<?php } ?> <ul id="wire-post-list" class="item-list"> <?php while (bp_wire_posts()) { bp_the_wire_post(); ?> <li> <div class="wire-post-metadata"> <?php bp_wire_post_author_avatar(); ?> <?php printf(__('On %1$s %2$s said:', "buddypress"), bp_wire_post_date(null, false), bp_wire_post_author_name(false)); ?> <?php bp_wire_delete_link(); ?> </div> <div class="wire-post-content"> <?php bp_wire_post_content(); ?> </div> </li> <?php } ?>
function bp_wire_ajax_get_wire_posts() { global $bp; // TODO: Move this to a template file so it can be modified. ?> <?php if (bp_has_wire_posts('item_id=' . $_POST['bp_wire_item_id'] . '&can_post=1')) { ?> <div id="wire-count" class="pag-count"> <?php bp_wire_pagination_count(); ?> <img id="ajax-loader" src="<?php bp_wire_ajax_loader_src(); ?> " height="7" alt="<?php _e('Loading', 'buddypress'); ?> " style="display: none;" /> </div> <div id="wire-pagination" class="pagination-links"> <?php bp_wire_pagination(); ?> </div> <ul id="wire-post-list"> <?php $counter = 0; ?> <?php while (bp_wire_posts()) { bp_the_wire_post(); ?> <li<?php if ($counter % 2 != 1) { ?> class="alt"<?php } ?> > <div class="wire-post-metadata"> <?php bp_wire_post_author_avatar(); ?> <?php _e('On', 'buddypress'); ?> <?php bp_wire_post_date(); ?> <?php bp_wire_post_author_name(); ?> <?php _e('said:', 'buddypress'); ?> <?php bp_wire_delete_link(); ?> </div> <div class="wire-post-content"> <?php bp_wire_post_content(); ?> </div> </li> <?php $counter++; ?> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php } else { ?> <div id="message" class="info"> <p><?php bp_wire_no_posts_message(); ?> </p> </div> <?php } ?> <input type="hidden" name="bp_wire_item_id" id="bp_wire_item_id" value="<?php echo attribute_escape($_POST['bp_wire_item_id']); ?> " /> <?php }