/** * Output a list of times in half-hour intervals * * @param string $start Time to start with (date string, usually a ts) * @param boolean $duration Whether to include the duration of the event * (from the start) * @return array $times (localized 24 hour time string => fancy time string) */ public static function getTimes($start = 'now', $duration = false) { $newTime = new DateTime($start); $times = array(); $len = 0; $newTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(common_timezone())); for ($i = 0; $i < 47; $i++) { $localTime = $newTime->format("g:ia"); // pretty up the end-time option list a bit if ($duration) { $hours = $len / 60; switch ($hours) { case 0: // TRANS: 0 minutes abbreviated. Used in a list. $total = ' ' . _m('(0 min)'); break; case 0.5: // TRANS: 30 minutes abbreviated. Used in a list. $total = ' ' . _m('(30 min)'); break; case 1: // TRANS: 1 hour. Used in a list. $total = ' ' . _m('(1 hour)'); break; default: // TRANS: Number of hours (%.1f and %d). Used in a list. $format = is_float($hours) ? _m('(%.1f hours)') : _m('(%d hours)'); $total = ' ' . sprintf($format, $hours); break; } $localTime .= $total; $len += 30; } $times[$newTime->format('g:ia')] = $localTime; $newTime->modify('+30min'); // 30 min intervals } return $times; }
function dateTwitter($dt) { $dateStr = date('d F Y H:i:s', strtotime($dt)); $d = new DateTime($dateStr, new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $d->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(common_timezone())); return $d->format('D M d H:i:s O Y'); }
function common_date_iso8601($dt) { $dateStr = date('d F Y H:i:s', strtotime($dt)); $d = new DateTime($dateStr, new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $d->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(common_timezone())); return $d->format('c'); }
protected function showEvent(Notice $stored, HTMLOutputter $out, Profile $scoped = null) { $profile = $stored->getProfile(); $event = Happening::fromNotice($stored); if (!$event instanceof Happening) { // TRANS: Content for a deleted RSVP list item (RSVP stands for "please respond"). $out->element('p', null, _m('Deleted.')); return; } $out->elementStart('div', 'h-event'); $out->elementStart('h3', 'p-summary p-name'); try { $out->element('a', array('href' => $event->getUrl()), $event->title); } catch (InvalidUrlException $e) { $out->text($event->title); } $out->elementEnd('h3'); $now = new DateTime(); $startDate = new DateTime($event->start_time); $endDate = new DateTime($event->end_time); $userTz = new DateTimeZone(common_timezone()); // Localize the time for the observer $now->setTimeZone($userTz); $startDate->setTimezone($userTz); $endDate->setTimezone($userTz); $thisYear = $now->format('Y'); $startYear = $startDate->format('Y'); $endYear = $endDate->format('Y'); $dateFmt = 'D, F j, '; // e.g.: Mon, Aug 31 if ($startYear != $thisYear || $endYear != $thisYear) { $dateFmt .= 'Y,'; // append year if we need to think about years } $startDateStr = $startDate->format($dateFmt); $endDateStr = $endDate->format($dateFmt); $timeFmt = 'g:ia'; $startTimeStr = $startDate->format($timeFmt); $endTimeStr = $endDate->format("{$timeFmt} (T)"); $out->elementStart('div', 'event-times'); // VEVENT/EVENT-TIMES IN // TRANS: Field label for event description. $out->element('strong', null, _m('Time:')); $out->element('time', array('class' => 'dt-start', 'datetime' => common_date_iso8601($event->start_time)), $startDateStr . ' ' . $startTimeStr); $out->text(' – '); $out->element('time', array('class' => 'dt-end', 'datetime' => common_date_iso8601($event->end_time)), $startDateStr != $endDateStr ? "{$endDateStr} {$endTimeStr}" : $endTimeStr); $out->elementEnd('div'); // VEVENT/EVENT-TIMES OUT if (!empty($event->location)) { $out->elementStart('div', 'event-location'); // TRANS: Field label for event description. $out->element('strong', null, _m('Location:')); $out->element('span', 'p-location', $event->location); $out->elementEnd('div'); } if (!empty($event->description)) { $out->elementStart('div', 'event-description'); // TRANS: Field label for event description. $out->element('strong', null, _m('Description:')); $out->element('div', 'p-description', $event->description); $out->elementEnd('div'); } $rsvps = $event->getRSVPs(); $out->elementStart('div', 'event-rsvps'); // TRANS: Field label for event description. $out->element('strong', null, _m('Attending:')); $out->elementStart('ul', 'attending-list'); foreach ($rsvps as $verb => $responses) { $out->elementStart('li', 'rsvp-list'); switch ($verb) { case RSVP::POSITIVE: $out->text(_('Yes:')); break; case RSVP::NEGATIVE: $out->text(_('No:')); break; case RSVP::POSSIBLE: $out->text(_('Maybe:')); break; } $ids = array(); foreach ($responses as $response) { $ids[] = $response->profile_id; } $ids = array_slice($ids, 0, ProfileMiniList::MAX_PROFILES + 1); $minilist = new ProfileMiniList(Profile::multiGet('id', $ids), $out); $minilist->show(); $out->elementEnd('li'); } $out->elementEnd('ul'); $out->elementEnd('div'); if ($scoped instanceof Profile) { $rsvp = $event->getRSVP($scoped); if (empty($rsvp)) { $form = new RSVPForm($event, $out); } else { $form = new CancelRSVPForm($rsvp, $out); } $form->show(); } $out->elementEnd('div'); }
/** * Content area of the page * * Shows a form for uploading an avatar. * * @return void */ function showContent() { $user = common_current_user(); $profile = $user->getProfile(); $this->elementStart('form', array('method' => 'post', 'id' => 'form_settings_profile', 'class' => 'form_settings', 'action' => common_local_url('profilesettings'))); $this->elementStart('fieldset'); // TRANS: Profile settings form legend. $this->element('legend', null, _('Profile information')); $this->hidden('token', common_session_token()); // too much common patterns here... abstractable? $this->elementStart('ul', 'form_data'); if (Event::handle('StartProfileFormData', array($this))) { $this->elementStart('li'); // TRANS: Field label in form for profile settings. $this->input('nickname', _('Nickname'), $this->arg('nickname') ? $this->arg('nickname') : $profile->nickname, _('1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces.')); $this->elementEnd('li'); $this->elementStart('li'); // TRANS: Field label in form for profile settings. $this->input('fullname', _('Full name'), $this->arg('fullname') ? $this->arg('fullname') : $profile->fullname); $this->elementEnd('li'); $this->elementStart('li'); // TRANS: Field label in form for profile settings. $this->input('homepage', _('Homepage'), $this->arg('homepage') ? $this->arg('homepage') : $profile->homepage, _('URL of your homepage, blog, or profile on another site.')); $this->elementEnd('li'); $this->elementStart('li'); $maxBio = Profile::maxBio(); if ($maxBio > 0) { // TRANS: Tooltip for field label in form for profile settings. Plural // TRANS: is decided by the number of characters available for the // TRANS: biography (%d). $bioInstr = sprintf(_m('Describe yourself and your interests in %d character.', 'Describe yourself and your interests in %d characters.', $maxBio), $maxBio); } else { // TRANS: Tooltip for field label in form for profile settings. $bioInstr = _('Describe yourself and your interests.'); } // TRANS: Text area label in form for profile settings where users can provide // TRANS: their biography. $this->textarea('bio', _('Bio'), $this->arg('bio') ? $this->arg('bio') : $profile->bio, $bioInstr); $this->elementEnd('li'); $this->elementStart('li'); // TRANS: Field label in form for profile settings. $this->input('location', _('Location'), $this->arg('location') ? $this->arg('location') : $profile->location, _('Where you are, like "City, State (or Region), Country".')); $this->elementEnd('li'); if (common_config('location', 'share') == 'user') { $this->elementStart('li'); // TRANS: Checkbox label in form for profile settings. $this->checkbox('sharelocation', _('Share my current location when posting notices'), $this->arg('sharelocation') ? $this->arg('sharelocation') : $user->shareLocation()); $this->elementEnd('li'); } Event::handle('EndProfileFormData', array($this)); $this->elementStart('li'); // TRANS: Field label in form for profile settings. $this->input('tags', _('Tags'), $this->arg('tags') ? $this->arg('tags') : implode(' ', $user->getSelfTags()), _('Tags for yourself (letters, numbers, -, ., and _), comma- or space- separated.')); $this->elementEnd('li'); $this->elementStart('li'); $language = common_language(); // TRANS: Dropdownlist label in form for profile settings. $this->dropdown('language', _('Language'), get_nice_language_list(), _('Preferred language.'), false, $language); $this->elementEnd('li'); $timezone = common_timezone(); $timezones = array(); foreach (DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers() as $k => $v) { $timezones[$v] = $v; } $this->elementStart('li'); // TRANS: Dropdownlist label in form for profile settings. $this->dropdown('timezone', _('Timezone'), $timezones, _('What timezone are you normally in?'), true, $timezone); $this->elementEnd('li'); $this->elementStart('li'); $this->checkbox('autosubscribe', _('Automatically subscribe to whoever ' . 'subscribes to me (best for non-humans)'), $this->arg('autosubscribe') ? $this->boolean('autosubscribe') : $user->autosubscribe); $this->elementEnd('li'); $this->elementStart('li'); $this->dropdown('subscribe_policy', _('Subscription policy'), array(User::SUBSCRIBE_POLICY_OPEN => _('Let anyone follow me'), User::SUBSCRIBE_POLICY_MODERATE => _('Ask me first')), _('Whether other users need your permission to follow your updates.'), false, empty($user->subscribe_policy) ? User::SUBSCRIBE_POLICY_OPEN : $user->subscribe_policy); $this->elementEnd('li'); } $this->elementStart('li'); $this->checkbox('private_stream', _('Make updates visible only to my followers'), $this->arg('private_stream') ? $this->boolean('private_stream') : $user->private_stream); $this->elementEnd('li'); $this->elementEnd('ul'); // TRANS: Button to save input in profile settings. $this->submit('save', _m('BUTTON', 'Save')); $this->elementEnd('fieldset'); $this->elementEnd('form'); }
/** * Content area of the page * * Shows a form for uploading an avatar. * * @return void */ function showContent() { $user = common_current_user(); $profile = $user->getProfile(); $this->elementStart('form', array('method' => 'post', 'id' => 'form_settings_profile', 'class' => 'form_settings', 'action' => common_local_url('profilesettings'))); $this->elementStart('fieldset'); $this->element('legend', null, _('Profile information')); $this->hidden('token', common_session_token()); // too much common patterns here... abstractable? $this->elementStart('ul', 'form_data'); if (Event::handle('StartProfileFormData', array($this))) { $this->elementStart('li'); $this->input('nickname', _('Nickname'), $this->arg('nickname') ? $this->arg('nickname') : $profile->nickname, _('1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces')); $this->elementEnd('li'); $this->elementStart('li'); $this->input('fullname', _('Full name'), $this->arg('fullname') ? $this->arg('fullname') : $profile->fullname); $this->elementEnd('li'); $this->elementStart('li'); $this->input('homepage', _('Homepage'), $this->arg('homepage') ? $this->arg('homepage') : $profile->homepage, _('URL of your homepage, blog, or profile on another site')); $this->elementEnd('li'); $this->elementStart('li'); $maxBio = Profile::maxBio(); if ($maxBio > 0) { $bioInstr = sprintf(_('Describe yourself and your interests in %d chars'), $maxBio); } else { $bioInstr = _('Describe yourself and your interests'); } $this->textarea('bio', _('Bio'), $this->arg('bio') ? $this->arg('bio') : $profile->bio, $bioInstr); $this->elementEnd('li'); $this->elementStart('li'); $this->input('location', _('Location'), $this->arg('location') ? $this->arg('location') : $profile->location, _('Where you are, like "City, State (or Region), Country"')); $this->elementEnd('li'); if (common_config('location', 'share') == 'user') { $this->elementStart('li'); $this->checkbox('sharelocation', _('Share my current location when posting notices'), $this->arg('sharelocation') ? $this->arg('sharelocation') : $user->shareLocation()); $this->elementEnd('li'); } Event::handle('EndProfileFormData', array($this)); $this->elementStart('li'); $this->input('tags', _('Tags'), $this->arg('tags') ? $this->arg('tags') : implode(' ', $user->getSelfTags()), _('Tags for yourself (letters, numbers, -, ., and _), comma- or space- separated')); $this->elementEnd('li'); $this->elementStart('li'); $language = common_language(); $this->dropdown('language', _('Language'), get_nice_language_list(), _('Preferred language'), false, $language); $this->elementEnd('li'); $timezone = common_timezone(); $timezones = array(); foreach (DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers() as $k => $v) { $timezones[$v] = $v; } $this->elementStart('li'); $this->dropdown('timezone', _('Timezone'), $timezones, _('What timezone are you normally in?'), true, $timezone); $this->elementEnd('li'); $this->elementStart('li'); $this->checkbox('autosubscribe', _('Automatically subscribe to whoever ' . 'subscribes to me (best for non-humans)'), $this->arg('autosubscribe') ? $this->boolean('autosubscribe') : $user->autosubscribe); $this->elementEnd('li'); } $this->elementEnd('ul'); $this->submit('save', _('Save')); $this->elementEnd('fieldset'); $this->elementEnd('form'); }
function showContent() { $notice = $this->nli->notice; $out = $this->nli->out; $profile = $notice->getProfile(); $event = Happening::fromNotice($notice); if (empty($event)) { // TRANS: Content for a deleted RSVP list item (RSVP stands for "please respond"). $out->element('p', null, _m('Deleted.')); return; } $out->elementStart('div', 'vevent event'); // VEVENT IN $out->elementStart('h3'); // VEVENT/H3 IN if (!empty($event->url)) { $out->element('a', array('href' => $event->url, 'class' => 'event-title entry-title summary'), $event->title); } else { $out->text($event->title); } $out->elementEnd('h3'); // VEVENT/H3 OUT $now = new DateTime(); $startDate = new DateTime($event->start_time); $endDate = new DateTime($event->end_time); $userTz = new DateTimeZone(common_timezone()); // Localize the time for the observer $now->setTimeZone($userTz); $startDate->setTimezone($userTz); $endDate->setTimezone($userTz); $thisYear = $now->format('Y'); $startYear = $startDate->format('Y'); $endYear = $endDate->format('Y'); $dateFmt = 'D, F j, '; // e.g.: Mon, Aug 31 if ($startYear != $thisYear || $endYear != $thisYear) { $dateFmt .= 'Y,'; // append year if we need to think about years } $startDateStr = $startDate->format($dateFmt); $endDateStr = $endDate->format($dateFmt); $timeFmt = 'g:ia'; $startTimeStr = $startDate->format($timeFmt); $endTimeStr = $endDate->format("{$timeFmt} (T)"); $out->elementStart('div', 'event-times'); // VEVENT/EVENT-TIMES IN // TRANS: Field label for event description. $out->element('strong', null, _m('Time:')); $out->element('abbr', array('class' => 'dtstart', 'title' => common_date_iso8601($event->start_time)), $startDateStr . ' ' . $startTimeStr); $out->text(' – '); if ($startDateStr == $endDateStr) { $out->element('span', array('class' => 'dtend', 'title' => common_date_iso8601($event->end_time)), $endTimeStr); } else { $out->element('span', array('class' => 'dtend', 'title' => common_date_iso8601($event->end_time)), $endDateStr . ' ' . $endTimeStr); } $out->elementEnd('div'); // VEVENT/EVENT-TIMES OUT if (!empty($event->location)) { $out->elementStart('div', 'event-location'); // TRANS: Field label for event description. $out->element('strong', null, _m('Location:')); $out->element('span', 'location', $event->location); $out->elementEnd('div'); } if (!empty($event->description)) { $out->elementStart('div', 'event-description'); // TRANS: Field label for event description. $out->element('strong', null, _m('Description:')); $out->element('span', 'description', $event->description); $out->elementEnd('div'); } $rsvps = $event->getRSVPs(); $out->elementStart('div', 'event-rsvps'); // TRANS: Field label for event description. $out->text(_m('Attending:')); $out->elementStart('ul', 'attending-list'); foreach ($rsvps as $verb => $responses) { $out->elementStart('li', 'rsvp-list'); switch ($verb) { case RSVP::POSITIVE: $out->text(_m('Yes:')); break; case RSVP::NEGATIVE: $out->text(_('No:')); break; case RSVP::POSSIBLE: $out->text(_m('Maybe:')); break; } $ids = array(); foreach ($responses as $response) { $ids[] = $response->profile_id; } $ids = array_slice($ids, 0, ProfileMiniList::MAX_PROFILES + 1); $profiles = Profile::pivotGet('id', $ids); $profile = new ArrayWrapper(array_values($profiles)); $minilist = new ProfileMiniList($profile, $out); $minilist->show(); $out->elementEnd('li'); } $out->elementEnd('ul'); $out->elementEnd('div'); $user = common_current_user(); if (!empty($user)) { $rsvp = $event->getRSVP($user->getProfile()); if (empty($rsvp)) { $form = new RSVPForm($event, $out); } else { $form = new CancelRSVPForm($rsvp, $out); } $form->show(); } $out->elementEnd('div'); // vevent out }
/** * Data elements of the form * * @return void */ function formData() { $this->out->elementStart('fieldset', array('id' => 'new_event_data')); // Passing in the URL of the Ajax action that the .js for this form hits // when selecting event start and end times. JavaScript will try to // use a relative path, unless explicitely told where an action is, // and that's a bit difficult to calculate since the event form is on // so many pages with different paths. It might be worth solving this // globally by putting the base site path in the Identifier-URL meta tag // or something similar, so it would be easy to calculate the exact path // for actions and other things in JavaScripts. -z $this->out->hidden('timelist_action_url', common_local_url('timelist')); $this->out->elementStart('ul', 'form_data'); $this->li(); $this->out->input('event-title', _m('LABEL', 'Title'), null, _m('Title of the event.'), 'title', true); // HTML5 "required" attribute $this->unli(); $this->li(); $today = new DateTime('now'); $today->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(common_timezone())); $this->out->input('event-startdate', _m('LABEL', 'Start date'), $today->format('m/d/Y'), _m('Date the event starts.'), 'startdate'); $this->unli(); $this->li(); $times = EventTimeList::getTimes($today->format('m/d/Y 12:00') . ' am ' . $today->format('T')); $start = EventTimeList::nearestHalfHour($today->format('c')); $start->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(common_timezone())); $this->out->dropdown('event-starttime', _m('LABEL', 'Start time'), $times, sprintf(_m("Time the event starts (%s)."), $today->format('T')), false, $start->format('g:ia')); // Need to keep JavaScript TZ in sync with PHP TZ $this->out->hidden('tz', $today->format('T')); $this->out->hidden('now', $today->format('F d, Y H:i:s T')); $this->unli(); $this->li(); $this->out->input('event-enddate', _m('LABEL', 'End date'), $today->format('m/d/Y'), _m('Date the event ends.'), 'enddate'); $this->unli(); $this->li(); $this->out->dropdown('event-endtime', _m('LABEL', 'End time'), EventTimeList::getTimes($start->format('c'), true), _m('Time the event ends.'), false, null); $this->unli(); $this->li(); $this->out->input('event-location', _m('LABEL', 'Where?'), null, _m('Event location.'), 'location'); $this->unli(); $this->li(); $this->out->input('event-url', _m('LABEL', 'URL'), null, _m('URL for more information.'), 'url'); $this->unli(); $this->li(); $this->out->input('event-description', _m('LABEL', 'Description'), null, _m('Description of the event.'), 'description', true); // HTML5 "required" attribute $this->unli(); $this->out->elementEnd('ul'); $toWidget = new ToSelector($this->out, common_current_user(), null); $toWidget->show(); $this->out->elementEnd('fieldset'); }
static function iso8601Date($tm) { $dateStr = date('d F Y H:i:s', $tm); $d = new DateTime($dateStr, new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $d->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(common_timezone())); return $d->format('c'); }