$cb_featured_qry = array('post_type' => $cb_cpt_output, 'cat' => $cb_current_cat, 'offset' => $cb_grid_size, 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'DESC', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'cb_offset_loop' => $cb_offset_loop, 'paged' => $cb_paged); $cb_qry = new WP_Query($cb_featured_qry); } else { global $wp_query; $cb_qry = $wp_query; } if (!isset($cb_category_color_style)) { $cb_category_color_style = NULL; } if ($cb_qry->have_posts()) { while ($cb_qry->have_posts()) { $cb_qry->the_post(); $cb_meta_onoff = ot_get_option('cb_meta_onoff', 'on'); $cb_cat_id = get_the_category($post->ID); $cb_post_id = $post->ID; $cb_post_format_icon = cb_post_format_check($cb_post_id); $cb_category_color = cb_get_cat_color($cb_post_id); if ($i % 2 == 0) { $cb_side = NULL; $cb_closer = true; echo '<div class="cb-double clearfix">'; } else { $cb_side = ' cb-last'; $cb_closer = false; } ?> <article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?> " class="cb-blog-style-b clearfix<?php
function widget($args, $instance) { $cache = wp_cache_get('widget_recent_posts', 'widget'); if (!is_array($cache)) { $cache = array(); } if (!isset($args['widget_id'])) { $args['widget_id'] = $this->id; } if (isset($cache[$args['widget_id']])) { echo $cache[$args['widget_id']]; return; } ob_start(); extract($args); $title = apply_filters('widget_title', empty($instance['title']) ? __('Recent Posts', 'cubell') : $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base); $category = apply_filters('widget_category', empty($instance['category']) ? '' : $instance['category'], $instance, $this->id_base); $type = apply_filters('widget_type', empty($instance['type']) ? 'cb-small' : $instance['type'], $instance, $this->id_base); if (empty($instance['number']) || !($number = absint($instance['number']))) { $number = 5; } if ($category != 'cb-all') { $cb_cat_qry = $category; } else { $cb_cat_qry = NULL; } $r = new WP_Query(apply_filters('widget_posts_args', array('posts_per_page' => $number, 'no_found_rows' => true, 'category_name' => $cb_cat_qry, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'ignore_sticky_posts' => true))); if ($r->have_posts()) { echo $before_widget; if ($title) { echo $before_title . $title . $after_title; } ?> <ul class="cb-light <?php echo $type; ?> "> <?php while ($r->have_posts()) { $r->the_post(); global $post; $cb_custom_fields = get_post_custom(); $cb_global_color = ot_get_option('cb_base_color', '#eb9812'); $cb_meta_onoff = ot_get_option('cb_meta_onoff', 'on'); $cb_review_checkbox = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), "cb_review_checkbox"); if ($type == 'cb-small') { $width = '80'; $height = '60'; $cb_small_box = true; $cb_class = NULL; } if ($type == 'cb-big') { $width = '360'; $height = '240'; $cb_small_box = false; $cb_class = ' class="h2"'; } $cb_all_categories = get_the_category(); $cb_current_cat_id = $cb_all_categories[0]->term_id; $cb_category_color = get_tax_meta($cb_current_cat_id, 'cb_color_field_id'); if ($cb_category_color == "#" || $cb_category_color == NULL) { $cb_parent_cat_id = $cb_all_categories[0]->parent; if ($cb_parent_cat_id != '0') { $cb_category_color = get_tax_meta($cb_parent_cat_id, 'cb_color_field_id'); } if ($cb_category_color == "#" || $cb_category_color == NULL) { $cb_category_color = $cb_global_color; } } $cb_post_id = $post->ID; $cb_post_format_icon = cb_post_format_check($cb_post_id); ?> <li class="cb-article clearfix"> <div class="cb-mask" style="background-color:<?php echo $cb_category_color; ?> ;"> <?php cb_thumbnail($width, $height); echo cb_review_ext_box($cb_post_id, $cb_category_color, $cb_small_box); echo $cb_post_format_icon; ?> </div> <div class="cb-meta"> <h4<?php echo $cb_class; ?> ><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?> "><?php the_title(); ?> </a></h4> <?php echo cb_byline(false, $cb_post_id, true); ?> <?php if ($type == 'cb-big') { echo '<div class="cb-excerpt">' . cb_clean_excerpt(120) . '</div>'; } ?> </div> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php echo $after_widget; ?> <?php // Reset the global $the_post as this query will have stomped on it wp_reset_postdata(); } $cache[$args['widget_id']] = ob_get_flush(); wp_cache_set('widget_recent_posts', $cache, 'widget'); }