예제 #1
//add recordings to the database
if (is_dir($_SESSION['switch']['recordings']['dir'] . '/' . $_SESSION['domain_name'] . '/')) {
    if ($dh = opendir($_SESSION['switch']['recordings']['dir'] . '/' . $_SESSION['domain_name'] . '/')) {
        while (($recording_filename = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
            if (filetype($_SESSION['switch']['recordings']['dir'] . "/" . $_SESSION['domain_name'] . "/" . $recording_filename) == "file") {
                if (!in_array($recording_filename, $array_recordings)) {
                    //file not found in db, add it
                    $recording_uuid = uuid();
                    $recording_name = ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', pathinfo($recording_filename, PATHINFO_FILENAME)));
                    $recording_description = check_str(base64_decode($_GET['rd']));
                    $sql = "insert into v_recordings ";
                    $sql .= "(";
                    $sql .= "domain_uuid, ";
                    $sql .= "recording_uuid, ";
                    $sql .= "recording_filename, ";
                    $sql .= "recording_name, ";
                    $sql .= "recording_description ";
                    if ($_SESSION['recordings']['storage_type']['text'] == 'base64') {
                        $sql .= ", recording_base64 ";
                    $sql .= ")";
                    $sql .= "values ";
                    $sql .= "(";
                    $sql .= "'" . $domain_uuid . "', ";
                    $sql .= "'" . $recording_uuid . "', ";
예제 #2
            $sql .= "and invoice_uuid = '{$invoice_uuid}' ";
            //set redirect
            $_SESSION['message'] = $text['message-update'];
            header("Location: " . ($back != '' ? $back : "invoices.php"));
        //if ($action == "update")
    //if ($_POST["persistformvar"] != "true")
//(count($_POST)>0 && strlen($_POST["persistformvar"]) == 0)
//pre-populate the form
if (count($_GET) > 0 && $_POST["persistformvar"] != "true") {
    $invoice_uuid = check_str($_GET["id"]);
    $sql = "select * from v_invoices ";
    $sql .= "where domain_uuid = '{$domain_uuid}' ";
    $sql .= "and invoice_uuid = '{$invoice_uuid}' ";
    $prep_statement = $db->prepare(check_sql($sql));
    $result = $prep_statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NAMED);
    foreach ($result as &$row) {
        $invoice_number = $row["invoice_number"];
        $invoice_type = $row["invoice_type"];
        $invoice_date = $row["invoice_date"];
        $invoice_paid = $row["invoice_paid"];
        $invoice_paid_date = $row["invoice_paid_date"];
        $invoice_paid_method = $row["invoice_paid_method"];
        $invoice_paid_method_ref = $row["invoice_paid_method_ref"];
        $contact_uuid_from = $row["contact_uuid_from"];
예제 #3
            usleep(rand(1000000, 3000000));
            //1-3 seconds.
            $content = 'Authorization Required';
            header("Content-Length: " . strval(strlen($content)));
            echo $content;
//if password was defined in the system -> variables page then require the password.
if (strlen($provision['password']) > 0) {
    //deny access if the password doesn't match
    if ($provision['password'] != check_str($_REQUEST['password'])) {
        //log the failed auth attempt to the system, to be available for fail2ban.
        openlog('FusionPBX', LOG_NDELAY, LOG_AUTH);
        syslog(LOG_WARNING, '[' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "] provision attempt bad password for " . check_str($_REQUEST['mac']));
        usleep(rand(1000000, 3000000));
        //1-3 seconds.
        echo "access denied 4";
//output template to string for header processing
$prov = new provision();
$prov->domain_uuid = $domain_uuid;
$prov->mac = $mac;
$prov->file = $file;
$file_contents = $prov->render();
//deliver the customized config over HTTP/HTTPS
//need to make sure content-type is correct
예제 #4
require_once "resources/check_auth.php";
if (permission_exists('fax_log_view')) {
    //access granted
} else {
    echo "access denied";
//add multi-lingual support
require_once "app_languages.php";
foreach ($text as $key => $value) {
    $text[$key] = $value[$_SESSION['domain']['language']['code']];
//pre-populate the form
if (isset($_REQUEST["id"]) && isset($_REQUEST["fax_uuid"])) {
    $fax_log_uuid = check_str($_REQUEST["id"]);
    $fax_uuid = check_str($_REQUEST["fax_uuid"]);
    $sql = "select * from v_fax_logs ";
    $sql .= "where domain_uuid = '" . $domain_uuid . "' ";
    $sql .= "and fax_log_uuid = '" . $fax_log_uuid . "' ";
    $prep_statement = $db->prepare(check_sql($sql));
    $result = $prep_statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NAMED);
    foreach ($result as &$row) {
        $fax_log_uuid = $row["fax_log_uuid"];
        $fax_success = $row["fax_success"];
        $fax_result_code = $row["fax_result_code"];
        $fax_result_text = $row["fax_result_text"];
        $fax_file = $row["fax_file"];
        $fax_ecm_used = $row["fax_ecm_used"];
        $fax_local_station_id = $row["fax_local_station_id"];
        $fax_document_transferred_pages = $row["fax_document_transferred_pages"];
예제 #5
	Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2008-2012
	the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.

	Mark J Crane <*****@*****.**>
	James Rose <*****@*****.**>
include "root.php";
require_once "resources/require.php";
require_once "resources/check_auth.php";
if (permission_exists('script_editor_save')) {
    //access granted
} else {
    echo "access denied";
//add multi-lingual support
$language = new text();
$text = $language->get();
//get the uuid from http values
$clip_uuid = check_str($_GET["id"]);
//delete the clip
if (strlen($_GET["id"]) > 0) {
    $sql = "delete from v_clips ";
    $sql .= "where clip_uuid = '" . $clip_uuid . "' ";
    $prep_statement = $db->prepare(check_sql($sql));
    unset($sql, $db);
//redirect the browser
header("Location: clipoptions.php");
예제 #6
function process_xml_cdr($db, $leg, $xml_string)
    //set global variable
    global $debug;
    //fix the xml by escaping the contents of <sip_full_XXX>
    $xml_string = preg_replace_callback("/<([^><]+)>(.*?[><].*?)<\\/\\g1>/", function ($matches) {
        return '<' . $matches[1] . '>' . str_replace(">", "&gt;", str_replace("<", "&lt;", $matches[2])) . '</' . $matches[1] . '>';
    }, $xml_string);
    //parse the xml to get the call detail record info
    try {
        $xml = simplexml_load_string($xml_string);
        xml_cdr_log("\nxml load done\n");
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo $e->getMessage();
        xml_cdr_log("\nfail loadxml: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n");
    //prepare the database object
    require_once "resources/classes/database.php";
    $database = new database();
    $database->table = "v_xml_cdr";
    $uuid = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->uuid));
    $database->fields['uuid'] = $uuid;
    $database->fields['accountcode'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->accountcode));
    $database->fields['default_language'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->default_language));
    $database->fields['bridge_uuid'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->bridge_uuid));
    //$database->fields['digits_dialed'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->digits_dialed));
    $database->fields['sip_hangup_disposition'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->sip_hangup_disposition));
    $database->fields['pin_number'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->pin_number));
    $database->fields['start_epoch'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->start_epoch));
    $start_stamp = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->start_stamp));
    $database->fields['start_stamp'] = $start_stamp;
    $database->fields['answer_stamp'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->answer_stamp));
    $database->fields['answer_epoch'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->answer_epoch));
    $database->fields['end_epoch'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->end_epoch));
    $database->fields['end_stamp'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->end_stamp));
    $database->fields['duration'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->duration));
    $database->fields['mduration'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->mduration));
    $database->fields['billsec'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->billsec));
    $database->fields['billmsec'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->billmsec));
    $database->fields['read_codec'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->read_codec));
    $database->fields['read_rate'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->read_rate));
    $database->fields['write_codec'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->write_codec));
    $database->fields['write_rate'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->write_rate));
    $database->fields['remote_media_ip'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->remote_media_ip));
    $database->fields['hangup_cause'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->hangup_cause));
    $database->fields['hangup_cause_q850'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->hangup_cause_q850));
    //call center
    $database->fields['cc_side'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->cc_side));
    $database->fields['cc_member_uuid'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->cc_member_uuid));
    $database->fields['cc_queue_joined_epoch'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->cc_queue_joined_epoch));
    $database->fields['cc_queue'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->cc_queue));
    $database->fields['cc_member_session_uuid'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->cc_member_session_uuid));
    $database->fields['cc_agent'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->cc_agent));
    $database->fields['cc_agent_type'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->cc_agent_type));
    $database->fields['waitsec'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->waitsec));
    //app info
    $database->fields['last_app'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->last_app));
    $database->fields['last_arg'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->last_arg));
    $database->fields['conference_name'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->conference_name));
    $database->fields['conference_uuid'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->conference_uuid));
    $database->fields['conference_member_id'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->conference_member_id));
    //call quality
    $rtp_audio_in_mos = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->rtp_audio_in_mos));
    if (strlen($rtp_audio_in_mos) > 0) {
        $database->fields['rtp_audio_in_mos'] = $rtp_audio_in_mos;
    //get the values from the callflow.
    $x = 0;
    foreach ($xml->callflow as $row) {
        if ($x == 0) {
            $context = check_str(urldecode($row->caller_profile->context));
            $database->fields['destination_number'] = check_str(urldecode($row->caller_profile->destination_number));
            $database->fields['context'] = $context;
            $database->fields['network_addr'] = check_str(urldecode($row->caller_profile->network_addr));
        $database->fields['caller_id_name'] = check_str(urldecode($row->caller_profile->caller_id_name));
        $database->fields['caller_id_number'] = check_str(urldecode($row->caller_profile->caller_id_number));
    //store the call leg
    $database->fields['leg'] = $leg;
    //store the call direction
    $database->fields['direction'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->call_direction));
    //store post dial delay, in milliseconds
    $database->fields['pdd_ms'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->progress_mediamsec) + urldecode($xml->variables->progressmsec));
    //get break down the date to year, month and day
    $tmp_time = strtotime($start_stamp);
    $tmp_year = date("Y", $tmp_time);
    $tmp_month = date("M", $tmp_time);
    $tmp_day = date("d", $tmp_time);
    //get the domain values from the xml
    $domain_name = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->domain_name));
    $domain_uuid = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->domain_uuid));
    xml_cdr_log("\ndomain_name is `{$domain_name}`; domain_uuid is '{$domain_uuid}'\n");
    //get the domain_uuid with the domain_name
    if (strlen($domain_uuid) == 0) {
        $sql = "select domain_uuid from v_domains ";
        if (strlen($domain_name) == 0 && $context != 'public' && $context != 'default') {
            $sql .= "where domain_name = '" . $context . "' ";
        } else {
            $sql .= "where domain_name = '" . $domain_name . "' ";
        $row = $db->query($sql)->fetch();
        $domain_uuid = $row['domain_uuid'];
        if (strlen($domain_uuid) == 0) {
            $sql = "select domain_name, domain_uuid from v_domains ";
            $row = $db->query($sql)->fetch();
            $domain_uuid = $row['domain_uuid'];
            if (strlen($domain_name) == 0) {
                $domain_name = $row['domain_name'];
    //set values in the database
    $database->domain_uuid = $domain_uuid;
    $database->fields['domain_uuid'] = $domain_uuid;
    $database->fields['domain_name'] = $domain_name;
    //check whether a recording exists
    $recording_relative_path = '/archive/' . $tmp_year . '/' . $tmp_month . '/' . $tmp_day;
    if (file_exists($_SESSION['switch']['recordings']['dir'] . $recording_relative_path . '/' . $uuid . '.wav')) {
        $recording_file = $recording_relative_path . '/' . $uuid . '.wav';
    } elseif (file_exists($_SESSION['switch']['recordings']['dir'] . $recording_relative_path . '/' . $uuid . '.mp3')) {
        $recording_file = $recording_relative_path . '/' . $uuid . '.mp3';
    if (isset($recording_file) && !empty($recording_file)) {
        $database->fields['recording_file'] = $recording_file;
    //save to the database in xml format
    if ($_SESSION['cdr']['format']['text'] == "xml" && $_SESSION['cdr']['storage']['text'] == "db") {
        $database->fields['xml'] = check_str($xml_string);
    //save to the database in json format
    if ($_SESSION['cdr']['format']['text'] == "json" && $_SESSION['cdr']['storage']['text'] == "db") {
        $database->fields['json'] = check_str(json_encode($xml));
    //insert the check_str($extension_uuid)
    if (strlen($xml->variables->extension_uuid) > 0) {
        $database->fields['extension_uuid'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->extension_uuid));
    //billing information
    if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . PROJECT_PATH . "/app/billing/app_config.php")) {
        $db2 = new database();
        $lcr_currency = strlen($_SESSION['billing']['currency']['text']) ? $_SESSION['billing']['currency']['text'] : 'USD';
        $accountcode = strlen(urldecode($xml->variables->accountcode)) ? check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->accountcode)) : $domain_name;
        switch (check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->call_direction))) {
            case "outbound":
                $destination_number = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->lcr_query_digits));
                $destination_number_serie = number_series($destination_number);
                $database->fields['carrier_name'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->lcr_carrier));
                $sql_rate = "SELECT v_lcr.connect_increment, v_lcr.talk_increment, v_lcr.currency FROM v_lcr, v_carriers WHERE v_carriers.carrier_name = '" . $xml->variables->lcr_carrier . "' AND v_lcr.rate=" . $xml->variables->lcr_rate . " AND v_lcr.lcr_direction = '" . check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->call_direction)) . "' AND digits IN ({$destination_number_serie}) AND v_lcr.carrier_uuid = v_carriers.carrier_uuid  ORDER BY digits DESC, rate ASC limit 1";
                $sql_user_rate = "SELECT v_lcr.currency, connect_increment, talk_increment FROM v_lcr JOIN v_billings ON v_billings.type_value='{$accountcode}' WHERE v_lcr.carrier_uuid IS NULL AND v_lcr.lcr_direction = '" . check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->call_direction)) . "' AND v_lcr.lcr_profile=v_billings.lcr_profile AND NOW() >= v_lcr.date_start AND NOW() < v_lcr.date_end AND digits IN ({$destination_number_serie}) ORDER BY digits DESC, rate ASC, date_start DESC LIMIT 1";
                if ($debug) {
                    echo "sql_rate: {$sql_rate}\n";
                    echo "sql_user_rate: {$sql_user_rate}\n";
                $db2->sql = $sql_rate;
                $db2->result = $db2->execute();
                //							print_r($db2->result);
                $lcr_currency = strlen($db2->result[0]['currency']) ? check_str($db2->result[0]['currency']) : (strlen($_SESSION['billing']['currency']['text']) ? $_SESSION['billing']['currency']['text'] : 'USD');
                $lcr_rate = strlen($xml->variables->lcr_rate) ? $xml->variables->lcr_rate : 0;
                $lcr_first_increment = strlen($db2->result[0]['connect_increment']) ? check_str($db2->result[0]['connect_increment']) : 60;
                $lcr_second_increment = strlen($db2->result[0]['talk_increment']) ? check_str($db2->result[0]['talk_increment']) : 60;
                $db2->sql = $sql_user_rate;
                $db2->result = $db2->execute();
                $lcr_user_rate = strlen($xml->variables->lcr_user_rate) ? $xml->variables->lcr_user_rate : 0.01;
                $lcr_user_first_increment = strlen($db2->result[0]['connect_increment']) ? check_str($db2->result[0]['connect_increment']) : 60;
                $lcr_user_second_increment = strlen($db2->result[0]['talk_increment']) ? check_str($db2->result[0]['talk_increment']) : 60;
                $lcr_user_currency = strlen($db2->result[0]['currency']) ? check_str($db2->result[0]['currency']) : (strlen($_SESSION['billing']['currency']['text']) ? $_SESSION['billing']['currency']['text'] : 'USD');
            case "inbound":
                $callee_number = check_str(urldecode($row->caller_profile->destination_number));
                $callee_number_serie = number_series($callee_number);
                $sql_user_rate = "SELECT v_lcr.currency, v_lcr.rate, v_lcr.connect_increment, v_lcr.talk_increment FROM v_lcr JOIN v_billings ON v_billings.type_value='{$accountcode}' WHERE v_lcr.carrier_uuid IS NULL AND v_lcr.lcr_direction = '" . check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->call_direction)) . "' AND v_lcr.lcr_profile=v_billings.lcr_profile AND NOW() >= v_lcr.date_start AND NOW() < v_lcr.date_end AND digits IN ({$destination_number_serie}) ORDER BY digits DESC, rate ASC, date_start DESC LIMIT 1";
                if ($debug) {
                    echo "sql_user_rate: {$sql_user_rate}\n";
                $db2->sql = $sql_user_rate;
                $db2->result = $db2->execute();
                // If selling rate is found, then we fill with data, otherwise rate will be 0
                $lcr_currency = strlen($db2->result[0]['currency']) ? check_str($db2->result[0]['currency']) : (strlen($_SESSION['billing']['currency']['text']) ? $_SESSION['billing']['currency']['text'] : 'USD');
                $lcr_user_rate = strlen($db2->result[0]['rate']) ? $db2->result[0]['rate'] : 0;
                $lcr_user_first_increment = strlen($db2->result[0]['connect_increment']) ? $db2->result[0]['connect_increment'] : 60;
                $lcr_user_second_increment = strlen($db2->result[0]['talk_increment']) ? $db2->result[0]['talk_increment'] : 60;
                $lcr_user_currency = strlen($db2->result[0]['currency']) ? check_str($db2->result[0]['currency']) : (strlen($_SESSION['billing']['currency']['text']) ? $_SESSION['billing']['currency']['text'] : 'USD');
                // Actually, there is no way to detect what carrier is the calling comming from using current information
                $lcr_rate = 0;
                $lcr_first_increment = 0;
                $lcr_second_increment = 0;
            case "local":
                $destination_number = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->lcr_query_digits));
                $destination_number_serie = number_series($destination_number);
                $sql_user_rate = "SELECT v_lcr.currency, connect_increment, talk_increment FROM v_lcr JOIN v_billings ON v_billings.type_value='{$accountcode}' WHERE v_lcr.carrier_uuid IS NULL AND v_lcr.lcr_direction = '" . check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->call_direction)) . "' AND v_lcr.lcr_profile=v_billings.lcr_profile AND NOW() >= v_lcr.date_start AND NOW() < v_lcr.date_end AND digits IN ({$destination_number_serie}) ORDER BY digits DESC, rate ASC, date_start DESC LIMIT 1";
                if ($debug) {
                    echo "sql_user_rate: {$sql_user_rate}\n";
                $db2->sql = $sql_user_rate;
                $db2->result = $db2->execute();
                // If selling rate is found, then we fill with data, otherwise rate will be 0
                $lcr_currency = strlen($db2->result[0]['currency']) ? check_str($db2->result[0]['currency']) : (strlen($_SESSION['billing']['currency']['text']) ? $_SESSION['billing']['currency']['text'] : 'USD');
                $lcr_user_rate = strlen($db2->result[0]['rate']) ? ${$db2}->result[0]['rate'] : 0;
                $lcr_user_first_increment = strlen($db2->result[0]['connect_increment']) ? $db2->result[0]['connect_increment'] : 60;
                $lcr_user_second_increment = strlen($db2->result[0]['talk_increment']) ? $db2->result[0]['talk_increment'] : 60;
                $lcr_user_currency = strlen($db2->result[0]['currency']) ? check_str($db2->result[0]['currency']) : (strlen($_SESSION['billing']['currency']['text']) ? $_SESSION['billing']['currency']['text'] : 'USD');
                // Actually, internal calls have 0 cost
                $lcr_rate = 0;
                $lcr_first_increment = 0;
                $lcr_second_increment = 0;
        // Please note that we save values using LCR currency, but we discount balance in billing currency
        $time = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->billsec));
        $call_buy = call_cost($lcr_rate, $lcr_first_increment, $lcr_second_increment, $time);
        $call_sell = call_cost($lcr_user_rate, $lcr_user_first_increment, $lcr_user_second_increment, $time);
        // Costs/Sell call are in original LCR currency, they need to be converted
        $database->fields['call_buy'] = check_str($call_buy);
        $database->fields['call_sell'] = check_str($call_sell);
        $db2->table = "v_xml_cdr";
        $db2->sql = "SELECT currency FROM v_billings WHERE type_value='{$accountcode}' LIMIT 1";
        $db2->result = $db2->execute();
        $actual_currency = strlen($lcr_currency) ? $lcr_currency : (strlen($_SESSION['billing']['currency']['text']) ? $_SESSION['billing']['currency']['text'] : 'USD');
        $billing_currency = strlen($db2->result[0]['currency']) ? $db2->result[0]['currency'] : $default_currency;
        if ($debug) {
            echo "sql: " . $db2->sql . "\n";
            echo "c " . $database->fields['carrier_name'] . "\n";
            echo "t {$time}\n";
            echo "b r:{$lcr_rate} - {$lcr_first_increment} - {$lcr_first_increment} = {$call_buy}\n";
            echo "s r:{$lcr_user_rate} - {$lcr_user_first_increment} - {$lcr_user_second_increment} = {$call_sell}\n";
            echo "lcr currency {$lcr_currency}\n";
            echo "actual currency {$actual_currency}\n";
            echo "user currency {$lcr_user_currency}\n";
            echo "billing currency {$billing_currency}\n";
        $sql_balance = "SELECT balance, old_balance FROM v_billings WHERE type_value='" . check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->accountcode)) . "'";
        $db2->sql = $sql_balance;
        $db2->result = $db2->execute();
        $balance = $db2->result[0]['balance'];
        $old_balance = $db2->result[0]['old_balance'];
        if ($debug) {
            echo "sql_balance: {$sql_balance}\n";
            echo "bal: {$balance}\n";
            echo "old bal: {$old_balance}\n";
        // Lets convert rate from lcr_currency to billing_currency
        $billing_call_sell = currency_convert($call_sell, $billing_currency, $lcr_user_currency);
        if ($debug) {
            echo "bcs: {$billing_call_sell} {$billing_currency}\n";
        // Remember that old_balance is using billing_currency
        $updated_balance = (double) $old_balance - (double) $billing_call_sell;
        $sql_update_balance = "UPDATE v_billings SET balance={$updated_balance}, old_balance={$updated_balance} WHERE type_value='" . check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->accountcode)) . "'";
        if ($debug) {
            echo "sql_update_balance: {$sql_update_balance}\n";
        $db2->sql = $sql_update_balance;
        $db2->result = $db2->execute();
    //insert xml_cdr into the db
    if (strlen($start_stamp) > 0) {
        if ($debug) {
            echo $database->sql . "\n";
    //insert the values
    if (strlen($uuid) > 0) {
        if ($debug) {
            $time5_insert = microtime(true);
            //echo $sql."<br />\n";
        try {
            $error = "false";
        } catch (PDOException $e) {
            $tmp_dir = $_SESSION['switch']['log']['dir'] . '/xml_cdr/failed/';
            if (!file_exists($tmp_dir)) {
                mkdir($tmp_dir, 0777, true);
            if ($_SESSION['cdr']['format']['text'] == "xml") {
                $tmp_file = $uuid . '.xml';
                $fh = fopen($tmp_dir . '/' . $tmp_file, 'w');
                fwrite($fh, $xml_string);
            } else {
                $tmp_file = $uuid . '.json';
                $fh = fopen($tmp_dir . '/' . $tmp_file, 'w');
                fwrite($fh, json_encode($xml));
            if ($debug) {
                echo $e->getMessage();
            $error = "true";
        if ($_SESSION['cdr']['storage']['text'] == "dir" && $error != "true") {
            if (strlen($uuid) > 0) {
                $tmp_time = strtotime($start_stamp);
                $tmp_year = date("Y", $tmp_time);
                $tmp_month = date("M", $tmp_time);
                $tmp_day = date("d", $tmp_time);
                $tmp_dir = $_SESSION['switch']['log']['dir'] . '/xml_cdr/archive/' . $tmp_year . '/' . $tmp_month . '/' . $tmp_day;
                if (!file_exists($tmp_dir)) {
                    mkdir($tmp_dir, 0777, true);
                if ($_SESSION['cdr']['format']['text'] == "xml") {
                    $tmp_file = $uuid . '.xml';
                    $fh = fopen($tmp_dir . '/' . $tmp_file, 'w');
                    fwrite($fh, $xml_string);
                } else {
                    $tmp_file = $uuid . '.json';
                    $fh = fopen($tmp_dir . '/' . $tmp_file, 'w');
                    fwrite($fh, json_encode($xml));
        if ($debug) {
            global $insert_time, $insert_count;
            $insert_time += microtime(true) - $time5_insert;
            //add this current query.
예제 #7
require_once "resources/check_auth.php";
require_once "config.php";
if (permission_exists('content_edit')) {
    //access granted
} else {
    echo "access denied";
//add multi-lingual support
$language = new text();
$text = $language->get();
//move down more than one level at a time
//update v_rss set rss_order = (rss_order+1) where rss_order > 2 or rss_order = 2
if (count($_GET) > 0) {
    $rss_uuid = check_str($_GET["rss_uuid"]);
    $rss_order = check_str($_GET["rss_order"]);
    $sql = "SELECT rss_order FROM v_rss ";
    $sql .= "where domain_uuid  = '{$domain_uuid}' ";
    $sql .= "and rss_category  = '{$rss_category}' ";
    $sql .= "order by rss_order desc ";
    $sql .= "limit 1 ";
    //echo $sql."<br><br>";
    $prep_statement = $db->prepare(check_sql($sql));
    $result = $prep_statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NAMED);
    foreach ($result as &$row) {
        //print_r( $row );
        $highestrss_order = $row[rss_order];
예제 #8
//send the fax
$continue = false;
if (!$included) {
    if ($_POST['action'] == "send") {
        $fax_numbers = $_POST['fax_numbers'];
        $fax_uuid = check_str($_POST["id"]);
        $fax_caller_id_name = check_str($_POST['fax_caller_id_name']);
        $fax_caller_id_number = check_str($_POST['fax_caller_id_number']);
        $fax_header = check_str($_POST['fax_header']);
        $fax_sender = check_str($_POST['fax_sender']);
        $fax_recipient = check_str($_POST['fax_recipient']);
        $fax_subject = check_str($_POST['fax_subject']);
        $fax_message = check_str($_POST['fax_message']);
        $fax_resolution = check_str($_POST['fax_resolution']);
        $fax_page_size = check_str($_POST['fax_page_size']);
        $fax_footer = check_str($_POST['fax_footer']);
        $continue = true;
} else {
    //all necessary local and session variables should
    //be already set by now by file including this one
    $continue = true;
// cleanup numbers
if (isset($fax_numbers)) {
    foreach ($fax_numbers as $index => $fax_number) {
        fax_split_dtmf($fax_number, $fax_dtmf);
        $fax_number = preg_replace("~[^0-9]~", "", $fax_number);
        $fax_dtmf = preg_replace("~[^0-9Pp*#]~", "", $fax_dtmf);
        if ($fax_number != '') {
            if ($fax_dtmf != '') {
예제 #9
require_once "root.php";
require_once "resources/require.php";
require_once "resources/check_auth.php";
if (permission_exists('voicemail_view')) {
    //access granted
} else {
    echo "access denied";
//add multi-lingual support
$language = new text();
$text = $language->get();
//retrieve order by
$order_by = check_str($_GET["order_by"]);
$order = check_str($_GET["order"]);
//set the voicemail id and voicemail uuid arrays
if (isset($_SESSION['user']['extension'])) {
    foreach ($_SESSION['user']['extension'] as $index => $row) {
        if (strlen($row['number_alias']) > 0) {
            $voicemail_ids[$index]['voicemail_id'] = $row['number_alias'];
        } else {
            $voicemail_ids[$index]['voicemail_id'] = $row['user'];
if (isset($_SESSION['user']['voicemail'])) {
    foreach ($_SESSION['user']['voicemail'] as $row) {
        if (strlen($row['voicemail_uuid']) > 0) {
            $voicemail_uuids[]['voicemail_uuid'] = $row['voicemail_uuid'];
예제 #10
        $row_accountcode = $prep_statement_accountcode->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        if ($row_accountcode['count'] > 0) {
            $broadcast_accountcode = check_str($_POST["broadcast_accountcode"]);
        } else {
            $broadcast_accountcode = $_SESSION['domain_name'];
        unset($sql_accountcode, $prep_statement_accountcode, $row_accountcode);
    } else {
        $broadcast_accountcode = $_SESSION['domain_name'];
if (count($_POST) > 0 && strlen($_POST["persistformvar"]) == 0) {
    $msg = '';
    if ($action == "update") {
        $call_broadcast_uuid = check_str($_POST["call_broadcast_uuid"]);
    //check for all required data
    if (strlen($broadcast_name) == 0) {
        $msg .= "" . $text['confirm-name'] . "<br>\n";
    //if (strlen($broadcast_description) == 0) { $msg .= "Please provide: Description<br>\n"; }
    //if (strlen($broadcast_timeout) == 0) { $msg .= "Please provide: Timeout<br>\n"; }
    //if (strlen($broadcast_concurrent_limit) == 0) { $msg .= "Please provide: Concurrent Limit<br>\n"; }
    //if (strlen($recording_uuid) == 0) { $msg .= "Please provide: Recording<br>\n"; }
    //if (strlen($broadcast_caller_id_name) == 0) { $msg .= "Please provide: Caller ID Name<br>\n"; }
    //if (strlen($broadcast_caller_id_number) == 0) { $msg .= "Please provide: Caller ID Number<br>\n"; }
    //if (strlen($broadcast_destination_type) == 0) { $msg .= "Please provide: Type<br>\n"; }
    //if (strlen($broadcast_phone_numbers) == 0) { $msg .= "Please provide: Phone Number List<br>\n"; }
    //if (strlen($broadcast_avmd) == 0) { $msg .= "Please provide: Voicemail Detection<br>\n"; }
    //if (strlen($broadcast_destination_data) == 0) { $msg .= "Please provide: Destination<br>\n"; }
예제 #11
include "root.php";
require_once "resources/require.php";
require_once "resources/check_auth.php";
if (permission_exists('device_add')) {
    //access granted
} else {
    echo "access denied";
//add multi-lingual support
$language = new text();
$text = $language->get();
//set the http get/post variable(s) to a php variable
if (isset($_REQUEST["id"]) && isset($_REQUEST["mac"])) {
    $device_uuid = check_str($_REQUEST["id"]);
    $mac_address_new = check_str($_REQUEST["mac"]);
    $mac_address_new = preg_replace('#[^a-fA-F0-9./]#', '', $mac_address_new);
//set the default
$save = true;
//check to see if the mac address exists
if ($mac_address_new == "" || $mac_address_new == "000000000000") {
    //allow duplicates to be used as templaes
} else {
    $sql = "SELECT count(*) AS num_rows FROM v_devices ";
    $sql .= "WHERE device_mac_address = '" . $mac_address_new . "' ";
    $prep_statement = $db->prepare($sql);
    if ($prep_statement) {
        $row = $prep_statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        if ($row['num_rows'] == "0") {
예제 #12
    if ($action == "add") {
        //save the message to a session variable
        $_SESSION['message'] = $text['message-add'];
        //redirect the browser
        header("Location: ring_group_edit.php?id={$ring_group_uuid}");
    if ($action == "update") {
        //save the message to a session variable
        $_SESSION['message'] = $text['message-update'];
//(count($_POST)>0 && strlen($_POST["persistformvar"]) == 0)
//pre-populate the form
if (strlen($ring_group_uuid) == 0) {
    $ring_group_uuid = check_str($_GET["id"]);
if (strlen($ring_group_uuid) > 0) {
    $sql = "select * from v_ring_groups ";
    $sql .= "where domain_uuid = '" . $_SESSION['domain_uuid'] . "' ";
    $sql .= "and ring_group_uuid = '{$ring_group_uuid}' ";
    $prep_statement = $db->prepare(check_sql($sql));
    $result = $prep_statement->fetchAll();
    foreach ($result as &$row) {
        $ring_group_name = $row["ring_group_name"];
        $ring_group_extension = $row["ring_group_extension"];
        $ring_group_context = $row["ring_group_context"];
        $ring_group_strategy = $row["ring_group_strategy"];
        $ring_group_timeout_app = $row["ring_group_timeout_app"];
        $ring_group_timeout_data = $row["ring_group_timeout_data"];
예제 #13
require_once "resources/check_auth.php";
if (permission_exists('menu_delete')) {
    //access granted
} else {
    echo "access denied";
//add multi-lingual support
$language = new text();
$text = $language->get();
if (count($_GET) > 0) {
    //clear the menu session so it will rebuild with the update
    $_SESSION["menu"] = "";
    //get the menu uuid
    $menu_uuid = check_str($_GET["id"]);
    $menu_item_uuid = check_str($_GET["menu_item_uuid"]);
    //delete the item in the menu
    $sql = "delete from v_menu_items ";
    $sql .= "where menu_item_uuid = '{$menu_item_uuid}' ";
    $sql .= "and menu_uuid = '{$menu_uuid}' ";
    //delete the menu item groups
    $sql = "delete from v_menu_item_groups ";
    $sql .= "where menu_item_uuid = '{$menu_item_uuid}' ";
    $sql .= "and menu_uuid = '{$menu_uuid}' ";
    //delete the menu item language
    $sql = "delete from v_menu_languages ";
    $sql .= "where menu_uuid = '{$menu_uuid}' ";
require_once "root.php";
require_once "resources/require.php";
//check permissions
require_once "resources/check_auth.php";
if (permission_exists('device_vendor_function_delete')) {
    //access granted
} else {
    echo "access denied";
//add multi-lingual support
$language = new text();
$text = $language->get();
//get the id
if (count($_GET) > 0) {
    $id = check_str($_GET["id"]);
    $device_vendor_uuid = check_str($_GET["device_vendor_uuid"]);
//delete the data
if (strlen($id) > 0) {
    //delete device_vendor_function
    $sql = "delete from v_device_vendor_functions ";
    $sql .= "where device_vendor_function_uuid = '{$id}' ";
    $prep_statement = $db->prepare(check_sql($sql));
//redirect the user
$_SESSION['message'] = $text['message-delete'];
header('Location: device_vendor_function_edit.php?id=' . $device_vendor_uuid);
예제 #15
            case 'greaterorequal':
                $mos_comparison = ">=";
            case 'equal':
                $mos_comparison = "<";
            case 'notequal':
                $mos_comparison = "<>";
    } else {
        $mos_comparison = '';
    //$mos_comparison = check_str($_REQUEST["mos_comparison"]);
    $mos_score = check_str($_REQUEST["mos_score"]);
//build the sql where string
if ($missed == true) {
    $sql_where_ands[] = "billsec = '0'";
if (strlen($start_epoch) > 0 && strlen($stop_epoch) > 0) {
    $sql_where_ands[] = "start_epoch BETWEEN " . $start_epoch . " AND " . $stop_epoch . " ";
if (strlen($cdr_id) > 0) {
    $sql_where_ands[] = "cdr_id like '%" . $cdr_id . "%'";
if (strlen($direction) > 0) {
    $sql_where_ands[] = "direction = '" . $direction . "'";
if (strlen($caller_id_name) > 0) {
예제 #16
 $is_del = intval($_POST['is_del']);
 $is_disable = intval($_POST['is_disable']);
 $submit = $_POST['submit'];
 if (!isset($id) || empty($id)) {
     msg('<span style="color:red">参数传递错误,请重新操作</span>', 'admin_channel.php');
 if (!isset($submit)) {
     msg('<span style="color:red">请从表单提交</span>');
 if (empty($use_name)) {
     msg('<span style="color:red">字段提示文字不能为空</span>');
 if (strlen($use_name) > 60) {
     msg('<span style="color:red">字段提示文字太长,请缩短</span>');
 if (!check_str($field_name, '/^\\w+$/')) {
     msg('<span style="color:red">字段名必须是字母、数字或_组合</span>');
 if (strlen($field_name) > 60) {
     msg('<span style="color:red">字段名太长,请缩短</span>');
 if (strlen($field_value) > 200) {
     msg('<span style="color:red">字段默认值太长,请缩短</span>');
 if (strlen($field_info) > 200) {
     msg('<span style="color:red">字段说明太长,请缩短</span>');
 $field_length = $field_length;
 if (empty($field_length)) {
     $field_length = 255;
예제 #17
require_once "root.php";
require_once "resources/require.php";
require_once "resources/check_auth.php";
if (permission_exists('conference_delete')) {
    //access granted
} else {
    echo "access denied";
//add multi-lingual support
$language = new text();
$text = $language->get();
//get the id
if (count($_GET) > 0) {
    $id = check_str($_GET["id"]);
//require the id
if (strlen($id) > 0) {
    //get the dialplan uuid
    $sql = "select * from v_conferences ";
    $sql .= "where domain_uuid = '{$domain_uuid}' ";
    $sql .= "and conference_uuid = '{$id}' ";
    $prep_statement = $db->prepare($sql);
    while ($row = $prep_statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
        $dialplan_uuid = $row['dialplan_uuid'];
    //delete conference
    $sql = "delete from v_conferences ";
    $sql .= "where domain_uuid = '{$domain_uuid}' ";
예제 #18
require_once "resources/require.php";
require_once "resources/check_auth.php";
if (permission_exists('device_key_delete')) {
    //access granted
} else {
    echo "access denied";
//add multi-lingual support
$language = new text();
$text = $language->get();
//get the id
if (isset($_GET["id"])) {
    $id = $_GET["id"];
    $device_uuid = check_str($_GET["device_uuid"]);
    $device_profile_uuid = check_str($_GET["device_profile_uuid"]);
//delete device keys
if (is_uuid($id)) {
    $sql = "delete from v_device_keys ";
    $sql .= "where (domain_uuid = '" . $_SESSION["domain_uuid"] . "' or domain_uuid is null) ";
    $sql .= "and device_key_uuid = '" . $id . "' ";
//send a redirect
$_SESSION["message"] = $text['message-delete'];
if ($device_uuid != '') {
    header("Location: device_edit.php?id=" . $device_uuid);
} else {
    if ($device_profile_uuid != '') {
    $field_label = check_str($_POST["field_label"]);
    $field_name = check_str($_POST["field_name"]);
    $field_type = check_str($_POST["field_type"]);
    $field_value = check_str($_POST["field_value"]);
    $field_list_hidden = check_str($_POST["field_list_hidden"]);
    $field_search_by = check_str($_POST["field_search_by"]);
    $field_column = check_str($_POST["field_column"]);
    $field_required = check_str($_POST["field_required"]);
    $field_order = check_str($_POST["field_order"]);
    $field_order_tab = check_str($_POST["field_order_tab"]);
    $field_description = check_str($_POST["field_description"]);
if (count($_POST) > 0 && strlen($_POST["persistformvar"]) == 0) {
    $msg = '';
    if ($action == "update") {
        $schema_field_uuid = check_str($_POST["schema_field_uuid"]);
    //check for all required data
    if (strlen($domain_uuid) == 0) {
        $msg .= $text['message-required'] . "domain_uuid<br>\n";
    if (strlen($field_name) == 0 && $field_type != "label") {
        $msg .= $text['message-required'] . $text['label-field_name'] . "<br>\n";
    if (strlen($field_type) == 0) {
        $msg .= $text['message-required'] . $text['label-field_type'] . "<br>\n";
    if (strlen($field_list_hidden) == 0) {
        $msg .= $text['message-required'] . $text['label-field_visibility'] . "<br>\n";
    if (strlen($field_column) == 0) {
예제 #20
require_once "resources/require.php";
require_once "resources/check_auth.php";
require_once "resources/paging.php";
if (permission_exists('dialplan_add') || permission_exists('inbound_route_add') || permission_exists('outbound_route_add') || permission_exists('time_condition_add')) {
    //access granted
} else {
    echo "access denied";
//add multi-lingual support
$language = new text();
$text = $language->get();
//set the http get/post variable(s) to a php variable
if (isset($_REQUEST["id"])) {
    $sip_profile_uuid = check_str($_REQUEST["id"]);
    $sip_profile_name = check_str($_REQUEST["name"]);
//get the sip profile data
if (count($_GET) > 0 && $_POST["persistformvar"] != "true") {
    $sql = "select * from v_sip_profiles ";
    $sql .= "where sip_profile_uuid = '{$sip_profile_uuid}' ";
    $prep_statement = $db->prepare(check_sql($sql));
    $result = $prep_statement->fetchAll();
    foreach ($result as &$row) {
        $sip_profile_description = $row["sip_profile_description"];
//copy the v_sip_profiles
$sip_profile_uuid_new = uuid();
예제 #21
  * process method converts the xml cdr and adds it to the database
 public function xml_array($row, $leg, $xml_string)
     //fix the xml by escaping the contents of <sip_full_XXX>
     if (defined('STDIN')) {
         $xml_string = preg_replace_callback("/<([^><]+)>(.*?[><].*?)<\\/\\g1>/", function ($matches) {
             return '<' . $matches[1] . '>' . str_replace(">", "&gt;", str_replace("<", "&lt;", $matches[2])) . '</' . $matches[1] . '>';
         }, $xml_string);
     //parse the xml to get the call detail record info
     try {
         $xml = simplexml_load_string($xml_string);
         //$this->log("\nxml load done\n");
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         echo $e->getMessage();
         //$this->log("\nfail loadxml: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n");
     //get the destination number
     if ($xml->variables->current_application == "bridge") {
         $current_application_data = urldecode($xml->variables->current_application_data);
         $bridge_array = explode("/", $current_application_data);
         $destination_number = end($bridge_array);
         if (strpos($destination_number, '@') !== FALSE) {
             $destination_array = explode("@", $destination_number);
             $destination_number = $destination_array[0];
     } else {
         $destination_number = urldecode($xml->variables->sip_to_user);
     //get the caller id
     $caller_id_name = urldecode($xml->variables->effective_caller_id_name);
     $caller_id_number = urldecode($xml->variables->effective_caller_id_number);
     if (strlen($caller_id_number) == 0) {
         foreach ($xml->callflow as $row) {
             $caller_id_name = urldecode($row->caller_profile->caller_id_name);
             $caller_id_number = urldecode($row->caller_profile->caller_id_number);
     $uuid = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->uuid));
     $this->array[$row]['uuid'] = $uuid;
     $this->array[$row]['destination_number'] = check_str($destination_number);
     $this->array[$row]['source_number'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->effective_caller_id_number));
     $this->array[$row]['user_context'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->user_context));
     $this->array[$row]['network_addr'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->sip_network_ip));
     $this->array[$row]['caller_id_name'] = check_str($caller_id_name);
     $this->array[$row]['caller_id_number'] = check_str($caller_id_number);
     $this->array[$row]['accountcode'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->accountcode));
     $this->array[$row]['default_language'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->default_language));
     $this->array[$row]['bridge_uuid'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->bridge_uuid));
     //$this->array[$row]['digits_dialed'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->digits_dialed));
     $this->array[$row]['sip_hangup_disposition'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->sip_hangup_disposition));
     $this->array[$row]['pin_number'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->pin_number));
     $this->array[$row]['start_epoch'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->start_epoch));
     $start_stamp = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->start_stamp));
     $this->array[$row]['start_stamp'] = $start_stamp;
     $this->array[$row]['answer_stamp'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->answer_stamp));
     $this->array[$row]['answer_epoch'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->answer_epoch));
     $this->array[$row]['end_epoch'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->end_epoch));
     $this->array[$row]['end_stamp'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->end_stamp));
     $this->array[$row]['duration'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->duration));
     $this->array[$row]['mduration'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->mduration));
     $this->array[$row]['billsec'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->billsec));
     $this->array[$row]['billmsec'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->billmsec));
     $this->array[$row]['read_codec'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->read_codec));
     $this->array[$row]['read_rate'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->read_rate));
     $this->array[$row]['write_codec'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->write_codec));
     $this->array[$row]['write_rate'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->write_rate));
     $this->array[$row]['remote_media_ip'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->remote_media_ip));
     $this->array[$row]['hangup_cause'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->hangup_cause));
     $this->array[$row]['hangup_cause_q850'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->hangup_cause_q850));
     //call center
     $this->array[$row]['cc_side'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->cc_side));
     $this->array[$row]['cc_member_uuid'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->cc_member_uuid));
     $this->array[$row]['cc_queue_joined_epoch'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->cc_queue_joined_epoch));
     $this->array[$row]['cc_queue'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->cc_queue));
     $this->array[$row]['cc_member_session_uuid'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->cc_member_session_uuid));
     $this->array[$row]['cc_agent'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->cc_agent));
     $this->array[$row]['cc_agent_type'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->cc_agent_type));
     $this->array[$row]['waitsec'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->waitsec));
     //app info
     $this->array[$row]['last_app'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->last_app));
     $this->array[$row]['last_arg'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->last_arg));
     $this->array[$row]['conference_name'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->conference_name));
     $this->array[$row]['conference_uuid'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->conference_uuid));
     $this->array[$row]['conference_member_id'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->conference_member_id));
     //call quality
     $rtp_audio_in_mos = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->rtp_audio_in_mos));
     if (strlen($rtp_audio_in_mos) > 0) {
         $this->array[$row]['rtp_audio_in_mos'] = $rtp_audio_in_mos;
     //store the call leg
     $this->array[$row]['leg'] = $leg;
     //store the call direction
     $this->array[$row]['direction'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->call_direction));
     //store post dial delay, in milliseconds
     $this->array[$row]['pdd_ms'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->progress_mediamsec) + urldecode($xml->variables->progressmsec));
     //get break down the date to year, month and day
     $tmp_time = strtotime($start_stamp);
     $tmp_year = date("Y", $tmp_time);
     $tmp_month = date("M", $tmp_time);
     $tmp_day = date("d", $tmp_time);
     //get the domain values from the xml
     $domain_name = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->domain_name));
     $domain_uuid = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->domain_uuid));
     //get the domain name from sip_req_host
     if (strlen($domain_name) == 0) {
         $domain_name = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->sip_req_host));
     //send the domain name to the cdr log
     //$this->log("\ndomain_name is `$domain_name`; domain_uuid is '$domain_uuid'\n");
     //get the domain_uuid with the domain_name
     if (strlen($domain_uuid) == 0) {
         $sql = "select domain_uuid from v_domains ";
         if (strlen($domain_name) == 0 && $context != 'public' && $context != 'default') {
             $sql .= "where domain_name = '" . $context . "' ";
         } else {
             $sql .= "where domain_name = '" . $domain_name . "' ";
         $row = $this->db->query($sql)->fetch();
         $domain_uuid = $row['domain_uuid'];
     //set values in the database
     if (strlen($domain_uuid) > 0) {
         $this->array[$row]['domain_uuid'] = $domain_uuid;
     if (strlen($domain_name) > 0) {
         $this->array[$row]['domain_name'] = $domain_name;
     //check whether a recording exists
     $recording_relative_path = '/' . $_SESSION['domain_name'] . '/archive/' . $tmp_year . '/' . $tmp_month . '/' . $tmp_day;
     if (file_exists($_SESSION['switch']['recordings']['dir'] . $recording_relative_path . '/' . $uuid . '.wav')) {
         $recording_file = $recording_relative_path . '/' . $uuid . '.wav';
     } elseif (file_exists($_SESSION['switch']['recordings']['dir'] . $recording_relative_path . '/' . $uuid . '.mp3')) {
         $recording_file = $recording_relative_path . '/' . $uuid . '.mp3';
     if (isset($recording_file) && !empty($recording_file)) {
         $this->array[$row]['recording_file'] = $recording_file;
     //save to the database in xml format
     if ($_SESSION['cdr']['format']['text'] == "xml" && $_SESSION['cdr']['storage']['text'] == "db") {
         $this->array[$row]['xml'] = check_str($xml_string);
     //save to the database in json format
     if ($_SESSION['cdr']['format']['text'] == "json" && $_SESSION['cdr']['storage']['text'] == "db") {
         $this->array[$row]['json'] = check_str(json_encode($xml));
     //insert the check_str($extension_uuid)
     if (strlen($xml->variables->extension_uuid) > 0) {
         $this->array[$row]['extension_uuid'] = check_str(urldecode($xml->variables->extension_uuid));
     //insert the values
     if (strlen($uuid) > 0) {
         if ($this->debug) {
             //$time5_insert = microtime(true);
             //echo $sql."<br />\n";
         try {
             $error = "false";
         } catch (PDOException $e) {
             $tmp_dir = $_SESSION['switch']['log']['dir'] . '/xml_cdr/failed/';
             if (!file_exists($tmp_dir)) {
                 mkdir($tmp_dir, 0777, true);
             if ($_SESSION['cdr']['format']['text'] == "xml") {
                 $tmp_file = $uuid . '.xml';
                 $fh = fopen($tmp_dir . '/' . $tmp_file, 'w');
                 fwrite($fh, $xml_string);
             } else {
                 $tmp_file = $uuid . '.json';
                 $fh = fopen($tmp_dir . '/' . $tmp_file, 'w');
                 fwrite($fh, json_encode($xml));
             if ($this->debug) {
                 echo $e->getMessage();
             $error = "true";
         if ($_SESSION['cdr']['storage']['text'] == "dir" && $error != "true") {
             if (strlen($uuid) > 0) {
                 $tmp_time = strtotime($start_stamp);
                 $tmp_year = date("Y", $tmp_time);
                 $tmp_month = date("M", $tmp_time);
                 $tmp_day = date("d", $tmp_time);
                 $tmp_dir = $_SESSION['switch']['log']['dir'] . '/xml_cdr/archive/' . $tmp_year . '/' . $tmp_month . '/' . $tmp_day;
                 if (!file_exists($tmp_dir)) {
                     mkdir($tmp_dir, 0777, true);
                 if ($_SESSION['cdr']['format']['text'] == "xml") {
                     $tmp_file = $uuid . '.xml';
                     $fh = fopen($tmp_dir . '/' . $tmp_file, 'w');
                     fwrite($fh, $xml_string);
                 } else {
                     $tmp_file = $uuid . '.json';
                     $fh = fopen($tmp_dir . '/' . $tmp_file, 'w');
                     fwrite($fh, json_encode($xml));
         //if ($this->debug) {
         //GLOBAL $insert_time,$insert_count;
         //$insert_time+=microtime(true)-$time5_insert; //add this current query.
	Mark J Crane <*****@*****.**>
include "root.php";
require_once "includes/config.php";
require_once "includes/checkauth.php";
if (ifgroup("admin") || ifgroup("superadmin")) {
    //access granted
} else {
    echo "access denied";
if (count($_GET) > 0) {
    $id = $_GET["id"];
    $public_include_id = check_str($_REQUEST["id2"]);
if (strlen($id) > 0) {
    $sql = "";
    $sql .= "delete from v_public_includes_details ";
    $sql .= "where v_id = '{$v_id}' ";
    $sql .= "and public_includes_detail_id = '{$id}' ";
    $sql .= "and public_include_id = '{$public_include_id}' ";
    $prepstatement = $db->prepare(check_sql($sql));
require_once "includes/header.php";
echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"2;url=v_public_includes_edit.php?id=" . $public_include_id . "\">\n";
echo "<div align='center'>\n";
echo "Delete Complete\n";
require_once "resources/check_auth.php";
if (permission_exists('menu_edit')) {
    //access granted
} else {
    echo "access denied";
//add multi-lingual support
$language = new text();
$text = $language->get();
//move down more than one level at a time
//update v_menu_items set menu_item_order = (menu_item_order+1) where menu_item_order > 2 or menu_item_order = 2
if (count($_GET) > 0) {
    $menu_item_id = check_str($_GET["menu_item_id"]);
    $menu_item_order = check_str($_GET["menu_item_order"]);
    $menu_parent_guid = check_str($_GET["menu_parent_guid"]);
    $sql = "SELECT menu_item_order FROM v_menu_items ";
    $sql .= "where domain_uuid = '" . $domain_uuid . "' ";
    $sql .= "order by menu_item_order desc ";
    $sql .= "limit 1 ";
    $prep_statement = $db->prepare(check_sql($sql));
    $result = $prep_statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NAMED);
    foreach ($result as &$row) {
        $highestmenu_item_order = $row[menu_item_order];
    if ($menu_item_order != $highestmenu_item_order) {
        //clear the menu session so it will rebuild with the update
        $_SESSION["menu"] = "";
        //move the current item's order number up
    $tag = check_str($_POST["tag"]);
    $fieldtype = check_str($_POST["fieldtype"]);
    $fielddata = check_str($_POST["fielddata"]);
    $fieldorder = check_str($_POST["fieldorder"]);
//echo "public_include_id $public_include_id<br />\n";
if (count($_POST) > 0 && strlen($_POST["persistformvar"]) == 0) {
    $msg = '';
    ////recommend moving this to the config.php file
    $uploadtempdir = $_ENV["TEMP"] . "\\";
    ini_set('upload_tmp_dir', $uploadtempdir);
    ////$imagedir = $_ENV["TEMP"]."\\";
    ////$filedir = $_ENV["TEMP"]."\\";
    if ($action == "update") {
        $public_includes_detail_id = check_str($_POST["public_includes_detail_id"]);
    //check for all required data
    if (strlen($v_id) == 0) {
        $msg .= "Please provide: v_id<br>\n";
    if (strlen($public_include_id) == 0) {
        $msg .= "Please provide: public_include_id<br>\n";
    if (strlen($tag) == 0) {
        $msg .= "Please provide: Tag<br>\n";
    if (strlen($fieldtype) == 0) {
        $msg .= "Please provide: Type<br>\n";
    //if (strlen($fielddata) == 0) { $msg .= "Please provide: Data<br>\n"; }
예제 #25
        //redirect the browser
        if ($action == "update" && permission_exists('fax_extension_edit')) {
            $_SESSION["message"] = $text['confirm-update'];
        if ($action == "add" && permission_exists('fax_extension_add')) {
            $_SESSION["message"] = $text['confirm-add'];
        header("Location: fax.php");
    //if ($_POST["persistformvar"] != "true")
//(count($_POST)>0 && strlen($_POST["persistformvar"]) == 0)
//pre-populate the form
if (strlen($_GET['id']) > 0 && $_POST["persistformvar"] != "true") {
    $fax_uuid = check_str($_GET["id"]);
    $sql = "select * from v_fax ";
    $sql .= "where domain_uuid = '" . $_SESSION['domain_uuid'] . "' ";
    $sql .= "and fax_uuid = '{$fax_uuid}' ";
    $prep_statement = $db->prepare(check_sql($sql));
    $result = $prep_statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NAMED);
    if (count($result) == 0) {
        echo "access denied";
    foreach ($result as &$row) {
        $dialplan_uuid = $row["dialplan_uuid"];
        $fax_extension = $row["fax_extension"];
        $fax_accountcode = $row["accountcode"];
        $fax_destination_number = $row["fax_destination_number"];
예제 #26
     if ($_GET['type'] == "fax_sent") {
         if (file_exists($fax_dir . '/' . check_str($_GET['ext']) . '/sent/' . check_str($_GET['filename']))) {
             $tmp_faxdownload_file = $fax_dir . '/' . check_str($_GET['ext']) . '/sent/' . check_str($_GET['filename']);
 //let's see if we found it.
 if (strlen($tmp_faxdownload_file) > 0) {
     $fd = fopen($tmp_faxdownload_file, "rb");
     if ($_GET['t'] == "bin") {
         header("Content-Type: application/force-download");
         header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
         header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
         header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . check_str($_GET['filename']) . '"');
     } else {
         $file_ext = substr(check_str($_GET['filename']), -3);
         if ($file_ext == "tif") {
             header("Content-Type: image/tiff");
         } else {
             if ($file_ext == "png") {
                 header("Content-Type: image/png");
             } else {
                 if ($file_ext == "jpg") {
                     header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
                 } else {
                     if ($file_ext == "pdf") {
                         header("Content-Type: application/pdf");
예제 #27
} else {
    $action = "add";
if (strlen($_GET["contact_uuid"]) > 0) {
    $contact_uuid = check_str($_GET["contact_uuid"]);
//get http post variables and set them to php variables
if (count($_POST) > 0) {
    $contact_note = check_str($_POST["contact_note"]);
    $last_mod_date = check_str($_POST["last_mod_date"]);
    $last_mod_user = check_str($_POST["last_mod_user"]);
if (count($_POST) > 0 && strlen($_POST["persistformvar"]) == 0) {
    $msg = '';
    if ($action == "update") {
        $contact_note_uuid = check_str($_POST["contact_note_uuid"]);
    //check for all required data
    if (strlen($msg) > 0 && strlen($_POST["persistformvar"]) == 0) {
        require_once "resources/header.php";
        require_once "resources/persist_form_var.php";
        echo "<div align='center'>\n";
        echo "<table><tr><td>\n";
        echo $msg . "<br />";
        echo "</td></tr></table>\n";
        echo "</div>\n";
        require_once "resources/footer.php";
    //add or update the database
    $address_locality = check_str($_POST["address_locality"]);
    $address_region = check_str($_POST["address_region"]);
    $address_postal_code = check_str($_POST["address_postal_code"]);
    $address_country = check_str($_POST["address_country"]);
    $address_latitude = check_str($_POST["address_latitude"]);
    $address_longitude = check_str($_POST["address_longitude"]);
    $address_primary = check_str($_POST["address_primary"]);
    $address_description = check_str($_POST["address_description"]);
    //use custom label if set
    $address_label = $address_label_custom != '' ? $address_label_custom : $address_label;
//process the form data
if (count($_POST) > 0 && strlen($_POST["persistformvar"]) == 0) {
    //set the uuid
    if ($action == "update") {
        $contact_address_uuid = check_str($_POST["contact_address_uuid"]);
    //check for all required data
    $msg = '';
    if (strlen($msg) > 0 && strlen($_POST["persistformvar"]) == 0) {
        require_once "resources/header.php";
        require_once "resources/persist_form_var.php";
        echo "<div align='center'>\n";
        echo "<table><tr><td>\n";
        echo $msg . "<br />";
        echo "</td></tr></table>\n";
        echo "</div>\n";
        require_once "resources/footer.php";
예제 #29
if (count($_POST) > 0 && $_POST["persistform"] != "1") {
    //get the HTTP values and set as variables
    $user_uuid = $_REQUEST["id"];
    $domain_uuid = check_str($_POST["domain_uuid"]);
    $username_old = check_str($_POST["username_old"]);
    $username = check_str($_POST["username"]);
    $password = check_str($_POST["password"]);
    $password_confirm = check_str($_POST["password_confirm"]);
    $user_status = check_str($_POST["user_status"]);
    $user_language = check_str($_POST["user_language"]);
    $user_time_zone = check_str($_POST["user_time_zone"]);
    $contact_uuid = check_str($_POST["contact_uuid"]);
    $group_member = check_str($_POST["group_member"]);
    $user_enabled = check_str($_POST["user_enabled"]);
    $api_key = check_str($_POST["api_key"]);
    //check required values
    if ($username != $username_old) {
        $sql = "select count(*) as num_rows from v_users where domain_uuid = '" . $domain_uuid . "' and username = '******'";
        $prep_statement = $db->prepare(check_sql($sql));
        if ($prep_statement) {
            $row = $prep_statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
            if (0 < $row['num_rows']) {
                $msg_error = $text['message-username_exists'];
    if ($password != $password_confirm) {
        $msg_error = $text['message-password_mismatch'];
예제 #30
         $group_conditions_exist[$group_id] = true;
 //for each
 //continue adding to query only if conditions exist in current group
 if ($group_conditions_exist[$group_id]) {
     //determine group action app and data
     $dialplan_action = check_str($_REQUEST["dialplan_action"][$group_id]);
     if ($dialplan_action == '') {
         if ($is_preset) {
             if (check_str($_REQUEST['default_preset_action']) != '') {
                 $dialplan_action = check_str($_REQUEST['default_preset_action']);
             } else {
                 if (check_str($_REQUEST['dialplan_anti_action']) != '') {
                     $dialplan_action = check_str($_REQUEST['dialplan_anti_action']);
     if ($dialplan_action != '') {
         //if preset, set log variable
         if ($is_preset) {
             foreach ($_REQUEST['preset'] as $preset_number => $preset_group_id) {
                 if ($group_id == $preset_group_id) {
                     foreach ($available_presets[$preset_number] as $available_preset_name => $meh) {
                         $dialplan_detail_order += 10;
                         $sql .= ", ( ";
                         $sql .= "'" . $domain_uuid . "', ";
                         $sql .= "'" . $dialplan_uuid . "', ";
                         $sql .= "'" . uuid() . "', ";