function sys_sona_sql($sona)
     # ---------------------
     # s???steemis???na lugemine
     # old style: sys_sona("s???na")
     # sys_sona(array(
     #	sona => "s???na",
     #	tyyp => "custom"
     #	[tyyp_id => "3"]  # alternative to tyyp
     #	[lang_id => "1"]  # kui vaja k???sida kindla keele s???steemis???na
     # ))
     # ---------------------
     $args = func_get_arg(0);
     if (is_array($args)) {
         $sona = $args["sona"];
         $tyyp_id = $args["tyyp_id"];
         $tyyp = $args["tyyp"] ? $args["tyyp"] : "vana";
         $skip_convert = $args["skip_convert"];
         $load_all = $args["load_all"];
     } else {
         $sona = $args;
         $tyyp = "vana";
     # kui keeleparameetrit ei ole, kasuta saidi keelt
     $keel_id = isset($args['lang_id']) ? $args['lang_id'] : $this->glossary_id;
     $tyyp = strtolower($tyyp);
     $sona = $this->db->quote($sona);
     $sona = preg_replace("/\\s+/", "_", $sona);
     $sona = strtolower($sona);
     $tyyp_id = $this->db->quote($tyyp_id);
     $cash_value = $this->cash(array(klass => "sys_sonad", kood => $sona . "_" . $tyyp . "_" . $tyyp_id . "_" . $keel_id));
     if (!strcmp($cash_value, '')) {
         $sql = "\r\n\t\t\t\tSELECT IF(LENGTH(sona)>0,sona,origin_sona) AS sona, id, sys_sona\r\n\t\t\t\tFROM sys_sona_tyyp, sys_sonad \r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE sys_sonad.sst_id = sys_sona_tyyp.sst_id AND keel='" . $keel_id . "'";
         if (($tyyp == 'kujundus' || $tyyp == 'kasutaja' || $tyyp == 'otsing' || $tyyp == 'kalender' || $load_all) && !$this->cash(array(klass => "sys_sonad", kood => $tyyp . "_" . $tyyp_id . "_" . $keel_id . "LOAD_ALL"))) {
             $load_all = 1;
         } else {
             $sql .= " AND UCASE(sys_sona) LIKE UCASE('{$sona}') ";
         if ($tyyp) {
             $sql .= " AND voti='{$tyyp}' ";
         } elseif ($tyyp_id) {
             $sql .= " AND tyyp_id='{$tyyp_id}' ";
         $sth = new SQL($sql);
         # T6mbame kogu tyyp cashi:
         if ($load_all) {
             $this->cash(array(klass => "sys_sonad", kood => $tyyp . "_" . $tyyp_id . "_" . $keel_id . "LOAD_ALL", sisu => 1));
             $this->debug->msg("SYS_SONAD: TYYP='" . $tyyp . "', KEEL ID=" . $keel_id . "; Put all system strings from this type into cache. Total: " . $sth->rows);
             while ($data = $sth->fetch()) {
                 $mytmp = $this->db->quote($data['sys_sona']);
                 $mytmp = preg_replace("/\\s+/", "_", $mytmp);
                 $mytmp = strtolower($mytmp);
                 $this->cash(array(klass => "sys_sonad", kood => $mytmp . "_" . $tyyp . "_" . $tyyp_id . "_" . $keel_id, sisu => $data['sona']));
                 if ($sona == $mytmp) {
                     $result = $data;
         } else {
             $result = $sth->fetch();
         $sys_sona = $result['sona'];
         $sys_sona_id = $result['id'];
         $tmp_sys_sona = $sys_sona;
         if (($this->on_debug || $this->admin) && !$sys_sona && substr($sona, 0, 8) != 'uus_tyyp') {
             $sys_sona = "[{$sona}]";
             //$tmp_sys_sona = $sona;
         #			$this->debug->msg($sth->debug->get_msgs());
         if (!$load_all) {
             $this->cash(array(klass => "sys_sonad", kood => $sona . "_" . $tyyp . "_" . $tyyp_id . "_" . $keel_id, sisu => $sys_sona));
     } else {
         $sys_sona = $cash_value;
         #			$this->debug->msg("SysSona $sona on juba teatud, see on $cash_value");
     if ($this->admin && $tyyp != "admin") {
         $imgpath = $this->CONF['wwwroot'] . $this->CONF['adm_img_path'];
         $sys_sona = $this->cookie["mode"] == "editsysword" ? $sys_sona . "\"> <input type=image src=" . $imgpath . "/e.gif border=0 alt=\"Edit\" onclick=\"javascript:void(avapopup('../admin/sys_sonad_loetelu.php?id=" . $sys_sona_id . "&keel=" . $keel_id . "&keeled=all','strukt','400','200','no')); return false;\">" : $sys_sona;
     if ($this->admin) {
         $admkeel = $this->sess_get("keel_admin");
     if (($keel_id == '2' || $admkeel['glossary_id'] == '2') && $this->CONF['cyr_convert_encoding'] && !$skip_convert) {
         $sys_sona = convert_cyrillic($sys_sona, $this->CONF['cyr_convert_encoding']);
     #echo "test:".$admkeel['keel_id']."<br>";
     #echo "test=".$this->CONF['cyr_convert_encoding']."<br>";
     return $sys_sona;
			# loop over rows
			foreach($words as $mysona)
				if(strlen($mysona[kirjeldus]) < 0) {
					$mysona[sys_sona] = '<b>!!! - </b>'.$mysona[sys_sona];
				# bold: tee sõna, mida kasutatakse bold-iks
				# kui tõlge on erinev kui tõlge tootes, siis tee tõlge bold-iks
				if(trim($mysona[sona]) != trim($mysona[origin_sona])) { $bold = 1;}
				# kui tõlge puudub üldse (tühistring), siis tee tõlge tootes bold-iks
				if(trim($mysona[sona]) == '') { $bold_orig = 1;}
				if ($keel_id=='2' && $site->CONF['cyr_convert_encoding']){
					$mysona['sona'] = convert_cyrillic($mysona['sona'], $site->CONF['cyr_convert_encoding']);
					$mysona['origin_sona'] = convert_cyrillic($mysona['origin_sona'], $site->CONF['cyr_convert_encoding']);
				$href = "javascript:void(avapopup('".$site->self."?id=".$mysona[id]."&sst_id=".$mysona[sst_id]."&flt_keel=".$keel_id."','glossary','400','200','no'))";
					<tr class="word_row" id="word_row_<?php 
    echo $mysona['id'];
						<td class="word_delete_button_cell invisible"><?php 
    if (can_user_change_translation($mysona['sst_id'])) {
<img class="word_delete_button" id="word_delete_button_<?php 
        echo $mysona['id'];