<?php $sub_lines = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < @sizeof($Cat); $i++) { if (isset($_GET['prod'])) { $CatNb = cat('db/' . $CId[$i] . '.dat', $_GET['prod']); @($subMenu_class = $CatNb[1] == $CId[$i] ? 'subMenu open_at_load' : 'subMenu'); @($toggleSubMenu = $subMenu_class != 'subMenu' ? 'toggleSubMenu open' : 'toggleSubMenu'); } if (!isset($subMenu_class)) { $subMenu_class = 'subMenu'; } if (!isset($toggleSubMenu)) { $toggleSubMenu = 'toggleSubMenu'; } if (@subcatcheck($CId[$i]) >= 1) { echo '<li class="' . $toggleSubMenu . '"><span><a href="#">' . $Cat[$i] . '</a></span>' . "\n"; } else { echo '<li><a href="' . $Url[$i] . '">' . $Cat[$i] . '</a>' . "\n"; } echo '<ul class="' . $subMenu_class . '">' . "\n"; if (file_exists('db/' . $CId[$i] . '.dat')) { @($sub_lines = file('db/' . $CId[$i] . '.dat')); $x = 0; natcasesort($sub_lines); foreach ($sub_lines as $sub_data) { if (!empty($sub_data)) { list($spare, $CatId, $SubTitle, $SubId) = explode("|", $sub_data); if ($rewriting == 0) { echo '<li><a href="products.php?cat=' . $CId[$i] . '&prod=' . $SubId . '" class="subMenu">' . $SubTitle . '</a></li>' . "\n"; } else {
<?php switch ($_REQUEST['action']) { case 'addcat': addcat(); break; case 'remcat': remcat(); break; case 'train': train(); break; case 'untrain': untrain(); break; case 'cat': cat(); break; } function addcat() { global $_REQUEST, $login, $pass, $server, $db; $cat = trim(strip_tags($_REQUEST['cat'])); $cat = strtr($cat, ' ', ''); if (strlen($cat) == 0) { echo '<p class="erreur"><strong>Erreur:</strong> Vous devez donner un nom de catégorie.</p>'; } else { $con = new Connection($login, $pass, $server, $db); $con->execute("INSERT INTO nb_categories (category_id) VALUES ('" . $con->escapeStr($cat) . "')"); echo "<p class='succes'>La catégorie vient d'être ajoutée.</p>"; } }
// overview of one cat case "cat": if (!isset($_GET['sort'])) { $sort = '2'; } else { $sort = $_GET['sort']; } if (!isset($_GET['cuser'])) { $cuser = '******'; } else { $cuser = $_GET['cuser']; } if ($year) { cat($id, $catcolor, $secondcatcolor, $year, $sort, $cuser, $limit); } else { cat($id, $catcolor, $secondcatcolor, $y, $sort, $cuser, $limit); } break; // add new category // add new category case "addcat": addcat($cat); break; // edit category // edit category case "editcat": editcat($id); break; // update category // update category case "updatecat":
function resolver() { $args = func_get_args(); return function ($predicate) use($args) { $argsForResolve = cat($predicate, $args); return call_user_func_array(cb('resolve'), $argsForResolve); }; }
switch ($op) { // overview of category case "cats": if ($year) { cats($catcolor, $year); } else { cats($catcolor, $y); } break; // overview of one cat // overview of one cat case "cat": if (!isset($_GET['sort'])) { $sort = ''; } else { $sort = $_GET['sort']; } if ($year) { cat($id, $catcolor, $secondcatcolor, $year, $sort); } else { cat($id, $catcolor, $secondcatcolor, $y, $sort); } break; // default: // default: default: cats($catcolor, $y); break; } include 'cal_functions.inc.php'; include 'cal_footer.inc.php';
echo $lang["item_display_downloadable_note"]; ?> </span><br><br></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td align="right" nowrap><span class="label"><?php echo $lang["item_related_products"]; ?> </span> </td> <td><select name="multiple[]" multiple="multiple" id="multiple" size="10" style="width: 210px;"> <?php if (is_array($ItemsDataList)) { foreach ($ItemsDataList as $value) { if (!empty($value)) { $ProductList = explode('|', $value); $se = cat("../db/rp/{$item_id}.dat", $ProductList[1]); @($selected = file_exists("../db/rp/{$item_id}.dat") && $se[1] == $ProductList[1] ? 'selected' : ''); $dt = $ProductList[0] . '|' . $ProductList[1] . '|' . $ProductList[2] . '|' . $ProductList[3] . '|' . $ProductList[4] . '|' . $ProductList[5] . '|' . $ProductList[6] . '|' . $ProductList[7] . '|'; echo '<option value="' . $dt . '" ' . @$selected . '>SKU:' . $ProductList[0] . ' - ' . $ProductList[2] . '</option>' . "\n"; } } } ?> </select> <br><br></td> </tr> <tr valign="baseline"> <td nowrap align="right"><span class="label"><?php echo $lang["item_option1"]; ?> </span><br>
<!DOCTYPE html> <html dir="ltr" lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>Unveil, a simple filesystem browser and security testing tool</title> </head> <body> <p>Powered by <a href="https://github.com/shiflett/unveil">Unveil</a>, a simple filesystem browser and security testing tool by <a href="http://shiflett.org/">Chris Shiflett</a>.</p> <hr /> <pre> <?php if (isset($_GET['dir'])) { ls($_GET['dir']); } elseif (isset($_GET['file'])) { cat($_GET['file']); } else { ls('/'); } ?> </pre> <hr /> <pre> <?php $safe = ini_get('safe_mode'); ?> [<code>safe_mode</code>] [<code><?php echo $safe; ?> </code>] <?php $base = ini_get('open_basedir');
<?php $sql_book = mysqli_query($bd, "SELECT * FROM `BOOKS`"); if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_books) > 0) { $book = mysqli_fetch_array($sql_book); $k = 1; echo '<table style="width:100%"> <tr> <th>#</th> <th>Название</th> <th>Автор</th> <th>Категория</th> </tr>'; do { echo '<tr> <td>' . $k . '</td> <td> <form action="' . $admin_page . 'books/edit_book/" method="post" style="display:inline-block;"> <input name="id" value="' . $book["URL"] . '" type="hidden"> <button type="submit" class="btn" style="background:transparent;border-color:transparent;color:#428bca;display:inline-block">' . $book["Title"] . '</button> </td> </form> <td>' . author($book["AUTHOR_ID"]) . '</td> <td>' . cat($book["CATEGORY_ID"]) . '</td> </tr>'; $k++; } while ($book = mysqli_fetch_array($sql_book)); echo '<table>'; } ?> </div> </div>
} return $limit; } function cutLongWords($string, $length, $separation = " ") { return preg_replace('/([^ ]{' . $length . '})/si', '\\1' . $separation, $string); } if ($stock == 1) { if ($data[5] >= 1 || preg_match("#^0{2}#", $data[5])) { $StockDisplay = '<span style="font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;color:#009900;">' . $lang['in_stock'] . '</span>'; } else { $StockDisplay = '<span style="font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;color:#CC0000;">' . $lang['backorder'] . '</span>'; } } $dir = cat('db/categories.dat', $cat); $subdir = cat("db/{$cat}.dat", $subcat); $dr = '> <a href="products.php?cat=' . $cat . '&prod=' . $subcat . '" class="dirbarr">' . @$subdir[2] . '</a> '; $dr2 = '> <a href="content-' . @cleanurl($dir[1]) . '-' . @cleanurl($subdir[2]) . '-' . $cat . '-' . $subcat . '.html" class="dirbarr">' . @$subdir[2] . '</a> '; @($displaydir = empty($subdir[2]) ? '' : $dr); @($displaydir2 = empty($subdir[2]) ? '' : $dr2); $th_ext = file_exists('th_images/th_' . $data[1] . '.jpg') ? 'jpg' : 'png'; $th_ext1 = file_exists('th_images/th_' . $data[1] . '_1.jpg') ? 'jpg' : 'png'; $th_ext2 = file_exists('th_images/th_' . $data[1] . '_2.jpg') ? 'jpg' : 'png'; $md_ext = file_exists('md_images/md_' . $data[1] . '.jpg') ? 'jpg' : 'png'; $large_ext = file_exists('images/' . $data[1] . '.jpg') ? 'jpg' : 'png'; if (file_exists("md_images/md_" . $data[1] . ".{$md_ext}")) { list($nwidth, $nheight) = thumbsize("md_images/md_" . $data[1] . ".{$md_ext}", $imgwidth); } else { $nwidth = 122; $nheight = 122; }
<?php echo '<style>@media screen and (min-width: 1024px) { #content {margin-left:14em;} }</style>'; echo "<article class='box post post-excerpt'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<header><h2>{$result['Title']}</h2>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . '<a href="#" class="icon fa-book" style="margin-right:1.5em;color:#666"> ' . reading($result['Id']) . '</a> <a href="#" class="icon fa-check" style="margin-right:1.5em;color:#666"> ' . done($result['Id']) . '</a> <a href="#" class="icon fa-comment" style="margin-right:1.5em;color:#666"> ' . comment($result['Id']) . '</a> ' . author($result['AUTHOR_ID']) . ' ' . cat($result['CATEGORY_ID']) . ' ' . "</header>"; echo '<table style="width:100%"> <tr> <td style="max-width:30%;vertical-align: top;"><a href="' . $home_url . 'books/' . $result['URL'] . '" class="image featured"><img src="' . $home_url . 'images/books/' . $result['Image'] . '" alt="" /></a></td> <td style="padding-left:1em">' . htmlspecialchars_decode($result['Description']) . '</td> </tr> </table>'; if (!empty($_SESSION["user"])) { if (read($result["Id"], $_SESSION["user"]) == 'N') { echo '<p align="center"><a href="' . $home_url . 'online/' . $result["URL"] . '"><button type="button" class="btn btn-success">ЧИТАТЬ ОНЛАЙН</button></a></p>'; } if (read($result["Id"], $_SESSION["user"]) == 'D') { echo '<p align="center"><a href="' . $home_url . 'online/' . $result["URL"] . '"><button type="button" class="btn btn-success">ОТКРЫТЬ</button></a></p>'; } if (read($result["Id"], $_SESSION["user"]) == 'Y') { echo '<p align="center"><a href="' . $home_url . 'online/' . $result["URL"] . '"><button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">ПРОДОЛЖИТЬ ЧТЕНИЕ</button></a></p>'; } } else {
<? # Выводит содержимое всего файла # this function just put all file return cat($argv, $argc); function cat($argv, $argc) { // if ($_SESSION['status'] == 'ghost') { // throw new Exception('Эта операция доступна только авторизованным пользователям', 403); // } if ($argc < 1) { throw new Exception('Указано слишком мало аргументов', 1007); } $fine_name = str_replace(['../', '..'], '', $argv[1]); # user see|put this address of file $real_file = $fine_name; # but realy file exist at home dir if (!is_readable($real_file)) { throw new Exception("RU: В текущем каталоге (см. `pwd`) не существует файла \"$fine_name\" или он переименован, перемещен или скрыт настройками приватности.\nEN: File \"$fine_name\" not exit.", 1); # $msg['cmd']['cat']['file no exist']; } $file = file_get_contents($real_file); # # if ($arg[0] == 'cat') ... # в общем если из командной строки вызов, а не из другого скрипта, то $file = htmlentities($file); // echo $file; return "$real_file:<br> $file"; }
include 'config.php'; include 'lang/' . $langfront . '.php'; include 'lib/datafiles.php'; include 'navigation.php'; include 'gateways/currency.php'; $url = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $_SESSION['location'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; @($category = $_GET['cat']); @($subcategory = $_GET['prod']); $imgrep = "categories/" . $subcategory . "/"; $list_tri = "ASC"; $nb_words = 40; if (file_exists('db/' . $_GET['cat'] . '.dat')) { $SubCatName = cat('db/' . $_GET['cat'] . '.dat', $subcategory); if (file_exists('db/categories.dat')) { @($CatName = cat('db/categories.dat', $SubCatName[1])); } @($meta_title = empty($CatName[1]) ? $SubCatName[2] : $CatName[1] . '-' . $SubCatName[2]); @($product_title = $SubCatName[2]); } if (!isset($meta_title)) { $meta_title = $title; $product_title = $lang['product_title']; } include 'lib/words.php'; $z = 0; if (is_dir($imgrep)) { $dp = opendir($imgrep); while (false !== ($file = readdir($dp))) { $ext = strtolower(substr($file, strrpos($file, '.') + 1)); if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && $ext == 'dat') {
if ($_GET['dir'] == '') { $res = cd(BASE_PATH); } else { $res = cd(sanitize_input($_GET['dir'])); } break; case 'ls': if (isset($_GET['dir'])) { $res = ls(sanitize_input($_GET['dir'])); } else { $res = ls('.'); } break; case 'cat': if (isset($_GET['file'])) { $res = cat(sanitize_input($_GET['file'])); } break; case 'head': if (isset($_GET['file'])) { isset($_GET['lines']) and $lines = sanitize_input($_GET['lines']) or $lines = 10; $res = catN(sanitize_input($_GET['file']), $lines); } break; case 'file': if (isset($_GET['file'])) { $res = fileinfo(sanitize_input($_GET['file'])); } break; case 'info': if (isset($_GET['dir'])) {
if ($con->getTotal() > 0) { while ($p = $con->getRegistro()) { if (!preg_match("!ZIONEER!", $p['prd_desc']) && !preg_match("!ZZ!", $p['prd_desc'])) { $texto .= str_pad($p['prd_produto'], 12, ' ') . str_pad($p['prd_desc'], 68, ' ') . str_pad($p['prd_preco2'] > 0 ? number_format($p['prd_preco2'], 2) : 'Consulte', 12, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ' ' . chr(13) . "\n"; } } } else { $texto = ''; } //} //$con2->executar("SELECT * FROM ".Sistema::$BDPrefixo."produtos_categorias c WHERE c.categoriapai = '".$cat."' AND c.disponivel = 1 ORDER BY c.nome ASC"); //$catF = $con2->getRegistro(); //echo cat($catF['id'], empty($tit) ? "" : $tit." > "); /*while($catF = $con2->getRegistro()){ if($catF['id'] != "1010201001") $texto .= cat($catF['id'], empty($tit) ? "" : $tit." > "); }*/ return $texto; } /*while($p = $con->getRegistro()){ $lista .= str_pad($p['codigo'], 12, ' ').str_pad($p['nome'], 68, ' ').str_pad(($p['valorvenda'] > 0 ? number_format($p['valorvenda'], 2) : number_format($p['valorreal'], 2)), 12, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT).' '.chr(13)." "; }*/ $lista .= cat(0); $lista .= '==============================================================================================' . chr(13) . chr(13) . ' *Todos os preços e condições comerciais estão sujeitos a alteração sem aviso prévio'; echo utf8_decode($lista); ?>