default: $check = check_format_values_program($value, "other", $tolerance); break; } } if (count($check) == 0) { echo json_encode("error"); } else { echo json_encode($check); } } else { echo json_encode("error"); } return 0; case 'month': if (!check_format_date("{$value}", $type)) { echo "error"; } break; case 'date_interval': $value = explode('_', $value); if (count($value) != 2) { echo "error"; break; } if (!check_date($value[0], $value[1])) { echo "error"; } break; case 'numeric': if (!check_numeric_value("{$value}")) {
$yaxis_array[8] = programs\get_curve_information('power'); $yaxis_array[9] = programs\get_curve_information('program'); // Used to alert user if export is could be done $check_log = logs\check_export_table_csv("logs", $main_error); $check_power = logs\check_export_table_csv("power", $main_error); $sd_card = $GLOBALS['CULTIPI_CONF_TEMP_PATH']; //More default values: if (!isset($startday) || empty($startday) || $reload_import) { $startday = programs\get_last_day_with_logs(); } $startday = str_replace(' ', '', "{$startday}"); if ($startday == "") { $startday = date('Y') . "-" . date('m') . "-" . date('d'); $fake_log = true; } else { if (!check_format_date($startday, "days")) { $startday = date('Y') . "-" . date('m') . "-" . date('d'); } } if (!isset($startmonth) || empty($startmonth)) { $startmonth = ""; if (isset($_GET['startmonth'])) { $startmonth = $_GET['startmonth']; } else { $startmonth = date('m'); } } if (!isset($startyear) || empty($startyear)) { $startyear = ""; if (isset($_GET['startyear'])) { $startyear = $_GET['startyear'];