function delete_folder($folderID, $username, $path = "") { include $path . 'conn.php'; include $path . ''; $resultArr = array(); $resultArr['message'] = ""; $resultArr['success'] = false; if ($folderID != null) { //delete the whole subtree //get all the folder ids in the subtree $folderids = array(); $bookids = array(); function countfolders($folderid, $uname, &$folderids, &$bookids, $path = "") { include $path . 'conn.php'; $Query = "select id from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "favourites where folderid='{$folderid}'"; //echo($Query . "<br>\n"); $dbResult = $dblink->query($Query); while ($row =& $dbResult->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) { $rowid = "{$row["id"]}"; $bookids[] = $rowid; } $Query = "select id from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "folders where pid='{$folderid}'"; //echo($Query . "<br>\n"); $dbResult = $dblink->query($Query); $nb = 0; while ($row =& $dbResult->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) { $rowid = "{$row["id"]}"; $folderids[] = $rowid; $nb++; $nb += countfolders($rowid, $uname, $folderids, $bookids, $path); } return $nb; } $nbfolders = countfolders($folderID, $username, $folderids, $bookids, $path); //delete all the subtree foreach ($folderids as $folderid) { $Query = "delete from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "folders where id='" . $folderid . "'"; //echo($Query . "<br>\n"); $AffectedRows = $dblink->exec($Query); if ($AffectedRows != 1) { $resultArr['message'] = T_("There has been a problem when deleting a folder"); } } foreach ($bookids as $bookID) { if (TAGS) { require_once $path . 'includes/tags_functions.php'; $public = checkIfPublic($bookID); if ($public) { //Remove (unstore) all the tags attached to this bookmark in table tags_books unstoreTags($bookID); } } $Query = "delete from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "favourites where id='" . $bookID . "'"; //echo($Query . "<br>\n"); $AffectedRows = $dblink->exec($Query); if ($AffectedRows != 1) { $resultArr['message'] = T_("There has been a problem when deleting a bookmark"); } } //delete the folder itself when subtree deleted $Query = "delete from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "folders where id='" . $folderID . "'"; //echo($Query . "<br>\n"); $AffectedRows = $dblink->exec($Query); if ($AffectedRows == 1) { $resultArr['message'] = T_("You have successfully deleted this folder"); $resultArr['success'] = true; } else { $resultArr['message'] = T_("There has been a problem when deleting the folder"); } } return $resultArr; }
//echo($Query . "<br>\n"); $dbResult = $dblink->query($Query); $found = false; if ($row =& $dbResult->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) { $title = "{$row["title"]}"; $url = "{$row["url"]}"; $description = "{$row["description"]}"; $found = true; } //strip out html $title = filter($title); $description = filter($description); $url = filter($url); if (TAGS) { require_once 'includes/tags_functions.php'; $public = checkIfPublic($id); if ($public) { $checkedStr = "checked=\"checked\""; //Return all tags for this bookmark $strTags = returnAllTags($id); } else { $readOnlyTags = "readonly"; } } if ($found && $url != null) { $strBack = $success ? "<< " . T_("Back to Folder") . "" : "" . T_("Cancel") . ""; ?> <form action="modifyfav.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $id; ?>
function deleteUserAccount($uname, $massDelete = false) { global $user; if ($uname != null) { include 'conn.php'; $Query = "delete from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "session where name='{$uname}'"; //echo($Query . "<br>\n"); $AffectedRows = $dblink->exec($Query); if ($AffectedRows == 1) { //Delete all books/folders from user's account $Query = "delete from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "folders where name='" . $uname . "' AND pid != '-1'"; //Avoid deleting group folders //echo($Query . "<br>\n"); $AffectedRows = $dblink->exec($Query); if ($AffectedRows >= 0) { if (TAGS && !$massDelete) { include 'tags_functions.php'; //Get all the bookmark ids of this user before deleting, in order to remove the entries in table tags_books $Query = "select id from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "favourites where name='" . $uname . "'"; $dbResult = $dblink->query($Query); $strTags = ""; while ($row =& $dbResult->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) { $current_id = "{$row["id"]}"; $public = checkIfPublic($current_id); if ($public) { //Remove (unstore) all the tags attached to this bookmark in table tags_books unstoreTags($current_id); } } } $Query = "delete from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "favourites where name='" . $uname . "'"; //echo($Query . "<br>\n"); $AffectedRows = $dblink->exec($Query); if ($AffectedRows >= 0) { $Query = "delete from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "activation where name='{$uname}'"; //echo($Query . "<br>\n"); $AffectedRows = $dblink->exec($Query); if ($AffectedRows == 1) { $success = true; if ($massDelete) { echo "<br>\n" . $uname . " ... deleted!"; } else { if ($user->isAdmin()) { echo "<p class=\"success\">" . sprintf(T_("%s was successfully deleted") . "</p>", $uname); echo "<p><a href=\"manageusers.php\"><< " . T_("Go Back") . "</a></p>"; } else { echo "<p class=\"success\">" . T_("You have been successfully deleted") . ".</p><p>" . sprintf(T_("Thank you for using %s"), WEBSITE_NAME) . "!</p>"; $_SESSION = array(); session_destroy(); } } } else { echo "<p class=\"error\">" . T_("There has been a problem when deleting your activation code") . ".</p>"; } } else { echo "<p class=\"error\">" . T_("There has been a problem when deleting bookmarks") . ".</p>"; } } else { echo "<p class=\"error\">" . T_("There has been a problem when deleting folders") . ".</p>"; } } else { echo "<p class=\"error\">" . T_("There has been a problem") . ".</p>"; } } else { echo "<p class=\"error\">" . T_("The form is incomplete") . ".</p>"; } }
//Convert line breaks to <br> $cMessage = nl2br($cMessage); if (!empty($bookmarkID) && !empty($cTitle) && !empty($cMessage)) { $success = addComment($bookmarkID, $cTitle, $cMessage, $username, $cParentID); } else { $msgError = T_("The form is incomplete"); } } else { $msgError = T_("You are not logged in, or your session has expired"); } } $exists = false; $public = false; if ($bookmarkID != null) { $exists = b_exists($bookmarkID); $public = checkIfPublic($bookmarkID); } if ($bookmarkID != null && $exists && $public) { //Get bookmark title $bTitle = get_btitle($bookmarkID); //Display bookmarks // Strip title if too long! if (strlen($bTitle) > MAX_TITLE_LENGTH) { $bTitle = substr($bTitle, 0, MAX_TITLE_LENGTH) . ".."; } $customTitle = T_("Comments on bookmark:") . " " . $bTitle; include 'header.php'; echo "<h2>" . $customTitle . "</h2>"; if ($_POST['submitted']) { if ($success) { echo "<p class=\"success\">" . T_("Your comment has been added") . ".</p>";