function getTopAccounts($maxval, $calCnt) { $log = LoggerManager::getLogger('top accounts_list'); $log->debug("Entering getTopAccounts() method ..."); require_once "data/Tracker.php"; require_once 'modules/Potentials/Potentials.php'; require_once 'include/logging.php'; require_once 'include/ListView/ListView.php'; global $app_strings; global $adb; global $current_language; global $current_user; $current_module_strings = return_module_language($current_language, "Accounts"); require 'user_privileges/user_privileges_' . $current_user->id . '.php'; require 'user_privileges/sharing_privileges_' . $current_user->id . '.php'; $list_query = "select vtiger_account.accountid, vtiger_account.accountname, vtiger_account.tickersymbol, sum(vtiger_potential.amount) as amount from vtiger_potential inner join vtiger_crmentity on (vtiger_potential.potentialid=vtiger_crmentity.crmid) left join vtiger_account on (vtiger_potential.related_to=vtiger_account.accountid) left join vtiger_groups on (vtiger_groups.groupid = vtiger_crmentity.smownerid) where vtiger_crmentity.deleted=0 AND vtiger_crmentity.smownerid='" . $current_user->id . "' and vtiger_potential.sales_stage not in ('Closed Won', 'Closed Lost','" . $app_strings['LBL_CLOSE_WON'] . "','" . $app_strings['LBL_CLOSE_LOST'] . "')"; if ($is_admin == false && $profileGlobalPermission[1] == 1 && $profileGlobalPermission[2] == 1 && $defaultOrgSharingPermission[6] == 3) { $sec_parameter = getListViewSecurityParameter('Accounts'); $list_query .= $sec_parameter; } $list_query .= " group by vtiger_account.accountid, vtiger_account.accountname, vtiger_account.tickersymbol order by amount desc"; $list_query .= " LIMIT 0," . $adb->sql_escape_string($maxval); if ($calCnt == 'calculateCnt') { $list_result_rows = $adb->query(mkCountQuery($list_query)); return $adb->query_result($list_result_rows, 0, 'count'); } $list_result = $adb->query($list_query); $open_accounts_list = array(); $noofrows = $adb->num_rows($list_result); if ($noofrows) { for ($i = 0; $i < $noofrows; $i++) { $open_accounts_list[] = array('accountid' => $adb->query_result($list_result, $i, 'accountid'), 'accountname' => $adb->query_result($list_result, $i, 'accountname'), 'amount' => $adb->query_result($list_result, $i, 'amount'), 'tickersymbol' => $adb->query_result($list_result, $i, 'tickersymbol')); } } $title = array(); $title[] = 'myTopAccounts.gif'; $title[] = $current_module_strings['LBL_TOP_ACCOUNTS']; $title[] = 'home_myaccount'; $header = array(); $header[] = $current_module_strings['LBL_LIST_ACCOUNT_NAME']; $currencyid = fetchCurrency($current_user->id); $rate_symbol = getCurrencySymbolandCRate($currencyid); $rate = $rate_symbol['rate']; $curr_symbol = $rate_symbol['symbol']; $header[] = $current_module_strings['LBL_LIST_AMOUNT'] . '(' . $curr_symbol . ')'; $entries = array(); foreach ($open_accounts_list as $account) { $value = array(); $account_fields = array('ACCOUNT_ID' => $account['accountid'], 'ACCOUNT_NAME' => $account['accountname'], 'AMOUNT' => $account['amount']); $Top_Accounts = strlen($account['accountname']) > 20 ? substr($account['accountname'], 0, 20) . '...' : $account['accountname']; $value[] = '<a href="index.php?action=DetailView&module=Accounts&record=' . $account['accountid'] . '">' . $Top_Accounts . '</a>'; $value[] = convertFromDollar($account['amount'], $rate); $entries[$account['accountid']] = $value; } $values = array('ModuleName' => 'Accounts', 'Title' => $title, 'Header' => $header, 'Entries' => $entries); $log->debug("Exiting getTopAccounts method ..."); if ($display_empty_home_blocks && count($entries) == 0 || count($entries) > 0) { return $values; } }
function getTopPotentials($maxval, $calCnt) { $log = LoggerManager::getLogger('top opportunity_list'); $log->debug("Entering getTopPotentials() method ..."); require_once "data/Tracker.php"; require_once 'modules/Potentials/Potentials.php'; require_once 'include/logging.php'; require_once 'include/ListView/ListView.php'; global $app_strings; global $adb; global $current_language; global $current_user; $current_module_strings = return_module_language($current_language, "Potentials"); $title = array(); $title[] = 'myTopOpenPotentials.gif'; $title[] = $current_module_strings['LBL_TOP_OPPORTUNITIES']; $title[] = 'home_mypot'; $where = "AND vtiger_potential.potentialid > 0 AND vtiger_potential.sales_stage not in ('Closed Won','Closed Lost','" . $current_module_strings['Closed Won'] . "','" . $current_module_strings['Closed Lost'] . "') AND vtiger_crmentity.smownerid='" . $current_user->id . "' AND vtiger_potential.amount > 0"; $header = array(); $header[] = $current_module_strings['LBL_LIST_OPPORTUNITY_NAME']; //$header[]=$current_module_strings['LBL_LIST_ACCOUNT_NAME']; $currencyid = fetchCurrency($current_user->id); $rate_symbol = getCurrencySymbolandCRate($currencyid); $rate = $rate_symbol['rate']; $curr_symbol = $rate_symbol['symbol']; $header[] = $current_module_strings['LBL_LIST_AMOUNT'] . '(' . $curr_symbol . ')'; $list_query = "SELECT vtiger_crmentity.crmid, vtiger_potential.potentialname,\n\t\t\tvtiger_potential.amount, potentialid\n\t\t\tFROM vtiger_potential\n\t\t\tIGNORE INDEX(PRIMARY) INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity\n\t\t\t\tON vtiger_crmentity.crmid = vtiger_potential.potentialid"; $list_query .= getNonAdminAccessControlQuery('Potentials', $current_user); $list_query .= "WHERE vtiger_crmentity.deleted = 0 " . $where; $list_query .= " ORDER BY amount DESC"; $list_query .= " LIMIT " . $adb->sql_escape_string($maxval); if ($calCnt == 'calculateCnt') { $list_result_rows = $adb->query(mkCountQuery($list_query)); return $adb->query_result($list_result_rows, 0, 'count'); } $list_result = $adb->query($list_query); $open_potentials_list = array(); $noofrows = $adb->num_rows($list_result); $entries = array(); if ($noofrows) { for ($i = 0; $i < $noofrows; $i++) { $open_potentials_list[] = array('name' => $adb->query_result($list_result, $i, 'potentialname'), 'id' => $adb->query_result($list_result, $i, 'potentialid'), 'amount' => $adb->query_result($list_result, $i, 'amount')); $potentialid = $adb->query_result($list_result, $i, 'potentialid'); $potentialname = $adb->query_result($list_result, $i, 'potentialname'); $Top_Potential = strlen($potentialname) > 20 ? substr($potentialname, 0, 20) . '...' : $potentialname; $value = array(); $value[] = '<a href="index.php?action=DetailView&module=Potentials&record=' . $potentialid . '">' . $Top_Potential . '</a>'; $value[] = convertFromDollar($adb->query_result($list_result, $i, 'amount'), $rate); $entries[$potentialid] = $value; } } $search_qry = "&query=true&Fields0=assigned_user_id&Condition0=e&Srch_value0=" . $current_user->column_fields['user_name'] . "&Fields1=sales_stage&Condition1=k&Srch_value1=closed&searchtype=advance&search_cnt=2&matchtype=all"; $values = array('ModuleName' => 'Potentials', 'Title' => $title, 'Header' => $header, 'Entries' => $entries, 'search_qry' => $search_qry); if ($display_empty_home_blocks && count($open_potentials_list) == 0 || count($open_potentials_list) > 0) { $log->debug("Exiting getTopPotentials method ..."); return $values; } }
function getValue($field_result, $list_result, $fieldname, $focus, $module, $entity_id, $list_result_count, $mode, $popuptype, $returnset = '', $viewid = '') { global $log, $listview_max_textlength, $app_strings, $current_language, $currentModule; $log->debug("Entering getValue(" . $field_result . "," . $list_result . "," . $fieldname . "," . get_class($focus) . "," . $module . "," . $entity_id . "," . $list_result_count . "," . $mode . "," . $popuptype . "," . $returnset . "," . $viewid . ") method ..."); global $adb, $current_user, $default_charset; require 'user_privileges/user_privileges_' . $current_user->id . '.php'; $tabname = getParentTab(); $tabid = getTabid($module); $current_module_strings = return_module_language($current_language, $module); $uicolarr = $field_result[$fieldname]; foreach ($uicolarr as $key => $value) { $uitype = $key; $colname = $value; } //added for getting event status in Custom view - Jaguar if ($module == 'Calendar' && ($colname == "status" || $colname == "eventstatus")) { $colname = "activitystatus"; } //Ends $field_val = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, $colname); if (stristr(html_entity_decode($field_val), "<a href") === false && $uitype != 8) { $temp_val = textlength_check($field_val); } elseif ($uitype != 8) { $temp_val = html_entity_decode($field_val, ENT_QUOTES); } else { $temp_val = $field_val; } // vtlib customization: New uitype to handle relation between modules if ($uitype == '10') { $parent_id = $field_val; if (!empty($parent_id)) { $parent_module = getSalesEntityType($parent_id); $valueTitle = $parent_module; if ($app_strings[$valueTitle]) { $valueTitle = $app_strings[$valueTitle]; } $displayValueArray = getEntityName($parent_module, $parent_id); if (!empty($displayValueArray)) { foreach ($displayValueArray as $key => $value) { $displayValue = $value; } } $value = "<a href='index.php?module={$parent_module}&action=DetailView&record={$parent_id}' title='{$valueTitle}'>{$displayValue}</a>"; } else { $value = ''; } } else { if ($uitype == 53) { $value = textlength_check($adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, 'user_name')); // When Assigned To field is used in Popup window if ($value == '') { $user_id = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, 'smownerid'); if ($user_id != null && $user_id != '') { $value = getOwnerName($user_id); } } } elseif ($uitype == 52) { $value = getUserName($adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, $colname)); } elseif ($uitype == 51) { $parentid = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, "parentid"); if ($module == 'Accounts') { $entity_name = textlength_check(getAccountName($parentid)); } elseif ($module == 'Products') { $entity_name = textlength_check(getProductName($parentid)); } $value = '<a href="index.php?module=' . $module . '&action=DetailView&record=' . $parentid . '&parenttab=' . $tabname . '" style="' . $P_FONT_COLOR . '">' . $entity_name . '</a>'; } elseif ($uitype == 77) { $value = getUserName($adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, 'inventorymanager')); } elseif ($uitype == 5 || $uitype == 6 || $uitype == 23 || $uitype == 70) { if ($temp_val != '' && $temp_val != '0000-00-00') { $value = getDisplayDate($temp_val); } elseif ($temp_val == '0000-00-00') { $value = ''; } else { $value = $temp_val; } } elseif ($uitype == 15 || $uitype == 55 && $fieldname == "salutationtype") { $temp_val = decode_html($adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, $colname)); if ($is_admin == false && $profileGlobalPermission[1] == 1 && $profileGlobalPermission[2] == 1 && $temp_val != '') { $temp_acttype = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, 'activitytype'); if ($temp_acttype != 'Task' && $fieldname == "taskstatus") { $temptable = "eventstatus"; } else { $temptable = $fieldname; } $roleid = $current_user->roleid; $roleids = array(); $subrole = getRoleSubordinates($roleid); if (count($subrole) > 0) { $roleids = $subrole; } array_push($roleids, $roleid); //here we are checking wheather the table contains the sortorder column .If sortorder is present in the main picklist table, then the role2picklist will be applicable for this table... $sql = "select * from vtiger_{$temptable} where {$temptable}=?"; $res = $adb->pquery($sql, array(decode_html($temp_val))); $picklistvalueid = $adb->query_result($res, 0, 'picklist_valueid'); if ($picklistvalueid != null) { $pick_query = "select * from vtiger_role2picklist where picklistvalueid={$picklistvalueid} and roleid in (" . generateQuestionMarks($roleids) . ")"; $res_val = $adb->pquery($pick_query, array($roleids)); $num_val = $adb->num_rows($res_val); } if ($num_val > 0 || $temp_acttype == 'Task' && $fieldname == 'activitytype') { $temp_val = $temp_val; } else { $temp_val = "<font color='red'>" . $app_strings['LBL_NOT_ACCESSIBLE'] . "</font>"; } } $value = $current_module_strings[$temp_val] != '' ? $current_module_strings[$temp_val] : ($app_strings[$temp_val] != '' ? $app_strings[$temp_val] : $temp_val); if ($value != "<font color='red'>" . $app_strings['LBL_NOT_ACCESSIBLE'] . "</font>") { $value = textlength_check($value); } } elseif ($uitype == 16) { $value = getTranslatedString($temp_val, $currentModule); } elseif ($uitype == 71 || $uitype == 72) { if ($temp_val != '') { if ($fieldname == 'unit_price') { $currency_id = getProductBaseCurrency($entity_id, $module); $cursym_convrate = getCurrencySymbolandCRate($currency_id); $value = "<font style='color:grey;'>" . $cursym_convrate['symbol'] . "</font> " . $temp_val; } else { $rate = $user_info['conv_rate']; //changes made to remove vtiger_currency symbol infront of each vtiger_potential amount if ($temp_val != 0) { $value = convertFromDollar($temp_val, $rate); } else { $value = $temp_val; } } } else { $value = ''; } } elseif ($uitype == 17) { $value = '<a href="http://' . $field_val . '" target="_blank">' . $temp_val . '</a>'; } elseif ($uitype == 13 || $uitype == 104 && ($_REQUEST['action'] != 'Popup' && $_REQUEST['file'] != 'Popup')) { if ($_SESSION['internal_mailer'] == 1) { //check added for email link in user detailview if ($module == 'Calendar') { if (getActivityType($entity_id) == 'Task') { $tabid = 9; } else { $tabid = 16; } } else { $tabid = getTabid($module); } $fieldid = getFieldid($tabid, $fieldname); if (empty($popuptype)) { $value = '<a href="javascript:InternalMailer(' . $entity_id . ',' . $fieldid . ',\'' . $fieldname . '\',\'' . $module . '\',\'record_id\');">' . $temp_val . '</a>'; } else { $value = $temp_val; } } else { $value = '<a href="mailto:' . $field_val . '">' . $temp_val . '</a>'; } } elseif ($uitype == 56) { if ($temp_val == 1) { $value = $app_strings['yes']; } elseif ($temp_val == 0) { $value = $app_strings['no']; } else { $value = ''; } } elseif ($uitype == 57) { if ($temp_val != '') { $sql = "SELECT * FROM vtiger_contactdetails WHERE contactid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($temp_val)); $value = ''; if ($adb->num_rows($result)) { $name = getFullNameFromQResult($result, 0, "Contacts"); $value = '<a href=index.php?module=Contacts&action=DetailView&record=' . $temp_val . '>' . $name . '</a>'; } } else { $value = ''; } } elseif ($uitype == 58) { if ($temp_val != '') { $sql = "SELECT * FROM vtiger_campaign WHERE campaignid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($temp_val)); $campaignname = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "campaignname"); $value = '<a href=index.php?module=Campaigns&action=DetailView&record=' . $temp_val . '>' . $campaignname . '</a>'; } else { $value = ''; } } elseif ($uitype == 59) { if ($temp_val != '') { $value = getProductName($temp_val); } else { $value = ''; } } elseif ($uitype == 61) { $attachmentid = $adb->query_result($adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM vtiger_seattachmentsrel WHERE crmid = ?", array($entity_id)), 0, 'attachmentsid'); $value = '<a href = "index.php?module=uploads&action=downloadfile&return_module=' . $module . '&fileid=' . $attachmentid . '&filename=' . $temp_val . '">' . $temp_val . '</a>'; } elseif ($uitype == 62) { $parentid = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, "parent_id"); $parenttype = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, "parent_type"); if ($parenttype == "Leads") { $tablename = "vtiger_leaddetails"; $fieldname = "lastname"; $idname = "leadid"; } if ($parenttype == "Accounts") { $tablename = "vtiger_account"; $fieldname = "accountname"; $idname = "accountid"; } if ($parenttype == "Products") { $tablename = "vtiger_products"; $fieldname = "productname"; $idname = "productid"; } if ($parenttype == "HelpDesk") { $tablename = "vtiger_troubletickets"; $fieldname = "title"; $idname = "ticketid"; } if ($parenttype == "Invoice") { $tablename = "vtiger_invoice"; $fieldname = "subject"; $idname = "invoiceid"; } if ($parentid != '') { $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$tablename} WHERE {$idname} = ?"; $fieldvalue = $adb->query_result($adb->pquery($sql, array($parentid)), 0, $fieldname); $value = '<a href=index.php?module=' . $parenttype . '&action=DetailView&record=' . $parentid . '&parenttab=' . urlencode($tabname) . '>' . $fieldvalue . '</a>'; } else { $value = ''; } } elseif ($uitype == 66) { $parentid = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, "parent_id"); $parenttype = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, "parent_type"); if ($parenttype == "Leads") { $tablename = "vtiger_leaddetails"; $fieldname = "lastname"; $idname = "leadid"; } if ($parenttype == "Accounts") { $tablename = "vtiger_account"; $fieldname = "accountname"; $idname = "accountid"; } if ($parenttype == "HelpDesk") { $tablename = "vtiger_troubletickets"; $fieldname = "title"; $idname = "ticketid"; } if ($parentid != '') { $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$tablename} WHERE {$idname} = ?"; $fieldvalue = $adb->query_result($adb->pquery($sql, array($parentid)), 0, $fieldname); $value = '<a href=index.php?module=' . $parenttype . '&action=DetailView&record=' . $parentid . '&parenttab=' . urlencode($tabname) . '>' . $fieldvalue . '</a>'; } else { $value = ''; } } elseif ($uitype == 67) { $parentid = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, "parent_id"); $parenttype = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, "parent_type"); if ($parenttype == "Leads") { $tablename = "vtiger_leaddetails"; $fieldname = "lastname"; $idname = "leadid"; } if ($parenttype == "Contacts") { $tablename = "vtiger_contactdetails"; $fieldname = "contactname"; $idname = "contactid"; } if ($parentid != '') { $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$tablename} WHERE {$idname} = ?"; $fieldvalue = $adb->query_result($adb->pquery($sql, array($parentid)), 0, $fieldname); $value = '<a href=index.php?module=' . $parenttype . '&action=DetailView&record=' . $parentid . '&parenttab=' . urlencode($tabname) . '>' . $fieldvalue . '</a>'; } else { $value = ''; } } elseif ($uitype == 68) { $parentid = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, "parent_id"); $parenttype = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, "parent_type"); if ($parenttype == '' && $parentid != '') { $parenttype = getSalesEntityType($parentid); } if ($parenttype == "Contacts") { $tablename = "vtiger_contactdetails"; $fieldname = "contactname"; $idname = "contactid"; } if ($parenttype == "Accounts") { $tablename = "vtiger_account"; $fieldname = "accountname"; $idname = "accountid"; } if ($parentid != '') { $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$tablename} WHERE {$idname} = ?"; $fieldvalue = $adb->query_result($adb->pquery($sql, array($parentid)), 0, $fieldname); $value = '<a href=index.php?module=' . $parenttype . '&action=DetailView&record=' . $parentid . '&parenttab=' . urlencode($tabname) . '>' . $fieldvalue . '</a>'; } else { $value = ''; } } elseif ($uitype == 78) { if ($temp_val != '') { $quote_name = getQuoteName($temp_val); $value = '<a href=index.php?module=Quotes&action=DetailView&record=' . $temp_val . '&parenttab=' . urlencode($tabname) . '>' . textlength_check($quote_name) . '</a>'; } else { $value = ''; } } elseif ($uitype == 79) { if ($temp_val != '') { $purchaseorder_name = getPoName($temp_val); $value = '<a href=index.php?module=PurchaseOrder&action=DetailView&record=' . $temp_val . '&parenttab=' . urlencode($tabname) . '>' . textlength_check($purchaseorder_name) . '</a>'; } else { $value = ''; } } elseif ($uitype == 80) { if ($temp_val != '') { $salesorder_name = getSoName($temp_val); $value = "<a href=index.php?module=SalesOrder&action=DetailView&record={$temp_val}&parenttab=" . urlencode($tabname) . ">" . textlength_check($salesorder_name) . '</a>'; } else { $value = ''; } } elseif ($uitype == 75 || $uitype == 81) { if ($temp_val != '') { $vendor_name = getVendorName($temp_val); $value = '<a href=index.php?module=Vendors&action=DetailView&record=' . $temp_val . '&parenttab=' . urlencode($tabname) . '>' . textlength_check($vendor_name) . '</a>'; } else { $value = ''; } } elseif ($uitype == 98) { $value = '<a href="index.php?action=RoleDetailView&module=Settings&parenttab=Settings&roleid=' . $temp_val . '">' . textlength_check(getRoleName($temp_val)) . '</a>'; } elseif ($uitype == 33) { $value = $temp_val != "" ? str_ireplace(' |##| ', ', ', $temp_val) : ""; if (!$is_admin && $value != '') { $value = $field_val != "" ? str_ireplace(' |##| ', ', ', $field_val) : ""; if ($value != '') { $value_arr = explode(',', trim($value)); $roleid = $current_user->roleid; $subrole = getRoleSubordinates($roleid); if (count($subrole) > 0) { $roleids = $subrole; array_push($roleids, $roleid); } else { $roleids = $roleid; } if (count($roleids) > 0) { $pick_query = "select distinct {$fieldname} from vtiger_{$fieldname} inner join vtiger_role2picklist on vtiger_role2picklist.picklistvalueid = vtiger_{$fieldname}.picklist_valueid where roleid in (" . generateQuestionMarks($roleids) . ") and picklistid in (select picklistid from vtiger_{$fieldname}) order by {$fieldname} asc"; $params = array($roleids); } else { $pick_query = "select distinct {$fieldname} from vtiger_{$fieldname} inner join vtiger_role2picklist on vtiger_role2picklist.picklistvalueid = vtiger_{$fieldname}.picklist_valueid where picklistid in (select picklistid from vtiger_{$fieldname}) order by {$fieldname} asc"; $params = array(); } $pickListResult = $adb->pquery($pick_query, $params); $picklistval = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $adb->num_rows($pickListResult); $i++) { $picklistarr[] = $adb->query_result($pickListResult, $i, $fieldname); } $value_temp = array(); $string_temp = ''; $str_c = 0; foreach ($value_arr as $ind => $val) { $notaccess = '<font color="red">' . $app_strings['LBL_NOT_ACCESSIBLE'] . "</font>"; if (!$listview_max_textlength || !(strlen(preg_replace("/(<\\/?)(\\w+)([^>]*>)/i", "", $string_temp)) > $listview_max_textlength)) { $value_temp1 = in_array(trim($val), $picklistarr) ? $val : $notaccess; if ($str_c != 0) { $string_temp .= ' , '; } $string_temp .= $value_temp1; $str_c++; } else { $string_temp .= '...'; } } $value = $string_temp; } } } elseif ($uitype == 85) { $value = $temp_val != "" ? "<a href='skype:{$temp_val}?call'>{$temp_val}</a>" : ""; } elseif ($uitype == 116) { $value = $temp_val != "" ? getCurrencyName($temp_val) : ""; } elseif ($uitype == 117) { // NOTE: Without symbol the value could be used for filtering/lookup hence avoiding the translation $value = $temp_val != "" ? getCurrencyName($temp_val, false) : ""; } elseif ($uitype == 26) { $sql = "select foldername from vtiger_attachmentsfolder where folderid = ?"; $res = $adb->pquery($sql, array($temp_val)); $foldername = $adb->query_result($res, 0, 'foldername'); $value = $foldername; } elseif ($uitype == 11) { // Fix added for Trac Id: 6139 if (vtlib_isModuleActive('PBXManager')) { $value = "<a href='javascript:;' onclick='startCall("{$temp_val}", "{$entity_id}")'>" . $temp_val . "</a>"; } else { $value = $temp_val; } } elseif ($uitype == 25) { $contactid = $_REQUEST['record']; $emailid = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, "activityid"); $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT access_count FROM vtiger_email_track WHERE crmid=? AND mailid=?", array($contactid, $emailid)); $value = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "access_count"); if (!$value) { $value = 0; } } elseif ($uitype == 8) { if (!empty($temp_val)) { $temp_val = html_entity_decode($temp_val, ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset); $json = new Zend_Json(); $value = vt_suppressHTMLTags(implode(',', $json->decode($temp_val))); } } else { if ($fieldname == $focus->list_link_field) { if ($mode == "search") { if ($popuptype == "specific" || $popuptype == "toDospecific") { // Added for get the first name of contact in Popup window if ($colname == "lastname" && $module == 'Contacts') { $temp_val = getFullNameFromQResult($list_result, $list_result_count, "Contacts"); } $slashes_temp_val = popup_from_html($temp_val); $slashes_temp_val = htmlspecialchars($slashes_temp_val, ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset); //Added to avoid the error when select SO from Invoice through AjaxEdit if ($module == 'SalesOrder') { $value = '<a href="javascript:window.close();" onclick=\'set_return_specific("' . $entity_id . '", "' . nl2br(decode_html($slashes_temp_val)) . '","' . $_REQUEST['form'] . '");\'>' . $temp_val . '</a>'; } elseif ($module == 'Contacts') { require_once 'modules/Contacts/Contacts.php'; $cntct_focus = new Contacts(); $cntct_focus->retrieve_entity_info($entity_id, "Contacts"); $slashes_temp_val = popup_from_html($temp_val); //ADDED TO CHECK THE FIELD PERMISSIONS FOR $xyz = array('mailingstreet', 'mailingcity', 'mailingzip', 'mailingpobox', 'mailingcountry', 'mailingstate', 'otherstreet', 'othercity', 'otherzip', 'otherpobox', 'othercountry', 'otherstate'); for ($i = 0; $i < 12; $i++) { if (getFieldVisibilityPermission($module, $current_user->id, $xyz[$i]) == '0') { $cntct_focus->column_fields[$xyz[$i]] = $cntct_focus->column_fields[$xyz[$i]]; } else { $cntct_focus->column_fields[$xyz[$i]] = ''; } } // For ToDo creation the underlying form is not named as EditView $form = !empty($_REQUEST['form']) ? $_REQUEST['form'] : ''; if (!empty($form)) { $form = htmlspecialchars($form, ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset); } $value = '<a href="javascript:window.close();" onclick=\'set_return_contact_address("' . $entity_id . '", "' . nl2br(decode_html($slashes_temp_val)) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($cntct_focus->column_fields['mailingstreet']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($cntct_focus->column_fields['otherstreet']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($cntct_focus->column_fields['mailingcity']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($cntct_focus->column_fields['othercity']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($cntct_focus->column_fields['mailingstate']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($cntct_focus->column_fields['otherstate']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($cntct_focus->column_fields['mailingzip']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($cntct_focus->column_fields['otherzip']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($cntct_focus->column_fields['mailingcountry']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($cntct_focus->column_fields['othercountry']) . '","' . popup_decode_html($cntct_focus->column_fields['mailingpobox']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($cntct_focus->column_fields['otherpobox']) . '","' . $form . '");\'>' . $temp_val . '</a>'; } else { if ($popuptype == 'toDospecific') { $value = '<a href="javascript:window.close();" onclick=\'set_return_toDospecific("' . $entity_id . '", "' . nl2br(decode_html($slashes_temp_val)) . '");\'>' . $temp_val . '</a>'; } else { $value = '<a href="javascript:window.close();" onclick=\'set_return_specific("' . $entity_id . '", "' . nl2br(decode_html($slashes_temp_val)) . '");\'>' . $temp_val . '</a>'; } } } elseif ($popuptype == "detailview") { if ($colname == "lastname" && ($module == 'Contacts' || $module == 'Leads')) { $temp_val = getFullNameFromQResult($list_result, $list_result_count, $module); } $slashes_temp_val = popup_from_html($temp_val); $slashes_temp_val = htmlspecialchars($slashes_temp_val, ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset); $focus->record_id = $_REQUEST['recordid']; if ($_REQUEST['return_module'] == "Calendar") { $value = '<a href="javascript:window.close();" id="calendarCont' . $entity_id . '" LANGUAGE=javascript onclick=\'add_data_to_relatedlist_incal("' . $entity_id . '","' . decode_html($slashes_temp_val) . '");\'>' . $temp_val . '</a>'; } else { $value = '<a href="javascript:window.close();" onclick=\'add_data_to_relatedlist("' . $entity_id . '","' . $focus->record_id . '","' . $module . '");\'>' . $temp_val . '</a>'; } } elseif ($popuptype == "formname_specific") { $slashes_temp_val = popup_from_html($temp_val); $slashes_temp_val = htmlspecialchars($slashes_temp_val, ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset); $value = '<a href="javascript:window.close();" onclick=\'set_return_formname_specific("' . $_REQUEST['form'] . '", "' . $entity_id . '", "' . nl2br(decode_html($slashes_temp_val)) . '");\'>' . $temp_val . '</a>'; } elseif ($popuptype == "inventory_prod") { $row_id = $_REQUEST['curr_row']; //To get all the tax types and values and pass it to product details $tax_str = ''; $tax_details = getAllTaxes(); for ($tax_count = 0; $tax_count < count($tax_details); $tax_count++) { $tax_str .= $tax_details[$tax_count]['taxname'] . '=' . $tax_details[$tax_count]['percentage'] . ','; } $tax_str = trim($tax_str, ','); $rate = $user_info['conv_rate']; if (getFieldVisibilityPermission('Products', $current_user->id, 'unit_price') == '0') { $unitprice = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, 'unit_price'); if ($_REQUEST['currencyid'] != null) { $prod_prices = getPricesForProducts($_REQUEST['currencyid'], array($entity_id)); $unitprice = $prod_prices[$entity_id]; } } else { $unit_price = ''; } $sub_products = ''; $sub_prod = ''; $sub_prod_query = $adb->pquery("SELECT vtiger_products.productid,vtiger_products.productname,vtiger_products.qtyinstock,vtiger_crmentity.description from vtiger_products INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity ON vtiger_crmentity.crmid=vtiger_products.productid INNER JOIN vtiger_seproductsrel on vtiger_seproductsrel.crmid=vtiger_products.productid WHERE vtiger_seproductsrel.productid=? and vtiger_seproductsrel.setype='Products'", array($entity_id)); for ($i = 0; $i < $adb->num_rows($sub_prod_query); $i++) { //$sub_prod=array(); $id = $adb->query_result($sub_prod_query, $i, "productid"); $str_sep = ''; if ($i > 0) { $str_sep = ":"; } $sub_products .= $str_sep . $id; $sub_prod .= $str_sep . " - " . $adb->query_result($sub_prod_query, $i, "productname"); } $sub_det = $sub_products . "::" . str_replace(":", "<br>", $sub_prod); $qty_stock = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, 'qtyinstock'); //fix for T6943 $slashes_temp_val = popup_from_html($field_val); $slashes_temp_val = htmlspecialchars($slashes_temp_val, ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset); $description = popup_from_html($adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, 'description')); $slashes_temp_desc = decode_html(htmlspecialchars($description, ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset)); $slashes_desc = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), array('\\r', '\\n'), $slashes_temp_desc); $tmp_arr = array("entityid" => $entity_id, "prodname" => "" . stripslashes(decode_html(nl2br($slashes_temp_val))) . "", "unitprice" => "{$unitprice}", "qtyinstk" => "{$qty_stock}", "taxstring" => "{$tax_str}", "rowid" => "{$row_id}", "desc" => "{$slashes_desc}", "subprod_ids" => "{$sub_det}"); require_once 'include/Zend/Json.php'; $prod_arr = Zend_Json::encode($tmp_arr); $value = '<a href="javascript:window.close();" id=\'popup_product_' . $entity_id . '\' onclick=\'set_return_inventory("' . $entity_id . '", "' . decode_html(nl2br($slashes_temp_val)) . '", "' . $unitprice . '", "' . $qty_stock . '","' . $tax_str . '","' . $row_id . '","' . $slashes_desc . '","' . $sub_det . '");\' vt_prod_arr=\'' . $prod_arr . '\' >' . $temp_val . '</a>'; } elseif ($popuptype == "inventory_prod_po") { $row_id = $_REQUEST['curr_row']; //To get all the tax types and values and pass it to product details $tax_str = ''; $tax_details = getAllTaxes(); for ($tax_count = 0; $tax_count < count($tax_details); $tax_count++) { $tax_str .= $tax_details[$tax_count]['taxname'] . '=' . $tax_details[$tax_count]['percentage'] . ','; } $tax_str = trim($tax_str, ','); $rate = $user_info['conv_rate']; if (getFieldVisibilityPermission($module, $current_user->id, 'unit_price') == '0') { $unitprice = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, 'unit_price'); if ($_REQUEST['currencyid'] != null) { $prod_prices = getPricesForProducts($_REQUEST['currencyid'], array($entity_id), $module); $unitprice = $prod_prices[$entity_id]; } } else { $unit_price = ''; } $sub_products = ''; $sub_prod = ''; $sub_prod_query = $adb->pquery("SELECT vtiger_products.productid,vtiger_products.productname,vtiger_products.qtyinstock,vtiger_crmentity.description from vtiger_products INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity ON vtiger_crmentity.crmid=vtiger_products.productid INNER JOIN vtiger_seproductsrel on vtiger_seproductsrel.crmid=vtiger_products.productid WHERE vtiger_seproductsrel.productid=? and vtiger_seproductsrel.setype='Products'", array($entity_id)); for ($i = 0; $i < $adb->num_rows($sub_prod_query); $i++) { //$sub_prod=array(); $id = $adb->query_result($sub_prod_query, $i, "productid"); $str_sep = ''; if ($i > 0) { $str_sep = ":"; } $sub_products .= $str_sep . $id; $sub_prod .= $str_sep . " - {$id}." . $adb->query_result($sub_prod_query, $i, "productname"); } $sub_det = $sub_products . "::" . str_replace(":", "<br>", $sub_prod); $slashes_temp_val = popup_from_html($field_val); $slashes_temp_val = htmlspecialchars($slashes_temp_val, ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset); $description = popup_from_html($adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, 'description')); $slashes_temp_desc = decode_html(htmlspecialchars($description, ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset)); $slashes_desc = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), array('\\r', '\\n'), $slashes_temp_desc); $tmp_arr = array("entityid" => $entity_id, "prodname" => "" . stripslashes(decode_html(nl2br($slashes_temp_val))) . "", "unitprice" => "{$unitprice}", "qtyinstk" => "{$qty_stock}", "taxstring" => "{$tax_str}", "rowid" => "{$row_id}", "desc" => "{$slashes_desc}", "subprod_ids" => "{$sub_det}"); require_once 'include/Zend/Json.php'; $prod_arr = Zend_Json::encode($tmp_arr); $value = '<a href="javascript:window.close();" id=\'popup_product_' . $entity_id . '\' onclick=\'set_return_inventory_po("' . $entity_id . '", "' . decode_html(nl2br($slashes_temp_val)) . '", "' . $unitprice . '", "' . $tax_str . '","' . $row_id . '","' . $slashes_desc . '","' . $sub_det . '"); \' vt_prod_arr=\'' . $prod_arr . '\' >' . $temp_val . '</a>'; } elseif ($popuptype == "inventory_service") { $row_id = $_REQUEST['curr_row']; //To get all the tax types and values and pass it to product details $tax_str = ''; $tax_details = getAllTaxes(); for ($tax_count = 0; $tax_count < count($tax_details); $tax_count++) { $tax_str .= $tax_details[$tax_count]['taxname'] . '=' . $tax_details[$tax_count]['percentage'] . ','; } $tax_str = trim($tax_str, ','); $rate = $user_info['conv_rate']; if (getFieldVisibilityPermission('Services', $current_user->id, 'unit_price') == '0') { $unitprice = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, 'unit_price'); if ($_REQUEST['currencyid'] != null) { $prod_prices = getPricesForProducts($_REQUEST['currencyid'], array($entity_id), $module); $unitprice = $prod_prices[$entity_id]; } } else { $unit_price = ''; } $slashes_temp_val = popup_from_html($field_val); $slashes_temp_val = htmlspecialchars($slashes_temp_val, ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset); $description = popup_from_html($adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, 'description')); $slashes_temp_desc = decode_html(htmlspecialchars($description, ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset)); $slashes_desc = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), array('\\r', '\\n'), $slashes_temp_desc); $tmp_arr = array("entityid" => $entity_id, "prodname" => "" . stripslashes(decode_html(nl2br($slashes_temp_val))) . "", "unitprice" => "{$unitprice}", "taxstring" => "{$tax_str}", "rowid" => "{$row_id}", "desc" => "{$slashes_desc}"); require_once 'include/Zend/Json.php'; $prod_arr = Zend_Json::encode($tmp_arr); $value = '<a href="javascript:window.close();" id=\'popup_product_' . $entity_id . '\' onclick=\'set_return_inventory("' . $entity_id . '", "' . decode_html(nl2br($slashes_temp_val)) . '", "' . $unitprice . '", "' . $tax_str . '","' . $row_id . '","' . $slashes_desc . '");\' vt_prod_arr=\'' . $prod_arr . '\' >' . $temp_val . '</a>'; } elseif ($popuptype == "inventory_pb") { $prod_id = $_REQUEST['productid']; $flname = $_REQUEST['fldname']; $listprice = getListPrice($prod_id, $entity_id); $temp_val = popup_from_html($temp_val); $value = '<a href="javascript:window.close();" onclick=\'set_return_inventory_pb("' . $listprice . '", "' . $flname . '"); \'>' . $temp_val . '</a>'; } elseif ($popuptype == "specific_account_address") { require_once 'modules/Accounts/Accounts.php'; $acct_focus = new Accounts(); $acct_focus->retrieve_entity_info($entity_id, "Accounts"); $slashes_temp_val = popup_from_html($temp_val); $slashes_temp_val = htmlspecialchars($slashes_temp_val, ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset); $xyz = array('bill_street', 'bill_city', 'bill_code', 'bill_pobox', 'bill_country', 'bill_state', 'ship_street', 'ship_city', 'ship_code', 'ship_pobox', 'ship_country', 'ship_state'); for ($i = 0; $i < 12; $i++) { if (getFieldVisibilityPermission($module, $current_user->id, $xyz[$i]) == '0') { $acct_focus->column_fields[$xyz[$i]] = $acct_focus->column_fields[$xyz[$i]]; } else { $acct_focus->column_fields[$xyz[$i]] = ''; } } $bill_street = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), array('\\r', '\\n'), popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['bill_street'])); $ship_street = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), array('\\r', '\\n'), popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['ship_street'])); $value = '<a href="javascript:window.close();" onclick=\'set_return_address("' . $entity_id . '", "' . nl2br(decode_html($slashes_temp_val)) . '", "' . $bill_street . '", "' . $ship_street . '", "' . popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['bill_city']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['ship_city']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['bill_state']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['ship_state']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['bill_code']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['ship_code']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['bill_country']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['ship_country']) . '","' . popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['bill_pobox']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['ship_pobox']) . '");\'>' . $temp_val . '</a>'; } elseif ($popuptype == "specific_contact_account_address") { require_once 'modules/Accounts/Accounts.php'; $acct_focus = new Accounts(); $acct_focus->retrieve_entity_info($entity_id, "Accounts"); $slashes_temp_val = popup_from_html($temp_val); $slashes_temp_val = htmlspecialchars($slashes_temp_val, ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset); $bill_street = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), array('\\r', '\\n'), popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['bill_street'])); $ship_street = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), array('\\r', '\\n'), popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['ship_street'])); $value = '<a href="javascript:window.close();" onclick=\'set_return_contact_address("' . $entity_id . '", "' . nl2br(decode_html($slashes_temp_val)) . '", "' . $bill_street . '", "' . $ship_street . '", "' . popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['bill_city']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['ship_city']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['bill_state']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['ship_state']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['bill_code']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['ship_code']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['bill_country']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['ship_country']) . '","' . popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['bill_pobox']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['ship_pobox']) . '");\'>' . $temp_val . '</a>'; } elseif ($popuptype == "specific_potential_account_address") { $slashes_temp_val = popup_from_html($temp_val); $slashes_temp_val = htmlspecialchars($slashes_temp_val, ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset); // For B2C support, Potential was enabled to be linked to Contacts also. // Hence we need case handling for it. $relatedid = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, "related_to"); $relatedentity = getSalesEntityType($relatedid); if ($relatedentity == 'Accounts') { require_once 'modules/Accounts/Accounts.php'; $acct_focus = new Accounts(); $acct_focus->retrieve_entity_info($relatedid, "Accounts"); $account_name = getAccountName($relatedid); $slashes_account_name = popup_from_html($account_name); $slashes_account_name = htmlspecialchars($slashes_account_name, ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset); $xyz = array('bill_street', 'bill_city', 'bill_code', 'bill_pobox', 'bill_country', 'bill_state', 'ship_street', 'ship_city', 'ship_code', 'ship_pobox', 'ship_country', 'ship_state'); for ($i = 0; $i < 12; $i++) { if (getFieldVisibilityPermission('Accounts', $current_user->id, $xyz[$i]) == '0') { $acct_focus->column_fields[$xyz[$i]] = $acct_focus->column_fields[$xyz[$i]]; } else { $acct_focus->column_fields[$xyz[$i]] = ''; } } $bill_street = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), array('\\r', '\\n'), popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['bill_street'])); $ship_street = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), array('\\r', '\\n'), popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['ship_street'])); $value = '<a href="javascript:window.close();" onclick=\'set_return_address("' . $entity_id . '", "' . nl2br(decode_html($slashes_temp_val)) . '", "' . $relatedid . '", "' . nl2br(decode_html($slashes_account_name)) . '", "' . $bill_street . '", "' . $ship_street . '", "' . popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['bill_city']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['ship_city']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['bill_state']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['ship_state']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['bill_code']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['ship_code']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['bill_country']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['ship_country']) . '","' . popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['bill_pobox']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['ship_pobox']) . '");\'>' . $temp_val . '</a>'; } else { if ($relatedentity == 'Contacts') { require_once 'modules/Contacts/Contacts.php'; $contact_name = getContactName($relatedid); $slashes_contact_name = popup_from_html($contact_name); $slashes_contact_name = htmlspecialchars($slashes_contact_name, ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset); $value = '<a href="javascript:window.close();" onclick=\'set_return_contact("' . $entity_id . '", "' . nl2br(decode_html($slashes_temp_val)) . '", "' . $relatedid . '", "' . nl2br(decode_html($slashes_contact_name)) . '");\'>' . $temp_val . '</a>'; } else { $value = $temp_val; } } } elseif ($popuptype == "set_return_emails") { if ($module == 'Accounts') { $name = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, 'accountname'); $accid = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, 'accountid'); if (CheckFieldPermission('email1', $module) == "true") { $emailaddress = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, "email1"); $email_check = 1; } else { $email_check = 0; } if ($emailaddress == '') { if (CheckFieldPermission('email2', $module) == 'true') { $emailaddress2 = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, "email2"); $email_check = 2; } else { if ($email_check == 1) { $email_check = 4; } else { $email_check = 3; } } } $querystr = "SELECT fieldid,fieldlabel,columnname FROM vtiger_field WHERE tabid=? and uitype=13 and vtiger_field.presence in (0,2)"; $queryres = $adb->pquery($querystr, array(getTabid($module))); //Change this index 0 - to get the vtiger_fieldid based on email1 or email2 $fieldid = $adb->query_result($queryres, 0, 'fieldid'); $slashes_name = popup_from_html($name); $slashes_name = htmlspecialchars($slashes_name, ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset); $value = '<a href="javascript:window.close();" onclick=\'return set_return_emails(' . $entity_id . ',' . $fieldid . ',"' . decode_html($slashes_name) . '","' . $emailaddress . '","' . $emailaddress2 . '","' . $email_check . '"); \'>' . textlength_check($name) . '</a>'; } elseif ($module == 'Vendors') { $name = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, 'vendorname'); $venid = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, 'vendorid'); if (CheckFieldPermission('email', $module) == "true") { $emailaddress = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, "email"); $email_check = 1; } else { $email_check = 0; } $querystr = "SELECT fieldid,fieldlabel,columnname FROM vtiger_field WHERE tabid=? and uitype=13 and vtiger_field.presence in (0,2)"; $queryres = $adb->pquery($querystr, array(getTabid($module))); //Change this index 0 - to get the vtiger_fieldid based on email1 or email2 $fieldid = $adb->query_result($queryres, 0, 'fieldid'); $slashes_name = popup_from_html($name); $slashes_name = htmlspecialchars($slashes_name, ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset); $value = '<a href="javascript:window.close();" onclick=\'return set_return_emails(' . $entity_id . ',' . $fieldid . ',"' . decode_html($slashes_name) . '","' . $emailaddress . '","' . $emailaddress2 . '","' . $email_check . '"); \'>' . textlength_check($name) . '</a>'; } elseif ($module == 'Contacts' || $module == 'Leads') { $name = getFullNameFromQResult($list_result, $list_result_count, $module); if (CheckFieldPermission('email', $module) == "true") { $emailaddress = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, "email"); $email_check = 1; } else { $email_check = 0; } if ($emailaddress == '') { if (CheckFieldPermission('yahooid', $module) == 'true') { $emailaddress2 = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, "yahooid"); $email_check = 2; } else { if ($email_check == 1) { $email_check = 4; } else { $email_check = 3; } } } $querystr = "SELECT fieldid,fieldlabel,columnname FROM vtiger_field WHERE tabid=? and uitype=13 and vtiger_field.presence in (0,2)"; $queryres = $adb->pquery($querystr, array(getTabid($module))); //Change this index 0 - to get the vtiger_fieldid based on email or yahooid $fieldid = $adb->query_result($queryres, 0, 'fieldid'); $slashes_name = popup_from_html($name); $slashes_name = htmlspecialchars($slashes_name, ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset); $value = '<a href="javascript:window.close();" onclick=\'return set_return_emails(' . $entity_id . ',' . $fieldid . ',"' . decode_html($slashes_name) . '","' . $emailaddress . '","' . $emailaddress2 . '","' . $email_check . '"); \'>' . $name . '</a>'; } else { $firstname = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, "first_name"); $lastname = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, "last_name"); $name = $lastname . ' ' . $firstname; $emailaddress = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, "email1"); $slashes_name = popup_from_html($name); $slashes_name = htmlspecialchars($slashes_name, ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset); $email_check = 1; $value = '<a href="javascript:window.close();" onclick=\'return set_return_emails(' . $entity_id . ',-1,"' . decode_html($slashes_name) . '","' . $emailaddress . '","' . $emailaddress2 . '","' . $email_check . '"); \'>' . textlength_check($name) . '</a>'; } } elseif ($popuptype == "specific_vendor_address") { require_once 'modules/Vendors/Vendors.php'; $acct_focus = new Vendors(); $acct_focus->retrieve_entity_info($entity_id, "Vendors"); $slashes_temp_val = popup_from_html($temp_val); $slashes_temp_val = htmlspecialchars($slashes_temp_val, ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset); $xyz = array('street', 'city', 'postalcode', 'pobox', 'country', 'state'); for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) { if (getFieldVisibilityPermission($module, $current_user->id, $xyz[$i]) == '0') { $acct_focus->column_fields[$xyz[$i]] = $acct_focus->column_fields[$xyz[$i]]; } else { $acct_focus->column_fields[$xyz[$i]] = ''; } } $bill_street = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), array('\\r', '\\n'), popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['street'])); $value = '<a href="javascript:window.close();" onclick=\'set_return_address("' . $entity_id . '", "' . nl2br(decode_html($slashes_temp_val)) . '", "' . $bill_street . '", "' . popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['city']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['state']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['postalcode']) . '", "' . popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['country']) . '","' . popup_decode_html($acct_focus->column_fields['pobox']) . '");\'>' . $temp_val . '</a>'; } elseif ($popuptype == "specific_campaign") { $slashes_temp_val = popup_from_html($temp_val); $slashes_temp_val = htmlspecialchars($slashes_temp_val, ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset); $value = '<a href="javascript:window.close();" onclick=\'set_return_specific_campaign("' . $entity_id . '", "' . nl2br(decode_html($slashes_temp_val)) . '");\'>' . $temp_val . '</a>'; } else { if ($colname == "lastname") { $temp_val = getFullNameFromQResult($list_result, $list_result_count, $module); } $slashes_temp_val = popup_from_html($temp_val); $slashes_temp_val = htmlspecialchars($slashes_temp_val, ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset); $log->debug("Exiting getValue method ..."); if ($_REQUEST['maintab'] == 'Calendar') { $value = '<a href="javascript:window.close();" onclick=\'set_return_todo("' . $entity_id . '", "' . nl2br(decode_html($slashes_temp_val)) . '");\'>' . $temp_val . '</a>'; } else { $value = '<a href="javascript:window.close();" onclick=\'set_return("' . $entity_id . '", "' . nl2br(decode_html($slashes_temp_val)) . '");\'>' . $temp_val . '</a>'; } } } else { if ($module == "Leads" && $colname == "lastname" || $module == "Contacts" && $colname == "lastname") { $value = '<a href="index.php?action=DetailView&module=' . $module . '&record=' . $entity_id . '&parenttab=' . $tabname . '">' . $temp_val . '</a>'; } elseif ($module == "Calendar") { $actvity_type = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, 'activitytype'); $actvity_type = $actvity_type != '' ? $actvity_type : $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, 'type'); if ($actvity_type == "Task") { $value = '<a href="index.php?action=DetailView&module=' . $module . '&record=' . $entity_id . '&activity_mode=Task&parenttab=' . $tabname . '">' . $temp_val . '</a>'; } else { $value = '<a href="index.php?action=DetailView&module=' . $module . '&record=' . $entity_id . '&activity_mode=Events&parenttab=' . $tabname . '">' . $temp_val . '</a>'; } } elseif ($module == "Vendors") { $value = '<a href="index.php?action=DetailView&module=Vendors&record=' . $entity_id . '&parenttab=' . $tabname . '">' . $temp_val . '</a>'; } elseif ($module == "PriceBooks") { $value = '<a href="index.php?action=DetailView&module=PriceBooks&record=' . $entity_id . '&parenttab=' . $tabname . '">' . $temp_val . '</a>'; } elseif ($module == "SalesOrder") { $value = '<a href="index.php?action=DetailView&module=SalesOrder&record=' . $entity_id . '&parenttab=' . $tabname . '">' . $temp_val . '</a>'; } elseif ($module == 'Emails') { $value = $temp_val; } else { $value = '<a href="index.php?action=DetailView&module=' . $module . '&record=' . $entity_id . '&parenttab=' . $tabname . '">' . $temp_val . '</a>'; } } } elseif ($fieldname == 'expectedroi' || $fieldname == 'actualroi' || $fieldname == 'actualcost' || $fieldname == 'budgetcost' || $fieldname == 'expectedrevenue') { $rate = $user_info['conv_rate']; $value = convertFromDollar($temp_val, $rate); } elseif (($module == 'Invoice' || $module == 'Quotes' || $module == 'PurchaseOrder' || $module == 'SalesOrder') && ($fieldname == 'hdnGrandTotal' || $fieldname == 'hdnSubTotal' || $fieldname == 'txtAdjustment' || $fieldname == 'hdnDiscountAmount' || $fieldname == 'hdnS_H_Amount')) { $currency_info = getInventoryCurrencyInfo($module, $entity_id); $currency_id = $currency_info['currency_id']; $currency_symbol = $currency_info['currency_symbol']; $value = $currency_symbol . $temp_val; } else { $value = $temp_val; } } } // Mike Crowe Mod --------------------------------------------------------Make right justified and vtiger_currency value if (in_array($uitype, array(71, 72, 7, 9, 90))) { $value = '<span align="right">' . $value . '</div>'; } $log->debug("Exiting getValue method ..."); return $value; }
function getDetailAssociatedProducts() { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getDetailAssociatedProducts() method ..."); global $theme; global $log; global $app_strings, $current_user; $theme_path = "themes/" . $theme . "/"; $image_path = $theme_path . "images/"; $fieldlabellist = getProductFieldLabelList("Relsettings"); $fieldnamelist = getProductFieldList("Relsettings"); $output = ""; $output .= '<table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="crmTable" id="proTab"> <tr valign="top"> <td colspan="50" class="dvInnerHeader"><b>' . $app_strings['LBL_PRODUCT_DETAILS'] . '</b></td> </tr> <tr valign="top">'; foreach ($fieldlabellist as $field) { $output .= '<td width="' . $field["LABEL_WIDTH"] . '" class="lvtCol"><b>' . $field["LABEL"] . '</b></td>'; } $output .= ' <td width=10% class="lvtCol"><b>' . $app_strings['LBL_QTY'] . '</b></td> <td width=10% class="lvtCol" align="left"><b>' . $app_strings['LBL_LIST_PRICE'] . '</b></td> <td width=15% wrap class="lvtCol" align="left"><b>' . $app_strings['LBL_COMMENT'] . '</b></td>'; $output .= '<td width=15% nowrap class="lvtCol" align="right"><b>' . $app_strings['LBL_PRODUCT_TOTAL'] . '</b></td>'; $output .= '</tr>'; $query = "select ec_products.*,ec_inventoryproductrel.*,ec_products.productid as crmid,ec_catalog.catalogname,ec_vendor.vendorname from ec_inventoryproductrel inner join ec_products on ec_products.productid=ec_inventoryproductrel.productid left join ec_catalog on ec_catalog.catalogid=ec_products.catalogid left join ec_vendor on ec_vendor.vendorid=ec_products.vendor_id where" . $this->id . " ORDER BY sequence_no"; $result = $this->db->query($query); $num_rows = $this->db->num_rows($result); for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_rows; $i++) { $productid = $this->db->query_result($result, $i - 1, 'crmid'); $comment = $this->db->query_result($result, $i - 1, 'comment'); if (empty($comment)) { $comment = " "; } $qty = $this->db->query_result($result, $i - 1, 'quantity'); $listprice = $this->db->query_result($result, $i - 1, 'listprice'); $total = $qty * $listprice; $qty = convertFromDollar($qty, 1); $listprice = convertFromDollar($listprice, 1); $total = convertFromDollar($total, 1); $output .= '<tr valign="top">'; foreach ($fieldnamelist as $fieldname) { $fieldvalue = $this->db->query_result($result, $i - 1, $fieldname); if ($fieldname == "productname") { $output .= '<td class="crmTableRow small lineOnTop" nowrap> <a href="index.php?action=DetailView&module=Products&record=' . $productid . '" target="_blank">' . $fieldvalue . '</a></td>'; } elseif (strpos($fieldname, "price")) { $fieldvalue = convertFromDollar($fieldvalue, 1); $output .= '<td class="crmTableRow small lineOnTop" nowrap> ' . $fieldvalue . '</td>'; } else { $output .= '<td class="crmTableRow small lineOnTop" nowrap> ' . $fieldvalue . '</td>'; } } $output .= '<td class="crmTableRow small lineOnTop"> ' . $qty . '</td>'; $output .= '<td class="crmTableRow small lineOnTop"> ' . $listprice . '</td>'; $output .= '<td class="crmTableRow small lineOnTop" valign="bottom" align="left"> ' . $comment . '</td>'; $output .= '<td class="crmTableRow small lineOnTop" align="right"> ' . $total . '</td>'; $output .= '</tr>'; } $output .= '</table>'; $output .= '<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" class="crmTable">'; $grandTotal = $this->column_fields['total'] != '' ? $this->column_fields['total'] : '0.00'; $grandTotal = convertFromDollar($grandTotal, 1); $output .= '<tr>'; $output .= '<td class="crmTableRow big lineOnTop" width="80%" style="border-right:1px #dadada;"> </td>'; $output .= '<td align="right" class="crmTableRow small lineOnTop"><b>' . $app_strings['LBL_GRAND_TOTAL'] . '</b></td>'; $output .= '<td align="right" class="crmTableRow small lineOnTop">' . $grandTotal . '</td>'; $output .= '</tr>'; $output .= '</table>'; $log->debug("Exiting getDetailAssociatedProducts method ..."); return $output; }
/** Function used to get the converted amount from dollar which will be showed to the user * @param float $price - amount in dollor which we want to convert to the user configured amount * @return float $conv_price - amount in user configured currency */ function getConvertedPriceFromDollar($price) { global $current_user; $currencyid = fetchCurrency($current_user->id); $rate_symbol = getCurrencySymbolandCRate($currencyid); $conv_price = convertFromDollar($price, $rate_symbol['rate']); return $conv_price; }
/** * Function that converts the Number into Users Currency * @param Users $user * @param Boolean $skipConversion * @return Formatted Currency */ public function getDisplayValue($user = null, $skipConversion = false) { global $current_user; if (empty($user)) { $user = $current_user; } $this->initialize($user); $value = $this->value; if ($skipConversion == false) { $value = convertFromDollar($value, $this->conversionRate); } $number = $this->_formatCurrencyValue($value); return $number; }
$productlist = array(); $query = "SELECT ec_products.productid as crmid,ec_products.*,ec_catalog.catalogname,ec_vendor.vendorname FROM ec_products left join ec_catalog on ec_catalog.catalogid=ec_products.catalogid left join ec_vendor on ec_vendor.vendorid=ec_products.vendor_id WHERE ec_products.deleted=0 and ec_products.productid in (" . $idlist . ")"; $result = $adb->query($query); $rownum = $adb->num_rows($result); if ($rownum > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < $rownum; $i++) { $product = array(); $productid = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'crmid'); $unit_price = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'cost_price'); if ($unit_price == null) { $unit_price = 0; } $product["fieldlist"] = $fieldlist; $product["productid"] = $productid; $product["listprice"] = $unit_price; foreach ($fieldlist as $fieldname) { $fieldvalue = $adb->query_result($result, $i, $fieldname); if (strpos($fieldname, "price")) { $fieldvalue = convertFromDollar($fieldvalue, 1); } $product[$fieldname] = $fieldvalue; } $productlist[] = $product; unset($product); } $json = new Zend_Json(); $jsonproduct = $json->encode($productlist); $log->info($jsonproduct); echo $jsonproduct; } die;
function getListViewEntries($focus, $module, $result, $navigationInfo, $skipActions = false) { require 'user_privileges/user_privileges_' . $this->user->id . '.php'; global $listview_max_textlength, $theme, $default_charset; $fields = $this->queryGenerator->getFields(); $whereFields = $this->queryGenerator->getWhereFields(); $meta = $this->queryGenerator->getMeta($this->queryGenerator->getModule()); $moduleFields = $meta->getModuleFields(); $accessibleFieldList = array_keys($moduleFields); $listViewFields = array_intersect($fields, $accessibleFieldList); $referenceFieldList = $this->queryGenerator->getReferenceFieldList(); foreach ($referenceFieldList as $fieldName) { if (in_array($fieldName, $listViewFields)) { $field = $moduleFields[$fieldName]; $this->fetchNameList($field, $result); } } $db = PearDatabase::getInstance(); $rowCount = $db->num_rows($result); $ownerFieldList = $this->queryGenerator->getOwnerFieldList(); foreach ($ownerFieldList as $fieldName) { if (in_array($fieldName, $listViewFields)) { $field = $moduleFields[$fieldName]; $idList = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $rowCount; $i++) { $id = $this->db->query_result($result, $i, $field->getColumnName()); if (!isset($this->ownerNameList[$fieldName][$id])) { $idList[] = $id; } } if (count($idList) > 0) { if (!is_array($this->ownerNameList[$fieldName])) { $this->ownerNameList[$fieldName] = getOwnerNameList($idList); } else { //array_merge API loses key information so need to merge the arrays // manually. $newOwnerList = getOwnerNameList($idList); foreach ($newOwnerList as $id => $name) { $this->ownerNameList[$fieldName][$id] = $name; } } } } } foreach ($listViewFields as $fieldName) { $field = $moduleFields[$fieldName]; if (!$is_admin && ($field->getFieldDataType() == 'picklist' || $field->getFieldDataType() == 'multipicklist')) { $this->setupAccessiblePicklistValueList($fieldName); } } $data = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $rowCount; ++$i) { //Getting the recordId if ($module != 'Users') { $baseTable = $meta->getEntityBaseTable(); $moduleTableIndexList = $meta->getEntityTableIndexList(); $baseTableIndex = $moduleTableIndexList[$baseTable]; $recordId = $db->query_result($result, $i, $baseTableIndex); $ownerId = $db->query_result($result, $i, "smownerid"); } else { $recordId = $db->query_result($result, $i, "id"); } $row = array(); foreach ($listViewFields as $fieldName) { $field = $moduleFields[$fieldName]; $uitype = $field->getUIType(); $rawValue = $this->db->query_result($result, $i, $field->getColumnName()); if ($module == 'Calendar') { $activityType = $this->db->query_result($result, $i, 'activitytype'); } if (stristr(html_entity_decode($rawValue), "<a href") === false && $field->getUIType() != 8) { $value = textlength_check($rawValue); } elseif ($uitype != 8) { $value = html_entity_decode($rawValue, ENT_QUOTES); } else { $value = $rawValue; } if ($module == 'Documents' && $fieldName == 'filename') { $downloadtype = $db->query_result($result, $i, 'filelocationtype'); if ($downloadtype == 'I') { $ext = substr($value, strrpos($value, ".") + 1); $ext = strtolower($ext); if ($value != '') { if ($ext == 'bin' || $ext == 'exe' || $ext == 'rpm') { $fileicon = "<img src='" . vtiger_imageurl('fExeBin.gif', $theme) . "' hspace='3' align='absmiddle' border='0'>"; } elseif ($ext == 'jpg' || $ext == 'gif' || $ext == 'bmp') { $fileicon = "<img src='" . vtiger_imageurl('fbImageFile.gif', $theme) . "' hspace='3' align='absmiddle' border='0'>"; } elseif ($ext == 'txt' || $ext == 'doc' || $ext == 'xls') { $fileicon = "<img src='" . vtiger_imageurl('fbTextFile.gif', $theme) . "' hspace='3' align='absmiddle' border='0'>"; } elseif ($ext == 'zip' || $ext == 'gz' || $ext == 'rar') { $fileicon = "<img src='" . vtiger_imageurl('fbZipFile.gif', $theme) . "' hspace='3' align='absmiddle'\tborder='0'>"; } else { $fileicon = "<img src='" . vtiger_imageurl('fbUnknownFile.gif', $theme) . "' hspace='3' align='absmiddle' border='0'>"; } } } elseif ($downloadtype == 'E') { if (trim($value) != '') { $fileicon = "<img src='" . vtiger_imageurl('fbLink.gif', $theme) . "' alt='" . getTranslatedString('LBL_EXTERNAL_LNK', $module) . "' title='" . getTranslatedString('LBL_EXTERNAL_LNK', $module) . "' hspace='3' align='absmiddle' border='0'>"; } else { $value = '--'; $fileicon = ''; } } else { $value = ' --'; $fileicon = ''; } $fileName = $db->query_result($result, $i, 'filename'); $downloadType = $db->query_result($result, $i, 'filelocationtype'); $status = $db->query_result($result, $i, 'filestatus'); $fileIdQuery = "select attachmentsid from vtiger_seattachmentsrel where crmid=?"; $fileIdRes = $db->pquery($fileIdQuery, array($recordId)); $fileId = $db->query_result($fileIdRes, 0, 'attachmentsid'); if ($fileName != '' && $status == 1) { if ($downloadType == 'I') { $value = "<a href='index.php?module=uploads&action=downloadfile&" . "entityid={$recordId}&fileid={$fileId}' title='" . getTranslatedString("LBL_DOWNLOAD_FILE", $module) . "' onclick='javascript:dldCntIncrease({$recordId});'>" . $value . "</a>"; } elseif ($downloadType == 'E') { $value = "<a target='_blank' href='{$fileName}' onclick='javascript:" . "dldCntIncrease({$recordId});' title='" . getTranslatedString("LBL_DOWNLOAD_FILE", $module) . "'>" . $value . "</a>"; } else { $value = ' --'; } } $value = $fileicon . $value; } elseif ($module == 'Documents' && $fieldName == 'filesize') { $downloadType = $db->query_result($result, $i, 'filelocationtype'); if ($downloadType == 'I') { $filesize = $value; if ($filesize < 1024) { $value = $filesize . ' B'; } elseif ($filesize > 1024 && $filesize < 1048576) { $value = round($filesize / 1024, 2) . ' KB'; } else { if ($filesize > 1048576) { $value = round($filesize / (1024 * 1024), 2) . ' MB'; } } } else { $value = ' --'; } } elseif ($module == 'Documents' && $fieldName == 'filestatus') { if ($value == 1) { $value = getTranslatedString('yes', $module); } elseif ($value == 0) { $value = getTranslatedString('no', $module); } else { $value = '--'; } } elseif ($module == 'Documents' && $fieldName == 'filetype') { $downloadType = $db->query_result($result, $i, 'filelocationtype'); if ($downloadType == 'E' || $downloadType != 'I') { $value = '--'; } } elseif ($field->getUIType() == '27') { if ($value == 'I') { $value = getTranslatedString('LBL_INTERNAL', $module); } elseif ($value == 'E') { $value = getTranslatedString('LBL_EXTERNAL', $module); } else { $value = ' --'; } } elseif ($field->getFieldDataType() == 'picklist') { if (!$is_admin && $this->picklistRoleMap[$fieldName] && !in_array($tmpValue, $this->picklistValueMap[$fieldName])) { $value = "<font color='red'>" . getTranslatedString('LBL_NOT_ACCESSIBLE', $module) . "</font>"; } else { $value = getTranslatedString($value, $module); $value = textlength_check($value); } } elseif ($field->getFieldDataType() == 'date' || $field->getFieldDataType() == 'datetime') { if ($value != '' && $value != '0000-00-00') { $value = getDisplayDate($value); } elseif ($value == '0000-00-00') { $value = ''; } } elseif ($field->getUIType() == 71 || $field->getUIType() == 72) { if ($value != '') { if ($fieldName == 'unit_price') { $currencyId = getProductBaseCurrency($recordId, $module); $cursym_convrate = getCurrencySymbolandCRate($currencyId); $value = "<font style='color:grey;'>" . $cursym_convrate['symbol'] . "</font> " . $value; } else { $rate = $user_info['conv_rate']; //changes made to remove vtiger_currency symbol infront of each //vtiger_potential amount if ($value != 0) { $value = convertFromDollar($value, $rate); } } } } elseif ($field->getFieldDataType() == 'url') { $value = '<a href="http://' . $rawValue . '" target="_blank">' . $value . '</a>'; } elseif ($field->getFieldDataType() == 'email') { if ($_SESSION['internal_mailer'] == 1) { //check added for email link in user detailview $fieldId = $field->getFieldId(); $value = "<a href=\"javascript:InternalMailer({$recordId},{$fieldId}," . "'{$fieldName}','{$module}','record_id');\">{$value}</a>"; } else { $value = '<a href="mailto:' . $rawValue . '">' . $value . '</a>'; } } elseif ($field->getFieldDataType() == 'boolean') { if ($value == 1) { $value = getTranslatedString('yes', $module); } elseif ($value == 0) { $value = getTranslatedString('no', $module); } else { $value = '--'; } } elseif ($field->getUIType() == 98) { $value = '<a href="index.php?action=RoleDetailView&module=Settings&parenttab=' . 'Settings&roleid=' . $value . '">' . textlength_check(getRoleName($value)) . '</a>'; } elseif ($field->getFieldDataType() == 'multipicklist') { $value = $value != "" ? str_replace(' |##| ', ', ', $value) : ""; if (!$is_admin && $value != '') { $valueArray = $rawValue != "" ? explode(' |##| ', $rawValue) : array(); $notaccess = '<font color="red">' . getTranslatedString('LBL_NOT_ACCESSIBLE', $module) . "</font>"; $tmp = ''; $tmpArray = array(); foreach ($valueArray as $index => $val) { if (!$listview_max_textlength || !(strlen(preg_replace("/(<\\/?)(\\w+)([^>]*>)/i", "", $tmp)) > $listview_max_textlength)) { if (!$is_admin && $this->picklistRoleMap[$fieldName] && !in_array(trim($val), $this->picklistValueMap[$fieldName])) { $tmpArray[] = $notaccess; $tmp .= ', ' . $notaccess; } else { $tmpArray[] = $val; $tmp .= ', ' . $val; } } else { $tmpArray[] = '...'; $tmp .= '...'; } } $value = implode(', ', $tmpArray); } } elseif ($field->getFieldDataType() == 'skype') { $value = $value != "" ? "<a href='skype:{$value}?call'>{$value}</a>" : ""; } elseif ($field->getFieldDataType() == 'phone') { $value = "<a href='javascript:;' onclick='startCall("{$value}", " . ""{$recordId}")'>{$value}</a>"; } elseif ($field->getFieldDataType() == 'reference') { $referenceFieldInfoList = $this->queryGenerator->getReferenceFieldInfoList(); $moduleList = $referenceFieldInfoList[$fieldName]; if (count($moduleList) == 1) { $parentModule = $moduleList[0]; } else { $parentModule = $this->typeList[$value]; } if (!empty($value) && !empty($this->nameList[$fieldName]) && !empty($parentModule)) { $parentMeta = $this->queryGenerator->getMeta($parentModule); $value = textlength_check($this->nameList[$fieldName][$value]); if ($parentMeta->isModuleEntity() && $parentModule != "Users") { $value = "<a href='index.php?module={$parentModule}&action=DetailView&" . "record={$rawValue}' title='{$parentModule}'>{$value}</a>"; } } else { $value = '--'; } } elseif ($field->getFieldDataType() == 'owner') { $value = textlength_check($this->ownerNameList[$fieldName][$value]); } elseif ($field->getUIType() == 25) { //TODO clean request object reference. $contactId = $_REQUEST['record']; $emailId = $this->db->query_result($result, $i, "activityid"); $result1 = $this->db->pquery("SELECT access_count FROM vtiger_email_track WHERE " . "crmid=? AND mailid=?", array($contactId, $emailId)); $value = $this->db->query_result($result1, 0, "access_count"); if (!$value) { $value = 0; } } elseif ($field->getUIType() == 8) { if (!empty($value)) { $temp_val = html_entity_decode($value, ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset); $json = new Zend_Json(); $value = vt_suppressHTMLTags(implode(',', $json->decode($temp_val))); } } elseif ($fieldName == 'expectedroi' || $fieldName == 'actualroi' || $fieldName == 'actualcost' || $fieldName == 'budgetcost' || $fieldName == 'expectedrevenue') { $rate = $user_info['conv_rate']; $value = convertFromDollar($value, $rate); } elseif (($module == 'Invoice' || $module == 'Quotes' || $module == 'PurchaseOrder' || $module == 'SalesOrder') && ($fieldName == 'hdnGrandTotal' || $fieldName == 'hdnSubTotal' || $fieldName == 'txtAdjustment' || $fieldName == 'hdnDiscountAmount' || $fieldName == 'hdnS_H_Amount')) { $currencyInfo = getInventoryCurrencyInfo($module, $recordId); $currencyId = $currencyInfo['currency_id']; $currencySymbol = $currencyInfo['currency_symbol']; $value = $currencySymbol . $value; } if (in_array($uitype, array(71, 72, 7, 9, 90))) { $value = "<span align='right'>{$value}</div>"; } $parenttab = getParentTab(); $nameFields = $this->queryGenerator->getModuleNameFields($module); $nameFieldList = explode(',', $nameFields); if (in_array($fieldName, $nameFieldList) && $module != 'Emails') { $value = "<a href='index.php?module={$module}&parenttab={$parenttab}&action=DetailView&record=" . "{$recordId}' title='{$module}'>{$value}</a>"; } elseif ($fieldName == $focus->list_link_field && $module != 'Emails') { $value = "<a href='index.php?module={$module}&parenttab={$parenttab}&action=DetailView&record=" . "{$recordId}' title='{$module}'>{$value}</a>"; } // vtlib customization: For listview javascript triggers $value = "{$value} <span type='vtlib_metainfo' vtrecordid='{$recordId}' vtfieldname=" . "'{$fieldName}' vtmodule='{$module}' style='display:none;'></span>"; // END $row[] = $value; } //Added for Actions ie., edit and delete links in listview $actionLinkInfo = ""; if (isPermitted($module, "EditView", "") == 'yes') { $edit_link = $this->getListViewEditLink($module, $recordId); if (isset($navigationInfo['start']) && $navigationInfo['start'] > 1 && $module != 'Emails') { $actionLinkInfo .= "<a href=\"{$edit_link}&start=" . $navigationInfo['start'] . "\">" . getTranslatedString("LNK_EDIT", $module) . "</a> "; } else { $actionLinkInfo .= "<a href=\"{$edit_link}\">" . getTranslatedString("LNK_EDIT", $module) . "</a> "; } } if (isPermitted($module, "Delete", "") == 'yes') { $del_link = $this->getListViewDeleteLink($module, $recordId); if ($actionLinkInfo != "" && $del_link != "") { $actionLinkInfo .= " | "; } if ($del_link != "") { $actionLinkInfo .= "<a href='javascript:confirmdelete(\"" . addslashes(urlencode($del_link)) . "\")'>" . getTranslatedString("LNK_DELETE", $module) . "</a>"; } } // Record Change Notification if (method_exists($focus, 'isViewed') && PerformancePrefs::getBoolean('LISTVIEW_RECORD_CHANGE_INDICATOR', true)) { if (!$focus->isViewed($recordId)) { $actionLinkInfo .= " | <img src='" . vtiger_imageurl('important1.gif', $theme) . "' border=0>"; } } // END if ($actionLinkInfo != "" && !$skipActions) { $row[] = $actionLinkInfo; } $data[$recordId] = $row; } return $data; }
/** This function returns the vtiger_field details for a given vtiger_fieldname. * Param $uitype - UI type of the vtiger_field * Param $fieldname - Form vtiger_field name * Param $fieldlabel - Form vtiger_field label name * Param $maxlength - maximum length of the vtiger_field * Param $col_fields - array contains the vtiger_fieldname and values * Param $generatedtype - Field generated type (default is 1) * Param $module_name - module name * Return type is an array */ function getOutputHtml($uitype, $fieldname, $fieldlabel, $maxlength, $col_fields, $generatedtype, $module_name, $mode = '', $typeofdata = null) { global $log, $app_strings; $log->debug("Entering getOutputHtml(" . $uitype . "," . $fieldname . "," . $fieldlabel . "," . $maxlength . "," . $col_fields . "," . $generatedtype . "," . $module_name . ") method ..."); global $adb, $log, $default_charset; global $theme; global $mod_strings; global $app_strings; global $current_user; require 'user_privileges/sharing_privileges_' . $current_user->id . '.php'; require 'user_privileges/user_privileges_' . $current_user->id . '.php'; $theme_path = "themes/" . $theme . "/"; $image_path = $theme_path . "images/"; $fieldlabel = from_html($fieldlabel); $fieldvalue = array(); $final_arr = array(); $value = $col_fields[$fieldname]; $custfld = ''; $ui_type[] = $uitype; $editview_fldname[] = $fieldname; // vtlib customization: Related type field if ($uitype == '10') { global $adb; $fldmod_result = $adb->pquery('SELECT relmodule, status FROM vtiger_fieldmodulerel WHERE fieldid= (SELECT fieldid FROM vtiger_field, vtiger_tab WHERE vtiger_field.tabid=vtiger_tab.tabid AND fieldname=? AND name=? and vtiger_field.presence in (0,2))', array($fieldname, $module_name)); $entityTypes = array(); $parent_id = $value; for ($index = 0; $index < $adb->num_rows($fldmod_result); ++$index) { $entityTypes[] = $adb->query_result($fldmod_result, $index, 'relmodule'); } if (!empty($value)) { $valueType = getSalesEntityType($value); $displayValueArray = getEntityName($valueType, $value); if (!empty($displayValueArray)) { foreach ($displayValueArray as $key => $value) { $displayValue = $value; } } } else { $displayValue = ''; $valueType = ''; $value = ''; } $editview_label[] = array('options' => $entityTypes, 'selected' => $valueType, 'displaylabel' => getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name)); $fieldvalue[] = array('displayvalue' => $displayValue, 'entityid' => $parent_id); } else { if ($uitype == 5 || $uitype == 6 || $uitype == 23) { $log->info("uitype is " . $uitype); if ($value == '') { //modified to fix the issue in trac( if ($fieldname != 'birthday' && $generatedtype != 2 && getTabid($module_name) != 14) { // && $fieldname != 'due_date')//due date is today's date by default $disp_value = getNewDisplayDate(); } //Added to display the Contact - Support End Date as one year future instead of today's date -- 30-11-2005 if ($fieldname == 'support_end_date' && $_REQUEST['module'] == 'Contacts') { $addyear = strtotime("+1 year"); global $current_user; $dat_fmt = $current_user->date_format == '' ? 'dd-mm-yyyy' : $current_user->date_format; $disp_value = $dat_fmt == 'dd-mm-yyyy' ? date('d-m-Y', $addyear) : ($dat_fmt == 'mm-dd-yyyy' ? date('m-d-Y', $addyear) : ($dat_fmt == 'yyyy-mm-dd' ? date('Y-m-d', $addyear) : '')); } if ($fieldname == 'validtill' && $_REQUEST['module'] == 'Quotes') { $disp_value = ''; } } else { $disp_value = getValidDisplayDate($value); } $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $date_format = parse_calendardate($app_strings['NTC_DATE_FORMAT']); if ($uitype == 6) { if ($col_fields['time_start'] != '') { $curr_time = $col_fields['time_start']; } else { $curr_time = date('H:i', time() + 5 * 60); } } if ($module_name == 'Events' && $uitype == 23) { if ($col_fields['time_end'] != '') { $curr_time = $col_fields['time_end']; } else { $endtime = time() + 10 * 60; $curr_time = date('H:i', $endtime); } } $fieldvalue[] = array($disp_value => $curr_time); if ($uitype == 5 || $uitype == 23) { if ($module_name == 'Events' && $uitype == 23) { $fieldvalue[] = array($date_format => $current_user->date_format . ' ' . $app_strings['YEAR_MONTH_DATE']); } else { $fieldvalue[] = array($date_format => $current_user->date_format); } } else { $fieldvalue[] = array($date_format => $current_user->date_format . ' ' . $app_strings['YEAR_MONTH_DATE']); } } elseif ($uitype == 16) { require_once 'modules/PickList/PickListUtils.php'; $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldname = $adb->sql_escape_string($fieldname); $pick_query = "select {$fieldname} from vtiger_{$fieldname} order by sortorderid"; $params = array(); $pickListResult = $adb->pquery($pick_query, $params); $noofpickrows = $adb->num_rows($pickListResult); $options = array(); $pickcount = 0; $found = false; for ($j = 0; $j < $noofpickrows; $j++) { $value = decode_html($value); $pickListValue = decode_html($adb->query_result($pickListResult, $j, strtolower($fieldname))); if ($value == trim($pickListValue)) { $chk_val = "selected"; $pickcount++; $found = true; } else { $chk_val = ''; } $pickListValue = to_html($pickListValue); if (isset($_REQUEST['file']) && $_REQUEST['file'] == 'QuickCreate') { $options[] = array(htmlentities(getTranslatedString($pickListValue), ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset), $pickListValue, $chk_val); } else { $options[] = array(getTranslatedString($pickListValue), $pickListValue, $chk_val); } } $fieldvalue[] = $options; } elseif ($uitype == 15 || $uitype == 33) { require_once 'modules/PickList/PickListUtils.php'; $roleid = $current_user->roleid; $picklistValues = getAssignedPicklistValues($fieldname, $roleid, $adb); $valueArr = explode("|##|", $value); $pickcount = 0; if (!empty($picklistValues)) { foreach ($picklistValues as $order => $pickListValue) { if (in_array(trim($pickListValue), array_map("trim", $valueArr))) { $chk_val = "selected"; $pickcount++; } else { $chk_val = ''; } if (isset($_REQUEST['file']) && $_REQUEST['file'] == 'QuickCreate') { $options[] = array(htmlentities(getTranslatedString($pickListValue), ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset), $pickListValue, $chk_val); } else { $options[] = array(getTranslatedString($pickListValue), $pickListValue, $chk_val); } } if ($pickcount == 0 && !empty($value)) { $options[] = array($app_strings['LBL_NOT_ACCESSIBLE'], $value, 'selected'); } } $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $options; } elseif ($uitype == 17) { $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 85) { $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 19 || $uitype == 20) { if (isset($_REQUEST['body'])) { $value = $_REQUEST['body']; } if ($fieldname == 'terms_conditions') { //Assign the value from focus->column_fields (if we create Invoice from SO the SO's terms and conditions will be loaded to Invoice's terms and conditions, etc.,) $value = $col_fields['terms_conditions']; //if the value is empty then only we should get the default Terms and Conditions if ($value == '' && $mode != 'edit') { $value = getTermsandConditions(); } } $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 21 || $uitype == 24) { $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 22) { $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 52 || $uitype == 77) { $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); global $current_user; if ($value != '') { $assigned_user_id = $value; } else { $assigned_user_id = $current_user->id; } if ($uitype == 52) { $combo_lbl_name = 'assigned_user_id'; } elseif ($uitype == 77) { $combo_lbl_name = 'assigned_user_id1'; } //Control will come here only for Products - Handler and Quotes - Inventory Manager if ($is_admin == false && $profileGlobalPermission[2] == 1 && ($defaultOrgSharingPermission[getTabid($module_name)] == 3 or $defaultOrgSharingPermission[getTabid($module_name)] == 0)) { $users_combo = get_select_options_array(get_user_array(FALSE, "Active", $assigned_user_id, 'private'), $assigned_user_id); } else { $users_combo = get_select_options_array(get_user_array(FALSE, "Active", $assigned_user_id), $assigned_user_id); } $fieldvalue[] = $users_combo; } elseif ($uitype == 53) { global $noof_group_rows; $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); //Security Checks if ($fieldlabel == 'Assigned To' && $is_admin == false && $profileGlobalPermission[2] == 1 && ($defaultOrgSharingPermission[getTabid($module_name)] == 3 or $defaultOrgSharingPermission[getTabid($module_name)] == 0)) { $result = get_current_user_access_groups($module_name); } else { $result = get_group_options(); } if ($result) { $nameArray = $adb->fetch_array($result); } if ($value != '' && $value != 0) { $assigned_user_id = $value; } else { if ($value == '0') { if (isset($col_fields['assigned_group_info']) && $col_fields['assigned_group_info'] != '') { $selected_groupname = $col_fields['assigned_group_info']; } else { $record = $col_fields["record_id"]; $module = $col_fields["record_module"]; $selected_groupname = getGroupName($record, $module); } } else { $assigned_user_id = $current_user->id; } } if ($fieldlabel == 'Assigned To' && $is_admin == false && $profileGlobalPermission[2] == 1 && ($defaultOrgSharingPermission[getTabid($module_name)] == 3 or $defaultOrgSharingPermission[getTabid($module_name)] == 0)) { $users_combo = get_select_options_array(get_user_array(FALSE, "Active", $assigned_user_id, 'private'), $assigned_user_id); } else { $users_combo = get_select_options_array(get_user_array(FALSE, "Active", $assigned_user_id), $assigned_user_id); } if ($noof_group_rows != 0) { if ($fieldlabel == 'Assigned To' && $is_admin == false && $profileGlobalPermission[2] == 1 && ($defaultOrgSharingPermission[getTabid($module_name)] == 3 or $defaultOrgSharingPermission[getTabid($module_name)] == 0)) { $groups_combo = get_select_options_array(get_group_array(FALSE, "Active", $assigned_user_id, 'private'), $assigned_user_id); } else { $groups_combo = get_select_options_array(get_group_array(FALSE, "Active", $assigned_user_id), $assigned_user_id); } } $fieldvalue[] = $users_combo; $fieldvalue[] = $groups_combo; } elseif ($uitype == 51 || $uitype == 50 || $uitype == 73) { if ($_REQUEST['convertmode'] != 'update_quote_val' && $_REQUEST['convertmode'] != 'update_so_val') { if (isset($_REQUEST['account_id']) && $_REQUEST['account_id'] != '') { $value = $_REQUEST['account_id']; } } if ($value != '') { $account_name = getAccountName($value); } $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $account_name; $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 54) { $options = array(); $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $pick_query = "select * from vtiger_groups"; $pickListResult = $adb->pquery($pick_query, array()); $noofpickrows = $adb->num_rows($pickListResult); for ($j = 0; $j < $noofpickrows; $j++) { $pickListValue = $adb->query_result($pickListResult, $j, "name"); if ($value == $pickListValue) { $chk_val = "selected"; } else { $chk_val = ''; } $options[] = array($pickListValue => $chk_val); } $fieldvalue[] = $options; } elseif ($uitype == 55 || $uitype == 255) { require_once 'modules/PickList/PickListUtils.php'; if ($uitype == 255) { $fieldpermission = getFieldVisibilityPermission($module_name, $current_user->id, 'firstname'); } if ($uitype == 255 && $fieldpermission == '0') { $fieldvalue[] = ''; } else { $roleid = $current_user->roleid; $picklistValues = getAssignedPicklistValues('salutationtype', $roleid, $adb); $pickcount = 0; $salt_value = $col_fields["salutationtype"]; foreach ($picklistValues as $order => $pickListValue) { if ($salt_value == trim($pickListValue)) { $chk_val = "selected"; $pickcount++; } else { $chk_val = ''; } if (isset($_REQUEST['file']) && $_REQUEST['file'] == 'QuickCreate') { $options[] = array(htmlentities(getTranslatedString($pickListValue), ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset), $pickListValue, $chk_val); } else { $options[] = array(getTranslatedString($pickListValue), $pickListValue, $chk_val); } } if ($pickcount == 0 && $salt_value != '') { $options[] = array($app_strings['LBL_NOT_ACCESSIBLE'], $salt_value, 'selected'); } $fieldvalue[] = $options; } $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 59) { if ($_REQUEST['module'] == 'HelpDesk') { if (isset($_REQUEST['product_id']) & $_REQUEST['product_id'] != '') { $value = $_REQUEST['product_id']; } } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['parent_id']) & $_REQUEST['parent_id'] != '') { $value = $_REQUEST['parent_id']; } if ($value != '') { $product_name = getProductName($value); } $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $product_name; $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 63) { $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); if ($value == '') { $value = 1; } $options = array(); $pick_query = "select * from vtiger_duration_minutes order by sortorderid"; $pickListResult = $adb->pquery($pick_query, array()); $noofpickrows = $adb->num_rows($pickListResult); $salt_value = $col_fields["duration_minutes"]; for ($j = 0; $j < $noofpickrows; $j++) { $pickListValue = $adb->query_result($pickListResult, $j, "duration_minutes"); if ($salt_value == $pickListValue) { $chk_val = "selected"; } else { $chk_val = ''; } $options[$pickListValue] = $chk_val; } $fieldvalue[] = $value; $fieldvalue[] = $options; } elseif ($uitype == 64) { $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $date_format = parse_calendardate($app_strings['NTC_DATE_FORMAT']); $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 156) { $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $value; $fieldvalue[] = $is_admin; } elseif ($uitype == 56) { $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 57) { if ($value != '') { $contact_name = getContactName($value); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['contact_id']) && $_REQUEST['contact_id'] != '') { if ($_REQUEST['module'] == 'Contacts' && ($fieldname = 'contact_id')) { $contact_name = ''; } else { $value = $_REQUEST['contact_id']; $contact_name = getContactName($value); } } //Checking for contacts duplicate $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $contact_name; $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 58) { if ($value != '') { $campaign_name = getCampaignName($value); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['campaignid']) && $_REQUEST['campaignid'] != '') { if ($_REQUEST['module'] == 'Campaigns' && ($fieldname = 'campaignid')) { $campaign_name = ''; } else { $value = $_REQUEST['campaignid']; $campaign_name = getCampaignName($value); } } $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $campaign_name; $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 61) { if ($value != '') { $assigned_user_id = $value; } else { $assigned_user_id = $current_user->id; } if ($module_name == 'Emails' && $col_fields['record_id'] != '') { $attach_result = $adb->pquery("select * from vtiger_seattachmentsrel where crmid = ?", array($col_fields['record_id'])); //to fix the issue in mail attachment on forwarding mails if (isset($_REQUEST['forward']) && $_REQUEST['forward'] != '') { global $att_id_list; } for ($ii = 0; $ii < $adb->num_rows($attach_result); $ii++) { $attachmentid = $adb->query_result($attach_result, $ii, 'attachmentsid'); if ($attachmentid != '') { $attachquery = "select * from vtiger_attachments where attachmentsid=?"; $attachmentsname = $adb->query_result($adb->pquery($attachquery, array($attachmentid)), 0, 'name'); if ($attachmentsname != '') { $fieldvalue[$attachmentid] = '[ ' . $attachmentsname . ' ]'; } if (isset($_REQUEST['forward']) && $_REQUEST['forward'] != '') { $att_id_list .= $attachmentid . ';'; } } } } else { if ($col_fields['record_id'] != '') { $attachmentid = $adb->query_result($adb->pquery("select * from vtiger_seattachmentsrel where crmid = ?", array($col_fields['record_id'])), 0, 'attachmentsid'); if ($col_fields[$fieldname] == '' && $attachmentid != '') { $attachquery = "select * from vtiger_attachments where attachmentsid=?"; $value = $adb->query_result($adb->pquery($attachquery, array($attachmentid)), 0, 'name'); } } if ($value != '') { $filename = ' [ ' . $value . ' ]'; } if ($filename != '') { $fieldvalue[] = $filename; } if ($value != '') { $fieldvalue[] = $value; } } $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); } elseif ($uitype == 28) { if ($col_fields['record_id'] != '') { $attachmentid = $adb->query_result($adb->pquery("select * from vtiger_seattachmentsrel where crmid = ?", array($col_fields['record_id'])), 0, 'attachmentsid'); if ($col_fields[$fieldname] == '' && $attachmentid != '') { $attachquery = "select * from vtiger_attachments where attachmentsid=?"; $value = $adb->query_result($adb->pquery($attachquery, array($attachmentid)), 0, 'name'); } } if ($value != '' && $module_name != 'Documents') { $filename = ' [ ' . $value . ' ]'; } elseif ($value != '' && $module_name == 'Documents') { $filename = $value; } if ($filename != '') { $fieldvalue[] = $filename; } if ($value != '') { $fieldvalue[] = $value; } $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); } elseif ($uitype == 69) { $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); if ($col_fields['record_id'] != "") { //This query is for Products only if ($module_name == 'Products') { $query = 'select vtiger_attachments.path, vtiger_attachments.attachmentsid, ,vtiger_crmentity.setype from vtiger_products left join vtiger_seattachmentsrel on vtiger_seattachmentsrel.crmid=vtiger_products.productid inner join vtiger_attachments on vtiger_attachments.attachmentsid=vtiger_seattachmentsrel.attachmentsid inner join vtiger_crmentity on vtiger_crmentity.crmid=vtiger_attachments.attachmentsid where vtiger_crmentity.setype="Products Image" and productid=?'; } else { $query = "select vtiger_attachments.*,vtiger_crmentity.setype from vtiger_attachments inner join vtiger_seattachmentsrel on vtiger_seattachmentsrel.attachmentsid = vtiger_attachments.attachmentsid inner join vtiger_crmentity on vtiger_crmentity.crmid=vtiger_attachments.attachmentsid where vtiger_crmentity.setype='Contacts Image' and vtiger_seattachmentsrel.crmid=?"; } $result_image = $adb->pquery($query, array($col_fields['record_id'])); for ($image_iter = 0; $image_iter < $adb->num_rows($result_image); $image_iter++) { $image_id_array[] = $adb->query_result($result_image, $image_iter, 'attachmentsid'); //decode_html - added to handle UTF-8 characters in file names //urlencode - added to handle special characters like #, %, etc., $image_array[] = urlencode(decode_html($adb->query_result($result_image, $image_iter, 'name'))); $image_orgname_array[] = decode_html($adb->query_result($result_image, $image_iter, 'name')); $image_path_array[] = $adb->query_result($result_image, $image_iter, 'path'); } if (is_array($image_array)) { for ($img_itr = 0; $img_itr < count($image_array); $img_itr++) { $fieldvalue[] = array('name' => $image_array[$img_itr], 'path' => $image_path_array[$img_itr] . $image_id_array[$img_itr] . "_", "orgname" => $image_orgname_array[$img_itr]); } } else { $fieldvalue[] = ''; } } else { $fieldvalue[] = ''; } } elseif ($uitype == 62) { if (isset($_REQUEST['parent_id']) && $_REQUEST['parent_id'] != '') { $value = $_REQUEST['parent_id']; } if ($value != '') { $parent_module = getSalesEntityType($value); } if (isset($_REQUEST['account_id']) && $_REQUEST['account_id'] != '') { $parent_module = "Accounts"; $value = $_REQUEST['account_id']; } if ($parent_module != 'Contacts') { if ($parent_module == "Leads") { $parent_name = getLeadName($value); $lead_selected = "selected"; } elseif ($parent_module == "Accounts") { $sql = "select * from vtiger_account where accountid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $parent_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "accountname"); $account_selected = "selected"; } elseif ($parent_module == "Potentials") { $sql = "select * from vtiger_potential where potentialid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $parent_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "potentialname"); $potential_selected = "selected"; } elseif ($parent_module == "Products") { $sql = "select * from vtiger_products where productid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $parent_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "productname"); $product_selected = "selected"; } elseif ($parent_module == "PurchaseOrder") { $sql = "select * from vtiger_purchaseorder where purchaseorderid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $parent_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "subject"); $porder_selected = "selected"; } elseif ($parent_module == "SalesOrder") { $sql = "select * from vtiger_salesorder where salesorderid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $parent_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "subject"); $sorder_selected = "selected"; } elseif ($parent_module == "Invoice") { $sql = "select * from vtiger_invoice where invoiceid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $parent_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "subject"); $invoice_selected = "selected"; } elseif ($parent_module == "Quotes") { $sql = "select * from vtiger_quotes where quoteid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $parent_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "subject"); $quote_selected = "selected"; } elseif ($parent_module == "HelpDesk") { $sql = "select * from vtiger_troubletickets where ticketid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $parent_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "title"); $ticket_selected = "selected"; } } $editview_label[] = array($app_strings['COMBO_LEADS'], $app_strings['COMBO_ACCOUNTS'], $app_strings['COMBO_POTENTIALS'], $app_strings['COMBO_PRODUCTS'], $app_strings['COMBO_INVOICES'], $app_strings['COMBO_PORDER'], $app_strings['COMBO_SORDER'], $app_strings['COMBO_QUOTES'], $app_strings['COMBO_HELPDESK']); $editview_label[] = array($lead_selected, $account_selected, $potential_selected, $product_selected, $invoice_selected, $porder_selected, $sorder_selected, $quote_selected, $ticket_selected); $editview_label[] = array("Leads&action=Popup", "Accounts&action=Popup", "Potentials&action=Popup", "Products&action=Popup", "Invoice&action=Popup", "PurchaseOrder&action=Popup", "SalesOrder&action=Popup", "Quotes&action=Popup", "HelpDesk&action=Popup"); $fieldvalue[] = $parent_name; $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 66) { if (isset($_REQUEST['parent_id']) && $_REQUEST['parent_id'] != '') { $value = $_REQUEST['parent_id']; } if ($value != '') { $parent_module = getSalesEntityType($value); } // Check for vtiger_activity type if task orders to be added in select option $act_mode = $_REQUEST['activity_mode']; if ($parent_module != "Contacts") { if ($parent_module == "Leads") { $parent_name = getLeadName($value); $lead_selected = "selected"; } elseif ($parent_module == "Accounts") { $sql = "select * from vtiger_account where accountid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $parent_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "accountname"); $account_selected = "selected"; } elseif ($parent_module == "Potentials") { $sql = "select * from vtiger_potential where potentialid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $parent_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "potentialname"); $potential_selected = "selected"; } elseif ($parent_module == "HelpDesk") { $sql = "select title from vtiger_troubletickets where ticketid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $parent_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "title"); $ticket_selected = "selected"; } elseif ($act_mode == "Task") { if ($parent_module == "PurchaseOrder") { $sql = "select * from vtiger_purchaseorder where purchaseorderid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $parent_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "subject"); $purchase_selected = "selected"; } if ($parent_module == "SalesOrder") { $sql = "select * from vtiger_salesorder where salesorderid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $parent_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "subject"); $sales_selected = "selected"; } if ($parent_module == "Invoice") { $sql = "select * from vtiger_invoice where invoiceid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $parent_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "subject"); $invoice_selected = "selected"; } if ($parent_module == "Campaigns") { $sql = "select campaignname from vtiger_campaign where campaignid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $parent_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "campaignname"); $campaign_selected = "selected"; } if ($parent_module == "Quotes") { $sql = "select * from vtiger_quotes where quoteid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $parent_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "subject"); $quote_selected = "selected"; } } $fieldvalue[] = $parent_name; $fieldvalue[] = $value; } $editview_label[0] = array($app_strings['COMBO_LEADS'], $app_strings['COMBO_ACCOUNTS'], $app_strings['COMBO_POTENTIALS']); $editview_label[1] = array($lead_selected, $account_selected, $potential_selected); $editview_label[2] = array("Leads&action=Popup", "Accounts&action=Popup", "Potentials&action=Popup"); if ($act_mode == "Task") { array_push($editview_label[0], $app_strings['COMBO_QUOTES'], $app_strings['COMBO_PORDER'], $app_strings['COMBO_SORDER'], $app_strings['COMBO_INVOICES'], $app_strings['COMBO_CAMPAIGNS'], $app_strings['COMBO_HELPDESK']); array_push($editview_label[1], $quote_selected, $purchase_selected, $sales_selected, $invoice_selected, $campaign_selected, $ticket_selected); array_push($editview_label[2], "Quotes&action=Popup", "PurchaseOrder&action=Popup", "SalesOrder&action=Popup", "Invoice&action=Popup", "Campaigns&action=Popup", "HelpDesk&action=Popup"); } elseif ($act_mode == "Events") { array_push($editview_label[0], $app_strings['COMBO_HELPDESK']); array_push($editview_label[1], $ticket_selected); array_push($editview_label[2], "HelpDesk&action=Popup"); } } elseif ($uitype == 357) { $pmodule = $_REQUEST['pmodule']; if (empty($pmodule)) { $pmodule = $_REQUEST['par_module']; } if ($pmodule == 'Contacts') { $contact_selected = 'selected'; } elseif ($pmodule == 'Accounts') { $account_selected = 'selected'; } elseif ($pmodule == 'Leads') { $lead_selected = 'selected'; } elseif ($pmodule == 'Vendors') { $vendor_selected = 'selected'; } elseif ($pmodule == 'Users') { $user_selected = 'selected'; } if (isset($_REQUEST['emailids']) && $_REQUEST['emailids'] != '') { $parent_id = $_REQUEST['emailids']; $parent_name = ''; $myids = explode("|", $parent_id); for ($i = 0; $i < count($myids) - 1; $i++) { $realid = explode("@", $myids[$i]); $entityid = $realid[0]; $nemail = count($realid); if ($pmodule == 'Accounts') { require_once 'modules/Accounts/Accounts.php'; $myfocus = new Accounts(); $myfocus->retrieve_entity_info($entityid, "Accounts"); $fullname = br2nl($myfocus->column_fields['accountname']); $account_selected = 'selected'; } elseif ($pmodule == 'Contacts') { require_once 'modules/Contacts/Contacts.php'; $myfocus = new Contacts(); $myfocus->retrieve_entity_info($entityid, "Contacts"); $fname = br2nl($myfocus->column_fields['firstname']); $lname = br2nl($myfocus->column_fields['lastname']); $fullname = $lname . ' ' . $fname; $contact_selected = 'selected'; } elseif ($pmodule == 'Leads') { require_once 'modules/Leads/Leads.php'; $myfocus = new Leads(); $myfocus->retrieve_entity_info($entityid, "Leads"); $fname = br2nl($myfocus->column_fields['firstname']); $lname = br2nl($myfocus->column_fields['lastname']); $fullname = $lname . ' ' . $fname; $lead_selected = 'selected'; } for ($j = 1; $j < $nemail; $j++) { $querystr = 'select columnname from vtiger_field where fieldid=? and vtiger_field.presence in (0,2)'; $result = $adb->pquery($querystr, array($realid[$j])); $temp = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'columnname'); $temp1 = br2nl($myfocus->column_fields[$temp]); //Modified to display the entities in red which don't have email id if (!empty($temp_parent_name) && strlen($temp_parent_name) > 150) { $parent_name .= '<br>'; $temp_parent_name = ''; } if ($temp1 != '') { $parent_name .= $fullname . '<' . $temp1 . '>; '; $temp_parent_name .= $fullname . '<' . $temp1 . '>; '; } else { $parent_name .= "<b style='color:red'>" . $fullname . '<' . $temp1 . '>; ' . "</b>"; $temp_parent_name .= "<b style='color:red'>" . $fullname . '<' . $temp1 . '>; ' . "</b>"; } } } } else { if ($_REQUEST['record'] != '' && $_REQUEST['record'] != NULL) { $parent_name = ''; $parent_id = ''; $myemailid = $_REQUEST['record']; $mysql = "select crmid from vtiger_seactivityrel where activityid=?"; $myresult = $adb->pquery($mysql, array($myemailid)); $mycount = $adb->num_rows($myresult); if ($mycount > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < $mycount; $i++) { $mycrmid = $adb->query_result($myresult, $i, 'crmid'); $parent_module = getSalesEntityType($mycrmid); if ($parent_module == "Leads") { $sql = "select firstname,lastname,email from vtiger_leaddetails where leadid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($mycrmid)); $full_name = getFullNameFromQResult($result, 0, "Leads"); $myemail = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "email"); $parent_id .= $mycrmid . '@0|'; //make it such that the email adress sent is remebered and only that one is retrived $parent_name .= $full_name . '<' . $myemail . '>; '; $lead_selected = 'selected'; } elseif ($parent_module == "Contacts") { $sql = "select * from vtiger_contactdetails where contactid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($mycrmid)); $full_name = getFullNameFromQResult($result, 0, "Contacts"); $myemail = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "email"); $parent_id .= $mycrmid . '@0|'; //make it such that the email adress sent is remebered and only that one is retrived $parent_name .= $full_name . '<' . $myemail . '>; '; $contact_selected = 'selected'; } elseif ($parent_module == "Accounts") { $sql = "select * from vtiger_account where accountid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($mycrmid)); $account_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "accountname"); $myemail = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "email1"); $parent_id .= $mycrmid . '@0|'; //make it such that the email adress sent is remebered and only that one is retrived $parent_name .= $account_name . '<' . $myemail . '>; '; $account_selected = 'selected'; } elseif ($parent_module == "Users") { $sql = "select user_name,email1 from vtiger_users where id=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($mycrmid)); $account_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "user_name"); $myemail = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "email1"); $parent_id .= $mycrmid . '@0|'; //make it such that the email adress sent is remebered and only that one is retrived $parent_name .= $account_name . '<' . $myemail . '>; '; $user_selected = 'selected'; } elseif ($parent_module == "Vendors") { $sql = "select * from vtiger_vendor where vendorid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($mycrmid)); $vendor_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "vendorname"); $myemail = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "email"); $parent_id .= $mycrmid . '@0|'; //make it such that the email adress sent is remebered and only that one is retrived $parent_name .= $vendor_name . '<' . $myemail . '>; '; $vendor_selected = 'selected'; } } } } $custfld .= '<td width="20%" class="dataLabel">' . $app_strings['To'] . ' </td>'; $custfld .= '<td width="90%" colspan="3"><input name="parent_id" type="hidden" value="' . $parent_id . '"><textarea readonly name="parent_name" cols="70" rows="2">' . $parent_name . '</textarea> <select name="parent_type" >'; $custfld .= '<OPTION value="Contacts" selected>' . $app_strings['COMBO_CONTACTS'] . '</OPTION>'; $custfld .= '<OPTION value="Accounts" >' . $app_strings['COMBO_ACCOUNTS'] . '</OPTION>'; $custfld .= '<OPTION value="Leads" >' . $app_strings['COMBO_LEADS'] . '</OPTION>'; $custfld .= '<OPTION value="Vendors" >' . $app_strings['COMBO_VENDORS'] . '</OPTION></select><img src="' . vtiger_imageurl('select.gif', $theme) . '" alt="Select" title="Select" LANGUAGE=javascript onclick=\'$log->debug("Exiting getOutputHtml method ..."); return"index.php?module="+ document.EditView.parent_type.value +"&action=Popup&popuptype=set_$log->debug("Exiting getOutputHtml method ..."); return_emails&form=EmailEditView&form_submit=false","test","width=600,height=400,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,top=150,left=200");\' align="absmiddle" style=\'cursor:hand;cursor:pointer\'> <input type="image" src="' . vtiger_imageurl('clear_field.gif', $theme) . '" alt="Clear" title="Clear" LANGUAGE=javascript onClick="this.form.parent_id.value=\'\';this.form.parent_name.value=\'\';$log->debug("Exiting getOutputHtml method ..."); return false;" align="absmiddle" style=\'cursor:hand;cursor:pointer\'></td>'; $editview_label[] = array('Contacts' => $contact_selected, 'Accounts' => $account_selected, 'Vendors' => $vendor_selected, 'Leads' => $lead_selected, 'Users' => $user_selected); $fieldvalue[] = $parent_name; $fieldvalue[] = $parent_id; } } elseif ($uitype == 68) { if (isset($_REQUEST['parent_id']) && $_REQUEST['parent_id'] != '') { $value = $_REQUEST['parent_id']; } if ($value != '') { $parent_module = getSalesEntityType($value); if ($parent_module == "Contacts") { $parent_name = getContactName($value); $contact_selected = "selected"; } elseif ($parent_module == "Accounts") { $sql = "select * from vtiger_account where accountid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $parent_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "accountname"); $account_selected = "selected"; } else { $parent_name = ""; $value = ""; } } $editview_label[] = array($app_strings['COMBO_CONTACTS'], $app_strings['COMBO_ACCOUNTS']); $editview_label[] = array($contact_selected, $account_selected); $editview_label[] = array("Contacts", "Accounts"); $fieldvalue[] = $parent_name; $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 71 || $uitype == 72) { if ($col_fields['record_id'] != '' && $fieldname == 'unit_price') { $rate_symbol = getCurrencySymbolandCRate(getProductBaseCurrency($col_fields['record_id'], $module_name)); $fieldvalue[] = $value; } else { $currency_id = fetchCurrency($current_user->id); $rate_symbol = getCurrencySymbolandCRate($currency_id); $rate = $rate_symbol['rate']; $fieldvalue[] = convertFromDollar($value, $rate); } $currency = $rate_symbol['symbol']; $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name) . ': (' . $currency . ')'; } elseif ($uitype == 75 || $uitype == 81) { if ($value != '') { $vendor_name = getVendorName($value); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['vendor_id']) && $_REQUEST['vendor_id'] != '') { $value = $_REQUEST['vendor_id']; $vendor_name = getVendorName($value); } $pop_type = 'specific'; if ($uitype == 81) { $pop_type = 'specific_vendor_address'; } $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $vendor_name; $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 76) { if ($value != '') { $potential_name = getPotentialName($value); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['potential_id']) && $_REQUEST['potential_id'] != '') { $value = $_REQUEST['potental_id']; $potential_name = getPotentialName($value); } $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $potential_name; $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 78) { if ($value != '') { $quote_name = getQuoteName($value); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['quote_id']) && $_REQUEST['quote_id'] != '') { $value = $_REQUEST['quote_id']; $potential_name = getQuoteName($value); } $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $quote_name; $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 79) { if ($value != '') { $purchaseorder_name = getPoName($value); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['purchaseorder_id']) && $_REQUEST['purchaseorder_id'] != '') { $value = $_REQUEST['purchaseorder_id']; $purchaseorder_name = getPoName($value); } $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $purchaseorder_name; $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 80) { if ($value != '') { $salesorder_name = getSoName($value); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['salesorder_id']) && $_REQUEST['salesorder_id'] != '') { $value = $_REQUEST['salesorder_id']; $salesorder_name = getSoName($value); } $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $salesorder_name; $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 30) { $rem_days = 0; $rem_hrs = 0; $rem_min = 0; if ($value != '') { $SET_REM = "CHECKED"; } $rem_days = floor($col_fields[$fieldname] / (24 * 60)); $rem_hrs = floor(($col_fields[$fieldname] - $rem_days * 24 * 60) / 60); $rem_min = ($col_fields[$fieldname] - $rem_days * 24 * 60) % 60; $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $day_options = getReminderSelectOption(0, 31, 'remdays', $rem_days); $hr_options = getReminderSelectOption(0, 23, 'remhrs', $rem_hrs); $min_options = getReminderSelectOption(1, 59, 'remmin', $rem_min); $fieldvalue[] = array(array(0, 32, 'remdays', getTranslatedString('LBL_DAYS'), $rem_days), array(0, 24, 'remhrs', getTranslatedString('LBL_HOURS'), $rem_hrs), array(1, 60, 'remmin', getTranslatedString('LBL_MINUTES') . ' ' . getTranslatedString('LBL_BEFORE_EVENT'), $rem_min)); $fieldvalue[] = array($SET_REM, getTranslatedString('LBL_YES'), getTranslatedString('LBL_NO')); $SET_REM = ''; } elseif ($uitype == 115) { $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $pick_query = "select * from vtiger_" . $adb->sql_escape_string($fieldname); $pickListResult = $adb->pquery($pick_query, array()); $noofpickrows = $adb->num_rows($pickListResult); //Mikecrowe fix to correctly default for custom pick lists $options = array(); $found = false; for ($j = 0; $j < $noofpickrows; $j++) { $pickListValue = $adb->query_result($pickListResult, $j, strtolower($fieldname)); if ($value == $pickListValue) { $chk_val = "selected"; $found = true; } else { $chk_val = ''; } $options[] = array(getTranslatedString($pickListValue), $pickListValue, $chk_val); } $fieldvalue[] = $options; $fieldvalue[] = $is_admin; } elseif ($uitype == 116 || $uitype == 117) { $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $pick_query = "select * from vtiger_currency_info where currency_status = 'Active' and deleted=0"; $pickListResult = $adb->pquery($pick_query, array()); $noofpickrows = $adb->num_rows($pickListResult); //Mikecrowe fix to correctly default for custom pick lists $options = array(); $found = false; for ($j = 0; $j < $noofpickrows; $j++) { $pickListValue = $adb->query_result($pickListResult, $j, 'currency_name'); $currency_id = $adb->query_result($pickListResult, $j, 'id'); if ($value == $currency_id) { $chk_val = "selected"; $found = true; } else { $chk_val = ''; } $options[$currency_id] = array($pickListValue => $chk_val); } $fieldvalue[] = $options; $fieldvalue[] = $is_admin; } elseif ($uitype == 98) { $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $value; $fieldvalue[] = getRoleName($value); $fieldvalue[] = $is_admin; } elseif ($uitype == 105) { $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); if (isset($col_fields['record_id']) && $col_fields['record_id'] != '') { $query = "select vtiger_attachments.path, from vtiger_contactdetails left join vtiger_seattachmentsrel on vtiger_seattachmentsrel.crmid=vtiger_contactdetails.contactid inner join vtiger_attachments on vtiger_attachments.attachmentsid=vtiger_seattachmentsrel.attachmentsid where and contactid=?"; $result_image = $adb->pquery($query, array($col_fields['record_id'])); for ($image_iter = 0; $image_iter < $adb->num_rows($result_image); $image_iter++) { $image_array[] = $adb->query_result($result_image, $image_iter, 'name'); $image_path_array[] = $adb->query_result($result_image, $image_iter, 'path'); } } if (is_array($image_array)) { for ($img_itr = 0; $img_itr < count($image_array); $img_itr++) { $fieldvalue[] = array('name' => $image_array[$img_itr], 'path' => $image_path_array[$img_itr]); } } else { $fieldvalue[] = ''; } } elseif ($uitype == 101) { $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = getUserName($value); $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 26) { $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $folderid = $col_fields['folderid']; $foldername_query = 'select foldername from vtiger_attachmentsfolder where folderid = ?'; $res = $adb->pquery($foldername_query, array($folderid)); $foldername = $adb->query_result($res, 0, 'foldername'); if ($foldername != '' && $folderid != '') { $fldr_name[$folderid] = $foldername; } $sql = "select foldername,folderid from vtiger_attachmentsfolder order by foldername"; $res = $adb->pquery($sql, array()); for ($i = 0; $i < $adb->num_rows($res); $i++) { $fid = $adb->query_result($res, $i, "folderid"); $fldr_name[$fid] = $adb->query_result($res, $i, "foldername"); } $fieldvalue[] = $fldr_name; } elseif ($uitype == 27) { if ($value == 'I') { $internal_selected = "selected"; $filename = $col_fields['filename']; } else { $external_selected = "selected"; $filename = $col_fields['filename']; } $editview_label[] = array(getTranslatedString('Internal'), getTranslatedString('External')); $editview_label[] = array($internal_selected, $external_selected); $editview_label[] = array("I", "E"); $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $value; $fieldvalue[] = $filename; } else { //Added condition to set the subject if click Reply All from web mail if ($_REQUEST['module'] == 'Emails' && $_REQUEST['mg_subject'] != '') { $value = $_REQUEST['mg_subject']; } $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); if ($uitype == 1 && ($fieldname == 'expectedrevenue' || $fieldname == 'budgetcost' || $fieldname == 'actualcost' || $fieldname == 'expectedroi' || $fieldname == 'actualroi') && $module_name == 'Campaigns') { $rate_symbol = getCurrencySymbolandCRate($user_info['currency_id']); $fieldvalue[] = convertFromDollar($value, $rate_symbol['rate']); } elseif ($fieldname == 'fileversion') { if (empty($value)) { $value = ''; } else { $fieldvalue[] = $value; } } else { $fieldvalue[] = $value; } } } // Mike Crowe Mod --------------------------------------------------------force numerics right justified. if (!preg_match("/id=/i", $custfld)) { $custfld = preg_replace("/<input/iS", "<input id='{$fieldname}' ", $custfld); } if (in_array($uitype, array(71, 72, 7, 9, 90))) { $custfld = preg_replace("/<input/iS", "<input align=right ", $custfld); } $final_arr[] = $ui_type; $final_arr[] = $editview_label; $final_arr[] = $editview_fldname; $final_arr[] = $fieldvalue; $type_of_data = explode('~', $typeofdata); $final_arr[] = $type_of_data[1]; $log->debug("Exiting getOutputHtml method ..."); return $final_arr; }
/** This function returns the detail view form vtiger_field and and its properties in array format. * Param $uitype - UI type of the vtiger_field * Param $fieldname - Form vtiger_field name * Param $fieldlabel - Form vtiger_field label name * Param $col_fields - array contains the vtiger_fieldname and values * Param $generatedtype - Field generated type (default is 1) * Param $tabid - vtiger_tab id to which the Field belongs to (default is "") * Return type is an array */ function getDetailViewOutputHtml($uitype, $fieldname, $fieldlabel, $col_fields, $generatedtype, $tabid = '', $module = '') { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getDetailViewOutputHtml(" . $uitype . "," . $fieldname . "," . $fieldlabel . "," . $col_fields . "," . $generatedtype . "," . $tabid . ") method ..."); global $adb; global $mod_strings; global $app_strings; global $current_user; global $theme; $theme_path = "themes/" . $theme . "/"; $image_path = $theme_path . "images/"; $fieldlabel = from_html($fieldlabel); $custfld = ''; $value = ''; $arr_data = array(); $label_fld = array(); $data_fld = array(); require 'user_privileges/user_privileges_' . $current_user->id . '.php'; require 'user_privileges/sharing_privileges_' . $current_user->id . '.php'; // vtlib customization: New uitype to handle relation between modules if ($uitype == '10') { $fieldlabel = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $parent_id = $col_fields[$fieldname]; if (!empty($parent_id)) { $parent_module = getSalesEntityType($parent_id); $valueTitle = $parent_module; if ($app_strings[$valueTitle]) { $valueTitle = $app_strings[$valueTitle]; } $displayValueArray = getEntityName($parent_module, $parent_id); if (!empty($displayValueArray)) { foreach ($displayValueArray as $key => $value) { $displayValue = $value; } } $label_fld = array($fieldlabel, "<a href='index.php?module={$parent_module}&action=DetailView&record={$parent_id}' title='{$valueTitle}'>{$displayValue}</a>"); } else { $moduleSpecificMessage = 'MODULE_NOT_SELECTED'; if ($mod_strings[$moduleSpecificMessage] != "") { $moduleSpecificMessage = $mod_strings[$moduleSpecificMessage]; } $label_fld = array($fieldlabel, ''); } } else { if ($uitype == 99) { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $label_fld[] = $col_fields[$fieldname]; if ($fieldname == 'confirm_password') { return null; } } elseif ($uitype == 116 || $uitype == 117) { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $label_fld[] = getCurrencyName($col_fields[$fieldname]); $pick_query = "select * from vtiger_currency_info where currency_status = 'Active' and deleted=0"; $pickListResult = $adb->pquery($pick_query, array()); $noofpickrows = $adb->num_rows($pickListResult); //Mikecrowe fix to correctly default for custom pick lists $options = array(); $found = false; for ($j = 0; $j < $noofpickrows; $j++) { $pickListValue = $adb->query_result($pickListResult, $j, 'currency_name'); $currency_id = $adb->query_result($pickListResult, $j, 'id'); if ($col_fields[$fieldname] == $currency_id) { $chk_val = "selected"; $found = true; } else { $chk_val = ''; } $options[$currency_id] = array($pickListValue => $chk_val); } $label_fld["options"] = $options; } elseif ($uitype == 13 || $uitype == 104) { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $label_fld[] = $col_fields[$fieldname]; } elseif ($uitype == 16) { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $label_fld[] = $col_fields[$fieldname]; $fieldname = $adb->sql_escape_string($fieldname); $pick_query = "select {$fieldname} from vtiger_{$fieldname} order by sortorderid"; $params = array(); $pickListResult = $adb->pquery($pick_query, $params); $noofpickrows = $adb->num_rows($pickListResult); $options = array(); $count = 0; $found = false; for ($j = 0; $j < $noofpickrows; $j++) { $pickListValue = decode_html($adb->query_result($pickListResult, $j, strtolower($fieldname))); $col_fields[$fieldname] = decode_html($col_fields[$fieldname]); if ($col_fields[$fieldname] == $pickListValue) { $chk_val = "selected"; $count++; $found = true; } else { $chk_val = ''; } $pickListValue = to_html($pickListValue); $options[] = array(getTranslatedString($pickListValue), $pickListValue, $chk_val); } $label_fld["options"] = $options; } elseif ($uitype == 15) { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $label_fld[] = $col_fields[$fieldname]; $roleid = $current_user->roleid; $subrole = getRoleSubordinates($roleid); if (count($subrole) > 0) { $roleids = $subrole; array_push($roleids, $roleid); } else { $roleids = $roleid; } if ($is_admin == true || $profileGlobalPermission[1] == 0 || $profileGlobalPermission[2] == 0) { $pick_query = "select {$fieldname} from vtiger_{$fieldname}"; $params = array(); } else { if (count($roleids) > 0) { $pick_query = "select distinct {$fieldname} from vtiger_{$fieldname} inner join vtiger_role2picklist on vtiger_role2picklist.picklistvalueid = vtiger_{$fieldname}.picklist_valueid where roleid in (" . generateQuestionMarks($roleids) . ") and picklistid in (select picklistid from vtiger_picklist) order by {$fieldname} asc"; $params = array($roleids); } else { $pick_query = "select distinct {$fieldname} from vtiger_{$fieldname} inner join vtiger_role2picklist on vtiger_role2picklist.picklistvalueid = vtiger_{$fieldname}.picklist_valueid where picklistid in (select picklistid from vtiger_picklist) order by {$fieldname} asc"; $params = array(); } } $pickListResult = $adb->pquery($pick_query, $params); $noofpickrows = $adb->num_rows($pickListResult); //Mikecrowe fix to correctly default for custom pick lists $options = array(); $count = 0; $found = false; for ($j = 0; $j < $noofpickrows; $j++) { $pickListValue = decode_html($adb->query_result($pickListResult, $j, strtolower($fieldname))); $col_fields[$fieldname] = decode_html($col_fields[$fieldname]); if ($col_fields[$fieldname] == $pickListValue) { $chk_val = "selected"; $count++; $found = true; } else { $chk_val = ''; } $pickListValue = to_html($pickListValue); $options[] = array(getTranslatedString($pickListValue), $pickListValue, $chk_val); } if ($count == 0 && $col_fields[$fieldname] != '') { $options[] = array($app_strings['LBL_NOT_ACCESSIBLE'], $col_fields[$fieldname], 'selected'); } $label_fld["options"] = $options; } elseif ($uitype == 115) { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($col_fields[$fieldname]); $pick_query = "select * from vtiger_" . $adb->sql_escape_string($fieldname); $pickListResult = $adb->pquery($pick_query, array()); $noofpickrows = $adb->num_rows($pickListResult); $options = array(); $found = false; for ($j = 0; $j < $noofpickrows; $j++) { $pickListValue = $adb->query_result($pickListResult, $j, strtolower($fieldname)); if ($col_fields[$fieldname] == $pickListValue) { $chk_val = "selected"; $found = true; } else { $chk_val = ''; } $options[] = array($pickListValue => $chk_val); } $label_fld["options"] = $options; } elseif ($uitype == 33) { $roleid = $current_user->roleid; $subrole = getRoleSubordinates($roleid); if (count($subrole) > 0) { $roleids = $subrole; array_push($roleids, $roleid); } else { $roleids = $roleid; } $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); if ($is_admin == true || $profileGlobalPermission[1] == 0 || $profileGlobalPermission[2] == 0) { $pick_query = "select {$fieldname} from vtiger_{$fieldname} order by {$fieldname} asc"; $params = array(); } else { if (count($roleids) > 0) { $pick_query = "select distinct {$fieldname} from vtiger_{$fieldname} inner join vtiger_role2picklist on vtiger_role2picklist.picklistvalueid = vtiger_{$fieldname}.picklist_valueid where roleid in (" . generateQuestionMarks($roleids) . ") and picklistid in (select picklistid from vtiger_picklist) order by {$fieldname} asc"; $params = array($roleids); } else { $pick_query = "select distinct {$fieldname} from vtiger_{$fieldname} inner join vtiger_role2picklist on vtiger_role2picklist.picklistvalueid = vtiger_{$fieldname}.picklist_valueid where picklistid in (select picklistid from vtiger_picklist) order by {$fieldname} asc"; $params = array(); } } $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $label_fld[] = str_ireplace(' |##| ', ', ', $col_fields[$fieldname]); $pickListResult = $adb->pquery($pick_query, $params); $noofpickrows = $adb->num_rows($pickListResult); $options = array(); $selected_entries = array(); $selected_entries = explode(' |##| ', $col_fields[$fieldname]); for ($j = 0; $j < $noofpickrows; $j++) { $pickListValue = $adb->query_result($pickListResult, $j, strtolower($fieldname)); $chk_val = ''; foreach ($selected_entries as $selected_entries_value) { if (trim($selected_entries_value) == trim($pickListValue)) { $chk_val = 'selected'; break; } else { $chk_val = ''; } } $options[] = array($pickListValue, $pickListValue, $chk_val); } foreach ($selected_entries as $selected_entries_value) { $mul_count = 0; $options_length = count($options); for ($j = 0; $j < $options_length; $j++) { if (in_array($selected_entries_value, $options[$j])) { $mul_count++; } } if ($mul_count == 0 && $options_length > 0) { $not_access_lbl = "<font color='red'>" . $app_strings['LBL_NOT_ACCESSIBLE'] . "</font>"; $options[] = array($not_access_lbl, trim($selected_entries_value), 'selected'); } $mul_count = 0; } $label_fld["options"] = $options; } elseif ($uitype == 17) { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $label_fld[] = $col_fields[$fieldname]; } elseif ($uitype == 19) { if ($fieldname == 'notecontent') { $col_fields[$fieldname] = decode_html($col_fields[$fieldname]); } else { $col_fields[$fieldname] = str_replace("<br />", "<br>", $col_fields[$fieldname]); } $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $label_fld[] = $col_fields[$fieldname]; } elseif ($uitype == 20 || $uitype == 21 || $uitype == 22 || $uitype == 24) { if ($uitype == 20) { //Fix the issue #4680 $col_fields[$fieldname] = $col_fields[$fieldname]; } else { $col_fields[$fieldname] = nl2br($col_fields[$fieldname]); } $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $label_fld[] = $col_fields[$fieldname]; } elseif ($uitype == 51 || $uitype == 50 || $uitype == 73) { $account_id = $col_fields[$fieldname]; if ($account_id != '') { $account_name = getAccountName($account_id); } $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $label_fld[] = $account_name; $label_fld["secid"] = $account_id; $label_fld["link"] = "index.php?module=Accounts&action=DetailView&record=" . $account_id; //Account Name View } elseif ($uitype == 52 || $uitype == 77 || $uitype == 101) { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $user_id = $col_fields[$fieldname]; $user_name = getUserName($user_id); $assigned_user_id = $current_user->id; if (is_admin($current_user)) { $label_fld[] = '<a href="index.php?module=Users&action=DetailView&record=' . $user_id . '">' . $user_name . '</a>'; } else { $label_fld[] = $user_name; } if ($is_admin == false && $profileGlobalPermission[2] == 1 && ($defaultOrgSharingPermission[getTabid($module)] == 3 or $defaultOrgSharingPermission[getTabid($module)] == 0)) { $users_combo = get_select_options_array(get_user_array(FALSE, "Active", $assigned_user_id, 'private'), $assigned_user_id); } else { $users_combo = get_select_options_array(get_user_array(FALSE, "Active", $user_id), $assigned_user_id); } $label_fld["options"] = $users_combo; } elseif ($uitype == 11) { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $label_fld[] = $col_fields[$fieldname]; } elseif ($uitype == 53) { global $noof_group_rows, $adb; $owner_id = $col_fields[$fieldname]; $user = '******'; $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT count(*) as count from vtiger_users where id = ?", array($owner_id)); if ($adb->query_result($result, 0, 'count') > 0) { $user = '******'; } $owner_name = getOwnerName($owner_id); $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $label_fld[] = $owner_name; if (is_admin($current_user)) { $label_fld["secid"][] = $owner_id; if ($user == 'no') { $label_fld["link"][] = "index.php?module=Settings&action=GroupDetailView&groupId=" . $owner_id; } else { $label_fld["link"][] = "index.php?module=Users&action=DetailView&record=" . $owner_id; } //$label_fld["secid"][] = $groupid; //$label_fld["link"][] = "index.php?module=Settings&action=GroupDetailView&groupId=".$groupid; } //Security Checks if ($fieldlabel == 'Assigned To' && $is_admin == false && $profileGlobalPermission[2] == 1 && ($defaultOrgSharingPermission[getTabid($module_name)] == 3 or $defaultOrgSharingPermission[getTabid($module_name)] == 0)) { $result = get_current_user_access_groups($module_name); } else { $result = get_group_options(); } if ($result) { $nameArray = $adb->fetch_array($result); } global $current_user; //$value = $user_id; if ($owner_id != '') { if ($user == 'yes') { $label_fld["options"][] = 'User'; $assigned_user_id = $owner_id; $user_checked = "checked"; $team_checked = ''; $user_style = 'display:block'; $team_style = 'display:none'; } else { //$record = $col_fields["record_id"]; //$module = $col_fields["record_module"]; $label_fld["options"][] = 'Group'; $assigned_group_id = $owner_id; $user_checked = ''; $team_checked = 'checked'; $user_style = 'display:none'; $team_style = 'display:block'; } } else { $label_fld["options"][] = 'User'; $assigned_user_id = $current_user->id; $user_checked = "checked"; $team_checked = ''; $user_style = 'display:block'; $team_style = 'display:none'; } if ($fieldlabel == 'Assigned To' && $is_admin == false && $profileGlobalPermission[2] == 1 && ($defaultOrgSharingPermission[getTabid($module)] == 3 or $defaultOrgSharingPermission[getTabid($module)] == 0)) { $users_combo = get_select_options_array(get_user_array(FALSE, "Active", $current_user->id, 'private'), $current_user->id); } else { $users_combo = get_select_options_array(get_user_array(FALSE, "Active", $current_user->id), $current_user->id); } if ($noof_group_rows != 0) { if ($fieldlabel == 'Assigned To' && $is_admin == false && $profileGlobalPermission[2] == 1 && ($defaultOrgSharingPermission[getTabid($module)] == 3 or $defaultOrgSharingPermission[getTabid($module)] == 0)) { $groups_combo = get_select_options_array(get_group_array(FALSE, "Active", $current_user->id, 'private'), $current_user->id); } else { $groups_combo = get_select_options_array(get_group_array(FALSE, "Active", $current_user->id), $current_user->id); } } $label_fld["options"][] = $users_combo; $label_fld["options"][] = $groups_combo; } elseif ($uitype == 55 || $uitype == 255) { if ($tabid == 4) { $query = "select vtiger_contactdetails.imagename from vtiger_contactdetails where contactid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($query, array($col_fields['record_id'])); $imagename = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'imagename'); if ($imagename != '') { $imgpath = "test/contact/" . $imagename; $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); } else { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); } } else { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); } $value = $col_fields[$fieldname]; if ($uitype == 255) { global $currentModule; $fieldpermission = getFieldVisibilityPermission($currentModule, $current_user->id, 'firstname'); } if ($uitype == 255 && $fieldpermission == 0 && $fieldpermission != '') { $fieldvalue[] = ''; } else { $roleid = $current_user->roleid; $subrole = getRoleSubordinates($roleid); if (count($subrole) > 0) { $roleids = implode("','", $subrole); $roleids = $roleids . "','" . $roleid; } else { $roleids = $roleid; } if ($is_admin == true || $profileGlobalPermission[1] == 0 || $profileGlobalPermission[2] == 0) { $pick_query = "select salutationtype from vtiger_salutationtype order by salutationtype"; $params = array(); } else { $pick_query = "select * from vtiger_salutationtype left join vtiger_role2picklist on vtiger_role2picklist.picklistvalueid=vtiger_salutationtype.picklist_valueid where picklistid in (select picklistid from vtiger_picklist where name='salutationtype') and roleid=? order by salutationtype"; $params = array($current_user->roleid); } $pickListResult = $adb->pquery($pick_query, $params); $noofpickrows = $adb->num_rows($pickListResult); $sal_value = $col_fields["salutationtype"]; $salcount = 0; for ($j = 0; $j < $noofpickrows; $j++) { $pickListValue = $adb->query_result($pickListResult, $j, "salutationtype"); if ($sal_value == $pickListValue) { $chk_val = "selected"; $salcount++; } else { $chk_val = ''; } } if ($salcount == 0 && $sal_value != '') { $notacc = $app_strings['LBL_NOT_ACCESSIBLE']; } $sal_value = $col_fields["salutationtype"]; if ($sal_value == '--None--') { $sal_value = ''; } $label_fld["salut"] = getTranslatedString($sal_value); $label_fld["notaccess"] = $notacc; } $label_fld[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 56) { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $value = $col_fields[$fieldname]; if ($value == 1) { //Since "yes" is not been translated it is given as app strings here.. $display_val = $app_strings['yes']; } else { $display_val = $app_strings['no']; } $label_fld[] = $display_val; } elseif ($uitype == 57) { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $contact_id = $col_fields[$fieldname]; if ($contact_id != '') { $contact_name = getContactName($contact_id); } $label_fld[] = $contact_name; $label_fld["secid"] = $contact_id; $label_fld["link"] = "index.php?module=Contacts&action=DetailView&record=" . $contact_id; } elseif ($uitype == 58) { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $campaign_id = $col_fields[$fieldname]; if ($campaign_id != '') { $campaign_name = getCampaignName($campaign_id); } $label_fld[] = $campaign_name; $label_fld["secid"] = $campaign_id; $label_fld["link"] = "index.php?module=Campaigns&action=DetailView&record=" . $campaign_id; } elseif ($uitype == 59) { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $product_id = $col_fields[$fieldname]; if ($product_id != '') { $product_name = getProductName($product_id); } //Account Name View $label_fld[] = $product_name; $label_fld["secid"] = $product_id; $label_fld["link"] = "index.php?module=Products&action=DetailView&record=" . $product_id; } elseif ($uitype == 61) { global $adb; $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); if ($tabid == 10) { $attach_result = $adb->pquery("select * from vtiger_seattachmentsrel where crmid = ?", array($col_fields['record_id'])); for ($ii = 0; $ii < $adb->num_rows($attach_result); $ii++) { $attachmentid = $adb->query_result($attach_result, $ii, 'attachmentsid'); if ($attachmentid != '') { $attachquery = "select * from vtiger_attachments where attachmentsid=?"; $attachmentsname = $adb->query_result($adb->pquery($attachquery, array($attachmentid)), 0, 'name'); if ($attachmentsname != '') { $custfldval = '<a href = "index.php?module=uploads&action=downloadfile&return_module=' . $col_fields['record_module'] . '&fileid=' . $attachmentid . '&entityid=' . $col_fields['record_id'] . '">' . $attachmentsname . '</a>'; } else { $custfldval = ''; } } $label_fld['options'][] = $custfldval; } } else { $attachmentid = $adb->query_result($adb->pquery("select * from vtiger_seattachmentsrel where crmid = ?", array($col_fields['record_id'])), 0, 'attachmentsid'); if ($col_fields[$fieldname] == '' && $attachmentid != '') { $attachquery = "select * from vtiger_attachments where attachmentsid=?"; $col_fields[$fieldname] = $adb->query_result($adb->pquery($attachquery, array($attachmentid)), 0, 'name'); } //This is added to strip the crmid and _ from the file name and show the original filename //$org_filename = ltrim($col_fields[$fieldname],$col_fields['record_id'].'_'); /*Above line is not required as the filename in the database is stored as it is and doesn't have crmid attached to it. This was the cause for the issue reported in ticket #4645 */ $org_filename = $col_fields[$fieldname]; // For Backward Compatibility version < 5.0.4 $filename_pos = strpos($org_filename, $col_fields['record_id'] . '_'); if ($filename_pos === 0) { $start_idx = $filename_pos + strlen($col_fields['record_id'] . '_'); $org_filename = substr($org_filename, $start_idx); } if ($org_filename != '') { if ($col_fields['filelocationtype'] == 'E') { if ($col_fields['filestatus'] == 1) { //&& strlen($col_fields['filename']) > 7 ){ $custfldval = '<a target="_blank" href =' . $col_fields['filename'] . ' onclick=\'javascript:dldCntIncrease(' . $col_fields['record_id'] . ');\'>' . $col_fields[$fieldname] . '</a>'; } else { $custfldval = $col_fields[$fieldname]; } } elseif ($col_fields['filelocationtype'] == 'I') { if ($col_fields['filestatus'] == 1) { $custfldval = '<a href = "index.php?module=uploads&action=downloadfile&return_module=' . $col_fields['record_module'] . '&fileid=' . $attachmentid . '&entityid=' . $col_fields['record_id'] . '" onclick=\'javascript:dldCntIncrease(' . $col_fields['record_id'] . ');\'>' . $col_fields[$fieldname] . '</a>'; } else { $custfldval = $col_fields[$fieldname]; } } else { $custfldval = ''; } } $label_fld[] = $custfldval; } } elseif ($uitype == 28) { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $attachmentid = $adb->query_result($adb->pquery("select * from vtiger_seattachmentsrel where crmid = ?", array($col_fields['record_id'])), 0, 'attachmentsid'); if ($col_fields[$fieldname] == '' && $attachmentid != '') { $attachquery = "select * from vtiger_attachments where attachmentsid=?"; $col_fields[$fieldname] = $adb->query_result($adb->pquery($attachquery, array($attachmentid)), 0, 'name'); } $org_filename = $col_fields[$fieldname]; // For Backward Compatibility version < 5.0.4 $filename_pos = strpos($org_filename, $col_fields['record_id'] . '_'); if ($filename_pos === 0) { $start_idx = $filename_pos + strlen($col_fields['record_id'] . '_'); $org_filename = substr($org_filename, $start_idx); } if ($org_filename != '') { if ($col_fields['filelocationtype'] == 'E') { if ($col_fields['filestatus'] == 1) { //&& strlen($col_fields['filename']) > 7 ){ $custfldval = '<a target="_blank" href =' . $col_fields['filename'] . ' onclick=\'javascript:dldCntIncrease(' . $col_fields['record_id'] . ');\'>' . $col_fields[$fieldname] . '</a>'; } else { $custfldval = $col_fields[$fieldname]; } } elseif ($col_fields['filelocationtype'] == 'I') { if ($col_fields['filestatus'] == 1) { $custfldval = '<a href = "index.php?module=uploads&action=downloadfile&return_module=' . $col_fields['record_module'] . '&fileid=' . $attachmentid . '&entityid=' . $col_fields['record_id'] . '" onclick=\'javascript:dldCntIncrease(' . $col_fields['record_id'] . ');\'>' . $col_fields[$fieldname] . '</a>'; } else { $custfldval = $col_fields[$fieldname]; } } else { $custfldval = ''; } } $label_fld[] = $custfldval; } elseif ($uitype == 69) { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); if ($tabid == 14) { $images = array(); $query = 'select productname, vtiger_attachments.path, vtiger_attachments.attachmentsid,,vtiger_crmentity.setype from vtiger_products left join vtiger_seattachmentsrel on vtiger_seattachmentsrel.crmid=vtiger_products.productid inner join vtiger_attachments on vtiger_attachments.attachmentsid=vtiger_seattachmentsrel.attachmentsid inner join vtiger_crmentity on vtiger_crmentity.crmid = vtiger_attachments.attachmentsid where vtiger_crmentity.setype="Products Image" and productid=?'; $result_image = $adb->pquery($query, array($col_fields['record_id'])); for ($image_iter = 0; $image_iter < $adb->num_rows($result_image); $image_iter++) { $image_id_array[] = $adb->query_result($result_image, $image_iter, 'attachmentsid'); //decode_html - added to handle UTF-8 characters in file names //urlencode - added to handle special characters like #, %, etc., $image_array[] = urlencode(decode_html($adb->query_result($result_image, $image_iter, 'name'))); $image_orgname_array[] = decode_html($adb->query_result($result_image, $image_iter, 'name')); $imagepath_array[] = $adb->query_result($result_image, $image_iter, 'path'); } if (count($image_array) > 1) { if (count($image_array) < 4) { $sides = count($image_array) * 2; } else { $sides = 8; } $image_lists = '<div id="Carousel" style="position:relative;vertical-align: middle;"> <img src="modules/Products/placeholder.gif" width="571" height="117" style="position:relative;"> </div><script>var Car_NoOfSides=' . $sides . '; Car_Image_Sources=new Array('; for ($image_iter = 0; $image_iter < count($image_array); $image_iter++) { $images[] = '"' . $imagepath_array[$image_iter] . $image_id_array[$image_iter] . "_" . $image_array[$image_iter] . '","' . $imagepath_array[$image_iter] . $image_id_array[$image_iter] . "_" . $image_array[$image_iter] . '"'; } $image_lists .= implode(',', $images) . ');</script><script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="modules/Products/Productsslide.js"></script><script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">Carousel();</script>'; $label_fld[] = $image_lists; } elseif (count($image_array) == 1) { list($pro_image_width, $pro_image_height) = getimagesize($imagepath_array[0] . $image_id_array[0] . "_" . $image_orgname_array[0]); if ($pro_image_width > 450 || $pro_image_height > 300) { $label_fld[] = '<img src="' . $imagepath_array[0] . $image_id_array[0] . "_" . $image_array[0] . '" border="0" width="450" height="300">'; } else { $label_fld[] = '<img src="' . $imagepath_array[0] . $image_id_array[0] . "_" . $image_array[0] . '" border="0" width="' . $pro_image_width . '" height="' . $pro_image_height . '">'; } } else { $label_fld[] = ''; } } if ($tabid == 4) { //$imgpath = getModuleFileStoragePath('Contacts').$col_fields[$fieldname]; $sql = "select vtiger_attachments.*,vtiger_crmentity.setype from vtiger_attachments inner join vtiger_seattachmentsrel on vtiger_seattachmentsrel.attachmentsid = vtiger_attachments.attachmentsid inner join vtiger_crmentity on vtiger_crmentity.crmid = vtiger_attachments.attachmentsid where vtiger_crmentity.setype='Contacts Image' and vtiger_seattachmentsrel.crmid=?"; $image_res = $adb->pquery($sql, array($col_fields['record_id'])); $image_id = $adb->query_result($image_res, 0, 'attachmentsid'); $image_path = $adb->query_result($image_res, 0, 'path'); //decode_html - added to handle UTF-8 characters in file names //urlencode - added to handle special characters like #, %, etc., $image_name = urlencode(decode_html($adb->query_result($image_res, 0, 'name'))); $imgpath = $image_path . $image_id . "_" . $image_name; if ($image_name != '') { $label_fld[] = '<img src="' . $imgpath . '" alt="' . $mod_strings['Contact Image'] . '" title= "' . $mod_strings['Contact Image'] . '">'; } else { $label_fld[] = ''; } } } elseif ($uitype == 62) { $value = $col_fields[$fieldname]; if ($value != '') { $parent_module = getSalesEntityType($value); if ($parent_module == "Leads") { $label_fld[] = $app_strings['LBL_LEAD_NAME']; $lead_name = getLeadName($value); $label_fld[] = '<a href="index.php?module=' . $parent_module . '&action=DetailView&record=' . $value . '">' . $lead_name . '</a>'; } elseif ($parent_module == "Accounts") { $label_fld[] = $app_strings['LBL_ACCOUNT_NAME']; $sql = "select * from vtiger_account where accountid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $account_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "accountname"); $label_fld[] = '<a href="index.php?module=' . $parent_module . '&action=DetailView&record=' . $value . '">' . $account_name . '</a>'; } elseif ($parent_module == "Potentials") { $label_fld[] = $app_strings['LBL_POTENTIAL_NAME']; $sql = "select * from vtiger_potential where potentialid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $potentialname = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "potentialname"); $label_fld[] = '<a href="index.php?module=' . $parent_module . '&action=DetailView&record=' . $value . '">' . $potentialname . '</a>'; } elseif ($parent_module == "Products") { $label_fld[] = $app_strings['LBL_PRODUCT_NAME']; $sql = "select * from vtiger_products where productid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $productname = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "productname"); $label_fld[] = '<a href="index.php?module=' . $parent_module . '&action=DetailView&record=' . $value . '">' . $productname . '</a>'; } elseif ($parent_module == "PurchaseOrder") { $label_fld[] = $app_strings['LBL_PORDER_NAME']; $sql = "select * from vtiger_purchaseorder where purchaseorderid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $pordername = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "subject"); $label_fld[] = '<a href="index.php?module=' . $parent_module . '&action=DetailView&record=' . $value . '">' . $pordername . '</a>'; } elseif ($parent_module == "SalesOrder") { $label_fld[] = $app_strings['LBL_SORDER_NAME']; $sql = "select * from vtiger_salesorder where salesorderid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $sordername = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "subject"); $label_fld[] = '<a href="index.php?module=' . $parent_module . '&action=DetailView&record=' . $value . '">' . $sordername . '</a>'; } elseif ($parent_module == "Invoice") { $label_fld[] = $app_strings['LBL_INVOICE_NAME']; $sql = "select * from vtiger_invoice where invoiceid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $invoicename = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "subject"); $label_fld[] = '<a href="index.php?module=' . $parent_module . '&action=DetailView&record=' . $value . '">' . $invoicename . '</a>'; } elseif ($parent_module == "Quotes") { $label_fld[] = $app_strings['LBL_QUOTES_NAME']; $sql = "select * from vtiger_quotes where quoteid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $quotename = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "subject"); $label_fld[] = '<a href="index.php?module=' . $parent_module . '&action=DetailView&record=' . $value . '">' . $quotename . '</a>'; } elseif ($parent_module == "HelpDesk") { $label_fld[] = $app_strings['LBL_HELPDESK_NAME']; $sql = "select * from vtiger_troubletickets where ticketid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $title = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "title"); $label_fld[] = '<a href="index.php?module=' . $parent_module . '&action=DetailView&record=' . $value . '">' . $title . '</a>'; } } else { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $label_fld[] = $value; } } elseif ($uitype == 105) { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); //$imgpath = getModuleFileStoragePath('Contacts').$col_fields[$fieldname]; $sql = "select vtiger_attachments.* from vtiger_attachments left join vtiger_salesmanattachmentsrel on vtiger_salesmanattachmentsrel.attachmentsid = vtiger_attachments.attachmentsid where vtiger_salesmanattachmentsrel.smid=?"; $image_res = $adb->pquery($sql, array($col_fields['record_id'])); $image_id = $adb->query_result($image_res, 0, 'attachmentsid'); $image_path = $adb->query_result($image_res, 0, 'path'); $image_name = $adb->query_result($image_res, 0, 'name'); $imgpath = $image_path . $image_id . "_" . $image_name; if ($image_name != '') { //Added the following check for the image to retain its in original size. list($pro_image_width, $pro_image_height) = getimagesize(decode_html($imgpath)); $label_fld[] = '<a href="' . $imgpath . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . $imgpath . '" width="' . $pro_image_width . '" height="' . $pro_image_height . '" alt="' . $col_fields['user_name'] . '" title="' . $col_fields['user_name'] . '" border="0"></a>'; } else { $label_fld[] = ''; } } elseif ($uitype == 66) { $value = $col_fields[$fieldname]; if ($value != '') { $parent_module = getSalesEntityType($value); if ($parent_module == "Leads") { $label_fld[] = $app_strings['LBL_LEAD_NAME']; $lead_name = getLeadName($value); $label_fld[] = '<a href="index.php?module=' . $parent_module . '&action=DetailView&record=' . $value . '">' . $lead_name . '</a>'; } elseif ($parent_module == "Accounts") { $label_fld[] = $app_strings['LBL_ACCOUNT_NAME']; $sql = "select * from vtiger_account where accountid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $account_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "accountname"); $label_fld[] = '<a href="index.php?module=' . $parent_module . '&action=DetailView&record=' . $value . '">' . $account_name . '</a>'; } elseif ($parent_module == "Potentials") { $label_fld[] = $app_strings['LBL_POTENTIAL_NAME']; $sql = "select * from vtiger_potential where potentialid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $potentialname = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "potentialname"); $label_fld[] = '<a href="index.php?module=' . $parent_module . '&action=DetailView&record=' . $value . '">' . $potentialname . '</a>'; } elseif ($parent_module == "Quotes") { $label_fld[] = $app_strings['LBL_QUOTE_NAME']; $sql = "select * from vtiger_quotes where quoteid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $quotename = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "subject"); $label_fld[] = '<a href="index.php?module=' . $parent_module . '&action=DetailView&record=' . $value . '">' . $quotename . '</a>'; } elseif ($parent_module == "PurchaseOrder") { $label_fld[] = $app_strings['LBL_PORDER_NAME']; $sql = "select * from vtiger_purchaseorder where purchaseorderid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $pordername = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "subject"); $label_fld[] = '<a href="index.php?module=' . $parent_module . '&action=DetailView&record=' . $value . '">' . $pordername . '</a>'; } elseif ($parent_module == "SalesOrder") { $label_fld[] = $app_strings['LBL_SORDER_NAME']; $sql = "select * from vtiger_salesorder where salesorderid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $sordername = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "subject"); $label_fld[] = '<a href="index.php?module=' . $parent_module . '&action=DetailView&record=' . $value . '">' . $sordername . '</a>'; } elseif ($parent_module == "Invoice") { $label_fld[] = $app_strings['LBL_INVOICE_NAME']; $sql = "select * from vtiger_invoice where invoiceid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $invoicename = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "subject"); $label_fld[] = '<a href="index.php?module=' . $parent_module . '&action=DetailView&record=' . $value . '">' . $invoicename . '</a>'; } elseif ($parent_module == "Campaigns") { $label_fld[] = $app_strings['LBL_CAMPAIGN_NAME']; $sql = "select * from vtiger_campaign where campaignid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $campaignname = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "campaignname"); $label_fld[] = '<a href="index.php?module=' . $parent_module . '&action=DetailView&record=' . $value . '">' . $campaignname . '</a>'; } elseif ($parent_module == "HelpDesk") { $label_fld[] = $app_strings['LBL_HELPDESK_NAME']; $sql = "select * from vtiger_troubletickets where ticketid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $tickettitle = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "title"); if (strlen($tickettitle) > 25) { $tickettitle = substr($tickettitle, 0, 25) . '...'; } $label_fld[] = '<a href="index.php?module=' . $parent_module . '&action=DetailView&record=' . $value . '">' . $tickettitle . '</a>'; } } else { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $label_fld[] = $value; } } elseif ($uitype == 67) { $value = $col_fields[$fieldname]; if ($value != '') { $parent_module = getSalesEntityType($value); if ($parent_module == "Leads") { $label_fld[] = $app_strings['LBL_LEAD_NAME']; $lead_name = getLeadName($value); $label_fld[] = '<a href="index.php?module=' . $parent_module . '&action=DetailView&record=' . $value . '">' . $lead_name . '</a>'; } elseif ($parent_module == "Contacts") { $label_fld[] = $app_strings['LBL_CONTACT_NAME']; $contact_name = getContactName($value); $label_fld[] = '<a href="index.php?module=' . $parent_module . '&action=DetailView&record=' . $value . '">' . $contact_name . '</a>'; } } else { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $label_fld[] = $value; } } elseif ($uitype == 357) { $value = $col_fields[$fieldname]; if ($value != '') { $parent_name = ''; $parent_id = ''; $myemailid = $_REQUEST['record']; $mysql = "select crmid from vtiger_seactivityrel where activityid=?"; $myresult = $adb->pquery($mysql, array($myemailid)); $mycount = $adb->num_rows($myresult); if ($mycount > 1) { $label_fld[] = $app_strings['LBL_RELATED_TO']; $label_fld[] = $app_strings['LBL_MULTIPLE']; } else { $parent_module = getSalesEntityType($value); if ($parent_module == "Leads") { $label_fld[] = $app_strings['LBL_LEAD_NAME']; $lead_name = getLeadName($value); $label_fld[] = '<a href="index.php?module=' . $parent_module . '&action=DetailView&record=' . $value . '">' . $lead_name . '</a>'; } elseif ($parent_module == "Contacts") { $label_fld[] = $app_strings['LBL_CONTACT_NAME']; $contact_name = getContactName($value); $label_fld[] = '<a href="index.php?module=' . $parent_module . '&action=DetailView&record=' . $value . '">' . $contact_name . '</a>'; } elseif ($parent_module == "Accounts") { $label_fld[] = $app_strings['LBL_ACCOUNT_NAME']; $sql = "select * from vtiger_account where accountid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $accountname = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "accountname"); $label_fld[] = '<a href="index.php?module=' . $parent_module . '&action=DetailView&record=' . $value . '">' . $accountname . '</a>'; } } } else { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $label_fld[] = $value; } } elseif ($uitype == 68) { $value = $col_fields[$fieldname]; if ($value != '') { $parent_module = getSalesEntityType($value); if ($parent_module == "Contacts") { $label_fld[] = $app_strings['LBL_CONTACT_NAME']; $contact_name = getContactName($value); $label_fld[] = '<a href="index.php?module=' . $parent_module . '&action=DetailView&record=' . $value . '">' . $contact_name . '</a>'; } elseif ($parent_module == "Accounts") { $label_fld[] = $app_strings['LBL_ACCOUNT_NAME']; $sql = "select * from vtiger_account where accountid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $account_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "accountname"); $label_fld[] = '<a href="index.php?module=' . $parent_module . '&action=DetailView&record=' . $value . '">' . $account_name . '</a>'; } else { $value = ''; $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $label_fld[] = $value; } } else { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $label_fld[] = $value; } } elseif ($uitype == 63) { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $label_fld[] = $col_fields[$fieldname] . 'h ' . $col_fields['duration_minutes'] . 'm'; } elseif ($uitype == 6) { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); if ($col_fields[$fieldname] == '0') { $col_fields[$fieldname] = ''; } if ($col_fields['time_start'] != '') { $start_time = $col_fields['time_start']; } if ($col_fields[$fieldname] == '0000-00-00') { $displ_date = ''; } else { $displ_date = getDisplayDate($col_fields[$fieldname]); } if (empty($start_time)) { $label_fld[] = $displ_date; } else { $label_fld[] = $displ_date . ' ' . $start_time; } } elseif ($uitype == 5 || $uitype == 23 || $uitype == 70) { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $cur_date_val = $col_fields[$fieldname]; if ($col_fields['time_end'] != '' && ($tabid == 9 || $tabid == 16) && $uitype == 23) { $end_time = $col_fields['time_end']; } if ($cur_date_val == '0000-00-00') { $display_val = ''; } else { $display_val = getDisplayDate($cur_date_val); } if (empty($end_time)) { $label_fld[] = $display_val; } else { $label_fld[] = $display_val . ' ' . $end_time; } } elseif ($uitype == 71 || $uitype == 72) { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); if ($fieldname == 'unit_price') { $rate_symbol = getCurrencySymbolandCRate(getProductBaseCurrency($col_fields['record_id'], $module)); $label_fld[] = $col_fields[$fieldname]; } else { $rate_symbol = getCurrencySymbolandCRate($user_info['currency_id']); $rate = $rate_symbol['rate']; $label_fld[] = convertFromDollar($col_fields[$fieldname], $rate); } $currency = $rate_symbol['symbol']; $label_fld["cursymb"] = $currency; } elseif ($uitype == 75 || $uitype == 81) { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $vendor_id = $col_fields[$fieldname]; if ($vendor_id != '') { $vendor_name = getVendorName($vendor_id); } $label_fld[] = $vendor_name; $label_fld["secid"] = $vendor_id; $label_fld["link"] = "index.php?module=Vendors&action=DetailView&record=" . $vendor_id; } elseif ($uitype == 76) { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $potential_id = $col_fields[$fieldname]; if ($potential_id != '') { $potential_name = getPotentialName($potential_id); } $label_fld[] = $potential_name; $label_fld["secid"] = $potential_id; $label_fld["link"] = "index.php?module=Potentials&action=DetailView&record=" . $potential_id; } elseif ($uitype == 78) { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $quote_id = $col_fields[$fieldname]; if ($quote_id != '') { $quote_name = getQuoteName($quote_id); } $label_fld[] = $quote_name; $label_fld["secid"] = $quote_id; $label_fld["link"] = "index.php?module=Quotes&action=DetailView&record=" . $quote_id; } elseif ($uitype == 79) { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $purchaseorder_id = $col_fields[$fieldname]; if ($purchaseorder_id != '') { $purchaseorder_name = getPoName($purchaseorder_id); } $label_fld[] = $purchaseorder_name; $label_fld["secid"] = $purchaseorder_id; $label_fld["link"] = "index.php?module=PurchaseOrder&action=DetailView&record=" . $purchaseorder_id; } elseif ($uitype == 80) { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $salesorder_id = $col_fields[$fieldname]; if ($salesorder_id != '') { $salesorder_name = getSoName($salesorder_id); } $label_fld[] = $salesorder_name; $label_fld["secid"] = $salesorder_id; $label_fld["link"] = "index.php?module=SalesOrder&action=DetailView&record=" . $salesorder_id; } elseif ($uitype == 30) { $rem_days = 0; $rem_hrs = 0; $rem_min = 0; $reminder_str = ""; $rem_days = floor($col_fields[$fieldname] / (24 * 60)); $rem_hrs = floor(($col_fields[$fieldname] - $rem_days * 24 * 60) / 60); $rem_min = ($col_fields[$fieldname] - $rem_days * 24 * 60) % 60; $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); if ($col_fields[$fieldname]) { $reminder_str = $rem_days . ' ' . $mod_strings['LBL_DAYS'] . ' ' . $rem_hrs . ' ' . $mod_strings['LBL_HOURS'] . ' ' . $rem_min . ' ' . $mod_strings['LBL_MINUTES'] . ' ' . $mod_strings['LBL_BEFORE_EVENT']; } $label_fld[] = ' ' . $reminder_str; } elseif ($uitype == 98) { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); if (is_admin($current_user)) { $label_fld[] = '<a href="index.php?module=Settings&action=RoleDetailView&roleid=' . $col_fields[$fieldname] . '">' . getRoleName($col_fields[$fieldname]) . '</a>'; } else { $label_fld[] = getRoleName($col_fields[$fieldname]); } } elseif ($uitype == 85) { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $label_fld[] = $col_fields[$fieldname]; } elseif ($uitype == 26) { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $query = "select foldername from vtiger_attachmentsfolder where folderid = ?"; $result = $adb->pquery($query, array($col_fields[$fieldname])); $folder_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "foldername"); $label_fld[] = $folder_name; } elseif ($uitype == 27) { if ($col_fields[$fieldname] == 'I') { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $label_fld[] = $mod_strings['LBL_INTERNAL']; } else { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); $label_fld[] = $mod_strings['LBL_EXTERNAL']; } } else { $label_fld[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); if ($col_fields[$fieldname] == '0' && $fieldname != 'filedownloadcount' && $fieldname != 'filestatus' && $fieldname != 'filesize') { $col_fields[$fieldname] = ''; } if ($uitype == 1 && ($fieldname == 'expectedrevenue' || $fieldname == 'budgetcost' || $fieldname == 'actualcost' || $fieldname == 'expectedroi' || $fieldname == 'actualroi')) { $rate_symbol = getCurrencySymbolandCRate($user_info['currency_id']); $label_fld[] = convertFromDollar($col_fields[$fieldname], $rate_symbol['rate']); } else { //code for Documents module :start if ($tabid == 8) { $downloadtype = $col_fields['filelocationtype']; if ($fieldname == 'filename') { if ($downloadtype == 'I') { //$file_value = $mod_strings['LBL_INTERNAL']; $fld_value = $col_fields['filename']; $ext_pos = strrpos($fld_value, "."); $ext = substr($fld_value, $ext_pos + 1); $ext = strtolower($ext); if ($ext == 'bin' || $ext == 'exe' || $ext == 'rpm') { $fileicon = "<img src='" . vtiger_imageurl('fExeBin.gif', $theme) . "' hspace='3' align='absmiddle' border='0'>"; } elseif ($ext == 'jpg' || $ext == 'gif' || $ext == 'bmp') { $fileicon = "<img src='" . vtiger_imageurl('fbImageFile.gif', $theme) . "' hspace='3' align='absmiddle' border='0'>"; } elseif ($ext == 'txt' || $ext == 'doc' || $ext == 'xls') { $fileicon = "<img src='" . vtiger_imageurl('fbTextFile.gif', $theme) . "' hspace='3' align='absmiddle' border='0'>"; } elseif ($ext == 'zip' || $ext == 'gz' || $ext == 'rar') { $fileicon = "<img src='" . vtiger_imageurl('fbZipFile.gif', $theme) . "' hspace='3' align='absmiddle'\tborder='0'>"; } else { $fileicon = "<img src='" . vtiger_imageurl('fbUnknownFile.gif', $theme) . "' hspace='3' align='absmiddle' border='0'>"; } } else { $fld_value = $col_fields['filename']; $fileicon = "<img src='" . vtiger_imageurl('fbLink.gif', $theme) . "' alt='" . $mod_strings['LBL_EXTERNAL_LNK'] . "' title='" . $mod_strings['LBL_EXTERNAL_LNK'] . "' hspace='3' align='absmiddle' border='0'>"; } $label_fld[] = $fileicon . $fld_value; } if ($fieldname == 'filesize') { if ($col_fields['filelocationtype'] == 'I') { $filesize = $col_fields[$fieldname]; if ($filesize < 1024) { $label_fld[] = $filesize . ' B'; } elseif ($filesize > 1024 && $filesize < 1048576) { $label_fld[] = round($filesize / 1024, 2) . ' KB'; } else { if ($filesize > 1048576) { $label_fld[] = round($filesize / (1024 * 1024), 2) . ' MB'; } } } else { $label_fld[] = ' --'; } } if ($fieldname == 'filetype' && $col_fields['filelocationtype'] == 'E') { $label_fld[] = ' --'; } /*if($fieldname == 'filestatus') { $filestatus = $col_fields[$fieldname]; if($filestatus == 0) $label_fld[]=$mod_strings['LBL_ACTIVE']; else $label_fld[]=$mod_strings['LBL_INACTIVE']; }*/ } //code for Documents module :end $label_fld[] = $col_fields[$fieldname]; } } } $label_fld[] = $uitype; //sets whether the currenct user is admin or not if (is_admin($current_user)) { $label_fld["isadmin"] = 1; } else { $label_fld["isadmin"] = 0; } $log->debug("Exiting getDetailViewOutputHtml method ..."); return $label_fld; }
function getAssociatedProductsFromQuote($quoteid) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getAssociatedProductsFromQuote() method ..."); $output = ''; global $current_user; $product_Detail = array(); $query = "select ec_products.*,ec_inventoryproductrel.*,ec_products.productid as crmid from ec_inventoryproductrel inner join ec_products on ec_products.productid=ec_inventoryproductrel.productid where" . $quoteid . " ORDER BY sequence_no"; $fieldlist = getProductFieldList("SalesOrder"); $result = $this->db->query($query); $num_rows = $this->db->num_rows($result); for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_rows; $i++) { $productid = $this->db->query_result($result, $i - 1, 'crmid'); $product_Detail[$i]['delRow' . $i] = "Del"; $product_Detail[$i]['hdnProductId' . $i] = $productid; foreach ($fieldlist as $fieldname) { if ($fieldname == "productname") { $output .= '<td class="crmTableRow small lineOnTop" nowrap> <a href="index.php?action=DetailView&module=Products&record=' . $productid . '" target="_blank">' . $fieldvalue . '</a></td>'; } elseif (strpos($fieldname, "price")) { $fieldvalue = convertFromDollar($fieldvalue, 1); $output .= '<td class="crmTableRow small lineOnTop" nowrap> ' . $fieldvalue . '</td>'; } else { $output .= '<td class="crmTableRow small lineOnTop" nowrap> ' . $fieldvalue . '</td>'; } if ($fieldname != "imagename") { $fieldvalue = $this->db->query_result($result, $i - 1, $fieldname); if (strpos($fieldname, "price")) { $fieldvalue = convertFromDollar($fieldvalue, 1); } } else { $image_query = 'select ec_attachments.path, ec_attachments.attachmentsid, from ec_products left join ec_seattachmentsrel on ec_seattachmentsrel.crmid=ec_products.productid inner join ec_attachments on ec_attachments.attachmentsid=ec_seattachmentsrel.attachmentsid where productid=' . $productid; $result_image = $this->db->query($image_query); $nums = $this->db->num_rows($result_image); if ($nums > 0) { $image_id = $this->db->query_result($result_image, 0, 'attachmentsid'); $image_name = $this->db->query_result($result_image, 0, 'name'); $image_path = $this->db->query_result($result_image, 0, 'path'); $imagename = $image_path . $image_id . "_" . base64_encode_filename($image_name); } else { $imagename = ""; } } $product_Detail[$i][$fieldname . $i] = $fieldvalue; } $comment = $this->db->query_result($result, $i - 1, 'comment'); $qty = $this->db->query_result($result, $i - 1, 'quantity'); $listprice = $this->db->query_result($result, $i - 1, 'listprice'); $discountPercent = $this->db->query_result($result, $i - 1, 'discount_percent'); $discountAmount = $this->db->query_result($result, $i - 1, 'discount_amount'); if (is_numeric($discountPercent)) { $discountPercent = $discountPercent * 100; } //calculate productTotal if (is_numeric($discountAmount)) { $productTotal = $qty * $discountAmount; } else { $productTotal = $qty * $listprice; } $listprice = getConvertedPriceFromDollar($listprice); $productTotal = getConvertedPriceFromDollar($productTotal); $qty = convertFromDollar($qty, 1); $product_Detail[$i]['qty' . $i] = $qty; $product_Detail[$i]['listPrice' . $i] = $discountAmount; $product_Detail[$i]['comment' . $i] = $comment; $product_Detail[$i]['productTotal' . $i] = $productTotal; $product_Detail[$i]['netPrice' . $i] = $productTotal; } //Get the Final Discount, S&H charge, Tax for S&H and Adjustment values //To set the Final Discount details $finalDiscount = '0.00'; $product_Detail[1]['final_details']['discount_type_final'] = 'zero'; $subTotal = $this->column_fields['hdnSubTotal'] != '' ? $this->column_fields['hdnSubTotal'] : '0.00'; $subTotal = getConvertedPriceFromDollar($subTotal); $discountPercent = $this->column_fields['hdnDiscountPercent'] != '' ? $this->column_fields['hdnDiscountPercent'] : '0.00'; $discountAmount = $this->column_fields['hdnDiscountAmount'] != '' ? $this->column_fields['hdnDiscountAmount'] : '0.00'; if ($this->column_fields['hdnDiscountPercent'] != '' && $this->column_fields['hdnDiscountPercent'] != '0.0') { $finalDiscount = $subTotal * $discountPercent / 100; $product_Detail[1]['final_details']['discount_type_final'] = 'percentage'; $product_Detail[1]['final_details']['discount_percentage_final'] = $discountPercent; $product_Detail[1]['final_details']['checked_discount_percentage_final'] = ' checked'; $product_Detail[1]['final_details']['style_discount_percentage_final'] = ' style="visibility:visible"'; $product_Detail[1]['final_details']['style_discount_amount_final'] = ' style="visibility:hidden"'; } elseif ($this->column_fields['hdnDiscountAmount'] != '') { $finalDiscount = $this->column_fields['hdnDiscountAmount']; $finalDiscount = getConvertedPriceFromDollar($finalDiscount); $discountAmount = getConvertedPriceFromDollar($discountAmount); $product_Detail[1]['final_details']['discount_type_final'] = 'amount'; $product_Detail[1]['final_details']['discount_amount_final'] = $discountAmount; $product_Detail[1]['final_details']['checked_discount_amount_final'] = ' checked'; $product_Detail[1]['final_details']['style_discount_amount_final'] = ' style="visibility:visible"'; $product_Detail[1]['final_details']['style_discount_percentage_final'] = ' style="visibility:hidden"'; } $product_Detail[1]['final_details']['discountTotal_final'] = $finalDiscount; //To set the Shipping & Handling charge $shCharge = $this->column_fields['hdnS_H_Amount'] != '' ? $this->column_fields['hdnS_H_Amount'] : '0.00'; $shCharge = getConvertedPriceFromDollar($shCharge); $product_Detail[1]['final_details']['shipping_handling_charge'] = $shCharge; //To set the Adjustment value $adjustment = $this->column_fields['txtAdjustment'] != '' ? $this->column_fields['txtAdjustment'] : '0.00'; $adjustment = getConvertedPriceFromDollar($adjustment); $product_Detail[1]['final_details']['adjustment'] = $adjustment; //To set the grand total $grandTotal = $this->column_fields['hdnGrandTotal'] != '' ? $this->column_fields['hdnGrandTotal'] : '0.00'; $grandTotal = getConvertedPriceFromDollar($grandTotal); $product_Detail[1]['final_details']['grandTotal'] = $grandTotal; $log->debug("Exiting getAssociatedProductsFromQuote method ..."); return $product_Detail; }
/** This function returns a HTML output of associated ec_products for a given entity (Quotes,Invoice,Sales order or Purchase order) * Param $module - module name * Param $focus - module object * Return type string */ function getDetailAssociatedProducts($module, $focus) { global $log; //changed by dingjianting on 2007-11-05 for php5.2.x $log->debug("Entering getDetailAssociatedProducts() method ..."); global $adb; global $theme; global $log; global $app_strings, $current_user; $theme_path = "themes/" . $theme . "/"; $image_path = $theme_path . "images/"; //changed by dingjianting on 2006-12-29 for gloso project if ($module != 'PurchaseOrder') { if ($module == '') { //changed by dingjianting on 2007-2-25 for gloso project and quote //$colspan = '4'; $colspan = '7'; } else { $colspan = '8'; } } else { //$colspan = '3'; $colspan = '7'; } //Get the taxtype of this entity //$taxtype = getInventoryTaxType($module,$focus->id); $output = ''; //Header Rows $output .= '<table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="crmTable" id="proTab"> <tr valign="top"> <td colspan="' . $colspan . '" class="dvInnerHeader"><b>' . $app_strings['LBL_PRODUCT_DETAILS'] . '</b></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width=20% class="lvtCol"> <b>' . $app_strings['LBL_PRODUCT_NAME'] . '</b> </td>'; $output .= '<td width=10% class="lvtCol"><b>' . $app_strings['LBL_PRODUCT_CODE'] . '</b></td>'; $output .= '<td width=15% class="lvtCol"><b>' . $app_strings['LBL_PRODUCT_SERIALNO'] . '</b></td>'; //Add Quantity in Stock column for SO, Quotes and Invoice if ($module == 'Quotes' || $module == 'SalesOrder' || $module == 'Invoice') { $output .= '<td width=10% class="lvtCol"><b>' . $app_strings['LBL_QTY_IN_STOCK'] . '</b></td>'; } $output .= ' <td width=10% class="lvtCol"><b>' . $app_strings['LBL_QTY'] . '</b></td> <td width=10% class="lvtCol" align="left"><b>' . $app_strings['LBL_LIST_PRICE'] . '</b></td> <td width=15% wrap class="lvtCol" align="left"><b>' . $app_strings['LBL_COMMENT'] . '</b></td>'; if ($module != '') { //changed by dingjianting on 2007-2-25 for gloso project and quote $output .= ' <td width=10% nowrap class="lvtCol" align="right"><b>' . $app_strings['LBL_PRODUCT_TOTAL'] . '</b></td>'; } $output .= '</tr>'; // DG 15 Aug 2006 // Add "ORDER BY sequence_no" to retain add order on all inventoryproductrel items if ($module == 'Quotes') { $query = "select ec_products.productname,ec_products.unit_price,ec_products.qtyinstock,ec_products.productcode,ec_products.serialno, ec_inventoryproductrel.* from ec_inventoryproductrel inner join ec_products on ec_products.productid=ec_inventoryproductrel.productid where id=" . $focus->id . " ORDER BY sequence_no"; } elseif ($module == 'PurchaseOrder') { $query = "select ec_products.productname,ec_products.unit_price,ec_products.qtyinstock,ec_products.productcode,ec_products.serialno,ec_inventoryproductrel.* from ec_inventoryproductrel inner join ec_products on ec_products.productid=ec_inventoryproductrel.productid where id=" . $focus->id . " ORDER BY sequence_no"; } elseif ($module == 'SalesOrder') { $query = "select ec_products.productname,ec_products.unit_price,ec_products.qtyinstock,ec_products.productcode,ec_products.serialno,ec_inventoryproductrel.* from ec_inventoryproductrel inner join ec_products on ec_products.productid=ec_inventoryproductrel.productid where id=" . $focus->id . " ORDER BY sequence_no"; } elseif ($module == 'Invoice') { $query = "select ec_products.productname,ec_products.unit_price,ec_products.qtyinstock,ec_products.productcode,ec_products.serialno,ec_inventoryproductrel.* from ec_inventoryproductrel inner join ec_products on ec_products.productid=ec_inventoryproductrel.productid where id=" . $focus->id . " ORDER BY sequence_no"; } $result = $adb->query($query); $num_rows = $adb->num_rows($result); $netTotal = '0.00'; for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_rows; $i++) { $productid = $adb->query_result($result, $i - 1, 'productid'); $productname = $adb->query_result($result, $i - 1, 'productname'); $comment = $adb->query_result($result, $i - 1, 'comment'); if (empty($comment)) { $comment = " "; } $qtyinstock = $adb->query_result($result, $i - 1, 'qtyinstock'); $qty = $adb->query_result($result, $i - 1, 'quantity'); $unitprice = $adb->query_result($result, $i - 1, 'unit_price'); $listprice = $adb->query_result($result, $i - 1, 'listprice'); $total = $qty * $listprice; $unitprice = convertFromDollar($unitprice, 1); $listprice = convertFromDollar($listprice, 1); $total = convertFromDollar($total, 1); $netprice = $total; $productcode = $adb->query_result($result, $i - 1, 'productcode'); $serial_no = $adb->query_result($result, $i - 1, 'serialno'); //For Product Name $output .= ' <tr valign="top"> <td class="crmTableRow small lineOnTop"> <a href="index.php?action=DetailView&module=Products&record=' . $productid . '" target="_blank">' . $productname . '</a></td>'; //Upto this added to display the Product name and comment $output .= '<td class="crmTableRow small lineOnTop" nowrap> ' . $productcode . '</td>'; $output .= '<td class="crmTableRow small lineOnTop" nowrap> ' . $serial_no . '</td>'; if ($module != 'PurchaseOrder') { $output .= '<td class="crmTableRow small lineOnTop"> ' . $qtyinstock . '</td>'; } $output .= '<td class="crmTableRow small lineOnTop"> ' . $qty . '</td>'; $output .= '<td class="crmTableRow small lineOnTop"> ' . $listprice . '</td>'; $output .= '<td class="crmTableRow small lineOnTop" valign="bottom" align="left"> ' . $comment . '</td>'; if ($module != '') { //changed by dingjianting on 2007-2-25 for gloso project and quote $output .= '<td class="crmTableRow small lineOnTop" align="right"> ' . $total . '</td>'; } $output .= '</tr>'; $netTotal = $netTotal + $netprice; } $output .= '</table>'; //$netTotal should be equal to $focus->column_fields['hdnSubTotal'] $netTotal = $focus->column_fields['hdnSubTotal']; $netTotal = convertFromDollar($netTotal, 1); //Display the total, adjustment, S&H details $output .= '<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" class="crmTable">'; //Decide discount if ($module != '') { //changed by dingjianting on 2007-2-25 for gloso project and quote $finalDiscount = '0.00'; if ($focus->column_fields['hdnDiscountPercent'] != '' && $focus->column_fields['hdnDiscountPercent'] != '0.0') { $finalDiscount = $focus->column_fields['hdnSubTotal'] * $focus->column_fields['hdnDiscountPercent'] / 100; ////changed by dingjianting on 2006-11-10 for simplized chinese //$final_discount_info = $focus->column_fields['hdnDiscountPercent']." % of $netTotal = $finalDiscount"; $final_discount_info = $focus->column_fields['hdnDiscountPercent'] . " % X {$netTotal} = {$finalDiscount}"; } elseif ($focus->column_fields['hdnDiscountAmount'] != '') { $finalDiscount = $focus->column_fields['hdnDiscountAmount']; $finalDiscount = convertFromDollar($finalDiscount, 1); $final_discount_info = $app_strings['LBL_FINAL_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT'] . " = {$finalDiscount}"; } if ($final_discount_info != '') { $final_discount_info = 'onclick="alert(\'' . $final_discount_info . '\');"'; } $output .= '<tr>'; $output .= '<td width="80%" align="right" class="crmTableRow small lineOnTop">(-) <b><a href="javascript:;" ' . $final_discount_info . '>' . $app_strings['LBL_DISCOUNT'] . '</a></b></td>'; $output .= '<td width="20%" align="right" class="crmTableRow small lineOnTop">' . $finalDiscount . '</td>'; $output .= '</tr>'; $shAmount = $focus->column_fields['hdnS_H_Amount'] != '' ? $focus->column_fields['hdnS_H_Amount'] : '0.00'; $shAmount = convertFromDollar($shAmount, 1); $output .= '<tr>'; $output .= '<td align="right" class="crmTableRow small">(+) <b>' . $app_strings['LBL_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING_CHARGES'] . '</b></td>'; $output .= '<td align="right" class="crmTableRow small">' . $shAmount . '%</td>'; $output .= '</tr>'; $adjustment = $focus->column_fields['txtAdjustment'] != '' ? $focus->column_fields['txtAdjustment'] : '0.00'; $adjustment = convertFromDollar($adjustment, 1); $output .= '<tr>'; $output .= '<td align="right" class="crmTableRow small"> <b>' . $app_strings['LBL_ADJUSTMENT'] . '</b></td>'; $output .= '<td align="right" class="crmTableRow small">' . $adjustment . '</td>'; $output .= '</tr>'; $grandTotal = $focus->column_fields['hdnGrandTotal'] != '' ? $focus->column_fields['hdnGrandTotal'] : '0.00'; $grandTotal = convertFromDollar($grandTotal, 1); $output .= '<tr>'; $output .= '<td align="right" class="crmTableRow small lineOnTop"><b>' . $app_strings['LBL_GRAND_TOTAL'] . '</b></td>'; $output .= '<td align="right" class="crmTableRow small lineOnTop">' . $grandTotal . '</td>'; $output .= '</tr>'; } $output .= '</table>'; $log->debug("Exiting getDetailAssociatedProducts method ..."); return $output; }