<p> <a href="../home/home.html">Back To Home</a> </p> <?php if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { # collect input data $address = $_POST['address']; $email = $_POST['email']; $phone = $_POST['phone']; if (!empty($address) && !empty($phone) && !empty($email)) { $address = prepareInput($address); $email = prepareInput($email); $phone = prepareInput($phone); if (checkAddress($address) && checkPhone($phone) && checkEmail($email)) { error_reporting(E_ALL); $db_host = "localhost"; $db_user = "******"; $db_pass = "******"; $db_name = "mysql"; $con = mysqli_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_name); // Check connection if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error(); } $sql = "select * from members where Email='{$email}'"; $result = $con->query($sql); if (!$result) { die('Error: ' . mysqli_error($con)); }
goBack('Billing Address: City'); return false; } if (!(isset($_POST['billing_state']) && checkState($_POST['billing_state']))) { goBack('Billing Address: State'); return false; } if (!(isset($_POST['billing_zip']) && checkZip($_POST['billing_zip']))) { goBack('Billing Address: Zip'); return false; } if (!(isset($_POST['email']) && checkEmail($_POST['email'], 30))) { goBack('Email'); return false; } if (!(isset($_POST['night_phone_a']) && isset($_POST['night_phone_b']) && isset($_POST['night_phone_c']) && checkPhone($_POST['night_phone_a'] . $_POST['night_phone_b'] . $_POST['night_phone_c']))) { goBack('Phone'); return false; } if (!(isset($_POST['first_name']) && checkName($_POST['first_name'], 20))) { goBack('Shipping Address: First Name'); return false; } if (!(isset($_POST['last_name']) && checkName($_POST['last_name'], 20))) { goBack('Shipping Address: Last Name'); return false; } if (!(isset($_POST['address1']) && checkStreetAddress($_POST['address1'], 20))) { goBack('Shipping Address: Address 1'); return false; }
function eshop_checkout($espost) { $espost = stripslashes_deep($espost); global $blog_id, $eshopoptions, $wpdb; $contineproceed = '1'; //cache eshop_cache(); $echoit = ''; include_once ABSPATH . 'wp-includes/wp-db.php'; include_once WP_PLUGIN_DIR . "/eshop/cart-functions.php"; if (isset($espost['eshop_payment'])) { $_SESSION['eshop_payment' . $blog_id] = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\-_]/', '', $espost['eshop_payment']); } if (!isset($_SESSION['eshop_payment' . $blog_id])) { $paymentmethod = 'paypal'; } else { $paymentmethod = $_SESSION['eshop_payment' . $blog_id]; } //left over from previous script, leaving in just in case another payment method is used. $chkerror = 0; $numberofproducts = 0; //filter for plugin merchant gateways $eshopmgincpath = apply_filters('eshop_mg_inc_path', WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/eshop/' . $paymentmethod . '.php', $paymentmethod); // if everything went ok do the following, hopefully the rest won't happen! if (isset($_GET['eshopaction'])) { if ($_GET['eshopaction'] == 'success') { include_once $eshopmgincpath; } } //filter for plugin merchant gateways $eshopmgincidxpath = apply_filters('eshop_mg_inc_idx_path', WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/eshop/' . $paymentmethod . '/index.php', $paymentmethod); if (file_exists($eshopmgincidxpath)) { include_once $eshopmgincidxpath; } if (isset($_SESSION['eshopcart' . $blog_id])) { $shopcart = $_SESSION['eshopcart' . $blog_id]; $numberofproducts = sizeof($_SESSION['eshopcart' . $blog_id]); /* unused code? $productsandqty=''; while (list ($product, $amount) = each ($_SESSION['eshopcart'.$blog_id])){ $productsandqty.=" $product-$amount"; $productsandqty=trim($productsandqty); } */ $keys = array_keys($_SESSION['eshopcart' . $blog_id]); $productidkeys = implode(",", $keys); $productidkeys = trim($productidkeys); //reqd for shipping - finds the correct state for working out shipping, and set things up for later usage. if (isset($espost['ship_name'])) { if ($espost['ship_name'] != '' || $espost['ship_address'] != '' || $espost['ship_city'] != '' || $espost['ship_postcode'] != '' || $espost['ship_company'] != '' || $espost['ship_phone'] != '' || $espost['ship_country'] != '' || $espost['ship_state'] != '') { if ($espost['ship_name'] == '') { $espost['ship_name'] = $espost['first_name'] . " " . $espost['last_name']; } if ($espost['ship_company'] == '') { $espost['ship_company'] = $espost['company']; } if ($espost['ship_phone'] == '') { $espost['ship_phone'] = $espost['phone']; } if ($espost['ship_address'] == '') { $espost['ship_address'] = $espost['address1']; if ($espost['address2'] != '') { $espost['ship_address'] .= ", " . $espost['address2']; } } if ($espost['ship_city'] == '') { $espost['ship_city'] = $espost['city']; } if ($espost['ship_postcode'] == '') { $espost['ship_postcode'] = $espost['zip']; } if ($espost['ship_country'] == '') { $espost['ship_country'] = $espost['country']; } if ($espost['ship_state'] == '') { $espost['ship_state'] = $espost['state']; } if ($espost['ship_altstate'] == '') { $espost['ship_altstate'] = $espost['altstate']; } } else { $espost['ship_name'] = $espost['first_name'] . " " . $espost['last_name']; $espost['ship_company'] = $espost['company']; $espost['ship_phone'] = $espost['phone']; if ($espost['ship_address'] == '') { $espost['ship_address'] = $espost['address1']; if ($espost['address2'] != '') { $espost['ship_address'] .= ", " . $espost['address2']; } } $espost['ship_city'] = $espost['city']; $espost['ship_postcode'] = $espost['zip']; $espost['ship_country'] = $espost['country']; $espost['ship_state'] = $espost['state']; $espost['ship_altstate'] = $espost['altstate']; } $tablecountries = $wpdb->prefix . 'eshop_countries'; $tablestates = $wpdb->prefix . 'eshop_states'; $shippingzone = $eshopoptions['shipping_zone']; if (isset($espost['eshop_shiptype']) && $espost['eshop_shiptype'] != '0') { $sztype = $espost['eshop_shiptype']; $shippingzone = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT area FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "eshop_rates WHERE rate_type='ship_weight' && class='{$sztype}' LIMIT 1"); } $pzoneid = ''; //$eshopoptions['unknown_state']; if ($shippingzone == 'country') { if (isset($espost['ship_country']) && $espost['ship_country'] != '') { $pzoneid = $espost['ship_country']; } elseif (isset($espost['country']) && $espost['country'] != '') { $pzoneid = $espost['country']; } $pzone = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT zone FROM {$tablecountries} WHERE code='{$pzoneid}' LIMIT 1"); } else { if (isset($espost['state']) && $espost['state'] != '') { $pzoneid = $espost['state']; } if (isset($espost['ship_state']) && $espost['ship_state'] != '') { $pzoneid = $espost['ship_state']; } $pzone = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT zone FROM {$tablestates} WHERE id='{$pzoneid}' LIMIT 1"); if (isset($espost['altstate']) && $espost['altstate'] != '') { $pzone = $eshopoptions['unknown_state']; } if (isset($espost['ship_altstate']) && $espost['ship_altstate'] != '') { $pzone = $eshopoptions['unknown_state']; } } $_SESSION['shiptocountry' . $blog_id] = $eshopoptions['location']; if (isset($espost['ship_country']) && $espost['ship_country'] != '') { $_SESSION['shiptocountry' . $blog_id] = $espost['ship_country']; } elseif (isset($espost['country']) && $espost['country'] != '') { $_SESSION['shiptocountry' . $blog_id] = $espost['country']; } } else { $pzoneid = ''; //$eshopoptions['unknown_state']; $tablecountries = $wpdb->prefix . 'eshop_countries'; $tablestates = $wpdb->prefix . 'eshop_states'; $shippingzone = $eshopoptions['shipping_zone']; if (isset($espost['eshop_shiptype'])) { $sztype = $espost['eshop_shiptype']; $shippingzone = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT area FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "eshop_rates WHERE rate_type='ship_weight' && class='{$sztype}' LIMIT 1"); } if ($shippingzone == 'country') { if (isset($espost['ship_country']) && $espost['ship_country'] != '') { $pzoneid = $espost['ship_country']; } elseif (isset($espost['country']) && $espost['country'] != '') { $pzoneid = $espost['country']; } $pzone = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT zone FROM {$tablecountries} WHERE code='{$pzoneid}' LIMIT 1"); } else { if (isset($espost['ship_state']) && $espost['ship_state'] != '') { $pzoneid = $espost['ship_state']; } if (isset($espost['state']) && $espost['state'] != '') { $pzoneid = $espost['state']; } $pzone = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT zone FROM {$tablestates} WHERE id='{$pzoneid}' LIMIT 1"); if (isset($espost['altstate']) && $espost['altstate'] != '') { $pzone = $eshopoptions['unknown_state']; } if (isset($espost['ship_altstate']) && $espost['ship_altstate'] != '') { $pzone = $eshopoptions['unknown_state']; } } } // $shiparray = array(); $eshopcartarray = $_SESSION['eshopcart' . $blog_id]; foreach ($eshopcartarray as $productid => $opt) { if (is_array($opt)) { switch ($eshopoptions['shipping']) { case '1': //( per quantity of 1, prices reduced for additional items ) for ($i = 1; $i <= $opt['qty']; $i++) { array_push($shiparray, $opt["pclas"]); } break; case '2': //( once per shipping class no matter what quantity is ordered ) if (!in_array($opt["pclas"], $shiparray)) { array_push($shiparray, $opt["pclas"]); } break; case '3': //( one overall charge no matter how many are ordered ) if (!in_array($opt["pclas"], $shiparray)) { if ($opt["pclas"] != 'F') { array_push($shiparray, 'A'); } } break; case '4': //( weight ) if (isset($espost['eshop_shiptype'])) { unset($shiparray); $shiparray = $espost['eshop_shiptype']; } break; } } } //need an extra check if ($eshopoptions['shipping'] == '4' && 'no' == $eshopoptions['downloads_only'] && isset($espost['submit']) && !isset($espost['eshop_shiptype']) && !eshop_only_downloads()) { $pzone = ''; } //need to check the discount codes here as well: if (eshop_discount_codes_check()) { $_SESSION['eshop_discount' . $blog_id] = ''; unset($_SESSION['eshop_discount' . $blog_id]); if (isset($espost['eshop_discount']) && $espost['eshop_discount'] != '') { $chkcode = valid_eshop_discount_code($espost['eshop_discount']); if ($chkcode) { $_SESSION['eshop_discount' . $blog_id] = $espost['eshop_discount']; } } } //show the cart if (isset($_GET['eshopaction']) && $_GET['eshopaction'] != 'redirect' || !isset($_GET['eshopaction'])) { $echoit .= display_cart($_SESSION['eshopcart' . $blog_id], false, $eshopoptions['checkout'], $pzone, $shiparray); } } $error = ''; if (isset($espost['submit'])) { //form handling foreach ($espost as $key => $value) { $key = $value; } //setupshipping arrays $reqdvalues = array('shipping', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'phone', 'address', 'city', 'zip', 'pay'); if ($eshopoptions['shipping'] != '4') { if ($eshopoptions['shipping_zone'] == 'country') { $reqdvalues[] = 'country'; } else { $reqdvalues[] = 'state'; } } else { $creqd = ''; $dtable = $wpdb->prefix . 'eshop_rates'; $query = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT DISTINCT(area) from {$dtable} where rate_type='ship_weight'"); foreach ($query as $k) { $reqdvalues[] = $k->area; } } $linkattr = apply_filters('eShopCheckoutLinksAttr', ''); $reqdarray = apply_filters('eshopCheckoutReqd', $reqdvalues); if ($eshopoptions['shipping'] == '4' && 'no' == $eshopoptions['downloads_only'] && !isset($espost['eshop_shiptype']) && !eshop_only_downloads()) { $error .= '<li>' . __('<strong>Shipping</strong> - not selected.', 'eshop') . '</li>'; } if (isset($espost['first_name'])) { $valid = checkAlpha($espost['first_name']); if ($valid == FALSE && eshop_checkreqd($reqdarray, 'first_name')) { $error .= '<li>' . __('<strong>First name</strong> - missing or incorrect.', 'eshop') . '</li>'; } } if (isset($espost['last_name'])) { $valid = checkAlpha($espost['last_name']); if ($valid == FALSE && eshop_checkreqd($reqdarray, 'last_name')) { $error .= '<li>' . __('<strong>Last name</strong> - missing or incorrect.', 'eshop') . '</li>'; } } if (isset($espost['email'])) { $valid = checkEmail($espost['email']); if ($valid == FALSE && eshop_checkreqd($reqdarray, 'email')) { $error .= '<li>' . __('<strong>Email address</strong> - missing or incorrect.', 'eshop') . '</li>'; } } if (isset($espost['phone'])) { $valid = checkPhone($espost['phone']); if ($valid == FALSE && eshop_checkreqd($reqdarray, 'phone')) { $error .= '<li>' . __('<strong>Phone Number</strong> - missing or incorrect', 'eshop') . '.</li>'; } } if (isset($espost['address1'])) { $valid = checkAlpha($espost['address1']); if ($valid == FALSE && eshop_checkreqd($reqdarray, 'address')) { $error .= '<li>' . __('<strong>Address</strong> - missing or incorrect.', 'eshop') . '</li>'; } } if (isset($espost['city'])) { $valid = checkAlpha($espost['city']); if ($valid == FALSE && eshop_checkreqd($reqdarray, 'city')) { $error .= '<li>' . __('<strong>City or town</strong> - missing or incorrect.', 'eshop') . '</li>'; } } if (eshop_checkreqd($reqdarray, 'state')) { if (isset($espost['state']) && $espost['state'] == '' && $espost['altstate'] == '') { $error .= '<li>' . __('<strong>State/County/Province</strong> - missing or incorrect.', 'eshop') . '</li>'; } } if (eshop_checkreqd($reqdarray, 'country')) { if (isset($espost['country'])) { $valid = checkAlpha($espost['country']); if ($valid == FALSE) { $error .= '<li>' . __('<strong>Country</strong> - missing or incorrect.', 'eshop') . '</li>'; } } } if (isset($espost['country']) && $espost['country'] == 'US' && $espost['state'] == '' && $espost['altstate'] == '') { //must pick a state for US deliveries $error .= '<li>' . __('<strong><abbr title="United States">US</abbr> State</strong> - missing or incorrect.', 'eshop') . '</li>'; } if (isset($espost['zip'])) { $valid = checkAlphaNum($espost['zip']); if ($valid == FALSE && eshop_checkreqd($reqdarray, 'zip')) { $error .= '<li>' . __('<strong>Zip/Post code</strong> - missing or incorrect.', 'eshop') . '</li>'; } } if (isset($espost['reference'])) { if ($espost['reference'] == '' && eshop_checkreqd($reqdarray, 'ref')) { $error .= '<li>' . __('<strong>Reference</strong> - missing.', 'eshop') . '</li>'; } } if (isset($espost['comments'])) { if ($espost['comments'] == '' && eshop_checkreqd($reqdarray, 'comments')) { $error .= '<li>' . __('<strong>Comments</strong> - missing.', 'eshop') . '</li>'; } } if (isset($eshopoptions['users']) && $eshopoptions['users'] == 'yes' && !is_user_logged_in()) { if (!isset($espost['eshop_users']) && eshop_checkreqd($reqdarray, 'signup')) { $error .= '<li>' . __('<strong>Sign Up</strong> - not checked.', 'eshop') . '</li>'; } } //add in error checking for any new values here $temperror = apply_filters('eshoperrorcheckout', $espost); if (!is_array($temperror)) { $error .= $temperror; } //////////////////////////////////////////////// if ('yes' == $eshopoptions['tandc_use']) { if (!isset($espost['eshop_tandc'])) { $error .= '<li><strong>' . $eshopoptions['tandc'] . '</strong>' . __(' - not checked.', 'eshop') . '</li>'; } } if (!isset($espost['eshop_payment'])) { $error .= '<li>' . __('You have not chosen a <strong>payment option</strong>.', 'eshop') . '</li>'; } if (eshop_discount_codes_check()) { $_SESSION['eshop_discount' . $blog_id] = ''; unset($_SESSION['eshop_discount' . $blog_id]); if (isset($espost['eshop_discount']) && $espost['eshop_discount'] != '') { $chkcode = valid_eshop_discount_code($espost['eshop_discount']); if (!$chkcode) { $error .= '<li>' . __('<strong>Discount Code</strong> - is not valid.', 'eshop') . '</li>'; } else { $_SESSION['eshop_discount' . $blog_id] = $espost['eshop_discount']; } } } if (isset($eshopoptions['users']) && $eshopoptions['users'] == 'yes' && isset($espost['eshop_users']) && !is_user_logged_in()) { $_SESSION['eshop_user' . $blog_id] = '1'; } if ($error != '') { $echoit .= "<p><strong class=\"eshoperror error\">" . __('There were some errors in the details you entered…', 'eshop') . "</strong></p><ul class=\"eshoperrors errors\">" . $error . '</ul>'; $first_name = $last_name = $company = $phone = $reference = ''; $email = $address1 = $address2 = $city = $country = ''; $state = $altstate = $zip = $ship_name = $ship_company = ''; $ship_phone = $ship_address = $ship_city = $ship_postcode = ''; $ship_country = $ship_state = $ship_altstate = $comments = ''; if (isset($espost['first_name'])) { $first_name = $espost['first_name']; } if (isset($espost['last_name'])) { $last_name = $espost['last_name']; } if (isset($espost['phone'])) { $phone = $espost['phone']; } if (isset($espost['reference'])) { $reference = $espost['reference']; } if (isset($espost['email'])) { $email = $espost['email']; } if (isset($espost['address1'])) { $address1 = $espost['address1']; } if (isset($espost['address2'])) { $address2 = $espost['address2']; } if (isset($espost['city'])) { $city = $espost['city']; } if (isset($espost['country'])) { $country = $espost['country']; } if (isset($espost['state'])) { $state = $espost['state']; } if (isset($espost['altstate'])) { $altstate = $espost['altstate']; } if (isset($espost['zip'])) { $zip = $espost['zip']; } if (isset($espost['ship_name'])) { $ship_name = $espost['ship_name']; } if (isset($espost['ship_company'])) { $ship_company = $espost['ship_company']; } if (isset($espost['ship_phone'])) { $ship_phone = $espost['ship_phone']; } if (isset($espost['ship_address'])) { $ship_address = $espost['ship_address']; } if (isset($espost['ship_city'])) { $ship_city = $espost['ship_city']; } if (isset($espost['ship_country'])) { $ship_country = $espost['ship_country']; } if (isset($espost['ship_state'])) { $ship_state = $espost['ship_state']; } if (isset($espost['ship_altstate'])) { $ship_altstate = $espost['ship_altstate']; } if (isset($espost['ship_postcode'])) { $ship_postcode = $espost['ship_postcode']; } if (isset($espost['comments'])) { $comments = $espost['comments']; } $chkerror = '1'; } else { if (!isset($_GET['eshopaction'])) { $shipping = 0; $echoit .= "<div class=\"hr\"></div><div class=\"eshopcheckoutconf\"><h3>" . __('<span class="noprint">Please Confirm </span>Your Details', 'eshop') . '</h3>'; // create a custom id, and shove details in database $date = date('YmdHis'); $_SESSION['date' . $blog_id] = $date; $fprice = number_format($_SESSION['final_price' . $blog_id], 2, '.', ''); $espost['amount'] = $fprice; $espost['custom'] = $date; $espost['numberofproducts'] = sizeof($_SESSION['eshopcart' . $blog_id]); //shipping if (isset($_SESSION['shipping' . $blog_id])) { $shipping = eshopShipTaxAmt(); } //discount shipping if (is_shipfree(calculate_total())) { $shipping = 0; } //shipping $espost['shipping_1'] = $shipping; $ctable = $wpdb->prefix . 'eshop_countries'; $stable = $wpdb->prefix . 'eshop_states'; if ('no' == $eshopoptions['downloads_only']) { $echoit .= '<h4>' . __('Mailing Address', 'eshop') . '</h4><ul class="eshop confirm">'; } else { $echoit .= '<h4>' . __('Contact Details', 'eshop') . '</h4><ul class="eshop confirm">'; } $echoit .= "<li><span class=\"items fullname\">" . __('Full name:', 'eshop') . "</span> " . $espost['first_name'] . " " . $espost['last_name'] . "</li>\n"; if ('no' == $eshopoptions['downloads_only']) { $echoit .= "<li class=\"company\"><span class=\"items\">" . __('Company:', 'eshop') . "</span> " . $espost['company'] . "</li>\n"; } $echoit .= "<li class=\"email\"><span class=\"items\">" . __('Email:', 'eshop') . "</span> " . $espost['email'] . "</li>\n"; if ('no' == $eshopoptions['downloads_only']) { $echoit .= "<li class=\"phone\"><span class=\"items\">" . __('Phone:', 'eshop') . "</span> " . $espost['phone'] . "</li>\n"; $echoit .= "<li class=\"address\"><span class=\"items\">" . __('Address:', 'eshop') . "</span> " . $espost['address1'] . " " . $espost['address2'] . "</li>\n"; $echoit .= "<li class=\"city\"><span class=\"items\">" . __('City or town:', 'eshop') . "</span> " . $espost['city'] . "</li>\n"; $qcode = $wpdb->escape($espost['state']); $qstate = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT stateName FROM {$stable} WHERE id='{$qcode}' limit 1"); if ($espost['altstate'] != '') { $echoit .= "<li class=\"state\"><span class=\"items\">" . __('State/County/Province:', 'eshop') . "</span> " . $espost['altstate'] . "</li>\n"; } elseif ($qstate != '') { $echoit .= "<li class=\"state\"><span class=\"items\">" . __('State/County/Province:', 'eshop') . "</span> " . $qstate . "</li>\n"; } $echoit .= "<li class=\"zip\"><span class=\"items\">" . __('Zip/Post code:', 'eshop') . "</span> " . $espost['zip'] . "</li>\n"; $qccode = $wpdb->escape($espost['country']); $qcountry = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT country FROM {$ctable} WHERE code='{$qccode}' limit 1"); $echoit .= "<li class=\"country\"><span class=\"items\">" . __('Country:', 'eshop') . "</span> " . $qcountry . "</li>\n"; } $echoit .= "</ul>\n"; // $temp = apply_filters('eshopconfcheckout', $espost); if (!is_array($temp)) { $echoit .= $temp; } // if (!isset($espost['reference'])) { $espost['reference'] = ''; } if (!isset($espost['comments'])) { $espost['comments'] = ''; } if (trim($espost['reference']) != '' && trim($espost['comments']) == '') { $echoit .= "<div class=\"eshop fld3\"><h4>" . __('Additional information', 'eshop') . "</h4>\n<ul class=\"eshop confirmref\">\n"; $echoit .= '<li><span class="items">' . __('Reference or <abbr title="Purchase Order number">PO</abbr>', 'eshop') . '</span> ' . $espost['reference'] . '</li>' . "\n"; $echoit .= '</ul></div>' . "\n"; } if (trim($espost['reference']) == '' && trim($espost['comments']) != '') { $echoit .= "<div class=\"eshop fld3\"><h4>" . __('Additional information', 'eshop') . "</h4>\n<ul class=\"eshop confirmref\">\n"; $echoit .= '<li><span class="items">' . __('Comments or instructions:', 'eshop') . '</span> ' . $espost['comments'] . '</li>' . "\n"; $echoit .= '</ul></div>' . "\n"; } if (trim($espost['reference']) != '' && trim($espost['comments']) != '') { $echoit .= "<div class=\"eshop fld3\"><h4>" . __('Additional information', 'eshop') . "</h4>\n<ul class=\"eshop confirmref\">\n"; $echoit .= '<li><span class="items">' . __('Reference or PO:', 'eshop') . '</span> ' . $espost['reference'] . '</li>' . "\n"; $echoit .= '<li><span class="items">' . __('Comments or instructions:', 'eshop') . '</span> ' . $espost['comments'] . '</li>' . "\n"; $echoit .= '</ul></div>' . "\n"; } if ('no' == $eshopoptions['downloads_only']) { if ('yes' != $eshopoptions['hide_shipping']) { if ($espost['ship_name'] != '' || $espost['ship_address'] != '' || $espost['ship_city'] != '' || $espost['ship_postcode'] != '') { $echoit .= "<div class=\"eshop fld4\"><h4>" . __('Shipping Address', 'eshop') . "</h4>\n<ul class=\"eshop confirmship\">\n"; $echoit .= "<li><span class=\"items\">" . __('Full name:', 'eshop') . "</span> " . $espost['ship_name'] . "</li>\n"; $echoit .= "<li class=\"ship_company\"><span class=\"items\">" . __('Company:', 'eshop') . "</span> " . $espost['ship_company'] . "</li>\n"; $echoit .= "<li><span class=\"items\">" . __('Phone:', 'eshop') . "</span> " . $espost['ship_phone'] . "</li>\n"; $echoit .= "<li><span class=\"items\">" . __('Address:', 'eshop') . "</span> " . $espost['ship_address'] . "</li>\n"; $echoit .= "<li><span class=\"items\">" . __('City or town:', 'eshop') . "</span> " . $espost['ship_city'] . "</li>\n"; $qcode = $wpdb->escape($espost['ship_state']); $qstate = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT stateName FROM {$stable} WHERE id='{$qcode}' limit 1"); if ($espost['ship_altstate'] != '') { $echoit .= "<li class=\"ship_state\"><span class=\"items\">" . __('State/County/Province:', 'eshop') . "</span> " . $espost['ship_altstate'] . "</li>\n"; } elseif ($qstate != '') { $echoit .= "<li class=\"ship_state\"><span class=\"items\">" . __('State/County/Province:', 'eshop') . "</span> " . $qstate . "</li>\n"; } $echoit .= "<li><span class=\"items\">" . __('Zip/Post code:', 'eshop') . "</span> " . $espost['ship_postcode'] . "</li>\n"; $qccode = $wpdb->escape($espost['ship_country']); $qcountry = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT country FROM {$ctable} WHERE code='{$qccode}' limit 1"); $echoit .= "<li class=\"shipcountry\"><span class=\"items\">" . __('Country:', 'eshop') . "</span> " . $qcountry . "</li>\n"; $echoit .= "</ul></div>\n"; } } } $echoit .= "\n"; $echoit .= "</div>\n"; } //add to a session to store address: $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['first_name'] = $espost['first_name']; $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['last_name'] = $espost['last_name']; $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['email'] = $espost['email']; if (isset($espost['company'])) { $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['company'] = $espost['company']; } else { $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['company'] = ''; } if (isset($espost['phone'])) { $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['phone'] = $espost['phone']; } else { $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['phone'] = ''; } if (isset($espost['reference'])) { $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['reference'] = $espost['reference']; } else { $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['reference'] = ''; } if (isset($espost['address1'])) { $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['address1'] = $espost['address1']; } else { $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['address1'] = ''; } if (isset($espost['address2'])) { $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['address2'] = $espost['address2']; } else { $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['address2'] = ''; } if (isset($espost['city'])) { $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['city'] = $espost['city']; } if (isset($espost['country'])) { $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['country'] = $espost['country']; } else { $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['country'] = ''; } if (isset($espost['state'])) { $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['state'] = $espost['state']; } else { $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['state'] = ''; } if (isset($espost['altstate']) && $espost['altstate'] != '') { $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['state'] = $espost['altstate']; } if (isset($espost['zip'])) { $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['zip'] = $espost['zip']; } else { $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['zip'] = ''; } if (isset($espost['ship_name'])) { $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['ship_name'] = $espost['ship_name']; $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['ship_company'] = $espost['ship_company']; $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['ship_phone'] = $espost['ship_phone']; $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['ship_address'] = $espost['ship_address']; $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['ship_city'] = $espost['ship_city']; $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['ship_country'] = $espost['ship_country']; $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['ship_state'] = $espost['ship_state']; if (isset($espost['ship_altstate']) && $espost['ship_altstate'] != '') { $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['ship_state'] = $espost['ship_altstate']; } $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['ship_postcode'] = $espost['ship_postcode']; } if (isset($espost['comments'])) { $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['comments'] = $espost['comments']; } else { $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['comments'] = ''; } if (!isset($_SESSION['shipping' . $blog_id])) { $_SESSION['shipping' . $blog_id]['cost'] = $shipping; } //grab all the POST variables and store in cookie $array = $espost; //but first make a few extra equal nothing //add others in here if needed $array['comments'] = $array['reference'] = ''; $eshopsetcookie = apply_filters('eshop_use_cookie', true); if ($eshopsetcookie == true) { $biscuits = eshop_build_cookie($array); setcookie("eshopcart", $biscuits, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365); } $eshopmgincpath = apply_filters('eshop_mg_inc_path', WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/eshop/' . $paymentmethod . '.php', $paymentmethod); include_once $eshopmgincpath; $contineproceed = '3'; } } else { //for first time form usage. if (isset($_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id])) { $first_name = $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['first_name']; $last_name = $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['last_name']; $company = $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['company']; $phone = $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['phone']; $reference = $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['reference']; $email = $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['email']; $address1 = $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['address1']; $address2 = $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['address2']; $city = ''; if (isset($_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['city'])) { $city = $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['city']; } $country = $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['country']; $state = $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['state']; if (!is_numeric($state)) { $li = $wpdb->escape($state); $table = $wpdb->prefix . 'eshop_states'; $stateList = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT id FROM {$table} WHERE code='{$li}' limit 1"); $state = $stateList; } if (isset($_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['altstate'])) { $altstate = $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['altstate']; } else { $altstate = ''; } $zip = $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['zip']; /* defaults */ $ship_name = $ship_company = ''; $ship_phone = $ship_address = $ship_city = $ship_postcode = ''; $ship_country = $ship_state = $ship_altstate = $comments = ''; if (isset($_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['ship_name'])) { $ship_name = $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['ship_name']; } if (isset($_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['ship_company'])) { $ship_company = $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['ship_company']; } if (isset($_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['ship_phone'])) { $ship_phone = $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['ship_phone']; } if (isset($_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['ship_address'])) { $ship_address = $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['ship_address']; } if (isset($_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['ship_city'])) { $ship_city = $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['ship_city']; } if (isset($_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['ship_country'])) { $ship_country = $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['ship_country']; } if (isset($_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['ship_state'])) { $ship_state = $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['ship_state']; if (!is_numeric($ship_state)) { $li = $wpdb->escape($ship_state); $table = $wpdb->prefix . 'eshop_states'; $stateSList = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT id FROM {$table} WHERE code='{$li}' limit 1"); $ship_state = $stateSList; } } if (isset($_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['ship_altstate'])) { $ship_altstate = $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['ship_altstate']; } else { $ship_altstate = ''; } if (isset($_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['ship_postcode'])) { $ship_postcode = $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['ship_postcode']; } if (isset($_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['comments'])) { $comments = $_SESSION['addy' . $blog_id]['comments']; } } else { $first_name = $last_name = $company = $phone = $reference = ''; $email = $address1 = $address2 = $city = $country = ''; $state = $altstate = $zip = $ship_name = $ship_company = ''; $ship_phone = $ship_address = $ship_city = $ship_postcode = ''; $ship_country = $ship_state = $ship_altstate = $comments = ''; $eshopsetcookie = apply_filters('eshop_use_cookie', true); if (isset($_COOKIE["eshopcart"]) && calculate_items() != 0 && $eshopsetcookie == true) { $crumbs = eshop_break_cookie($_COOKIE["eshopcart"]); foreach ($crumbs as $k => $v) { ${$k} = $v; } } if (is_user_logged_in() && isset($eshopoptions['users']) && 'yes' == $eshopoptions['users']) { global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); $crumbs = stripslashes_deep(get_the_author_meta('eshop', $current_user->ID)); if (is_array($crumbs)) { foreach ($crumbs as $k => $v) { ${$k} = esc_attr($v); } $first_name = esc_attr($current_user->user_firstname); $last_name = esc_attr($current_user->user_lastname); $email = esc_attr($current_user->user_email); } } } } if ($chkerror != 0 || !isset($espost['submit']) && $numberofproducts >= 1) { // only show form if not filled in. $echoit .= eshopShowform($first_name, $last_name, $company, $phone, $email, $address1, $address2, $city, $state, $altstate, $zip, $country, $reference, $comments, $ship_name, $ship_company, $ship_phone, $ship_address, $ship_city, $ship_postcode, $ship_state, $ship_altstate, $ship_country); } if (isset($_SESSION['eshopcart' . $blog_id])) { switch ($contineproceed) { case '1': $echoit .= '<ul class="continue-proceed eshopcp1"><li class="editcart"><a href="' . get_permalink($eshopoptions['cart']) . '">' . __('« Edit Cart or Continue Shopping', 'eshop') . '</a></li></ul>'; break; case '2': $echoit .= '<ul class="continue-proceed redirect eshopcp2"><li class="editcheckout"><a href="' . get_permalink($eshopoptions['checkout']) . '">' . __('« Edit Details or Continue Shopping', 'eshop') . '</a></li></ul>'; break; case '3': $echoit .= '<ul class="continue-proceed redirect eshopcp3"><li class="editcheckout"><a href="' . get_permalink($eshopoptions['checkout']) . '">' . __('« Edit Details or Continue Shopping', 'eshop') . '</a></li></ul>'; break; } } else { $echoit .= "<p><strong class=\"eshoperror error\">" . __('Your shopping cart is currently empty.', 'eshop') . "</strong></p>"; } return $echoit; }
try { $stmt = $db->prepare("select * from `users` where username=:username"); $stmt->bindParam(":username", addslashes($_POST['username'])); $stmt->execute(); if ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $usernameError = 3; } } catch (PDOException $e) { echo "Database error"; } } $basicChanged = 1; $usernameChanged = 1; } if (isset($_POST['phone']) && !empty($_POST['phone']) && addslashes($_POST['phone']) != $_SESSION['phone']) { $phoneError = checkPhone(); $basicChanged = 1; $phoneChanged = 1; } if (isset($_POST['address']) && !empty($_POST['address']) && addslashes($_POST['address']) != $_SESSION['address']) { $addressError = checkAddress(); $basicChanged = 1; $addressChanged = 1; } if (isset($_POST['birthdate']) && !empty($_POST['birthdate']) && addslashes($_POST['birthdate']) != $_SESSION['birthdate']) { $dateError = checkBirth(); $basicChanged = 1; $dateChanged = 1; } if (isset($_POST['email']) && !empty($_POST['email']) && $_SESSION['email'] != addslashes($_POST['email'])) { $emailError = checkEmail();
* 发送短信 * * @param string $phone 手机号 */ function sendSms($phone) { $content = '您的验证码为: [code], 任何人索取验证码均为咋骗,切勿泄露!此验证码会在15分钟后失效'; $code = mt_rand(100000, 999999); Sp_Sendmsg::send(array('type' => Sp_Dictionary::getSmsType(0), 'username' => $phone, 'code' => $code, 'content' => str_replace('[code]', $code, $content))); return true; } $jsonParam = array(); $request = Request::current(); $phone = $request->phone; // 获得手机号 $rs = checkPhone($phone); if (is_array($rs)) { $jsonParam = $rs; } else { // 获取短信验证码 if ('getcode' == $request->type) { sendSms($phone); $jsonParam = array('code' => '200', 'msg' => '短信发送成功'); } else { // 登陆 $code = $request->code; $rs = checkLogin($code, $phone); if (is_array($rs)) { $jsonParam = $rs; } else { $user = Sp_Account_SignIn::getUserByPhone($phone);
checkMandatory("surname", "surname", "custErrors", "custFormVars"); // Validate the Address checkMandatory("address", "address", "custErrors", "custFormVars"); // Validate the Initial if (!empty($_SESSION["custFormVars"]["initial"]) && !eregi("^[[:alpha:]]{1}\$", $_SESSION["custFormVars"]["initial"])) { $_SESSION["custErrors"]["initial"] = "The initial field must be empty or one " . "alphabetic character in length."; } // Validate the City checkMandatory("city", "city", "custErrors", "custFormVars"); // Validate Zipcode if (checkMandatory("zipcode", "Zip code", "custErrors", "custFormVars")) { checkZipcode("zipcode", "Zip code", "custErrors", "custFormVars"); } // Phone is optional, but if it is entered it must have correct format if (!empty($_SESSION["custFormVars"]["phone"])) { checkPhone("phone", "telephone", "custErrors", "custFormVars"); } // Validate Date of Birth if (checkMandatory("birth_date", "date of birth", "custErrors", "custFormVars")) { checkDateAndAdult("birth_date", "date of birth", "custErrors", "custFormVars"); } // Only validate email if this is an INSERT if (!isset($_SESSION["loginUsername"])) { if (checkMandatory("loginUsername", "email/username", "custErrors", "custFormVars") && emailCheck("loginUsername", "email/username", "custErrors", "custFormVars")) { // Check if the email address is already in use in // the winestore $query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_name = \n '{$_SESSION["custFormVars"]["loginUsername"]}'"; $result = $connection->query($query); if (DB::isError($result)) { trigger_error($result->getMessage(), E_USER_ERROR); }
public function tracking(Varien_Event_Observer $observer) { //$trackingenable = Mage::getStoreConfig('trmtwiliosmsbridgeconfig/trmtwiliocustomergroup/trackingenable',Mage::app()->getStore()); if (ISENABLED && CUSTOMERISENABLED) { $allowCountries = explode(",", SPECIFICCOUNTRY); //$order = $observer->getEvent()->getOrder(); //$orderNumber = $order->getIncrementId(); $shipment = $observer->getEvent()->getShipment(); $order = $shipment->getOrder(); //get store order was placed in $store = Mage::app()->getStore()->load($order->getStoreId()); //do something with order - get the increment id: $orderNumber = $order->getIncrementId(); $billingAddress = $order->getBillingAddress(); $shippingAddress = $order->getShippingAddress(); $countryToCode = array("93" => "AF", "355" => "AL", "213" => "DZ", "1684" => "AS", "376" => "AD", "244" => "AO", "1264" => "AI", "672" => "AQ", "1268" => "AG", "54" => "AR", "374" => "AM", "297" => "AW", "61" => "AU", "43" => "AT", "994" => "AZ", "1242" => "BS", "973" => "BH", "880" => "BD", "1246" => "BB", "375" => "BY", "32" => "BE", "501" => "BZ", "229" => "BJ", "1441" => "BM", "975" => "BT", "591" => "BO", "387" => "BA", "267" => "BW", "55" => "BR", "1284" => "VG", "673" => "BN", "359" => "BG", "226" => "BF", "95" => "MM", "257" => "BI", "855" => "KH", "237" => "CM", "1" => "CA", "238" => "CV", "1345" => "KY", "236" => "CF", "235" => "TD", "56" => "CL", "86" => "CN", "61" => "CX", "61" => "CC", "57" => "CO", "269" => "KM", "682" => "CK", "506" => "CR", "385" => "HR", "53" => "CU", "357" => "CY", "420" => "CZ", "243" => "CD", "45" => "DK", "253" => "DJ", "1767" => "DM", "1809" => "DO", "593" => "EC", "20" => "EG", "503" => "SV", "240" => "GQ", "291" => "ER", "372" => "EE", "251" => "ET", "500" => "FK", "298" => "FO", "679" => "FJ", "358" => "FI", "33" => "FR", "689" => "PF", "241" => "GA", "220" => "GM", "995" => "GE", "49" => "DE", "233" => "GH", "350" => "GI", "30" => "GR", "299" => "GL", "1473" => "GD", "1671" => "GU", "502" => "GT", "224" => "GN", "245" => "GW", "592" => "GY", "509" => "HT", "39" => "VA", "504" => "HN", "852" => "HK", "36" => "HU", "354" => "IS", "91" => "IN", "62" => "ID", "98" => "IR", "964" => "IQ", "353" => "IE", "44" => "IM", "972" => "IL", "39" => "IT", "225" => "CI", "1876" => "JM", "81" => "JP", "962" => "JO", "7" => "KZ", "254" => "KE", "686" => "KI", "965" => "KW", "996" => "KG", "856" => "LA", "371" => "LV", "961" => "LB", "266" => "LS", "231" => "LR", "218" => "LY", "423" => "LI", "370" => "LT", "352" => "LU", "853" => "MO", "389" => "MK", "261" => "MG", "265" => "MW", "60" => "MY", "960" => "MV", "223" => "ML", "356" => "MT", "692" => "MH", "222" => "MR", "230" => "MU", "262" => "YT", "52" => "MX", "691" => "FM", "373" => "MD", "377" => "MC", "976" => "MN", "382" => "ME", "1664" => "MA", "258" => "MZ", "264" => "NA", "674" => "NR", "977" => "NP", "31" => "NL", "599" => "AN", "687" => "NC", "64" => "NZ", "505" => "NI", "227" => "NE", "234" => "NG", "683" => "NU", "672" => "NF", "850" => "KP", "1670" => "MP", "47" => "NO", "968" => "OM", "92" => "PK", "680" => "PW", "507" => "PA", "675" => "PG", "595" => "PY", "51" => "PE", "63" => "PH", "870" => "PN", "48" => "PL", "351" => "PT", "1" => "PR", "974" => "QA", "242" => "CG", "40" => "RO", "7" => "RU", "250" => "RW", "590" => "BL", "290" => "SH", "1869" => "KN", "1758" => "LC", "1599" => "MF", "508" => "PM", "1784" => "VC", "685" => "WS", "378" => "SM", "239" => "ST", "966" => "SA", "221" => "SN", "381" => "RS", "248" => "SC", "232" => "SL", "65" => "SG", "421" => "SK", "386" => "SI", "677" => "SB", "252" => "SO", "27" => "ZA", "82" => "KR", "34" => "ES", "94" => "LK", "249" => "SD", "597" => "SR", "268" => "SZ", "46" => "SE", "41" => "CH", "963" => "SY", "886" => "TW", "992" => "TJ", "255" => "TZ", "66" => "TH", "670" => "TL", "228" => "TG", "690" => "TK", "676" => "TO", "1868" => "TT", "216" => "TN", "90" => "TR", "993" => "TM", "1649" => "TC", "688" => "TV", "256" => "UG", "380" => "UA", "971" => "AE", "44" => "GB", "1" => "US", "598" => "UY", "1340" => "VI", "998" => "UZ", "678" => "VU", "58" => "VE", "84" => "VN", "681" => "WF", "967" => "YE", "260" => "ZM", "263" => "ZW"); function checkPhone($phone, $countryCode) { if (substr($phone, 0, strlen($countryCode)) === (string) $countryCode) { return $phone; } else { return $countryCode . $phone; } } function clean($string) { return preg_replace('/\\D/', '', $string); } //get country code and clean phone numbers $billingphone = clean($billingAddress->getTelephone()); $billingCountryCode = array_search($billingAddress->getCountry(), $countryToCode); $billingphone = checkPhone($billingphone, $billingCountryCode); $shippingphone = $shippingAddress->getTelephone(); $shippingCountryCode = array_search($shippingAddress->getCountry(), $countryToCode); $shippingphone = checkPhone($shippingphone, $shippingCountryCode); // get tracking information if (TRACKINGISENABLED) { $shipmentCollection = Mage::getResourceModel('sales/order_shipment_collection')->setOrderFilter($order)->load(); foreach ($shipmentCollection as $shipment) { if ($shipment->getAllTracks()) { $trackinginformation .= ' ' . Mage::helper('twiliosmsbridge')->__('Tracking #'); } foreach ($shipment->getAllTracks() as $tracknum) { $trackinginformation .= ' ' . $tracknum->getTitle() . ': ' . $tracknum->getNumber() . ' '; } } } // end tracking information // Instantiate a new Twilio Rest Client $client = new Services_Twilio(ACCOUNTSID, AUTHTOKEN); $from = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", TWILIONUMBER); //create recipients list $recipients = array(); if (ALLOWSPECIFIC && in_array($billingAddress->getCountry(), $allowCountries) || !ALLOWSPECIFIC) { if (SENDTO == 'billing' || SENDTO == 'both') { if (!in_array($recipients, $billingphone)) { array_push($recipients, $billingphone); } } } if (ALLOWSPECIFIC && in_array($shippingAddress->getCountry(), $allowCountries) || !ALLOWSPECIFIC) { if (SENDTO == 'shipping' || SENDTO == 'both') { if (!in_array($recipients, $shippingphone)) { array_push($recipients, $shippingphone); } } } $body = $store->getName() . " " . Mage::helper('twiliosmsbridge')->__('shipped order #') . $orderNumber . $trackinginformation; foreach ($recipients as $recipient) { try { $recipient = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $recipient); // Send a new outgoing SMS */ $client->account->sms_messages->create($from, $recipient, $body); $object = Mage::getModel('twiliosmsbridge/twiliosmsbridge'); $object->setTitle($orderNumber . 'sent to: ' . $recipient); $object->setContent($body); $object->setCreatedTime(now()); $object->save(); } catch (Exception $e) { } } } }
if ($_GET['type'] != 'phone' && $_GET['type'] != 'checkusername') { echo getJsonResponse(2, "get参数错误", null); exit; } $db = Db::getInstance(array('autocommit' => false)); try { $db->connect(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo getJsonResponse(1, '数据库连接错误', null); Log::error_log("数据库连接错误"); exit; } $db->commit(); if ($_GET['type'] == 'phone') { if (isset($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['password']) && isset($_POST['sex']) && isset($_POST['phone']) && isset($_POST['school_id'])) { if (checkPhone($db, $_POST['phone'])) { echo getJsonResponse(2, 'phone已经注册过', null); $db->close(); exit; } $_POST['username'] = trim($_POST['username']); if (strlen($_POST['username']) < 5 || strlen($_POST['username']) > 15) { echo getJsonResponse(2, 'username长度错误', null); $db->close(); exit; } if (checkUserName($db, $_POST['username'])) { echo getJsonResponse(2, 'username已经注册过', null); $db->close(); exit; }
<input type="submit"> </form> <p> <a href="../home/home.html">Back To Home</a> </p> <?php if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { # collect input data $email = $_POST['email']; $phone = $_POST['phone']; if (!empty($phone) && !empty($email)) { $email = prepareInput($email); $phone = prepareInput($phone); if (checkPhone($phone) && checkEmail($email)) { error_reporting(E_ALL); $db_host = "localhost"; $db_user = "******"; $db_pass = "******"; $db_name = "mysql"; $con = mysqli_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_name); // Check connection if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error(); } $result = $con->query("SELECT * FROM MEMBERS WHERE Email='{$email}' AND Phone='{$phone}'"); if (!$result) { die('Error: ' . mysqli_error($con)); } $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
function addContact() { $error = ""; $contact = new Contact(); if (isset($_POST['name']) && !empty($_POST['name'])) { $contact->c_name = $_POST['name']; } else { $error .= "Name "; } if (isset($_POST['email']) && !empty($_POST['email']) && checkEmail($_POST['email']) == true) { $contact->c_email = $_POST['email']; } else { $error .= "Email "; } if (isset($_POST['phone']) && checkPhone($_POST['phone']) == true) { $contact->c_phone = $_POST['phone']; } else { $error .= "Phone Number "; } if (isset($_POST['comment']) && !empty($_POST['comment'])) { $contact->c_comment = $_POST['comment']; } else { $error .= "No Comment "; } if ($error == "") { if ($contact->create()) { return 1; } else { return 2; } } else { return $error; } }