
require '../src/Curl/Curl.php';
use ZzhhCurl\Curl;
function construct_url($photo, $size = 's', $ext = 'jpg')
    $url = 'http://farm' . $photo->farm . '.staticflickr.com/' . $photo->server . '/' . $photo->id . '_' . $photo->secret . '_' . $size . '.' . $ext;
    return $url;
$data = array('method' => 'flickr.photos.search', 'api_key' => FLICKR_API_KEY, 'text' => 'happy', 'sort' => 'interestingness-desc', 'safe_search' => '3', 'format' => 'json', 'nojsoncallback' => '1');
$curl = new Curl();
$curl->get('https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/', $data);
foreach ($curl->response->photos->photo as $photo) {
    echo '<img alt="" src="' . construct_url($photo) . '" height="75" width="75" />';
예제 #2
 $start = strpos($rawTextStuff, '<text>');
 // Get the end position of the text tag.
 $end = strpos($rawTextStuff, '</text>');
 // Check that the start and end positions were successfully retrieved.
 if ($start !== FALSE and $end !== FALSE) {
     $text = substr($rawTextStuff, $start + 6, $end - $start - 6);
 } else {
     $text = '';
 if ($doctype == 'witness' and $divtype == 'title') {
     echo "<br /><br /><span style='color: green; font-weight: bold;'>SKIPPING '" . $filename . "' (links to a .inc.php file and is not needed)</span>";
 // Determine the URL of the file on the website.
 $url = construct_url($filename, $divtype, $doctype);
 // Determine whether the requested URL exists.
 $code = get_response($url);
 // If response code is not 200 or 404, then we know there was a connection error.
 // If this is the case, then retry getting the document again.
 if ($code != '200' and $code != '404') {
     $code = get_response($url);
 if ($code == '404') {
     echo "<br /><br /><span style='color: red; font-weight: bold;'>FAILED '" . $filename . "' (missing)</span>";
 } elseif ($code != '200') {
     echo "<br /><br /><span style='color: red; font-weight: bold;'>FAILED '" . $filename . "' (could not connect to the server)</span>";