예제 #1
function getThreadsFromForums($fids, $imgMode = false, $pageNo = 1, $excludeTids = array())
    if ($pageNo <= 0) {
        $pageNo = 1;
    $pageSize = 20;
    $start = ($pageNo - 1) * $pageSize;
    $oldFids = $fids;
    $fInfos = getGroupFroumInfo();
    $_fids = array_keys($fInfos);
    $fids = array_intersect($fids, $_fids);
    if (empty($fids)) {
        return array('page_no' => $pageNo, 'page_size' => $pageSize, 'total' => 0, 'total_page' => 0, 'thread_list' => array());
    global $_G, $expireTime;
    $cacheKey = 'bigapp_fids_tinfos_' . $_G['groupid'] . '_' . implode(', ', $oldFids);
    $md5Key = md5($cacheKey);
    $detailCacheKey = '';
    true === BIGAPP_DEV && runlog('bigapp', 'bigapp fids thread info summary key: ' . $cacheKey . ', md5 key: ' . $md5Key . ', group id: ' . $_G['groupid']);
    $ret = array('page_no' => $pageNo, 'page_size' => $pageSize, 'total' => 0, 'total_page' => 0, 'thread_list' => array());
    if (!isset($_G['cache'][$md5Key]) || empty($_G['cache'][$md5Key]) || TIMESTAMP - $_G['cache'][$md5Key]['expiration'] > $expireTime) {
        if (isset($_G['cache'][$md5Key])) {
            clearFidsList($oldFids, $_G['groupid']);
        $tInfo = array();
        $sql = 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS tid, fid, posttableid, typeid, readperm, author, authorid, subject, dateline, lastpost, lastposter, views, replies, digest, attachment, heats, icon FROM ' . DB::table('forum_thread') . ' WHERE fid IN (' . implode(', ', $fids) . ') AND displayorder >= 0 ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT ' . $start . ', ' . $pageSize;
        true === BIGAPP_DEV && runlog('bigapp', "summary info does not exist or expired, get thread info from db [ start: {$start}, page size: {$pageSize}, page no: {$pageNo}, sql: {$sql} ]");
        $query = DB::query($sql);
        while ($tmp = DB::fetch($query)) {
            $tInfo[] = $tmp;
        $sql = 'select FOUND_ROWS() AS total';
        true === BIGAPP_DEV && runlog('bigapp', 'get total [ sql: ' . $sql . ' ]');
        $query = DB::query($sql);
        $total = 0;
        while ($tmp = DB::fetch($query)) {
            $total = $tmp['total'];
        $sumary = array('fids' => $oldFids, 'total' => $total, 'page_size' => $pageSize, 'page' => intval(($total - 1) / $pageSize) + 1);
        true === BIGAPP_DEV && runlog('bigapp', 'save summary info [ cache key: ' . $cacheKey . ', md5 key: ' . $md5Key . ', value: ' . json_encode($sumary) . ' ]');
        savecache($md5Key, array('variable' => $sumary, 'expiration' => TIMESTAMP));
        $subKeyTemp = 'bigapp_fids_tinfos_' . $_G['groupid'] . '_' . implode(', ', $oldFids);
        $subKey = $subKeyTemp . '_' . ($pageNo - 1);
        $md5SubKey = md5($subKey);
        $ret['total'] = $total;
        $ret['total_page'] = intval(($total - 1) / $pageSize) + 1;
        if (!empty($tInfo)) {
            extendThreadsInfo($tInfo, $fInfos);
            savecache($md5SubKey, array('variable' => $tInfo, 'expiration' => TIMESTAMP));
            true === BIGAPP_DEV && runlog('bigapp', "such page is not empty, save them to cache [ page: {$pageNo}, key: {$subKey}, md5 key: {$md5SubKey} ]");
            $ret['thread_list'] = $tInfo;
        } else {
            true === BIGAPP_DEV && runlog('bigapp', "such page is empty, ignore [ page: {$pageNo}, key: {$subKey}, md5 key: {$md5SubKey} ]");
            //do nothing
            $ret['thread_list'] = array();
    } else {
        true === BIGAPP_DEV && runlog('bigapp', 'summary info already exist, get thread info from cache [ key: ' . $cacheKey . ', summary key: ' . $md5Key . ' ]');
        $sumVar = $_G['cache'][$md5Key]['variable'];
        $ret['total'] = $sumVar['total'];
        $ret['total_page'] = $sumVar['page'];
        if ($pageNo <= $sumVar['page']) {
            $subKey = 'bigapp_fids_tinfos_' . $_G['groupid'] . '_' . implode(', ', $oldFids) . '_' . ($pageNo - 1);
            $md5SubKey = md5($subKey);
            if (!isset($_G['cache'][$md5SubKey]) || empty($_G['cache'][$md5SubKey])) {
                true === BIGAPP_DEV && runlog('bigapp', "such page does not in cache, try to create it [ page no: {$pageNo}, sub key: {$subKey}, md5 key: {$md5SubKey} ]");
                $sql = 'SELECT tid, fid, posttableid, typeid, readperm, author, authorid, subject, dateline, lastpost, lastposter, views, replies, digest, attachment, heats, icon FROM ' . DB::table('forum_thread') . ' WHERE fid IN (' . implode(', ', $fids) . ') AND displayorder >= 0 ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT ' . $start . ', ' . $pageSize;
                true === BIGAPP_DEV && runlog('bigapp', "get sub info from db [ page no: {$pageNo}, sub key: {$subKey}, md5 key: {$md5SubKey}, sql: {$sql} ]");
                $query = DB::query($sql);
                while ($tmp = DB::fetch($query)) {
                    $tInfo[] = $tmp;
                if (!empty($tInfo)) {
                    extendThreadsInfo($tInfo, $fInfos);
                    savecache($md5SubKey, array('variable' => $tInfo, 'expiration' => TIMESTAMP));
                    true === BIGAPP_DEV && runlog('bigapp', "create such page succ, save them to cache [ page no: {$pageNo}, sub key: {$subKey}, md5 key: {$md5SubKey}, num of result: " . count($tInfo) . " ]");
                    $ret['thread_list'] = $tInfo;
                } else {
                    true === BIGAPP_DEV && runlog('bigapp', "create such page failed, empty [ page no: {$pageNo}, sub key: {$subKey}, md5 key: {$md5SubKey}, page no: " . count($tInfo) . " ]");
                    //do nothing
            } else {
                true === BIGAPP_DEV && runlog('bigapp', 'such page already exists in cache, get thread info from cache [ page no: ' . $pageNo . ', sub key ' . $subKey . ', md5 key: ' . $md5SubKey . ' ]');
                $ret['thread_list'] = $_G['cache'][$md5SubKey]['variable'];
        } else {
            true === BIGAPP_DEV && runlog('bigapp', "invalid page, return empty array [ page no: {$pageNo}, total page: " . $sumVar['page'] . " ]");
            //do nothing
    $tmp = $ret['thread_list'];
    $ret['thread_list'] = array();
    if (!empty($excludeTids)) {
        foreach ($tmp as $_t) {
            if (in_array($_t['tid'], $excludeTids)) {
                true === BIGAPP_DEV && runlog('bigapp', 'tid is in exclude array, ignore [ tid: ' . $_t['tid'] . ', ext ids: ' . json_encode($excludeTids) . ' ]');
            if (!$imgMode) {
                $_t['message_abstract'] = '';
                $_t['attachment_urls'] = array();
            $ret['thread_list'][] = $_t;
    } else {
        foreach ($tmp as $_t) {
            if (!$imgMode) {
                $_t['message_abstract'] = '';
                $_t['attachment_urls'] = array();
            $ret['thread_list'][] = $_t;
    true === BIGAPP_DEV && runlog('bigapp', 'get thread info finished [  count: ' . count($ret) . ', page: ' . $pageNo . ' ]');
    return $ret;
예제 #2
     $ret['count'] = $articles['total'];
     if (intval($articles['total_page']) > intval($page)) {
         $ret['need_more'] = '1';
 if (is_array($fids) && !empty($fids)) {
     $content_setting_fids = C::t('common_setting')->fetch('content_setting_fids', true);
     if (false === $content_setting_fids[0]) {
         $oldfids = array();
     } else {
         $oldfids = $content_setting_fids;
     if ($oldfids !== $fids && !empty($oldfids)) {
     $settings = array('content_setting_fids' => $fids);
     $threadInfos = getThreadsFromForums($fids, $ispic_mode, $page, $all_tids);
     //取forum name
     if (isset($threadInfos['thread_list'])) {
         $sql = "SELECT name FROM " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " where fid=";
         foreach ($threadInfos['thread_list'] as $key => &$thread) {
             $name = "";
             if (isset($thread['fid'])) {
                 $query = DB::query($sql . $thread['fid']);
                 $tmp = DB::fetch($query);
                 if (isset($tmp['name'])) {
                     $name = $tmp['name'];