedir($handle); } else { echo $text['WrongFilesPath'] . ' "' . $files_path . '"!'; return; } usort($entries, "cmp"); usort($files, "cmp"); //add list of files to list of directories while (list($k, $val) = each($files)) { $entries[$indx++]['name'] = $val; } if ($level > 1 && !($del_path && ereg("^{$files_path}(.*)", $del_path))) { $closed = true; } else { $closed = false; } if ($level == 1) { global $re_set_total_size; if ($re_set_total_size) { $total_dir_size = get_total_dir_size(abs_path(stripslashes($files_path))); echo '<tr><td class="re_remote_dirsize">' . $text['FreeSpace'] . ': ' . convert_file_size($re_set_total_size - $total_dir_size) . '/' . convert_file_size($re_set_total_size) . '</td></tr>'; } echo '<tr>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"><tr><td>'; echo '<b><a class="re_remote" id="dir_a' . $id . '" href="javascript: set_cur_dir(' . $id . ',\'' . $initial_files_path . '\',\'' . $initial_files_url . '\');" style="color:red">' . $text['root'] . '</a></b>'; // style="color:red" echo '</td>'; echo '<td align="right">'; global $re_set_can_create_dir; if ($re_set_can_create_dir) { echo '<a class="re_remote" href="#" onclick="window.remote_files_form.submit(); return false;">' . $text['CreateFolder'] . '</a>'; } else { echo ' '; } echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '</table>'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } echo '<tr height=0><td height=0><div id="dir_div' . $id . '"'; //if just created/renamed or deleted file/dir, make all parent dirs visible if ($closed) { echo 'style="display:none;"'; } echo '>'; echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" height="100%">'; //adjust row heights echo '<tr><td>'; echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"><tr><td>'; echo '</td></tr></table>'; echo '</td></tr>'; //draw content of the current directory if ($entries) { global $re_set_can_rename_file; global $re_set_can_delete_file; global $re_set_can_rename_dir; global $re_set_can_delete_dir; while (list($k, $val) = each($entries)) { $file = $val['name']; if (!isset($val['is_dir']) || !$val['is_dir']) { //files switch ($file_type) { case "image": case "flash": $size = @getimagesize($abs_files_path . $file); if ($size[2] != 4 && $size[2] != 13 && $file_type == 'image' && $size[2] || ($size[2] == 4 || $size[2] == 13) && $file_type == 'flash') { //image&flash echo "<tr onmouseover=\"bgColor='#6699CC';\" onmouseout=\"bgColor='';\"><td width=\"100%\">\n"; echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"><tr><td>'; echo indent($level); echo '<a class="re_remote" href="#" onClick="select_remote_file(\'' . correct_path($files_url . $file) . '\',' . $size[0] . ',' . $size[1] . '); return false;">' . $file . '</a> '; echo "</td>"; echo '<td width="1">'; if ($re_set_can_rename_file) { echo '<a class="re_remote" href="?files_path=' . $initial_files_path . '&files_url=' . $initial_files_url . '&file_type=' . $file_type . '&action=rename&del_path=' . $files_path . '&file=' . rawurlencode($file) . '&lang=' . $lang . (isset($_SESSION) ? '&' . SID : '') . '">r</a>'; } echo ' </td>'; echo '<td width="1">'; if ($re_set_can_delete_file) { echo '<a class="re_remote" href="?files_path=' . $initial_files_path . '&files_url=' . $initial_files_url . '&file_type=' . $file_type . '&action=delete&del_path=' . $files_path . '&file=' . rawurlencode($file) . '&lang=' . $lang . (isset($_SESSION) ? '&' . SID : '') . '" onclick="javascript: if (window.confirm(\'' . $text['Delete'] . ' \\\'' . str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $file) . '\\\'?\')) return true; else return false;">x</a>'; } echo '</td>'; // echo '<td width="1"><a class="re_remote" href="javascript: window.location = \'?files_path='.$initial_files_path.'&files_url='.$initial_files_url.'&file_type='.$file_type.'&action=rename&del_path='.$files_path.'&file='.$file.'&lang='.$lang.'\';">r</a> </td>'; // echo '<td width="1"><a class="re_remote" href="javascript: if (window.confirm(\'Delete \\\''.$file.'\\\'?\')) window.location = \'?files_path='.$initial_files_path.'&files_url='.$initial_files_url.'&file_type='.$file_type.'&action=delete&del_path='.$files_path.'&file='.$file.'&lang='.$lang.'\';">x</a></td>'; echo '</tr></table></td>'; echo "</tr>\n"; //adjust row heights echo '<tr><td>'; echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"><tr><td>'; echo '</td></tr></table>'; echo '</td></tr>'; } break; default: echo "<tr onmouseover=\"bgColor='#6699CC';\" onmouseout=\"bgColor='';\"><td width=\"100%\">\n"; echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"><tr><td>'; echo indent($level); echo '<a class="re_remote" href="#" onClick="select_remote_file(\'' . correct_path($files_url . $file) . '\'); return false;">' . $file . '</a> '; echo "</td>"; echo '<td width="1">'; if ($re_set_can_rename_file) { echo '<a class="re_remote" href="?files_path=' . $initial_files_path . '&files_url=' . $initial_files_url . '&file_type=' . $file_type . '&action=rename&del_path=' . $files_path . '&file=' . rawurlencode($file) . '&lang=' . $lang . (isset($_SESSION) ? '&' . SID : '') . '">r</a>'; } echo ' </td>'; echo '<td width="1">'; if ($re_set_can_delete_file) { echo '<a class="re_remote" href="?files_path=' . $initial_files_path . '&files_url=' . $initial_files_url . '&file_type=' . $file_type . '&action=delete&del_path=' . $files_path . '&file=' . rawurlencode($file) . '&lang=' . $lang . (isset($_SESSION) ? '&' . SID : '') . '" onclick="javascript: if (window.confirm(\'' . $text['Delete'] . ' \\\'' . str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $file) . '\\\'?\')) return true; else return false;">x</a>'; } echo '</td>'; // echo '<td width="1"><a class="re_remote" href="javascript: window.location = \'?files_path='.$initial_files_path.'&files_url='.$initial_files_url.'&file_type='.$file_type.'&action=rename&del_path='.$files_path.'&file='.rawurlencode($file).'&lang='.$lang.'\';">r</a> </td>'; // echo '<td width="1"><a class="re_remote" href="javascript: if (window.confirm(\'Delete \\\''.$file.'\\\'?\')) window.location = \'?files_path='.$initial_files_path.'&files_url='.$initial_files_url.'&file_type='.$file_type.'&action=delete&del_path='.$files_path.'&file='.$file.'&lang='.$lang.'\';">x</a></td>'; echo '</tr></table></td>'; echo "</tr>\n"; //adjust row heights echo '<tr><td>'; echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"><tr><td>'; echo '</td></tr></table>'; echo '</td></tr>'; break; } //switch } else { //directories $id++; //get unique div id if (!($del_path && ereg("^{$files_path}{$file}/(.*)", $del_path))) { $closed = true; } else { $closed = false; if ($del_path == $files_path . $file . '/') { $cur_dir_id = $id; } } echo "<tr onmouseover=\"bgColor='#6699CC';\" onmouseout=\"bgColor='';\"><td width=\"100%\">\n"; echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"><tr><td>'; echo indent($level); echo '<img width="11" height="11" id="dir_img' . $id . '" style="cursor:hand" onclick="switch_div(' . $id . ');" src="images/'; if (!$closed) { echo 'minus.gif'; } else { echo 'plus.gif'; } echo '"> '; echo '<b><a class="re_remote" id="dir_a' . $id . '" href="javascript: set_cur_dir(' . $id . ',\'' . str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $files_path . $file) . '/\',\'' . str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $files_url . $file) . '/\');">' . $file . '</a></b> </td>'; echo '<td width="1">'; if ($re_set_can_rename_dir) { echo '<a class="re_remote" href="?files_path=' . $initial_files_path . '&files_url=' . $initial_files_url . '&file_type=' . $file_type . '&action=rename&del_path=' . $files_path . '&file=' . rawurlencode($file) . '&lang=' . $lang . (isset($_SESSION) ? '&' . SID : '') . '">r</a>'; } echo ' </td>'; echo '<td width="1">'; if ($re_set_can_delete_dir) { echo '<a class="re_remote" href="?files_path=' . $initial_files_path . '&files_url=' . $initial_files_url . '&file_type=' . $file_type . '&action=delete&del_path=' . $files_path . '&file=' . rawurlencode($file) . '&lang=' . $lang . (isset($_SESSION) ? '&' . SID : '') . '" onclick="javascript: if (window.confirm(\'' . $text['Delete'] . ' \\\'' . str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $file) . '\\\'?\')) return true; else return false;">x</a>'; } echo '</td>'; // echo '<td width="1"><a class="re_remote" href="javascript: window.location = \'?files_path='.$initial_files_path.'&files_url='.$initial_files_url.'&file_type='.$file_type.'&action=rename&del_path='.$files_path.'&file='.rawurlencode($file).'&lang='.$lang.'\';">r</a> </td>'; // echo '<td width="1"><a class="re_remote" href="javascript: if (window.confirm(\'Delete \\\''.$file.'\\\'?\')) window.location = \'?files_path='.$initial_files_path.'&files_url='.$initial_files_url.'&file_type='.$file_type.'&action=delete&del_path='.$files_path.'&file='.rawurlencode($file).'&lang='.$lang.'\';">x</a></td>'; echo '</tr></table></td>'; echo "</tr>\n"; draw_dir_tree($files_path . $file . '/', $files_url . $file . '/', $file_type, $id, $level + 1); } } } echo '</table></div></td></tr>'; }
function get_virtual_dir($this_copy_id) { //Объявляем глобальные переменные global $store; global $virtual_files; $this_info_file = correct_path($store . "store." . $this_copy_id) . "store." . $this_copy_id . ".info"; if ($this_copy_id > 0) { get_virtual_dir($this_copy_id - 1); $lines = file($this_info_file); show($this_copy_id); show("lines"); show($lines); foreach ($lines as $line_numFOR => $lineFOR) { $explodeFOR = explode("\t", $lineFOR); $fileFOR = trim($explodeFOR[0]); $actionFOR = trim($explodeFOR[1]); $md5FOR = trim($explodeFOR[2]); if ($actionFOR == 'change') { $virtual_files[$fileFOR]['md5'] = $md5FOR; } if ($actionFOR == 'add') { $virtual_files[$fileFOR]['md5'] = $md5FOR; } if ($actionFOR == 'delete') { unset($virtual_files[$fileFOR]); } } } else { $lines = file($this_info_file); foreach ($lines as $line_numFOR => $lineFOR) { $explodeFOR = explode("\t", $lineFOR); $fileFOR = trim($explodeFOR[0]); $actionFOR = trim($explodeFOR[1]); $md5FOR = trim($explodeFOR[2]); if ($actionFOR == 'add') { $virtual_files[$fileFOR]['md5'] = $md5FOR; } } } }
function dumps_explorer(){ global $servers; global $reg1; $html=""; //Выбор сервера для просмотра $html.="Выберите сервер: "; //Перебираем сервера foreach($servers as $server){ $url="/engine.php?action=dumps_explorer&server=$server"; //if(isset($_GET['dir'])) $url.="&dir=".$_GET['dir']; $html.="<a href='$url'>".$server."</a> "; } //Пустая строка $html.="<br/><br/>"; //Выводим информацию по серверу if(isset($_GET['server'])){ //Получаем имя сервера из uri $server=$_GET['server']; //Проверяем существование соответствующей директории if(!file_exists("/mnt/$server")){ $html.="Информация по серверу недоступна, т.к. недоступна директория /mnt/$server"; }else{ //Директория с дампами $dir=correct_path("/mnt/$server/MSSQL"); //Директория-хранилище $store=correct_path("/mnt/$server/MSSQL_Store"); $html.="Вывод информации: <a href='/engine.php?action=dumps_explorer&server=$server&show=dir'>Временные дампы</a> <a href='/engine.php?action=dumps_explorer&server=$server&show=store'>Хранилище</a><br/><br/>"; //Просмотр информации по директории if(@$_GET['show']=="dir"){ //Указываем имя сервера, по которому будет просматривать информацию $html.="Смотрим каталог $dir<br/><br/>"; //Проверяем, существует ли директория с дампами if(!$dp=opendir($dir)){ show("Ошибка opendir(\$store). Не удается открыть директорию $store."); exit; }else{ //Перебираем вложенные директории while($subdir = readdir($dp)){ $subdir_with_path=correct_path($dir.$subdir); if(is_dir($subdir_with_path) && preg_match($reg1, $subdir)){ $subdir_size=trim(explode("/", exec("du -h --summarize $subdir_with_path"))[0]); $subdir_size=str_replace("G", "Гб", str_replace("K", "Кб", str_replace("M", "Мб", $subdir_size))); $html.="<a href='/engine.php?action=dumps_explorer&server=$server&show=dir&dir=$subdir'>".$subdir."</a> $subdir_size<br/>"; //Проверяем, что каталог не пустой if(count(scandir($subdir_with_path))>2){ //Проверяем на ошибку открытия каталога if(!$dp1=opendir($subdir_with_path)){ show("Ошибка opendir(\$subdir_with_path). Не удается открыть директорию $subdir_with_path."); continue; }else{ //Перебираем каталоги while($subdir1 = readdir($dp1)){ //Проверяем, что это не каталоги "." и "..", а также соответствие каталогу из uri if($subdir1!="." && $subdir1!=".." && $subdir==$_GET['dir']){ $html.=" $subdir1<br/>"; } } } } } } } } //Просмотр информации по директории if(@$_GET['show']=="store"){ //Указываем имя сервера, по которому будет просматривать информацию $html.="Смотрим каталог $dir<br/><br/>"; //Проверяем, существует ли директория с дампами if(!$dp=opendir($store)){ show("Ошибка opendir(\$store). Не удается открыть директорию $store."); exit; }else{ //Перебираем вложенные директории while($subdir = readdir($dp)){ $subdir_with_path=correct_path($store.$subdir); if(is_dir($subdir_with_path) && $subdir!="." && $subdir!=".."){ $html.=$subdir; } } } } } } //Возвращаем HTML-поток шаблона return template_get( 'dumps/dumps_explorer', array( 'html'=>$html ) ); } = false; '; if ($upload_only) { echo ' // ="&action=reload"; ="&local_del_path=' . $files_path . '"; '; } else { echo '; '; } break; case 'flash': echo ' var url = \'' . correct_path($files_url . $name) . '\'; = url;;; = false; '; if ($upload_only) { echo ' // ="&action=reload"; ="&local_del_path=' . $files_path . '"; '; } else { echo '; '; }
<?php //Подключаем вспомогательный код require_once "/home/"; require_once "/home/"; require_once "/home/"; //Подключаемся к базе данных db_connect('reports'); //Директория с дампами $dir = correct_path("/mnt/{$server}/MSSQL"); if (!is_dir($dir)) { show("Ошибка is_dir. Директория {$dir} не является корректной."); exit; } if (!($dp = opendir($dir))) { show("Ошибка opendir(\$dir). Не удается открыть директорию {$dir}."); } //Переменная для счетчика перемещенных дампов $counter = 0; //Читаем директорию while ($f = readdir($dp)) { //Получаем полное имя файла с абсолютным путем $f_with_path = correct_path($dir . $f); //Проверяем, что $f_with_path является директорией if (is_dir($f_with_path) && $f != "." && $f != "..") { //"Отсечение первых трех" при файловом переборе } }
$tmp .= "\texpire[\"acl.conf\"] = \"3600\";\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "--set xml_handler\n"; $tmp .= "\txml_handler = {}\n"; $tmp .= "\txml_handler[\"fs_path\"] = false;\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "--set the debug options\n"; $tmp .= "\tdebug[\"params\"] = false;\n"; $tmp .= "\tdebug[\"sql\"] = false;\n"; $tmp .= "\tdebug[\"xml_request\"] = false;\n"; $tmp .= "\tdebug[\"xml_string\"] = false;\n"; $tmp .= "\tdebug[\"cache\"] = false;\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "--additional info\n"; $tmp .= "\tdomain_count = " . count($_SESSION["domains"]) . ";\n"; $tmp .= correct_path("\ttemp_dir = [[" . $_SESSION['server']['temp']['dir'] . "]];\n"); if (isset($_SESSION['domain']['dial_string']['text'])) { $tmp .= "\tdial_string = \"" . $_SESSION['domain']['dial_string']['text'] . "\";\n"; } $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "--include local.lua\n"; $tmp .= "\trequire(\"resources.functions.file_exists\");\n"; $tmp .= "\tif (file_exists(\"/etc/fusionpbx/local.lua\")) then\n"; $tmp .= "\t\tdofile(\"/etc/fusionpbx/local.lua\");\n"; $tmp .= "\telseif (file_exists(\"/usr/local/etc/fusionpbx/local.lua\")) then\n"; $tmp .= "\t\tdofile(\"/usr/local/etc/fusionpbx/local.lua\");\n"; $tmp .= "\telseif (file_exists(scripts_dir..\"/resources/local.lua\")) then\n"; $tmp .= "\t\trequire(\"resources.local\");\n"; $tmp .= "\tend\n"; fwrite($fout, $tmp); unset($tmp); = false; '; if ($upload_only) { echo ' // ="&action=reload"; ="&local_del_path=' . $files_path . '"; '; } else { echo '; '; } break; case 'flash': echo ' = \'' . correct_path($files_url . $name) . '\';; = false; '; if ($upload_only) { echo ' // ="&action=reload"; ="&local_del_path=' . $files_path . '"; '; } else { echo '; '; } break; default:
echo '\'images/space.gif\''; } if ($file_type == "flash") { echo ' = \'\';'; } echo 'return false;'; /**/ switch ($file_type) { case 'image': echo '\'' . correct_path($files_url . $name) . '\'; = false;;'; break; case 'link': echo '\'' . correct_path($files_url . $name) . '\'; = false;;'; break; case 'flash': echo ' = \'' . correct_path($files_url . $name) . '\';; = false;;'; break; default: break; } } ?> } </script> </head> <body bgcolor="buttonface" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0" onload="on_load_local();"> <form name="local_files_form" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="">
//Проверяем, что это файл if (!is_dir($f_with_path)) { //show($f_with_path); //Получаем параметры дампа из имени файла preg_match($reg, $f, $matches); //show($matches); $yearWHILE = $matches[1]; $monthWHILE = $matches[2]; $dayWHILE = $matches[3]; $hourWHILE = $matches[4]; $minuteWHILE = $matches[5]; $baseWHILE = $matches[6]; $extensWHILE = $matches[7]; //IF if ($baseWHILE1 == $baseWHILE) { $date_dir = correct_path($subdir_with_path . $yearWHILE . "." . $monthWHILE . "." . $dayWHILE); //Создаем директорию if (!file_exists($date_dir) || !is_dir($date_dir)) { mkdir($date_dir); show("Создана директория {$date_dir}"); } //Перемещаем дамп exec("mv {$f_with_path} {$date_dir}"); show("Файл дампа {$f} перемещен в директорию {$date_dir}"); //Прибавляем счетчик $counter++; } } } } }