예제 #1
 * Returns a readable list with all changes or NULL
 * TODO: is != null needed or is if $oldVal sufficient?
 * @param array $fields
 * @param array $oldArr
 * @param array $newArr
 * @param string $cutDates; default: true
 * @return string|NULL
function churchcore_getFieldChanges($fields, $oldArr, $newArr, $cutDates = true)
    $txt = "";
    foreach ($newArr as $name => $value) {
        $oldVal = null;
        if (isset($fields[$name])) {
            if ($oldArr != null) {
                $oldVal = $oldArr->{$fields}[$name]["sql"];
            if ($fields[$name]["type"] == "date") {
                // only compare year and day of dates, time doesn't matter
                if ($cutDates && $fields[$name]["type"] == "date") {
                    $oldVal = substr($oldVal, 0, 10);
                $oldVal = churchcore_stringToDateDe($oldVal);
                $value = churchcore_stringToDateDe($value);
            //TODO: != null probably can be omitted
            if ($oldVal != null && $value != $oldVal) {
                $txt .= $fields[$name]["text"] . ": {$value}  (" . t('previously') . ": {$oldVal})\n";
            } else {
                if ($oldVal == null && $value != null) {
                    $txt .= $fields[$name]["text"] . ": {$value} (" . t('new') . ")\n";
        } else {
            if ($oldArr != null && isset($oldArr->{$name})) {
                $oldVal = $oldArr->{$name};
            if ($oldVal == null && $value != null) {
                $txt .= "{$name}: {$value} (Neu)\n";
            } else {
                if ($oldVal != $value) {
                    $txt .= "{$name}: {$value} (" . t('previously') . ": {$oldVal})\n";
    return $txt ? $txt : null;
예제 #2
 * @return string; empty div
function churchcal_getUserMyMeetings()
    global $user;
    $db = db_query("SELECT count(*) count, c.id, c.category_id, c.startdate, c.bezeichnung,\n                  sum(if (mr.zugesagt_yn=1,1,0)) as zugesagt,\n                  sum(if (mr.zugesagt_yn is null AND mr.response_date is not null,1,0)) as perhaps,\n                  sum(if (mr.response_date is not null,1,0)) as response\n             FROM {cc_cal} c, {cc_meetingrequest} mr\n             WHERE c.id = mr.cal_id\n              AND c.modified_pid={$user->id} AND DATEDIFF(c.startdate,now())>=0\n              GROUP BY c.id, c.category_id, c.startdate, c.bezeichnung\n              ORDER BY c.startdate");
    $txt = "";
    foreach ($db as $entry) {
        $txt .= '<li><a href="?q=churchcal&category_id=' . $entry->category_id . '&id=' . $entry->id . '">' . churchcore_stringToDateDe($entry->startdate) . " - " . $entry->bezeichnung . "</a>";
        $txt .= '<p><small>';
        $txt .= '<span class="badge badge-info">' . ($entry->count - $entry->response) . '</span> Offen &nbsp;';
        if ($entry->zugesagt > 0) {
            $txt .= '<span class="badge badge-success">' . $entry->zugesagt . '</span> Zusage &nbsp;';
        if ($entry->perhaps > 0) {
            $txt .= '<span class="badge">' . $entry->perhaps . '</span> Vielleicht &nbsp;';
        if ($entry->response - $entry->perhaps - $entry->zugesagt > 0) {
            $txt .= '<span class="badge badge-important">' . ($entry->response - $entry->perhaps - $entry->zugesagt) . '</span> Absage &nbsp;';
        $txt .= "</small>";
    if ($txt != "") {
        $txt = "<ul>" . $txt . "</ul>";
    return $txt;
 *  Returns a readable list with all changes or NULL
 * @param unknown $fields
 * @param unknown $oldarr
 * @param unknown $newarr
 * @param string $cut_dates
 * @return string|NULL
function churchcore_getFieldChanges($fields, $oldarr, $newarr, $cut_dates = true)
    $txt = "";
    foreach ($newarr as $name => $value) {
        $oldval = null;
        if (isset($fields[$name])) {
            if ($oldarr != null) {
                $oldval = $oldarr->{$fields}[$name]["sql"];
            if ($fields[$name]["type"] == "date") {
                // Beim Datum nur Jahr, Datum und Tag vergleichen, Uhrzeit egal
                if ($cut_dates && $fields[$name]["type"] == "date") {
                    $oldval = substr($oldval, 0, 10);
                $oldval = churchcore_stringToDateDe($oldval);
                $value = churchcore_stringToDateDe($value);
            if ($oldval != null && $value != $oldval) {
                $txt = $txt . $fields[$name]["text"] . ": {$value}  (Vorher: {$oldval})\n";
            } else {
                if ($oldval == null && $value != null) {
                    $txt = $txt . $fields[$name]["text"] . ": {$value}  (Neu)\n";
        } else {
            if ($oldarr != null && isset($oldarr->{$name})) {
                $oldval = $oldarr->{$name};
            if ($oldval == null && $value != null) {
                $txt = $txt . "{$name}: {$value} (Neu)\n";
            } else {
                if ($oldval != $value) {
                    $txt = $txt . "{$name}: {$value} (Vorher: {$oldval})\n";
    if ($txt != "") {
        return $txt;
    } else {
        return null;
예제 #4
function makeCCEventDiff($originEvent, $newEvent)
    $ret = array();
    $internFields = array();
    $internFields[] = "informMe";
    $internFields[] = "informCreator";
    $internFields[] = "modified_pid";
    $internFields[] = "repeat_frequence";
    $internFields[] = "allDay";
    $internFields[] = "name";
    $internFields[] = "func";
    $internFields[] = "currentEvent_id";
    $internFields[] = "id";
    $internFields[] = "cal_id";
    $internFields[] = "bookings";
    $internFields[] = "csevents";
    $internFields[] = "old_id";
    $internFields[] = "old_category_id";
    $internFields[] = "old_startdate";
    $internFields[] = "copychurchservice";
    $internFields[] = "newCSEventId";
    $internFields[] = "exceptionids";
    $internFields[] = "exceptions";
    $internFields[] = "additions";
    $internFields[] = "meetingRequest";
    // From CR
    $internFields[] = "cc_cal_id";
    $internFields[] = "person_id";
    $internFields[] = "text";
    $internFields[] = "show_in_churchcal_yn";
    $internFields[] = "person_name";
    $internFields[] = "cal_startdate";
    $internFields[] = "cal_enddate";
    $internFields[] = "booking_id";
    $internFields[] = "neu";
    foreach ($newEvent as $key => $newEntry) {
        if (!in_array($key, $internFields)) {
            if (!isset($originEvent[$key]) || $originEvent[$key] != $newEntry) {
                $k = $key;
                $einheit = "";
                if (isset($originEvent[$key])) {
                    $old = $originEvent[$key];
                } else {
                    $old = null;
                $new = $newEntry;
                if ($key == "startdate") {
                    $k = "start.date";
                } else {
                    if ($key == "enddate") {
                        $k = "end.date";
                    } else {
                        if ($key == "repeat_id") {
                            $repeat_types = churchcore_getTableData("cc_repeat");
                            $k = "repeat.type";
                            if ($old != null) {
                                $old = $repeat_types[$old]->bezeichnung;
                            $new = $repeat_types[$new]->bezeichnung;
                        } else {
                            if ($key == "repeat_until") {
                                if ($old != null) {
                                    $old = substr($old, 0, 10);
                                $new = substr($old, 0, 10);
                                $k = "repeat.to";
                            } else {
                                if ($key == "modified_name") {
                                    $k = "creator";
                                } else {
                                    if ($key == "category_id") {
                                        $k = "category";
                                        if ($old != null) {
                                            $old = churchcal_getCategory($old)->bezeichnung;
                                        $new = churchcal_getCategory($new)->bezeichnung;
                                    } else {
                                        if ($key == "notizen") {
                                            $k = "more.information";
                                        } else {
                                            if ($key == "ort") {
                                                $k = "note";
                                            } else {
                                                if ($key == "intern_yn") {
                                                    $k = "only.intern.visible";
                                                    if ($old != null) {
                                                        if ($old == 1) {
                                                            $old = t("yes");
                                                        } else {
                                                            $old = t("no");
                                                    if ($new == 1) {
                                                        $new = t("yes");
                                                    } else {
                                                        $new = t("no");
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($key == "modified_date") {
                                                        $k = "modified.date";
                if (strpos($key, "date") !== false || $key == "repeat_until") {
                    if ($old != null && $old != "") {
                        $old = churchcore_stringToDateDe($old);
                    if ($new != "") {
                        $new = churchcore_stringToDateDe($new);
                if ($old != $new) {
                    $ret[$k] = array("old" => $old . $einheit, "new" => $new . $einheit);
    return $ret;
예제 #5
 * TODO: too much code in churchresource_updateBooking, split it up
 * FIXME: the changes for using email template are breaking logging in case no email is send
 * otherwise logging of complete mails dont seems useful => only log important things in a short text?
 * @param array $params
 * @return multitype:multitype:unknown
function churchresource_updateBooking($params, $sendEMails = true)
    global $base_url, $user;
    $oldBooking = getBooking($params["id"]);
    $bUser = churchcore_getPersonById($oldBooking->person_id);
    $ressources = churchcore_getTableData("cr_resource", "resourcetype_id,sortkey,bezeichnung");
    $i = new CTInterface();
    $i->setParam("text", false);
    $i->setParam("location", false);
    $i->setParam("note", false);
    if (empty($params["text"])) {
        $res = db_query('SELECT text FROM {cr_booking}
                     WHERE id=:id', array(":id" => $params["id"]))->fetch();
        $params["text"] = $res->text;
    $i->setParam("person_id", false);
    $id = db_update("cr_booking")->fields($i->getDBInsertArrayFromParams($params))->condition("id", $params["id"], "=")->execute(false);
    $changes = null;
    $exceptions = churchcore_getTableData("cr_exception", null, "booking_id=" . $params["id"]);
    // look which exceptions are already saved in DB.
    if (isset($params["exceptions"])) {
        foreach ($params["exceptions"] as $exception) {
            $current_exc = null;
            // It is not possible to search exceptions by id, because ChurchCal Exc have other IDs
            if ($exceptions) {
                foreach ($exceptions as $e) {
                    if (churchcore_isSameDay($e->except_date_start, $exception["except_date_start"]) && churchcore_isSameDay($e->except_date_end, $exception["except_date_end"])) {
                        $current_exc = $e;
            if ($current_exc) {
                $exceptions[$current_exc->id]->exists = true;
            } else {
                $changes["add_exception"][] = $exception;
    // delete removed exceptions from DB.
    if ($exceptions) {
        foreach ($exceptions as $e) {
            if (!isset($e->exists)) {
                $changes["del_exception"][] = (array) $e;
    // get all additions
    $additions = churchcore_getTableData("cr_addition", null, "booking_id=" . $params["id"]);
    // look which additions are already saved in DB.
    if (isset($params["additions"])) {
        foreach ($params["additions"] as $addition) {
            $current_add = null;
            // It is not possible to search additions by id, because ChurchCal adds have other IDs
            if ($additions) {
                foreach ($additions as $a) {
                    if (churchcore_isSameDay($a->add_date, $addition["add_date"]) && $a->with_repeat_yn == $addition["with_repeat_yn"]) {
                        $current_add = $a;
            if ($current_add) {
                $additions[$current_add->id]->exists = true;
            } else {
                $changes["add_addition"][] = $addition;
    // delete removed additions from DB.
    if ($additions) {
        foreach ($additions as $a) {
            // churchresource_delAddition($a->id);
            if (!isset($a->exists)) {
                $changes["del_addition"][] = (array) $a;
    // save new exceptions
    $res_exceptions = array();
    $res_additions = array();
    $days = array();
    $resources = churchcore_getTableData("cr_resource");
    //TODO: only get needed resource_id
    if ($changes) {
        if (isset($changes["add_exception"])) {
            foreach ($changes["add_exception"] as $exc) {
                // Check, if exception not alreay in DB (only possible when coming from Cal)
                $db = db_query("SELECT id FROM {cr_exception}\n                        WHERE booking_id=:booking_id AND except_date_start=:start", array(":booking_id" => $params["id"], ":start" => $exc["except_date_start"]))->fetch();
                if (!$db) {
                    $id = addException($params["id"], $exc["except_date_start"], $exc["except_date_end"], $user->id);
                    if (isset($exc["id"])) {
                        $res_exceptions[$exc["id"]] = $id;
                    $days[] = $exc["except_date_start"];
            if ($sendEMails && getConf("churchresource_send_emails", true) && count($days) && $bUser) {
                $data = array('canceled' => true, 'surname' => $bUser->vorname, 'name' => $bUser->name, 'nickname' => $bUser->spitzname ? $bUser->spitzname : $bUser->vorname, 'user' => $user, 'resource' => $resources[$params["resource_id"]]->bezeichnung, 'booking' => $booking, 'days' => implode(", ", $days), 'person' => $bUser, 'contact' => getConf('site_mail'));
                $lang = getUserLanguage($oldBooking->person_id);
                $content = getTemplateContent('email/bookingRequest', 'churchresource', $data, null, $lang);
                churchresource_send_mail("[" . getConf('site_name') . "] " . t2($lang, 'updated.booking.request') . ": " . $params["text"], $content, $bUser->email);
        if (isset($changes["del_exception"])) {
            foreach ($changes["del_exception"] as $exc) {
                $db = db_query("SELECT id FROM {cr_exception}\n                        WHERE booking_id=:booking_id AND except_date_start=:start", array(":booking_id" => $params["id"], ":start" => $exc["except_date_start"]))->fetch();
                if ($db) {
                    churchresource_delException(array("id" => $db->id));
        if (isset($changes["add_addition"])) {
            foreach ($changes["add_addition"] as $add) {
                $db = db_query("SELECT id FROM {cr_addition}\n                      WHERE booking_id=:booking_id AND add_date=:date", array(":booking_id" => $params["id"], ":date" => $add["add_date"]))->fetch();
                if (!$db) {
                    $id = addAddition($params["id"], $add["add_date"], $add["with_repeat_yn"], $user->id);
                    if (isset($add["id"])) {
                        $res_additions[$add["id"]] = $id;
        if (isset($changes["del_addition"])) {
            foreach ($changes["del_addition"] as $add) {
                $db = db_query("SELECT id FROM {cr_addition}\n                      WHERE booking_id=:booking_id AND add_date=:date", array(":booking_id" => $params["id"], ":date" => $add["add_date"]))->fetch();
                if ($db != false) {
    // FIXME: check logic for correct function; i am not sure what should happen exactly in which cases
    // TODO: maybe use $params as data and add further values
    $booking = getBooking($params["id"]);
    $changedFields = churchcore_getFieldChanges(getBookingFields(), $oldBooking, $booking, false);
    $data = array('enddate' => churchcore_stringToDateDe($params["enddate"]), 'startdate' => churchcore_stringToDateDe($params["startdate"]), 'resource' => $resources[$params["resource_id"]]->bezeichnung, 'changes' => str_replace("\n", "<br>", $changedFields), 'booking' => $booking, 'bookingUrl' => $base_url . "?q=churchresource&id=" . $params["id"], 'text' => $params['text'], 'note' => isset($params['location']) ? $params['location'] : "", 'pending' => $params["status_id"] == CR_PENDING, 'approved' => $params["status_id"] == CR_APPROVED && ($oldBooking->status_id != CR_APPROVED || $changedFields != null), 'canceled' => $params["status_id"] == CR_CANCELED, 'deleted' => $params["status_id"] == CR_DELETED, 'contact' => getConf('site_mail'));
    $logInfo = ' :: ' . t('bookingX.for.resource.on.datetime', $params["text"], $resources[$params["resource_id"]]->bezeichnung, $params["startdate"], isset($params['location']) ? $params['location'] : "");
    $subject = t('booking.request.updated');
    if ($data['pending']) {
        $logInfo = t('booking.updated') . $logInfo;
    } elseif ($data['approved']) {
        $logInfo = t('booking.approved') . $logInfo;
    } elseif ($data['canceled']) {
        $logInfo = t('booking.canceled') . $logInfo;
    } elseif ($data['deleted']) {
        $logInfo = t('booking.deleted') . $logInfo;
    if ($sendEMails && getConf("churchresource_send_emails", true)) {
        if (($params["status_id"] != $oldBooking->status_id || $changedFields != null) && $bUser) {
            $adminmails = explode(",", $resources[$params["resource_id"]]->admin_person_ids);
            // if current user is not resource admin OR is not the booking creating user
            if (!in_array($user->id, $adminmails) || $user->id != $bUser->id) {
                $content = getTemplateContent('email/bookingUpdated', 'churchresource', $data);
                churchresource_send_mail("[" . getConf('site_name') . "] {$subject}: " . $params["text"], $content, $bUser->email);
    if ($changedFields) {
        cr_log("UPDATE BOOKING\n" . $logInfo, 3, $booking->id);
    return array("exceptions" => $res_exceptions, "additions" => $res_additions);
function churchresource_createBooking($params)
    global $base_url, $user;
    $i = new CTInterface();
    $i->setParam("cc_cal_id", false);
    $id = db_insert("cr_booking")->fields($i->getDBInsertArrayFromParams($params))->execute(false);
    $res = db_query("SELECT * from {cr_booking} where id={$id}")->fetch();
    $res->ok = true;
    $exc_txt = "";
    if (isset($params["exceptions"])) {
        foreach ($params["exceptions"] as $exception) {
            addException($res->id, $exception["except_date_start"], $exception["except_date_end"], $user->id);
            $exc_txt .= churchcore_stringToDateDe($exception["except_date_start"], false) + " &nbsp;";
    $add_txt = "";
    if (isset($params["additions"])) {
        $days = array();
        foreach ($params["additions"] as $addition) {
            addAddition($res->id, $addition["add_date"], $addition["with_repeat_yn"], $user->id);
            $add_txt .= churchcore_stringToDateDe($addition["add_date"], false) + " ";
            if ($addition["with_repeat_yn"] == 1) {
                $add_txt .= "{R} ";
            $add_txt .= "&nbsp;";
    $info = churchcore_getTableData("cr_resource");
    $txt = "Hier sind alle Buchungsinformationen zusammengefasst:<p><small>";
    $txt .= '<table class="table table-condensed">';
    $txt .= "<tr><td>Zweck<td>{$res->text}";
    $txt .= "<tr><td>Ressource<td>" . $info[$params["resource_id"]]->bezeichnung;
    $txt .= "<tr><td>Start<td>" . churchcore_stringToDateDe($res->startdate);
    $txt .= "<tr><td>Ende<td>" . churchcore_stringToDateDe($res->enddate);
    $status = churchcore_getTableData("cr_status");
    $txt .= "<tr><td>Status<td>" . $status[$res->status_id]->bezeichnung;
    if ($res->location != "") {
        $txt .= "<tr><td>Ort<td>{$res->location}";
    if ($res->repeat_id != "0") {
        $repeats = churchcore_getTableData("cc_repeat");
        $txt .= "<tr><td>Wiederholungstyp<td>" . $repeats[$res->repeat_id]->bezeichnung;
        if ($res->repeat_id != 999) {
            $txt .= "<tr><td>Wiederholung bis<td>" . churchcore_stringToDateDe($res->repeat_until, false);
        if ($exc_txt != "") {
            $txt .= "<tr><td>Ausnahmen<td>{$exc_txt}";
    if ($add_txt != "") {
        $txt .= "<tr><td>Weitere Termine<td>{$add_txt}";
    if ($res->note != "") {
        $txt .= "<tr><td>Notiz<td>{$res->note}";
    if (isset($params["conflicts"]) && $params["conflicts"] != null) {
        $txt .= "<tr><td>Konflikte<td>" . $params["conflicts"];
    $txt .= "</table>";
    $txt .= '</small><p><a class="btn" href="' . $base_url . "?q=churchresource&id=" . $res->id . '">Zur Buchungsanfrage &raquo;</a>';
    if ($params["status_id"] == 1) {
        $txt_user = "******" . $user->vorname . "!</h3><p>Deine Buchungsanfrage '" . $params["text"] . "' ist bei uns eingegangen und wird bearbeitet. Sobald es einen neuen Status gibt, wirst Du informiert.<p>" . $txt;
        $txt_admin = "<h3>Hallo Admin!</h3><p>Eine neue Buchungsanfrage von <i>{$user->vorname} {$user->name}</i> wartet auf Genehmigung.<p>" . $txt;
    } else {
        $txt_user = "******" . $user->vorname . "!</h3><p>Deine Buchung  '" . $params["text"] . "' war erfolgreich.<p>" . $txt;
        $txt_admin = "<h3>Hallo Admin!</h3><p>Eine neue Buchung von <i>{$user->vorname} {$user->name}</i> wurde erstellt und automatisch genehmigt.<p>" . $txt;
    $istUserAdmin = false;
    if ($info[$params["resource_id"]]->admin_person_ids != -1) {
        $adminids = explode(',', $info[$params["resource_id"]]->admin_person_ids);
        foreach ($adminids as $adminid) {
            // Nur, wenn ich nicht selber der Admin bin
            if ($user->id != $adminid) {
                $p = churchcore_getPersonById($adminid);
                if ($p != null && $p->email != "") {
                    churchresource_send_mail("[" . variable_get('site_name', 'ChurchTools') . "] Neue Buchungsanfrage: " . $params["text"], $txt_admin, $p->email);
            } else {
                $istUserAdmin = true;
    if (!$istUserAdmin) {
        churchresource_send_mail("[" . variable_get('site_name', 'ChurchTools') . "] Neue Buchungsanfrage: " . $params["text"], $txt_user, $user->email);
    $txt = churchcore_getFieldChanges(getBookingFields(), null, $res);
    cr_log("CREATE BOOKING\n" . $txt, 3, $res->id);
    return $res;