예제 #1
         $additional_headers .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8";
         $subject = DB_NAME . ' - ' . $table_name . ' - ' . $normal_messages_ar['new_insert_executed'];
         $subject = $mailer->mail_header_escape($subject);
         mail($to_addresses, $subject, $insert_notice_email, $additional_headers);
     // end if
 // end if
 if ($insert_again_after_insert == 1) {
     txt_out("<h3>" . $normal_messages_ar["insert_record"] . "</h3>");
     $form_type = "insert";
     $res_details = "";
     // re-get the array containg label ant other information about the fields, could be changed in the insert (other choices......)
     $fields_labels_ar = build_fields_labels_array($table_internal_name, "1");
     $show_insert_form_after_error = 0;
     $show_edit_form_after_error = 0;
     // display the form
     $form = build_form($table_name, $action, $fields_labels_ar, $form_type, $res_details, "", "", $show_insert_form_after_error, $show_edit_form_after_error);
     echo $form;
 } else {
     $unique_field_name = $db->get_primary_key($table_name);
     $location_url = $site_url . $dadabik_main_file . '?table_name=' . urlencode($table_name) . '&function=search&where_clause=&page=0&just_inserted=1';
     if ($unique_field_name != '') {
         $location_url .= '&order=' . $unique_field_name . '&amp;order_type=desc';
     // end if
     header('Location: ' . $location_url);
 // end else
예제 #2
if (isset($_GET["execute_search"])) {
    $execute_search = $_GET["execute_search"];
// end if
// set to 1 after a delete with no authorization
// delete case
if (isset($_GET["just_delete_no_authorization"])) {
    $just_delete_no_authorization = $_GET["just_delete_no_authorization"];
// end if
// the timestamp
if (isset($_GET["timestamp"])) {
    $timestamp = $_GET["timestamp"];
// end if
$fields_labels_ar = build_fields_labels_array($prefix_internal_table . $table_name, 1);
if ($function == "restore") {
    // restore of a record from the archiv, after the restore we need to redirect to the show results or details mode
    if ($from_function == "details") {
        $call = "&details=1&where_field=" . urlencode($where_field) . "&where_value=" . urlencode($where_value);
    } else {
        $call = "&function=" . urlencode($from_function);
    $location_url = $site_url . $url . '?table_name=' . urlencode($table_name) . $call;
    if (!empty($where_clause)) {
        $location_url .= "&where_clause=" . urlencode($where_clause);
    $sql_1 = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `{$table_name}` WHERE `{$where_field}` = '{$where_value}'";
    // test, if the value to restore exist still in the main database
    $value_exist = $db->db_fetch_row();
예제 #3
function build_results_table_archiv($fields_labels_ar, $table_name, $result, $action, $where_clause, $page, $order, $order_type, $table_infos_ar, $details)
    global $submit_buttons_ar, $edit_target_window, $restore_icon, $details_icon, $word_wrap_col, $word_wrap_fix_width, $alias_prefix, $enable_row_highlighting, $prefix_internal_table, $db, $url, $lang;
    $function = "search";
    $unique_field_name = $db->get_primary_key($table_name);
    // build the results HTML table
    $results_table = "";
    $results_table .= "<table class='results'>\n";
    // build the table heading
    $results_table .= "<tr>\n";
    $results_table .= "<th class='results'>&nbsp;</th>\n";
    // skip the first column for edit, delete and details
    $count_temp = count($fields_labels_ar);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $count_temp; $i++) {
        if ($fields_labels_ar[$i]["present_results_search_field"] == "1" || $fields_labels_ar[$i]["name_field"] == "timestamp" || $fields_labels_ar[$i]["name_field"] == "archive_type" || $details == "1" && $fields_labels_ar[$i]["present_details_form_field"] == "1") {
            // the user want to display the field in the basic search results page
            $label_to_display = $fields_labels_ar[$i]["label_" . $lang . "_field"];
            if ($word_wrap_fix_width === 1) {
                $spaces_to_add = $word_wrap_col - strlen($label_to_display);
                if ($spaces_to_add > 0) {
                    for ($j = 0; $j < $spaces_to_add; $j++) {
                        $label_to_display .= '&nbsp;';
            // end if
            $results_table .= "<th class='results'>";
            $field_is_current_order_by = 0;
            if ($order != $fields_labels_ar[$i]["name_field"]) {
                // the results are not ordered by this field at the moment
                $link_class = "order_link";
                $new_order_type = "ASC";
            } else {
                $field_is_current_order_by = 1;
                $link_class = "order_link_selected";
                if ($order_type == "DESC") {
                    $new_order_type = "ASC";
                } else {
                    $new_order_type = "DESC";
            // end elseif ($order != $fields_labels_ar[$i]["name_field"])
            $results_table .= "<a class='" . $link_class . "' href='" . $action . "?table_name=" . urlencode($table_name) . "&function=search&where_clause=" . urlencode($where_clause) . "&page={$page}&order=" . urlencode($fields_labels_ar[$i]["name_field"]) . "&amp;order_type={$new_order_type}'>";
            if ($field_is_current_order_by === 1) {
                if ($order_type === 'ASC') {
                    $results_table .= '<span class="arrow">&uarr;</span> ';
                } else {
                    $results_table .= '<span class="arrow">&darr;</span> ';
                // end if
            // end if
            $results_table .= "{$label_to_display}</a></th>\n";
            // insert the linked name of the field in the <th>
        // end if
    // end for
    $results_table .= "</tr>\n";
    if ($details == "1") {
        $sql = build_select_part($fields_labels_ar, $table_name);
        $where_clause_aktuell = str_replace("archive__", "", $where_clause);
        $sql .= " WHERE {$where_clause_aktuell}";
        // execute the select query
        $res_details = $db->send_query($sql);
        while ($details_row = $db->db_fetch_assoc($res_details)) {
            $results_table .= "<tr class='tr_results_current'>\n";
            $results_table .= "<td class='controls_current'></td>\n";
            for ($i = 0; $i < $count_temp; $i++) {
                if ($fields_labels_ar[$i]["name_field"] == "timestamp" || $fields_labels_ar[$i]["name_field"] == "archive_type" || $fields_labels_ar[$i]["present_results_search_field"] == "1" || $fields_labels_ar[$i]["present_details_form_field"] == "1") {
                    $results_table .= "<td>";
                    // start the cell
                    $field_name_temp = $fields_labels_ar[$i]["name_field"];
                    $field_type = $fields_labels_ar[$i]["type_field"];
                    $field_content = $fields_labels_ar[$i]["content_field"];
                    $field_separator = $fields_labels_ar[$i]["separator_field"];
                    $field_values_ar = array();
                    // reset the array containing values to display, otherwise for each loop I have the previous values
                    $primary_key_field_field = $fields_labels_ar[$i]["primary_key_field_field"];
                    if (!empty($primary_key_field_field)) {
                        $primary_key_table_field = $fields_labels_ar[$i]["primary_key_table_field"];
                        $primary_key_db_field = $fields_labels_ar[$i]["primary_key_db_field"];
                        $linked_fields_field = $fields_labels_ar[$i]["linked_fields_field"];
                        $alias_suffix_field = $fields_labels_ar[$i]["alias_suffix_field"];
                        $linked_fields_ar = explode($fields_labels_ar[$i]["separator_field"], $linked_fields_field);
                        // get the list of all the installed tables
                        $k = 0;
                        foreach ($table_infos_ar as $table_infos) {
                            $tables_names_ar[$k] = $table_infos['table_name'];
                        // if the linked table is installed I can get type content and separator of the linked field
                        if (in_array($primary_key_table_field, $tables_names_ar)) {
                            $linked_table_installed = 1;
                            $fields_labels_linked_field_ar = build_fields_labels_array($prefix_internal_table . $primary_key_table_field, 1);
                        } else {
                            $linked_table_installed = 0;
                        // end else
                        for ($j = 0; $j < count($linked_fields_ar); $j++) {
                            $field_values_ar[$j] = $details_row[$primary_key_table_field . $alias_prefix . $linked_fields_ar[$j] . $alias_prefix . $alias_suffix_field];
                        // end for
                    } elseif ($field_name_temp === "archive_type") {
                        $field_values_ar[0] = "";
                    } else {
                        $field_values_ar[0] = $details_row[$field_name_temp];
                    // end else
                    $count_temp_2 = count($field_values_ar);
                    for ($j = 0; $j < $count_temp_2; $j++) {
                        // if it's a linked field and the linked table is installed, get the correct $field_type $field_content $field_separator
                        if ($primary_key_field_field != "" && $primary_key_field_field != NULL && $linked_table_installed === 1) {
                            foreach ($fields_labels_linked_field_ar as $fields_labels_linked_field_ar_element) {
                                if ($fields_labels_linked_field_ar_element['name_field'] === $linked_fields_ar[$j]) {
                                    $linked_field_type = $fields_labels_linked_field_ar_element['type_field'];
                                    $linked_field_content = $fields_labels_linked_field_ar_element['content_field'];
                                    $linked_field_separator = $fields_labels_linked_field_ar_element['separator_field'];
                                // end if
                            // end foreach
                            $field_to_display = get_field_correct_displaying($field_values_ar[$j], $linked_field_type, $linked_field_content, "results_table");
                            // get the correct display mode for the field
                        } else {
                            $field_to_display = get_field_correct_displaying($field_values_ar[$j], $field_type, $field_content, "results_table");
                            // get the correct display mode for the field
                        // end else
                        if ($field_name_temp === "archive_type") {
                            $field_to_display = "<div class='center'><strong>" . _("Current record") . "</strong></div>";
                        } elseif (empty($field_to_display)) {
                            $field_to_display = "&nbsp;";
                        $results_table .= $field_to_display . "&nbsp;";
                        // at the field value to the table
                    // end for
                    $results_table = substr($results_table, 0, -6);
                    // delete the last &nbsp;
                    $results_table .= "</td>\n";
                    // end the cell
                // end if
            // end for
            $results_table .= "</tr>\n";
        // end while
    $tr_results_class = 'tr_results_1';
    $td_controls_class = 'controls_1';
    // build the table body
    while ($records_row = $db->db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        if ($details == "1" && strpos($records_row['archive_type'], "_delete") !== false) {
            $td_controls_class = 'controls_delete';
            $tr_results_class = 'tr_results_delete';
        } elseif ($tr_results_class === 'tr_results_1') {
            $td_controls_class = 'controls_2';
            $tr_results_class = 'tr_results_2';
        } else {
            $td_controls_class = 'controls_1';
            $tr_results_class = 'tr_results_1';
        // end else
        // set where clause for details and update
        if (!empty($unique_field_name)) {
            // exists a unique number
            $where_field = $unique_field_name;
            $where_value = $records_row[$unique_field_name];
        // end if
        if (!empty($records_row['timestamp'])) {
            $timestamp = $records_row['timestamp'];
        // end if
        // end build where clause for details and update
        if ($enable_row_highlighting === 1) {
            $results_table .= "<tr class='{$tr_results_class}' onmouseover=\"if (this.className!='tr_highlighted_onclick'){this.className='tr_highlighted_onmouseover'}\" onmouseout=\"if (this.className!='tr_highlighted_onclick'){this.className='{$tr_results_class}'}\" onclick=\"if (this.className == 'tr_highlighted_onclick'){ this.className='{$tr_results_class}';}else{ this.className='tr_highlighted_onclick';}\">\n";
        } else {
            $results_table .= "<tr class='{$tr_results_class}'>\n";
        // end else
        $results_table .= "<td class='{$td_controls_class}'>";
        if (!empty($unique_field_name)) {
            // exists a unique number: restore, details make sense
            // display the restore icon
            if ($details == "1") {
                $from_function = "details";
            } else {
                $from_function = "search";
            $results_table .= "<a class='onlyscreen' onclick=\"if (!confirm('" . _("Restore record") . "?')){ return false;}\" href='{$url}?table_name=" . urlencode($table_name) . "&function=restore&where_field=" . urlencode($where_field) . "&where_value=" . urlencode($where_value) . "&timestamp=" . urlencode($timestamp) . "&from_function={$from_function}";
            $results_table .= "'><img src='{$restore_icon}' alt='" . _("Restore record") . "' title='" . _("Restore record") . "'></a>";
            if ($details != "1") {
                // display the details icon
                $results_table .= "<a class='onlyscreen' target='_{$edit_target_window}' href='{$url}?table_name=" . urlencode($table_name) . "&details=1&where_field=" . urlencode($where_field) . "&where_value=" . urlencode($where_value) . "'><img src='{$details_icon}' alt='" . $submit_buttons_ar["details"] . "' title='" . _("Details from this record") . "'></a>";
        // end if
        $results_table .= "</td>\n";
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count_temp; $i++) {
            if ($fields_labels_ar[$i]["present_results_search_field"] == "1" || $fields_labels_ar[$i]["name_field"] == "timestamp" || $fields_labels_ar[$i]["name_field"] == "archive_type" || $details == "1" && $fields_labels_ar[$i]["present_details_form_field"] == "1") {
                // the user want to display the field in the search results page
                $results_table .= "<td>";
                // start the cell
                $field_name_temp = $fields_labels_ar[$i]["name_field"];
                $field_type = $fields_labels_ar[$i]["type_field"];
                $field_content = $fields_labels_ar[$i]["content_field"];
                $field_separator = $fields_labels_ar[$i]["separator_field"];
                $field_values_ar = array();
                // reset the array containing values to display, otherwise for each loop I have the previous values
                $primary_key_field_field = $fields_labels_ar[$i]["primary_key_field_field"];
                if (!empty($primary_key_field_field)) {
                    $primary_key_table_field = $fields_labels_ar[$i]["primary_key_table_field"];
                    $primary_key_db_field = $fields_labels_ar[$i]["primary_key_db_field"];
                    $linked_fields_field = $fields_labels_ar[$i]["linked_fields_field"];
                    $alias_suffix_field = $fields_labels_ar[$i]["alias_suffix_field"];
                    $linked_fields_ar = explode($fields_labels_ar[$i]["separator_field"], $linked_fields_field);
                    // get the list of all the installed tables
                    $k = 0;
                    foreach ($table_infos_ar as $table_infos) {
                        $tables_names_ar[$k] = $table_infos['table_name'];
                    // if the linked table is installed I can get type content and separator of the linked field
                    if (in_array($primary_key_table_field, $tables_names_ar)) {
                        $linked_table_installed = 1;
                        $fields_labels_linked_field_ar = build_fields_labels_array($prefix_internal_table . $primary_key_table_field, 1);
                    } else {
                        $linked_table_installed = 0;
                    // end else
                    for ($j = 0; $j < count($linked_fields_ar); $j++) {
                        $field_values_ar[$j] = $records_row[$primary_key_table_field . $alias_prefix . $linked_fields_ar[$j] . $alias_prefix . $alias_suffix_field];
                    // end for
                } else {
                    $field_values_ar[0] = $records_row[$field_name_temp];
                // end else
                $count_temp_2 = count($field_values_ar);
                for ($j = 0; $j < $count_temp_2; $j++) {
                    // if it's a linked field and the linked table is installed, get the correct $field_type $field_content $field_separator
                    if ($primary_key_field_field != "" && $primary_key_field_field != NULL && $linked_table_installed === 1) {
                        foreach ($fields_labels_linked_field_ar as $fields_labels_linked_field_ar_element) {
                            if ($fields_labels_linked_field_ar_element['name_field'] === $linked_fields_ar[$j]) {
                                $linked_field_type = $fields_labels_linked_field_ar_element['type_field'];
                                $linked_field_content = $fields_labels_linked_field_ar_element['content_field'];
                                $linked_field_separator = $fields_labels_linked_field_ar_element['separator_field'];
                            // end if
                        // end foreach
                        $field_to_display = get_field_correct_displaying($field_values_ar[$j], $linked_field_type, $linked_field_content, "results_table");
                        // get the correct display mode for the field
                    } else {
                        $field_to_display = get_field_correct_displaying($field_values_ar[$j], $field_type, $field_content, "results_table");
                        // get the correct display mode for the field
                    // end else
                    if (empty($field_to_display)) {
                        $field_to_display = "&nbsp;";
                    } elseif ($field_name_temp === "archive_type") {
                        $archive_type_ar = array("admin_delete" => _("Deleting records of a user by Administrator"), "datadmin_update" => _("Updating the record by Data Maintenance"), "datadmin_delete" => _("Deleting the record by Data Maintenance"), "datadmin_multi_delete" => _("Deleting records by Data Maintenance"), "express_update" => _("Update the record by Express-Tool"), "BZH_restruct" => _("Restructuring of the symptoms from BZH"));
                        if (substr($field_to_display, 0, 8) == "restore_") {
                            $time = substr($field_to_display, 8);
                            if (substr($time, 0, 10) !== '0000-00-00') {
                                $time = date("d.m.Y  H:i", strtotime($time));
                                if (substr($time, 0, 10) !== '01.01.1970') {
                                    $field_to_display = _("Replaced by version from") . " {$time}";
                                } else {
                                    $field_to_display = _("Replaced by original version");
                            } else {
                                $field_to_display = _("Replaced by original version");
                        } else {
                            $field_to_display = $archive_type_ar[$field_to_display];
                    $results_table .= $field_to_display . "&nbsp;";
                    // at the field value to the table
                // end for
                $results_table = substr($results_table, 0, -6);
                // delete the last &nbsp;
                $results_table .= "</td>\n";
                // end the cell
            // end if
        // end for
        $results_table .= "</tr>\n";
    // end while
    $results_table .= "</table>\n";
    return $results_table;
예제 #4
function build_details_table($fields_labels_ar, $res_details)
    global $db, $alias_prefix, $prefix_internal_table, $lang;
    // build the table
    $details_table = "";
    $details_table .= "<table>";
    while ($details_row = $db->db_fetch_assoc($res_details)) {
        // should be just one
        $count_temp = count($fields_labels_ar);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count_temp; $i++) {
            if ($fields_labels_ar[$i]["present_details_form_field"] == "1") {
                $field_name_temp = $fields_labels_ar[$i]["name_field"];
                $field_values_ar = array();
                // reset the array containing values to display, otherwise for each loop if I don't call build_linked_field_values_ar I have the previous values
                $primary_key_field_field = $fields_labels_ar[$i]["primary_key_field_field"];
                if ($primary_key_field_field != "") {
                    $primary_key_field_field = $fields_labels_ar[$i]["primary_key_field_field"];
                    $primary_key_table_field = $fields_labels_ar[$i]["primary_key_table_field"];
                    $primary_key_db_field = $fields_labels_ar[$i]["primary_key_db_field"];
                    $linked_fields_field = $fields_labels_ar[$i]["linked_fields_field"];
                    $linked_fields_ar = explode($fields_labels_ar[$i]["separator_field"], $linked_fields_field);
                    $alias_suffix_field = $fields_labels_ar[$i]["alias_suffix_field"];
                    // get the list of all the installed tables
                    $tables_names_ar = build_tables_names_array(0);
                    // if the linked table is installed I can get type content and separator of the linked field
                    if (in_array($primary_key_table_field, $tables_names_ar)) {
                        $linked_table_installed = 1;
                        $fields_labels_linked_field_ar = build_fields_labels_array($prefix_internal_table . $primary_key_table_field, "1");
                    } else {
                        $linked_table_installed = 0;
                    // end else
                    for ($j = 0; $j < count($linked_fields_ar); $j++) {
                        ////*$field_values_ar[$j] = $details_row[$linked_fields_ar[$j].$alias_prefix.$alias_suffix_field];
                        $field_values_ar[$j] = $details_row[$primary_key_table_field . $alias_prefix . $linked_fields_ar[$j] . $alias_prefix . $alias_suffix_field];
                    // end for
                } else {
                    $field_values_ar[0] = $details_row[$field_name_temp];
                $count_temp_2 = count($field_values_ar);
                $details_table .= "<tr><td class='td_label_details'><b>" . $fields_labels_ar[$i]["label_" . $lang . "_field"] . "</b></td><td class='td_value_details'>";
                for ($j = 0; $j < $count_temp_2; $j++) {
                    // if it's a linked field and the linked table is installed, get the correct $field_type $field_content $field_separator
                    if ($primary_key_field_field != "" && $primary_key_field_field != NULL && $linked_table_installed === 1) {
                        foreach ($fields_labels_linked_field_ar as $fields_labels_linked_field_ar_element) {
                            if ($fields_labels_linked_field_ar_element['name_field'] === $linked_fields_ar[$j]) {
                                $linked_field_type = $fields_labels_linked_field_ar_element['type_field'];
                                $linked_field_content = $fields_labels_linked_field_ar_element['content_field'];
                                $linked_field_separator = $fields_labels_linked_field_ar_element['separator_field'];
                            // end if
                        // end foreach
                        $field_to_display = get_field_correct_displaying($field_values_ar[$j], $linked_field_type, $linked_field_content, "details_table");
                        // get the correct display mode for the field
                    } else {
                        $field_to_display = get_field_correct_displaying($field_values_ar[$j], $fields_labels_ar[$i]["type_field"], $fields_labels_ar[$i]["content_field"], "details_table");
                        // get the correct display mode for the field
                    // end else
                    $details_table .= $field_to_display . "&nbsp;";
                    // at the field value to the table
                $details_table = substr($details_table, 0, -6);
                // delete the last &nbsp;
                $details_table .= "</td></tr>";
            // end if
        // end for
    // end while
    $details_table .= "</table>";
    return $details_table;