예제 #1

include '../../config.php';
$idR = $_POST['fb'];
$a = $_POST['a'];
//pass actual
$b = $_POST['b'];
//pass nuevo
function cifrarpass($pass)
    $salt = "pneyan\$/";
    $cifrar = sha1(md5($salt . $pass));
    return $cifrar;
if ($idR == "" || $a == "" || $b == "") {
    echo "1";
} else {
    $passAC = cifrarpass($a);
    $passNV = cifrarpass($b);
    $existe = "SELECT * from administrador where id_adm={$idR} and pass_adm='{$passAC}'";
    $sql_existe = mysql_query($existe, $conexion) or die(mysql_error());
    $numero = mysql_num_rows($sql_existe);
    if ($numero > 0) {
        $modificar = "UPDATE administrador set pass_adm='{$passNV}' where id_adm={$idR}";
        mysql_query($modificar, $conexion) or die(mysql_error());
        echo "3";
    } else {
        echo "2";
예제 #2
    for ($x = 0; $x <= $long; $x++) {
        $rand = rand(1, strlen($chars));
        $code .= substr($chars, $rand, 1);
    return $code;
function cifrarpass($pass)
    $salt = "pneyan\$/";
    $cifrar = sha1(md5($salt . $pass));
    return $cifrar;
if ($a == "" || $b == "" || $c == "" || $d == "") {
    echo "1";
} else {
    $pscif = cifrarpass($d);
    $existe = "SELECT * from usuarios where cor_us='{$c}'";
    $sql_existe = mysql_query($existe, $conexion) or die(mysql_error());
    $numero = mysql_num_rows($sql_existe);
    if ($numero > 0) {
        echo "2";
    } else {
        $caracteres = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ012456789";
        $longitud = 20;
        $longib = 8;
        $codigoal = rand_code($caracteres, $longitud);
        $ingresar = "INSERT into usuarios(nom_ap_us,cor_us,pass_us,tp_us,estd_us,cod_reg_us,fecr_us) \n\t\t\t\tvalues('{$nombreComp}','{$c}','{$pscif}','1','2','{$codigoal}','{$hoy}')";
        mysql_query($ingresar, $conexion) or die(mysql_error());
        $tomar_id = "SELECT id_us from usuarios where cor_us='{$c}'";
        $sql_tomar = mysql_query($tomar_id, $conexion) or die(mysql_error());
        while ($fg = mysql_fetch_array($sql_tomar)) {
예제 #3
include 'config.php';
$a = $_POST['a'];
$b = $_POST['b'];
function cifrarpass($pass)
    $salt = "pneyan\$/";
    $cifrar = sha1(md5($salt . $pass));
    return $cifrar;
if ($a == "" || $b == "") {
    echo "1";
} else {
    $passcifr = cifrarpass($b);
    $existe = "SELECT * from usuarios where cor_us='{$a}' and pass_us='{$passcifr}'";
    $sql_existe = mysql_query($existe, $conexion) or die(mysql_error());
    $Numexs = mysql_num_rows($sql_existe);
    if ($Numexs > 0) {
        $activado = "SELECT * from usuarios where cor_us='{$a}' and estd_us='1'";
        $sqlacti = mysql_query($activado, $conexion) or die(mysql_error());
        $numact = mysql_num_rows($sqlacti);
        if ($numact > 0) {
            while ($us = mysql_fetch_array($sql_existe)) {
                $idus = $us['id_us'];
            $_SESSION['us'] = $idus;
            echo "4";
        } else {
예제 #4

include '../config.php';
$idR = $_POST['fdd'];
$pasactual = $_POST['a'];
$passnew = $_POST['b'];
function cifrarpass($pass)
    $salt = "pneyan\$/";
    $cifrar = sha1(md5($salt . $pass));
    return $cifrar;
if ($idR == "" || $pasactual == "" || $passnew == "") {
    echo "1";
} else {
    $a = cifrarpass($pasactual);
    $b = cifrarpass($passnew);
    $existe = "SELECT * from usuarios where id_us={$idR} and pass_us='{$a}'";
    $sql_existe = mysql_query($existe, $conexion) or die(mysql_error());
    $numexiste = mysql_num_rows($sql_existe);
    if ($numexiste > 0) {
        $modificar = "UPDATE usuarios set pass_us='{$b}' where id_us={$idR}";
        mysql_query($modificar, $conexion) or die(mysql_error());
        echo "3";
    } else {
        echo "2";
예제 #5

include '../config.php';
$a = $_POST['a'];
$b = $_POST['b'];
function cifrarpass($pass)
    $salt = "pneyan\$/";
    $cifrar = sha1(md5($salt . $pass));
    return $cifrar;
if ($a == "" || $b == "") {
    echo "1";
} else {
    $codpass = cifrarpass($b);
    $existe = "SELECT * from administrador where user_adm='{$a}' and pass_adm='{$codpass}'";
    $sql_existe = mysql_query($existe, $conexion) or die(mysql_error());
    $numero = mysql_num_rows($sql_existe);
    if ($numero > 0) {
        while ($ad = mysql_fetch_array($sql_existe)) {
            $idad = $ad['id_adm'];
        $_SESSION['adm'] = $idad;
        echo "3";
    } else {
        echo "2";
예제 #6

include '../config.php';
$a = $_POST['a'];
$b = $_POST['b'];
function cifrarpass($pass)
    $salt = "pneyan\$/";
    $cifrar = sha1(md5($salt . $pass));
    return $cifrar;
if ($a == "" || $b == "") {
    echo "1";
} else {
    $passc = cifrarpass($b);
    $existe = "SELECT * from administrador where user_adm='{$a}' and pass_adm='{$passc}'";
    $sqlex = mysql_query($existe, $conexion) or die(mysql_error());
    $numex = mysql_num_rows($sqlex);
    if ($numex > 0) {
        while ($ad = mysql_fetch_array($sqlex)) {
            $idad = $ad['id_adm'];
        $_SESSION['adm'] = $idad;
        echo "3";
    } else {
        echo "2";