function help_invoke_main() { $section = REQ('section'); $path = SKIN . '/help/sections/'; $scan = scan_dir($path); $result = array(); foreach ($scan as $id) { $id = str_replace('.tpl', '', $id); if (!$section || $section && $section == $id) { $result[$id] = proc_tpl("help/sections/{$id}"); } } cn_assign('help_sections', $result); if ($section) { echo exec_tpl('window', "style=help/style.css", "title=HELP - {$section}", 'content=' . exec_tpl('help/main')); } else { echoheader('-@help/style.css', 'Help section'); echo exec_tpl('help/main'); echofooter(); } }
function dashboard_locale() { list($lang_token, $lang, $create_phrase, $phraseid, $translate, $delete_phrase, $exid) = GET('lang_token, lang, create_phrase, phraseid, translate, delete_phrase, exid'); $tkn = array(); $list = scan_dir(SERVDIR . '/core/lang/', '.*\\.txt'); $updated = FALSE; // Load langs foreach ($list as $id => $code) { if (preg_match('/^(.*)\\.txt/i', $code, $c)) { $list[$id] = $c[1]; } } // Load symbols $lang_token = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_\\-]/i', '', $lang_token); if ($lang_token) { $_tkn = file($cfile = SERVDIR . '/core/lang/' . $lang_token . '.txt'); foreach ($_tkn as $data) { list($TKN, $DAT) = explode(': ', $data, 2); $tkn[$TKN] = $DAT; } } // Do submit new data if (request_type('POST') && REQ('modifica')) { cn_dsi_check(); // Create new phrase if ($create_phrase || !$exid || $exid && $exid !== $phraseid) { if ($phraseid && $translate) { $exid = $h = hi18n($phraseid); if (!isset($tkn[$h])) { $updated = TRUE; $tkn[$h] = str_replace("\n", '', $translate); cn_throw_message('Row added'); } else { cn_throw_message('Row with same ID already exists', 'e'); } } else { cn_throw_message('Fill required fields', 'e'); } } elseif ($delete_phrase) { if (isset($tkn[$exid])) { $updated = TRUE; unset($tkn[$exid]); cn_throw_message('Row deleted'); } else { cn_throw_message('Phrase not deleted: not exists'); } } else { $updated = TRUE; $tkn[$exid] = str_replace("\n", '', $translate); cn_throw_message('Row edited'); } } // Updated? Try save if ($updated && isset($cfile)) { $w = fopen($cfile, 'w+'); foreach ($tkn as $I => $T) { fwrite($w, "{$I}: " . trim($T) . "\n"); } fclose($w); // Reinitialize skin cn_lang_init(); cn_load_skin(); } // Select if ($exid && isset($tkn[$exid])) { $phraseid = $exid; $translate = $tkn[$exid]; } cn_assign('lang_token, lang, list, tkn, phraseid, translate', $lang_token, $lang, $list, $tkn, $phraseid, $translate); echoheader('-@dashboard/style.css', 'Localization'); echo exec_tpl('dashboard/locale'); echofooter(); }
function edit_news_action_massaction() { $FlatDB = new FlatDB(); list($subaction, $source, $archive_id) = GET('subaction, source, archive_id'); // Mass Delete if ($subaction == 'mass_delete') { if (!test('Nud')) { cn_throw_message("Operation not permitted for you", 'w'); } list($selected_news) = GET('selected_news'); if (empty($selected_news)) { cn_throw_message("No one news selected", 'e'); } else { $count = count($selected_news); if (confirm_first() && $count == 0) { cn_throw_message('No none entry selected', 'e'); } if (confirm_post("Delete selected news ({$count})")) { if ($source == 'archive') { $source = 'archive-' . intval($archive_id); } $idx = db_index_load($source); // do delete news foreach ($selected_news as $id) { $news = db_news_load(db_get_nloc($id)); $storent = $news[$id]; if (isset($news[$id])) { unset($news[$id]); } if (isset($idx[$id])) { unset($idx[$id]); } // Remove from meta-index (auto_id) $_ts_id = bt_get_id($id, 'nts_id'); bt_del_id($id, 'nts_id'); bt_del_id($_ts_id, 'nid_ts'); // Remove page alias $_ts_pg = bt_get_id($id, 'ts_pg'); bt_del_id($id, 'ts_pg'); bt_del_id($_ts_pg, 'pg_ts'); // ------ if (isset($storent['c'])) { $FlatDB->cn_remove_categories($storent['c'], $storent['id']); } if (isset($storent['tg'])) { $FlatDB->cn_remove_tags($storent['tg'], $storent['id']); } $FlatDB->cn_update_date(0, $storent['id']); if (isset($storent['u'])) { $FlatDB->cn_user_sync($storent['u'], 0, $storent['id']); } // ------ // Save block db_save_news($news, db_get_nloc($id)); } db_index_save($idx, $source); db_index_update_overall($source); // Update archive list if ($archive_id) { $min = min(array_keys($idx)); $max = max(array_keys($idx)); $cnt = count($idx); db_archive_meta_update($archive_id, $min, $max, $cnt); } $FlatDB->cache_clean(); cn_throw_message('News deleted'); } else { cn_throw_message("No one entry deleted", 'e'); } } } elseif ($subaction == 'mass_move_to_cat') { cn_assign('catlist', cn_get_categories(false)); $news_ids = GET('selected_news'); // Disable commit without news if (empty($news_ids) || count($news_ids) == 1 && !$news_ids[0]) { cn_throw_message("No one news selected", 'e'); } else { if (confirm_post(exec_tpl('addedit/changecats'))) { cn_dsi_check(); list($news_ids, $cats, $source) = GET('selected_news, cats, source', 'POST'); $nc = news_make_category(array_keys($cats)); // Load index for update categories $idx = db_index_load($source); foreach ($news_ids as $id) { $loc = db_get_nloc($id); $entries = db_news_load($loc); // Catch user trick if (!test_cat($entries[$id]['c'])) { cn_throw_message('Not allowed change category for id = ' . $id, 'w'); } $storent = $entries[$id]; $idx[$id][0] = $nc; $entries[$id]['c'] = $nc; // ------ $FlatDB->cn_remove_categories($storent['c'], $storent['id']); $FlatDB->cn_add_categories($nc, $storent['id']); // ------ db_save_news($entries, $loc); } // Save updated block db_index_save($idx, $source); cn_throw_message('Successful processed'); $FlatDB->cache_clean(); } else { cn_throw_message('Operation declined by user', 'e'); } } } elseif ($subaction == 'mass_approve') { if (!test('Nua')) { msg_info("Operation not permitted for you"); } list($selected_news) = GET('selected_news'); if (empty($selected_news)) { cn_throw_message('No one draft selected', 'e'); } else { $ida = db_index_load(''); $idd = db_index_load('draft'); // do approve news foreach ($selected_news as $id) { $news = db_news_load(db_get_nloc($id)); $news[$id]['st'] = ''; // 1) remove from draft unset($idd[$id]); // 2) add to active index $ida[$id] = db_index_create($news[$id]); // save block db_save_news($news, db_get_nloc($id)); } // save indexes db_index_save($ida); db_index_update_overall(); db_index_save($idd, 'draft'); db_index_update_overall('draft'); $FlatDB->cache_clean(); cn_throw_message('News was approved'); } } elseif ($subaction == 'switch_to_html') { list($selected_news) = GET('selected_news'); if (empty($selected_news)) { cn_throw_message('News not selected', 'e'); } else { // do approve news foreach ($selected_news as $id) { $news = db_news_load(db_get_nloc($id)); $news[$id]['ht'] = TRUE; db_save_news($news, db_get_nloc($id)); } cn_throw_message('News was switched to HTML'); } } else { cn_throw_message('Select action to process', 'w'); } edit_news_action_list(); }
function media_invoke() { $popup_form = ''; list($path, $opt) = GET('folder, opt', 'GETPOST'); list($do_action, $pending) = GET('do_action, pending', 'POST'); // Change default uploads dir $udir = cn_path_construct(SERVDIR, 'uploads'); if (getoption('uploads_dir')) { $udir = preparation_path(getoption('uploads_dir')); } $edir = getoption('uploads_ext') ? getoption('uploads_ext') : getoption('http_script_dir') . '/uploads'; $dfile = cn_path_construct($udir, $path); // Remove root identifier $path = preparation_path($path); // Path detection $path = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9\\/_\\\\]/i', '-', $path); $root_dir = cn_path_construct($udir, $path) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $just_uploaded = array(); // Get path struct $pathes = spsep($path, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); if (isset($pathes[0]) && $pathes[0] === '') { unset($pathes[0]); } // Do upload files if (request_type('POST')) { cn_dsi_check(); // Allowed Exts. $AE = spsep(getoption('allowed_extensions')); // Generate thumbnail after upload $thumbnail_with_upload = getoption('thumbnail_with_upload'); // UPLOAD FILES if (REQ('upload', 'POST')) { list($overwrite) = GET('overwrite'); $is_uploaded = FALSE; // Try for fopen url upload if ($upload_from_inet = REQ('upload_from_inet')) { if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) { // Get filename $url_name = spsep($upload_from_inet, '/'); $url_name = $url_name[count($url_name) - 1]; $url_name = preg_replace('/(%20|\\s|\\?|&|\\/)/', '_', $url_name); $url_name = str_replace('%', '_', $url_name); // resolve filename $c_file = $dfile . $url_name; // Overwrite [if can], or add file if ($overwrite && file_exists($c_file) || !file_exists($c_file)) { // Use context for disable error notices if (function_exists('stream_context_create')) { $context = stream_context_create(array('http' => array('ignore_errors' => true))); $fw = fopen($upload_from_inet, 'rb', false, $context); } else { // Read file $fw = fopen($upload_from_inet, 'rb'); } // --------- (fetch content) ------ ob_start(); fpassthru($fw); $file_image = ob_get_clean(); fclose($fw); // --------- // write2disk if ($wf = fopen($c_file, 'w')) { fwrite($wf, $file_image); fclose($wf); } // check image list($w, $h) = getimagesize($c_file); if ($w && $h) { cn_throw_message('File uploaded'); $max_width = getoption('max_thumbnail_width'); if ($w > $max_width && $thumbnail_with_upload) { $resize_result = resize_image($c_file, $max_width, 0); cn_throw_message($resize_result['msg'], $resize_result['status'] ? 'n' : 'w'); } $is_uploaded = TRUE; $just_uploaded[$url_name] = TRUE; } else { cn_throw_message("Wrong image file", 'e'); unlink($c_file); } } else { cn_throw_message("Can't overwrite or save", 'e'); } } else { cn_throw_message('allow_url_fopen=0, check server configurations'); } } // Upload from local foreach ($_FILES['upload_file']['name'] as $id => $name) { if ($name) { $ext = NULL; if (preg_match('/\\.(\\w+)$/i', $name, $c)) { $ext = strtolower($c[1]); } // Check allowed ext if ($ext && in_array($ext, $AE)) { // encode url $name = str_replace('%2F', '/', urlencode($name)); // encoded? replace filename if (strpos($name, '%') !== FALSE) { $name = str_replace('%', '', strtolower($name)); } // check file for exist if (file_exists($c_file = $dfile . $name)) { if ($overwrite) { cn_throw_message('File [' . cn_htmlspecialchars($c_file) . '] overwritten', 'w'); } else { cn_throw_message('File [' . cn_htmlspecialchars($c_file) . '] already exists', 'e'); continue; } } // Upload file to server if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload_file']['tmp_name'][$id], $c_file)) { $just_uploaded[$name] = TRUE; cn_throw_message('File uploaded [<b>' . cn_htmlspecialchars($name) . '</b>]'); $max_width = getoption('max_thumbnail_width'); list($w, $h) = getimagesize($c_file); if ($w > $max_width && $thumbnail_with_upload) { $resize_result = resize_image($c_file, $max_width, 0); cn_throw_message($resize_result['msg'], $resize_result['status'] ? 'n' : 'w'); } } else { cn_throw_message('File [' . cn_htmlspecialchars($c_file) . '] not uploaded! Please, check upload_max_filesize in PHP settings.', 'e'); } } else { cn_throw_message('File extension [' . cn_htmlspecialchars($ext) . '] not allowed', 'e'); } } elseif (!$is_uploaded) { cn_throw_message('No selected files for upload', 'e'); } } } elseif ($do_action || $pending) { list($rm) = GET('rm', 'POST'); // action --> delete entries if ($do_action == 'delete') { if (empty($rm)) { cn_throw_message('No files selected', 'w'); } else { foreach ($rm as $file) { if (file_exists($cfile = $dfile . $file)) { if (is_dir($cfile)) { rmdir($cfile); } else { //get thumbnail path $path_parts = pathinfo($cfile); $thumbnail_path = $path_parts['dirname'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.thumb.' . $path_parts['basename']; if (file_exists($thumbnail_path)) { unlink($thumbnail_path); } unlink($cfile); } } if (file_exists($cfile)) { cn_throw_message('File [' . cn_htmlspecialchars($cfile) . '] not deleted!', 'e'); } else { cn_throw_message('File [' . cn_htmlspecialchars($file) . '] deleted successfully'); } } } } elseif ($do_action == 'create') { $popup_form = i18n('Enter directory name') . ' <input type="text" name="new_dir" value="" />'; } elseif ($pending == 'create') { $new_dir_arr = GET('new_dir', 'POST'); $new_folder = array_pop($new_dir_arr); $new_folder = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_]/i', '-', $new_folder); if ($new_folder) { $cfile = $dfile . $new_folder; if (is_dir($cfile)) { cn_throw_message('Folder [' . $new_folder . '] already exists!', 'e'); } else { mkdir($cfile); if (!is_dir($cfile)) { cn_throw_message('Folder [' . cn_htmlspecialchars($cfile) . ' not created]', 'e'); } else { cn_throw_message('Folder [' . $new_folder . '] created!'); } } } else { cn_throw_message('Specify folder name', 'w'); } $popup_form = ''; } elseif ($do_action == 'rename') { if ($rm) { $popup_form = '<div class="big_font">' . i18n('Rename file to') . '</div>'; $popup_form .= i18n('Tip: Write new file name') . '<br />'; $popup_form .= '<table>'; foreach ($rm as $id => $fn) { $hfn = cn_htmlspecialchars($fn); $popup_form .= '<tr><td align="right" class="indent"><b>' . $hfn . '</b><td>'; $popup_form .= '<td><input type="hidden" name="ids[' . $id . ']" value="' . $hfn . '"/>→</td>'; $popup_form .= '<td><input style="width: 300px;" type="text" name="place[' . $id . ']" value="' . $hfn . '" /> '; $popup_form .= '</td></tr>'; } $popup_form .= '</table>'; } else { cn_throw_message('Select files to rename', 'w'); } } elseif ($pending == 'rename') { // ... list($ids, $place) = GET('ids, place', 'POST'); // prevent illegal moves $safe_dir = scan_dir($root_dir); foreach ($safe_dir as $id => $v) { $safe_dir[$id] = md5($v); } // do move all files / dirs foreach ($ids as $id => $file) { if (in_array(md5($file), $safe_dir)) { $filename = $place[$id]; if (strpos($filename, '\\') || strpos($filename, '/')) { cn_throw_message(i18n('The name of file [%1] should not contain special characters', cn_htmlspecialchars($file)), 'e'); continue; } $renameto = $root_dir . $filename; $thumb = $root_dir . '.thumb.' . $file; // do move if (rename($root_dir . $file, $renameto)) { if (file_exists($thumb)) { rename($thumb, $root_dir . '.thumb.' . $filename); } cn_throw_message(i18n('File [%1] renamed to [%2]', cn_htmlspecialchars($file), cn_htmlspecialchars($filename))); } else { cn_throw_message(i18n('File [%1] not renamed', cn_htmlspecialchars($file)), 'e'); } } } } elseif ($do_action == 'move') { if ($rm) { $popup_form = '<div class="big_font">' . i18n('Move files to') . '</div>'; $popup_form .= i18n('Tip: You can select the folder to move the file') . '<br />'; $popup_form .= '<table>'; $folders = array(); $dirs = scan_dir($root_dir); foreach ($dirs as $entry) { if (is_dir($root_dir . $entry) && !($entry === '..' || $entry === '.')) { $folders[] = $entry; } } foreach ($rm as $id => $fn) { $hfn = cn_htmlspecialchars($fn); $popup_form .= '<tr><td align="right" class="indent"><b>' . $hfn . '</b><td>'; $popup_form .= '<td><input type="hidden" name="ids[' . $id . ']" value="' . $hfn . '"/>→</td>'; $popup_form .= '<td>'; $cnt_folders = count($folders); if ($cnt_folders != 0 && !($cnt_folders == 1 && in_array($hfn, $folders))) { $popup_form .= '<select name="place_folder_' . $id . '">'; foreach ($folders as $dirn) { if ($dirn != $hfn) { $popup_form .= '<option value="' . $dirn . '">' . $dirn . '</option>'; } } $popup_form .= '</select>'; } if ($root_dir != $udir) { $popup_form .= '<nobr><input type="checkbox" onclick="javascript:hideFolderList(this,' . $id . ')" name="moveup[' . $id . ']" value="Y" /> Move up</nobr>'; } else { $popup_form .= '<nobr> X Move up (You are in root folder)</nobr>'; } $popup_form .= '</td></tr>'; } $popup_form .= '</table>'; } else { cn_throw_message('Select files to move', 'w'); } } elseif ($pending == 'move') { // ... list($ids, $moveup) = GET('ids, moveup', 'POST'); // prevent illegal moves $safe_dir = scan_dir($root_dir); foreach ($safe_dir as $id => $v) { $safe_dir[$id] = md5($v); } // do move all files / dirs foreach ($ids as $id => $file) { list($place_folder) = GET('place_folder_' . $id); if (in_array(md5($file), $safe_dir)) { $NF = ''; $foldername = preg_replace('/\\.\\//i', '', $place_folder); // move this file up if (isset($moveup[$id]) && count($pathes) > 0) { $nwfolder = dirname($root_dir); $foldername = 'up folder'; } else { $nwfolder = $root_dir . ($NF = isset($rm[0]) ? $rm[0] : '') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $foldername; if ($rm[0]) { $NF = $rm[0] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } } $moveto = $nwfolder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file; //check for image thumbnail $thumb = $root_dir . '.thumb.' . $file; // do move if (rename($root_dir . $file, $moveto)) { if (file_exists($thumb)) { rename($thumb, $nwfolder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.thumb.' . $file); } cn_throw_message(i18n('File [%1] moved to [%2]', cn_htmlspecialchars($file), cn_htmlspecialchars($foldername))); } else { cn_throw_message(i18n('File [%1] not moved', cn_htmlspecialchars($file)), 'e'); } } } } elseif ($do_action == 'thumb') { if (!empty($_POST['rm'])) { $popup_form = get_sizes_form('Make thumbnails', $do_action); } else { cn_throw_message('Select files to make thumbnail', 'w'); } } elseif ($pending == 'thumb') { do_resize_image($root_dir); } elseif ($do_action == 'resize') { if (!empty($_POST['rm'])) { $popup_form = get_sizes_form('Resize source image', $do_action); } else { cn_throw_message('Select files to resize', 'w'); } } elseif ($pending == 'resize') { do_resize_image($root_dir, false); } elseif (!hook('media/post_action')) { msg_info("Action error"); } } } // Check dir exists if (is_dir($root_dir)) { $raw_files = scan_dir($root_dir); } else { cn_throw_message('Dir not exists', 'e'); $raw_files = array(); } $dirs = $files = array(); foreach ($raw_files as $file) { if (preg_match('/avatar_/', $file)) { continue; } $file_location = "{$root_dir}/{$file}"; if (is_dir($file_location)) { $dirs[] = array('url' => "{$path}/{$file}", 'name' => $file); } elseif (filesize(cn_path_construct($udir, $path) . $file) != 0) { list($w, $h) = getimagesize(cn_path_construct($udir, $path) . $file); $is_thumb = preg_match('/\\.thumb\\./', $file); $files[] = array('name' => $file, 'url' => $edir . '/' . ($path ? $path . '/' : '') . $file, 'thumb' => file_exists($root_dir . '/.thumb.' . pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_BASENAME)) ? $edir . '/' . ($path ? $path . '/' : '') . '.thumb.' . pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_BASENAME) : '', 'local' => ($path ? $path . '/' : '') . $file, 'just_uploaded' => isset($just_uploaded[$file]) ? TRUE : FALSE, 'is_thumb' => $is_thumb, 'w' => $w, 'h' => $h, 'fs' => round(filesize($file_location) / 1024, 1)); } } uasort($dirs, 'usort_by_name_asc'); uasort($files, 'usort_by_name_asc'); // Top level (dashboard) cn_bc_add('Dashboard', cn_url_modify(array('reset'))); cn_bc_add('Media manager', cn_url_modify()); cn_assign("files, dirs, path, pathes, popup_form, root_dir", $files, $dirs, $path, $pathes, $popup_form, $root_dir); if ($opt === 'inline') { echo exec_tpl('window', 'title=Quick insert image', 'style=media/style.css', 'content=' . exec_tpl('media/general')); } else { echoheader('-@media/style.css', 'Media manager'); echo exec_tpl('media/general'); echofooter(); } }
function add_news_invoke() { $FlatDB = new FlatDB(); // loadall list($article_type, $preview) = GET('postpone_draft, preview', 'GETPOST'); list($from_date_hour, $from_date_minutes, $from_date_seconds, $from_date_month, $from_date_day, $from_date_year) = GET('from_date_hour, from_date_minutes, from_date_seconds, from_date_month, from_date_day, from_date_year', 'GETPOST'); list($title, $page, $category, $short_story, $full_story, $if_use_html, $vConcat, $vTags, $faddm) = GET('title, page, category, short_story, full_story, if_use_html, concat, tags, faddm', 'GETPOST'); $categories = cn_get_categories(false); list($morefields) = cn_get_more_fields($faddm); $is_active_html = test('Csr'); // Prepare data to add new item if (request_type('POST')) { cn_dsi_check(); if (!preg_match("~^[0-9]{1,}\$~", $from_date_hour) or !preg_match("~^[0-9]{1,}\$~", $from_date_minutes) or !preg_match("~^[0-9]{1,}\$~", $from_date_seconds)) { cn_throw_message("You want to add article, but the hour format is invalid.", 'e'); } // create publish time $c_time = mktime($from_date_hour, $from_date_minutes, $from_date_seconds, $from_date_month, $from_date_day, $from_date_year); // flat category to array if ($category == '') { $category = array(); } elseif (!is_array($category)) { $category = array($category); } // article is draft? if ($article_type == 'draft') { $draft = 1; } else { $draft = 0; } $if_use_html = $if_use_html ? TRUE : (getoption('use_wysiwyg') ? TRUE : FALSE); // draft, if Behavior Draft is set if (test('Bd')) { $draft = 1; } // sanitize page name $page = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_\\.]/i', '-', $page); if (empty($page) && getoption('auto_news_alias')) { $page = strtolower(preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_\\.]/i', '-', cn_transliterate($title))); } // basic news $member = member_get(); $entry = array(); $entry['id'] = $c_time; $entry['t'] = cn_htmlclear($title); $entry['u'] = $member['name']; $entry['c'] = news_make_category($category); $entry['s'] = cn_htmlclear($short_story); $entry['f'] = cn_htmlclear($full_story); $entry['ht'] = $if_use_html; $entry['st'] = $draft ? 'd' : ''; $entry['co'] = array(); // 0 comments $entry['cc'] = $vConcat ? TRUE : FALSE; $entry['tg'] = strip_tags($vTags); $entry['pg'] = $page; // Check page alias for exists if ($page && bt_get_id($page, 'pg_ts') && !$preview) { cn_throw_message('Page alias already exists', 'e'); } else { // Get latest id for news $latest_id = intval(bt_get_id('latest_id', 'conf')); $latest_id++; bt_set_id($latest_id, $c_time, 'nid_ts'); bt_set_id($c_time, $latest_id, 'nts_id'); bt_set_id('latest_id', $latest_id, 'conf'); // apply more field list($entry, $disallow_message) = cn_more_fields_apply($entry, $faddm); // has message from function if ($disallow_message) { cn_throw_message($disallow_message, 'e'); } } // ---- if (!$preview) { if (!getoption('disable_title') && empty($title)) { cn_throw_message('The title cannot be blank', 'e'); } if (getoption('news_title_max_long') && strlen($title) > getoption('news_title_max_long')) { cn_throw_message('The title cannon be greater then ' . getoption('news_title_max_long') . ' charecters', 'e'); } if (!getoption('disable_short') && empty($short_story)) { cn_throw_message('The story cannot be blank', 'e'); } // no errors in a[rticle] area if (cn_get_message('e', 'c') == 0) { // Add page alias bt_set_id($page, $c_time, 'pg_ts'); bt_set_id($c_time, $page, 'ts_pg'); $sc = $draft ? 'draft' : ''; $es = db_news_load(db_get_nloc($entry['id'])); // make unique id while (isset($es[$c_time])) { $c_time++; } // override ts $entry['id'] = $c_time; // add default group permission $member = member_get(); // add to database $es[$c_time] = $entry; // do save item db_save_news($es, db_get_nloc($c_time)); // add news to index db_index_add($c_time, $entry['c'], $member['id'], $sc); // ------------------------ $FlatDB->cn_update_date($c_time, 0); $FlatDB->cn_source_update($c_time, $draft ? 'D' : ''); $FlatDB->cn_add_categories($entry['c'], $c_time); $FlatDB->cn_add_tags($entry['tg'], $c_time); $FlatDB->cn_user_sync($entry['u'], $c_time); // ------------------------ // increase user count written news $cnt = intval($member['cnt']) + 1; db_user_update($member['name'], "cnt={$cnt}"); // do update meta-index db_index_update_overall($sc); // Notify for unapproved if (getoption('notify_unapproved') && test('Bd')) { cn_send_mail(getoption('notify_email'), i18n('CuteNews unapproved article was added'), "CuteNews - Unapproved article was added CuUnArWaAd", cn_replace_text(cn_get_template('notify_unapproved', 'mail'), '%username%, %article_title%', $member['name'], $title)); } $FlatDB->cache_clean(); // view in editor cn_relocation(PHP_SELF . '?mod=editnews&action=editnews&id=' . $c_time . '&m=added'); } } else { //correct preview links $preview_html = preg_replace('/href="(.*?)"/', 'href="#"', entry_make($entry, 'active')); $preview_html_full = preg_replace('/href="(.*?)"/', 'href="#"', entry_make($entry, 'full')); cn_assign('preview_html, preview_html_full, gstamp', $preview_html, $preview_html_full, $c_time); } } if (empty($category)) { $category = array(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cn_assign('categories, vCategory, vTitle, vShort, vFull, is_active_html, vUseHtml, vConcat, vTags, morefields,vPage', $categories, $category, $title, $short_story, $full_story, $is_active_html, $if_use_html, $vConcat, $vTags, $morefields, $page); // --- echoheader("addedit@addedit/main.css", i18n("Add News")); echo exec_tpl('addedit/main'); echofooter(); }