예제 #1
 * Fires when a new blog post is moved into the published status
 * @param  string $new_status Status the blog post is moving to
 * @param  string $old_status Previous post status
 * @param  object $post       The Post Object
 * @return void
function ckpn_post_published($new_status, $old_status, $post)
    // By default only send on post and page publishing
    $allowed_post_types = apply_filters('ckpn_post_publish_types', array('post', 'page'));
    // Only do this when a post transitions to being published
    if (in_array($post->post_type, $allowed_post_types) && $new_status == 'publish' && $old_status != 'publish') {
        $user_keys = array();
        $title = get_bloginfo('name') . ': ' . __('New Post', CKPN_CORE_TEXT_DOMAIN);
        $title = apply_filters('ckpn_new_post_title', $title, $post);
        $author_data = get_userdata($post->post_author);
        $author_name = $author_data->display_name;
        $message = get_the_title($post->ID) . __(' by ', CKPN_CORE_TEXT_DOMAIN) . $author_name;
        $message = apply_filters('ckpn_new_post_message', $message, $post);
        $url = get_permalink($post->ID);
        $url_title = __('View Post', CKPN_CORE_TEXT_DOMAIN);
        $args = array('title' => $title, 'message' => $message, 'url' => $url, 'url_title' => $url_title);
        $new_post_roles = ckpn_get_option('new_post_roles');
        $user_array = array();
        foreach ($new_post_roles as $role => $value) {
            $user_args = array('role' => $role, 'fields' => 'ID');
            $users = get_users($user_args);
            $user_array = array_unique(array_merge($users, $user_array));
        $super_admins = array();
        if (defined('MULTISITE') && MULTISITE) {
            $super_admin_logins = get_super_admins();
            foreach ($super_admin_logins as $super_admin_login) {
                $user = get_user_by('login', $super_admin_login);
                if ($user) {
                    $super_admins[] = $user->ID;
        $users_to_alert = array_unique(array_merge($user_array, $super_admins));
        $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
        // Unset the Post Author for non-scheduled posts
        if ($old_status !== 'future' && ($key = array_search($post->post_author, $users_to_alert)) !== false && $current_user->ID == $post->post_author) {
        $options = ckpn_get_options();
        // Add the default admin key from settings if it's different than the authors
        if (get_user_meta($post->post_author, 'ckpn_user_key', true) !== $options['api_key']) {
            $user_keys = array($options['api_key']);
        $users_with_keys = ckpn_get_users_with_keys();
        // Search the users for their Keys and send the posts
        foreach ($users_to_alert as $user) {
            $selected = get_user_meta($user, 'ckpn_user_notify_posts', true);
            if ($selected && array_key_exists($user, $users_with_keys)) {
                $user_keys[] = $users_with_keys[$user];
        $user_keys = array_unique($user_keys);
        foreach ($user_keys as $user) {
            $args['user'] = $user;
 * Send a Pushover Notification when a moderator is assigned to a topic
function wi_bbp_send_pushover_notification_on_assignment()
    if (isset($_POST['bbps_support_topic_assign'])) {
        if (!function_exists('ckpn_send_notification')) {
        $user_id = absint($_POST['bbps_assign_list']);
        $topic = bbp_get_topic($_POST['bbps_topic_id']);
        if ($user_id > 0 && $user_id != get_current_user_id()) {
            $title = __('Easy Digital Downloads: A forum topic has been assigned to you', 'wi_bbp');
            $message = sprintf(__('You have been assigned to %1$s by another moderator', 'wi_bbp'), $topic->post_title);
            $user_push_key = get_user_meta($user_id, 'ckpn_user_key', true);
            if ($user_push_key) {
                $url = $topic->guid;
                $url_title = __('View Topic', 'wi_bbp');
                $args = array('title' => $title, 'message' => $message, 'user' => $user_push_key, 'url' => $url, 'url_title' => $url_title);
예제 #3
  * Send notifications
  * @param  array $passed_args The arguments used by the Pushover API
  * @return void
  * @access public
  * @deprecated Deprecated since 1.8 - Use the non-class function ckpn_send_notification with the same arguments
 public function ckpn_send_notification($passed_args)
     // Back compat