function getCacheTypes() { if (!isset($_PB_CACHE['newstype'])) { $_PB_CACHE['newstype'] = cache_read("type", "newstype"); } return $_PB_CACHE['newstype']; }
function Search($firstcount, $displaypg) { global $cache_types; uses("space", "industry", "area"); $space = new Space(); $area = new Areas(); $industry = new Industries(); $cache_options = cache_read('typeoption'); $area_s = $space->array_multi2single($area->getCacheArea()); $industry_s = $space->array_multi2single($industry->getIndustry()); $result = $this->findAll("*,name AS title,description AS digest", null, null, $this->orderby, $firstcount, $displaypg); if (!isset($_PB_CACHE['membergroup'])) { require CACHE_PATH . "cache_membergroup.php"; } while (list($keys, $values) = each($result)) { $r = array(); $result[$keys]['pubdate'] = df($values['created']); $result[$keys]['typename'] = $cache_options['manage_type'][$values['manage_type']]; $result[$keys]['thumb'] = $result[$keys]['logo'] = pb_get_attachmenturl($values['picture'], '', 'small'); $result[$keys]['gradeimg'] = URL . 'images/group/' . $_PB_CACHE['membergroup'][$result[$keys]['cache_membergroupid']]['avatar']; $result[$keys]['gradename'] = $_PB_CACHE['membergroup'][$result[$keys]['cache_membergroupid']]['name']; if (!empty($result[$keys]['area_id'])) { $r[] = $area_s[$result[$keys]['area_id']]; } if (!empty($result[$keys]['industry_id'])) { $r[] = $industry_s[$result[$keys]['industry_id']]; } $r[] = L("integrity_index", "tpl") . "(" . $result[$keys]['cache_credits'] . ")"; if (!empty($r)) { $result[$keys]['extra'] = implode(" - ", $r); } $result[$keys]['url'] = $space->rewrite($values['member_id'], $values['id']); } return $result; }
function index() { global $viewhelper; $conditions = array(); $viewhelper->setTitle(L("announce", "tpl")); $types = cache_read("type"); $viewhelper->setPosition(L("announce", "tpl"), "index.php?do=announce"); if (!empty($_GET['typeid'])) { $conditions[] = "announcetype_id=" . intval($_GET['typeid']); } $result = $this->announcement->findAll("*", null, $conditions, "display_order ASC,id DESC"); if (!empty($result)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($result); $i++) { if (!empty($result[$i]['created'])) { $result[$i]['pubdate'] = date("Y-m-d", $result[$i]['created']); $result[$i]['title'] = pb_lang_split($result[$i]['subject']); $result[$i]['typename'] = $types['announcementtype'][$result[$i]['announcetype_id']]; $result[$i]['type_id'] = $result[$i]['announcetype_id']; } } setvar("module", "announce"); setvar("items", $result); } render("list.default", true); }
function detail() { require CACHE_COMMON_PATH . "cache_type.php"; $_PB_CACHE['area'] = cache_read("area"); $_PB_CACHE['industry'] = cache_read("industry"); if (isset($_GET['title'])) { $title = trim($_GET['title']); $res = $this->expo->findByName($title); $id = $res['id']; } if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); } if (!$this->expo->checkExist($id, true)) { flash("data_not_exists"); } $info = $this->expo->info; $this->view_helper->setPosition(L("fair", "tpl")); if (!empty($info)) { $info['typename'] = $_PB_CACHE['expotype'][$info['expotype_id']]; $this->view_helper->setTitle($info['typename']); $this->view_helper->setPosition($info['typename'], 'index.php?do=fair&action=lists&typeid=' . $info['expotype_id']); $this->view_helper->setTitle($info['name']); $this->view_helper->setPosition($info['name']); $result = $this->expo->dbstuff->GetArray("SELECT,,c.cache_spacename AS userid FROM {$this->expo->table_prefix}expomembers em LEFT JOIN {$this->expo->table_prefix}companies c ON WHERE c.status=1"); $result = pb_lang_split_recursive($result); $info = pb_lang_split_recursive($info); if (!empty($result)) { setvar("Items", $result); } setvar("item", $info); } render("fair/detail"); }
function Search($firstcount, $displaypg) { global $cache_types; uses("space", "industry", "area"); $space = new Space(); $area = new Areas(); $industry = new Industries(); $cache_options = cache_read('typeoption'); $area_s = $space->array_multi2single($area->getCacheArea()); $industry_s = $space->array_multi2single($area->getCacheArea()); $result = $this->findAll("*,name AS title,content AS digest", null, null, $this->orderby, $firstcount, $displaypg); while (list($keys, $values) = each($result)) { $result[$keys]['typename'] = $cache_types['productsort'][$values['sort_id']]; $result[$keys]['thumb'] = pb_get_attachmenturl($values['picture'], '', 'small'); $result[$keys]['pubdate'] = df($values['begin_time']); if (!empty($result[$keys]['area_id'])) { $r1 = $area_s[$result[$keys]['area_id']]; } if (!empty($result[$keys]['cache_companyname'])) { $r2 = "<a href='" . $space->rewrite($result[$keys]['cache_companyname'], $result[$keys]['company_id']) . "'>" . $result[$keys]['cache_companyname'] . "</a>"; } if (!empty($r1) || !empty($r2)) { $result[$keys]['extra'] = implode(" - ", array($r1, $r2)); } $result[$keys]['url'] = $this->getPermaLink($values['id']); } return $result; }
/** * 读取缓存,并将缓存加载至 $_W 全局变量中 * @param string $key 缓存键名,如果键名以:结束,则做为分组名称读取所有缓存 * */ function cache_load($key, $unserialize = false) { global $_W; if (substr($key, -1) == ':') { $data = cache_search($key); foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $tmp =& cache_global($k); $tmp = $unserialize ? iunserializer($v) : $v; } return cache_global($key); } else { $data = cache_read($key); if ($key == 'setting') { $_W['setting'] = $data; return $_W['setting']; } elseif ($key == 'modules') { $_W['modules'] = $data; return $_W['modules']; } else { $tmp =& cache_global($key); $tmp = $unserialize ? iunserializer($data) : $data; return $unserialize ? iunserializer($data) : $data; } } }
function getAttributes($attribute_ids = 0, $form_id = 1) { $_PB_CACHE['form'] = cache_read("form"); $result = $data = array(); $condition = null; $data = $_PB_CACHE['form'][$form_id]; if (!empty($attribute_ids)) { if (is_array($attribute_ids)) { $tmp = implode(",", $attribute_ids); $tmp = "id IN (" . $tmp . ")"; } else { $tmp = "id=" . intval($attribute_ids); } $condition = " WHERE " . $tmp; $sql = "SELECT id,form_id,formitem_id,attribute FROM {$this->table_prefix}formattributes{$condition}"; $result = $this->dbstuff->GetArray($sql); } if (!empty($result)) { foreach ($result as $key => $val) { $tmp_result[$val['formitem_id']] = $val['attribute']; } foreach ($data as $key => $val) { if (!empty($tmp_result[$key])) { $data[$key]['value'] = $tmp_result[$key]; } } } return $data; }
function get_list($condition = '1', $order = 'listorder DESC, itemid DESC') { global $MODULE, $MOD, $pages, $page, $pagesize, $offset, $sum; if ($page > 1 && $sum) { $items = $sum; } else { $r = $this->db->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM {$this->table} WHERE {$condition}"); $items = $r['num']; } $pages = pages($items, $page, $pagesize); $GROUP = cache_read('group.php'); $lists = array(); $result = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM {$this->table} WHERE {$condition} ORDER BY {$order} LIMIT {$offset},{$pagesize}"); while ($r = $this->db->fetch_array($result)) { $r['adddate'] = timetodate($r['addtime'], 5); $r['thumb'] = is_file(DT_ROOT . '/' . $MODULE[4]['moduledir'] . '/skin/' . $r['skin'] . '/thumb.gif') ? $MODULE[4]['linkurl'] . 'skin/' . $r['skin'] . '/thumb.gif' : $MODULE[4]['linkurl'] . 'image/nothumb.gif'; $groupid = explode(',', substr($r['groupid'], 1, -1)); $group = array(); foreach ($groupid as $gid) { $group[] = $GROUP[$gid]['groupname']; } $r['group'] = implode('<br/>', $group); $lists[] = $r; } return $lists; }
function setNames() { if (func_num_args() < 1) { return; } $return = array(); $_PB_CACHE['industry'] = cache_read("industry"); $args = func_get_args(); foreach ($args as $key => $val) { $return[] = isset($_PB_CACHE['industry'][$val]) ? $_PB_CACHE['industry'][$val] : ''; } $this->names = $return; }
function cache_load($key, $unserialize = false) { global $_W; $data = $_W['cache'][$key] = cache_read($key); if ($key == 'setting') { $_W['setting'] = $data; return $_W['setting']; } elseif ($key == 'modules') { $_W['modules'] = $data; return $_W['modules']; } else { return $unserialize ? iunserializer($data) : $data; } }
function set($post) { global $MOD, $DT_TIME, $DT_IP, $AREA, $_username, $_userid; $AREA or $AREA = cache_read('area.php'); $post['city'] or $post['city'] = $post['areaid'] ? $AREA[$post['areaid']]['areaname'] : ''; is_url($post['thumb']) or $post['thumb'] = ''; $post['filepath'] = isset($post['filepath']) && is_filepath($post['filepath']) ? file_vname($post['filepath']) : ''; $post['addtime'] = isset($post['addtime']) && $post['addtime'] ? strtotime($post['addtime']) : $DT_TIME; $post['edittime'] = $DT_TIME; $post['fromtime'] = strtotime($post['fromtime'] . ' 0:0:0'); $post['totime'] = strtotime($post['totime'] . ' 23:59:59'); $post['homepage'] = fix_link($post['homepage']); $post['sign'] = $post['sign'] ? 1 : 0; $post['fee'] = dround($post['fee']); $post['content'] = stripslashes($post['content']); $post['content'] = save_local($post['content']); if ($MOD['clear_link']) { $post['content'] = clear_link($post['content']); } if ($MOD['save_remotepic']) { $post['content'] = save_remote($post['content']); } if ($MOD['introduce_length']) { $post['introduce'] = addslashes(get_intro($post['content'], $MOD['introduce_length'])); } if ($this->itemid) { $post['editor'] = $_username; $new = $post['content']; if ($post['thumb']) { $new .= '<img src="' . $post['thumb'] . '"/>'; } $r = $this->get_one(); $old = $r['content']; if ($r['thumb']) { $old .= '<img src="' . $r['thumb'] . '"/>'; } delete_diff($new, $old); } else { $post['username'] = $post['editor'] = $_username; $post['ip'] = $DT_IP; } $content = $post['content']; unset($post['content']); $post = dhtmlspecialchars($post); $post['content'] = addslashes(dsafe($content)); return array_map("trim", $post); }
private function getJsApiTicket() { $ticket = cache_read("js_api_ticket"); if (empty($ticket) || $ticket["time"] <= time()) { $token = $this->getWxAccessToken(); if (!empty($token)) { $url = "{$token}&type=jsapi"; $js_token = ihttp_request($url); if (!empty($js_token)) { $content = @json_decode($js_token['content'], true); $ticket = array("ticket" => $content["ticket"], "time" => TIMESTAMP + $content["expires_in"]); cache_write("js_api_ticket", $ticket); } } } return $ticket["ticket"]; }
function getUsergroups($type = 'all') { //system,special,define $return = array(); $G['membergroup'] = cache_read("membergroup"); $typeid = strval($type); foreach ($G['membergroup'] as $key => $val) { if ($typeid == 'all') { $return[$key] = $val['name']; } else { if ($typeid == $val['type']) { $return[$key] = $val['name']; } } } ksort($return); return $return; }
function getInfoById($member_id) { $tmp_img = null; $G['membergroup'] = cache_read("membergroup"); $G['trusttype'] = cache_read("trusttype"); $result = array(); $sql = "SELECT m.*,mf.* FROM {$this->table_prefix}members m LEFT JOIN {$this->table_prefix}memberfields mf ON WHERE'{$member_id}'"; $result = $this->dbstuff->GetRow($sql); if (!empty($result)) { if (isset($result['link_man'])) { $result['link_people'] = $result['link_man']; } $result['groupname'] = $G['membergroup'][$result['membergroup_id']]['name']; $result['groupimage'] = STATICURL . "images/group/" . $G['membergroup'][$result['membergroup_id']]['avatar']; if (!empty($result['trusttype_ids'])) { $tmp_str = explode(",", $result['trusttype_ids']); foreach ($tmp_str as $key => $val) { $tmp_img .= "<img src=\"" . STATICURL . "images/icon/" . $G['trusttype'][$val]['avatar'] . "\" alt=\"" . $G['trusttype'][$val]['name'] . "\" />"; } $result['trust_image'] = $tmp_img; } } return $result; }
/** * open(host, port); * @return: true if connection was successful, false otherwise */ function open($host, $port) { $conn_status = 1; if (function_exists("cache_assign_key")) { // checkig if we had a successful connection with the same server and the same port // whithin the last GEKKO_REMOTE_TIMEOUT seconds $key = cache_assign_key($host, $port); if (($life = cache_check_life($key)) !== false && time() - $life < GEKKO_REMOTE_CONN_CACHE_LIFE) { // if we had a successful connection we put a 1 in a cached file, this is for // avoiding wasting time trying to connect to a specific server when it is not // responding, we can check it later cache_read($key, $conn_status); } } // trying to connect if the last try was successful of if this is the first if ($conn_status) { $this->socket = @fsockopen($host, $port, $this->errno, $this->errstr, GEKKO_REMOTE_CONN_TIMEOUT); } // saving connection status if (function_exists("cache_save") && $conn_status != $this->status()) { cache_save($key, intval($this->status())); } return $conn_status ? $this->status() : false; }
<?php /** * [PHPB2B] Copyright (C) 2007-2099, Ualink Inc. All Rights Reserved. * The contents of this file are subject to the License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * @version $Revision: 2258 $ */ require "../libraries/"; require ""; uses("member", "membergroup", "typeoption"); require LIB_PATH . 'time.class.php'; require PHPB2B_ROOT . 'libraries/page.class.php'; require CACHE_COMMON_PATH . "cache_type.php"; $G['membergroup'] = cache_read("membergroup"); $G['trusttype'] = cache_read("trusttype"); $typeoption = new Typeoption(); $membergroup = new Membergroup(); $member = new Members(); $page = new Pages(); $tpl_file = "member"; $conditions = array(); setvar("MembergroupOptions", $membergroup->getUsergroups()); setvar("Membergroups", $member_groups = $G['membergroup']); setvar("Membertypes", $member_types = $_PB_CACHE['membertype']); $genders = $typeoption->get_cache_type("gender"); foreach ($G['trusttype'] as $key => $val) { $tmp_trusttypes[$key] = $val['name']; } setvar("Trusttypes", $tmp_trusttypes); if (isset($_POST)) {
<?php defined('IN_DESTOON') or exit('Access Denied'); $moduleid = 16; $module = 'mall'; $MOD = cache_read('module-' . $moduleid . '.php'); $table = $DT_PRE . 'mall'; $table_data = $DT_PRE . 'mall_data'; if ($itemid) { $item = $db->get_one("SELECT * FROM {$table} WHERE itemid={$itemid}"); if (!$item || $item['status'] < 3 || $item['username'] != $username) { dheader($MENU[$menuid]['linkurl']); } unset($item['template']); extract($item); $CAT = get_cat($catid); $content_table = content_table($moduleid, $itemid, $MOD['split'], $table_data); $t = $db->get_one("SELECT content FROM {$content_table} WHERE itemid={$itemid}"); $content = $t['content']; $CP = $MOD['cat_property'] && $CAT['property']; if ($CP) { require DT_ROOT . '/include/property.func.php'; $options = property_option($catid); $values = property_value($moduleid, $itemid); } require DT_ROOT . '/module/' . $module . '/global.func.php'; $RL = $relate_id ? get_relate($item) : array(); $P1 = get_nv($n1, $v1); $P2 = get_nv($n2, $v2); $P3 = get_nv($n3, $v3); if ($step) {
function area_pos($areaid, $str = ' » ', $deep = 0) { if ($areaid) { global $AREA; } else { global $L; return $L['allcity']; } $AREA or $AREA = cache_read('area.php'); $arrparentid = $AREA[$areaid]['arrparentid'] ? explode(',', $AREA[$areaid]['arrparentid']) : array(); $arrparentid[] = $areaid; $pos = ''; if ($deep) { $i = 1; } foreach ($arrparentid as $areaid) { if (!$areaid || !isset($AREA[$areaid])) { continue; } if ($deep) { if ($i > $deep) { continue; } $i++; } $pos .= $AREA[$areaid]['areaname'] . $str; } $_len = strlen($str); if ($str && substr($pos, -$_len, $_len) === $str) { $pos = substr($pos, 0, strlen($pos) - $_len); } return $pos; }
function detail() { global $viewhelper; using("tag", "meta"); $tag = new Tags(); $meta = new Metas(); $conditions = array(); $viewhelper->setTitle(L("info", "tpl")); $viewhelper->setPosition(L("info", "tpl"), "index.php?do=news"); if (isset($_GET['title'])) { $title = trim($_GET['title']); $res = $this->news->findByTitle($title); $id = $res['id']; } if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); } if (!empty($id)) { $_PB_CACHE['newstype'] = cache_read("type", "newstype"); $this->news->clicked($id); $info = $this->news->read("*", $id); if (empty($info) or !$info) { flash("data_not_exists", '', 0); } if (!empty($info['tag_ids'])) { $the_tags = $tag->getTagsByIds($info['tag_ids'], true); $tmp = null; $info['tag'] = $tag->tag; foreach ($the_tags as $key => $val) { $tmp .= "<a href='" . $this->url(array("module" => "search", "do" => "news", "q" => urlencode($val))) . "'>" . $val . "</a> "; } $info['tag_link'] = $tmp; } if (!empty($info['picture'])) { $info['image'] = pb_get_attachmenturl($info['picture'], '', 'small'); } $info['pubdate'] = df($info['created']); $info['typename'] = $_PB_CACHE['newstype'][$info['type_id']]; $viewhelper->setTitle($info['typename']); $viewhelper->setPosition($info['typename'], $this->url(array("module" => "search", "do" => "news", "typeid" => $info['type_id']))); //seo info $meta_info = $meta->getSEOById($id, 'news', false); empty($meta_info['title']) ? $viewhelper->setTitle($info['title']) : $viewhelper->setTitle($meta_info['title']); empty($meta_info['description']) ? $viewhelper->setMetaDescription($info['content']) : $viewhelper->setMetaDescription($meta_info['description']); if (isset($meta_info['keyword'])) { $viewhelper->setMetaKeyword($meta_info['keyword']); } $viewhelper->setPosition($info['title']); if (!empty($info['require_membertype'])) { $require_ids = explode(",", $info['require_membertype']); if (!empty($pb_userinfo['pb_userid'])) { $membertype_id = $this->news->dbstuff->GetOne("SELECT membertype_id FROM {$tb_prefix}members WHERE id='" . $pb_user['pb_userid'] . "'"); if (!in_array($membertype_id, $require_ids)) { $info['content'] = L("news_membertype_not_allowed", "tpl"); } } else { $info['content'] = L("news_membertype_not_allowed", "tpl"); } } if ($info['type'] == 1) { $info['source'] = L("company_news", "tpl"); $info['content'] = "<a href='" . $info['content'] . "'>" . $info['content'] . "</a>"; } if (!empty($info['picture'])) { $info['image_url'] = pb_get_attachmenturl($info['picture']); } $neighbour_info = $this->news->getNeighbour($id, "id,title"); if (!empty($neighbour_info['prev'])) { $title = pb_lang_split($neighbour_info['prev']['title']); $info['prev_link'] = "<a href='" . $this->url(array("module" => "news", "id" => $neighbour_info['prev']['id'])) . "'>" . $title . "</a>"; $info['prev_title'] = $title; } else { $info['prev_link'] = L("nothing", "tpl"); } if (!empty($neighbour_info['next'])) { $title = pb_lang_split($neighbour_info['next']['title']); $info['next_link'] = "<a href='" . $this->url(array("module" => "news", "id" => $neighbour_info['next']['id'])) . "'>" . $title . "</a>"; $info['next_title'] = $title; } else { $info['next_link'] = L("nothing", "tpl"); } setvar("item", pb_lang_split_recursive($info)); } else { flash(); } setvar("Newstypes", $_PB_CACHE['newstype']); render("detail.default"); }
<?php defined('IN_DESTOON') or exit('Access Denied'); login(); require DT_ROOT . '/module/' . $module . '/'; require DT_ROOT . '/include/post.func.php'; $PAY = cache_read('pay.php'); $amount = isset($amount) ? dround($amount) : ''; function get_reason_url($reason) { $url = ''; $arr = explode('|', $reason); switch ($arr[0]) { case 'deposit': $url = 'deposit.php?action=add&sum=' . intval($arr[1]); break; case 'credit': $url = 'credit.php?action=buy&sum=' . intval($arr[1]); break; case 'vip': $url = 'vip.php?action=renew&sum=' . intval($arr[1]); break; case 'pay': if (is_numeric($arr[1]) && is_numeric($arr[2])) { $url = DT_PATH . 'api/redirect.php?mid=' . intval($arr[1]) . '&itemid=' . intval($arr[2]) . '&sum=1'; } break; case 'trade': if (is_numeric($arr[1])) { $url = 'trade.php?action=update&step=pay&itemid=' . intval($arr[1]); }
<?php /* [Destoon B2B System] Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Destoon.COM This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license.txt */ defined('IN_DESTOON') or exit('Access Denied'); $menus = array(array('地区添加', '?file=' . $file . '&action=add'), array('地区管理', '?file=' . $file), array('导入省市', '?file=' . $file . '&action=import', 'onclick="return confirm(\'确定导入中国省市数据吗? 当前数据将被覆盖 \');"'), array('更新缓存', '?file=' . $file . '&action=cache')); $AREA = cache_read('area.php'); $areaid = isset($areaid) ? intval($areaid) : 0; $do = new area($areaid); $parentid = isset($parentid) ? intval($parentid) : 0; $table = $DT_PRE . 'area'; $this_forward = '?file=' . $file . '&parentid=' . $parentid; switch ($action) { case 'add': if ($submit) { if (!$area['areaname']) { msg('地区名不能为空'); } $area['areaname'] = trim($area['areaname']); if (strpos($area['areaname'], "\n") === false) { $do->add($area); } else { $areanames = explode("\n", $area['areaname']); foreach ($areanames as $areaname) { $areaname = trim($areaname); if (!$areaname) { continue; } $area['areaname'] = $areaname;
//注意判断返回金额 $total_fee = ($total_fee + $discount) / 100; $out_trade_no = intval($out_trade_no); $r = $db->get_one("SELECT * FROM {$DT_PRE}finance_charge WHERE itemid='{$out_trade_no}'"); if ($r) { if ($r['status'] == 0) { $charge_orderid = $r['itemid']; $charge_money = $r['amount'] + $r['fee']; $charge_amount = $r['amount']; $editor = 'N' . $bank; if ($total_fee == $charge_money) { $db->query("UPDATE {$DT_PRE}finance_charge SET status=3,money={$charge_money},receivetime='{$DT_TIME}',editor='{$editor}' WHERE itemid={$charge_orderid}"); require DT_ROOT . '/include/module.func.php'; money_add($r['username'], $r['amount']); money_record($r['username'], $r['amount'], $PAY[$bank]['name'], 'system', '在线充值', '订单ID:' . $charge_orderid); $MOD = cache_read('module-2.php'); if ($MOD['credit_charge'] > 0) { $credit = intval($r['amount'] * $MOD['credit_charge']); if ($credit > 0) { credit_add($r['username'], $credit); credit_record($r['username'], $credit, 'system', '充值奖励', '充值' . $r['amount'] . $DT['money_unit']); } } exit('success'); } else { $note = '充值金额不匹配S:' . $charge_money . 'R:' . $total_fee; $db->query("UPDATE {$DT_PRE}finance_charge SET status=1,receivetime='{$DT_TIME}',editor='{$editor}',note='{$note}' WHERE itemid={$charge_orderid}"); //支付失败 #log_result($note); exit('fail'); }
message('您的交易币不足以支付此次升级费用。', url('extension/module'), 'error'); break; case '2': message('您已经购买过此升级版本,系统将直接跳转至升级界面。', url('cloud/process', array('m' => $auth['name'], 'is_upgrade' => 1, 'is_buy' => 1)), 'success'); break; case '1': message('购买模块升级版本成功,系统将直接跳转至升级界面。', url('cloud/process', array('m' => $auth['name'], 'is_upgrade' => 1, 'is_buy' => 1)), 'success'); exit; break; } message($response['message']['message']); } if ($do == 'callback') { $secret = $_GPC['token']; if (strlen($secret) == 32) { $cache = cache_read('cloud:auth:transfer'); cache_delete('cloud:auth:transfer'); if (!empty($cache) && $cache['secret'] == $secret) { $site = array_elements(array('key', 'token'), $cache); setting_save($site, 'site'); $auth['key'] = $site['key']; $auth['password'] = md5($site['key'] . $site['token']); $auth['forward'] = 'profile'; header('location: ' . __to($auth)); exit; } } message('访问错误.'); } template('cloud/frame'); function __to($auth)
<?php defined('DT_ADMIN') or exit('Access Denied'); require MD_ROOT . '/down.class.php'; $do = new down($moduleid); $menus = array(array('添加' . $MOD['name'], '?moduleid=' . $moduleid . '&action=add'), array($MOD['name'] . '列表', '?moduleid=' . $moduleid), array('审核' . $MOD['name'], '?moduleid=' . $moduleid . '&action=check'), array('未通过' . $MOD['name'], '?moduleid=' . $moduleid . '&action=reject'), array('回收站', '?moduleid=' . $moduleid . '&action=recycle'), array('移动分类', '?moduleid=' . $moduleid . '&action=move')); if (in_array($action, array('add', 'edit'))) { $FD = cache_read('fields-' . substr($table, strlen($DT_PRE)) . '.php'); if ($FD) { require DT_ROOT . '/include/fields.func.php'; } isset($post_fields) or $post_fields = array(); $CP = $MOD['cat_property']; if ($CP) { require DT_ROOT . '/include/property.func.php'; } isset($post_ppt) or $post_ppt = array(); } if ($_catids || $_areaids) { require DT_ROOT . '/admin/'; } if (in_array($action, array('', 'check', 'reject', 'recycle'))) { $sfields = array('模糊', '标题', '文件地址', '下载系列', '简介', '会员名', '编辑', 'IP', '文件路径', '内容模板'); $dfields = array('keyword', 'title', 'fileurl', 'tag', 'introduce', 'username', 'editor', 'ip', 'filepath', 'template'); $sorder = array('结果排序方式', '更新时间降序', '更新时间升序', '添加时间降序', '添加时间升序', '浏览次数降序', '浏览次数升序', '下载次数降序', '下载次数升序', '下载ID降序', '下载ID升序'); $dorder = array($MOD['order'], 'edittime DESC', 'edittime ASC', 'addtime DESC', 'addtime ASC', 'hits DESC', 'hits ASC', 'download DESC', 'download ASC', 'itemid DESC', 'itemid ASC'); $level = isset($level) ? intval($level) : 0; isset($fields) && isset($dfields[$fields]) or $fields = 0; isset($order) && isset($dorder[$order]) or $order = 0; isset($datetype) && in_array($datetype, array('edittime', 'addtime')) or $datetype = 'addtime'; $fromdate = isset($fromdate) && is_date($fromdate) ? $fromdate : '';
$r['addtime'] = timetodate($r['addtime'], 5); $r['edittime'] = timetodate($r['edittime'], 5); $typeids = explode(',', substr($r['typeids'], 1, -1)); $r['type'] = '<select>'; foreach ($typeids as $t) { $r['type'] .= '<option' . ($t == $typeid ? ' selected' : '') . '>' . $TYPE[$t]['typename'] . '</option>'; } $r['type'] .= '</select>'; $lists[] = $r; } include tpl('mail_list', $module); break; case 'send': $itemid or msg(); if (isset($num)) { $m = cache_read($_username . '_mail.php'); } else { $num = 0; $m = $db->get_one("SELECT title,content,typeid FROM {$DT_PRE}mail WHERE itemid={$itemid}"); $m or msg(); cache_write($_username . '_mail.php', $m); } $pagesize = 2; $offset = ($page - 1) * $pagesize; $result = $db->query("SELECT email FROM {$DT_PRE}mail_list WHERE typeids LIKE '%," . $m['typeid'] . ",%' ORDER BY itemid DESC LIMIT {$offset},{$pagesize}"); $i = false; while ($r = $db->fetch_array($result)) { send_mail($r['email'], $m['title'], $m['content']); $i = true; $num++; }
$do->itemid = $itemid; if ($submit) { if ($do->edit($post)) { dmsg('操作成功', $forward); } else { msg($do->errmsg); } } else { extract($do->get_one()); $user = $username ? userinfo($username) : array(); $addtime = timetodate($addtime); $edittime = timetodate($edittime); $fromtime = timetodate($DT_TIME, 3); $days = $promo_amount && $promo_type == 1 ? $promo_amount : 365; $totime = timetodate($DT_TIME + 86400 * $days); $UG = cache_read('group-' . $groupid . '.php'); $fee = $UG['fee']; $pay = $fee - $amount; if ($promo_amount) { $pay = $promo_type == 1 ? 0 : $pay - $promo_amount; } include tpl('grade_edit', $module); } break; case 'delete': $itemid or msg('请选择记录'); $do->delete($itemid); dmsg('删除成功', $forward); break; case 'reject': $status = 1;
include tpl($action, $module); } break; case 'level': $userid or msg('请选择' . $MOD['name']); $level = intval($level); $do->level($userid, $level); dmsg('级别设置成功', $forward); break; default: $sfields = array('按条件', '公司名', '会员名', '公司类型', '公司规模', '销售', '采购', '主营行业', '经营模式', '电话', '传真', 'Email', '地址', '邮编', '主页', '风格目录', '模板目录', '顶级域名'); $dfields = array('keyword', 'company', 'username', 'type', 'size', 'sell', 'buy', 'business', 'mode', 'telephone', 'fax', 'mail', 'address', 'postcode', 'homepage', 'skin', 'template', 'domain'); $sorder = array('结果排序方式', VIP . '指数降序', VIP . '指数升序', '注册年份降序', '注册年份升序', '注册资本降序', '注册资本升序', '服务开始降序', '服务开始升序', '服务结束降序', '服务结束升序', '浏览人气降序', '浏览人气升序'); $dorder = array('userid DESC', 'vip DESC', 'vip ASC', 'regyear DESC', 'regyear ASC', 'capital DESC', 'capital ASC', 'fromtime DESC', 'fromtime ASC', 'totime DESC', 'totime ASC', 'hits DESC', 'hits ASC'); $svalid = array('认证', '已通过', '未通过'); $MS = cache_read('module-2.php'); $modes = explode('|', '经营模式|' . $MS['com_mode']); $types = explode('|', '公司类型|' . $MS['com_type']); $sizes = explode('|', '公司规模|' . $MS['com_size']); $thumb = isset($thumb) ? intval($thumb) : 0; $mincapital = isset($mincapital) ? dround($mincapital) : ''; $mincapital or $mincapital = ''; $maxcapital = isset($maxcapital) ? dround($maxcapital) : ''; $maxcapital or $maxcapital = ''; $areaid = isset($areaid) ? intval($areaid) : 0; isset($mode) && isset($modes[$mode]) or $mode = 0; isset($type) && isset($types[$type]) or $type = 0; isset($size) && isset($sizes[$size]) or $size = 0; $vip = isset($vip) ? $vip === '' ? -1 : intval($vip) : -1; isset($fields) && isset($dfields[$fields]) or $fields = 0; isset($order) && isset($dorder[$order]) or $order = 0;
if ($oauth['sina']['enable'] && $oauth['sina']['sync']) { $ext_oauth .= ',sina'; } if ($oauth['qq']['enable'] && $oauth['qq']['sync']) { $ext_oauth .= ',qq'; } $db->query("UPDATE {$DT_PRE}setting SET item_value='{$ext_oauth}' WHERE item_key='oauth' AND item='3'"); cache_module(3); dmsg('更新成功', '?moduleid=' . $moduleid . '&file=' . $file . '&tab=' . $tab); } else { extract(dhtmlspecialchars($MOD)); cache_pay(); $P = cache_read('pay.php'); extract($P); cache_oauth(); $O = cache_read('oauth.php'); extract($O); $tenpay['keycode'] = pass_encode($tenpay['keycode']); $weixin['keycode'] = pass_encode($weixin['keycode']); $alipay['keycode'] = pass_encode($alipay['keycode']); $chinabank['keycode'] = pass_encode($chinabank['keycode']); $yeepay['keycode'] = pass_encode($yeepay['keycode']); $paypal['keycode'] = pass_encode($paypal['keycode']); $uc_dbpwd = pass_encode($uc_dbpwd); $ex_pass = pass_encode($ex_pass); #$sso_auth = pass_encode($sso_auth); if ($kw) { $all = 1; ob_start(); } include tpl('setting', $module);
} if (ver_compare($templates[$k]['version'], $v['version']) == -1) { $upgrade[] = $k; } } } else { message('从云平台获取模板信息失败,请稍后重试', referer(), 'error'); } if (empty($upgrade)) { message('您的模板已经是最新版本', referer(), 'success'); } $upgrade_str = iserializer($upgrade); cache_write('upgrade:template', $upgrade_str); } if ($batch == 1) { $wait_upgrade = (array) iunserializer(cache_read('upgrade:template')); if (empty($wait_upgrade)) { isetcookie('batch', 0, -10000); message('您的模板已经是最新版本', url('extension/theme'), 'success'); } $id = array_shift($wait_upgrade); } else { $id = $_GPC['templateid']; } $theme = pdo_fetch("SELECT id, name, title FROM " . tablename('site_templates') . " WHERE name = :name", array(':name' => $id)); if (empty($theme)) { if ($batch == 1) { cache_write('upgrade:template', iserializer($wait_upgrade)); message($theme['title'] . ' 模板已经被卸载或是不存在。系统将进入下一个模板的更新。<br>请勿关闭浏览器', url('extension/theme/upgrade', array('batch' => 1)), 'success'); } message('模板已经被卸载或是不存在!', '', 'error');
if ($op == 'view') { $file = authcode(trim($_GPC['file'], 'DECODE')); $file_tmp = $file; if (empty($file) || strexists($file, './') || strexists($file, '../') || $file == 'data/config.php') { message('文件不存在', referer(), 'error'); } $file_arr = explode('/', $file); $ignore = array('payment'); if (is_array($file_arr) && in_array($file_arr[0], $ignore)) { message('系统不允许查看当前文件', referer(), 'error'); } $file = IA_ROOT . '/' . $file; if (!is_file($file)) { message('文件不存在', referer(), 'error'); } $badfiles = iunserializer(cache_read('scan:badfile')); $info = $badfiles[$file_tmp]; unset($badfiles); if (!empty($info)) { $info['func_count'] = 0; if (isset($info['func'])) { $info['func_count'] = count($info['func']); foreach ($info['func'] as $k1 => $v1) { $d[$k1] = strtolower($v1[1]); } $d = array_unique($d); $info['func_str'] = implode(', ', $d); } $info['code_count'] = 0; if (isset($info['code'])) { $info['code_count'] = count($info['code']);