예제 #1
 * Extracts the plaintext out of a html code
 * @param   mixed   $html   The html code as string or an array containing
 *                          multiple html code strings
 * @return  mixed           The plaintext of the provided html code
function contrexx_html2plaintext($html)
    if (is_array($html)) {
        $arr = array();
        foreach ($html as $i => $_html) {
            $arr[$i] = contrexx_html2plaintext($_html);
        return $arr;
    // ensure that no html-notations are left in place
    $html = html_entity_decode($html, ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET);
    // remove all placeholders, script- and style-tags
    $html = preg_replace(array('/\\{[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\}/', '/\\[\\[[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\]\\]/', '/<script[^>]+>.*?<\\/script>/ms', '/<style[^>]+>.*?<\\/style>/ms'), '', $html);
    // remove all remaining html&php tags
    $plaintext = strip_tags($html);
    // remove white-space sequences
    $plaintext = trim(preg_replace('/\\s+/msu', ' ', $plaintext));
    return $plaintext;
예제 #2
  * Shorten and format the search result content
  * Strips template placeholders and blocks, as well as certain tags,
  * and fixes the character encoding
  * @param   string  $content        The content
  * @param   integer $max_length     The maximum allowed length of the
  *                                  preview content, in characters(*)
  * @return  string                  The formatted content
  * @todo    (*) I think these are actually bytes.
 public static function shortenSearchContent($content, $max_length = NULL)
     $content = contrexx_html2plaintext($content);
     // Omit the content when there is no letter in it
     if (!preg_match('/\\w/', $content)) {
         return '';
     $max_length = intval($max_length);
     if (strlen($content) > $max_length) {
         $content = substr($content, 0, $max_length);
         $arrayContent = explode(' ', $content);
         $content = join(' ', $arrayContent) . ' ...';
     return $content;
  * Sets the placeholders used for the event list view
  * @param object  $objTpl Template object
  * @param integer $type   Event type
  * @return null
 function showEventList($objTpl, $type = '')
     global $objInit, $_ARRAYLANG, $_LANGID;
     //if($objInit->mode == 'backend') {
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($this->eventList as $key => $objEvent) {
         $objCategory = new \Cx\Modules\Calendar\Controller\CalendarCategory(intval($objEvent->catId));
         $showIn = explode(",", $objEvent->showIn);
         $languages = '';
         if (count(\FWLanguage::getActiveFrontendLanguages()) > 1) {
             $langState = array();
             foreach ($this->arrFrontendLanguages as $langKey => $arrLang) {
                 if (in_array($arrLang['id'], $showIn)) {
                     $langState[$langKey] = 'active';
             $languages = \Html::getLanguageIcons($langState, 'index.php?cmd=Calendar&amp;act=modify_event&amp;id=' . $objEvent->id . '&amp;langId=%1$d' . ($type == 'confirm' ? "&amp;confirm=1" : ""));
             if ($type == 'confirm' && $objTpl->blockExists('txt_languages_block_confirm_list')) {
             } elseif ($objTpl->blockExists('txt_languages_block')) {
         } else {
             if ($type == 'confirm' && $objTpl->blockExists('txt_languages_block_confirm_list')) {
             } elseif ($objTpl->blockExists('txt_languages_block')) {
         list($priority, $priorityImg) = $this->getPriorityImage($objEvent);
         $plainDescription = contrexx_html2plaintext($objEvent->description);
         if (strlen($plainDescription) > 100) {
             $points = '...';
         } else {
             $points = '';
         $parts = explode("\n", wordwrap($plainDescription, 100, "\n"));
         $attachNamePos = strrpos($objEvent->attach, '/');
         $attachNamelength = strlen($objEvent->attach);
         $attachName = substr($objEvent->attach, $attachNamePos + 1, $attachNamelength);
         if ($objEvent->external) {
             $objHost = new \Cx\Modules\Calendar\Controller\CalendarHost($objEvent->hostId);
             if (substr($objHost->uri, -1) != '/') {
                 $hostUri = $objHost->uri . '/';
             } else {
                 $hostUri = $objHost->uri;
             if (substr($hostUri, 0, 7) != 'http://') {
                 $hostUri = "http://" . $hostUri;
         $copyLink = '';
         if ($objInit->mode == 'backend') {
             $editLink = 'index.php?cmd=' . $this->moduleName . '&amp;act=modify_event&id=' . $objEvent->id . ($type == 'confirm' ? "&amp;confirm=1" : "");
             $copyLink = $editLink . "&amp;copy=1";
         } else {
             $editLink = CONTREXX_DIRECTORY_INDEX . '?section=' . $this->moduleName . '&amp;cmd=edit&id=' . $objEvent->id;
         $picThumb = file_exists(\Env::get('cx')->getWebsitePath() . "{$objEvent->pic}.thumb") ? "{$objEvent->pic}.thumb" : ($objEvent->pic != '' ? $objEvent->pic : '');
         $placeLink = $objEvent->place_link != '' ? "<a href='" . $objEvent->place_link . "' target='_blank' >" . $objEvent->place_link . "</a>" : "";
         $placeLinkSource = $objEvent->place_link;
         if ($this->arrSettings['placeData'] > 1 && $objEvent->locationType == 2) {
             $objEvent->loadPlaceFromMediadir($objEvent->place_mediadir_id, 'place');
             list($placeLink, $placeLinkSource) = $objEvent->loadPlaceLinkFromMediadir($objEvent->place_mediadir_id, 'place');
         $hostLink = $objEvent->org_link != '' ? "<a href='" . $objEvent->org_link . "' target='_blank' >" . $objEvent->org_link . "</a>" : "";
         $hostLinkSource = $objEvent->org_link;
         if ($this->arrSettings['placeDataHost'] > 1 && $objEvent->hostType == 2) {
             $objEvent->loadPlaceFromMediadir($objEvent->host_mediadir_id, 'host');
             list($hostLink, $hostLinkSource) = $objEvent->loadPlaceLinkFromMediadir($objEvent->host_mediadir_id, 'host');
         $objTpl->setVariable(array($this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_ROW' => $i % 2 == 0 ? 'row1' : 'row2', $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LED' => $objEvent->status == 0 ? 'red' : 'green', $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_STATUS' => $objEvent->status == 0 ? $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_INACTIVE'] : $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_ACTIVE'], $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_ID' => $objEvent->id, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_TITLE' => $objEvent->title, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_PICTURE' => $objEvent->pic != '' ? '<img src="' . $objEvent->pic . '" alt="' . $objEvent->title . '" title="' . $objEvent->title . '" />' : '', $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_PICTURE_SOURCE' => $objEvent->pic, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_THUMBNAIL' => $objEvent->pic != '' ? '<img src="' . $picThumb . '" alt="' . $objEvent->title . '" title="' . $objEvent->title . '" />' : '', $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_PRIORITY' => $priority, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_PRIORITY_IMG' => $priorityImg, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_PLACE' => $objEvent->place, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_DESCRIPTION' => $objEvent->description, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_SHORT_DESCRIPTION' => $parts[0] . $points, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LINK' => $objEvent->link ? "<a href='" . $objEvent->link . "' target='_blank' >" . $objEvent->link . "</a>" : "", $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LINK_SOURCE' => $objEvent->link, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_ATTACHMENT' => $objEvent->attach != '' ? '<a href="' . $hostUri . $objEvent->attach . '" target="_blank" >' . $attachName . '</a>' : '', $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_ATTACHMENT_SOURCE' => $objEvent->attach, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_START' => date(parent::getDateFormat() . " H:i", $objEvent->startDate), $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_END' => date(parent::getDateFormat() . " H:i", $objEvent->endDate), $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_DATE' => date(parent::getDateFormat(), $objEvent->startDate), $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_START_DATE' => date(parent::getDateFormat(), $objEvent->startDate), $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_START_TIME' => date("H:i", $objEvent->startDate), $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_END_DATE' => date(parent::getDateFormat(), $objEvent->endDate), $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_END_TIME' => date("H:i", $objEvent->endDate), $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LANGUAGES' => $languages, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_CATEGORY' => $objCategory->name, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_DETAIL_LINK' => $objEvent->type == 0 ? self::_getDetailLink($objEvent) : $objEvent->arrData['redirect'][$_LANGID], $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_EDIT_LINK' => $editLink, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_COPY_LINK' => $copyLink, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_DETAIL_TARGET' => $objEvent->type == 0 ? '_self' : '_blank', $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_SERIES' => $objEvent->seriesStatus == 1 ? '<img src="' . ASCMS_MODULE_WEB_PATH . '/' . $this->moduleName . '/View/Media/Repeat.png" border="0"/>' : '<i>' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_NO_SERIES'] . '</i>', $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_FREE_PLACES' => $objEvent->freePlaces, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_ACCESS' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_EVENT_ACCESS_' . $objEvent->access]));
         $hasPlaceMap = !empty($objEvent->place_map) && file_exists(\Env::get('cx')->getWebsitePath() . $objEvent->place_map);
         if ($hasPlaceMap) {
             $arrInfo = getimagesize(\Env::get('cx')->getWebsitePath() . $objEvent->place_map);
             $picWidth = $arrInfo[0] + 20;
             $picHeight = $arrInfo[1] + 20;
         $map_thumb_name = file_exists(\Env::get('cx')->getWebsitePath() . $objEvent->place_map . ".thumb") ? $objEvent->place_map . ".thumb" : $objEvent->place_map;
         $objTpl->setVariable(array($this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LOCATION_PLACE' => $objEvent->place, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LOCATION_ADDRESS' => $objEvent->place_street, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LOCATION_ZIP' => $objEvent->place_zip, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LOCATION_CITY' => $objEvent->place_city, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LOCATION_COUNTRY' => $objEvent->place_country, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LOCATION_LINK' => $placeLink, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LOCATION_LINK_SOURCE' => $placeLinkSource, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LOCATION_MAP_LINK' => $hasPlaceMap ? '<a href="' . $objEvent->place_map . '" onClick="window.open(this.href,\'\',\'resizable=no,location=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,status=no,toolbar=no,fullscreen=no,dependent=no,width=' . $picWidth . ',height=' . $picHeight . ',status\'); return false">' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_MAP'] . '</a>' : "", $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LOCATION_MAP_THUMBNAIL' => $hasPlaceMap ? '<a href="' . $objEvent->place_map . '" onClick="window.open(this.href,\'\',\'resizable=no,location=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,status=no,toolbar=no,fullscreen=no,dependent=no,width=' . $picWidth . ',height=' . $picHeight . ',status\'); return false"><img src="' . $map_thumb_name . '" border="0" alt="' . $objEvent->place_map . '" /></a>' : "", $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LOCATION_MAP_SOURCE' => $hasPlaceMap ? $objEvent->place_map : '', $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_HOST' => $objEvent->org_name, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_HOST_ADDRESS' => $objEvent->org_street, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_HOST_ZIP' => $objEvent->org_zip, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_HOST_CITY' => $objEvent->org_city, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_HOST_COUNTRY' => $objEvent->org_country, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_HOST_LINK' => $hostLink, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_HOST_LINK_SOURCE' => $hostLinkSource, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_HOST_EMAIL' => $objEvent->org_email != '' ? "<a href='mailto:" . $objEvent->org_email . "' >" . $objEvent->org_email . "</a>" : "", $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_HOST_EMAIL_SOURCE' => $objEvent->org_email));
         if ($objInit->mode == 'backend') {
             $objTpl->setVariable(array($this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_COUNT_REG' => $objEvent->registrationCount, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_COUNT_DEREG' => $objEvent->cancellationCount, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_COUNT_WAITLIST' => $objEvent->waitlistCount));
         // show date block
         if ($objTpl->blockExists('calendarDateList')) {
             $showStartDateList = $objEvent->useCustomDateDisplay ? $objEvent->showStartDateList : $this->arrSettings['showStartDateList'] == 1;
             $showEndDateList = $objEvent->useCustomDateDisplay ? $objEvent->showEndDateList : $this->arrSettings['showEndDateList'] == 1;
             $showStartTimeList = $objEvent->all_day ? false : ($objEvent->useCustomDateDisplay ? $objEvent->showStartTimeList : $this->arrSettings['showStartTimeList'] == 1);
             $showEndTimeList = $objEvent->all_day ? false : ($objEvent->useCustomDateDisplay ? $objEvent->showEndTimeList : $this->arrSettings['showEndTimeList'] == 1);
             $showTimeTypeList = $objEvent->useCustomDateDisplay ? $objEvent->showTimeTypeList : 1;
             // get date for several days format > show starttime with startdate and endtime with enddate > only if several days event and all values (dates/times) are displayed
             if (date(parent::getDateFormat(), $objEvent->startDate) != date(parent::getDateFormat(), $objEvent->endDate) && ($showStartDateList && $showEndDateList && $showStartTimeList && $showEndTimeList)) {
                 //part 1
                 $part = 1;
                 $this->getMultiDateBlock($objEvent, $this->arrSettings['separatorDateTimeList'], $this->arrSettings['separatorSeveralDaysList'], $this->arrSettings['showClockList'] == 1, $part);
                 $objTpl->setVariable(array($this->moduleLangVar . '_DATE_LIST' => $this->date, $this->moduleLangVar . '_SEP_DATE_TIME_LIST' => $this->sepDateTime, $this->moduleLangVar . '_TIME_LIST' => $this->time, 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_CLOCK_LIST' => $this->clock));
                 //part 2
                 $part = 2;
                 $this->getMultiDateBlock($objEvent, $this->arrSettings['separatorDateTimeList'], $this->arrSettings['separatorSeveralDaysList'], $this->arrSettings['showClockList'] == 1, $part);
                 $objTpl->setVariable(array($this->moduleLangVar . '_DATE_LIST' => $this->date, $this->moduleLangVar . '_SEP_DATE_TIME_LIST' => $this->sepDateTime, $this->moduleLangVar . '_TIME_LIST' => $this->time, 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_CLOCK_LIST' => $this->clock));
             } else {
                 // get date for single day format
                 $this->getSingleDateBlock($objEvent, $showStartDateList, $showEndDateList, $this->arrSettings['separatorDateList'], $showTimeTypeList, $showStartTimeList, $showEndTimeList, $this->arrSettings['separatorDateTimeList'], $this->arrSettings['separatorTimeList'], $this->arrSettings['showClockList'] == 1);
                 $objTpl->setVariable(array($this->moduleLangVar . '_DATE_LIST' => $this->date, $this->moduleLangVar . '_SEP_DATE_TIME_LIST' => $this->sepDateTime, $this->moduleLangVar . '_TIME_LIST' => $this->time, 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_CLOCK_LIST' => $this->clock));
         if ($type == 'confirm') {
             if ($objTpl->blockExists('eventConfirmList')) {
         } else {
             if ($objTpl->blockExists('eventList')) {
             if ($objTpl->blockExists('calendar_headlines_row')) {
     if (count($this->eventList) == 0 && $type != 'confirm') {
         $objTpl->setVariable(array('TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_NO_EVENTS' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_EVENTS_NO']));
예제 #4
  * add /edit task
  * @global array $_ARRAYLANG
  * @global object $objDatabase
  * @return true
 public function _modifyTask()
     global $_ARRAYLANG, $objDatabase, $objJs, $objFWUser;
     if (gettype($objFWUser) === 'NULL') {
         $objFWUser = \FWUser::getFWUserObject();
     $objtpl = $this->_objTpl;
     $_SESSION['pageTitle'] = empty($_GET['id']) ? $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CRM_ADDTASK'] : $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CRM_EDITTASK'];
     $this->_objTpl->loadTemplateFile('module_' . $this->moduleNameLC . '_addtasks.html');
     $objtpl->setGlobalVariable("MODULE_NAME", $this->moduleName);
     $settings = $this->getSettings();
     $id = isset($_REQUEST['id']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['id'] : '';
     $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $title = isset($_POST['taskTitle']) ? contrexx_input2raw($_POST['taskTitle']) : '';
     $type = isset($_POST['taskType']) ? (int) $_POST['taskType'] : 0;
     $customer = isset($_REQUEST['customerId']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['customerId'] : '';
     $duedate = isset($_POST['date']) ? $_POST['date'] : $date;
     $assignedto = isset($_POST['assignedto']) ? intval($_POST['assignedto']) : 0;
     $description = isset($_POST['description']) ? contrexx_input2raw($_POST['description']) : '';
     $notify = isset($_POST['notify']);
     $taskId = isset($_REQUEST['searchType']) ? intval($_REQUEST['searchType']) : 0;
     $taskTitle = isset($_REQUEST['searchTitle']) ? contrexx_input2raw($_REQUEST['searchTitle']) : '';
     $redirect = isset($_REQUEST['redirect']) ? $_REQUEST['redirect'] : base64_encode('&act=task');
     // check permission
     if (!empty($id)) {
         $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT `added_by`,\n                                                       `assigned_to`\n                                                    FROM `" . DBPREFIX . "module_{$this->moduleNameLC}_task`\n                                                 WHERE `id` = '{$id}'\n                                               ");
         $added_user = (int) $objResult->fields['added_by'];
         $assigned_user = (int) $objResult->fields['assigned_to'];
         if ($objResult) {
             list($task_edit_permission) = $this->getTaskPermission($added_user, $assigned_user);
             if (!$task_edit_permission) {
     if (isset($_POST['addtask'])) {
         if (!empty($id)) {
             if ($objFWUser->objUser->getAdminStatus() || $added_user == $objFWUser->objUser->getId() || $assigned_user == $assignedto) {
                 $fields = array('task_title' => $title, 'task_type_id' => $type, 'customer_id' => $customer, 'due_date' => $duedate, 'assigned_to' => $assignedto, 'description' => $description);
                 $query = \SQL::update("module_{$this->moduleNameLC}_task", $fields, array('escape' => true)) . " WHERE `id` = {$id}";
                 $_SESSION['strOkMessage'] = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CRM_TASK_UPDATE_MESSAGE'];
             } else {
                 $_SESSION['strErrMessage'] = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CRM_TASK_RESPONSIBLE_ERR'];
         } else {
             $addedDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             $fields = array('task_title' => $title, 'task_type_id' => $type, 'customer_id' => $customer, 'due_date' => $duedate, 'assigned_to' => $assignedto, 'added_by' => $objFWUser->objUser->getId(), 'added_date_time' => $addedDate, 'task_status' => '0', 'description' => $description);
             $query = \SQL::insert("module_{$this->moduleNameLC}_task", $fields, array('escape' => true));
             $_SESSION['strOkMessage'] = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CRM_TASK_OK_MESSAGE'];
         $db = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
         if ($db) {
             if ($notify) {
                 $cx = \Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::instanciate();
                 $id = !empty($id) ? $id : $objDatabase->INSERT_ID();
                 $info['substitution'] = array('CRM_ASSIGNED_USER_NAME' => contrexx_raw2xhtml(\FWUser::getParsedUserTitle($assignedto)), 'CRM_ASSIGNED_USER_EMAIL' => $objFWUser->objUser->getUser($assignedto)->getEmail(), 'CRM_DOMAIN' => ASCMS_PROTOCOL . "://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}" . $cx->getCodeBaseOffsetPath(), 'CRM_TASK_NAME' => $title, 'CRM_TASK_LINK' => "<a href='" . ASCMS_PROTOCOL . "://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}" . $cx->getCodeBaseOffsetPath() . $cx->getBackendFolderName() . "/index.php?cmd=" . $this->moduleName . "&act=task&tpl=modify&id={$id}'>{$title}</a>", 'CRM_TASK_URL' => ASCMS_PROTOCOL . "://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}" . $cx->getCodeBaseOffsetPath() . $cx->getBackendFolderName() . "/index.php?cmd=" . $this->moduleName . "&act=task&tpl=modify&id={$id}", 'CRM_TASK_DUE_DATE' => $duedate, 'CRM_TASK_CREATED_USER' => contrexx_raw2xhtml(\FWUser::getParsedUserTitle($objFWUser->objUser->getId())), 'CRM_TASK_DESCRIPTION_TEXT_VERSION' => contrexx_html2plaintext($description), 'CRM_TASK_DESCRIPTION_HTML_VERSION' => $description);
                 //setting email template lang id
                 $availableMailTempLangAry = $this->getActiveEmailTemLangId('Crm', CRM_EVENT_ON_TASK_CREATED);
                 $availableLangId = $this->getEmailTempLang($availableMailTempLangAry, $objFWUser->objUser->getUser($assignedto)->getEmail());
                 $info['lang_id'] = $availableLangId;
                 $dispatcher = CrmEventDispatcher::getInstance();
                 $dispatcher->triggerEvent(CRM_EVENT_ON_TASK_CREATED, null, $info);
             \Cx\Core\Csrf\Controller\Csrf::header("Location:./index.php?cmd=" . $this->moduleName . base64_decode($redirect));
     } elseif (!empty($id)) {
         $objValue = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT task_id,\n                                                            task_title,\n                                                            task_type_id,\n                                                            due_date,\n                                                            assigned_to,\n                                                            description,\n                                                            c.id,\n                                                            c.customer_name,\n                                                            c.contact_familyname\n                                                       FROM `" . DBPREFIX . "module_{$this->moduleNameLC}_task` AS t\n                                                       LEFT JOIN `" . DBPREFIX . "module_{$this->moduleNameLC}_contacts` AS c\n                                                            ON t.customer_id = c.id\n                                                       WHERE t.id='{$id}'");
         $title = $objValue->fields['task_title'];
         $type = $objValue->fields['task_type_id'];
         $customer = $objValue->fields['id'];
         $customerName = !empty($objValue->fields['customer_name']) ? $objValue->fields['customer_name'] . " " . $objValue->fields['contact_familyname'] : '';
         $duedate = $objValue->fields['due_date'];
         $assignedto = $objValue->fields['assigned_to'];
         $description = $objValue->fields['description'];
         $taskAutoId = $objValue->fields['task_id'];
     $this->_getResourceDropDown('Members', $assignedto, $settings['emp_default_user_group']);
     $this->taskTypeDropDown($objtpl, $type);
     if (!empty($customer)) {
         // Get customer Name
         $objCustomer = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT customer_name, contact_familyname  FROM `" . DBPREFIX . "module_crm_contacts` WHERE id = {$customer}");
         $customerName = $objCustomer->fields['customer_name'] . " " . $objCustomer->fields['contact_familyname'];