예제 #1
function cforms2($args = '', $no = '')
    global $subID, $track, $cformsSettings, $trackf, $send2author;
    $oldno = $no == '1' ? '' : $no;
    ### remeber old val, to reset session when in new MP form
    cforms2_dbg("Original form on page #{$oldno}");
    ### multi page form: overwrite $no
    $isWPcommentForm = substr($cformsSettings['form' . $oldno]['cforms' . $oldno . '_tellafriend'], 0, 1) == '2';
    $isMPform = $cformsSettings['form' . $oldno]['cforms' . $oldno . '_mp']['mp_form'];
    $isTAF = substr($cformsSettings['form' . $oldno]['cforms' . $oldno . '_tellafriend'], 0, 1);
    cforms2_dbg("Comment form = {$isWPcommentForm}");
    cforms2_dbg("Multi-page form = {$isMPform}");
    if (isset($_SESSION) && isset($_SESSION['cforms']['current'])) {
        cforms2_dbg("PHP Session = " . $_SESSION['cforms']['current']);
    if ($isMPform && is_array($_SESSION['cforms']) && $_SESSION['cforms']['current'] > 0 && !$isWPcommentForm) {
        cforms2_dbg("form no. rewrite from #{$no} to #") . $_SESSION['cforms']['current'];
        $no = $_SESSION['cforms']['current'];
    ### Safety, in case someone uses '1' for the default form
    $no = $no == '1' ? '' : $no;
    cforms2_dbg("Switch to form #{$no}");
    $moveBack = false;
    ### multi page form: reset button
    if (isset($_REQUEST['resetbutton' . $no]) && is_array($_SESSION['cforms'])) {
        $no = $oldno;
        $_SESSION['cforms']['current'] = 0;
        $_SESSION['cforms']['first'] = $oldno;
        $_SESSION['cforms']['pos'] = 1;
        cforms2_dbg("Reset-Button pressed");
    } else {
        ### multi page form: back button
        if (isset($_REQUEST['backbutton' . $no]) && isset($_SESSION['cforms']) && $_SESSION['cforms']['pos'] - 1 >= 0) {
            $no = $_SESSION['cforms']['list'][$_SESSION['cforms']['pos']-- - 1];
            $_SESSION['cforms']['current'] = $no;
            $moveBack = true;
            cforms2_dbg("Back-Button pressed");
        } else {
            ### mp init: must be mp, first & not submitted!
            if ($isMPform && !is_array($_SESSION['cforms']) && $cformsSettings['form' . $oldno]['cforms' . $oldno . '_mp']['mp_first']) {
                //if( $isMPform && $cformsSettings['form'.$oldno]['cforms'.$oldno.'_mp']['mp_first'] && !isset($_REQUEST['sendbutton'.$no]) ){
                cforms2_dbg("Current form is *first* MP-form");
                cforms2_dbg("Session found, you're on the first form and session is reset!");
                $no = $oldno == '1' ? '' : $oldno;
                ### restore old val
                $_SESSION['cforms']['current'] = 0;
                $_SESSION['cforms']['first'] = $no;
                $_SESSION['cforms']['pos'] = 1;
    cforms2_dbg(print_r($_SESSION, 1));
    ### custom fields support
    if (!(strpos($no, '+') === false)) {
        $no = substr($no, 0, -1);
        $customfields = cforms2_build_fstat($args);
        $field_count = count($customfields);
        $custom = true;
    } else {
        $custom = false;
        $field_count = $cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_count_fields'];
    $content = '';
    $err = 0;
    $validations = array();
    $all_valid = 1;
    $off = 0;
    $fieldsetnr = 1;
    $c_errflag = false;
    $custom_error = '';
    $usermessage_class = '';
    $usermessage_text = "";
    $user = wp_get_current_user();
    // TODO integrate this check better
    $server_upload_size_error = false;
    $displayMaxSize = ini_get('post_max_size');
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && empty($_POST) && empty($_FILES) && $_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'] > 0) {
        $server_upload_size_error = true;
        $msgSize = $_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'] / 1048576;
        echo "<pre>Maximum size allowed:" . $displayMaxSize . "; size of your message:" . number_format((double) $msgSize, 2, '.', '') . "M</pre>";
    ### non Ajax method
    if (isset($_REQUEST['sendbutton' . $no]) || $server_upload_size_error) {
        require_once plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'lib_nonajax.php';
        $usermessage_class = $all_valid ? ' success' : ' failure';
    ### called from lib_WPcomments ?
    if ($isWPcommentForm && $send2author) {
        return $all_valid;
    ### paint form
    $success = false;
    ###  fix for WP Comment (loading after redirect)
    if (isset($_GET['cfemail']) && $isWPcommentForm) {
        $usermessage_class = ' success';
        $success = true;
        if ($_GET['cfemail'] == 'sent') {
            $usermessage_text = preg_replace('|\\r\\n|', '<br />', stripslashes($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_success']));
        } elseif ($_GET['cfemail'] == 'posted') {
            $usermessage_text = preg_replace('|\\r\\n|', '<br />', stripslashes($cformsSettings['global']['cforms_commentsuccess']));
        } else {
            $usermessage_class = ' failure';
            $success = false;
    ### either show info message above or below
    $usermessage_text = cforms2_check_default_vars($usermessage_text, $no);
    $usermessage_text = cforms2_check_cust_vars($usermessage_text, $track);
    ### logic: possibly change usermessage
    if (function_exists('my_cforms_logic')) {
        $usermessage_text = my_cforms_logic($trackf, $usermessage_text, 'successMessage');
    $umc = $usermessage_class != '' && $no > 1 ? ' ' . $usermessage_class . $no : '';
    cforms2_dbg("User info for form #{$no}");
    ### where to show message
    if (substr($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_showpos'], 0, 1) == 'y') {
        $content .= '<div id="usermessage' . $no . 'a" class="cf_info' . $usermessage_class . $umc . ' ">' . $usermessage_text . '</div>';
        $actiontarget = 'a';
    } else {
        if (substr($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_showpos'], 1, 1) == 'y') {
            $actiontarget = 'b';
    ### multi page form: overwrite $no, move on to next form
    $oldcurrent = $no;
    if ($all_valid && isset($_REQUEST['sendbutton' . $no])) {
        $isMPformNext = false;
        ### default
        $oldcurrent = $no;
        cforms2_dbg("Form is all valid & sendbutton pressed.");
        if ($isMPform && isset($_SESSION['cforms']) && $_SESSION['cforms']['current'] > 0 && $cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_mp']['mp_next'] != -1) {
            $isMPformNext = true;
            $no = cforms2_check_form_name($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_mp']['mp_next']);
            cforms2_dbg("Session active and now moving on to form #{$no}");
            ### logic: possibly change next form
            if (function_exists('my_cforms_logic')) {
                $no = my_cforms_logic($trackf, $no, "nextForm");
            ### use trackf!
            $oldcurrent = $_SESSION['cforms']['current'];
            $_SESSION['cforms']['current'] = $no == '' ? 1 : $no;
            $field_count = $cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_count_fields'];
        } elseif ($isMPform && $cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_mp']['mp_next'] == -1) {
            cforms2_dbg("Session was active but is being reset now");
            $oldcurrent = $no;
            $no = $_SESSION['cforms']['first'];
            $_SESSION['cforms']['current'] = 0;
            $_SESSION['cforms']['first'] = $no;
            $_SESSION['cforms']['pos'] = 1;
            $field_count = $cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_count_fields'];
        } else {
            $_SESSION['cforms']['current'] = 0;
            $_SESSION['cforms']['first'] = $no;
            $_SESSION['cforms']['pos'] = 1;
    } else {
        $_SESSION['cforms']['current'] = 0;
        $_SESSION['cforms']['first'] = $no;
        $_SESSION['cforms']['pos'] = 1;
    cforms2_dbg("All good, currently on form #{$no}, [current]=" . $_SESSION['cforms']['current']);
    cforms2_dbg(print_r($_SESSION, 1));
    cforms2_dbg(print_r($track, 1));
    ### redirect == 2 : hide form?    || or if max entries reached! w/ SESSION support if#2
    if ($all_valid && ($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_hide'] && isset($_REQUEST['sendbutton' . $no]) || $cformsSettings['form' . $oldcurrent]['cforms' . $oldcurrent . '_hide'] && isset($_REQUEST['sendbutton' . $oldcurrent]))) {
        return $content;
    } else {
        if ($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_maxentries'] != '' && cforms2_get_submission_left($no) <= 0 || !cforms2_check_time($no)) {
            global $cflimit;
            if ($cflimit == "reached") {
                return stripslashes($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_limittxt']);
            } else {
                return $content . stripslashes($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_limittxt']);
    ### alternative form action
    $alt_action = false;
    if ($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_action'] == '1') {
        $action = $cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_action_page'];
        $alt_action = true;
    } else {
        if ($isWPcommentForm) {
            $action = admin_url('admin-ajax.php');
        } else {
            $action = cforms2_get_current_page() . '#usermessage' . $no . $actiontarget;
    $enctype = $cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_formaction'] ? 'enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"' : 'enctype="multipart/form-data"';
    ### start with form tag
    $content .= '<form ' . $enctype . ' action="' . $action . '" method="post" class="cform ' . sanitize_title_with_dashes($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_fname']) . ' ' . ($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_dontclear'] ? ' cfnoreset' : '') . '" id="cforms' . $no . 'form">';
    ### Session item counter (for default values)
    $sItem = 1;
    ### start with no fieldset
    $fieldsetopen = false;
    $captcha = false;
    $upload = false;
    $fscount = 1;
    $ol = false;
    $inpFieldArr = array();
    // for var[] type input fields
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $field_count; $i++) {
        if (!$custom) {
            $field_stat = explode('$#$', $cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_count_field_' . $i]);
        } else {
            $field_stat = explode('$#$', $customfields[$i - 1]);
        $field_name = $field_stat[0];
        $field_type = $field_stat[1];
        $field_required = $field_stat[2];
        $field_emailcheck = $field_stat[3];
        $field_clear = $field_stat[4];
        $field_disabled = $field_stat[5];
        $field_readonly = $field_stat[6];
        ### ommit certain fields
        if (in_array($field_type, array('cauthor', 'url', 'email')) && $user->ID) {
        ### check for html5 attributes
        $obj = explode('|html5:', $field_name, 2);
        $obj[] = "";
        $html5 = $obj[1] != '' ? preg_split('/\\x{00A4}/u', $obj[1], -1) : '';
        cforms2_dbg("\t\t html5 check, settings = " . print_r($html5, 1));
        ### check for custom err message and split field_name
        $obj = explode('|err:', $obj[0], 2);
        $obj[] = "";
        $fielderr = $obj[1];
        cforms2_dbg("\t adding {$field_type} field: {$field_name}");
        if ($fielderr != '') {
            switch ($field_type) {
                case 'upload':
                    $custom_error .= 'cf_uploadfile' . $no . '-' . $i . '$#$' . $fielderr . '|';
                case 'captcha':
                    $custom_error .= 'cforms_captcha' . $no . '$#$' . $fielderr . '|';
                case "cauthor":
                case "url":
                case "email":
                case "comment":
                    $custom_error .= $field_type . '$#$' . $fielderr . '|';
                    preg_match('/^([^#\\|]*).*/', $field_name, $input_name);
                    if (strpos($input_name[1], '[id:') > 0) {
                        preg_match('/\\[id:(.+)\\]/', $input_name[1], $input_name);
                    $custom_error .= $cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_customnames'] == '1' ? cforms2_sanitize_ids($input_name[1]) : 'cf' . $no . '_field_' . $i;
                    $custom_error .= '$#$' . $fielderr . '|';
        ### check for title attrib
        $obj = explode('|title:', $obj[0], 2);
        $obj[] = "";
        $fieldTitle = $obj[1] != '' ? str_replace('"', '&quot;', stripslashes($obj[1])) : '';
        cforms2_dbg("\t\t title check, obj[0] = " . $obj[0]);
        ### special treatment for selectboxes
        if (in_array($field_type, array('multiselectbox', 'selectbox', 'radiobuttons', 'send2author', 'checkbox', 'checkboxgroup', 'ccbox', 'emailtobox'))) {
            $chkboxClicked = array();
            if (in_array($field_type, array('checkbox', 'ccbox')) && strpos($obj[0], '|set:') > 1) {
                $chkboxClicked = explode('|set:', stripslashes($obj[0]));
                $obj[0] = $chkboxClicked[0];
            $chkboxClicked[] = "";
            $chkboxClicked[] = "";
            cforms2_dbg("\t\t found checkbox:, obj[0] = " . $obj[0]);
            $options = explode('#', stripslashes($obj[0]));
            if (in_array($field_type, array('checkbox', 'ccbox'))) {
                $field_name = $options[0] == '' ? $options[1] : $options[0];
            } else {
                $field_name = $options[0];
            cforms2_dbg("\t\t left from '#' (=field_name) = " . $options[0] . ", right from '#': " . $options[1] . "  -> field_name= {$field_name}");
        ### check if fieldset is open
        if (!$fieldsetopen && !$ol && $field_type != 'fieldsetstart') {
            $content .= '<ol class="cf-ol">';
            $ol = true;
        $defaultvalue = '';
        ### setting the default val & regexp if it exists
        if (!in_array($field_type, array('fieldsetstart', 'fieldsetend', 'radiobuttons', 'send2author', 'checkbox', 'checkboxgroup', 'ccbox', 'emailtobox', 'multiselectbox', 'selectbox'))) {
            ### check if default val & regexp are set
            $obj = explode('|', $obj[0], 3);
            $obj[] = "";
            $obj[] = "";
            if ($obj[2] != '') {
                $reg_exp = str_replace('"', '&quot;', stripslashes($obj[2]));
            } else {
                $reg_exp = '';
            if ($obj[1] != '') {
                $defaultvalue = str_replace(array('"', '\\n'), array('&quot;', "\r"), cforms2_check_default_vars(stripslashes($obj[1]), $no));
            $field_name = $obj[0];
        ### label ID's
        $labelIDx = '';
        $labelID = $cformsSettings['global']['cforms_labelID'] == '1' ? ' id="label-' . $no . '-' . $i . '"' : '';
        ### <li> ID's
        $liID = $cformsSettings['global']['cforms_liID'] == '1' || substr($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_showpos'], 2, 1) == "y" || substr($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_showpos'], 3, 1) == "y" ? ' id="li-' . $no . '-' . $i . '"' : '';
        ### input field names & label
        $isFieldArray = false;
        if ($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_customnames'] == '1') {
            if (strpos($field_name, '[id:') !== false) {
                $isFieldArray = strpos($field_name, '[]');
                $idPartA = strpos($field_name, '[id:');
                $idPartB = strrpos($field_name, ']', $idPartA);
                if ($isFieldArray) {
                    $input_id = $input_name = cforms2_sanitize_ids(substr($field_name, $idPartA + 4, $idPartB - $idPartA - 4));
                    if (!$inpFieldArr[$input_id] || $inpFieldArr[$input_id] == '') {
                        $inpFieldArr[$input_id] = 1;
                    $input_id .= $inpFieldArr[$input_id]++;
                    $input_name .= '[]';
                } else {
                    $input_id = $input_name = cforms2_sanitize_ids(substr($field_name, $idPartA + 4, $idPartB - $idPartA - 4));
                $field_name = substr_replace($field_name, '', $idPartA, $idPartB - $idPartA + 1);
                cforms2_dbg("\t \t parsing custom ID/NAME...new field_name = {$field_name}, ID={$input_id}");
            } else {
                $input_id = $input_name = cforms2_sanitize_ids(stripslashes($field_name));
        } else {
            $input_id = $input_name = 'cf' . $no . '_field_' . $i;
        $field_class = '';
        $field_value = '';
        $captchas = cforms2_get_pluggable_captchas();
        if (array_key_exists($field_type, $captchas) && is_user_logged_in() && !$captchas[$field_type]->check_authn_users()) {
        switch ($field_type) {
            case 'captcha':
                if (is_user_logged_in() && $cformsSettings['global']['cforms_captcha_def']['fo'] != '1') {
                    continue 2;
                $input_id = $input_name = 'cforms_captcha' . $no;
            case 'upload':
                $input_id = $input_name = 'cf_uploadfile' . $no . '-' . $i;
                $field_class = 'upload';
            case "send2author":
            case "email":
            case "cauthor":
            case "url":
                $input_id = $input_name = $field_type;
            case "datepicker":
            case "yourname":
            case "youremail":
            case "friendsname":
            case "friendsemail":
            case "textfield":
            case "pwfield":
                $field_class = 'single';
            case "hidden":
                $field_class = 'hidden';
            case 'comment':
                $input_id = $input_name = $field_type;
                $field_class = 'area';
            case 'textarea':
                $field_class = 'area';
        ### additional field classes
        if ($field_disabled) {
            $field_class .= ' disabled';
        if ($field_readonly) {
            $field_class .= ' readonly';
        if ($field_emailcheck) {
            $field_class .= ' fldemail';
        if ($field_required) {
            $field_class .= ' fldrequired';
        ### error ?
        $liERR = $insertErr = '';
        ### only for mp forms
        if ($moveBack || $isMPform) {
            // $isMPformNext
            $field_value = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_SESSION['cforms']['cf_form' . $no][$_SESSION['cforms']['cf_form' . $no]['$$$' . $sItem++]]));
            cforms2_dbg('retrieving session values to pre-fill...' . $field_value);
        if (!$all_valid) {
            ### errors...
            if (!$server_upload_size_error && $validations[$i] != 1) {
                $field_class .= ' cf_error';
                ### enhanced error display
                if (substr($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_showpos'], 2, 1) == "y") {
                    $liERR = 'cf_li_err';
                if (substr($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_showpos'], 3, 1) == "y") {
                    $insertErr = $fielderr != '' ? '<ul class="cf_li_text_err"><li>' . stripslashes($fielderr) . '</li></ul>' : '';
            if (!isset($_REQUEST[$input_name])) {
                $_REQUEST[$input_name] = '';
            ### the field could not be there at all
            if ($field_type == 'multiselectbox' || $field_type == 'checkboxgroup') {
                $field_value = $_REQUEST[$input_name];
            } else {
                $field_value = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_REQUEST[$input_name]));
        } else {
            if (!isset($_REQUEST['sendbutton' . $no]) && isset($_REQUEST[$input_name]) || $cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_dontclear']) {
                ### only pre-populating fields...
                if ($field_type == 'multiselectbox' || $field_type == 'checkboxgroup') {
                    $field_value = $_REQUEST[$input_name];
                } else {
                    $field_value = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_REQUEST[$input_name]));
        ### print label only for non "textonly" fields! Skip some others too, and handle them below indiv.
        $standard_field = !in_array($field_type, array('hidden', 'textonly', 'fieldsetstart', 'fieldsetend', 'ccbox', 'checkbox', 'checkboxgroup', 'send2author', 'radiobuttons'));
        if ($standard_field) {
            $content .= '<li' . $liID . ' class="' . $liERR . '">' . $insertErr;
            if (!in_array($field_type, array_keys($captchas))) {
                $content .= '<label' . $labelID . ' for="' . $input_id . '"' . ($field_type == 'captcha' ? ' class="seccap"' : '') . '><span>' . stripslashes($field_name) . '</span></label>';
        ### if not reloaded (due to err) then use default values
        if ($field_value == '' && $defaultvalue != '') {
            $field_value = $defaultvalue;
        ### field disabled or readonly, greyed out?
        $disabled = $field_disabled ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '';
        $readonly = $field_readonly ? ' readonly="readonly"' : '';
        ### add input field
        $dp = '';
        $field = '';
        $val = '';
        $force_checked = false;
        $cookieset = '';
        if (array_key_exists($field_type, $captchas)) {
            $req = $captchas[$field_type]->get_request('secinput ' . $field_class, $fieldTitle);
            $field = $req['html'] . '<input type="hidden" name="' . $field_type . '/hint" value="' . rawurlencode($req['hint']) . '"/>';
        } else {
            switch ($field_type) {
                case "upload":
                    $upload = true;
                    ### set upload flag for ajax suppression!
                    $field = '<input' . $readonly . $disabled . ' type="file" name="cf_uploadfile' . $no . '[]" id="cf_uploadfile' . $no . '-' . $i . '" class="cf_upload ' . $field_class . '" title="' . $fieldTitle . '"/>';
                case "textonly":
                    $field .= '<li' . $liID . ' class="textonly' . ($defaultvalue != '' ? ' ' . $defaultvalue : '') . '"' . ($reg_exp != '' ? ' style="' . $reg_exp . '" ' : '') . '>' . stripslashes($field_name) . '</li>';
                case "fieldsetstart":
                    if ($fieldsetopen) {
                        $field = '</ol></fieldset>';
                        $fieldsetopen = false;
                        $ol = false;
                    if (!$fieldsetopen) {
                        if ($ol) {
                            $field = '</ol>';
                        $field .= '<fieldset class="cf-fs' . $fscount++ . '">' . '<legend>' . stripslashes($field_name) . '</legend>' . '<ol class="cf-ol">';
                        $fieldsetopen = true;
                        $ol = true;
                case "fieldsetend":
                    if ($fieldsetopen) {
                        $field = '</ol></fieldset>';
                        $fieldsetopen = false;
                        $ol = false;
                    } else {
                        $field = '';
                case "captcha":
                    $field = '<input type="text" name="' . $input_name . '" id="cforms_captcha' . $no . '" class="secinput' . $field_class . '" title="' . $fieldTitle . '"/>' . '<img id="cf_captcha_img' . $no . '" class="captcha" src="#" alt=""/><script type="text/javascript">jQuery(function() {reset_captcha(' . $no . ');});</script>' . '<a title="' . __('reset captcha image', 'cforms') . '" href="javascript:reset_captcha(\'' . $no . '\')"><img class="captcha-reset" src="' . plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'images/spacer.gif" alt="Captcha"/></a>';
                    $captcha = true;
                case "cauthor":
                    $cookieset = 'comment_author_' . COOKIEHASH;
                case "url":
                    $cookieset = $cookieset == '' ? 'comment_author_url_' . COOKIEHASH : $cookieset;
                case "email":
                    $cookieset = $cookieset == '' ? 'comment_author_email_' . COOKIEHASH : $cookieset;
                    $field_value = $_COOKIE[$cookieset] != '' ? $_COOKIE[$cookieset] : $field_value;
                case "datepicker":
                case "yourname":
                case "youremail":
                case "friendsname":
                case "friendsemail":
                case "textfield":
                case "pwfield":
                case "html5color":
                case "html5date":
                case "html5datetime":
                case "html5datetime-local":
                case "html5email":
                case "html5month":
                case "html5number":
                case "html5range":
                case "html5search":
                case "html5tel":
                case "html5time":
                case "html5url":
                case "html5week":
                    $field_value = cforms2_check_post_vars($field_value);
                    $h5 = '';
                    if (strpos($field_type, 'tml5') !== false) {
                        $type = substr($field_type, 5);
                        if (is_array($html5)) {
                            $h5_0 = $html5[0] == '1' ? ' autocomplete="on"' : '';
                            $h5_1 = $html5[1] == '1' ? ' autofocus ="autofocus"' : '';
                            $h5_2 = $html5[2] != '' ? ' min="' . $html5[2] . '"' : '';
                            $h5_3 = $html5[3] != '' ? ' max="' . $html5[3] . '"' : '';
                            $h5_4 = $html5[4] != '' ? ' pattern="' . $html5[4] . '"' : '';
                            $h5_5 = $html5[5] != '' ? ' step="' . $html5[5] . '"' : '';
                            $h5_6 = $html5[6] != '' ? ' placeholder="' . $html5[6] . '"' : '';
                            $h5 = $h5_0 . $h5_1 . $h5_2 . $h5_3 . $h5_4 . $h5_5 . $h5_6;
                        $h5_7 = $field_required ? ' required="required"' : '';
                        $h5 .= $h5_7 . ' ';
                        cforms2_dbg('......html5 attributes: ' . $h5);
                    } else {
                        $type = $field_type == 'pwfield' ? 'password' : 'text';
                    $field_class = $field_type == 'datepicker' ? $field_class . ' cf_date' : $field_class;
                    $onfocus = $field_clear ? ' onfocus="clearField(this)" onblur="setField(this)"' : '';
                    $field = '<input' . $h5 . $readonly . $disabled . ' type="' . $type . '" name="' . $input_name . '" id="' . $input_id . '" class="' . $field_class . '" value="' . $field_value . '"' . $onfocus . ' title="' . $fieldTitle . '"/>';
                    if ($reg_exp != '') {
                        $field .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $input_name . '_regexp" id="' . $input_id . '_regexp" value="' . $reg_exp . '" title="' . $fieldTitle . '"/>';
                    $field .= $dp;
                case "hidden":
                    $field_value = cforms2_check_post_vars($field_value);
                    $field_value = cforms2_check_default_vars($field_value, $no);
                    if (preg_match('/^<([a-zA-Z0-9]+)>$/', $field_value, $getkey)) {
                        $field_value = $_GET[$getkey[1]];
                    $field .= '<li class="cf_hidden"><input type="hidden" class="cfhidden" name="' . $input_name . '" id="' . $input_id . '" value="' . $field_value . '" title="' . $fieldTitle . '"/></li>';
                case "comment":
                case "textarea":
                    $onfocus = $field_clear ? ' onfocus="clearField(this)" onblur="setField(this)"' : '';
                    $field = '<textarea' . $readonly . $disabled . ' cols="30" rows="8" name="' . $input_name . '" id="' . $input_id . '" class="' . $field_class . '"' . $onfocus . ' title="' . $fieldTitle . '">' . $field_value . '</textarea>';
                    if ($reg_exp != '') {
                        $field .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $input_name . '_regexp" id="' . $input_id . '_regexp" value="' . $reg_exp . '" title="' . $fieldTitle . '"/>';
                case "ccbox":
                case "checkbox":
                    if (!$all_valid || $all_valid && $cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_dontclear'] || $isMPform && is_array($_SESSION['cforms']['cf_form' . $no])) {
                        //exclude MP! if first time on the form = array = null
                        $preChecked = $field_value && $field_value != '' ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
                    } else {
                        $preChecked = strpos($chkboxClicked[1], 'true') !== false ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
                    // $all_valid = user choice prevails
                    $err = '';
                    if (!$server_upload_size_error && !$all_valid && $validations[$i] != 1) {
                        $err = ' cf_errortxt';
                    $opt = explode('|', $field_name, 2);
                    $opt[] = "";
                    if ($options[1] != '') {
                        ### $options =  explode('#', stripslashes($obj[0]) ) (line 476)
                        $before = '<li' . $liID . ' class="' . $liERR . '">' . $insertErr;
                        $after = '<label' . $labelID . ' for="' . $input_id . '" class="cf-after' . $err . '"><span>' . $opt[0] . '</span></label></li>';
                        $ba = 'a';
                    } else {
                        $before = '<li' . $liID . ' class="' . $liERR . '">' . $insertErr . '<label' . $labelID . ' for="' . $input_name . '" class="cf-before' . $err . '"><span>' . $opt[0] . '</span></label>';
                        $after = '</li>';
                        $ba = 'b';
                    ### if | val provided, then use "X"
                    if ($val == '') {
                        $val = $opt[1] != '' ? ' value="' . $opt[1] . '"' : '';
                    $field = $before . '<input' . $readonly . $disabled . ' type="checkbox" name="' . $input_name . '" id="' . $input_id . '" class="cf-box-' . $ba . $field_class . '"' . $val . ' title="' . $fieldTitle . '"' . $preChecked . '/>' . $after;
                case "checkboxgroup":
                    $liID_b = $liID != '' ? substr($liID, 0, -1) . 'items"' : '';
                    $field .= '<li' . $liID . ' class="cf-box-title">' . $field_name . '</li>' . '<li' . $liID_b . ' class="cf-box-group">';
                    $id = 1;
                    $j = 0;
                    ### mp session support
                    if (($moveBack || $isMPform) && !is_array($field_value)) {
                        $field_value = explode(',', $field_value);
                    foreach ($options as $option) {
                        ### supporting names & values
                        $boxPreset = explode('|set:', $option);
                        $opt = explode('|', $boxPreset[0], 2);
                        if ($opt[1] == '') {
                            $opt[1] = $opt[0];
                        $checked = '';
                        if ($moveBack || $isMPform) {
                            if (in_array($opt[1], array_values($field_value))) {
                                $checked = 'checked="checked"';
                        } elseif (is_array($field_value)) {
                            if ($opt[1] == htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(strip_tags($field_value[$j])))) {
                                $checked = 'checked="checked"';
                        } else {
                            if (strpos($boxPreset[1], 'true') !== false) {
                                $checked = ' checked="checked"';
                        $brackets = $isFieldArray ? '' : '[]';
                        if ($labelID != '') {
                            $labelIDx = substr($labelID, 0, -1) . $id . '"';
                        if ($opt[0] == '') {
                            $field .= '<br />';
                        } else {
                            $field .= '<input' . $readonly . $disabled . ' type="checkbox" id="' . $input_id . '-' . $id . '" name="' . $input_name . $brackets . '" value="' . $opt[1] . '" ' . $checked . ' class="cf-box-b" title="' . $fieldTitle . '"/>' . '<label' . $labelIDx . ' for="' . $input_id . '-' . $id++ . '" class="cf-group-after"><span>' . $opt[0] . "</span></label>";
                    $field .= '</li>';
                case "multiselectbox":
                    $field .= '<select' . $readonly . $disabled . ' multiple="multiple" name="' . $input_name . '[]" id="' . $input_id . '" class="cfselectmulti ' . $field_class . '" title="' . $fieldTitle . '">';
                    $j = 0;
                    ### mp session support
                    if ($moveBack || $isMPform) {
                        $field_value = explode(',', $field_value);
                    foreach ($options as $option) {
                        ### supporting names & values
                        $optPreset = explode('|set:', $option);
                        $opt = explode('|', $optPreset[0], 2);
                        if ($opt[1] == '') {
                            $opt[1] = $opt[0];
                        $checked = '';
                        if ($moveBack || $isMPform) {
                            if (in_array($opt[1], array_values($field_value))) {
                                $checked = 'selected="selected"';
                        } elseif (is_array($field_value)) {
                            if ($opt[1] == stripslashes(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($field_value[$j])))) {
                                $checked = ' selected="selected"';
                        } else {
                            if (strpos($optPreset[1], 'true') !== false) {
                                $checked = ' selected="selected"';
                        $field .= '<option value="' . str_replace('"', '&quot;', $opt[1]) . '"' . $checked . '>' . $opt[0] . '</option>';
                    $field .= '</select>';
                case "emailtobox":
                case "selectbox":
                    $field = '<select' . $readonly . $disabled . ' name="' . $input_name . '" id="' . $input_id . '" class="cformselect' . $field_class . '" title="' . $fieldTitle . '">';
                    $jj = $j = 0;
                    foreach ($options as $option) {
                        ### supporting names & values
                        $optPreset = explode('|set:', $option);
                        $optPreset[] = "";
                        $opt = explode('|', $optPreset[0], 2);
                        $opt[] = "";
                        if ($opt[1] == '') {
                            $opt[1] = $opt[0];
                        ### email-to-box valid entry?
                        if ($field_type == 'emailtobox' && $opt[1] != '-') {
                            $jj = $j;
                        } else {
                            $jj = '-';
                        $checked = '';
                        if ($field_value == '' || $field_value == '-') {
                            if (strpos($optPreset[1], 'true') !== false) {
                                $checked = ' selected="selected"';
                        } else {
                            if ($opt[1] == $field_value || $jj == $field_value) {
                                $checked = ' selected="selected"';
                        $field .= '<option value="' . ($field_type == 'emailtobox' ? $jj : $opt[1]) . '"' . $checked . '>' . $opt[0] . '</option>';
                    $field .= '</select>';
                case "send2author":
                    $force_checked = strpos($field_stat[0], '|set:') === false ? true : false;
                case "radiobuttons":
                    $liID_b = $liID != '' ? substr($liID, 0, -1) . 'items"' : '';
                    ### only if label ID's active
                    $field .= '<li' . $liID . ' class="' . $liERR . ' cf-box-title">' . $insertErr . $field_name . '</li>' . '<li' . $liID_b . ' class="cf-box-group">';
                    $id = 1;
                    foreach ($options as $option) {
                        $checked = '';
                        ### supporting names & values
                        $radioPreset = explode('|set:', $option);
                        $opt = explode('|', $radioPreset[0], 2);
                        $opt[] = "";
                        if ($opt[1] == '') {
                            $opt[1] = $opt[0];
                        if ($field_value == '') {
                            if (strpos($radioPreset[1], 'true') !== false || $force_checked && $id == 1) {
                                $checked = ' checked="checked"';
                        } else {
                            if ($opt[1] == $field_value) {
                                $checked = ' checked="checked"';
                        if ($labelID != '') {
                            $labelIDx = substr($labelID, 0, -1) . $id . '"';
                        if ($opt[0] == '') {
                            $field .= '<br />';
                        } else {
                            $field .= '<input' . $readonly . $disabled . ' type="radio" id="' . $input_id . '-' . $id . '" name="' . $input_name . '" value="' . $opt[1] . '"' . $checked . ' class="cf-box-b' . ($field_required ? ' fldrequired' : '') . '" title="' . $fieldTitle . '"/>' . '<label' . $labelIDx . ' for="' . $input_id . '-' . $id++ . '" class="cf-after"><span>' . $opt[0] . "</span></label>";
                    $field .= '</li>';
        ### debug
        cforms2_dbg("Form setup: {$field_type}, val={$field_value}, default={$defaultvalue}");
        ### add new field
        $content .= $field;
        ### adding "required" text if needed
        if ($field_emailcheck == 1) {
            $content .= '<span class="emailreqtxt">' . stripslashes($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_emailrequired']) . '</span>';
        } else {
            if ($field_required == 1 && !in_array($field_type, array('ccbox', 'checkbox', 'radiobuttons'))) {
                $content .= '<span class="reqtxt">' . stripslashes($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_required']) . '</span>';
        ### close out li item
        if ($standard_field) {
            $content .= '</li>';
    ### all fields
    ### close any open tags
    if ($ol) {
        $content .= '</ol>';
    if ($fieldsetopen) {
        $content .= '</fieldset>';
    ### rest of the form
    if ($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_ajax'] == '1' && !$upload && !$custom && !$alt_action) {
        $ajaxenabled = ' onclick="return cforms_validate(\'' . $no . '\', false)"';
    } else {
        if (($upload || $custom || $alt_action) && $cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_ajax'] == '1') {
            $ajaxenabled = ' onclick="return cforms_validate(\'' . $no . '\', true)"';
        } else {
            $ajaxenabled = '/>' . '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="submitcomment_direct"/>' . '<input type="hidden" name="_wpnonce" value="' . wp_create_nonce('submitcomment_direct') . '"';
    ### just to appease html "strict"
    $content .= '<fieldset class="cf_hidden"><legend>&nbsp;</legend>';
    ### custom error
    $custom_error = substr($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_showpos'], 2, 1) . substr($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_showpos'], 3, 1) . substr($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_showpos'], 4, 1) . $custom_error;
    ### TAF or WP comment or Extra Fields
    if ((int) $isTAF > 0) {
        $nono = $isWPcommentForm ? '' : $no;
        if ($isWPcommentForm) {
            $content .= '<input type="hidden" name="comment_parent" id="comment_parent" value="' . ($_REQUEST['replytocom'] != '' ? $_REQUEST['replytocom'] : '0') . '"/>';
        $content .= '<input type="hidden" name="comment_post_ID' . $nono . '" id="comment_post_ID' . $nono . '" value="' . (isset($_GET['pid']) ? $_GET['pid'] : get_the_ID()) . '"/>' . '<input type="hidden" name="cforms_pl' . $no . '" id="cforms_pl' . $no . '" value="' . (isset($_GET['pid']) ? get_permalink($_GET['pid']) : get_permalink()) . '"/>';
    $content .= '<input type="hidden" name="cf_working' . $no . '" id="cf_working' . $no . '" value="<span>' . rawurlencode($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_working']) . '</span>"/>' . '<input type="hidden" name="cf_failure' . $no . '" id="cf_failure' . $no . '" value="<span>' . rawurlencode($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_failure']) . '</span>"/>' . '<input type="hidden" name="cf_codeerr' . $no . '" id="cf_codeerr' . $no . '" value="<span>' . rawurlencode($cformsSettings['global']['cforms_codeerr']) . '</span>"/>' . '<input type="hidden" name="cf_customerr' . $no . '" id="cf_customerr' . $no . '" value="' . rawurlencode($custom_error) . '"/>' . '<input type="hidden" name="cf_popup' . $no . '" id="cf_popup' . $no . '" value="' . $cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_popup'] . '"/>';
    $content .= '</fieldset>';
    ### multi page form: reset
    $reset = '';
    if ($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_mp']['mp_form'] && $cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_mp']['mp_reset']) {
        $reset = '<input tabindex="999" type="submit" name="resetbutton' . $no . '" id="resetbutton' . $no . '" class="resetbutton" value="' . $cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_mp']['mp_resettext'] . '" onclick="return confirm(\'' . __('Note: This will reset all your input!', 'cforms') . '\')">';
    ### multi page form: back
    $back = '';
    if ($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_mp']['mp_form'] && $cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_mp']['mp_back'] && !$cformsSettings['form' . $oldno]['cforms' . $no . '_mp']['mp_first']) {
        $back = '<input type="submit" name="backbutton' . $no . '" id="backbutton' . $no . '" class="backbutton" value="' . $cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_mp']['mp_backtext'] . '">';
    $content .= '<p class="cf-sb">' . $reset . $back . '<input type="submit" name="sendbutton' . $no . '" id="sendbutton' . $no . '" class="sendbutton" value="' . stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_submit_text'])) . '"' . $ajaxenabled . '/></p>';
    if ($isWPcommentForm) {
        do_action('comment_form', get_the_ID());
        $content .= ob_get_clean();
    $content .= '</form>';
    ### either show message above or below
    $usermessage_text = cforms2_check_default_vars($usermessage_text, $no);
    $usermessage_text = cforms2_check_cust_vars($usermessage_text, $track);
    if (substr($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_showpos'], 1, 1) == 'y' && !($success && $cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_hide'])) {
        $content .= '<div id="usermessage' . $no . 'b" class="cf_info ' . $usermessage_class . $umc . '" >' . $usermessage_text . '</div>';
    ### debug
    cforms2_dbg("(cforms) Last stop..." . print_r($_SESSION, 1));
    return $content;
예제 #2
 ###  HTML text
 $cmsghtml = '';
 if (substr($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_formdata'], 3, 1) == '1') {
     $cmsghtml = stripslashes($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_cmsg_html']);
     if (function_exists('my_cforms_logic')) {
         $cmsghtml = my_cforms_logic($trackf, $cmsghtml, 'autoConfHTML');
     $cmsghtml = cforms2_check_default_vars($cmsghtml, $no);
     $cmsghtml = cforms2_check_cust_vars($cmsghtml, $track, true);
 ### subject
 $subject2 = stripslashes($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_csubject']);
 if (function_exists('my_cforms_logic')) {
     $subject2 = my_cforms_logic($trackf, $subject2, 'autoConfSUBJ');
 $subject2 = cforms2_check_default_vars($subject2, $no);
 $subject2 = cforms2_check_cust_vars($subject2, $track);
 ###  different cc & ac subjects?
 $s = explode('$#$', $subject2);
 $s[1] = $s[1] != '' ? $s[1] : $s[0];
 ###  email tracking via 3rd party?
 ###  if in Tell-A-Friend Mode, then overwrite header stuff...
 if ($taf_youremail && $taf_friendsemail && $isTAF == '1') {
     $field_email = "\"{$taf_friendsname}\" <{$taf_friendsemail}>";
 } else {
     $field_email = $cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_tracking'] != '' ? $field_email . $cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_tracking'] : $field_email;
 $mail = new cforms2_mail($no, $frommail, $field_email, $replyto);
 ### auto conf attachment?
 $a = $cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_cattachment'][0];
 $a = substr($a, 0, 1) == '/' ? $a : plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . $a;
예제 #3
function cforms2_submitcomment()
    global $cformsSettings, $wpdb, $subID, $track, $trackf, $Ajaxpid, $AjaxURL, $WPresp, $commentparent;
    header('Content-Type: text/plain');
    $content = '';
    if (isset($_POST['rsargs'])) {
        $content = $_POST['rsargs'];
    $WPsuccess = false;
    $content = explode('+++', $content);
    ###  Added special fields
    if (count($content) > 3) {
        $commentparent = $content[1];
        $Ajaxpid = $content[2];
        $AjaxURL = $content[3];
    } else {
        $Ajaxpid = $content[1];
        $AjaxURL = $content[2];
    $segments = explode('$#$', $content[0]);
    $params = array();
    $user = wp_get_current_user();
    for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($segments); $i++) {
        $params['field_' . $i] = $segments[$i];
    ###  fix reference to first form
    if ($segments[0] == '1') {
        $params['id'] = $no = '';
    } else {
        $params['id'] = $no = $segments[0];
    ### TAF flag
    $isTAF = substr($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_tellafriend'], 0, 1);
    ###  user filter ?
    if (function_exists('my_cforms_ajax_filter')) {
    ###  init variables
    $track = array();
    $trackinstance = array();
    $to_one = -1;
    $ccme = false;
    $field_email = '';
    $off = 0;
    $fieldsetnr = 1;
    $taf_youremail = false;
    $taf_friendsemail = false;
    ###  form limit reached
    if ($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_maxentries'] != '' && cforms2_get_submission_left($no) == 0 || !cforms2_check_time($no)) {
        $pre = $segments[0] . '*$#' . substr($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_popup'], 0, 1);
        echo $pre . preg_replace('|\\r\\n|', '<br />', stripslashes($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_limittxt']));
    $captchaopt = $cformsSettings['global']['cforms_captcha_def'];
    for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($params) - 2; $i++) {
        $field_stat = explode('$#$', $cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_count_field_' . ((int) $i + (int) $off)]);
        while (in_array($field_stat[1], array('fieldsetstart', 'fieldsetend', 'textonly', 'captcha', 'verification'))) {
            if ($field_stat[1] == 'captcha' && !(is_user_logged_in() && $captchaopt['fo'] != '1')) {
            if (cforms2_check_pluggable_captchas_authn_users($field_stat[1])) {
            if ($field_stat[1] == 'fieldsetstart') {
                $track['$$$' . ((int) $i + (int) $off)] = 'Fieldset' . $fieldsetnr;
                $track['Fieldset' . $fieldsetnr++] = $field_stat[0];
            } elseif ($field_stat[1] == 'fieldsetend') {
                $track['FieldsetEnd' . $fieldsetnr++] = '--';
            ### get next in line...
            $field_stat = explode('$#$', $cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_count_field_' . ((int) $i + (int) $off)]);
            if ($field_stat[1] == '') {
                break 2;
            ###  all fields searched, break both while & for
        ###  filter all redundant WP comment fields if user is logged in
        while (in_array($field_stat[1], array('cauthor', 'email', 'url')) && $user->ID) {
            $temp = explode('|', $field_stat[0], 3);
            ### get field name
            $temp = explode('#', $temp[0], 2);
            switch ($field_stat[1]) {
                case 'cauthor':
                    $track['cauthor'] = $track[$temp[0]] = $user->display_name;
                    $track['$$$' . ((int) $i + (int) $off)] = $temp[0];
                case 'email':
                    $track['email'] = $track[$temp[0]] = $field_email = $user->user_email;
                    $track['$$$' . ((int) $i + (int) $off)] = $temp[0];
                case 'url':
                    $track['url'] = $track[$temp[0]] = $user->user_url;
                    $track['$$$' . ((int) $i + (int) $off)] = $temp[0];
            $field_stat = explode('$#$', $cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_count_field_' . ((int) $i + (int) $off)]);
            if ($field_stat[1] == '') {
                break 2;
            ###  all fields searched, break both while & for
        $field_name = $field_stat[0];
        $field_type = $field_stat[1];
        ### remove [id: ] first
        if (strpos($field_name, '[id:') !== false) {
            preg_match('/^([^\\[]*)\\[id:([^\\|\\]]+(\\[\\])?)\\]([^\\|]*).*/', $field_name, $input_name);
            // author: cbacchini
            $field_name = $input_name[1] . $input_name[4];
            $customTrackingID = cforms2_sanitize_ids($input_name[2]);
        } else {
            $customTrackingID = '';
        ###  dissect field
        $obj = explode('|', $field_name, 3);
        ###  strip out default value
        $field_name = $obj[0];
        ###  special WP comment fields
        if (in_array($field_stat[1], array('cauthor', 'email', 'url', 'comment', 'send2author'))) {
            $temp = explode('#', $field_name, 2);
            if ($temp[0] == '') {
                $field_name = $field_stat[1];
            } else {
                $field_name = $temp[0];
            ### keep copy of values
            $track[$field_stat[1]] = stripslashes($params['field_' . $i]);
            if ($field_stat[1] == 'email') {
                $field_email = $params['field_' . $i];
        ###  special Tell-A-Friend fields
        if ($taf_friendsemail == '' && $field_type == 'friendsemail' && $field_stat[3] == '1') {
            preg_match("/^[_a-z0-9+-]+(\\.[_a-z0-9+-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\\.[a-z]{2,4})\$/i", $params['field_' . $i], $r);
            $field_email = $taf_friendsemail = $r[1];
            // double checking anti spam TAF
        if ($taf_youremail == '' && $field_type == 'youremail' && $field_stat[3] == '1') {
            $taf_youremail = $params['field_' . $i];
        if ($field_type == 'friendsname') {
            $taf_friendsname = $params['field_' . $i];
        if ($field_type == 'yourname') {
            $taf_yourname = $params['field_' . $i];
        ###  lets find an email field ("Is Email") and that's not empty!
        if ($field_email == '' && $field_stat[3] == '1') {
            $field_email = $params['field_' . $i];
        ###  special case: select & radio
        if ($field_type == "multiselectbox" || $field_type == "selectbox" || $field_type == "radiobuttons" || $field_type == "checkboxgroup") {
            $field_name = explode('#', $field_name);
            $field_name = $field_name[0];
        ###  special case: check box
        if ($field_type == "checkbox" || $field_type == "ccbox") {
            $field_name = explode('#', $field_name);
            $field_name = $field_name[1] == '' ? $field_name[0] : $field_name[1];
            $field_name = explode('|', $field_name);
            $field_name = $field_name[0];
            ###  if ccbox & checked
            if ($field_type == "ccbox" && $params['field_' . $i] != "") {
                //10.2. removed "-"
                ##$ccme = 'field_' . $i;
                $ccme = $field_name;
        if ($field_type == "emailtobox") {
            ### special case where the value needs to bet get from the DB!
            $to_one = $params['field_' . $i];
            $field_name = explode('#', $field_stat[0]);
            ### can't use field_name, since '|' check earlier
            $tmp = explode('|', $field_name[$to_one + 1]);
            ###  remove possible |set:true
            $value = $tmp[0];
            ###  values start from 0 or after!
            $to = $replyto = stripslashes($tmp[1]);
            $field_name = $field_name[0];
        } else {
            if (strtoupper(get_option('blog_charset')) != 'UTF-8' && function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
                $value = mb_convert_encoding(utf8_decode(stripslashes($params['field_' . $i])), get_option('blog_charset'));
            } else {
                $value = stripslashes($params['field_' . $i]);
        ### only if hidden!
        if ($field_type == 'hidden') {
            $value = rawurldecode($value);
        ### check boxes
        if ($field_type == "checkbox" || $field_type == "ccbox") {
            if ($value == 'on') {
                $value = '(x)';
            } else {
                $value = '';
        ### determine tracked field name
        $inc = '';
        $trackname = trim($field_name);
        if (array_key_exists($trackname, $track)) {
            if ($trackinstance[$trackname] == '') {
                $trackinstance[$trackname] = 2;
            $inc = '___' . $trackinstance[$trackname]++;
        $track['$$$' . (int) ($i + $off)] = $trackname . $inc;
        $track[$trackname . $inc] = $value;
        if ($customTrackingID != '') {
            $track['$$$' . $customTrackingID] = $trackname . $inc;
    ###  for
    ###  prefilter user input
    if (function_exists('my_cforms_filter')) {
    ###  assemble text & html email
    $r = cforms2_format_email($track, $no);
    $formdata = $r['text'];
    $htmlformdata = $r['html'];
    ###  record:
    $subID = $isTAF == '2' && $track['send2author'] != '1' ? 'noid' : cforms2_write_tracking_record($no, $field_email);
    ###  allow the user to use form data for other apps
    $trackf['id'] = $no;
    $trackf['data'] = $track;
    if (function_exists('my_cforms_action')) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception $exc) {
            echo $segments[0] . '*$#y' . $exc->getMessage() . '|---';
    $isAjaxWPcomment = substr($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_tellafriend'], 0, 1) === '2';
    ###  Catch WP-Comment function | if send2author just continue
    if ($isAjaxWPcomment !== false && (!isset($track['send2author']) || $track['send2author'] == '0')) {
        require_once plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'lib_WPcomment.php';
        ###  Catch WP-Comment function: error
        if (!$WPsuccess) {
            echo $segments[0] . '*$#' . substr($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_popup'], 1, 1) . $WPresp . '|---';
    ### Catch WP-Comment function
    ###  multiple recipients? and to whom is the email sent? to_one = picked recip.
    if ($isAjaxWPcomment !== false && $track['send2author'] == '1') {
        $to = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT U.user_email FROM {$wpdb->users} as U, {$wpdb->posts} as P WHERE P.ID = %d AND U.ID=P.post_author", $Ajaxpid));
        $to = $replyto = $to[0]->user_email != '' ? $to[0]->user_email : $replyto;
    } else {
        if (!($to_one != -1 && $to != '')) {
            $to = $replyto = preg_replace(array('/;|#|\\|/'), array(','), stripslashes($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_email']));
    ### from
    $frommail = cforms2_check_cust_vars(stripslashes($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_fromemail']), $track);
    ###  T-A-F override?
    if ($isTAF == '1' && $taf_youremail && $taf_friendsemail) {
        $replyto = "\"{$taf_yourname}\" <{$taf_youremail}>";
    ### logic: dynamic admin email address
    if (function_exists('my_cforms_logic')) {
        $to = my_cforms_logic($trackf, $to, 'adminTO');
    ### use trackf!
    ### either use configured subject or user determined
    $vsubject = stripslashes($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_subject']);
    if (function_exists('my_cforms_logic')) {
        $vsubject = my_cforms_logic($trackf, $vsubject, 'adminEmailSUBJ');
    $vsubject = cforms2_check_default_vars($vsubject, $no);
    $vsubject = cforms2_check_cust_vars($vsubject, $track);
    ###  prep message text, replace variables
    $message = stripslashes($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_header']);
    if (function_exists('my_cforms_logic')) {
        $message = my_cforms_logic($trackf, $message, 'adminEmailTXT');
    $message = cforms2_check_default_vars($message, $no);
    $message = cforms2_check_cust_vars($message, $track);
    ###  actual user message
    $htmlmessage = '';
    if (substr($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_formdata'], 2, 1) == '1') {
        $htmlmessage = stripslashes($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_header_html']);
        if (function_exists('my_cforms_logic')) {
            $htmlmessage = my_cforms_logic($trackf, $htmlmessage, 'adminEmailHTML');
        $htmlmessage = cforms2_check_default_vars($htmlmessage, $no);
        $htmlmessage = cforms2_check_cust_vars($htmlmessage, $track, true);
    ### custom user ReplyTo handling
    if (function_exists('my_cforms_logic')) {
        $userReplyTo = my_cforms_logic($trackf, $field_email, 'ReplyTo');
    } else {
        $userReplyTo = $field_email;
    $mail = new cforms2_mail($no, $frommail, $to, $userReplyTo, true);
    $mail->subj = $vsubject;
    ### HTML email
    if ($mail->html_show) {
        $mail->body = $cformsSettings['global']['cforms_style_doctype'] . $mail->eol . "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">" . $mail->eol . "<head><title></title></head>" . $mail->eol . "<body {$cformsSettings['global']['cforms_style']['body']}>" . $htmlmessage . ($mail->f_html ? $mail->eol . $htmlformdata : '') . $mail->eol . "</body></html>" . $mail->eol;
        $mail->body_alt = $message . ($mail->f_txt ? $mail->eol . $formdata : '');
    } else {
        $mail->body = $message . ($mail->f_txt ? $mail->eol . $formdata : '');
    if ($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_emailoff'] == '1' || $WPsuccess && $cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_tellafriend'] != '21') {
        $sentadmin = 1;
    } else {
        $sentadmin = $mail->send();
    if ($sentadmin == 1) {
        ###  send copy or notification?
        if ($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_confirm'] == '1' && $field_email != '' || $ccme && $trackf[data][$ccme] != '') {
            $frommail = cforms2_check_cust_vars(stripslashes($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_fromemail']), $track);
            ###  actual user message
            $cmsg = stripslashes($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_cmsg']);
            if (function_exists('my_cforms_logic')) {
                $cmsg = my_cforms_logic($trackf, $cmsg, 'autoConfTXT');
            $cmsg = cforms2_check_default_vars($cmsg, $no);
            $cmsg = cforms2_check_cust_vars($cmsg, $track);
            ###  HTML text
            $cmsghtml = '';
            if (substr($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_formdata'], 3, 1) == '1') {
                $cmsghtml = stripslashes($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_cmsg_html']);
                if (function_exists('my_cforms_logic')) {
                    $cmsghtml = my_cforms_logic($trackf, $cmsghtml, 'autoConfHTML');
                $cmsghtml = cforms2_check_default_vars($cmsghtml, $no);
                $cmsghtml = cforms2_check_cust_vars($cmsghtml, $track, true);
            ### subject
            $subject2 = stripslashes($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_csubject']);
            if (function_exists('my_cforms_logic')) {
                $subject2 = my_cforms_logic($trackf, $subject2, 'autoConfSUBJ');
            $subject2 = cforms2_check_default_vars($subject2, $no);
            $subject2 = cforms2_check_cust_vars($subject2, $track);
            ###  different cc & ac subjects?
            $s = explode('$#$', $subject2);
            $s[1] = $s[1] != '' ? $s[1] : $s[0];
            ###  email tracking via 3rd party?
            ###  if in Tell-A-Friend Mode, then overwrite header stuff...
            if ($taf_youremail && $taf_friendsemail && $isTAF == '1') {
                $field_email = "\"{$taf_friendsname}\" <{$taf_friendsemail}>";
            } else {
                $field_email = $cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_tracking'] != '' ? $field_email . $cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_tracking'] : $field_email;
            $mail = new cforms2_mail($no, $frommail, $field_email, $replyto);
            ### auto conf attachment?
            $a = $cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_cattachment'][0];
            $a = substr($a, 0, 1) == '/' ? $a : plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . $a;
            if ($a != '' && file_exists($a)) {
                ### optional name
            ### CC or auto conf?
            if ($ccme && $trackf[data][$ccme] != '') {
                $mail->subj = $s[1];
                if ($mail->html_show) {
                    // 3.2.2012 changed from html_show_ac > admin email setting dictates this!
                    $mail->body = $cformsSettings['global']['cforms_style_doctype'] . $mail->eol . "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">" . $mail->eol . "<head><title></title></head>" . $mail->eol . "<body {$cformsSettings['global']['cforms_style']['body']}>" . $htmlmessage . ($mail->f_html ? $mail->eol . $htmlformdata : '') . $mail->eol . "</body></html>" . $mail->eol;
                    $mail->body_alt = $message . ($mail->f_txt ? $mail->eol . $formdata : '');
                } else {
                    $mail->body = $message . ($mail->f_txt ? $mail->eol . $formdata : '');
                $sent = $mail->send();
            } else {
                $mail->subj = $s[0];
                if ($mail->html_show_ac) {
                    $mail->body = $cformsSettings['global']['cforms_style_doctype'] . $mail->eol . "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">" . $mail->eol . "<head><title></title></head>" . $mail->eol . "<body {$cformsSettings['global']['cforms_style']['body']}>" . $cmsghtml . "</body></html>" . $mail->eol;
                    $mail->body_alt = $cmsg;
                } else {
                    $mail->body = $cmsg;
                $sent = $mail->send();
            if ($sent != '1') {
                $err = __('Error occurred while sending the auto confirmation message: ', 'cforms') . '<br />' . $mail->err;
                $pre = $segments[0] . '*$#' . substr($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_popup'], 1, 1);
                echo $pre . $err . '|!!!';
        ###  cc
        ###  return success msg
        $pre = $segments[0] . '*$#' . substr($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_popup'], 0, 1);
        ###  WP-Comment: override
        if ($WPsuccess) {
            $successMsg = $WPresp;
        } else {
            $successMsg = cforms2_check_default_vars(stripslashes($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_success']), $no);
            $successMsg = str_replace($mail->eol, '<br />', $successMsg);
        $successMsg = cforms2_check_cust_vars($successMsg, $track);
        ### logic: possibly change usermessage
        if (function_exists('my_cforms_logic')) {
            $successMsg = my_cforms_logic($trackf, $successMsg, 'successMessage');
        $opt = '';
        ###  hide?
        if ($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_hide'] || cforms2_get_submission_left($no) == 0) {
            $opt .= '|~~~';
        ###  redirect to a different page on suceess?
        if ($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_redirect']) {
            if (function_exists('my_cforms_logic')) {
                $red = my_cforms_logic($trackf, $cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_redirect_page'], 'redirection');
                if ($red != '') {
                    $opt .= '|>>>' . $red;
                ### use trackf!
            } else {
                $opt .= '|>>>' . $cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_redirect_page'];
        echo $pre . $successMsg . $opt;
    } else {
        ###  no admin mail sent!
        ###  return error msg
        $err = __('Error occurred while sending the message: ', 'cforms') . '<br />' . $mail->err;
        $pre = $segments[0] . '*$#' . substr($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no . '_popup'], 1, 1);
        echo $pre . $err . '|!!!';