//=== Member ++ //=== Member ++ case $user['class'] == UC_VIP || $user['class'] == UC_UPLOADER || $user['class'] == UC_MODERATOR || $user['class'] == UC_ADMINISTRATOR || $user['class'] == UC_SYSOP: $days = 0.5; break; } $avg_time_ratio = $cache_share_ratio['seed_time_total'] / $cache_share_ratio['total_number'] / 86400 / $days; $avg_time_seeding = mkprettytime($cache_share_ratio['seed_time_total'] / $cache_share_ratio['total_number']); if ($user["id"] == $CURUSER["id"] || $CURUSER['class'] >= UC_STAFF) { $HTMLOUT .= '<tr><td class="clearalt5" align="right"><b>Time Ratio:</b></td><td align="left" class="clearalt5">' . ($user['downloaded'] > 0 || $user['uploaded'] > 2147483648 ? '<font color="' . get_ratio_color(number_format($avg_time_ratio, 3)) . '">' . number_format($avg_time_ratio, 3) . '</font> ' . ratio_image_machine(number_format($avg_time_ratio, 3)) . ' [<font color="' . get_ratio_color(number_format($avg_time_ratio, 3)) . '"> ' . $avg_time_seeding . '</font> per torrent average ] Ratio based on the assumption that all torrents were New. ' : 'inf.') . '</td></tr>'; } $HTMLOUT .= "<tr><td class='rowhead'>{$lang['userdetails_bonus_points']}</td><td align='left'><a class='altlink' href='{$INSTALLER09['baseurl']}/mybonus.php'>" . (int) $user['seedbonus'] . "</a></td></tr>"; if ($user['onirc'] == 'yes') { $ircbonus = !empty($user['irctotal']) ? number_format($user["irctotal"] / $INSTALLER09['autoclean_interval'], 1) : '0.0'; $HTMLOUT .= "<tr><td class='rowhead' valign='top' align='right'>Irc Bonus</td><td align='left'>{$ircbonus}</td></tr>"; $irctotal = !empty($user['irctotal']) ? calctime($user['irctotal']) : $user['username'] . ' has never been on IRC!'; $HTMLOUT .= "<tr><td class='rowhead' valign='top' align='right'>Irc Idle Time</td><td align='left'>{$irctotal}</td></tr>"; } //==Connectable and port shit if ($user['paranoia'] < 1 || $CURUSER['id'] == $id || $CURUSER['class'] >= UC_STAFF) { $port_data = $mc1->get_value('port_data_' . $id); if ($port_data === false) { $q1 = sql_query('SELECT connectable, port,agent FROM peers WHERE userid = ' . $id . ' LIMIT 1') or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); $port_data = mysql_fetch_row($q1); $mc1->cache_value('port_data_' . $id, $port_data, $INSTALLER09['expires']['port_data']); } if ($port_data > 0) { $connect = $port_data[0]; $port = $port_data[1]; $agent = $port_data[2]; if ($connect == "yes") {
<?php function calctime($val) { global $lang; $days = intval($val / 86400); $val -= $days * 86400; $hours = intval($val / 3600); $val -= $hours * 3600; $mins = intval($val / 60); $secs = $val - $mins * 60; return " {$days} {$lang['userdetails_irc_days']}, {$hours} {$lang['userdetails_irc_hrs']}, {$mins} {$lang['userdetails_irc_min']}"; } //==Irc if ($user['onirc'] == 'yes') { $ircbonus = !empty($user['irctotal']) ? number_format($user["irctotal"] / $INSTALLER09['autoclean_interval'], 1) : '0.0'; $HTMLOUT .= "<tr><td class='rowhead' valign='top' align='right'>{$lang['userdetails_irc_bonus']}</td><td align='left'>{$ircbonus}</td></tr>"; $irctotal = !empty($user['irctotal']) ? calctime($user['irctotal']) : htmlsafechars($user['username']) . $lang['userdetails_irc_never']; $HTMLOUT .= "<tr><td class='rowhead' valign='top' align='right'>{$lang['userdetails_irc_idle']}</td><td align='left'>{$irctotal}</td></tr>"; } //==end // End Class // End File
$config .= ($add ? "define ('" : '') . $oval[3] . ($add ? "'," : ' = ') . $q . addcslashes(stripslashes($val), "..\"\$\\..ÿ") . $q . ($add ? ')' : '') . ";\n"; } } } } $config .= "?>\n"; fwrite($fh, $config); fclose($fh); } } // add some extra info to some options // final processing for form display foreach ($pdef as $key => $val) { switch ($ptyp[$key]) { case 'sec': $options[$key][4] .= calctime($pdef[$key]); break; case 'bytes': $options[$key][4] .= calcbytes($pdef[$key]); break; case 'aurl': $options[$key][4] .= '<br > <strong>One per line.</strong>'; $pdef[$key] = implode("\n", $pdef[$key]); } } // OMG, Finally the Output Portion of the script begin_main_frame(); begin_frame('Site Settings'); ?> <CENTER><H1><b><?php echo TBVERSION;
while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { switch ($arr['arg']) { case 'lastcleantime': $arg = $TBDEV['autoclean_interval']; break; case 'lastslowcleantime': $arg = $TBDEV['autoslowclean_interval']; break; case 'lastslowcleantime2': $arg = $TBDEV['autoslowclean_interval2']; break; case 'lastoptimizedbtime': $arg = $TBDEV['optimizedb_interval']; break; } $HTMLOUT .= "<tr><td>" . $arr['arg'] . "</td>\r\n <td>" . get_date($arr['value_u'], 'DATE', 1, 0) . " (" . get_date($arr['value_u'], 'DATE', 1, 0) . ")</td>\r\n <td>" . calctime($arg) . "</td>\r\n <td>" . calctime($arr['value_u'] - (time() - $arg)) . "</td>\r\n </tr>"; } $HTMLOUT .= end_table(); $HTMLOUT .= "<form action='admin.php?action=docleanup' method='post'>\r\n<table align='center'>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td class='table'>\r\n<input type='checkbox' name='docleanup' />Do Cleanup\r\n \r\n<input type='checkbox' name='doslowcleanup' />Do Slow Cleanup\r\n \r\n<input type='checkbox' name='doslowcleanup2' />Do Slow Cleanup 2\r\n \r\n<input type='checkbox' name='dooptimization' />Do Optimization\r\n<input type='submit' value='Submit' />\r\n</td></tr></table>\r\n</form>"; $now = time(); if (isset($_POST['docleanup'])) { mysql_query("UPDATE avps SET value_u = " . sqlesc($now) . " WHERE arg = 'lastcleantime'") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); require_once "include/cleanup.php"; docleanup(); header('Refresh: 2; url=' . $TBDEV['baseurl'] . '/admin.php?action=docleanup'); $HTMLOUT .= "<br /><h1>Cleanup Done</h1>"; } if (isset($_POST['doslowcleanup'])) { mysql_query("UPDATE avps SET value_u = " . sqlesc($now) . " WHERE arg = 'lastslowcleantime'") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); require_once "include/cleanup.php"; doslowcleanup();
return "Check All Remove"; } } //]]> </script>'; $pager = pager($perpage, $count, "staffpanel.php?tool=deathrow&", array('lastpagedefault' => 1)); // $query = "SELECT * FROM deathrow {$orderby} {$pager['limit']}"; $res = sql_query($query) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); $b = "<div class='row'><div class='col-md-12'><p><b>{$count} {$lang['deathrow_title']}</b>" . "</p><form action='' method='post'><table class='table table-bordered'>" . "<thead><tr><th class='colhead' align='center'>{$lang['deathrow_uname']}</th><th class='colhead' align='center'>{$lang['deathrow_tname']}</th><th class='colhead'>{$lang['deathrow_del_resn']}</th><th class='colhead'>{$lang['deathrow_del_torr']}</th></tr></thead>\n"; while ($queued = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)) { if ($queued['reason'] == 1) { $reason = $lang['deathrow_nopeer'] . calctime($x_time); } elseif ($queued['reason'] == 2) { $reason = $lang['deathrow_no_peers'] . calctime($y_time); } else { $reason = $lang['deathrow_no_seed'] . calctime($z_time) . $lang['deathrow_new_torr']; } $id = 0 + $queued['tid']; $b .= "<tr>" . ($CURUSER["class"] >= UC_STAFF ? "<td align='center'><a href='userdetails.php?id=" . $queued["uid"] . "&hit=1'><b>" . htmlsafechars($queued["username"]) . "</b></a></td>" : "<td align='center'><strong>{$lang['deathrow_hidden']}</strong></td>") . "<td align='center'><a href='details.php?id=" . $id . "&hit=1'>" . htmlsafechars($queued["torrent_name"]) . "</a></td><td align='center'>" . $reason . "</td><td align='center'>" . ($queued["username"] == $CURUSER["username"] || $CURUSER["class"] >= UC_STAFF ? "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"remove[]\" value=\"" . $id . "\" /><b>" . ($queued["username"] == $CURUSER["username"] ? ' <font color="#800000">' . $lang['deathrow_delete'] . '</font>' : '' . $lang['deathrow_delete1'] . '') . "</b>" : "{$lang['deathrow_ownstaff']}") . "</td></tr>"; } $b .= '<tr><td class="table" colspan="11" align="right"><input type="button" value="' . $lang['deathrow_checkall'] . '" onclick="this.value=check(this.form.elements[\'remove[]\'])"/> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="' . $lang['deathrow_apply'] . '" /></td></tr></table></form></div></div>'; $HTMLOUT .= $pager['pagertop']; $HTMLOUT = $b; $HTMLOUT .= $pager['pagerbottom']; echo stdhead($lang['deathrow_stdhead']) . $HTMLOUT . stdfoot(); } else { $HTMLOUT .= '<br /><strong>' . $lang['deathrow_msg'] . '</strong>' . $lang['deathrow_msg1'] . ' <br /><br /><br /><strong>' . $lang['deathrow_msg2'] . '</strong>' . $lang['deathrow_msg3'] . ' ' . $CURUSER['username'] . '' . $lang['deathrow_msg4'] . '. <br /><br /><br /><strong>' . $lang['deathrow_msg'] . '</strong>' . $lang['deathrow_msg33'] . ' ' . $CURUSER['username'] . '' . $lang['deathrow_msg4'] . '. <br /><br /><br /><strong>' . $lang['deathrow_msg2'] . '</strong>' . $lang['deathrow_msg5'] . '
$arg = $autoslowclean_interval; break; case 's2slowcleantime': $arg = $s2autoslowclean_interval; break; case 'lastoptimizedbtime': $arg = $optimizedb_interval; break; case 'lastbackupdbtime': $arg = $backupdb_interval; break; case 'lastautohitruntime': $arg = $autohitrun_interval; break; } echo '<tr>' . '<td>' . $arr['arg'] . '</td>' . '<td>' . get_date_time($arr['value_u']) . ' (' . get_elapsed_time(sql_timestamp_to_unix_timestamp(get_date_time($arr['value_u']))) . ' ago)</td>' . '<td>' . calctime($arg) . '</td>' . '<td>' . calctime($arr['value_u'] - (gmtime() - $arg)) . '</td>' . '</tr>'; } end_table(); ?> <br><form action="<?php echo $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]; ?> " method="post"> <table align="center"><tr><td class="chs"> <input type="checkbox" name="docleanup">Do Cleanup <input type="checkbox" name="doslowcleanup">Do Slow Cleanup <input type="checkbox" name="dos2slowcleanup">Do Slow Cleanup2 <input type="checkbox" name="dooptimization">Do Optimization
<?php function calctime($val) { $days = intval($val / 86400); $val -= $days * 86400; $hours = intval($val / 3600); $val -= $hours * 3600; $mins = intval($val / 60); $secs = $val - $mins * 60; return " {$days} days, {$hours} hrs, {$mins} minutes"; } //==Irc if ($user['onirc'] == 'yes') { $ircbonus = !empty($user['irctotal']) ? number_format($user["irctotal"] / $INSTALLER09['autoclean_interval'], 1) : '0.0'; $HTMLOUT .= "<tr><td class='rowhead' valign='top' align='right'>Irc Bonus</td><td align='left'>{$ircbonus}</td></tr>"; $irctotal = !empty($user['irctotal']) ? calctime($user['irctotal']) : htmlsafechars($user['username']) . ' has never been on IRC!'; $HTMLOUT .= "<tr><td class='rowhead' valign='top' align='right'>Irc Idle Time</td><td align='left'>{$irctotal}</td></tr>"; } //==end // End Class // End File
function getStats($user, $forced = false) { global $_settings, $countries; if (!file_exists($_settings . $user . ".set") || !is_array($var = unserialize(file_get_contents($_settings . $user . ".set")))) { return false; } $query = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT u.id, u.irctotal, u.last_login, u.onlinetime, u.reputation, u.hits, u.uploaded, u.downloaded, u.country, u.browser, count(p.id) as posts ,count(c.id) as comments FROM users as u LEFT JOIN posts as p ON u.id = p.user_id LEFT JOIN comments as c ON c.user = u.id WHERE u.username = "******" GROUP BY u.id") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); //or die('Error Error Error! 1'); if (mysqli_num_rows($query) != 1) { die('Error Error Error! 2'); } $a = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query); $ops = array($var['line1']['value'], $var['line2']['value'], $var['line3']['value']); $i = 1; foreach ($ops as $op) { switch ($op) { case 1: $var['line' . $i]['value_p'] = $a['posts'] . " post" . ($a['posts'] > 1 ? "s" : ""); break; case 2: //$var['line'.$i]['value_p'] = mksize($a['downloaded']) . " - " . mksize($a['uploaded']); $var['line' . $i]['value_p'] = mksize($a['downloaded']) . " - " . mksize($a['uploaded']); break; case 3: list($days, $hours, $mins) = explode(",", calctime($a['irctotal'])); $var['line' . $i]['value_p'] = "{$days} - {$hours}"; //$var['line'.$i]['value_p'] = "not yet"; break; case 4: $var['line' . $i]['value_p'] = $a['reputation'] . " point" . ($a['reputation'] > 1 ? "s" : ""); break; case 5: foreach ($countries as $c) { if ($c['id'] == $a['country']) { $var['line' . $i]['value_p'] = $c; } } break; case 6: $var['line' . $i]['value_p'] = $a['comments'] . " comment" . ($a['comments'] > 1 ? "s" : ""); break; case 7: $var['line' . $i]['value_p'] = $a['browser']; break; case 8: $var['line' . $i]['value_p'] = $a['hits'] . " hit" . ($a['hits'] > 1 ? "s" : ""); break; /* case 9: $lapsetime = ((($lapsetime = time() - sql_timestamp_to_unix_timestamp($a["last_login"])) / 3600) % 24) . ' h ' . (($lapsetime / 60) % 60) . ' min ' . ($lapsetime % 60) . ' s'; $var['line'.$i]['value_p'] = $lapsetime; break; */ /* case 9: $lapsetime = ((($lapsetime = time() - sql_timestamp_to_unix_timestamp($a["last_login"])) / 3600) % 24) . ' h ' . (($lapsetime / 60) % 60) . ' min ' . ($lapsetime % 60) . ' s'; $var['line'.$i]['value_p'] = $lapsetime; break; */ case 9: $var['line' . $i]['value_p'] = time_return($a['onlinetime']); break; } $i++; } if (is_writable($_settings . $user . ".set")) { file_put_contents($_settings . $user . ".set", serialize($var)); } else { exit("Can't write user setting"); } if (file_exists($_settings . $user . ".png")) { unlink($_settings . $user . ".png"); } return $var; }
} elseif ($_do == "top") { switch ($_type) { case "idle": $_q = "select username,irctotal FROM users ORDER BY irctotal DESC LIMIT 10"; $txt = "Top 10 idle\n"; break; case "uploaders": $_q = "select username, uploaded FROM users WHERE status = 'confirmed' ORDER BY uploaded DESC LIMIT 10"; $txt = "Best uploaders (selected after uploaded amount)\n"; break; case "torrents": $_q = "select count(t.id) as c, u.username FROM torrents as t LEFT JOIN users as u ON t.owner = u.id WHERE u.username <> '' GROUP BY u.id ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 10"; $txt = "Best uploaders (selected after the torrents uploaded)\n"; break; case "posters": $_q = "select count(p.id) as c, u.username FROM posts as p LEFT JOIN users as u ON p.user_id = u.id WHERE u.username <> '' GROUP BY u.id ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 10"; $txt = "Best posters (selected after number of posts)\n"; break; } $i = 1; $q = sql_query($_q) or exit(is_object($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]) ? mysqli_error($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]) : (($___mysqli_res = mysqli_connect_error()) ? $___mysqli_res : false)); while ($a = mysqli_fetch_assoc($q)) { $txt .= $i . " - " . $a["username"] . " with " . ($_type == "idle" ? calctime($a["irctotal"]) . " idle" : ($_type == "uploaders" ? mksize($a["uploaded"]) . " uploaded" : ($_type == "torrents" ? $a["c"] . " torrents" : $a["c"] . " posts"))) . "\n"; $i++; } echo $txt; unset($a); unset($q); unset($txt); } }
function timetravel() { $r = define_digr(); $n = max(array_flip($r)) / 365; unset($r[1]); unset($r[7]); unset($r[30]); unset($r[90]); foreach ($r as $k => $v) { $tim = calctime($k); $t = date('Y', $tim); $ret[$t] = $tim; } return $ret; }