<?php if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) { die("Direct access to this location is not allowed"); } $notebook_page = 'TripleDeal'; config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'TripleDeal plugin configuration'); if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) { config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm); } add_config_field('payment.tripledeal.merchant_name', 'Your TripleDeal Merchant Name', 'text', "your TripleDeal merchant name", $notebook_page, ''); add_config_field('payment.tripledeal.merchant_password', 'Your TripleDeal Merchant Password', 'password_c', "your TripleDeal merchant password", $notebook_page, ''); add_config_field('payment.tripledeal.profile', 'Your TripleDeal Profile', 'text', "your TripleDeal profile", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'OnlyCreditCards')); add_config_field('payment.tripledeal.debugmode', 'Debug Mode Enabled', 'select', "Set to No after you complete testing.", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array(0 => 'No', 1 => 'Yes'))); add_config_field('payment.tripledeal.title', 'Payment Method Title', 'text', "displayed on signup page and on renewal page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'TripleDeal')); add_config_field('payment.tripledeal.description', 'Payment Method Description', 'text', "displayed on signup page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'Credit Card Payment'));
} if ($config['use_shop']) { shop_config(); } /********************************** LANGUAGES ***********************************/ $page = "Languages"; config_set_notebook_comment($page, 'configure multi-language user interface'); if ($_REQUEST['notebook'] == $page) { add_config_field('lang.list', 'Available Languages', 'multi_checkbox', 'choose which languages are available<br /> for customers choice', $page, '', '', '', array('options' => languages_get_options(), 'store_type' => 1, size => '5em')); add_config_field('lang.default', 'Default Language', 'select', 'will be used by default until customer<br /> makes another choice. Make sure it is also<br /> selected in the list above', $page, '', '', '', array('options' => languages_get_options(), 'default' => 'en:English')); add_config_field('lang.display_choice', 'Display Language Choice', 'checkbox', 'allow customer to choose another language<br /> from signup, login and other pages', $page, '', '', '', array()); config_set_readme($page, $config['root_dir'] . '/language/readme.txt'); } /*############################## FUNCTIONS #########################################*/ function validate_license($field, $vars) { if (function_exists('is_trial') && is_trial()) { return; } global $config; $v = $vars[$field['name']]; if (!strlen($v)) { $errors[] = "Please enter license code"; } $domains = array(); foreach (preg_split('|===== ENF OF LICENSE =====[\\r\\n\\s]*|m', $v, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE) as $v) { $v .= "===== ENF OF LICENSE =====";