
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/config/variables.php';
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/config/authpostmaster.php';
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/config/functions.php';
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/config/httpheaders.php';
check_user_exists($dbh, $_POST['localpart'], $_SESSION['domain_id'], 'adminfail.php');
if (preg_match("/['@%!\\/\\| ']/", $_POST['localpart'])) {
    header("Location: adminfail.php?badname={$_POST['localpart']}");
$query = "INSERT INTO users (localpart, username, domain_id, smtp, pop,\n    uid, gid, type, realname) SELECT :localpart,\n    :username, :domain_id, ':fail:', ':fail:', uid, gid, 'fail',\n    'Fail' FROM domains WHERE domain_id=:domain_id";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$success = $sth->execute(array(':localpart' => $_POST['localpart'], ':username' => $_POST['localpart'] . '@' . $_SESSION['domain'], ':domain_id' => $_SESSION['domain_id']));
if ($success) {
    header("Location: adminfail.php?added={$_POST['localpart']}");
} else {
    header("Location: adminfail.php?failadded={$_POST['localpart']}");
<!-- Layout and CSS tricks obtained from http://www.bluerobot.com/web/layouts/ -->
예제 #2

include 'include/database.class.php';
/*If any registration is invalid, 
/ set up error message in error string
/ to inform to the other page.error.php
if (isset($_GET['uname'], $_GET['uemail'], $_GET['upassword'])) {
    $uname = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'uname', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
    //	$uemail = $_GET['uemail'];
    $uemail = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'uemail', FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL);
    $upassword = $_GET['upassword'];
    check_user_exists($uname, $uemail);
    insert_user($uname, $uemail, $upassword);
} else {
function check_email($uemail)
    if (!filter_var($uemail, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
        $mgs = "INVALID EMAIL";
    } else {
        if (check_email_exists($uemail)) {
            $mgs = "EMAIL ALREADY REGISTERED";
        } else {
예제 #3

# Resets user password
# Generates a random string as new password and emails it.
include "../includes/db_lib.php";
include "../includes/user_lib.php";
# Helper function to check email address validity
function check_valid_email($email)
    # TODO:
    # The following works for only >= PHP 5.2.0, hence not working on arc server.
    //return filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
    return true;
$username = $_REQUEST['username'];
$user_exists = check_user_exists($username);
if ($user_exists == false) {
    $msg = "User <b>{$username}</b> not found. Please check the username entered.";
} else {
    $user_profile = get_user_by_name($username);
    $email = $user_profile->email;
    # Remove the following line once get_user_profile works
    if (trim($email) == "") {
        $msg = "Email address not present for <b>{$username}</b>. Please contact sysadmin to reset your password.";
    } else {
        if (check_valid_email($email) === false) {
            $msg = "Email address <b>{$email}</b> not valid. Please contact sysadmin to reset your password.";
        } else {
            $new_password = get_random_password();
            $password_changed = change_user_password($username, $new_password);
            if ($password_changed === false) {
function saveUberProject()
    //Let's check to make sure everything is correct & there are no errors
    if (empty($_POST['up_nameofwork'])) {
        $errormsg .= "Overall Name of Uber Project is required.<br>";
    if (!empty($_POST['checkedoutby'])) {
        $checkedoutby = $_POST['checkedoutby'];
        $errormsg .= check_user_exists($checkedoutby, 'PPer/PPVer');
        if (!empty($_POST['up_topic_id']))
            $up_topic_id = $_POST['up_topic_id'];
            $result = mysql_query("SELECT forum_id FROM phpbb_topics WHERE topic_id = '$up_topic_id'");
            if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0)
                $errormsg .= "Uber Project Topic must already exist - check topic id.<br>";
    `up_topic_id` int(10) default NULL,
    `up_contents_post_id` int(10) default NULL,
    if (!empty($_POST['special'])) {
        $special = $_POST['special'];
        if (strncmp($special, 'Birthday', 8) == 0 or strncmp($special, 'Otherday', 8) == 0) {
            if (empty($_POST['bdayday']) or empty($_POST['bdaymonth'])) {
                $errormsg .= "Month and Day are required for Default Special of Birthday or Otherday.<br>";
            } else {
                $bdaymonth = $_POST['bdaymonth'];
                $bdayday = $_POST['bdayday'];
                if (!checkdate($bdaymonth, $bdayday, 2000)) {
                    $errormsg .= "Invalid date supplied for Default Special of Birthday or Otherday.<br>";
                } else {
                    if (strlen($special) == 8) {
                        $special = $special . " " . $bdaymonth . $bdayday;
    if (!empty($_POST['image_preparer'])) {
        $image_preparer = $_POST['image_preparer'];
        $errormsg .= check_user_exists($image_preparer, 'Image Preparer');
    if (!empty($_POST['text_preparer'])) {
        $text_preparer = $_POST['text_preparer'];
        $errormsg .= check_user_exists($text_preparer, 'Text Preparer');
    if (isset($errormsg)) {
        return $errormsg;
    //Format the language as pri_language with sec_language if pri_language is set
    //Otherwise set just the pri_language
    if (!empty($_POST['sec_language'])) {
        $language = $_POST['pri_language'] . " with " . $_POST['sec_language'];
    } else {
        $language = $_POST['pri_language'];
    //If we are just updating an already existing uber project
    if (isset($_POST['up_projectid'])) {
        //Update the uber project database table with the updated info
        mysql_query("\n            UPDATE uber_projects\n            SET\n                up_nameofwork='{$_POST['up_nameofwork']}',\n                up_topic_id='{$_POST['up_topic_id']}',\n                up_contents_post_id='{$_POST['up_contents_post_id']}',\n                up_modifieddate=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),\n                up_description='{$_POST['up_description']}',\n                d_nameofwork='{$_POST['nameofwork']}',\n                d_authorsname='{$_POST['authorsname']}',\n                d_checkedoutby='{$_POST['checkedoutby']}',\n                d_language='{$language}',\n                d_genre='{$_POST['genre']}',\n                d_year='{$_POST['year']}',\n                d_difficulty='{$_POST['difficulty_level']}',\n                d_comments='{$_POST['comments']}',\n                d_scannercredit='{$_POST['scannercredit']}',\n                d_clearance='{$_POST['clearance']}',\n                d_special='{$special}',\n                d_image_source = '{$_POST['image_source']},\n                d_image_preparer = '{$image_preparer}',\n                d_text_preparer = '{$text_preparer}',\n                d_extra_comments = '{$_POST['extra_comments']}'\n            WHERE up_projectid='{$_POST['up_projectid']}'\n        ");
    } else {
        global $up_projectid;
        //Insert a new row into the uber projects table
        mysql_query("\n            INSERT INTO uber_projects\n                (up_nameofwork, up_topic_id, up_contents_post_id, up_modifieddate, up_enabled, up_description,\n                d_nameofwork, d_authorsname, d_language, d_comments, d_special, d_checkedoutby, d_scannercredit,\n                d_clearance, d_year, d_genre, d_difficulty, d_image_source, d_image_preparer, d_text_preparer,\n                d_extra_credits)\n            VALUES (\n                '{$_POST['up_nameofwork']}',\n                '{$_POST['up_topic_id']}',\n                '{$_POST['up_comments_post_id']}',\n                UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),\n                1,\n                '{$_POST['up_description']}',\n                '{$_POST['nameofwork']}',\n                '{$_POST['authorsname']}',\n                '{$language}',\n                '{$_POST['comments']}',\n                '{$special}',\n                '{$_POST['checkedoutby']}',\n                '{$_POST['scannercredit']}',\n                '{$_POST['clearance']}',\n                '{$_POST['year']}',\n                '{$_POST['genre']}',\n                '{$_POST['difficulty_level']}',\n                '{$_POST['image_source']},\n                {$image_preparer},\n                {$text_preparer},\n                '{$_POST['extra_credits']}\n            )\n        ");
        $up_projectid = mysql_insert_id();
        // '{$GLOBALS['pguser']}'
        // if topic / post IDs are blank :
        // create the auto uber post and/or the auto contents post ?
        // update uber_projects table with topic and/or post IDs
예제 #5
    $_POST['on_avscan'] = 1;
} else {
    $_POST['on_avscan'] = 0;
if (isset($_POST['on_spamassassin']) && $row['spamassassin'] == 1) {
    $_POST['on_spamassassin'] = 1;
} else {
    $_POST['on_spamassassin'] = 0;
// Don't accept blank passwords
if ($_POST['clear'] == "" && $_POST['vclear'] == "") {
    $junk = md5(time());
    $_POST['clear'] = $junk;
    $_POST['vclear'] = $junk;
check_user_exists($db, $_POST['localpart'], $_SESSION['domain_id'], 'adminalias.php');
if (preg_match("/['@%!\\/\\|\" ']/", $_POST['localpart']) || preg_match("/^\\s*\$/", $_POST['realname'])) {
    header("Location: adminalias.php?badname={$_POST['localpart']}");
$aliasto = preg_replace("/[', ']+/", ",", $_POST['smtp']);
if (alias_validate_password($_POST['clear'], $_POST['vclear'])) {
    $query = "INSERT INTO users\n      (localpart, username, domain_id, clear, smtp, pop, uid,\n      gid, realname, type, admin, on_avscan, on_spamassassin, enabled)\n      SELECT '{$_POST['localpart']}',\n      '{$_POST['localpart']}@{$_SESSION['domain']}',\n      '{$_SESSION['domain_id']}',\n      '{$_POST['clear']}',\n      '{$aliasto}',\n      '{$aliasto}',\n      uid,\n      gid,\n      '{$_POST['realname']}',\n      'alias',\n      {$_POST['admin']},\n      {$_POST['on_avscan']},\n      {$_POST['on_spamassassin']},\n      {$_POST['enabled']} from domains\n      WHERE domains.domain_id={$_SESSION['domain_id']}";
    $result = $db->query($query);
    if (!DB::isError($result)) {
        header("Location: adminalias.php?added={$_POST['localpart']}");
    } else {
        header("Location: adminalias.php?failadded={$_POST['localpart']}");
} else {
    header("Location: adminalias.php?badaliaspass={$_POST['localpart']}");
예제 #6
function add_user($name, $uname, $pass, $dpt, $level)
    global $lse_db;
    $name = $lse_db->real_escape_string($name);
    $uname = $lse_db->real_escape_string($uname);
    $pass = $lse_db->real_escape_string($pass);
    $dpt = $lse_db->real_escape_string($dpt);
    $level = $lse_db->real_escape_string($level);
    $pass = md5($pass);
    $query = "INSERT INTO `users`(`user_name`,`user_uname`, `user_pass`, `user_dpt`,`user_level`)\n                        VALUES ('{$name}', '{$uname}', '{$pass}', '{$dpt}', {$level});";
    if (!check_user_exists($uname)) {
        $res = $lse_db->query($query);
        if ($res) {
            $r['message'] = "Ok";
            $r['type'] = 1;
            echo json_encode($r);
        } else {
            $r['message'] = "Eroare";
            $r['type'] = 0;
            echo json_encode($r);
    } else {
        $r['message'] = "Userul Exista";
        $r['type'] = 0;
        echo json_encode($r);
예제 #7
 function set_from_post()
     if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
         // Values in $_POST come with backslashes added.
         // We want the fields of $this to be unescaped strings,
         // so we strip the slashes.
         $_POST = array_map('stripslashes', $_POST);
     $errors = '';
     if (isset($_POST['projectid'])) {
         $projectid = validate_projectID('projectid', @$_POST['projectid']);
         $this->projectid = $projectid;
         $ucep_result = user_can_edit_project($this->projectid);
         if ($ucep_result == PROJECT_DOES_NOT_EXIST) {
             return _("parameter 'projectid' is invalid: no such project") . ": '{$this->projectid}'";
         } else {
             if ($ucep_result == USER_CANNOT_EDIT_PROJECT) {
                 return _("You are not authorized to manage this project.") . ": '{$this->projectid}'";
             } else {
                 if ($ucep_result == USER_CAN_EDIT_PROJECT) {
                     // fine
                 } else {
                     return _("unexpected return value from user_can_edit_project") . ": '{$ucep_result}'";
     } else {
         if (isset($_POST['clone_projectid'])) {
             // we're creating a clone
             $clone_projectid = validate_projectID('clone_projectid', @$_POST['clone_projectid']);
             $this->clone_projectid = $clone_projectid;
     $this->nameofwork = @$_POST['nameofwork'];
     // we're using preg_match as this field will be space-normalised later
     if (preg_match('/^\\s*$/', $this->nameofwork)) {
         $errors .= "Name of work is required.<br>";
     $this->authorsname = @$_POST['authorsname'];
     if (preg_match('/^\\s*$/', $this->authorsname)) {
         $errors .= "Author is required.<br>";
     if (user_is_a_sitemanager()) {
         $this->projectmanager = @$_POST['username'];
         if ($this->projectmanager == '') {
             $errors .= _("Project manager is required.") . "<br>";
         } else {
             $errors .= check_user_exists($this->projectmanager, 'Project manager');
         if (empty($errors) && !that_user_is_PM($this->projectmanager)) {
             $errors .= sprintf(_("%s is not a PM."), $this->projectmanager) . "<br>";
     } else {
         $this->projectmanager = '';
     $pri_language = @$_POST['pri_language'];
     if ($pri_language == '') {
         $errors .= _("Primary Language is required.") . "<br>";
     $sec_language = @$_POST['sec_language'];
     $this->language = $sec_language != '' ? "{$pri_language} with {$sec_language}" : $pri_language;
     $this->genre = @$_POST['genre'];
     if ($this->genre == '') {
         $errors .= _("Genre is required.") . "<br>";
     $this->image_source = @$_POST['image_source'];
     if ($this->image_source == '') {
         $errors .= _("Image Source is required. If the one you want isn't in list, you can propose to add it.") . "<br>";
         $this->image_source = '_internal';
                 if ($this->image_source == 'OTHER')
                     if (empty($_POST['imso_other']))
                         $errors .= "When Image Source is OTHER, details must be supplied.<br>";
                         $imso_other = $_POST['imso_other'];
                         $this->image_source = "O:".$imso_other;
     $this->special_code = @$_POST['special_code'];
     if ($this->special_code != '') {
         if (startswith($this->special_code, 'Birthday') || startswith($this->special_code, 'Otherday')) {
             if (empty($_POST['bdayday']) or empty($_POST['bdaymonth'])) {
                 $errors .= _("Month and Day are required for Birthday or Otherday Specials.") . "<br>";
             } else {
                 $bdaymonth = $_POST['bdaymonth'];
                 $bdayday = $_POST['bdayday'];
                 if (!checkdate($bdaymonth, $bdayday, 2000)) {
                     $errors .= _("Invalid date supplied for Birthday or Otherday Special.") . "<br>";
                 } else {
                     if (strlen($this->special_code) == 8) {
                         $this->special_code .= " " . $bdaymonth . $bdayday;
     $this->checkedoutby = @$_POST['checkedoutby'];
     // if it's an existing project, we want to know its state
     if (isset($this->projectid)) {
         // Somewhat kludgey to have to do this query here.
         $res = mysql_query("\n                SELECT state, checkedoutby, username\n                FROM projects\n                WHERE projectid='{$this->projectid}'\n            ") or die(mysql_error());
         list($state, $PPer, $PM) = mysql_fetch_row($res);
         $this->state = $state;
         // don't allow an empty PPer/PPVer if the project is checked out
         if (($this->state == PROJ_POST_FIRST_CHECKED_OUT || $this->state == PROJ_POST_SECOND_CHECKED_OUT) && $this->checkedoutby == '') {
             $errors .= _("This project is checked out: you must specify a PPer/PPVer");
             $this->checkedoutby = $PPer;
         if ($this->projectmanager == '') {
             $this->projectmanager = $PM;
     } else {
         $this->state = '';
     if ($this->checkedoutby != '') {
         // make sure the named PPer/PPVer actually exists
         $errors .= check_user_exists($this->checkedoutby, 'PPer/PPVer');
     $this->image_preparer = @$_POST['image_preparer'];
     if ($this->image_preparer != '') {
         $errors .= check_user_exists($this->image_preparer, 'Image Preparer');
     $this->text_preparer = @$_POST['text_preparer'];
     if ($this->text_preparer != '') {
         $errors .= check_user_exists($this->text_preparer, 'Text Preparer');
     $this->posted = @$_POST['posted'];
     $this->postednum = @$_POST['postednum'];
     if ($this->posted) {
         // We are in the process of marking this project as posted.
         if ($this->postednum == '') {
             $errors .= _("Posted Number is required.") . "<br>";
         } else {
             if (!preg_match('/^[1-9][0-9]*$/', $this->postednum)) {
                 $errors .= sprintf(_("Posted Number \"%s\" is not of the correct format."), $this->postednum) . "<br>";
                 // You'll sometimes see PG etext numbers with a 'C' appended.
                 // The 'C' is not part of the etext number
                 // (e.g., it does not appear in PG's RDF catalog),
                 // rather it's a bit of information about the identified text,
                 // namely that it's still under (US) copyright.
                 // Anyhow, the 'C' should not be included here.
     $this->scannercredit = @$_POST['scannercredit'];
     $this->comments = @$_POST['comments'];
     $this->clearance = @$_POST['clearance'];
     $this->difficulty_level = @$_POST['difficulty_level'];
     $this->up_projectid = intval(@$_POST['up_projectid']);
     $this->original_marc_array_encd = @$_POST['rec'];
     $this->extra_credits = @$_POST['extra_credits'];
     $this->deletion_reason = @$_POST['deletion_reason'];
     if ($this->difficulty_level == '') {
         global $pguser;
         $this->difficulty_level = $pguser == "BEGIN" ? "beginner" : "average";
     return $errors;
예제 #8
파일: db_lib.php 프로젝트: caseyi/BLIS
function add_user($user)
    # Adds a new user account
    if (!check_user_exists($user->username)) {
        $saved_db = DbUtil::switchToGlobal();
        $password = encrypt_password($user->password);
        $rwoptions = $user->rwoptions;
        if ($user->level == 17) {
            $user->rwoptions = LabConfig::getDoctorUserOptions();
        $query_string = "INSERT INTO user(username, password, actualname, level, created_by, lab_config_id, email, phone, lang_id, rwoptions) " . "VALUES ('{$user->username}', '{$password}', '{$user->actualName}', {$user->level}, {$user->createdBy}, '{$user->labConfigId}', '{$user->email}', '{$user->phone}', '{$user->langId}','{$user->rwoptions}')";
        $saved_db = DbUtil::switchToGlobal();
        $query_string = "SELECT user_id FROM user WHERE username='******' LIMIT 1";
        $record = query_associative_one($query_string);
        $query_string = "INSERT INTO user_config(user_id, level, parameter, value, created_by, created_on, modified_by, modified_on) " . "VALUES ('" . $record['user_id'] . "',{$user->level}, 'rwoptions', '{$rwoptions}', {$user->createdBy}, curdate(), {$user->createdBy}, curdate())";
        return true;
    return false;
예제 #9
파일: router.php 프로젝트: rage28/hackslash
    if ($user_loggedin) {
        render_page('Registration', phtml('logged-in-reg', [], false), $script_path);
    } else {
        render_page('Registration', phtml('registration', ['script_path' => $script_path], false), $script_path);
map('POST', '/register', function ($conn) use(&$script_path, &$user_loggedin) {
    $is_error = false;
    $error_msg = '';
    if (!empty($_POST['txtFullName']) && !empty($_POST['txtUsername']) && !empty($_POST['txtPassword']) && !empty($_POST['txtPseudoName'])) {
        if (strlen($_POST['txtUsername']) > 2 && $_POST['txtUsername'] != 'asthra' && $_POST['txtUsername'] != 'f**k' && $_POST['txtUsername'] != 'shit' && $_POST['txtUsername'] != 'house') {
            $user_fullname = process_form($conn->escape_string($_POST['txtFullName']), 's');
            $pseudoname = process_form($conn->escape_string($_POST['txtPseudoName']), 's');
            $username = process_form($conn->escape_string($_POST['txtUsername']));
            $pswd = sha1(process_form($conn->escape_string($_POST['txtPassword'])));
            if (!check_user_exists($username)) {
                $pwdsetz = rand(0, 5);
                $query = "INSERT INTO " . USER_TABLE . " " . "(user_name, user_pswd, user_pseudoname, user_fullname, user_pwdset) VALUES " . "('" . $username . "', '" . $pswd . "', '" . $pseudoname . "', '" . $user_fullname . "', " . $pwdsetz . ")";
                $result = $conn->query($query) or die($conn->error);
                if ($conn->affected_rows == 1) {
                    render_page('Registration', phtml('registration-success', ['username' => $username], false), $script_path);
                } else {
                    msg_die('Something went, not wrong, but not right either', 'D');
            } else {
                $is_error = true;
                $error_msg = 'Username Already Exists. Please choose another one';
        } else {
            $is_error = true;
            $error_msg = 'Invalid Username! (needs atleast 3 characters and CANNOT be "house")';
예제 #10

# Adds a new lab user account to DB
# Called via Ajax from lab_user_new.php
include "../includes/db_lib.php";
$saved_session = SessionUtil::save();
$user_list = $_REQUEST['userlist'];
$user_list_arr = explode(',', $user_list);
$error_flag = 0;
$msg = "";
for ($i = 0; $i <= count($user_list_arr); $i++) {
    if (check_user_exists($user_list_arr[$i])) {
        $error_flag = 1;
        $msg .= $user_list_arr[$i] . ",";
if ($error_flag == 1) {
    $msg = rtrim($msg, ',');
    $msg = "The following username(s) are already taken. Please try a different value - " . $msg;
} else {
    $msg = "success";
echo $msg;
예제 #11
파일: add_user.php 프로젝트: Shan1983/tat
        } else {
            if (empty($last_name)) {
                $_SESSION['add_user_error'] = "Please enter the users surname.";
                header('Location: ../add_user_gui.php');
            } else {
                if (empty($email)) {
                    $_SESSION['add_user_error'] = "Please enter the users email.";
                    header('Location: ../add_user_gui.php');
                } else {
                    if (empty($phone_number)) {
                        $_SESSION['add_user_error'] = "Please enter the users contact number.";
                        header('Location: ../add_user_gui.php');
                    } else {
                        if (empty($gender)) {
                            $_SESSION['add_user_error'] = "Please enter the users gender.";
                            header('Location: ../add_user_gui.php');
                        } else {
                            if (empty($access_level)) {
                                $_SESSION['add_user_error'] = "Please enter the users user type.";
                                header('Location: ../add_user_gui.php');
    $new_user = new User($student_id, $first_name, $last_name, $email, $phone_number, $gpa, $gender, $access_level);
    $new_user . check_user_exists($DB_con);
    $new_user . add_user($DB_con);
    $u_handler =& xoonips_getormhandler('xoonips', 'xoops_users');
    $criteria = new Criteria('uname', addslashes($uname));
    $u_count = $u_handler->getCount($criteria);
    if ($u_count != 0) {
        echo 'User name ' . $uname . ' already exists';
// check variables
// check user exists
if ($uid == 0) {
// update db values
// >> xoops user information
$u_handler =& xoonips_getormhandler('xoonips', 'xoops_users');
if ($uid == 0) {
    $u_obj =& $u_handler->create();
} else {
    $u_obj =& $u_handler->get($uid);
if (!is_object($u_obj)) {
    redirect_header($xoonips_admin['mypage_url'], 3, _AM_XOONIPS_MSG_UNEXPECTED_ERROR);
foreach ($vals['xoops'] as $key => $val) {
    $u_obj->set($key, $val);