$cleanvar = $_GET["dbid"]; $prepname = "instant_blockinfo2"; $sql = pg_prepare($link, $prepname, "select *,stats_blocks.id as blockid,date_part('epoch', NOW())::integer-date_part('epoch', time)::integer as age,date_part('epoch', time)::integer-date_part('epoch', roundstart)::integer as duration from {$psqlschema}.stats_blocks left join users on user_id=users.id where stats_blocks.id=\$1::integer"); } $tline = get_stats_cache($link, 6, hash("sha256", $sql . $prepname . $cleanvar)); if ($tline != "") { print $tline; exit; } $result = pg_execute($link, $prepname, array($cleanvar)); $row = pg_fetch_array($result, 0); $dbid = $row["blockid"]; if (isset($_GET["cclass"])) { $cclass = $_GET["cclass"]; } else { $cclass = ""; } if (substr($cclass, 0, 3) == "odd") { $isodd = "odd"; } else { $isodd = ""; } $line = block_table_row($row, $isodd); $line = json_encode($line); if ($dbid) { $tline = "{\"blockrow\":{$line}}"; print $tline; # cache this data for 60 seconds ... should be plenty also, could probably be higher set_stats_cache($link, 6, hash("sha256", $sql), $tline, 60); } }
$numrows = pg_numrows($result); if (isset($blocklimit)) { print block_table_start(0); } else { print block_table_start(1); } print block_table_header(); $gc = 0; $oc = 0; for ($ri = 0; $ri < $numrows; $ri++) { $row = pg_fetch_array($result, $ri); if ($row["confirmations"] >= 120) { $gc++; } if ($row["confirmations"] == 0) { $oc++; } if ($ri % 2) { $isodd = "odd"; } else { $isodd = ""; } if ($row["confirmations"] > 0 || $row["confirmations"] == 0 && $blocks_show_stale) { print block_table_row($row, $isodd); } } print block_table_end(); if (!isset($subcall)) { print "<BR>Confirmed blocks: {$gc} blocks --- Stale blocks: {$oc} blocks\n"; print_stats_bottom(); }