예제 #1
파일: Lists.php 프로젝트: rodino25/tsv2
 public function index()
     $myID = getUserID();
     $query = $this->mdb->get_active($myID);
     $priorities = $this->config->item('priorities');
     $priorityColors = array('bg-light', 'bg-warning dker', 'bg-danger');
     $items = array();
     foreach ($query->result() as $row) {
         $start = 'TBA';
         $startOrig = '';
         $end = 'TBA';
         $endOrig = '';
         $dateCompleted = 'TBA';
         $isOverdue = 0;
         if (strtotime($row->date_start)) {
             $start = convert_datetime($row->date_start);
             $start = date("M d, Y", strtotime($row->date_start));
             $startOrig = date("m/d/Y", strtotime($row->date_start));
         if (strtotime($row->date_end)) {
             $end = convert_datetime($row->date_end);
             $end = date("M d, Y", strtotime($row->date_end));
             $endOrig = date("m/d/Y", strtotime($row->date_end));
             $endDateOnly = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($row->date_end));
             $endDateOnlyStr = strtotime($endDateOnly);
             $isOverdue = strtotime(date("Y-m-d")) >= $endDateOnlyStr ? 1 : 0;
         if (strtotime($row->date_completed)) {
             $dateCompleted = convert_datetime($row->date_completed);
             $dateCompleted = date("M d, Y", strtotime($row->date_completed));
         $items[] = array('id' => $row->id, 'name' => $row->title, 'safe_name' => htmlentities($row->title), 'project_id' => $row->project_id, 'project_name' => $row->project_name, 'description' => htmlentities($row->description), 'priority' => $row->priority, 'priority_name' => $priorities[$row->priority], 'priority_class' => isset($priorityColors[$row->priority]) ? $priorityColors[$row->priority] : $priorityColors[0], 'date_start' => $start, 'date_start_orig' => $startOrig, 'date_end' => $end, 'date_end_orig' => $endOrig, 'is_overdue' => $isOverdue, 'date_completed' => $dateCompleted, 'task_master' => array('id' => $row->creator_id, 'name' => $row->task_master));
     generate_json(array('status' => 1, 'items' => $items));
예제 #2
파일: Files.php 프로젝트: rodino25/tsv2
 private function processItems($query)
     $items = array();
     foreach ($query->result() as $row) {
         $dateAdded = convert_datetime($row->date_added);
         $icon = 'file';
         /* file configs */
         $music = array('.mp3', '.mid', '.ogg', '.wav', '.amr', '.ac3', '.wma');
         $images = array('.jpg', '.jpeg', '.gif', '.png');
         $videos = array('.mp4', '.flv', '.mkv', '.avi', '.wmv', '.3gp', '.mov');
         $txt = array('.txt', '.rtf');
         $excel = array('.xls', '.xlsx');
         $word = array('.doc', '.docx');
         $powerpoint = array('.ppt', '.pptx');
         $archives = array('.zip', '.rar', '.gz', '.7z', '.gzip');
         if ($row->attachment_type == 'file') {
             $ext = strtolower($row->extension);
             if (in_array($ext, $music)) {
                 $icon = 'file-music';
             if (in_array($ext, $videos)) {
                 $icon = 'file-video';
             if (in_array($ext, $images)) {
                 $icon = 'file-php';
             if (in_array($ext, $txt)) {
                 $icon = 'text';
             if (in_array($ext, $word)) {
                 $icon = 'file-word';
             if (in_array($ext, $excel)) {
                 $icon = 'file-excel';
             if (in_array($ext, $powerpoint)) {
                 $icon = 'file-power-point';
             if (in_array($ext, $archives)) {
                 $icon = 'zip';
             if ($ext == '.pdf') {
                 $icon = 'file-pdf';
         } else {
             $icon = 'folder';
         $items[] = array('id' => $row->id, 'attachment_type' => strtolower($row->attachment_type), 'uploader_id' => $row->uploader, 'uploader_name' => $row->uploader_name, 'filename' => $row->filename, 'filesize' => format_filesize($row->filesize), 'uploaded' => relativedate(strtotime($dateAdded), false), 'icon' => $icon);
     return $items;
예제 #3
 public function index()
     $from = strtotime($this->input->get("from"));
     $dateFrom = $from ? date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $from) : '';
     $to = strtotime($this->input->get("to"));
     $dateTo = $to ? date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $to) : '';
     $query = $this->mdb->get_auditTrail($dateFrom, $dateTo);
     $items = array();
     foreach ($query->result() as $row) {
         $date = convert_datetime($row->date, "M d, Y - h:i a");
         $items[] = array('action' => $row->action, 'date' => $date);
     generate_json(array('status' => 1, 'items' => $items));
예제 #4
파일: Members.php 프로젝트: rodino25/tsv2
 public function get_accepted($pid = 0)
     $myID = getUserID();
     $query = $this->mmdb->get_members($pid, $myID);
     $members = array();
     foreach ($query->result() as $row) {
         $dateJoined = convert_datetime($row->date_joined);
         $data = array('id' => $row->id, 'display_name' => $row->display_name, 'joined_by' => (int) $row->joined_by, 'date_joined' => $row->is_accepted == 1 ? relativedate(strtotime($dateJoined), false) : 'n/a', 'is_accepted' => (int) $row->is_accepted, 'role_id' => (int) $row->project_role, 'role' => $row->is_accepted == 1 ? $row->project_role_name : 'None', 'tasks' => number_format($row->tasks), 'files' => number_format($row->files), 'is_contact' => $row->is_friend == 1 ? 1 : 0, 'is_me' => $myID == $row->id ? 1 : 0);
         //Filter for members
         if ($row->is_accepted == 1) {
             $members[] = $data;
     generate_json(array('status' => 1, 'members' => $members));
예제 #5
파일: Lists.php 프로젝트: rodino25/tsv2
 public function index()
     $myID = getUserID();
     $items = array();
     $categories = array();
     $query = $this->mdb->get_notes($myID);
     foreach ($query->result() as $row) {
         $date = convert_datetime($row->date_created);
         $items[] = array('id' => $row->id, 'title' => $row->title, 'category' => empty($row->category) ? 'Uncategorized' : $row->category, 'content' => empty($row->content) ? 'No description' : $row->content, 'date' => relativedate(strtotime($date), false));
     $query = $this->mdb->get_categories($myID);
     foreach ($query->result() as $row) {
         $categories[] = $row->category;
     generate_json(array('status' => 1, 'items' => $items, 'categories' => $categories));
예제 #6
파일: Lists.php 프로젝트: rodino25/tsv2
 public function index()
     $myID = getUserID();
     $query = $this->mdb->get_contacts($myID);
     $items = array();
     $initials = array();
     $initial = '';
     foreach ($query->result() as $row) {
         $lastname = trim($row->lastname);
         $middlename = trim($row->middlename);
         $firstname = trim($row->firstname);
         $displayname = $row->display_name;
         $nameToDisplay = $displayname;
         $date = convert_datetime($row->date_added);
         if (!empty($lastname)) {
             $nameToDisplay = ucfirst($lastname);
             if (!empty($firstname)) {
                 $nameToDisplay .= ", " . ucfirst($firstname);
             if (!empty($middlename)) {
                 $nameToDisplay .= ' ' . ucfirst(substr($middlename, 0, 1)) . '.';
         if ($initial !== strtoupper(substr($nameToDisplay, 0, 1))) {
             $initial = strtoupper(substr($nameToDisplay, 0, 1));
         $contactNo = array();
         $contactNoQ = unserialize($row->contact_number);
         $addressQ = unserialize($row->location);
         if ($contactNoQ) {
             foreach ($contactNoQ as $rContact) {
                 if ($rContact['privacy'] == 0) {
                     $contactNo[] = $rContact['contact'];
         $address = '';
         if ($addressQ) {
             $address = $addressQ['privacy'] == 0 ? $addressQ['location'] : 'Private';
         $items[] = array('id' => $row->id, 'group' => in_array($initial, $initials) ? "" : $initial, 'display_name' => $nameToDisplay, 'nickname' => $displayname, 'email_address' => $row->email_privacy == 0 ? $row->email_address : 'Private', 'company' => empty($row->company) ? '-' : $row->company, 'address' => empty($address) ? '-' : $address, 'gender' => ucfirst($row->gender), 'date_added' => relativedate(strtotime($date), false), 'contact_no' => count($contactNo) ? implode(", ", $contactNo) : '-');
         $initials[] = $initial;
     generate_json(array('status' => 1, 'items' => $items));
예제 #7
 public function load()
     $db = db::getInstance();
     $session = Session::getInstance();
     $addsql = '';
     if ($this->date) {
         $addsql .= '
             AND N.firstdate >= "' . date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', $this->date) . '"
             AND N.firstdate <= "' . date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', $this->date) . '"
     $addsql .= '
         ORDER BY firstdate DESC
     if ($this->last) {
         $addsql .= '
         LIMIT 0,20
     $query = '
         SELECT N.title, N.text, U.login, N.firstdate, U.id as userId
         FROM news N 
           LEFT JOIN user U ON U.id = N.firstauthor 
         WHERE N.module_id="' . $this->module . '"
     ' . $addsql;
     $result = $db->select($query);
     if ($result) {
         foreach ($result as $obj) {
             $obj['edit'] = false;
             if ($session->isLogged()) {
                 $user = $session->getUser('id');
                 if ($user == $obj['userId']) {
                     $obj['edit'] = true;
             $this->event[convert_datetime($obj['firstdate'])] = $obj;
             $day = substr($obj['firstdate'], 0, strpos($obj['firstdate'], ' ')) . ' 00:00:00';
             if (!$this->day[convert_datetime($day)]) {
                 $this->day[convert_datetime($day)] = array();
             $this->day[convert_datetime($day)][] = $obj;
예제 #8
파일: Activity.php 프로젝트: rodino25/tsv2
 public function data($pid = 0)
     $page = (int) $this->input->get('page');
     $page = $page > 1 ? $page : 1;
     $pageOrig = $page > 1 ? $page - 1 : 0;
     $itemsPerPage = 10;
     $sqStart = $pageOrig * $itemsPerPage;
     $sql = $this->ldb->get_data($pid, $sqStart, $itemsPerPage);
     $items = array();
     foreach ($sql->result() as $row) {
         $timestamp = convert_datetime($row->date_added);
         $items[] = array('activity' => projectlogs_read($row->type, $row->tag_data), 'actor_id' => $row->actor_id, 'actor_name' => $row->display_name, 'timestamp' => relativedate(strtotime($timestamp)), 'redirect' => $row->redirect);
     $qAllItems = $this->ldb->get_data($pid, 0, 0);
     $allItems = (int) $qAllItems->num_rows();
     $total_page = $allItems > 0 ? ceil($allItems / $itemsPerPage) : 1;
     generate_json(array('status' => 1, 'items' => $items, 'total_page' => number_format($total_page), 'current_page' => $page, 'previous_page' => $page > 1 ? $page - 1 : '', 'next_page' => $page < $total_page ? $page + 1 : '', 'total_items' => number_format($allItems)));
예제 #9
 public function generate()
     $content = '';
     $days = $this->event->getDays();
     foreach ($days as $date => $day) {
         $events = '';
         $alt = 0;
         foreach ($day as $event) {
             $data = array('__ID__' => convert_datetime($event['firstdate']), '__TITLE__' => $event['title'], '__DATE__' => $this->time($event['firstdate']), '__AUTHOR__' => $event['login'], '__CONTENT__' => $event['text'], '__ALT__' => $alt, '__ACTION__' => $event['edit'] ? '<img src="module/news/theme/default/edit.png" onclick="newsEdit(\'' . convert_datetime($event['firstdate']) . '\')" height=28/>' : '');
             $alt = !$alt;
             if ($event['text']) {
                 $events .= Template::getInstance()->get('long', $data, 'org.sygil.news');
             } else {
                 $events .= Template::getInstance()->get('short', $data, 'org.sygil.news');
         $data = array('__TITLE__' => $this->date($date), '__CONTENT__' => $events);
         $content .= Template::getInstance()->get('day', $data, 'org.sygil.news');
     return $content;
예제 #10
 public function get_notif()
     $myID = getUserID();
     $page = (int) $this->input->get('page');
     $page = $page > 1 ? $page : 1;
     $pageOrig = $page > 1 ? $page - 1 : 0;
     $itemsPerPage = 20;
     $sqStart = $pageOrig * $itemsPerPage;
     $query = $this->mdb->get_all_notif($myID, $sqStart, $itemsPerPage);
     $items = array();
     foreach ($query->result() as $row) {
         $tagData = explode("|", $row->tag_data);
         $description = display_notif($row->type, $tagData, $row->counter);
         $description = convert_tag($description, 'span', array('class' => 'tag'));
         $dateNotify = convert_datetime($row->date_notify);
         $items[] = array('id' => $row->id, 'description' => $description, 'actor_id' => $row->actor_id, 'redirect_uri' => $row->redirect, 'timestamp' => relativedate(strtotime($dateNotify), true), 'is_read' => $row->is_read, 'is_new' => $row->is_new);
     $qAllItems = $this->mdb->get_all_notif($myID, 0, 0);
     $allItems = (int) $qAllItems->num_rows();
     $total_page = $allItems > 0 ? ceil($allItems / $itemsPerPage) : 1;
     $this->mdb->update_notif(array('notify_to' => $myID, 'is_new' => 1), array('is_new' => 0));
     generate_json(array('status' => 1, 'items' => $items, 'total_page' => number_format($total_page), 'current_page' => $page, 'previous_page' => $page > 1 ? $page - 1 : '', 'next_page' => $page < $total_page ? $page + 1 : '', 'total_items' => number_format($allItems)));
예제 #11
 function __construct()
     global $config;
     global $db;
     $baseaddress = $config->getValue('baseaddress');
     $query = $db->SQL('SELECT timestamp FROM matches ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1');
     $row = $db->fetchRow($query);
     $numRows = 0;
     if (!$row) {
         header('Content-Type: text/plain');
         echo 'No matches played yet.';
     $pubDate = date("Y-m-d\\TH:i:s+00:00", $this->convert_datetime($row['timestamp']));
     $query = 'SELECT timestamp,team1_points,team2_points,t1.name team1_name,t2.name team2_name ';
     $query .= 'FROM matches LEFT JOIN teams t1 ON matches.team1ID = t1.id LEFT JOIN teams t2 ON matches.team2ID = t2.id ';
     $query .= 'ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 5';
     $numRowsQuery = $db->SQL(str_replace('SELECT ', 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS `numRows`, ', $query));
     $numRowsQuery = $db->fetchRow($numRowsQuery);
     $numRows = $numRowsQuery['numRows'];
     $query = $db->SQL($query);
     if ($numRows >= 1) {
         header('Content-Type: text/xml');
         echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . '<rss version="2.0"' . 'xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"' . 'xmlns:sy="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/syndication/"' . 'xmlns:bzl="' . $baseaddress . '">' . '<channel>' . '<title>GU League - Last 5 Match Results</title>' . '<link>' . $baseaddress . 'Matches/</link>' . '<description>Herein lies the last 5 match results entered on the BZFlag GU League site.</description>' . '<language>en</language>' . '<copyright>GPL</copyright>' . '<lastBuildDate>' . $pubDate . '</lastBuildDate>' . '<generator>' . $baseaddress . 'rss/</generator>' . '<webMaster>' . $baseaddress . 'Contact/</webMaster>' . '<ttl>60</ttl>' . '<dc:language>en</dc:language>' . '<dc:creator>' . $baseaddress . '</dc:creator>' . '<dc:rights>GPL</dc:rights>' . '<dc:date>' . $pubDate . '</dc:date>' . '<sy:updatePeriod>hourly</sy:updatePeriod>' . '<sy:updateFrequency>60</sy:updateFrequency>' . '<sy:updateBase>2003-09-01T12:00+00:00</sy:updateBase>';
         while ($row = $db->fetchRow($query)) {
             $ts = convert_datetime($row['timestamp']);
             $date1 = date('M d H:i', $ts);
             $date2 = date('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s+00:00', $ts);
             echo "<item>\n\t\t\t\t\t<title>{$date1} => {$row['team1_name']}:{$row['team1_points']}, {$row['team2_name']}:{$row['team2_points']}</title>\n\t\t\t\t\t<link>{$baseaddressMatches}/</link>\n\t\t\t\t\t<description>{$date1} => {$row['team1_name']}:{$row['team1_points']}, {$row['team2_name']}:{$row['team2_points']}</description>\n\t\t\t\t\t<pubDate>{$date2}</pubDate>\n\t\t\t\t\t</item>";
         echo '</channel></rss>';
     } else {
         header('Content-Type: text/plain');
         echo 'Error: No matches found.';
function check_post($content)
    $custom_fields = get_post_custom($post->ID);
    if (is_single()) {
        if (isset($custom_fields['date'])) {
            $my_custom_field = $custom_fields['date'];
            foreach ($my_custom_field as $key => $value) {
                $expired_timestamp = convert_datetime($value) . "<br />";
                $current_timestamp = convert_datetime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s")) - timezone_offset($timezone);
            if ($expired_timestamp > $current_timestamp) {
                if (date("H", $expired_timestamp) < 12) {
                    $content = $content . $activeMessage . "<br />";
            } else {
                $content = $expiredMessage . "<br />" . $content;
        } else {
            $content = $content . "<br />Date not set" . "<br />";
    } else {
    return $content;
 public static function from_response(\stdClass $response)
     $obj = new static();
     if (property_exists($response, 'user_id')) {
         $obj->user_id = absint($response->user_id);
     if (property_exists($response, 'domain') && $response->domain instanceof \stdClass) {
         $obj->domain = Domain::from_response($response->domain);
     if (property_exists($response, 'created')) {
         $obj->created = convert_datetime($response->created, FALSE);
     if (property_exists($response, 'customer_id')) {
         $obj->customer_id = absint($response->customer_id);
     if (property_exists($response, 'product_id')) {
         $obj->product_id = absint($response->product_id);
     if (property_exists($response, 'variation_id')) {
         $obj->variation_id = absint($response->variation_id);
     if (property_exists($response, 'quantity')) {
         $obj->quantity = absint($response->quantity);
     if (property_exists($response, 'price')) {
         $obj->price = sanitize_text_field($response->price);
     if (property_exists($response, 'product_name')) {
         $obj->product_name = sanitize_text_field($response->product_name);
     if (property_exists($response, 'product_version')) {
         $obj->product_version = sanitize_text_field($response->product_version);
     if (property_exists($response, 'term_name')) {
         $obj->term_name = sanitize_text_field($response->term_name);
     if (property_exists($response, 'log_type')) {
         $obj->log_type = sanitize_text_field($response->log_type);
     return $obj;
	$upcomingList = new SimpleXMLElement($upcomingSvc, NULL, TRUE);
	$conflictList = new SimpleXMLElement($conflictSvc, NULL, TRUE);
	$items = array();
	foreach($recordingList->xpath('//Program') as $value) {
		$statusEl = $value->xpath('.//Status');  
		$programFlagsEl = $value->xpath('.//ProgramFlags');
		$chanidEl = $value->xpath('.//ChanId');
		$startTimeEl = $value->xpath('.//StartTs');
		$flags = (int)$programFlagsEl[0];
		$status = (int)$statusEl[0];  
		$chanid = (string)$chanidEl[0];
		$startTS = (string)$startTimeEl[0];
		$timestamp = convert_datetime($startTS);
			$starttime = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $timestamp );
			$starttime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $timestamp );	
		$parms = array('chanid'=>$chanid, 'starttime'=>$starttime);
		$jobs = new SimpleXMLElement("$jobqueueSvc?".http_build_query($parms), NULL, TRUE);
		$hasJob = (bool)$jobs[0];  
		$program = new Program($value);
		$program->hasJob = $hasJob;
		$program->isRecording = ($status == -2);	
		if($program->hasJob || $program->isRecording) { 
			$items[] = new item($program);
예제 #15
파일: Feeds.php 프로젝트: rodino25/tsv2
 private function processFeedData($data)
     $items = array();
     $myID = getUserID();
     $temp_item = end($data);
     $is_moderator = false;
     if (isset($temp_item->project_id) && is_numeric($temp_item->project_id)) {
         $is_moderator = validate_access('is_moderator', array('project_id' => $temp_item->project_id, 'user_id' => $myID));
     foreach ($data as $row) {
         //comment snippet
         $commentItems = array();
         if ($row->comments) {
             $query = $this->mdb->get_comment_snippet($row->id, 0, 2);
             foreach ($query->result() as $cRow) {
                 //reply snippet
                 $replyItems = array();
                 if ($cRow->comments) {
                     $rQuery = $this->mdb->get_comment_snippet($row->id, $cRow->id, 1);
                     foreach ($rQuery->result() as $rRow) {
                         $dateCommented = convert_datetime($rRow->date_posted);
                         $replyItems[] = array('id' => $rRow->id, 'actor_id' => $rRow->user_id, 'actor_name' => $rRow->actor_name, 'replies' => $rRow->comments, 'agrees' => $rRow->agrees, 'disagrees' => $rRow->disagrees, 'is_agree' => $rRow->is_agree, 'is_disagree' => $rRow->is_disagree, 'date_commented' => relativedate(strtotime($dateCommented), false), 'comment' => $rRow->comment, 'update_buttons' => $rRow->user_id == $myID || $is_moderator ? 1 : 0);
                 $rQuery = $this->mdb->get_comment_snippet($row->id, $cRow->id, 2);
                 $dateCommented = convert_datetime($cRow->date_posted);
                 $commentItems[] = array('id' => $cRow->id, 'actor_id' => $cRow->user_id, 'actor_name' => $cRow->actor_name, 'replies' => $cRow->comments, 'reply_snippet' => $replyItems, 'shownextcommentslink' => $rQuery->num_rows() > 1 ? 1 : 0, 'agrees' => $cRow->agrees, 'disagrees' => $cRow->disagrees, 'is_agree' => $cRow->is_agree, 'is_disagree' => $cRow->is_disagree, 'date_commented' => relativedate(strtotime($dateCommented), false), 'comment' => $cRow->comment, 'update_buttons' => $cRow->user_id == $myID || $is_moderator ? 1 : 0);
         $query = $this->mdb->get_comment_snippet($row->id, 0, 3);
         $datePosted = convert_datetime($row->date_posted);
         /* Attachments Start */
         $attachments = array();
         $aQuery = $this->mdb->get_attachments($temp_item->project_id, $row->id);
         $hx = 0;
         foreach ($aQuery->result() as $aRow) {
             $imgs = array('.gif', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png');
             if (in_array(strtolower($aRow->extension), $imgs) && $aRow->deleted_by == 0) {
                 $imgW = '';
                 $imgH = '';
                 $fullpath = 'uploads/files/' . $aRow->uploader . '/thumbs/' . $aRow->filepath;
                 if (is_file($fullpath)) {
                     $imgSize = getimagesize($fullpath);
                     $imgW = $imgSize[0];
                     $imgH = $imgSize[1];
                 $attachments['images'][] = array('id' => $aRow->id, 'filename' => $aRow->filename, 'filesize' => format_filesize($aRow->filesize), 'width' => $imgW, 'height' => $imgH, 'hidden' => $hx > 3 ? 1 : 0);
             } else {
                 $attachments['files'][] = array('id' => $aRow->id, 'filename' => $aRow->filename, 'filesize' => format_filesize($aRow->filesize), 'deleted_by' => $aRow->deleted_by);
         /* Attachments End */
         /* Params */
         $qParam = unserialize($row->params);
         $params = array();
         if ($qParam && is_array($qParam)) {
             foreach ($qParam as $param) {
                 $paramNameQuery = $this->db->get_where("users", array('id' => $param));
                 if ($paramNameQuery->num_rows()) {
                     $paramRow = $paramNameQuery->row();
                     $params[] = array('id' => $paramRow->id, 'name' => $paramRow->display_name);
         /* Params End */
         $items[] = array('id' => $row->id, 'poster_id' => $row->poster_id, 'poster_picture' => 'pictures/avatar/' . $row->id . '/thumb', 'poster_name' => $row->poster_name, 'post' => sprintf(htmlentities($row->post_message), $row->params), 'agrees' => $row->agrees, 'disagrees' => $row->disagrees, 'comments' => $row->comments, 'comment_snippet' => $commentItems, 'shownextcommentslink' => $query->num_rows() > 2 ? 1 : 0, 'is_agree' => $row->is_agree, 'is_disagree' => $row->is_disagree, 'date_posted' => relativedate(strtotime($datePosted), false), 'timestamp' => strtotime($row->date_modified), 'update_buttons' => $row->poster_id == $myID || $is_moderator ? 1 : 0, 'edit_button' => $row->poster_id == $myID ? 1 : 0, 'attachments' => $attachments, 'params' => $params, 'post_type' => $row->post_type);
     return $items;
예제 #16
function bbtnn_print_sites_list_detailed()
    $blogs = get_last_updated();
    if (is_array($blogs)) {
        foreach ($blogs as $details) {
            if (1 != $details['blog_id']) {
			<li><a href="http://<?php 
                echo $details['domain'] . $details['path'];
                $blog_details = get_blog_details($details['blog_id']);
                echo $blog_details->blogname;
</a> - <em><?php 
                echo date("F j, Y", convert_datetime($blog_details->last_updated));
예제 #17
function relativedate($seconds, $displaytime = true)
    $today = convert_datetime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
    $secs = strtotime($today) - $seconds;
    $time_string = 'n/a';
    $minute = 60;
    $hour = 60 * 60;
    $day = 60 * 60 * 24;
    $week = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7;
    if (is_numeric($seconds) && $seconds > 0) {
        if ($secs < $minute) {
            $time_string = "Just now";
        } elseif ($secs < $hour) {
            $ts = floor($secs / $minute);
            if ($ts == 1) {
                $time_string = $ts . " min ago";
            } else {
                $time_string = $ts . " mins ago";
        } elseif ($secs < $day) {
            $ts = floor($secs / $hour);
            if ($ts == 1) {
                $time_string = $ts . " hr ago";
            } else {
                $time_string = $ts . " hrs ago";
        } elseif ($secs < $week) {
            $ts = floor($secs / $day);
            if ($ts == 1) {
                $time_string = "Yesterday at " . date("h:i a", strtotime('now') - $secs);
            } else {
                $time_string = $ts . " days ago";
        } else {
            if ($displaytime) {
                $time_string = date("M d, Y h:i a", $seconds);
            } else {
                $time_string = date("M d, Y", $seconds);
    return $time_string;
예제 #18
파일: Post.php 프로젝트: rodino25/tsv2
 private function loopComments($postID, $query)
     $myID = getUserID();
     $items = array();
     $is_moderator = false;
     //Get project id
     $qp = $this->db->query("select project_id from posts where id = ?", array($postID));
     if ($qp->num_rows()) {
         $qpRow = $qp->row();
         if (is_numeric($qpRow->project_id)) {
             $is_moderator = validate_access('is_moderator', array('project_id' => $qpRow->project_id, 'user_id' => $myID));
     foreach ($query->result() as $cRow) {
         //reply snippet
         $replyItems = array();
         if ($cRow->comments) {
             $rQuery = $this->mdb->get_comment_snippet($postID, $cRow->id, 1);
             foreach ($rQuery->result() as $rRow) {
                 $dateCommented = convert_datetime($rRow->date_posted);
                 $replyItems[] = array('id' => $rRow->id, 'actor_id' => $rRow->user_id, 'actor_name' => $rRow->actor_name, 'replies' => $rRow->comments, 'agrees' => $rRow->agrees, 'disagrees' => $rRow->disagrees, 'is_agree' => $rRow->is_agree, 'is_disagree' => $rRow->is_disagree, 'date_commented' => relativedate(strtotime($dateCommented), false), 'comment' => $rRow->comment, 'update_buttons' => $rRow->user_id == $myID || $is_moderator ? 1 : 0);
         $rQuery = $this->mdb->get_comment_snippet($postID, $cRow->id, 2);
         $dateCommented = convert_datetime($cRow->date_posted);
         $items[] = array('id' => $cRow->id, 'actor_id' => $cRow->user_id, 'actor_name' => $cRow->actor_name, 'replies' => $cRow->comments, 'reply_snippet' => $replyItems, 'shownextcommentslink' => $rQuery->num_rows() > 1 ? 1 : 0, 'agrees' => $cRow->agrees, 'disagrees' => $cRow->disagrees, 'is_agree' => $cRow->is_agree, 'is_disagree' => $cRow->is_disagree, 'date_commented' => relativedate(strtotime($dateCommented), false), 'comment' => $cRow->comment, 'update_buttons' => $cRow->user_id == $myID || $is_moderator ? 1 : 0);
     return $items;
예제 #19
	public function __construct($show){			
		$WebServer = $GLOBALS['WebServer'];
		$MythRokuDir = $GLOBALS['MythRokuDir'];
		$RokuDisplayType = $GLOBALS['RokuDisplayType'];
		$BitRate = $GLOBALS['BitRate'];
		$this->media = new media(
				'streamFormat'=>new streamFormat(array('content'=>'mp4'))
				, 'streamQuality'=>new streamQuality(array('content'=>$RokuDisplayType))
				, 'streamBitrate'=>new streamBitrate(array('content'=>$BitRate))
				, 'streamUrl'=>new streamUrl()
		if(1==0){ //dummy to make editing easier - RSH
			//handles Weather current conditions, forecast items, and alerts schemae
			$ShowLength = $show->Delay;
			$title = "$show->Location";
			$title .= empty($show->Temperature) ? "" : ", $show->Temperature";
			$title .= empty($show->Description) ? "" : ", $show->Description";
			$subtitle = empty($show->Message) ? $show->Conditions : $show->Message;
			$subtitle .= empty($show->WindDirection) ? "" : ", $show->WindDirection";
			$subtitle .= empty($show->WindSpeed) ? "" : "@$show->WindSpeed";
			$subtitle .= empty($show->WindGust) ? "" : ", G$show->WindGust";
			$subtitle .= empty($show->Humidity) ? "" : ", hum $show->Humidity";
			$subtitle .= empty($show->Clouds) ? "" : ", vis $show->Clouds mi.";
			$genre = empty($show->Until) ? $show->Temperature : $show->Until;
			$synopsis = "$subtitle $show->Source";

			$this->title = new title(array('content'=>$title)); 
			$this->contentQuality = new contentQuality(array('content'=>$RokuDisplayType));
			$this->subtitle = new subtitle(array('content'=>$subtitle));
			$this->addToAttributes('sdImg', "$show->Icon");
			$this->addToAttributes('hdImg', "$show->Icon");
			$this->contentId = new contentId(array('content'=>$show->Location));
			//$this->contentType = new contentType(array('content'=>'TV'));
			//$this->media->streamUrl->setContent("$streamUrl "); //yes the space is required
			$this->synopsis = new synopsis(array('content'=>$synopsis));
			$this->genres = new genres(array('content'=>$genre));
			$this->runtime = new runtime(array('content'=>$ShowLength));
			$this->date = new date(array('content'=>$show->AsOf));
			$this->tvormov = new tvormov(array('content'=>'weather'));
			/// MythTV Program schema
			$ShowLength = convert_datetime($show->EndTime) - convert_datetime($show->StartTime);
				$imgUrl = "$WebServer/$MythRokuDir/images/oval_green.png";
			} elseif($show->isRecording){
				$imgUrl = "$WebServer/$MythRokuDir/images/oval_blue.png";
				$show->Category = 'NOW RECORDING!';
			} elseif($show->hasJob) {
				$imgUrl = "$WebServer/$MythRokuDir/images/oval_orange.png";
				$show->Category = 'NOW PROCESSING A JOB!';
			} elseif($show->isConflict) {
				$imgUrl = "$WebServer/$MythRokuDir/images/oval_red.png";
				$show->Category = 'SCHEDULE CONFLICT!';
			} else {
				$imgUrl = "$WebServer/$MythRokuDir/images/oval_grey.png";
			$this->title = new title(array('content'=>normalizeHtml($show->Title))); 
			$this->contentQuality = new contentQuality(array('content'=>$RokuDisplayType));
			$this->subtitle = new subtitle(array('content'=>normalizeHtml($show->SubTitle)));
			$this->addToAttributes('sdImg', $imgUrl);
			$this->addToAttributes('hdImg', $imgUrl);
			$this->contentId = new contentId(array('content'=>$show->ProgramId));
			//$this->contentType = new contentType(array('content'=>'TV'));
			//$this->media->streamUrl->setContent("$streamUrl "); //yes the space is required
			$this->synopsis = new synopsis(array('content'=>normalizeHtml($show->Description)));
			$this->genres = new genres(array('content'=>normalizeHtml($show->Category)));
			$this->runtime = new runtime(array('content'=>$ShowLength));
			if(!is_a($show, 'ProgramTpl)'))
				$this->date = new date(array('content'=>date("F j, Y, g:i a", convert_datetime($show->StartTime))));
				$this->date = new date(array('content'=>$show->StartTime));
			$this->tvormov = new tvormov(array('content'=>'upcoming'));
			//handles Pilots/Premieres schema
			$ShowLength = convert_datetime($show->endtime) - convert_datetime($show->starttime);
			$ImgType = ($show->subtitle == 'Pilot' ? "rectangle" : "oval");
			if($show->recstatus == -1){
				$imgUrl = "$WebServer/$MythRokuDir/images/". $ImgType . "_blue.png";
				$show->category .= ' (WILL RECORD)';
			} elseif($show->recstatus == 10 || $show->recstatus == 7){ //inactive or conflict
				$imgUrl = "$WebServer/$MythRokuDir/images/". $ImgType . "_purple.png";
				$show->category .= ' (' . $show->getStatusName( $show->recstatus ) . ')';
			} elseif($show->last && $show->first){
				$imgUrl = "$WebServer/$MythRokuDir/images/". $ImgType . "_red.png";
				if(!empty($show->recstatus) && $show->recstatus != 10 && $show->recstatus != 7) { 
					$imgUrl = "$WebServer/$MythRokuDir/images/". $ImgType . "_grey.png";
					$show->category .= ' (' . $show->getStatusName( $show->recstatus ) . ')';
				} else {
					$show->category .= ' (ONLY CHANCE)';
			} elseif($show->last) {
				$imgUrl = "$WebServer/$MythRokuDir/images/". $ImgType . "_orange.png";
				if(!empty($show->recstatus) && $show->recstatus != 10 && $show->recstatus != 7) { 
					$imgUrl = "$WebServer/$MythRokuDir/images/". $ImgType . "_grey.png";
					$show->category .= ' (' . $show->getStatusName( $show->recstatus ) . ')';
				} else {
					$show->category .= ' (LAST CHANCE)';
			} else {
				if(!empty($show->recstatus)) {
					$imgUrl = "$WebServer/$MythRokuDir/images/". $ImgType . "_grey.png";
					$show->category .= ' (' . $show->getStatusName( $show->recstatus ) . ')';
				} else {
					$imgUrl = "$WebServer/$MythRokuDir/images/". $ImgType . "_green.png";
			$this->title = new title(array('content'=>normalizeHtml($show->station.' '.$show->title)));
			$this->contentQuality = new contentQuality(array('content'=>$RokuDisplayType));
			$this->subtitle = new subtitle(array('content'=>normalizeHtml($show->subtitle)));
			$this->addToAttributes('sdImg', $imgUrl);
			$this->addToAttributes('hdImg', $imgUrl);
			$this->contentId = new contentId(array('content'=>$show->programid));
			//$this->contentType = new contentType(array('content'=>'TV'));
			//$this->media->streamUrl->setContent("$streamUrl "); //yes the space is required
			$this->synopsis = new synopsis(array('content'=>normalizeHtml($show->description)));
			$this->genres = new genres(array('content'=>normalizeHtml($show->category)));
			$this->runtime = new runtime(array('content'=>$ShowLength));
			$this->date = new date(array('content'=>date("F j, Y, g:i a", convert_datetime($show->starttime))));
			$this->tvormov = new tvormov(array('content'=>'new'));			
			/// TV from Recorded table
			$ShowLength = convert_datetime($show->endtime) - convert_datetime($show->starttime);
	    	$streamfile  = $show->storagegroups->dirname . $show->basename;
	    	$parms = array('image'=>$streamfile);
	    	$streamUrl = "$WebServer/$MythRokuDir/imageSvc.php?"
	    	$parms = array('preview'=>str_pad($show->chanid, 6, "_", STR_PAD_LEFT).rawurlencode($show->starttime));
	    	$imgUrl = "$WebServer/$MythRokuDir/imageSvc.php?" 
			$this->title = new title(array('content'=>normalizeHtml($show->title))); 
			$this->contentQuality = new contentQuality(array('content'=>$RokuDisplayType));
			$this->subtitle = new subtitle(array('content'=>normalizeHtml($show->subtitle)));
			$this->addToAttributes('sdImg', $imgUrl);
			$this->addToAttributes('hdImg', $imgUrl);
			$this->contentId = new contentId(array('content'=>$show->basename));
			$this->contentType = new contentType(array('content'=>'TV'));
			$this->media->streamUrl->setContent("$streamUrl "); //yes the space is required
			$this->synopsis = new synopsis(array('content'=>normalizeHtml($show->description)));
			$this->genres = new genres(array('content'=>normalizeHtml($show->category.' ('.$show->programid.' '.$show->airdate.')')));
			$this->runtime = new runtime(array('content'=>$ShowLength));
			$this->date = new date(array('content'=>date("F j, Y, g:i a", convert_datetime($show->starttime))));
			$this->programid = new programid(array('content'=>$show->programid));
			$this->airdate = new airdate(array('content'=>$show->airdate));
			$this->tvormov = new tvormov(array('content'=>'tv'));
			$this->delcommand = new delcommand(array('content'=>"$WebServer/mythroku/mythtv_tv_del.php?basename=$show->basename"));
			/// Video from VideoMetadata table
			$videos = StorageGroup::first( array('conditions' => array('groupname = ?', 'Videos')) );	    	
	    	$streamfile = $videos->dirname . $show->filename;
	    	$parms = array('image'=>$streamfile);
	    	$streamUrl = "$WebServer/$MythRokuDir/imageSvc.php?"
			// http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Video_Library#Metadata_Grabber_Troubleshooting
			// http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/MythVideo_File_Parsing#Filenames
//			if(!empty($show->screenshot)){
				$screenart = StorageGroup::first( array('conditions' => array('groupname = ?', 'Screenshots')) );
				$imgfile = !empty($screenart) && !empty($show->screenshot) ? $screenart->dirname . $show->screenshot : "images/oval_grey.png";
//			}elseif(!empty($show->fanart)){
//				$fanart = StorageGroup::first( array('conditions' => array('groupname = ?', 'Fanart')) );
//				$imgfile = $fanart->dirname . $show->fanart;
//			}else{
//				$coverart = StorageGroup::first( array('conditions' => array('groupname = ?', 'Coverart')) );
//				$imgfile = $coverart->dirname . $show->coverfile;
//			}
			//TODO coverart and fanart are 5-10X sizeof screenshots.  videometadata doesn't contain screenshots for movies.  create screenshots and update db
	    	$parms = array('image'=>$imgfile);
	    	$imgUrl = "$WebServer/$MythRokuDir/imageSvc.php?" 
	    	//TODO lookup genres for item::genres.  can be an array?	 			
	    	$category = VideoCategory::first( array('conditions' => array('intid = ?', $show->category)) );    	

			$this->title = new title(array('content'=>normalizeHtml($show->title))); 
			$this->contentQuality = new contentQuality(array('content'=>$RokuDisplayType));
			$this->subtitle = new subtitle(array('content'=>normalizeHtml($show->subtitle)));
			$this->addToAttributes('sdImg', $imgUrl);
			$this->addToAttributes('hdImg', $imgUrl);
			$this->contentId = new contentId(array('content'=>$show->filename));
			$this->contentType = new contentType(array('content'=>'Movie'));
			$this->media->streamUrl->setContent("$streamUrl "); //yes the space is required
			$this->synopsis = new synopsis(array('content'=>normalizeHtml($show->plot)));
			$season = '(S'.$show->season.'E'.$show->episode.' '.(new DateTime($show->starttime))->format('Y-m-d').')';
			$this->genres = new genres(array('content'=>normalizeHtml(empty($category->category) ? '':$category->category).' '.$season));
			$this->runtime = new runtime(array('content'=>$show->length * 60));
			$this->date = new date(array('content'=>date("Y-m-d", convert_datetime($show->starttime))));
			$this->programid = new programid(
						sprintf("%02d", $show->season)
			$this->tvormov = new tvormov(array('content'=>'movie'));
			$this->starrating = new starrating(array('content'=>$show->userrating * 10));
예제 #20
//$paramcon = array(
//	array("seqId" => $return->return, "noCont" => "$conti", "ukCont" => "$contuk", "jnsCont" => "$contjenis", "bruto" => $contbruto),);
// }

* Function to turn a mysql datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) into a unix timestamp
* @param str
*  The string to be formatted
function convert_datetime($str)
    list($date, $time) = explode('', $str);
    list($year, $month, $day) = explode('-', $date);
    list($hour, $minute, $second) = explode(':', $time);
    $timestamp = mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year);
    return $timestamp;
$time = time();
echo $time . "<hr/>";
$timezone = new DateTimeZone("asia/Kolkata");
$date = new DateTime();
echo convert_datetime($date->format('Y-m-j H:i:s'));
예제 #21
파일: Reports.php 프로젝트: rodino25/tsv2
 public function download()
     $data = $this->session->userdata('project_report');
     $type = isset($data['type']) ? $data['type'] : '';
     $pID = isset($data['project_id']) ? $data['project_id'] : 0;
     if ($pID > 0) {
         $qProjectDetails = $this->rdb->project($pID);
         if ($qProjectDetails->num_rows()) {
             $row = $qProjectDetails->row();
             $dateCreated = convert_datetime($row->date_created);
             switch ($type) {
                 case 'project':
                     $qPL = $this->rdb->get_proj_leaders($pID);
                     $qCL = $this->rdb->get_proj_coleaders($pID);
                     $vData = array('project_id' => $row->id, 'project_title' => htmlentities($row->project_name), 'project_description' => empty($row->description) ? 'None' : htmlentities($row->description), 'project_creator' => empty($row->display_name) ? 'User not available' : $row->display_name, 'date_created' => date("M d, Y", strtotime($dateCreated)), 'project_status' => 'asasdasd' == 1 ? 'Archived' : 'On Going', 'project_leaders' => $qPL->result(), 'project_coleaders' => $qCL->result(), 'members_count' => number_format($row->count_members), 'files_count' => number_format($row->count_files), 'completed_tasks' => number_format($row->count_tasks_completed), 'all_tasks' => number_format($row->count_tasks), 'feeds_count' => number_format($row->count_feeds), 'storage_used' => format_filesize($row->disk_usage));
                     $content = $this->load->view('reports/header', null, true);
                     $content .= $this->load->view('reports/project', $vData, true);
                     $content .= $this->load->view('reports/footer', null, true);
                     $pdfName = $this->siteinfo->config('site_name') . '-' . strtotime('now') . '.pdf';
                     pdf_create($content, $pdfName);
                 case 'member':
                     $dateFrom = strtotime($data['date_from']) ? $data['date_from'] : '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
                     $dateFrom = date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", strtotime($dateFrom));
                     $dateTo = strtotime($data['date_to']) ? $data['date_to'] : date("Y-m-d 23:59:59");
                     $dateTo = date("Y-m-d 23:59:59", strtotime($dateTo));
                     $query = $this->rdb->get_proj_members($row->id, $dateFrom, $dateTo);
                     $vData = array('project_id' => $row->id, 'members_query' => $query, 'project_title' => htmlentities($row->project_name), 'date_from' => empty($data['date_from']) ? 'old' : $data['date_from'], 'date_to' => empty($data['date_to']) ? 'latest' : $data['date_to']);
                     $content = $this->load->view('reports/header', null, true);
                     $content .= $this->load->view('reports/members', $vData, true);
                     $content .= $this->load->view('reports/footer', null, true);
                     $pdfName = $this->siteinfo->config('site_name') . '-' . strtotime('now') . '.pdf';
                     pdf_create($content, $pdfName);
                 case 'task':
                     $dateFrom = strtotime($data['date_from']) ? $data['date_from'] : '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
                     $dateFrom = date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", strtotime($dateFrom));
                     $dateTo = strtotime($data['date_to']) ? $data['date_to'] : date("Y-m-d 23:59:59");
                     $dateTo = date("Y-m-d 23:59:59", strtotime($dateTo));
                     switch ($data['status']) {
                         case "active":
                             $query = $this->rdb->get_tasks($row->id, 0, 1, $dateFrom, $dateTo);
                         case "completed":
                             $query = $this->rdb->get_tasks($row->id, 1, 1, $dateFrom, $dateTo);
                         case "pending":
                             $query = $this->rdb->get_tasks($row->id, "", 0, $dateFrom, $dateTo);
                         case "active_complete":
                             $query = $this->rdb->get_tasks($row->id, "", 1, $dateFrom, $dateTo);
                             $query = $this->rdb->get_tasks($row->id, "", "", $dateFrom, $dateTo);
                     $vData = array('project_id' => $row->id, 'project_title' => htmlentities($row->project_name), 'query' => $query, 'date_from' => empty($data['date_from']) ? 'old' : $data['date_from'], 'date_to' => empty($data['date_to']) ? 'latest' : $data['date_to']);
                     $content = $this->load->view('reports/header', null, true);
                     $content .= $this->load->view('reports/tasks', $vData, true);
                     $content .= $this->load->view('reports/footer', null, true);
                     $pdfName = $this->siteinfo->config('site_name') . '-' . strtotime('now') . '.pdf';
                     pdf_create($content, $pdfName);
                 case 'personel':
                     $query = $this->rdb->member_info($row->id, $data['member']);
                     if ($query->num_rows()) {
                         $member = $query->row();
                         $ownedtasks_query = $this->rdb->get_owned_tasks($row->id, $member->id);
                         $task_query = $this->rdb->get_usertasks2($row->id, $member->id);
                         $vData = array('project_id' => $row->id, 'project_title' => htmlentities($row->project_name), 'member_name' => $member->display_name, 'active_tasks' => number_format($member->active_tasks), 'completed_tasks' => number_format($member->completed_tasks), 'owned_tasks' => number_format($member->owned_tasks), 'posts' => number_format($member->posts), 'files' => number_format($member->files), 'storage_used' => format_filesize($member->files_size), 'ownedtasks_query' => $ownedtasks_query, 'task_query' => $task_query);
                         $content = $this->load->view('reports/header', null, true);
                         $content .= $this->load->view('reports/personel', $vData, true);
                         $content .= $this->load->view('reports/footer', null, true);
                         $pdfName = $this->siteinfo->config('site_name') . '-' . strtotime('now') . '.pdf';
                         pdf_create($content, $pdfName);
                     } else {
                         echo 'Cannot find member.';
                     echo 'Error! No report type selected.';
         } else {
             echo 'Project not found.';
     } else {
         echo 'No project selected.';
예제 #22
파일: query.php 프로젝트: Tschaul/waka
                     $waka['posts'][$p]['dateCommentsTouched'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
 foreach ($waka['users'] as $key => $user) {
     if ($key != $_REQUEST['u'] && $notify && $user['notificationCooldown'] != '0') {
         if (!isset($user['lastNotification'])) {
             $tlastntf = 0;
         } else {
             $tlastntf = convert_datetime($user['lastNotification']);
         echo time() - $tlastntf;
         if (time() - $tlastntf > $user['notificationCooldown']) {
             $mail = new PHPMailer();
             $mail->From = "*****@*****.**";
             $mail->Sender = "*****@*****.**";
             $mail->FromName = "Waka";
             $mail->WordWrap = 50;
             // set word wrap to 50 characters
             //$mail->AddAttachment($file, "Aushang.pdf");    // optional name
             // set email format to HTML
             $mail->Subject = 'Activity on waka: ' . $waka['starter']['title'];
             $mail->Body = "There has been an activity on the waka you are subscribed to. Use the following link to read the latest version:\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\thttp://dasunwahrscheinliche.de/waka/?w=" . $_REQUEST['w'] . "&u=" . $key . "\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tDo not share this link!";
예제 #23
        $SQL = "SELECT * FROM recorded WHERE basename LIKE '%.mp4' ORDER BY title ASC";
    } elseif (isset($_GET['sort']) && $_GET['sort'] == 'genre') {
        $SQL = "SELECT * FROM recorded WHERE basename LIKE '%.mp4' ORDER BY category ASC";
    } elseif (isset($_GET['sort']) && $_GET['sort'] == 'channel') {
        $SQL = "SELECT * FROM recorded WHERE basename LIKE '%.mp4' ORDER BY channel ASC";
    } else {
        #                $SQL = "SELECT * FROM recorded WHERE basename LIKE '%.mp4'";
        $SQL = "SELECT * FROM recorded ";
    $result = mysql_query($SQL);
    $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
    print "\n<html> \n\n<head> \n<title> MythRoku Test Page</title>\n</head>\n\n<body bgcolor=\"white\" text=\"blue\">\n<img src=\"" . $WebServer . "/" . $MythRokuDir . "/images/mythtv_logo_SD.png\">\n<br>\n<h1>MythRoku Test Page: Recordings</h1>\n<br>\nUse this page to help diagnose any problems there may be with settings and configuration. If all data displays ok here then it should work with Roku!<br><br>";
    while ($db_field = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        //need some error checking  here if file could not be found or art work missing etc.....
        $ShowLength = convert_datetime($db_field['endtime']) - convert_datetime($db_field['starttime']);
        print "<br><b>" . $db_field['title'] . "</b><br>\n\tSubtitle: " . htmlspecialchars(preg_replace('/[^(\\x20-\\x7F)]*/', '', $db_field['subtitle'])) . "<br><br>\n        <a href=\"" . $WebServer . "/pl/stream/" . $db_field['chanid'] . "/" . convert_datetime($db_field['starttime']) . ".mp4\"> <img src=\"" . $WebServer . "/tv/get_pixmap/" . $db_field['hostname'] . "/" . $db_field['chanid'] . "/" . convert_datetime($db_field['starttime']) . "/100/75/-1/" . $db_field['basename'] . ".100x75x-1.png\"></a><br>\n\tStream ID: " . $counter++ . "<br>\n\tType: TV<br>\n        Quality: " . $RokuDisplayType . "<br>\n        Stream Format: mp4<br>\n        Stream Bitrate: " . $BitRate . "<br>\n        Stream Url: <a href=\"" . $WebServer . "/pl/stream/" . $db_field['chanid'] . "/" . convert_datetime($db_field['starttime']) . ".mp4\">" . $WebServer . "/pl/stream/" . $db_field['chanid'] . "/" . convert_datetime($db_field['starttime']) . ".mp4</a><br>\n        Synopsis: " . htmlspecialchars(preg_replace('/[^(\\x20-\\x7F)]*/', '', $db_field['description'])) . "<br>\n        Genre: " . $db_field['category'] . "<br>\n        Runtime: " . $ShowLength . " min<br>\n        Date: " . date("F j, Y, g:i a", convert_datetime($db_field['starttime'])) . "<br>\n        <br>";
    print "</body></html>";
} else {
    print "Database NOT Found ";
function convert_datetime($str)
    list($date, $time) = explode(' ', $str);
    list($year, $month, $day) = explode('-', $date);
    list($hour, $minute, $second) = explode(':', $time);
    $timestamp = mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year);
    return $timestamp;
예제 #24
    while ($db_field = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        if (!file_exists($mythtvdata_ . RemoveExtension($db_field['basename']) . ".mp4")) {
            $num_rows = $num_rows - 1;
    //print the xml header
    print "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?> \n\t<feed>\n\t<!-- resultLength indicates the total number of results for this feed -->\n\t<resultLength>" . $num_rows . "</resultLength>\n\t<!-- endIndix  indicates the number of results for this *paged* section of the feed -->\n\t<endIndex>" . $num_rows . "</endIndex>";
    //reset pointer
    mysql_data_seek($result, 0);
    while ($db_field = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        //only show mp4 recordings
        if (file_exists($mythtvdata_ . RemoveExtension($db_field['basename']) . ".mp4")) {
            //compute the length of the show
            $ShowLength = convert_datetime($db_field['endtime']) - convert_datetime($db_field['starttime']);
            //print out all the records in xml format for roku to read
            print "\t\n\t\t<item sdImg=\"" . $WebServer . "/tv/get_pixmap/" . $db_field['hostname'] . "/" . $db_field['chanid'] . "/" . convert_datetime($db_field['starttime']) . "/100/75/-1/" . $db_field['basename'] . ".100x75x-1.png\" hdImg=\"" . $WebServer . "/tv/get_pixmap/" . $db_field['hostname'] . "/" . $db_field['chanid'] . "/" . convert_datetime($db_field['starttime']) . "/100/75/-1/" . $db_field['basename'] . ".100x75x-1.png\">\n\t\t\t<title>" . htmlspecialchars(preg_replace('/[^(\\x20-\\x7F)]*/', '', $db_field['title'])) . "</title>\n\t\t\t<contentId>" . $counter++ . "</contentId>\n\t\t\t<contentType>TV</contentType>\n\t\t\t<contentQuality>" . $RokuDisplayType . "</contentQuality>\n\t\t\t<media>\n\t\t\t\t<streamFormat>mp4</streamFormat>\n\t\t\t\t<streamQuality>" . $RokuDisplayType . "</streamQuality>\n\t\t\t\t<streamBitrate>" . $BitRate . "</streamBitrate>\n\t\t\t\t<streamUrl>" . $WebServer . "/pl/stream/" . $db_field['chanid'] . "/" . convert_datetime($db_field['starttime']) . ".mp4</streamUrl>\n\t\t\t</media>\n\t\t\t<synopsis>" . htmlspecialchars(preg_replace('/[^(\\x20-\\x7F)]*/', '', $db_field['description'])) . "</synopsis>\n\t\t \t<genres>" . htmlspecialchars(preg_replace('/[^(\\x20-\\x7F)]*/', '', $db_field['category'])) . "</genres>\n\t\t\t<subtitle>" . htmlspecialchars(preg_replace('/[^(\\x20-\\x7F)]*/', '', $db_field['subtitle'])) . "</subtitle>\n\t\t\t<runtime>" . $ShowLength . "</runtime>\n\t\t\t<date>" . date("F j, Y, g:i a", convert_datetime($db_field['starttime'])) . "</date>\n\t\t\t<tvormov>tv</tvormov>\n\t\t\t<delcommand>" . $WebServer . "/mythroku/mythtv_tv_del.php?basename=" . $db_field['basename'] . "</delcommand>\n\t\t</item>";
    print "</feed>";
} else {
    print "Database NOT Found ";
//close mysql pointer
//function to convert mysql timestamp to unix time
function convert_datetime($str)
    list($date, $time) = explode(' ', $str);
    list($year, $month, $day) = explode('-', $date);
    list($hour, $minute, $second) = explode(':', $time);
    $timestamp = mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year);
예제 #25
 $query2 = mysqli_query($conn, $sql) or die('something wrong');
 $numStars = mysqli_num_rows($query2);
 $width = floor(100 / $numStars);
 $starSize = round(14 / $numStars, 1);
 if ($starSize > 4) {
     $starSize = 4;
 print "\n<div id=\"stars\">";
 $tests = array();
 while (list($testid, $testdesc, $testRetain, $start, $end, $score) = mysqli_fetch_row($query2)) {
     $test = array();
     array_push($test, $testid);
     array_push($test, $testdesc);
     array_push($test, $score);
     array_push($test, convert_datetime($start));
     array_push($test, convert_datetime($end));
     array_push($test, $testRetain);
     array_push($tests, $test);
     if ($score == 100) {
         print "\n<div class=\"stardiv\" style=\"width: {$width}%;font-size: " . $starSize . "em;\">&#x2605;<div style=\"font-size: 1rem;\">{$testdesc}</div></div>";
     } else {
         print "\n<div class=\"stardiv\" style=\"width: {$width}%;font-size: " . $starSize . "em;\">&#x2606;<div style=\"font-size: 1rem;\">{$testdesc}</div></div>";
 print "\n<div style=\"clear: both\"></div>\n</div>";
 foreach ($tests as $val) {
     //        echo $val[3]."<br>";
     //        echo time();
     if ($val[3] > time() or $val[4] < time()) {
예제 #26
파일: Task.php 프로젝트: rodino25/tsv2
 public function init($id = 0)
     $myID = getUserID();
     $pid = (int) $this->input->get('pid');
     $tid = (int) $this->input->get('tid');
     $query = $this->tdb->getTaskInfo($pid, $tid);
     if ($query->num_rows()) {
         $row = $query->row();
         $priorities = $this->config->item('priorities');
         $status = $row->status == 1 ? 'completed' : 'active';
         $status = $row->is_accepted == 1 ? $status : 'pending';
         $priorityColors = array('bg-light', 'bg-warning dker', 'bg-danger');
         $start = 'TBA';
         $startOrig = '';
         $end = 'TBA';
         $endOrig = '';
         $dateCompleted = 'TBA';
         $isOverdue = 0;
         if (strtotime($row->date_start)) {
             $start = convert_datetime($row->date_start);
             $start = date("M d, Y", strtotime($row->date_start));
             $startOrig = date("m/d/Y", strtotime($row->date_start));
         if (strtotime($row->date_end)) {
             $end = convert_datetime($row->date_end);
             $end = date("M d, Y", strtotime($row->date_end));
             $endOrig = date("m/d/Y", strtotime($row->date_end));
             $endDateOnly = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($row->date_end));
             $endDateOnlyStr = strtotime($endDateOnly);
             $isOverdue = strtotime(date("Y-m-d")) >= $endDateOnlyStr ? 1 : 0;
         if (strtotime($row->date_completed)) {
             $dateCompleted = convert_datetime($row->date_completed);
             $dateCompleted = date("M d, Y", strtotime($row->date_completed));
         $isModerator = validate_access('is_moderator', array('project_id' => $pid, 'user_id' => $myID));
         $qMember = $this->mdb->taskMembers_get(array('task_id' => $row->id, 'user_id' => $myID));
         $qIsMember = 0;
         $qIsInvited = 0;
         $qIsRequesting = 0;
         if ($qMember->num_rows()) {
             $qMemberRow = $qMember->row();
             $qIsMember = $qMemberRow->is_accepted == 1 ? 1 : 0;
             $qIsInvited = $qMemberRow->is_accepted == 0 && $qMemberRow->assigned_by > 0 ? 1 : 0;
             $qIsRequesting = $qMemberRow->is_accepted == 0 && $qMemberRow->assigned_by == 0 ? 1 : 0;
         $members = array();
         $qMembers = $this->mdb->taskMembers_get2(array('task_id' => $row->id));
         foreach ($qMembers->result() as $member) {
             $description = 'Pending';
             if ($member->is_accepted == 1) {
                 $description = $member->id == $row->creator_id ? 'Task Master' : 'Member';
             $members[] = array('id' => $member->id, 'display_name' => $member->display_name, 'description' => $description);
         $item = array('id' => $row->id, 'name' => $row->title, 'safe_name' => htmlentities($row->title), 'project_id' => $row->project_id, 'description' => htmlentities($row->description), 'priority' => $row->priority, 'priority_name' => $priorities[$row->priority], 'priority_class' => isset($priorityColors[$row->priority]) ? $priorityColors[$row->priority] : $priorityColors[0], 'status' => $row->status, 'status_name' => ucfirst($status), 'date_start' => $start, 'date_start_orig' => $startOrig, 'date_end' => $end, 'date_end_orig' => $endOrig, 'is_overdue' => $isOverdue, 'date_completed' => $dateCompleted, 'remarks' => $row->remarks, 'is_moderator' => $isModerator ? 1 : 0, 'is_creator' => $myID == $row->creator_id, 'is_accepted' => $row->is_accepted, 'is_member' => $qIsMember, 'visitor_type' => visitor_type($pid, $myID), 'is_invited' => $qIsInvited, 'members' => $members, 'parent_task' => $row->parent_task, 'task_master' => array('id' => $row->creator_id, 'name' => $row->task_master));
         generate_json(array('status' => 1, 'item' => $item));
     } else {
         generate_json(array('status' => 0, 'message' => 'Failed to load data.'));
예제 #27
파일: mail.php 프로젝트: Tschaul/waka
        if ($file == '') {
            $errormessage = 'Für die Verstaltung am ' . $feeditems[$i]['date'] . ' mit der ID ' . $feeditems[$i]['ID'] . ' fehlt das Pdf. Email wurde nicht versandt.';
            $erroraddress = '*****@*****.**';
            $errorsubject = 'Fehler beim versandt des Kolloquiums-Newsletter!';
            mail($erroraddress, $errorsubject, $errormessage);
        } else {
            sendmail($subject, $message, $file);
            echo '<br><br>' . $message;
            echo '<br><br>mail sent';
// check for the three days anouncements
for ($i = 0; $i < count($feeditems); $i++) {
    $time_inthreedays = $time_now + 24 * 60 * 60;
    $time_feeditem = convert_datetime($feeditems[$i]['date']);
    if (abs($time_inthreedays - $time_feeditem) < 12 * 60 * 60) {
        list($date, $time) = explode(' ', $feeditems[$i]['date']);
        list($year, $month, $day) = explode('-', $date);
        list($hour, $minute, $second) = explode(':', $time);
        $subject = 'Erinnerung an CBI-Kolloquiumstermin morgen ' . $day . '.' . $month . '.' . $year . ' ' . $hour . ':' . $minute;
        $message = nl2br(htmlentities(utf8_decode("\n\t\t\n\t\tLiebe Kollegen,\n\n\t\t\n\n\t\tWir möchten Sie an das morgige CBI-Kolloquium erinnern.\n\n\t\t" . $feeditems[$i]['lecturer'] . " - \"" . $feeditems[$i]['title'] . "\".\n\n\t\t\n\n\t\tMit freundlichen Grüßen\n \n\t\tJoanna Smiglak")));
        sendmail($subject, $message, '');
        echo '<br><br>' . $subject;
        echo '<br><br>' . $message;
        echo '<br><br>mail sent';

예제 #28
function renderItemComments($item, $user, $location)
    $email = $user['email'];
    $str = '';
    $ccount = count($item['comments']);
    $item['comments'] = sortItemsAsc($item['comments'], 'dateCreated');
    for ($c = 0; $c < $ccount; $c++) {
        $str .= '<div class="post_comment"><img src="http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/' . hash('md5', $item['comments'][$c]['user']) . '.gif?s=32&default=identicon&r=PG" class="commentavatar">';
        if ($email == $item['comments'][$c]['user']) {
            $str .= '<a href="javascript:queryDeleteComment(\'' . $_REQUEST['w'] . '\',\'' . $_REQUEST['u'] . '\',\'' . $item['id'] . '\',\'' . $item['comments'][$c]['id'] . '\')">';
            $str .= '<img src="img/Actions-edit-delete-icon.png" style="float:right;">';
            $str .= '</a>';
        $str .= '<div class="post_comment_content"><small><span class="time" utctime="' . convert_datetime($item['comments'][$c]['dateCreated']) . '">' . $item['comments'][$c]['dateCreated'] . ' (UTC)</span> ' . $item['comments'][$c]['user'] . ': </small><p>' . parseBBCode2HTML(parseLatexBBCode(htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($item['comments'][$c]['content'])))) . '</div></div>';
        $str .= '<div style="clear: both;"></div>';
    $str .= '<div class="post_comment_adder"><img src="http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/' . hash('md5', $email) . '.gif?s=32&default=identicon&r=PG" class="commentavatar">';
    $str .= '<div class="post_comment_form"><form action="query.php" method="post" name="editpost" class="comment_add_form" autocomplete="off">
			<input type="hidden" name="w" value="' . $_REQUEST['w'] . '">
			<input type="hidden" name="u" value="' . $_REQUEST['u'] . '">
			<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $item['id'] . '">
			<input type="hidden" name="action" value="comment_add">';
    $str .= '<small>' . $email . ': </small>';
    $str .= '<p><textarea name="content" style="width:500px; height:40px;"></textarea></p>';
    $str .= '<p><input type="submit" value="comment"></p>';
    $str .= '</form></div></div>';
    return $str;