예제 #1
echo _('Percent Complete');
:</strong><br />
echo $pg->percentCompleteBox();
echo _('Priority');
:</strong><br />
echo build_priority_select_box();

		<td colspan="2">
echo _('Task Summary');
echo utils_requiredField();
<br />
		<input type="text" name="summary" size="40" maxlength="65" value="<?php 
echo $related_artifact_summary;
예제 #2
function show_supportlist($result, $offset, $set = 'open')
    global $sys_datefmt, $group_id;
    	Accepts a result set from the support table. Should include all columns from
    	the table, and it should be joined to USER to get the user_name.
    $url = "/support/?group_id={$group_id}&set={$set}&order=";
    $title_arr = array();
    $title_arr[] = 'Request ID';
    $title_arr[] = 'Summary';
    $title_arr[] = 'Date';
    $title_arr[] = 'Assigned To';
    $title_arr[] = 'Submitted By';
    $links_arr = array();
    $links_arr[] = $url . 'support_id';
    $links_arr[] = $url . 'summary';
    $links_arr[] = $url . 'date';
    $links_arr[] = $url . 'assigned_to_user';
    $links_arr[] = $url . 'submitted_by';
    $IS_SUPPORT_ADMIN = user_ismember($group_id, 'S2');
    echo '
		<INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="group_id" VALUE="' . $group_id . '">
		<INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="func" VALUE="postmodsupport">';
    echo html_build_list_table_top($title_arr, $links_arr);
    $then = time() - 1296000;
    $rows = db_numrows($result);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) {
        echo '
			<TR BGCOLOR="' . get_priority_color(db_result($result, $i, 'priority')) . '">' . '<TD NOWRAP>' . ($IS_SUPPORT_ADMIN ? '<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" NAME="support_id[]" VALUE="' . db_result($result, $i, 'support_id') . '"> ' : '') . sprintf("%06d", db_result($result, $i, 'support_id')) . '</TD>' . '<TD><A HREF="' . $PHP_SELF . '?func=detailsupport&support_id=' . db_result($result, $i, 'support_id') . '&group_id=' . db_result($result, $i, 'group_id') . '">' . db_result($result, $i, 'summary') . '</A></TD>' . '<TD>' . ($set != 'closed' && db_result($result, $i, 'date') < $then ? '<B>* ' : '&nbsp; ') . date($sys_datefmt, db_result($result, $i, 'date')) . '</TD>' . '<TD>' . db_result($result, $i, 'assigned_to_user') . '</TD>' . '<TD>' . db_result($result, $i, 'submitted_by') . '</TD></TR>';
    	Show extra rows for <-- Prev / Next -->
    echo '
		<TR><TD COLSPAN="2">';
    if ($offset > 0) {
        echo '<A HREF="' . $PHP_SELF . '?func=browse&group_id=' . $group_id . '&set=' . $set . '&offset=' . ($offset - 50) . '"><B><-- Previous 50</B></A>';
    } else {
        echo '&nbsp;';
    echo '</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD><TD COLSPAN="2">';
    if ($rows >= 50) {
        echo '<A HREF="' . $PHP_SELF . '?func=browse&group_id=' . $group_id . '&set=' . $set . '&offset=' . ($offset + 50) . '"><B>Next 50 --></B></A>';
    } else {
        echo '&nbsp;';
    echo '</TD></TR>';
            Mass Update Code
    if ($IS_SUPPORT_ADMIN) {
        echo '<TR><TD COLSPAN="5">
                <FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><B>Support Admin:</B></FONT>  If you wish to apply changes to all support tickets selected above, use these controls to change their properties and click once on "Mass Update".
                <TABLE WIDTH="100%" BORDER="0">

                <TR><TD><B>Category:</B><BR>' . support_category_box($group_id, 'support_category_id', 'xyz', 'No Change') . '</TD>
        echo build_priority_select_box('priority', '5', true);
        echo '</TD></TR>

                <TR><TD><B>Assigned To:</B><BR>' . support_technician_box($group_id, 'assigned_to', 'xyz', 'No Change') . '</TD>
                <TD><B>Status:</B><BR>' . support_status_box('support_status_id', 'xyz', 'No Change') . '</TD></TR>

                <TR><TD COLSPAN="2"><B>Canned Response:</B><BR>' . support_canned_response_box($group_id, 'canned_response') . '</TD></TR>

                <TR><TD COLSPAN="3" ALIGN="MIDDLE"><INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" name="submit" VALUE="Mass Update"></TD></TR>

    echo '</TABLE>';
예제 #3
    echo support_technician_box($group_id, 'assigned_to', db_result($result, 0, 'assigned_to'));

    echo support_status_box('support_status_id', db_result($result, 0, 'support_status_id'));
    	Priority of this support request
    build_priority_select_box('priority', db_result($result, 0, 'priority'));

	<TR><TD COLSPAN="2"><B>Summary:</B><BR>
		<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="summary" SIZE="45" VALUE="<?php 
    echo db_result($result, 0, 'summary');

		<B>Use Canned Response:</B><BR>
    echo support_canned_response_box($group_id, 'canned_response');
    echo '
예제 #4
        $ef =& $ath->getExtraFields(ARTIFACT_EXTRAFIELD_FILTER_INT);
        $keys = array_keys($ef);
        $sel = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($keys); $i++) {
            if ($ef[$keys[$i]]['field_type'] == ARTIFACT_EXTRAFIELDTYPE_CHECKBOX || $ef[$keys[$i]]['field_type'] == ARTIFACT_EXTRAFIELDTYPE_MULTISELECT) {
                $sel[$keys[$i]] = array('100');
            } else {
                $sel[$keys[$i]] = '100';
        $ath->renderExtraFields($sel, true, _('No Change'), false, '', ARTIFACT_EXTRAFIELD_FILTER_INT, true);
        echo '<tr>
			<td><strong>' . _('Priority') . ': <a href="javascript:help_window(\'/help/tracker.php?helpname=priority\')"><strong>(?)</strong></a>
				</strong><br />';
        echo build_priority_select_box('priority', '100', true);
        echo '</td><td>';
        echo '</td>

			<td><strong>' . _('Assigned to') . ': <a href="javascript:help_window(\'/help/tracker.php?helpname=assignee\')"><strong>(?)</strong></a>
				</strong><br />' . $ath->technicianBox('assigned_to', '100.1', true, _('Nobody'), '100.1', _('No Change')) . '</td>
        if (!$ath->usesCustomStatuses()) {
            echo '<strong>' . _('State') . ': <a href="javascript:help_window(\'/help/tracker.php?helpname=status\')"><strong>(?)</strong></a></strong>
				<br />' . $ath->statusBox('status_id', 'xzxz', true, _('No Change'));
        echo '</td>
예제 #5
echo _('Percent Complete');
:</strong><br />
echo $pg->percentCompleteBox('percent_complete', $pt->getPercentComplete());

echo _('Priority');
:</strong><br />
echo build_priority_select_box('priority', $pt->getPriority());

echo _('Task Summary');
:</strong><br />
		<input type="text" name="summary" size="40" maxlength="65" value="<?php 
echo $pt->getSummary();
" />
예제 #6
echo '
		<td valign="top"><strong>' . _('For project') . '</strong><br />' . $group->getPublicName() . '</td>
		<td valign="top"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="' . _('Submit') . '" /></td>
$ath->renderExtraFields(array(), true, 'none');
if ($ath->userIsAdmin()) {
    echo '<tr>
		<td><strong>' . _('Assigned to') . ': <a href="javascript:help_window(\'' . util_make_url('/help/tracker.php?helpname=assignee') . '\')"><strong>(?)</strong></a></strong><br />';
    echo $ath->technicianBox('assigned_to');
    echo '&nbsp;' . util_make_link('/tracker/admin/?group_id=' . $group_id . '&amp;atid=' . $ath->getID() . '&amp;update_users=1', '(' . _('Admin') . ')');
    echo '</td><td><strong>' . _('Priority') . ': <a href="javascript:help_window(\'' . util_make_url('/help/tracker.php?helpname=priority') . '\')"><strong>(?)</strong></a></strong><br />';
    echo build_priority_select_box('priority');
    echo '</td></tr>';
		<td colspan="2"><strong><?php 
echo _('Summary');
: <a href="javascript:help_window('<?php 
echo util_make_url('/help/tracker.php?helpname=summary');
echo utils_requiredField();
<strong>(?)</strong></a><br />
		<input type="text" name="summary" size="80" maxlength="255" />
예제 #7
echo $ath->technicianBox('assigned_to', $ah->getAssignedTo());
echo '&nbsp;' . util_make_link('/tracker/admin/?group_id=' . $group_id . '&amp;atid=' . $ath->getID() . '&amp;update_users=1', '(' . _('Admin') . ')');
echo _('Priority');
: <a href="javascript:help_window('<?php 
echo util_make_url('/help/tracker.php?helpname=priority');
')"><strong>(?)</strong></a></strong><br />
	Priority of this request
build_priority_select_box('priority', $ah->getPriority());

if (!$ath->usesCustomStatuses()) {
    echo _('State');
: <a href="javascript:help_window('<?php 
    echo util_make_url('/help/tracker.php?helpname=status');