예제 #1
function call_api($data)
    $api_key = '84ed801ad4';
    $private_key = 'cacff8d71d9cc6e';
    $method = 'POST';
    $domain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
    if ($domain == 'localhost') {
        $domain .= '/makerfaire';
    //    $endpoint = 'http://makerfaire.staging.wpengine.com/gravityformsapi/';
    //$endpoint = 'http://makerfaire.com/gravityformsapi/';
    $endpoint = $domain . '/gravityformsapi/';
    echo 'sending to ' . $endpoint . '<br/>';
    //$route = 'entries';
    $route = 'forms/25/entries';
    $expires = strtotime('+60 mins');
    $string_to_sign = sprintf('%s:%s:%s:%s', $api_key, $method, $route, $expires);
    $sig = calculate_signature($string_to_sign, $private_key);
    $api_call = $endpoint . $route . '?api_key=' . $api_key . '&signature=' . $sig . '&expires=' . $expires;
    $ch = curl_init($api_call);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($data));
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
    $result = curl_exec($ch);
    $returnedData = json_decode($result);
    //201 status indicates it inserted the entry. Should return id of the entry.
    if ($returnedData->status == 201 || $returnedData->status == 200) {
        return $returnedData->response;
    } else {
        echo 'There was an error in the call to ' . $api_call . '<br/><br/>';
        echo '<Br/><br/>';
예제 #2
    $template_values['EXPORTED_MSG'] = '';
    // Check if the user requests the Export Function and process it.
    if (isset($_POST['cgmp-export-maps']) && !empty($shortcodes_data['shortcodes'])) {
        // Enable the MMP API
        $mapsmarkerapi_options = get_option('leafletmapsmarker_options');
        $mapsmarkerapi_options['api_status'] = 'enabled';
        $mapsmarkerapi_options['api_key'] = 'cgmptransfer';
        $mapsmarkerapi_options['api_key_private'] = 'cgmptransferprivatekey';
        update_option('leafletmapsmarker_options', $mapsmarkerapi_options);
        // Calculate the signature
        $api_key = $mapsmarkerapi_options['api_key'];
        $private_key = $mapsmarkerapi_options['api_key_private'];
        $expires = strtotime("+60 mins");
        $string_to_sign = sprintf("%s:%s", $api_key, $expires);
        $string_to_sign = $api_key . ":" . $expires;
        $sig = calculate_signature($string_to_sign, $private_key);
        $export = cgmp_export_to_api($shortcodes_data['shortcodes'], $api_key, $sig, $expires);
        //passing the generated markers
        $shortcodes_data = cgmp_get_posts_shortcodes($export);
        if ($export !== FALSE) {
            //save the generated data to prevent duplication
            set_transient('cgmp_layers_markers_export', $export, 60 * 60 * 24 * 7);
            $template_values['EXPORTED_MSG'] = '
                         <div id="message" class="updated"><p><strong>
Your maps have been successfully created in "Maps Marker Pro"!</strong><br/>
As next step it is recommended to review those maps and replace the old shortcode in your content with the new one.
You can also automatically replace all existing shortcodes by clicking the button "step 2/2: replace existing CGMP shortcodes".

<strong>Anyway it is strongly advised to check your maps before and make a database backup or at least an export of your current content from <a style="text-decoration:underline;" href="' . admin_url() . 'export.php">(tools->export)</a>,  as the CGMP shortcodes can only be restored from a a backup!</strong>