예제 #1
if ($db->nf()) {
    $memname = $db->f(fd_organmem_comnpany);
$query = "select fd_orderdetail_productid,fd_orderdetail_productname,DATE_FORMAT(fd_order_date,'%d') as sday,\n          fd_orderdetail_quantity,fd_unit_name,fd_produre_relation3\n          from web_orderdetail\n          left join web_order on fd_order_id = fd_orderdetail_orderid\n          left join tb_produre on fd_produre_id = fd_orderdetail_productid\n          left join tb_normalunit on fd_unit_id = fd_produre_unit\n          where (fd_order_state = 6 or fd_order_state = 7) and fd_order_memeberid = '{$memid}' and fd_order_date like '{$cxdate}%'\n";
if ($db->nf()) {
    while ($db->next_record()) {
        $commid = $db->f(fd_orderdetail_productid);
        $arr_commname[$commid] = $db->f(fd_orderdetail_productname);
        $sday = $db->f(sday);
        $quantity = $db->f(fd_orderdetail_quantity);
        $unit = $db->f(fd_unit_name);
        $relation3 = $db->f(fd_produre_relation3);
        $dunshu = changekg($relation3, $unit, $quantity);
        $arr_dun[$commid][$sday] += $dunshu;
} else {
    $contect .= "<td nowrap colspan=32 height=50>没有任何数据……</td>";
while (list($commid, $val) = @each($arr_commname)) {
    $commname = $arr_commname[$commid];
    $contect .= "<tr align='center' height='30'>";
    $contect .= "<td nowrap>" . $commname . "</td>";
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $days; $i++) {
        if ($i < 10) {
            $a = "0" . $i;
        } else {
            $a = $i;
예제 #2
function wgsalegz($listid)
    $db = new DB_erp();
    $db1 = new DB_erp();
    $dberp = new DB_test();
    $organtype = 1;
    $organno = "a001";
    $query = "select * from tb_salelist_2010 \n          where fd_selt_id = '{$listid}' and fd_selt_state = '92'\n         ";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        $query = "select fd_selt_historymemo,fd_selt_ldr,fd_selt_weborderid from tb_salelist_2010 where fd_selt_id = '{$listid}'";
        if ($db->nf()) {
            $historymemo = $db->f(fd_selt_historymemo);
            $ldrname = $db->f(fd_selt_ldr);
            $weborderid = $db->f(fd_selt_weborderid);
        $liststate = 1;
        $query = "update tb_salelist_2010 set fd_selt_memo  = ''     , fd_selt_state   = '{$liststate}' ,  \n                   fd_selt_cwspdate  = now() \n            where fd_selt_id = '{$listid}' ";
        $query = "update web_order set fd_order_state = '7',fd_order_gzdate = now()  where fd_order_id = '{$weborderid}'";
        $query = "select * from web_order where fd_order_id = '{$weborderid}'";
        if ($dberp->nf()) {
            $memeberid = $dberp->f(fd_order_memeberid);
            $gdr = $dberp->f(fd_order_ddclr);
            $query = "update tb_organmem set fd_organmem_active = '1'  where fd_organmem_id = '{$memeberid}'";
            $query = "update web_salercard  set fd_salercard_opendate = now()  where fd_salercard_memberid  = '{$memeberid}' and fd_salercard_opendate = '0000-00-00'";
        $query = "select * from tb_salelist_2010 where fd_selt_id = '{$listid}'";
        if ($db->nf()) {
            $listid_2010 = $db->f(fd_selt_id);
            $listno = $db->f(fd_selt_no);
            $cusid = $db->f(fd_selt_cusid);
            $cusno = $db->f(fd_selt_cusno);
            $cusname = $db->f(fd_selt_cusname);
            $sendcenterid = $db->f(fd_selt_sdcrid);
            $mscompanyid = $db->f(fd_selt_mscompanyid);
            $memo = $db->f(fd_selt_memo);
            $iswebsale = $db->f(fd_selt_iswebsale);
            $ishavetax = $db->f(fd_selt_ishavetax);
            $ishavetax = $db->f(fd_selt_ishavetax);
            $skfs = $db->f(fd_selt_skfs);
            $jhcldate = $db->f(fd_selt_jhcldate);
            $cwspdate = $db->f(fd_selt_cwspdate);
            $ckchdate = $db->f(fd_selt_ckchdate);
            $ckqrdate = $db->f(fd_selt_ckqrdate);
            $zjlspdate = $db->f(fd_selt_zjlspdate);
            $ldr = $db->f(fd_selt_ldr);
            $historymemo = $db->f(fd_selt_historymemo);
            $shplace = $db->f(fd_selt_shplace);
            $consignee = $db->f(fd_selt_consignee);
            $webpaymoney = $db->f(fd_selt_webpaymoney);
            $weborderid = $db->f(fd_selt_weborderid);
            $weborderno = $db->f(fd_selt_weborderno);
            $date = $db->f(fd_selt_date);
            $trafficmodel = $db->f(fd_selt_trafficmodel);
            $cardid = $db->f(fd_selt_cardid);
            $wlyf = $db->f(fd_selt_wlyf);
            $wlzftype = $db->f(fd_selt_wlzftype);
            $ysgsid = $db->f(fd_selt_ysgsid);
        $query = "select fd_selt_id from tb_salelist where fd_selt_salelistid = '{$listid}' and fd_selt_no = '{$listno}'";
        if ($db->nf()) {
            $listid = $db->f(fd_selt_id);
        } else {
            $query = "insert into tb_salelist (\n              fd_selt_no           , fd_selt_cusid              , fd_selt_cusno       ,\n              fd_selt_cusname      , fd_selt_accountid          , \n              fd_selt_sdcrid       , fd_selt_mscompanyid        , fd_selt_date        ,\n              fd_selt_organid      , fd_selt_datetime           , fd_selt_memo        , \n              fd_selt_iswebsale    , fd_selt_ishavetax          , fd_selt_trafficmodel, \n              fd_selt_skfs         , fd_selt_jhcldate           , fd_selt_zjlspdate   , \n              fd_selt_cwspdate     , fd_selt_ckchdate           , fd_selt_ckqrdate    ,\n              fd_selt_ldr          , fd_selt_historymemo        , fd_selt_state       ,\n              fd_selt_consignee    , fd_selt_shplace            , fd_selt_webpaymoney ,\n              fd_selt_weborderid   , fd_selt_weborderno         , fd_selt_salelistid  ,\n              fd_selt_cardid       , fd_selt_wlyf               , fd_selt_wlzftype    ,\n              fd_selt_ysgsid \n              )values( \n              '{$listno}'            , '{$cusid}'                   , '{$cusno}'            ,\n              '{$cusname}'           , '{$accountid}'               ,\n              '{$sendcenterid}'      , '{$mscompanyid}'             , '{$date}'             ,\n              '1'                  , now()                      , '{$memo}'             , \n              '{$iswebsale}'         , '{$ishavetax}'               , '{$trafficmodel}'     , \n              '{$skfs}'              ,'{$jhcldate}'                 , '{$zjlspdate}'        , \n              '{$cwspdate}'          , '{$ckchdate}'                , '{$ckqrdate}'         ,\n              '{$ldr}'               , '{$historymemo}'             , '1'                 ,    \n              '{$consignee}'         , '{$shplace}'                 , '{$webpaymoney}'      ,                     \n              '{$weborderid}'        , '{$weborderno}'              , '{$listid}'           ,\n              '{$cardid}'            , '{$wlyf}'                    , '{$wlzftype}'         ,\n              '{$ysgsid}'\n              )";
            $listid = $db->insert_id();
            $cg_listid = 0;
            $query = "select fd_cus_linkorganid from tb_customer where fd_cus_id = '{$cusid}' ";
            if ($db1->nf()) {
                $linkorganid = $db1->f(fd_cus_linkorganid);
                $msc_name = "";
                $query = "select fd_msc_name from tb_mscompany where fd_msc_id = '{$mscompanyid}' ";
                if ($db1->nf()) {
                    $msc_name = $db1->f(fd_msc_name);
                $suppid = "";
                $suppno = "";
                $suppname = "";
                $query = "select fd_supp_id , fd_supp_no  from tb_supplier \n    \t          where fd_supp_allname = '{$msc_name}' and fd_supp_organid = '{$linkorganid}' ";
                if ($db1->nf()) {
                    $suppid = $db1->f(fd_supp_id);
                    $suppno = $db1->f(fd_supp_no);
                    $suppname = $msc_name;
                } else {
                    $suppno = changepinyin($msc_name) . "-" . $linkorganid;
                    $suppname = $msc_name;
                    $query = "insert into tb_supplier(\n    \t            fd_supp_no , fd_supp_allname  , fd_supp_organid\n    \t            )values(\n    \t            '{$suppno}'  , '{$suppname}'      , '{$linkorganid}'\n    \t            )";
                    $suppid = $db1->insert_id();
                $cg_memo_z = "网购销售单自动生成到分行的进货单";
                $cg_listno = listnumber_update(1);
                $query = "insert into tb_stock(\n                fd_stock_no          ,   fd_stock_suppid        , fd_stock_suppno           ,\n                fd_stock_suppname    ,   fd_stock_organid       , fd_stock_date             , \n                fd_stock_memo        ,   fd_stock_staid         , fd_stock_sdcrid           ,\n                fd_stock_dealwithman ,   fd_stock_dyj           , fd_stock_paymentdate      \n                {$fieldsql}\n                )values(\n                '{$cg_listno}'        ,   '{$suppid}'          , '{$suppno}'             ,\n                '{$suppname}'         ,   '{$linkorganid}'     , now()                 ,\n                '{$cg_memo_z}'        ,   '0'                , '0'                   ,\n                ''                  ,   '0'                , now()                 \n                )";
                $cg_listid = $db->insert_id();
        $query = "update tb_customer set fd_cus_newdatetime = now(),fd_cus_newlistid = '{$listid}',\n            fd_cus_newlisttype = '1'\n            where fd_cus_id = '{$cusid}'";
        $query = "select * from tb_salelistdetail_2010 where fd_stdetail_seltid = '{$listid_2010}' ";
        if ($db->nf()) {
            while ($db->next_record()) {
                $v_stdetailid = $db->f(fd_stdetail_id);
                $v_storageid = $db->f(fd_stdetail_storageid);
                $v_commid = $db->f(fd_stdetail_commid);
                $v_commbar = $db->f(fd_stdetail_commbar);
                $v_commname = $db->f(fd_stdetail_commname);
                $v_unit = $db->f(fd_stdetail_unit);
                $v_quantity = $db->f(fd_stdetail_quantity);
                $v_price = $db->f(fd_stdetail_price);
                $v_memo = $db->f(fd_stdetail_memo);
                $query = "select * from tb_salelistdetail where fd_stdetail_stdetailid = '{$v_stdetailid}' and fd_stdetail_seltid = '{$listid}' ";
                if ($db1->nf()) {
                } else {
                    $query = "insert into tb_salelistdetail (\n  \t\t               fd_stdetail_seltid        , fd_stdetail_storageid , fd_stdetail_commid  , \n  \t\t               fd_stdetail_commbar       , fd_stdetail_commname  , fd_stdetail_unit    ,\n  \t\t               fd_stdetail_quantity      , fd_stdetail_price     , fd_stdetail_memo          \n  \t\t               )values(\n  \t\t               '{$listid}'                 , '{$v_storageid}'        , '{$v_commid}'         ,\n  \t\t               '{$v_commbar}'              , '{$v_commname}'         , '{$v_unit}'           ,\n  \t\t               '{$v_quantity}'             , '{$v_price}'            , '{$v_memo}'             \n  \t\t               )";
                    if ($cg_listid > 0) {
                        $query = "insert into tb_stockdetail(\n  \t                     fd_skdetail_stockid  ,  fd_skdetail_commid  ,  fd_skdetail_storageid ,\n  \t                     fd_skdetail_commname ,  fd_skdetail_commbar ,  fd_skdetail_unit      ,\n  \t                     fd_skdetail_quantity ,  fd_skdetail_price   ,  fd_skdetail_memo    \n  \t                     )values(\n  \t                     '{$cg_listid}'         ,  '{$v_commid}'         ,  '0'                   ,\n  \t                     '{$v_commname}'        ,  '{$v_commbar}'        ,  '{$v_unit}'             ,\n  \t                     '{$v_quantity}'        ,  '{$v_price}'          ,  '{$v_memo}'          \n  \t                     )";
                        //插入细节表 数据
        $allmoney = 0;
        $alldunquantity = 0;
        $alldunmoney = 0;
        $allstoragecost = 0;
        $query = "select * from tb_salelistdetail \n            left join tb_produre on fd_produre_id = fd_stdetail_commid\n            where fd_stdetail_seltid = '{$listid}'";
        if ($db->nf()) {
            while ($db->next_record()) {
                $commid = $db->f(fd_stdetail_commid);
                $quantity = $db->f(fd_stdetail_quantity);
                $tmpsbdetailid = $db->f(fd_stdetail_id);
                $price = $db->f(fd_stdetail_price);
                $tmpunit = $db->f(fd_stdetail_unit);
                $tmpcost = $db->f(fd_stdetail_tmpcost);
                $tmpralation = $db->f(fd_produre_relation3);
                $storageid = $db->f(fd_stdetail_storageid);
                $dunquantity = changekg($tmpralation, $tmpunit, $quantity);
                $alldunquantity += $dunquantity;
                if (empty($sendcenterid)) {
                    $sendcenterid = 0;
                $flagquantity = 0;
                $query = "select * from tb_stockquantity where fd_skqy_organid = '1' \n                   and fd_skqy_commid = '{$commid}' and fd_skqy_sdcrid = '{$sendcenterid}'";
                if ($db1->nf()) {
                    while ($db1->next_record()) {
                        if ($db1->f(fd_skqy_quantity) != 0) {
                            $flagquantity = 1;
                $query = "select * from tb_storagecost where fd_sect_organid = '1'\n  \t\t             and fd_sect_commid = '{$commid}' and fd_sect_sdcrid = '{$sendcenterid}'";
                if ($db1->nf()) {
                    $storagecost = $db1->f(fd_sect_cost);
                    if ($storagecost == 0 and $flagquantity == 0) {
                        $query = "update tb_storagecost set fd_sect_cost = '{$tmpcost}'\n                       where fd_sect_organid = '1'  and fd_sect_sdcrid = '{$sendcenterid}'\n                       and fd_sect_commid = '{$commid}'";
                } else {
                    $storagecost = 0;
                    if ($flagquantity == 0) {
                        $query = "insert into tb_storagecost(\n                       fd_sect_cost    ,  fd_sect_commid , fd_sect_organid ,\n                       fd_sect_sdcrid  \n                       )values(\n                       '{$tmpcost}'      ,  '{$commid}'      , '1'  ,\n                       '{$sendcenterid}'\n                       )";
                if ($storagecost == 0 and $flagquantity == 0) {
                    $storagecost = $tmpcost;
                updatestorage($commid, $quantity, $storagecost, $storageid, 1, $sendcenterid, 1);
                $query = "update tb_salelistdetail set fd_stdetail_cost = '{$storagecost}'\n                   where fd_stdetail_id = '{$tmpsbdetailid}'  ";
                $allstoragecost += $storagecost * $quantity;
                $cogememo = "商品销售减少";
                $cogelisttype = "3";
                $cogetype = 1;
                //0为增加 , 1为减少
                commglide($storageid, $commid, $quantity, $cogememo, $cogelisttype, $gdr, $listid, $listno, $cogetype, $date);
                $allmoney += $quantity * $price;
                  		   $query = "select * from tb_savesalepirce where fd_ssp_cusid = '$cusid' and fd_ssp_commid = '$commid'";
                  		   	$query = "update tb_savesalepirce set fd_ssp_price = '$price' 
                  		   	          where fd_ssp_cusid = '$cusid' and fd_ssp_commid = '$commid'";
                  		     $query = "insert into tb_savesalepirce(
                  		               fd_ssp_cusid  , fd_ssp_commid  , fd_ssp_price
                  		               '$cusid'   ,  '$commid'  , '$price'
        	$ysyf_sqlwhere = " and fd_ysyfm_mscompanyid = '$mscompanyid'";
          $ysyf_sqlwhere = "";
        $query = "select * from tb_ysyfmoney where fd_ysyfm_organid = '1'
                  and fd_ysyfm_type = '1' and fd_ysyfm_companyid = '$cusid'
                  $ysyf_sqlwhere ";
          $nowysyfmoney = $db->f(fd_ysyfm_money);
        if ($wlzftype == 2) {
            $allmoney = $allmoney + $wlyf;
        $allysmoney = $allmoney;
        $ctatmemo = "应收" . $cusname . "客户" . $allysmoney . "元";
        $cactlisttype = "3";
        $addmoney = $allmoney;
        $lessenmoney = $paymoney;
        zbcurrentaccount(1, $cusid, $addmoney, $lessenmoney, $ctatmemo, $cactlisttype, $gdr, $listid, $listno, $date, $sendcenterid, $mscompanyid);
        if ($allysmoney != 0) {
            changemoney(1, $cusid, $allysmoney, 0, 1, $sendcenterid, $mscompanyid, $organtype);
        $query = "select * from tb_ysyfmoney 
                   where fd_ysyfm_type =1 and fd_ysyfm_companyid = '$cusid'";
               $yfk += $db->f(fd_ysyfm_money)+0;      
        if($allysmoney>=0){  //判断应收款是否增加或者减少。
        	 if($nowysyfmoney>=0){   //如果往来单位欠我们的款,就直接在应收款科目上增加应收的金额
              $listtype = "3";    //单据类型
              $flstno = "105-".$organno;
              updatesubject($listtype , $listid , $flstno,$allysmoney,0 , 1);  //0代表正,1代表负数 	
        	 }else{ //如果欠往来单位的
        	    $tmpnowysyfmoney = -$nowysyfmoney;
              $discrepantmoeny = $allysmoney - $tmpnowysyfmoney;
              if($discrepantmoeny>0){  //如果应收金额比现在的应付款还大,那就应收款科目增加超出部分金额
              	 $listtype = "3";    //单据类型
                 $flstno = "105-".$organno;
              	 updatesubject($listtype , $listid , $flstno , $discrepantmoeny,0 , 1);  //0代表正,1代表负数
              	 $listtype = "3";    //单据类型
                 $flstno = "201-".$organno;
                 updatesubject($listtype , $listid , $flstno , $tmpnowysyfmoney,1 , 1);  //0代表正,1代表负数
              }else{  //如果应付款比单据的金额还大,那应付款科目直接减少。
                $listtype = "3";    //单据类型
                $flstno = "201-".$organno;
                updatesubject($listtype , $listid , $flstno , $allysmoney,1 , 1);  //0代表正,1代表负数
           $i_yfmoney = $paymoney - $allmoney ;
           $discrepantmoeny = $i_yfmoney - $nowysyfmoney;
           if($discrepantmoeny>0){  //如果收款金额比应收款的金额还大,那就把超出部分做应付款。
           	 if($nowysyfmoney>=0){  //如果之前应收该往来单位,那就应收款科目就平掉该往来单位的应收款,剩余的部分做到应付款科目里
                $listtype = "3";    //单据类型
                $flstno = "201-".$organno;
                updatesubject($listtype , $listid , $flstno , $discrepantmoeny,0 , 1);  //0代表正,1代表负数
                $listtype = "3";    //单据类型
                $flstno = "105-".$organno;
           	    updatesubject($listtype , $listid , $flstno , $nowysyfmoney,1 , 1);  //0代表正,1代表负数
           	 }else{  //如果之前是应付该往来单位的,应付款科目就增加收取的金额。
                $listtype = "3";    //单据类型
                $flstno = "201-".$organno;
                updatesubject($listtype , $listid , $flstno , $i_yfmoney,0 , 1);  //0代表正,1代表负数
             $listtype = "3";    //单据类型
             $flstno = "105-".$organno;
           	 updatesubject($listtype , $listid , $flstno , $i_yfmoney,1 , 1);  //0代表正,1代表负数
        $listtype = "3";    //单据类型
        $flstno = "101-".$organno;
        updatesubject($listtype , $listid , $flstno,$allstoragecost,1 , 1);  //0代表正,1代表负数
        $listtype = "3";
        $flstno = "301-" . $organno;
        updatesubject($listtype, $listid, $flstno, $allnoyfmoney, 0, 1);
        $listtype = "3";
        $flstno = "401-" . $organno;
        updatesubject($listtype, $listid, $flstno, $allstoragecost, 0, 1);
        $query = "update tb_salelist set fd_selt_allmoney = '{$allmoney}'  , fd_selt_allcost = '{$allstoragecost}'  ,\n            fd_selt_alldunshu = '{$alldunquantity}'   , fd_selt_isch = 1 , fd_selt_chdate = now()                 \n            where fd_selt_id = '{$listid}'";
        $query = "update tb_customer set fd_cus_iswebwl = 1 where fd_cus_id = '{$cusid}'";
        $query = "update web_order set fd_order_alldunshu = '{$alldunquantity}',fd_order_allmoney= '{$allmoney}',  \n            fd_order_allcost = '{$allstoragecost}' ,fd_order_state = '7'\n            where fd_order_id = '{$weborderid}'";
        $query = "select fd_order_memeberid from web_order where fd_order_id = '{$weborderid}'";
        if ($dberp->nf()) {
            $memid = $dberp->f(fd_order_memeberid);
        $query = "select max(fd_order_date) as lastbuy,sum(fd_order_allmoney) as allmoney from web_order where (fd_order_state = 6 or fd_order_state = 7) and fd_order_zf = 0 and fd_order_memeberid = '{$memid}' group by fd_order_memeberid";
        if ($dberp->nf()) {
            $lastbuy = $dberp->f(lastbuy);
            $allmoney = $dberp->f(allmoney);
            $query = "update tb_organmem set fd_organmem_lastsaletime = '{$lastbuy}' , fd_organmem_allmoney = '{$allmoney}' where fd_organmem_id = '{$memid}'";
        $query = "select * from tb_organmem where fd_organmem_id = '{$memid}'";
        $getstate = $dberp->f(fd_organmem_getstate);
        $getsalerid = $dberp->f(fd_organmem_getsalerid);
        if ($getstate == 1 and $getsalerid > 0) {
            $query = "select * from tb_organmem\n left join web_salercard on fd_salercard_id = fd_organmem_mcardid\n where fd_organmem_id = '{$memid}' and fd_salercard_salerid = '{$getsalerid}'\n ";
            if ($dberp->nf() == 0) {
                $query = "select* from web_salercard where fd_salercard_salerid = '{$getsalerid}' and fd_salercard_state =1 and fd_salercard_memberid =0 and fd_salercard_zf =0 limit 0,1";
                if ($dberp->nf()) {
                    $mcardid = $dberp->f(fd_salercard_id);
                    $query = "update tb_organmem set fd_organmem_mcardid = '{$mcardid}',fd_organmem_getstate=0,fd_organmem_getsalerid=0,fd_organmem_getmemdate='' where fd_organmem_id = '{$memid}'";
                    $query = "update web_salercard set fd_salercard_memberid = '{$memid}',fd_salercard_opendate = now() where fd_salercard_id = '{$mcardid}'";
                    $query = "update tb_salelist set fd_selt_cardid = '{$mcardid}'      \n            where fd_selt_id = '{$listid}'";
                    $query = "delete from  web_getmemcd where fd_getmemcd_salerid = '{$getsalerid}' and fd_getmemcd_memid = '{$memid}'";
        if($type == "wy"){
          $gotourl = "http://www.ms56.net/mssale/order_zszfcg.php?orderid=".$weborderid;
          $gotourl = "http://www.ms56.net/mssale/admin/order/tb_ordercl.php";
        echo "<script>location='".$gotourl."'</script>";
        //Header("Location: $gotourl");