public function settings() { if (!$this->authedUser) { redirect(base_url('app/novp/')); } else { if (!check_access($this->authedUser, 'use_novp_api')) { redirect(base_url('app/novp/start/')); } } // Get token $r_token = $this->db->get_where('novp_tokens', array('user_id' => $this->authedUser->getId())); if ($r_token->num_rows() == 1) { $token = $r_token->result()[0]->token; } else { $token = "Click Refresh icon to get token"; } $this->data['user'] = $this->authedUser; $this->data['token'] = $token; $this->data['user_details'] = $this->authedUser->toArray()['details'][0]; $this->data['page_title'] = 'Settings | NOVP - Power your video with NOVP'; $this->data['menu_active'] = "settings"; $this->load->view('novp/views/header', $this->data); $this->load->view('novp/views/nav'); $this->load->view('novp/views/settings'); $this->load->view('novp/views/footer'); }
function call_move_text() { global $local_stats,$id,$confirm,$target,$tool; include_once('inc/functions/resort_tools.php'); check_access($tool); echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."\">" . "Input user id: <input name=id size=5><br>" . "Move to alliance: <input name=target size=5><br>" . '<label>Check if touring:</label>' . '<input type="checkbox" name="tourer">' . "<input type=submit value=Move name=confirm>" . "</form>" . "<br><br>"; if ($confirm && $id && $target) { //if ($target == 1 && $local_stats[LEVEL] < 5) // $target = 2; echo "User $id has been move to alliance $target"; $orkTime = date(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT); $search = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM stats WHERE id = $id"); $search = mysql_fetch_array($search); //mysql_query("UPDATE stats SET kingdom = $target, type ='player', invested = 0 where id = $id"); //mysql_query("UPDATE rankings_personal SET alli_id = $target where id = $id"); //mysql_query("UPDATE stats SET vote = 0, invested = 0 WHERE vote = $id"); //mysql_query("UPDATE goods SET credits = 0, market_money = 0, market_food = 0, market_soldiers = 0, market_wood = 0 WHERE id = $id"); move_tribe($id, $target); mysql_query("INSERT INTO news (id, time, ip, type, duser, ouser, result, text, kingdom_text, kingdoma, kingdomb) VALUES ('', '$orkTime', '---', 'Mod Move', '0', '0', '1', '', '<font class=\"indicator\">$search[tribe] was moved from #$search[kingdom] to #$target!</font>', '$search[kingdom]', '$target')"); } }
function index() { $this->load->dbutil(); $this->load->helper('download'); /* Check access */ if (!check_access('backup account')) { $this->messages->add('Permission denied.', 'error'); redirect('setting'); return; } $backup_filename = "backup" . date("dmYHis") . ".gz"; /* Backup your entire database and assign it to a variable */ $backup_data =& $this->dbutil->backup(); /* Write the backup file to server */ if (!write_file($this->config->item('backup_path') . $backup_filename, $backup_data)) { $this->messages->add('Error saving backup file to server.' . ' Check if "' . $this->config->item('backup_path') . '" folder is writable.', 'error'); redirect('setting'); return; } /* Send the file to your desktop */ force_download($backup_filename, $backup_data); $this->logger->write_message("success", "Downloaded account backup"); redirect('setting'); return; }
public function register() { check_access(TRUE, TRUE); $data = array('title' => 'Register', 'button' => 'Register', 'fields' => array('id' => array('label' => 'Registration ID', 'type' => 'text', 'attr' => array('required' => '', 'autofocus' => '')), 'email' => array('label' => 'Email', 'type' => 'email', 'attr' => array('required' => '')), 'password' => array('label' => 'Password', 'type' => 'password'), 'title' => array('label' => 'Title', 'type' => 'select', 'values' => array('Mr' => 'Mr', 'Ms' => 'Ms', 'Mrs' => 'Mrs', 'Dr' => 'Dr', 'Prof' => 'Prof')), 'first_name' => array('label' => 'First Name', 'type' => 'text'), 'last_name' => array('label' => 'Last Name', 'type' => 'text'), 'address' => array('label' => 'Address', 'type' => 'textarea'), 'city' => array('label' => 'City', 'type' => 'text'), 'country' => array('label' => 'Country', 'type' => 'text'), 'attendee_type' => array('label' => 'Attendee Type', 'type' => 'select', 'values' => array('student' => 'Student', 'participant' => 'Participant', 'sponsor' => 'Sponsor', 'vip' => 'VIP', 'speaker' => 'Speaker')), 'department' => array('label' => 'Department', 'type' => 'text'), 'company' => array('label' => 'Company', 'type' => 'text'), 'phone_number' => array('label' => 'Phone Number', 'type' => 'tel'), 'fax_number' => array('label' => 'Fax Number', 'type' => 'tel'), 'payment_status' => array('label' => 'Payment Status', 'type' => 'select', 'values' => array('unpaid' => 'Unpaid', 'cash' => 'Paid by Cash', 'credit' => 'Paid by Credit Card', 'epa' => 'Paid by EPS', 'cheque' => 'Paid by Cheque')), 'remarks' => array('label' => 'Remarks', 'type' => 'textarea'), 'is_admin' => array('label' => 'Is administrator?', 'type' => 'checkbox'))); if ($this->input->method() == 'post') { $this->load->database(); $fields = $this->input->post(); foreach ($fields as &$v) { if ($v == "") { $v = NULL; } } $fields['is_admin'] = empty($fields['is_admin']); if ($this->db->set('registration_date', 'now()', FALSE)->insert('member', $fields) === FALSE) { $e = $this->db->error(); $e = json_encode($e['message']); $this->output->append_output("<script>\n alert('Database Error:\\n' + {$e});\n </script>"); } else { $x = json_encode(site_url()); $this->output->append_output("<script>\n if(confirm('Register Success!\\nClick OK to enter a new record or cancel to go back to Home . '))\n window.parent.location.reload();\n else\n window.parent.location = {$x};\n </script>"); } return; } $data['menu'] = $this->load->view('menu', NULL, TRUE); $this->load->view('simple_form', $data); }
public function adminSideBar($param) { if (check_access("Weixin/Index/index")) { echo '<li><a href="' . U('Weixin/Index/index') . '"> <i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i>微信模块</a></li>'; } else { } }
public function index() { check_access(TRUE); $data = array('title' => $this->title, 'menu' => $this->load->view('menu', NULL, TRUE), 'detail_url' => site_url(uri_string() . '/detail/{id}'), 'create_url' => site_url(uri_string() . '/create'), 'edit_url' => site_url(uri_string() . '/edit/{id}'), 'delete_url' => site_url(uri_string() . '/delete/{id}'), 'fields' => $this->fields); $r = $this->db->where('receiver_id', $this->auth->user()->id)->get($this->table); $data['data'] = $r->result_array(); $this->load->view($this->view[__FUNCTION__], $data); }
function Status() { parent::Controller(); /* Check access */ if (!check_access('administer')) { $this->messages->add('Permission denied.', 'error'); redirect(''); return; } return; }
public function index() { check_access(TRUE, TRUE); $data = array('title' => $this->title, 'menu' => $this->load->view('menu', NULL, TRUE), 'create_url' => site_url('/auth/register'), 'edit_url' => !isset($this->view['edit']) || $this->view['edit'] !== FALSE ? site_url(uri_string() . '/edit/{id}') : NULL, 'delete_url' => !isset($this->view['delete']) || $this->view['delete'] !== FALSE ? site_url(uri_string() . '/delete/{id}') : NULL, 'fields' => $this->processDynamicSource($this->fields, array(__FUNCTION__))); $r = $this->db->get($this->table); $data['data'] = $r->result_array(); foreach ($data['data'] as &$v) { $v = $this->processItemSource($v, __FUNCTION__); } $this->load->view($this->view[__FUNCTION__], $data); }
function Welcome() { parent::Controller(); /* Check access */ if (!check_access('change account settings')) { $this->messages->add('Permission denied.', 'error'); redirect(''); return; } return; }
function Printer() { parent::Controller(); $this->load->model('Setting_model'); /* Check access */ if (!check_access('change account settings')) { $this->messages->add('Permission denied.', 'error'); redirect(''); return; } return; }
function Report() { parent::Controller(); $this->load->model('Ledger_model'); /* Check access */ if (!check_access('view reports')) { $this->messages->add('Permission denied.', 'error'); redirect(''); return; } return; }
function call_tour_move_text() { global $local_stats, $id, $confirm, $target, $tool; include_once 'inc/functions/resort_tools.php'; check_access($tool); $alli_id = ''; if (isset($_POST['alli_id'])) { $alli_id = intval($_POST['alli_id']); } echo '<h2>ORKFiA Tour!</h2>'; $strForm = "<form method=\"post\" action=\"" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "\">" . '<label>Where is our touring tribe? Alliance #</label> ' . '<input name="alli_id" size="3" value="' . $alli_id . '"/><br /><br />'; if (isset($_POST['alli_id']) && !empty($_POST['alli_id'])) { $iAlliance = intval($_POST['alli_id']); include 'inc/functions/vote.php'; // select everyone in this alliance $strSQL = "SELECT * " . " FROM stats " . " WHERE kingdom = " . $iAlliance . " ORDER BY tribe ASC"; $result = mysql_query($strSQL) or die("Elder Defect:" . mysql_error()); $strForm .= "<label>Select the lucky tribe</label>: " . '<select name="id" size="1">' . render_option_list($result, TRIBE, ID, 0) . '</select><br /><br />' . '<label>Where will they apparate to? Alliance #</label>: ' . '<input name="target" size="5" /><br /><br />' . '<input type="submit" value="Move Tourer" name="confirm">'; } else { $strForm .= '<input type="submit" value="Choose Alliance" name="confirm">'; } $strForm .= "</form>"; echo $strForm; if (isset($_POST['confirm']) && isset($_POST['id']) && !empty($_POST['id']) && isset($_POST['target']) && !empty($_POST['target'])) { $id = intval($_POST['id']); $target = intval($_POST['target']); $trgTmpUser = new clsUser($id); $strTribeName = ucwords(stripslashes($trgTmpUser->get_stat(TRIBE))); if ($trgTmpUser->get_build(LAND) != 1) { echo '<p>"W-T-F mate?" That was not a tourer tribe.</p></div>'; include_game_down(); exit; } elseif ($target < 11) { echo '<p>"W-T-F mate?" No apparating into staff alliances.</p></div>'; include_game_down(); exit; } echo "<p>Leader! The tribe of " . $strTribeName . " has now apparated to alliance #<strong>{$target}</strong>. Let us hope that neither of their citizens got splinched.</p>"; $orkTime = date(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT); $search = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM stats WHERE id = {$id}"); $search = mysql_fetch_array($search); //mysql_query("UPDATE stats SET kingdom = $target, type ='player', invested = 0 where id = $id"); //mysql_query("UPDATE rankings_personal SET alli_id = $target where id = $id"); //mysql_query("UPDATE stats SET vote = 0, invested = 0 WHERE vote = $id"); //mysql_query("UPDATE goods SET credits = 0, market_money = 0, market_food = 0, market_soldiers = 0, market_wood = 0 WHERE id = $id"); include_once 'inc/staff/'; move_tribe($id, $target); mysql_query("INSERT INTO news (id, time, ip, type, duser, ouser, result, text, kingdom_text, kingdoma, kingdomb) VALUES ('', '{$orkTime}', '---', 'Tour Move', '0', '0', '1', '', '<span class=\"indicator\">{$search['tribe']} has joined our alliance. Long live Orkfia! Long live the tour!</span>', '', '{$target}')"); } }
public function create_post($survey_id = 0) { check_access(TRUE); $set = array('survey_id' => $survey_id, 'writer_id' => $this->auth->user()->id, 'response_json' => json_encode($_POST)); if ($this->db->insert($this->table, $set) !== FALSE) { $list = json_encode(site_url(dirname(uri_string()))); $this->output->append_output("<script>\n alert('Thank you for your participation!');\n window.parent.location = {$list};\n </script>"); } else { $e = $this->db->error(); if ($e['code'] == 1062) { $this->output->append_output("<script>alert('You have done this survey already!');</script>"); } else { $this->dbError(); } } }
function call_update_text() { $tool = $_GET['tool']; include_once 'inc/functions/resort_tools.php'; check_access($tool); echo "'Updating' a tribe means updating the rankings and alliscreen, " . "not giving an actual update.<br /><br />" . "<form method='post' action='{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}'>" . "User id to update: <input name='id' size='5' /><br /><br />" . "<input type='submit' value='Update' name='op' />" . "</form>"; if (isset($_POST['op']) && !empty($_POST['id'])) { $id = $_POST['id']; $op = $_POST['op']; include_once 'inc/functions/update.php'; include_once 'inc/functions/update_ranking.php'; $objTrgUser = new clsUser($id); doUpdateRankings($objTrgUser, 'yes'); check_to_update($objTrgUser->get_userid()); echo "<br /><br />User " . $objTrgUser->get_userid() . " updated =)"; } }
function call_unsuspend_text() { $tool = $_GET['tool']; include_once 'inc/functions/resort_tools.php'; check_access($tool); echo "<form method='post' action='{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}'>" . "User id to unsuspend: <input name='id' size='5' /><br /><br />" . "<input type='submit' value='Unsuspend' name='op' />" . "</form>"; if (isset($_POST['op']) && !empty($_POST['id'])) { $id = $_POST['id']; $objTrgUser = new clsUser($id); $arrTrgUser = array(PAUSE_ACCOUNT => 0); $objTrgUser->set_user_infos($arrTrgUser); // Forced Ranking Update include_once 'inc/functions/update_ranking.php'; doUpdateRankings($objTrgUser, 'yes'); echo "<br /><br />User " . $objTrgUser->get_userid() . " unsuspended =)"; } }
function call_tourers_text() { require_once 'inc/functions/resort_tools.php'; check_access($_GET['tool']); require_once 'inc/functions/mail.php'; // first the "actually do something if asked" thing if (isset($_POST['id']) && isset($_POST['submit']) && isset($_POST['sure']) && $_POST['sure'] == 'yes') { //get the old values $objTrgUser = new clsUser($_POST['id']); $arrBuilds = $objTrgUser->get_builds(); $arrArmys = $objTrgUser->get_armys(); $intFame = $objTrgUser->get_stat(FAME); //make the new values $keysBuilds = array_keys($arrBuilds); $valsBuilds = array_fill(0, count($arrBuilds), 0); $arrBuilds = array_combine($keysBuilds, $valsBuilds); $arrBuilds[ID] = $_POST['id']; //DO NOT FORGET $arrBuilds[LAND] = 1; //prevent div0s $keysArmys = array_keys($arrArmys); $valsArmys = array_fill(0, count($arrArmys), 0); $arrArmys = array_combine($keysArmys, $valsArmys); $arrArmys[ID] = $_POST['id']; //DO NOT FORGET $intFame = 0; $arrUserInfo = array(NEXT_ATTACK => 1, PAUSE_ACCOUNT => 48); //set the new values $objTrgUser->set_builds($arrBuilds); $objTrgUser->set_armys($arrArmys); $objTrgUser->set_stat(FAME, $intFame); //update the tribe too require_once 'inc/functions/update.php'; require_once 'inc/functions/update_ranking.php'; doUpdateRankings($objTrgUser, true); check_to_update($objTrgUser->get_userid()); //do this afterwards, otherwise the updaterankings doesn't work too well $objTrgUser->set_user_infos($arrUserInfo); //tell them about it send_mail($GLOBALS['objSrcUser']->get_userid(), $_POST['id'], "You have been tourified", "This is an automated message indicating that I have used the 'Tourify' tool to turn your tribe into a tourer tribe."); echo "User {$_POST['id']} has been tourified. ORKFiA mail has been sent to let him know.<br /><br /><br />"; } echo "'Tourifying' a tribe means setting it to 1 land, 0 fame, removing all military and suspending it. " . "Please make sure you're tourifying the right tribe, because the only way to undo this is resetting." . "<br /><br /><form method=\"post\" action=\"{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}\">" . "<label for=\"id\">User id of tribe to tourify </label>" . "<input type=\"text\" id=\"id\" name=\"id\" size=\"5\" maxlength=\"5\" /><br />" . "<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"sure\" name=\"sure\" value=\"yes\" />" . "<label for=\"sure\"> I'm sure I want to tourify this tribe</label><br />" . "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"tourify\" />" . "</form>"; }
function clear() { /* Check access */ if (!check_access('clear log')) { $this->messages->add('Permission denied.', 'error'); redirect('log'); return; } /* Check for account lock */ if ($this->config->item('account_locked') == 1) { $this->messages->add('Account is locked.', 'error'); redirect('log'); return; } if ($this->db->truncate('logs')) { $this->messages->add('Log cleared.', 'success'); redirect('log'); } else { $this->messages->add('Error clearing Log.', 'error'); redirect('log'); } return; }
if ($_SESSION['logged_in'] == 1) { require_once "../includes/inc_functions.php"; //Contains functions: add_line, rm_line, get_incidents require_once "../classes/mydb_class.php"; if (isset($_GET['sort_by'])) { $_SESSION['sort_view_by'] = $_GET['sort_by']; } elseif (!isset($_SESSION['sort_view_by'])) { $_SESSION['sort_view_by'] = "date"; } if (isset($_GET['function'])) { $function = $_GET['function']; } else { $function = ""; } $allow_edit = 0; if (check_access("edit_incidents")) { $allow_edit = 1; } } else { header('location:'); } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
*/ require_once '../includes/auth_functions.php'; // require_once('../classes/roster_class.php'); require_once '../classes/person_class.php'; // require_once('../classes/course_enrollment_class.php'); include "../includes/g_calendar_functions.php"; //if(substr(strtolower($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']),1,9) == "incidents") header('location:'); //$php_self = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $php_self = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; if ($_GET['logout'] == 1) { session_destroy(); session_start(); } if ($_SESSION['logged_in'] == 1) { $allow_edit = 0; if (check_access("edit_training")) { $allow_edit = 1; } } else { header('location:'); } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<?php include __DIR__ . "/include.php"; check_access(ADMIN); list($id) = apiCheckParams("id"); apiAction(function () use($id) { dbExecute("DELETE FROM feedback WHERE challenge = :id", ['id' => $id]); dbExecute("DELETE FROM solved_challenge WHERE challenge = :id", ['id' => $id]); dbExecute("DELETE FROM challenge WHERE id = :id", ['id' => $id]); });
function delete($id) { /* Check access */ if (!check_access('delete inventory item')) { $this->messages->add('Permission denied.', 'error'); redirect('inventory/account'); return; } /* Check for account lock */ if ($this->config->item('account_locked') == 1) { $this->messages->add('Account is locked.', 'error'); redirect('inventory/account'); return; } /* Checking for valid data */ $id = $this->input->xss_clean($id); $id = (int) $id; if ($id < 1) { $this->messages->add('Invalid Inventory Item.', 'error'); redirect('inventory/account'); return; } /* Get the inventory item details */ $this->db->from('inventory_items')->where('id', $id); $inventory_item_q = $this->db->get(); if ($inventory_item_q->num_rows() < 1) { $this->messages->add('Invalid Inventory Item.', 'error'); redirect('inventory/account'); return; } else { $inventory_item_data = $inventory_item_q->row(); } /* Deleting item */ $this->db->trans_start(); if (!$this->db->delete('inventory_items', array('id' => $id))) { $this->db->trans_rollback(); $this->messages->add('Error deleting Inventory Item - ' . $inventory_item_data->name . '.', 'error'); $this->logger->write_message("error", "Error deleting Inventory Item called " . $inventory_item_data->name . " [id:" . $id . "]"); redirect('inventory/account'); return; } else { $this->db->trans_complete(); $this->messages->add('Deleted Inventory Item - ' . $inventory_item_data->name . '.', 'success'); $this->logger->write_message("success", "Deleted Inventory Item called " . $inventory_item_data->name . " [id:" . $id . "]"); redirect('inventory/account'); return; } return; }
</head> <body> <div id="container"> <div id="header"> <div id="logo"> <?php echo anchor('', 'Webzash', array('class' => 'anchor-link-b')); ?> </div> <?php if ($this->session->userdata('user_name')) { echo "<div id=\"admin\">"; echo anchor('', 'Accounts', array('title' => "Accounts", 'class' => 'anchor-link-b')); echo " | "; /* Check if allowed administer rights */ if (check_access('administer')) { echo anchor('admin', 'Administer', array('title' => "Administer", 'class' => 'anchor-link-b')); echo " | "; } echo anchor('user/profile', 'Profile', array('title' => "Profile", 'class' => 'anchor-link-b')); echo " | "; echo anchor('user/logout', 'Logout', array('title' => "Logout", 'class' => 'anchor-link-b')); echo "</div>"; } ?> <div id="info"> <?php echo $this->config->item('account_name'); echo " ("; echo anchor('user/account', 'change', array('title' => 'Change active account', 'class' => 'anchor-link-a')); echo ")<br />";
if (isset($id_area)) { settype($id_area, "integer"); $id_site = mrbsGetAreaSite($id_area); } if (!isset($id_site)) { $id_site = isset($_POST['id_site']) ? $_POST['id_site'] : (isset($_GET['id_site']) ? $_GET['id_site'] : -1); } settype($id_site, "integer"); $back = ''; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { $back = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } $day = date("d"); $month = date("m"); $year = date("Y"); check_access(4, $back); //print the page header print_header("", "", "", $type = "with_session"); // Affichage de la colonne de gauche include "admin_col_gauche.php"; // If area is set but area name is not known, get the name. if (isset($_GET['msg'])) { $msg = $_GET['msg']; affiche_pop_up($msg, "admin"); } if (isset($id_area)) { if (empty($area_name)) { $res = grr_sql_query("SELECT area_name, access FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_area WHERE id={$id_area}"); if (!$res) { fatal_error(0, grr_sql_error()); }
function account() { $this->template->set('page_title', 'Change Account'); $this->load->library('general'); /* Show manage accounts links if user has permission */ if (check_access('administer')) { $this->template->set('nav_links', array('admin/create' => 'Create account', 'admin/manage' => 'Manage accounts')); } /* Check access */ if (!$this->session->userdata('user_name')) { $this->messages->add('Permission denied.', 'error'); redirect(''); return; } /* Currently active account */ $data['active_account'] = $this->session->userdata('active_account'); /* Getting list of files in the config - accounts directory */ $accounts_list = get_filenames($this->config->item('config_path') . 'accounts'); $data['accounts'] = array(); if ($accounts_list) { foreach ($accounts_list as $row) { /* Only include file ending with .ini */ if (substr($row, -4) == ".ini") { $ini_label = substr($row, 0, -4); $data['accounts'][$ini_label] = $ini_label; } } } /* Check user ini file */ if (!($active_user = $this->general->check_user($this->session->userdata('user_name')))) { redirect('user/profile'); return; } /* Filter user access to accounts */ if ($active_user['accounts'] != '*') { $valid_accounts = explode(",", $active_user['accounts']); $data['accounts'] = array_intersect($data['accounts'], $valid_accounts); } /* Form validations */ $this->form_validation->set_rules('account', 'Account', 'trim|required'); /* Repopulating form */ if ($_POST) { $data['active_account'] = $this->input->post('account', TRUE); } /* Validating form : only if label name is not set from URL */ if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) { $this->messages->add(validation_errors(), 'error'); $this->template->load('user_template', 'user/account', $data); return; } else { $data_active_account = $this->input->post('account', TRUE); /* Check for valid account */ if (!array_key_exists($data_active_account, $data['accounts'])) { $this->messages->add('Invalid account selected.', 'error'); $this->template->load('user_template', 'user/account', $data); return; } if (!$this->general->check_account($data_active_account)) { $this->template->load('user_template', 'user/account', $data); return; } /* Setting new account database details in session */ $this->session->set_userdata('active_account', $data_active_account); $this->messages->add('Account changed.', 'success'); redirect(''); } return; }
<? $use_title="Template Manager"; $_SESSION['selected_doc_type_id']=0; include('header.php'); $valid_access=check_access($page_name); $template_list=""; $template_form=""; if(!isset($_GET['id'])) $_GET['id']=0; //list templates $template_list="<a href='templates.php?id=0'><div class='tempate_editor_adder'>Add New Template</div></a>"; $sql = " select * from templates where deleted=0 order by archived asc,template_name asc,id asc "; $data=simple_query($sql); while($row=mysqli_fetch_array($data)) { $template_list.="<a href='templates.php?id=".$row['id']."'><div class='tempate_editor_list".($row['archived'] > 0 ? " archived" : "")."'>".$row['template_name']."</div></a>"; } //template set-up for selected template.
if ($_POST[save_status]) { //echo "status"; check_access("revision_action"); $query = "UPDATE {$table}\r\n SET status=" . sec_input(sec_sql($_POST["status"])) . "\r\n WHERE id=\"{$order}\""; sql_update($query); } if ($_POST[save_zakaznik]) { //echo "status"; check_access("revision_action"); $query = "UPDATE {$table}\r\n SET id_zakaznik=" . sec_input(sec_sql($_POST["zakaznik"])) . "\r\n WHERE id=\"{$order}\""; sql_update($query); } display_all_revisions($order); // ak je vybratá objednavka, zobrazi vsetky jej revizie } else { check_access("objednavka_edit"); $form_data = sql_query("SELECT meno, adresa, mesto, ico_icdph, telefon, email, id_material as material,\r\n id_hrubka as hrubka_rev, id_vyrobca as vyrobca, id_dekor as dekor, dekor_vlastny, komentar,\r\n komentar_private\r\n FROM revizia \r\n WHERE id_obj=\"{$order}\" AND id=\"{$revision}\" \r\n LIMIT 1"); $form_data_narez = sql_query("SELECT ks, dlzka, sirka, nazov, poznamka, hrubka, orientacia,\r\n hrana1, hrana2, hrana3, hrana4, duplak_paska, roh1x, roh1y, roh2x, roh2y,\r\n roh3x, roh3y, roh4x, roh4y\r\n FROM porez \r\n WHERE id_revizia=\"{$revision}\""); //var_dump($form_data_narez); $form_data = $form_data[0]; $fieldsets_c = count($form_data_narez); for ($i = 0; $i < $fieldsets_c; $i++) { $ks[$i] = $form_data_narez[$i][ks]; $dlzka[$i] = $form_data_narez[$i][dlzka]; $sirka[$i] = $form_data_narez[$i][sirka]; $nazov[$i] = $form_data_narez[$i][nazov]; $poznamka[$i] = $form_data_narez[$i][poznamka]; $hrubka[$i] = $form_data_narez[$i][hrubka]; $orientacia[$i] = $form_data_narez[$i][orientacia]; $hrana1[$i] = $form_data_narez[$i][hrana1]; $hrana2[$i] = $form_data_narez[$i][hrana2];
* * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GRR; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ include "include/"; $grr_script_name = "admin_config_sso.php"; $back = ''; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { $back = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } if (Settings::get("sso_ac_corr_profil_statut") != 'y') { showAccessDenied($back); exit; } check_access(5, $back); $themessage = str_replace("'", "\\'", get_vocab("confirmdel")); $themessage2 = str_replace("'", "\\'", get_vocab("confirm_del")); // // Ajout d'une correspondance fonction/statut // $msg = ""; if (isset($_GET['action_add']) && $_GET['action_add'] == 'yes') { if ($_POST['codefonc'] != "" && $_POST['libfonc'] != "" && $_POST['statutgrr'] != "") { $sql = "INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_correspondance_statut (code_fonction, libelle_fonction, statut_grr) VALUES ('" . strtoupper(protect_data_sql($_POST['codefonc'])) . "', '" . ucfirst(protect_data_sql($_POST['libfonc'])) . "','" . $_POST['statutgrr'] . "')"; if (grr_sql_command($sql) < 0) { fatal_error(0, "<p>" . grr_sql_error()); } else { $msg = get_vocab("message_records"); } } else {
<?php include __DIR__ . "/include.php"; check_access(TEACHER); list($class, $challenge) = apiCheckParams("class", "challenge"); $user = $_SESSION["user"]; $extra = isset($_POST["extra"]); apiCheck(dbExists(isTeacher() ? "SELECT id FROM class WHERE id = :class AND teacher = :teacher" : "SELECT id FROM class WHERE id = :class AND :teacher != -1", ['class' => $class, "teacher" => $user]), "Ungültige Klasse"); apiCheck(dbExists("SELECT id FROM challenge WHERE id = :id", ["id" => $challenge]), "Ungültige Challenge"); apiCheck(!dbExists("SELECT * FROM solved_challenge WHERE class = :class AND challenge = :challenge", ["class" => $class, "challenge" => $challenge]), "Challenge wurde von der Klasse schon gelöst"); apiCheck(!$extra || dbExists("SELECT id FROM challenge WHERE id = :id AND extrapoints IS NOT NULL", ["id" => $challenge]), "Kann keine Extrapunkte für Challenge ohne Extrapunkte setzen!"); apiAction(function () use($class, $challenge, $extra) { checkMilestone($class, function () use($class, $challenge, $extra) { dbExecute("INSERT INTO solved_challenge (class, challenge, extra, at) VALUES (:class, :challenge, :extra, NOW())", ["class" => $class, "challenge" => $challenge, "extra" => $extra]); }); });
* GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GRR; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ include "include/"; $grr_script_name = "admin_view_connexions.php"; $back = ''; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { $back = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } $day = date("d"); $month = date("m"); $year = date("Y"); check_access(6, $back); if (isset($_POST['cleanDay']) && isset($_POST['cleanMonth']) && isset($_POST['cleanYear'])) { $sql = "DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_log WHERE START < '" . $_POST['cleanYear'] . "-" . $_POST['cleanMonth'] . "-" . $_POST['cleanDay'] . "' and END < now()"; $res = grr_sql_query($sql); } print_header("", "", "", $type = "with_session"); include "admin_col_gauche.php"; echo "<h2>" . get_vocab('admin_view_connexions.php') . "</h2>"; echo "<h3>" . get_vocab("users_connected") . "</h3>"; ?> <div title="Utilisateur connecté"> <ul> <?php $sql = "SELECT u.login, concat(u.prenom, ' ', u.nom) utilisa, FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_log l, " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_utilisateurs u WHERE (l.LOGIN = u.login and l.END > now())"; $res = grr_sql_query($sql); if ($res) {
/** * @param $tag * @param $content * @usage <control access="Admin/Posts/NOVERIFY">需要权限而显示的内容</control> * access="Group/Controller/action" * @return bool */ public function _accesscontrol($tag, $content) { $access = isset($tag['access']) ? $tag['access'] : ""; if (check_access($access)) { return $content; } else { return false; } }