public function cron() { global $DB; $this->run_profiler(); // Get the instances of the block $instances = $DB->get_records('block_instances', array('blockname' => 'itutor_profiler')); foreach ($instances as $instance) { $block = block_instance('itutor_profiler', $instance); $courses = $DB->get_records('course', array()); foreach ($courses as $course) { $this->run_alerter($course); } } }
/** * This function makes all the necessary calls to {@link restore_decode_content_links_worker()} * function in order to decode contents of this block from the backup * format to destination site/course in order to mantain inter-activities * working in the backup/restore process. * * This is called from {@link restore_decode_content_links()} function in the restore process. * * NOTE: There is no block instance when this method is called. * * @param object $restore Standard restore object * @return boolean **/ function decode_content_links_caller($restore) { global $CFG; if ($restored_blocks = get_records_select("backup_ids", "table_name = 'block_instance' AND backup_code = {$restore->backup_unique_code} AND new_id > 0", "", "new_id")) { $restored_blocks = implode(',', array_keys($restored_blocks)); $sql = "SELECT bi.*\n FROM {$CFG->prefix}block_instance bi\n JOIN {$CFG->prefix}block b ON = bi.blockid\n WHERE = 'incrementalclient' AND IN ({$restored_blocks})"; if ($instances = get_records_sql($sql)) { foreach ($instances as $instance) { $blockobject = block_instance('incrementalclient', $instance); $blockobject->instance_config_commit($blockobject->pinned); } } } return true; }
/** * This function makes all the necessary calls to {@link restore_decode_content_links_worker()} * function in order to decode contents of this block from the backup * format to destination site/course in order to mantain inter-activities * working in the backup/restore process. * * This is called from {@link restore_decode_content_links()} function in the restore process. * * NOTE: There is no block instance when this method is called. * * @param object $restore Standard restore object * @return boolean **/ function decode_content_links_caller($restore) { global $CFG, $DB; if ($restored_blocks = $DB->get_records_select("backup_ids", "table_name = 'block_instance' AND backup_code = ? AND new_id > 0", array($restore->backup_unique_code), "", "new_id")) { $restored_blocks = implode(',', array_keys($restored_blocks)); $sql = "SELECT bi.*\n FROM {block_instance} bi\n JOIN {block} b ON = bi.blockid\n WHERE = 'html' AND IN ({$restored_blocks})"; if ($instances = $DB->get_records_sql($sql)) { foreach ($instances as $instance) { $blockobject = block_instance('html', $instance); $blockobject->config->text = restore_decode_absolute_links($blockobject->config->text); $blockobject->config->text = restore_decode_content_links_worker($blockobject->config->text, $restore); $blockobject->instance_config_commit($blockobject->pinned); } } } return true; }
function my_copy_page($userid, $private = MY_PAGE_PRIVATE, $pagetype = 'my-index') { global $DB; if ($customised = $DB->get_record('my_pages', array('userid' => $userid, 'private' => $private))) { return $customised; // We're done! } // Get the system default page if (!($systempage = $DB->get_record('my_pages', array('userid' => null, 'private' => $private)))) { return false; // error } // Clone the basic system page record $page = clone $systempage; unset($page->id); $page->userid = $userid; $page->id = $DB->insert_record('my_pages', $page); // Clone ALL the associated blocks as well $systemcontext = context_system::instance(); $usercontext = context_user::instance($userid); $blockinstances = $DB->get_records('block_instances', array('parentcontextid' => $systemcontext->id, 'pagetypepattern' => $pagetype, 'subpagepattern' => $systempage->id)); foreach ($blockinstances as $instance) { $originalid = $instance->id; unset($instance->id); $instance->parentcontextid = $usercontext->id; $instance->subpagepattern = $page->id; $instance->id = $DB->insert_record('block_instances', $instance); $blockcontext = context_block::instance($instance->id); // Just creates the context record $block = block_instance($instance->blockname, $instance); if (!$block->instance_copy($originalid)) { debugging("Unable to copy block-specific data for original block instance: {$originalid}\n to new block instance: {$instance->id}", DEBUG_DEVELOPER); } } // FIXME: block position overrides should be merged in with block instance //$blockpositions = $DB->get_records('block_positions', array('subpage' => $page->name)); //foreach($blockpositions as $positions) { // $positions->subpage = $page->name; // $DB->insert_record('block_positions', $tc); //} return $page; }
protected function specific_definition($mform) { global $CFG, $DB, $COURSE; $options = array(); $options[1] = get_string('yes', 'block_map'); $options[0] = get_string('no', 'block_map'); // Fields for editing HTML block title and contents. $mform->addElement('header', 'configheader', get_string('blocksettings', 'block')); $mform->addElement('text', 'config_title', get_string('settings:titlemap', 'block_map')); $mform->setType('config_title', PARAM_TEXT); $mform->setDefault('config_title', get_string('pluginname', 'block_map')); $mform->addElement('select', 'config_sitemode', get_string('settings:sitemode', 'block_map'), $options); $mform->setDefault('config_sitemode', $CFG->map_sitemode); $mform->addElement('select', 'config_activate', get_string('settings:activate', 'block_map'), $options); $mform->setDefault('config_activate', $CFG->map_activate); $mform->addElement('select', 'config_editmarks', get_string('settings:editmarks', 'block_map'), $options); $mform->setDefault('config_editmarks', $CFG->map_editmarks); $mform->addElement('select', 'config_loadmarkdin', get_string('settings:loadmarkdin', 'block_map'), $options); $mform->setDefault('config_loadmarkdin', $CFG->map_loadmarkdin); $mform->addElement('select', 'config_publickmap', get_string('settings:publickmap', 'block_map'), $options); $mform->setDefault('config_publickmap', $CFG->map_publickmap); $mform->addElement('text', 'config_latitude', get_string('settings:latitude', 'block_map')); $mform->setType('config_latitude', PARAM_TEXT); $mform->setDefault('config_latitude', $CFG->map_latitude); $mform->addElement('text', 'config_longitude', get_string('settings:longitude', 'block_map')); $mform->setType('config_longitude', PARAM_TEXT); $mform->setDefault('config_longitude', $CFG->map_longitude); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'config_coursename', $COURSE->fullname); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'config_courseid', $COURSE->id); $data = $DB->get_records("block_instances", array("blockname" => "map")); $datares = array(); $cm = array(); $datares[0] = get_string("settings:shareown", "block_map"); foreach ($data as $data_) { $cm = block_instance('map', $data_); $cm->config = unserialize(base64_decode($cm->instance->configdata)); $datares[$cm->config->courseid] = $cm->config->coursename; } $mform->addElement('select', 'config_shareid', get_string('settings:share', 'block_map'), $datares); //$mform->setDefault('config_shareid', ''); }
function content_unlock_get_block_conditions_text($unlock_system) { global $DB; $conditions_text = array(); $unlock_system_block_conditions = $DB->get_records('content_unlock_condition', array('unlocksystemid' => $unlock_system->id)); foreach ($unlock_system_block_conditions as $unlock_system_block_condition) { if ($unlock_system_block_condition->type == 0) { $block_info = null; if (isset($unlock_system_block_condition->prpointsystemid)) { $block_instance_id = $DB->get_field('points_system', 'blockinstanceid', array('id' => $unlock_system_block_condition->prpointsystemid)); $block_info = $DB->get_record('block_instances', array('id' => $block_instance_id)); $points_system_name = $DB->get_field('points_system', 'name', array('id' => $unlock_system_block_condition->prpointsystemid)); } else { $block_info = $DB->get_record('block_instances', array('id' => $unlock_system_block_condition->prblockid)); } $instance = block_instance('game_points', $block_info); $conditions_text[] = get_string('block_conditions_reach', 'block_game_content_unlock') . ' ' . $unlock_system_block_condition->prpoints . ' ' . get_string('block_conditions_points', 'block_game_content_unlock') . ' (' . ($unlock_system_block_condition->prgrupal ? get_string('block_conditions_grupal', 'block_game_content_unlock') : get_string('block_conditions_individual', 'block_game_content_unlock')) . ') ' . get_string('block_conditions_on', 'block_game_content_unlock') . ' ' . (isset($unlock_system_block_condition->prblockid) ? get_string('block_conditions_block', 'block_game_content_unlock') . ' ' . $instance->title : get_string('block_conditions_pointsystem', 'block_game_content_unlock') . ' ' . (empty($points_system_name) ? $unlock_system_block_condition->prpointsystemid : $points_system_name . ' (' . $unlock_system_block_condition->prpointsystemid . ')') . ' (' . get_string('block_conditions_block', 'block_game_content_unlock') . ' ' . $instance->title . ')'); } else { if ($unlock_system_block_condition->type == 1) { $condition_unlock_system = $DB->get_record('content_unlock_system', array('id' => $unlock_system_block_condition->urunlocksystemid)); $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $this->page->course->id)); $info = get_fast_modinfo($course); $cm = $info->get_cm($condition_unlock_system->coursemoduleid); $block_info = $DB->get_record('block_instances', array('id' => $condition_unlock_system->blockinstanceid)); $instance = block_instance('game_content_unlock', $block_info); $conditions_text[] = ($unlock_system_block_condition->urmust ? get_string('block_conditions_have', 'block_game_content_unlock') : get_string('block_conditions_havenot', 'block_game_content_unlock')) . ' ' . ($condition_unlock_system->coursemodulevisibility ? get_string('block_conditions_unlocked', 'block_game_content_unlock') : get_string('block_conditions_locked', 'block_game_content_unlock')) . ' ' . get_string('block_conditions_resource', 'block_game_content_unlock') . ' ' . $cm->name . ' (' . get_string('block_conditions_block', 'block_game_content_unlock') . ' ' . $instance->title . ')'; } else { $condition_achievement = $DB->get_record('achievements', array('id' => $unlock_system_block_condition->arachievementid)); $block_info = $DB->get_record('block_instances', array('id' => $condition_achievement->blockinstanceid)); $instance = block_instance('game_achievements', $block_info); $conditions_text[] = get_string('block_conditions_reach', 'block_game_content_unlock') . ' ' . get_string('block_conditions_achievement', 'block_game_content_unlock') . ' ' . (isset($condition_achievement->name) ? $condition_achievement->name . ' (' . $condition_achievement->id . ')' : $condition_achievement->id) . ' (' . get_string('block_conditions_block', 'block_game_content_unlock') . ' ' . $instance->title . ')'; } } } return implode(' ' . ($unlock_system->connective == AND_CONNECTIVE ? get_string('block_conditions_and', 'block_game_content_unlock') : get_string('block_conditions_or', 'block_game_content_unlock')) . ' ', $conditions_text); }
function backup_encode_absolute_links($content) { global $CFG, $preferences; /// MDL-14072: Prevent NULLs, empties and numbers to be processed by the /// heavy interlinking. Just a few cpu cycles saved. if ($content === NULL) { return NULL; } else { if ($content === '') { return ''; } else { if (is_numeric($content)) { return $content; } } } //Use one static variable to cache all the require_once calls that, //under PHP5 seems to increase load too much, and we are requiring //them here thousands of times (one per content). MDL-8700. //Once fixed by PHP, we'll delete this hack static $includedfiles; if (!isset($includedfiles)) { $includedfiles = array(); } //Check if we support unicode modifiers in regular expressions. Cache it. static $unicoderegexp; if (!isset($unicoderegexp)) { $unicoderegexp = @preg_match('/\\pL/u', 'a'); // This will fail silenty, returning false, } // if regexp libraries don't support unicode //Check if preferences is ok. If it isn't set, we are //in a scheduled_backup to we are able to get a copy //from CFG->backup_preferences if (!isset($preferences)) { $mypreferences = $CFG->backup_preferences; } else { //We are in manual backups so global preferences must exist!! $mypreferences = $preferences; } //First, we check for every call to file.php inside the course $search = array($CFG->wwwroot . '/file.php/' . $mypreferences->backup_course, $CFG->wwwroot . '/file.php?file=/' . $mypreferences->backup_course, $CFG->wwwroot . '/file.php?file=%2f' . $mypreferences->backup_course, $CFG->wwwroot . '/file.php?file=%2F' . $mypreferences->backup_course); $replace = array('$@FILEPHP@$', '$@FILEPHP@$', '$@FILEPHP@$', '$@FILEPHP@$'); $result = str_replace($search, $replace, $content); // Now we look for any '$@FILEPHP@$' URLs, replacing: // - slashes and %2F by $@SLASH@$ // - &forcedownload=1 &forcedownload=1 and ?forcedownload=1 by $@FORCEDOWNLOAD@$ // This way, backup contents will be neutral and independent of slasharguments configuration. MDL-18799 // Based in $unicoderegexp, decide the regular expression to use if ($unicoderegexp) { //We can use unicode modifiers $search = '/(\\$@FILEPHP@\\$)((?:(?:\\/|%2f|%2F))(?:(?:\\([-;:@#&=\\pL0-9\\$~_.+!*\',]*?\\))|[-;:@#&=\\pL0-9\\$~_.+!*\',]|%[a-fA-F0-9]{2}|\\/)*)?(\\?(?:(?:(?:\\([-;:@#&=\\pL0-9\\$~_.+!*\',]*?\\))|[-;:@#&=?\\pL0-9\\$~_.+!*\',]|%[a-fA-F0-9]{2}|\\/)*))?(?<![,.;])/u'; } else { //We cannot ue unicode modifiers $search = '/(\\$@FILEPHP@\\$)((?:(?:\\/|%2f|%2F))(?:(?:\\([-;:@#&=a-zA-Z0-9\\$~_.+!*\',]*?\\))|[-;:@#&=a-zA-Z0-9\\$~_.+!*\',]|%[a-fA-F0-9]{2}|\\/)*)?(\\?(?:(?:(?:\\([-;:@#&=a-zA-Z0-9\\$~_.+!*\',]*?\\))|[-;:@#&=?a-zA-Z0-9\\$~_.+!*\',]|%[a-fA-F0-9]{2}|\\/)*))?(?<![,.;])/'; } $result = preg_replace_callback($search, 'backup_process_filephp_uses', $result); foreach ($mypreferences->mods as $name => $info) { /// We only include the corresponding backuplib.php if it hasn't been included before /// This will save some load under PHP5. MDL-8700. /// Once fixed by PHP, we'll delete this hack if (!in_array($name, $includedfiles)) { include_once "{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/{$name}/backuplib.php"; $includedfiles[] = $name; } //Check if the xxxx_encode_content_links exists $function_name = $name . "_encode_content_links"; if (function_exists($function_name)) { $result = $function_name($result, $mypreferences); } } // For the current course format call its encode_content_links method (if it exists) static $format_function_name; if (!isset($format_function_name)) { $format_function_name = false; if ($format = get_field('course', 'format', 'id', $mypreferences->backup_course)) { if (file_exists("{$CFG->dirroot}/course/format/{$format}/backuplib.php")) { include_once "{$CFG->dirroot}/course/format/{$format}/backuplib.php"; $function_name = $format . '_encode_format_content_links'; if (function_exists($function_name)) { $format_function_name = $function_name; } } } } // If the above worked - then we have a function to call if ($format_function_name) { $result = $format_function_name($result, $mypreferences); } // For each block, call its encode_content_links method. // This encodes forexample links to blocks/something/viewphp?id=666 // that are stored in other activities. static $blockobjects = null; if (!isset($blockobjects)) { $blockobjects = array(); if ($blocks = get_records('block', 'visible', 1)) { foreach ($blocks as $block) { if ($blockobject = block_instance($block->name)) { $blockobjects[] = $blockobject; } } } } foreach ($blockobjects as $blockobject) { $result = $blockobject->encode_content_links($result, $mypreferences); } // Finally encode some well-know links to course $result = backup_course_encode_links($result, $mypreferences); if ($result != $content) { debugging('<br /><hr />' . s($content) . '<br />changed to<br />' . s($result) . '<hr /><br />'); } return $result; }
/** * @see lib/moodleform#definition() */ public function definition() { global $CFG, $COURSE, $DB, $PAGE; $mform = $this->_form; $modinfo = $this->_customdata['modinfo']; $course = $this->_customdata['course']; $activitytype = $this->_customdata['activitytype']; $coursehasavailability = !empty($CFG->enableavailability); $coursehascompletion = !empty($CFG->enablecompletion) && !empty($course->enablecompletion); // Context instance of the course. $coursecontext = context_course::instance($course->id); // Store current activity type. $mform->addElement('hidden', 'activitytype', $activitytype); $mform->setType('activitytype', PARAM_PLUGIN); // Add action button to the top of the form. $addactionbuttons = false; $this->add_action_buttons(); // Course start date. $mform->addElement('header', 'coursestartdateheader', get_string('coursestartdateheader', 'report_editdates')); $mform->setExpanded('coursestartdateheader', false); $mform->addElement('date_selector', 'coursestartdate', get_string('startdate')); $mform->addHelpButton('coursestartdate', 'startdate'); $mform->setDefault('coursestartdate', $course->startdate); // If user is not capable, make it read only. if (!has_capability('moodle/course:update', $coursecontext)) { $mform->hardFreeze('coursestartdate'); } else { $addactionbuttons = true; } // Var to count the number of elements in the course/sections. // It will be used to decide whether to show save action button // at the bottom of the form page. $elementadded = 0; // Default -1 to display header for 0th section. $prevsectionnum = -1; // Cycle through all the sections in the course. $cms = $modinfo->get_cms(); $sections = $modinfo->get_section_info_all(); foreach ($sections as $sectionnum => $section) { $ismodadded = false; $sectionname = ''; // Skip if section isn't visible to the user. if (!$section->uservisible) { continue; } // New section, create header. if ($prevsectionnum != $sectionnum) { $sectionname = get_section_name($course, $section); $headername = 'section' . $sectionnum . 'header'; $mform->addElement('header', $headername, $sectionname); $mform->setExpanded($headername, false); $prevsectionnum = $sectionnum; } if ($coursehasavailability && $section->availability) { // If there are retricted access date settings. if (strpos($section->availability, '"type":"date"') !== false) { $editsettingurl = new moodle_url('/course/editsection.php', array('id' => $section->id)); $editsettingurltext = html_writer::tag('a', get_string('editrestrictedaccess', 'report_editdates'), array('href' => $editsettingurl->out(false), 'target' => '_blank')); $mform->addElement('static', '', get_string('sectionhasrestrictedaccess', 'report_editdates', get_section_name($course, $section)), $editsettingurltext); } } // Cycle through each module in a section. if (isset($modinfo->sections[$sectionnum])) { foreach ($modinfo->sections[$sectionnum] as $cmid) { $cm = $cms[$cmid]; // No need to display/continue if this module is not visible to user. if (!$cm->uservisible) { continue; } // If activity filter is on, then filter module by activity type. if ($activitytype && $cm->modname != $activitytype) { continue; } // Check if the user has capability to edit this module settings. $modulecontext = context_module::instance($cm->id); $ismodreadonly = !has_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', $modulecontext); // Display activity name. $iconmarkup = html_writer::empty_tag('img', array('src' => $cm->get_icon_url(), 'class' => 'activityicon', 'alt' => '')); $stractivityname = html_writer::tag('strong', $iconmarkup . $cm->name); $mform->addElement('static', 'modname' . $cm->id, $stractivityname); $isdateadded = false; // Call get_settings method for the acitivity/module. // Get instance of the mod's date exractor class. $mod = report_editdates_mod_date_extractor::make($cm->modname, $course); if ($mod && ($cmdatesettings = $mod->get_settings($cm))) { // Added activity name on the form. foreach ($cmdatesettings as $cmdatetype => $cmdatesetting) { $elname = 'date_mod_' . $cm->id . '_' . $cmdatetype; $mform->addElement($cmdatesetting->type, $elname, $cmdatesetting->label, array('optional' => $cmdatesetting->isoptional, 'step' => $cmdatesetting->getstep)); $mform->setDefault($elname, $cmdatesetting->currentvalue); if ($ismodreadonly) { $mform->hardFreeze($elname); } $elementadded++; $isdateadded = true; } } if ($coursehasavailability && $cm->availability) { // If there are retricted access date settings. if (strpos($cm->availability, '"type":"date"') !== false) { $editsettingurl = new moodle_url('/course/modedit.php', array('update' => $cm->id)); $editsettingurltext = html_writer::tag('a', get_string('editrestrictedaccess', 'report_editdates'), array('href' => $editsettingurl->out(false), 'target' => '_blank')); $mform->addElement('static', '', get_string('hasrestrictedaccess', 'report_editdates', $cm->name), $editsettingurltext); } } // Completion tracking. if ($coursehascompletion && $cm->completion) { $elname = 'date_mod_' . $cm->id . '_completionexpected'; $mform->addElement('date_selector', $elname, get_string('completionexpected', 'completion'), array('optional' => true)); $mform->addHelpButton($elname, 'completionexpected', 'completion'); $mform->setDefault($elname, $cm->completionexpected); if ($ismodreadonly) { $mform->hardFreeze($elname); } $elementadded++; $isdateadded = true; } if ($isdateadded) { $ismodadded = true; $addactionbuttons = true; } else { $mform->removeElement('modname' . $cm->id); } } // End of modules loop. if (!$ismodadded && $mform->elementExists($sectionname)) { $mform->removeElement($sectionname); } } } // End of sections loop. // Fetching all the blocks added directly under the course. // That is, parentcontextid = coursecontextid. $courseblocks = $DB->get_records('block_instances', array('parentcontextid' => $coursecontext->id)); // Check capability of current user. $canmanagesiteblocks = has_capability('moodle/site:manageblocks', $coursecontext); $anyblockadded = false; if ($courseblocks) { // Header for blocks. $mform->addElement('header', 'blockdatesection'); // Iterate though blocks array. foreach ($courseblocks as $blockid => $block) { $blockdatextrator = report_editdates_block_date_extractor::make($block->blockname, $course); if ($blockdatextrator) { // Create the block instance. $blockobj = block_instance($block->blockname, $block, $PAGE); // If get_settings returns a valid array. if ($blockdatesettings = $blockdatextrator->get_settings($blockobj)) { $anyblockadded = true; $addactionbuttons = true; // Adding block's Title on page. $mform->addElement('static', 'blocktitle', $blockobj->title); foreach ($blockdatesettings as $blockdatetype => $blockdatesetting) { $elname = 'date_block_' . $block->id . '_' . $blockdatetype; // Add element. $mform->addElement($blockdatesetting->type, $elname, $blockdatesetting->label, array('optional' => $blockdatesetting->isoptional, 'step' => $blockdatesetting->getstep)); $mform->setDefault($elname, $blockdatesetting->currentvalue); if (!$canmanagesiteblocks || !$blockobj->user_can_edit()) { $mform->hardFreeze($elname); } $elementadded++; } } } } } if (!$anyblockadded && $mform->elementExists('blockdatesection')) { $mform->removeElement('blockdatesection'); } // Adding submit/cancel buttons @ the end of the form. if ($addactionbuttons && $elementadded > 0) { $this->add_action_buttons(); } else { // Remove top action button. $mform->removeElement('buttonar'); } }
function restore_create_block_instances($restore, $xml_file) { global $CFG; $status = true; //Check it exists if (!file_exists($xml_file)) { $status = false; } //Get info from xml if ($status) { $info = restore_read_xml_blocks($restore, $xml_file); } if (empty($info->instances)) { return $status; } // First of all, iterate over the blocks to see which distinct pages we have // in our hands and arrange the blocks accordingly. $pageinstances = array(); foreach ($info->instances as $instance) { //pagetype and pageid black magic, we have to handle the case of blocks for the //course, blocks from other pages in that course etc etc etc. if ($instance->pagetype == PAGE_COURSE_VIEW) { // This one's easy... $instance->pageid = $restore->course_id; } else { if (!empty($CFG->showblocksonmodpages)) { $parts = explode('-', $instance->pagetype); if ($parts[0] == 'mod') { if (!$restore->mods[$parts[1]]->restore) { continue; } $getid = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, $parts[1], $instance->pageid); if (empty($getid->new_id)) { // Failed, perhaps the module was not included in the restore MDL-13554 continue; } $instance->pageid = $getid->new_id; } else { // Not invented here ;-) continue; } } else { // do not restore activity blocks if disabled continue; } } if (!isset($pageinstances[$instance->pagetype])) { $pageinstances[$instance->pagetype] = array(); } if (!isset($pageinstances[$instance->pagetype][$instance->pageid])) { $pageinstances[$instance->pagetype][$instance->pageid] = array(); } $pageinstances[$instance->pagetype][$instance->pageid][] = $instance; } $blocks = get_records_select('block', 'visible = 1', '', 'name, id, multiple'); // For each type of page we have restored foreach ($pageinstances as $thistypeinstances) { // For each page id of that type foreach ($thistypeinstances as $thisidinstances) { $addedblocks = array(); $maxweights = array(); // For each block instance in that page foreach ($thisidinstances as $instance) { if (!isset($blocks[$instance->name])) { //We are trying to restore a block we don't have... continue; } //If we have already added this block once and multiples aren't allowed, disregard it if (!$blocks[$instance->name]->multiple && isset($addedblocks[$instance->name])) { continue; } //If its the first block we add to a new position, start weight counter equal to 0. if (empty($maxweights[$instance->position])) { $maxweights[$instance->position] = 0; } //If the instance weight is greater than the weight counter (we skipped some earlier //blocks most probably), bring it back in line. if ($instance->weight > $maxweights[$instance->position]) { $instance->weight = $maxweights[$instance->position]; } //Add this instance $instance->blockid = $blocks[$instance->name]->id; // This will only be set if we come from 1.7 and above backups // Also, must do this before insert (insert_record unsets id) if (!empty($instance->id)) { $oldid = $instance->id; } else { $oldid = 0; } if ($instance->id = insert_record('block_instance', $instance)) { // Create block instance if (!($blockobj = block_instance($instance->name, $instance))) { $status = false; break; } // Run the block restore if needed if ($blockobj->backuprestore_instancedata_used()) { // Get restore information $data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, 'block_instance', $oldid); $data->new_id = $instance->id; // For completeness if (!$blockobj->instance_restore($restore, $data)) { $status = false; break; } } // Save oldid after block restore process because info will be over-written with blank string if ($oldid) { backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code, "block_instance", $oldid, $instance->id); } } else { $status = false; break; } //Get an object for the block and tell it it's been restored so it can update dates //etc. if necessary if ($blockobj = block_instance($instance->name, $instance)) { $blockobj->after_restore($restore); } //Now we can increment the weight counter ++$maxweights[$instance->position]; //Keep track of block types we have already added $addedblocks[$instance->name] = true; } } } return $status; }
/* * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * This file is part of the Course Menu block for Moodle * * The Course Menu block for Moodle software package is Copyright � 2008 onwards NetSapiensis AB and is provided under * the terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 (GPL). This program is free software: you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that * it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program. * If not, see <>. * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die; if ($ADMIN->fulltree) { require_once 'lib/settingslib.php'; $block = block_instance('course_menu'); $settings->add(new admin_setting_configtext('block_course_menu_trimlength', get_string('trimlength', 'block_course_menu'), '', block_course_menu::DEFAULT_TRIM_LENGTH, PARAM_INT, 11)); $settings->add(new admin_setting_configtext('block_course_menu_sitetitle', get_string('namesitelevel', 'block_course_menu'), get_string('namesiteleveldescription', 'block_course_menu'), block_course_menu::DEFAULT_SITE_LEVEL_TITLE)); $settings->add(new admin_setting_configcolourpicker('block_course_menu_docked_background', get_string('dockedbg', 'block_course_menu'), get_string('dockedbgdesc', 'block_course_menu'), block_course_menu::DEFAULT_DOCKED_BG)); $settings->add(new block_cm_admin_setting_confightml('global_config', '', '', '', $block)); }
/** * runs the survey at the specified time interval * @param bool $manual * @uses $CFG * @uses $DB */ function cron($manual = false) { global $CFG, $DB; $now = time(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM {block_instances}\n WHERE blockname = 'enrolsurvey' "; // ***TBD*** $block_instances = $DB->get_records_sql($sql); if (!empty($block_instances)) { foreach ($block_instances as $survey) { $block = block_instance('enrolsurvey', $survey); if (!empty($block->config) && !empty($block->config->cron_time)) { if (!isset($block->config->last_cron)) { $block->config->last_cron = 0; } if ($block->config->last_cron + $block->config->cron_time <= $now) { $block->config->last_cron = $now; $DB->delete_records('block_enrolsurvey_taken', array('blockinstanceid' => $survey->id)); $block->instance_config_save($block->config); } } } } return true; }
collatorlib::asort($blocknames); foreach ($blocknames as $blockid => $strblockname) { $block = $blocks[$blockid]; $blockname = $block->name; if (!file_exists("{$CFG->dirroot}/blocks/{$blockname}/block_{$blockname}.php")) { $blockobject = false; $strblockname = '<span class="notifyproblem">' . $strblockname . ' (' . get_string('missingfromdisk') . ')</span>'; $plugin = new stdClass(); $plugin->version = $block->version; } else { $plugin = new stdClass(); $plugin->version = '???'; if (file_exists("{$CFG->dirroot}/blocks/{$blockname}/version.php")) { include "{$CFG->dirroot}/blocks/{$blockname}/version.php"; } if (!($blockobject = block_instance($block->name))) { $incompatible[] = $block; continue; } } $delete = '<a href="blocks.php?delete=' . $blockid . '&sesskey=' . sesskey() . '">' . $strdelete . '</a>'; $settings = ''; // By default, no configuration if ($blockobject and $blockobject->has_config()) { $blocksettings = admin_get_root()->locate('blocksetting' . $block->name); if ($blocksettings instanceof admin_externalpage) { $settings = '<a href="' . $blocksettings->url . '">' . get_string('settings') . '</a>'; } else { if ($blocksettings instanceof admin_settingpage) { $settings = '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/' . $CFG->admin . '/settings.php?section=blocksetting' . $block->name . '">' . $strsettings . '</a>'; } else {
/** * Create a set of new block instance from a record array * * @param array $birecords An array of block instance records * @return array An array of instantiated block_instance objects */ protected function create_block_instances($birecords) { $results = array(); foreach ($birecords as $record) { if ($blockobject = block_instance($record->blockname, $record, $this->page)) { $results[] = $blockobject; } } return $results; }
/** * Returns the language string for the given plugin. * * @param string $plugin the plugin code name * @param string $type the type of plugin (mod, block, filter) * @return string The plugin language string */ function get_plugin_name($plugin, $type = 'mod') { $plugin_name = ''; switch ($type) { case 'mod': $plugin_name = get_string('modulename', $plugin); break; case 'blocks': $plugin_name = get_string('blockname', "block_{$plugin}"); if (empty($plugin_name) || $plugin_name == '[[blockname]]') { if (($block = block_instance($plugin)) !== false) { $plugin_name = $block->get_title(); } else { $plugin_name = "[[{$plugin}]]"; } } break; case 'filter': $plugin_name = trim(get_string('filtername', $plugin)); if (empty($plugin_name) or $plugin_name == '[[filtername]]') { $textlib = textlib_get_instance(); $plugin_name = $textlib->strtotitle($plugin); } break; default: $plugin_name = $plugin; break; } return $plugin_name; }
/** * Returns the language string for the given plugin. * * @param string $plugin the plugin code name * @param string $type the type of plugin (mod, block, filter) * @return string The plugin language string */ function get_plugin_name($plugin, $type = 'mod') { $plugin_name = ''; switch ($type) { case 'mod': $plugin_name = get_string('modulename', $plugin); break; case 'blocks': $plugin_name = get_string('pluginname', "block_{$plugin}"); if (empty($plugin_name) || $plugin_name == '[[pluginname]]') { if (($block = block_instance($plugin)) !== false) { $plugin_name = $block->get_title(); } else { $plugin_name = "[[{$plugin}]]"; } } break; case 'filter': $plugin_name = filter_get_name('filter/' . $plugin); break; default: $plugin_name = $plugin; break; } return $plugin_name; }
*/ require_once '../../config.php'; header('Content-Type: text/css', true); header("X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff"); // for IE header('Cache-Control: no-cache'); if (!isloggedin()) { die; } /* Get block instance config data outside of it's class Also check configdata encoding in C:\...\blocks\moodleblock.class.php */ $instance_id = required_param('instance_id', PARAM_INT); $data = $DB->get_record('block_instances', array('id' => $instance_id), '*', MUST_EXIST); $block_instance = block_instance('accessibility', $data); // test it in all languages? // if (!$block_instance) error... // READ USER SETTINGS // ================================================ // First, check the session to see if the user's overridden the default/saved setting $options = $DB->get_record('block_accessibility', array('userid' => $USER->id)); // NOTE: User settings priority: 1. $USER session, 2. database // check for fontsize user setting if (!empty($USER->fontsize)) { $fontsize = $USER->fontsize; } else { if (!empty($options->fontsize)) { $fontsize = $options->fontsize; } }
/** * Same functionality as blocks_execute_url_action() * Handle all block actions ourselves. * * @param boolean $redirect (Optional) Redirect after action * @return void **/ function page_blocks_execute_url_action($redirect = true) { global $CFG, $COURSE, $PAGE; $pageitemid = optional_param('pageitemid', 0, PARAM_INT); $blockaction = optional_param('blockaction', '', PARAM_ALPHA); // Reasons to stop right meow if (empty($blockaction) || !$PAGE->user_allowed_editing() || !confirm_sesskey()) { return; } // Make sure if we have a valid pageitem. if ($pageitemid and !($pageitem = get_record('format_page_items', 'id', $pageitemid))) { return; } switch ($blockaction) { case 'config': if (empty($pageitem->blockinstance) and !empty($pageitem->cmid)) { // Its a module - go to module update redirect("{$CFG->wwwroot}/course/mod.php?update={$pageitem->cmid}&sesskey=" . sesskey()); } else { if (!empty($pageitem->blockinstance)) { // Its a block instance - allow core routine to handle redirect($PAGE->url_build('instanceid', $pageitem->blockinstance, 'blockaction', 'config', 'sesskey', sesskey())); } else { error('Invalid page item to configure'); } } break; case 'toggle': $update = new stdClass(); $update->id = $pageitem->id; if (empty($pageitem->visible)) { $update->visible = 1; } else { $update->visible = 0; } update_record('format_page_items', $update); break; case 'delete': page_block_delete($pageitem); break; case 'moveup': page_block_move($pageitem, $pageitem->position, $pageitem->sortorder - 1); break; case 'movedown': page_block_move($pageitem, $pageitem->position, $pageitem->sortorder + 1); break; case 'moveright': $destposition = $PAGE->blocks_move_position($pageitem, BLOCK_MOVE_RIGHT); $destweight = page_get_next_weight($pageitem->pageid, $destposition); page_block_move($pageitem, $destposition, $destweight); break; case 'moveleft': $destposition = $PAGE->blocks_move_position($pageitem, BLOCK_MOVE_LEFT); $destweight = page_get_next_weight($pageitem->pageid, $destposition); page_block_move($pageitem, $destposition, $destweight); break; case 'addmod': // Right now, modules are added differently $instance = required_param('instance', PARAM_INT); $record = new stdClass(); $record->pageid = $PAGE->formatpage->id; $record->cmid = $instance; $record->blockinstance = 0; $record->position = $PAGE->blocks_default_position(); $record->sortorder = page_get_next_weight($record->pageid, $record->position); insert_record('format_page_items', $record); break; case 'add': // Add a block instance and a pageitem $blockid = required_param('blockid', PARAM_INT); $block = blocks_get_record($blockid); if (empty($block) or !$block->visible) { break; } if (!block_method_result($block->name, 'user_can_addto', $PAGE)) { break; } // Add a block instance if one does not already exist or if the block allows multiple block instances $exists = record_exists('block_instance', 'pageid', $PAGE->get_id(), 'pagetype', $PAGE->get_type(), 'blockid', $blockid); if ($block->multiple || !$exists) { // Get the next weight value NOTE: hard code left position $weight = get_record_sql('SELECT 1, MAX(weight) + 1 ' . sql_as() . ' nextfree FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'block_instance WHERE pageid = ' . $PAGE->get_id() . ' AND pagetype = \'' . $PAGE->get_type() . '\' AND position = \'' . BLOCK_POS_LEFT . '\''); if (empty($weight->nextfree)) { $weight->nextfree = 0; } $newinstance = new stdClass(); $newinstance->blockid = $blockid; $newinstance->pageid = $PAGE->get_id(); $newinstance->pagetype = $PAGE->get_type(); $newinstance->position = BLOCK_POS_LEFT; // Make sure we keep them all in same column $newinstance->weight = $weight->nextfree; $newinstance->visible = 1; $newinstance->configdata = ''; $instanceid = $newinstance->id = insert_record('block_instance', $newinstance); if ($newinstance and $obj = block_instance($block->name, $newinstance)) { // Return value ignored $obj->instance_create(); } } else { if ($exists) { // Get the existing blockinstance as the block only allows one instance. $instanceid = get_field('block_instance', 'id', 'pageid', $PAGE->get_id(), 'pagetype', $PAGE->get_type(), 'blockid', $blockid); } } if (!empty($instanceid)) { // Create a new page item that links to the instance $record = new stdClass(); $record->pageid = $PAGE->formatpage->id; $record->cmid = 0; $record->blockinstance = $instanceid; $record->position = $PAGE->blocks_default_position(); $record->sortorder = page_get_next_weight($record->pageid, $record->position); insert_record('format_page_items', $record); } break; } if ($redirect) { // In order to prevent accidental duplicate actions, redirect to a page with a clean url redirect($PAGE->url_get_full()); } }
/** * Extracts the relevant capabilities given a contextid. * All case based, example an instance of forum context. * Will fetch all forum related capabilities, while course contexts * Will fetch all capabilities * @param object context * @return array(); * * capabilities * `name` varchar(150) NOT NULL, * `captype` varchar(50) NOT NULL, * `contextlevel` int(10) NOT NULL, * `component` varchar(100) NOT NULL, */ function fetch_context_capabilities($context) { global $CFG; $sort = 'ORDER BY contextlevel,component,name'; // To group them sensibly for display switch ($context->contextlevel) { case CONTEXT_SYSTEM: // all $SQL = "SELECT *\n FROM {$CFG->prefix}capabilities"; break; case CONTEXT_USER: $extracaps = array('moodle/grade:viewall'); foreach ($extracaps as $key => $value) { $extracaps[$key] = "'{$value}'"; } $extra = implode(',', $extracaps); $SQL = "SELECT *\n FROM {$CFG->prefix}capabilities\n WHERE contextlevel = " . CONTEXT_USER . "\n OR name IN ({$extra})"; break; case CONTEXT_COURSECAT: // course category context and bellow $SQL = "SELECT *\n FROM {$CFG->prefix}capabilities\n WHERE contextlevel IN (" . CONTEXT_COURSECAT . "," . CONTEXT_COURSE . "," . CONTEXT_MODULE . "," . CONTEXT_BLOCK . ")"; break; case CONTEXT_COURSE: // course context and bellow $SQL = "SELECT *\n FROM {$CFG->prefix}capabilities\n WHERE contextlevel IN (" . CONTEXT_COURSE . "," . CONTEXT_MODULE . "," . CONTEXT_BLOCK . ")"; break; case CONTEXT_MODULE: // mod caps $cm = get_record('course_modules', 'id', $context->instanceid); $module = get_record('modules', 'id', $cm->module); $modfile = "{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/{$module->name}/lib.php"; if (file_exists($modfile)) { include_once $modfile; $modfunction = $module->name . '_get_extra_capabilities'; if (function_exists($modfunction)) { $extracaps = $modfunction(); } } if (empty($extracaps)) { $extracaps = array(); } // All modules allow viewhiddenactivities. This is so you can hide // the module then override to allow specific roles to see it. // The actual check is in course page so not module-specific $extracaps[] = "moodle/course:viewhiddenactivities"; if (count($extracaps) == 1) { $extra = "OR name = '" . reset($extracaps) . "'"; } else { foreach ($extracaps as $key => $value) { $extracaps[$key] = "'{$value}'"; } $extra = implode(',', $extracaps); $extra = "OR name IN ({$extra})"; } $SQL = "SELECT *\n FROM {$CFG->prefix}capabilities\n WHERE (contextlevel = " . CONTEXT_MODULE . "\n AND component = 'mod/{$module->name}')\n {$extra}"; break; case CONTEXT_BLOCK: // block caps $cb = get_record('block_instance', 'id', $context->instanceid); $block = get_record('block', 'id', $cb->blockid); $extra = ""; if ($blockinstance = block_instance($block->name)) { if ($extracaps = $blockinstance->get_extra_capabilities()) { foreach ($extracaps as $key => $value) { $extracaps[$key] = "'{$value}'"; } $extra = implode(',', $extracaps); $extra = "OR name IN ({$extra})"; } } $SQL = "SELECT *\n FROM {$CFG->prefix}capabilities\n WHERE (contextlevel = " . CONTEXT_BLOCK . "\n AND component = 'block/{$block->name}')\n {$extra}"; break; default: return false; } if (!($records = get_records_sql($SQL . ' ' . $sort))) { $records = array(); } return $records; }
*/ ob_start(); include '../../config.php'; /// setting contexts $id = required_param('id', PARAM_INT); // course id $instanceid = required_param('instance', PARAM_INT); // block instance id $action = optional_param('what', '', PARAM_TEXT); if (!($course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => "{$id}")))) { print_error('invalidcourseid'); } if (!($instance = $DB->get_record('block_instances', array('id' => "{$instanceid}")))) { print_error('badblockinstance', 'block_dashboard'); } $theBlock = block_instance('dashboard', $instance); // security require_login($course); require_capability('block/dashboard:configure', context_system::instance(0)); // get a copy of block configuration if ($action == 'get') { ob_end_clean(); header("Content-Type:text/raw\n\n"); echo $instance->configdata; die; } // process form include_once 'copyconfig_form.php'; $url = $CFG->wwwroot . '/blocks/dashboard/copyconfig.php?id=' . $course->id . '&instance=' . $instanceid; $mform = new CopyConfig_Form($url); if ($mform->is_cancelled()) {
function blocks_print_adminblock(&$page, &$pageblocks) { global $USER; $missingblocks = blocks_get_missing($page, $pageblocks); if (!empty($missingblocks)) { $strblocks = '<div class="title"><h2>'; $strblocks .= get_string('blocks'); $strblocks .= '</h2></div>'; $stradd = get_string('add'); foreach ($missingblocks as $blockid) { $block = blocks_get_record($blockid); $blockobject = block_instance($block->name); if ($blockobject === false) { continue; } if (!$blockobject->user_can_addto($page)) { continue; } $menu[$block->id] = $blockobject->get_title(); } asort($menu); $target = $page->url_get_full(array('sesskey' => $USER->sesskey, 'blockaction' => 'add')); $content = popup_form($target . '&blockid=', $menu, 'add_block', '', $stradd . '...', '', '', true); print_side_block($strblocks, $content, NULL, NULL, NULL, array('class' => 'block_adminblock')); } }
public function load_settings(part_of_admin_tree $adminroot, $parentnodename, $hassiteconfig) { global $CFG, $USER, $DB, $OUTPUT, $PAGE; // in case settings.php wants to refer to them $ADMIN = $adminroot; // may be used in settings.php $block = $this; // also can be used inside settings.php $section = $this->get_settings_section_name(); if (!$hassiteconfig || ($blockinstance = block_instance($this->name)) === false) { return; } $settings = null; if ($blockinstance->has_config()) { if (file_exists($this->full_path('settings.php'))) { $settings = new admin_settingpage($section, $this->displayname, 'moodle/site:config', $this->is_enabled() === false); include $this->full_path('settings.php'); // this may also set $settings to null } else { $blocksinfo = self::get_blocks_info(); $settingsurl = new moodle_url('/admin/block.php', array('block' => $blocksinfo[$this->name]->id)); $settings = new admin_externalpage($section, $this->displayname, $settingsurl, 'moodle/site:config', $this->is_enabled() === false); } } if ($settings) { $ADMIN->add($parentnodename, $settings); } }
// For those branches we return the alphanum key, courses and mycourses. $branchid = required_param('id', PARAM_ALPHANUM); // This identifies the type of the branch we want to get $branchtype = required_param('type', PARAM_INT); // This identifies the block instance requesting AJAX extension $instanceid = optional_param('instance', null, PARAM_INT); $PAGE->set_context(context_system::instance()); // Create a global nav object $navigation = new global_navigation_for_ajax($PAGE, $branchtype, $branchid); $linkcategories = false; if ($instanceid !== null) { // Get the db record for the block instance $blockrecord = $DB->get_record('block_instances', array('id' => $instanceid, 'blockname' => 'navigation')); if ($blockrecord != false) { // Instantiate a block_instance object so we can access config $block = block_instance('navigation', $blockrecord); $trimmode = block_navigation::TRIM_RIGHT; $trimlength = 50; // Set the trim mode if (!empty($block->config->trimmode)) { $trimmode = (int) $block->config->trimmode; } // Set the trim length if (!empty($block->config->trimlength)) { $trimlength = (int) $block->config->trimlength; } if (!empty($block->config->linkcategories) && $block->config->linkcategories == 'yes') { $linkcategories = true; } } }
public function process_block($data) { global $DB, $CFG; $data = (object) $data; // Handy $oldcontextid = $data->contextid; $oldid = $data->id; $positions = isset($data->block_positions['block_position']) ? $data->block_positions['block_position'] : array(); // Look for the parent contextid if (!($data->parentcontextid = $this->get_mappingid('context', $data->parentcontextid))) { throw new restore_step_exception('restore_block_missing_parent_ctx', $data->parentcontextid); } // TODO: it would be nice to use standard plugin supports instead of this instance_allow_multiple() // If there is already one block of that type in the parent context // and the block is not multiple, stop processing // Use blockslib loader / method executor if (!($bi = block_instance($data->blockname))) { return false; } if (!$bi->instance_allow_multiple()) { // The block cannot be added twice, so we will check if the same block is already being // displayed on the same page. For this, rather than mocking a page and using the block_manager // we use a similar query to the one in block_manager::load_blocks(), this will give us // a very good idea of the blocks already displayed in the context. $params = array('blockname' => $data->blockname); // Context matching test. $context = context::instance_by_id($data->parentcontextid); $contextsql = 'bi.parentcontextid = :contextid'; $params['contextid'] = $context->id; $parentcontextids = $context->get_parent_context_ids(); if ($parentcontextids) { list($parentcontextsql, $parentcontextparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($parentcontextids, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED); $contextsql = "({$contextsql} OR (bi.showinsubcontexts = 1 AND bi.parentcontextid {$parentcontextsql}))"; $params = array_merge($params, $parentcontextparams); } // Page type pattern test. $pagetypepatterns = matching_page_type_patterns_from_pattern($data->pagetypepattern); list($pagetypepatternsql, $pagetypepatternparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($pagetypepatterns, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED); $params = array_merge($params, $pagetypepatternparams); // Sub page pattern test. $subpagepatternsql = 'bi.subpagepattern IS NULL'; if ($data->subpagepattern !== null) { $subpagepatternsql = "({$subpagepatternsql} OR bi.subpagepattern = :subpagepattern)"; $params['subpagepattern'] = $data->subpagepattern; } $exists = $DB->record_exists_sql("SELECT\n FROM {block_instances} bi\n JOIN {block} b ON = bi.blockname\n WHERE bi.blockname = :blockname\n AND {$contextsql}\n AND bi.pagetypepattern {$pagetypepatternsql}\n AND {$subpagepatternsql}", $params); if ($exists) { // There is at least one very similar block visible on the page where we // are trying to restore the block. In these circumstances the block API // would not allow the user to add another instance of the block, so we // apply the same rule here. return false; } } // If there is already one block of that type in the parent context // with the same showincontexts, pagetypepattern, subpagepattern, defaultregion and configdata // stop processing $params = array('blockname' => $data->blockname, 'parentcontextid' => $data->parentcontextid, 'showinsubcontexts' => $data->showinsubcontexts, 'pagetypepattern' => $data->pagetypepattern, 'subpagepattern' => $data->subpagepattern, 'defaultregion' => $data->defaultregion); if ($birecs = $DB->get_records('block_instances', $params)) { foreach ($birecs as $birec) { if ($birec->configdata == $data->configdata) { return false; } } } // Set task old contextid, blockid and blockname once we know them $this->task->set_old_contextid($oldcontextid); $this->task->set_old_blockid($oldid); $this->task->set_blockname($data->blockname); // Let's look for anything within configdata neededing processing // (nulls and uses of legacy file.php) if ($attrstotransform = $this->task->get_configdata_encoded_attributes()) { $configdata = (array) unserialize(base64_decode($data->configdata)); foreach ($configdata as $attribute => $value) { if (in_array($attribute, $attrstotransform)) { $configdata[$attribute] = $this->contentprocessor->process_cdata($value); } } $data->configdata = base64_encode(serialize((object) $configdata)); } // Create the block instance $newitemid = $DB->insert_record('block_instances', $data); // Save the mapping (with restorefiles support) $this->set_mapping('block_instance', $oldid, $newitemid, true); // Create the block context $newcontextid = context_block::instance($newitemid)->id; // Save the block contexts mapping and sent it to task $this->set_mapping('context', $oldcontextid, $newcontextid); $this->task->set_contextid($newcontextid); $this->task->set_blockid($newitemid); // Restore block fileareas if declared $component = 'block_' . $this->task->get_blockname(); foreach ($this->task->get_fileareas() as $filearea) { // Simple match by contextid. No itemname needed $this->add_related_files($component, $filearea, null); } // Process block positions, creating them or accumulating for final step foreach ($positions as $position) { $position = (object) $position; $position->blockinstanceid = $newitemid; // The instance is always the restored one // If position is for one already mapped (known) contextid // process it now, creating the position if ($newpositionctxid = $this->get_mappingid('context', $position->contextid)) { $position->contextid = $newpositionctxid; // Create the block position $DB->insert_record('block_positions', $position); // The position belongs to an unknown context, send it to backup_ids // to process them as part of the final steps of restore. We send the // whole $position object there, hence use the low level method. } else { restore_dbops::set_backup_ids_record($this->get_restoreid(), 'block_position', $position->id, 0, null, $position); } } }
/** * Insert evidence into the moodle table in addition to the realsmart one * @author David Drummond <*****@*****.**>, Daniel Dammann <*****@*****.**> */ function update_moodle_item($courseid, $raflitemid, $text) { global $CFG; // attempt to get correct record of corresponding moodle page_item $sql = "SELECT {$CFG->prefix}format_page_items.* \n FROM {$CFG->prefix}format_page_items \n JOIN {$CFG->prefix}format_page on {$CFG->prefix} = {$CFG->prefix}format_page_items.pageid\n WHERE {$CFG->prefix}format_page_items.rafl_item = {$raflitemid}\n AND {$CFG->prefix}format_page.courseid = {$courseid}"; if ($pageitem = get_record_sql($sql)) { // valid page item, now let's try to find and update the block data $instance = get_record('block_instance', 'id', $pageitem->blockinstance); $block = get_record('block', 'id', $instance->blockid); if ($obj = block_instance($block->name, $instance)) { $blockdata->title = $obj->title; $blockdata->text = $text; if (!$obj->instance_config_save($blockdata, false, false)) { error('Error saving block configuration'); } } } else { debugging('No matching page item found for this rafl. courseid: ' . $courseid . ' raflitemid: ' . $raflitemid); } return 1; }
public function process_block($data) { global $DB, $CFG; $data = (object) $data; // Handy $oldcontextid = $data->contextid; $oldid = $data->id; $positions = isset($data->block_positions['block_position']) ? $data->block_positions['block_position'] : array(); // Look for the parent contextid if (!($data->parentcontextid = $this->get_mappingid('context', $data->parentcontextid))) { throw new restore_step_exception('restore_block_missing_parent_ctx', $data->parentcontextid); } // TODO: it would be nice to use standard plugin supports instead of this instance_allow_multiple() // If there is already one block of that type in the parent context // and the block is not multiple, stop processing // Use blockslib loader / method executor if (!($bi = block_instance($data->blockname))) { return false; } if (!$bi->instance_allow_multiple()) { if ($DB->record_exists_sql("SELECT\n FROM {block_instances} bi\n JOIN {block} b ON = bi.blockname\n WHERE bi.parentcontextid = ?\n AND bi.blockname = ?", array($data->parentcontextid, $data->blockname))) { return false; } } // If there is already one block of that type in the parent context // with the same showincontexts, pagetypepattern, subpagepattern, defaultregion and configdata // stop processing $params = array('blockname' => $data->blockname, 'parentcontextid' => $data->parentcontextid, 'showinsubcontexts' => $data->showinsubcontexts, 'pagetypepattern' => $data->pagetypepattern, 'subpagepattern' => $data->subpagepattern, 'defaultregion' => $data->defaultregion); if ($birecs = $DB->get_records('block_instances', $params)) { foreach ($birecs as $birec) { if ($birec->configdata == $data->configdata) { return false; } } } // Set task old contextid, blockid and blockname once we know them $this->task->set_old_contextid($oldcontextid); $this->task->set_old_blockid($oldid); $this->task->set_blockname($data->blockname); // Let's look for anything within configdata neededing processing // (nulls and uses of legacy file.php) if ($attrstotransform = $this->task->get_configdata_encoded_attributes()) { $configdata = (array) unserialize(base64_decode($data->configdata)); foreach ($configdata as $attribute => $value) { if (in_array($attribute, $attrstotransform)) { $configdata[$attribute] = $this->contentprocessor->process_cdata($value); } } $data->configdata = base64_encode(serialize((object) $configdata)); } // Create the block instance $newitemid = $DB->insert_record('block_instances', $data); // Save the mapping (with restorefiles support) $this->set_mapping('block_instance', $oldid, $newitemid, true); // Create the block context $newcontextid = context_block::instance($newitemid)->id; // Save the block contexts mapping and sent it to task $this->set_mapping('context', $oldcontextid, $newcontextid); $this->task->set_contextid($newcontextid); $this->task->set_blockid($newitemid); // Restore block fileareas if declared $component = 'block_' . $this->task->get_blockname(); foreach ($this->task->get_fileareas() as $filearea) { // Simple match by contextid. No itemname needed $this->add_related_files($component, $filearea, null); } // Process block positions, creating them or accumulating for final step foreach ($positions as $position) { $position = (object) $position; $position->blockinstanceid = $newitemid; // The instance is always the restored one // If position is for one already mapped (known) contextid // process it now, creating the position if ($newpositionctxid = $this->get_mappingid('context', $position->contextid)) { $position->contextid = $newpositionctxid; // Create the block position $DB->insert_record('block_positions', $position); // The position belongs to an unknown context, send it to backup_ids // to process them as part of the final steps of restore. We send the // whole $position object there, hence use the low level method. } else { restore_dbops::set_backup_ids_record($this->get_restoreid(), 'block_position', $position->id, 0, null, $position); } } }
function definition() { global $DB, $COURSE; $mform =& $this->_form; $mform->addElement('header', 'displayinfo', get_string('conditionadd_header', 'block_game_content_unlock')); $condition_types = array(); $game_points_installed = $DB->record_exists('block', array('name' => 'game_points')); if ($game_points_installed) { $condition_types[0] = get_string('conditionadd_typebypointstext', 'block_game_content_unlock'); } $condition_types[1] = get_string('conditionadd_typebyunlocktext', 'block_game_content_unlock'); $game_achievements_installed = $DB->record_exists('block', array('name' => 'game_content_unlock')); if ($game_achievements_installed) { $condition_types[2] = get_string('conditionadd_typebyachievementtext', 'block_game_content_unlock'); } $mform->addElement('select', 'condition_type', get_string('conditionadd_typetext', 'block_game_content_unlock'), $condition_types, null); $mform->addRule('condition_type', null, 'required', null, 'client'); // Points system condition if ($game_points_installed) { $mform->addElement('html', '<hr></hr>'); $points_systems_list = array(); $blocks_info = $DB->get_records('block_instances', array('blockname' => 'game_points')); foreach ($blocks_info as $info) { $instance = block_instance('game_points', $info); $points_systems_list['block::' . $instance->instance->id] = '- Bloco ' . $instance->title; $points_systems = $DB->get_records('points_system', array('blockinstanceid' => $instance->instance->id, 'deleted' => 0)); foreach ($points_systems as $points_system) { $points_systems_list['pointsystem::' . $points_system->id] = ' Sistema de pontos ' . (isset($points_system->name) ? $points_system->name . ' (' . $points_system->id . ')' : $points_system->id); } } $mform->addElement('select', 'points_condition_blockorpointsystemid', 'Os pontos do bloco', $points_systems_list, null); $mform->disabledIf('points_condition_blockorpointsystemid', 'condition_type', 'neq', 0); $mform->addElement('text', 'points_condition_points', 'Maiores ou iguais a'); $mform->disabledIf('points_condition_points', 'condition_type', 'neq', 0); $mform->addElement('advcheckbox', 'points_condition_grupal', 'Grupal', null, null, array(0, 1)); } // Content unlock system condition $mform->addElement('html', '<hr></hr>'); $unlock_systems = array(); $blocks_info = $DB->get_records('block_instances', array('blockname' => 'game_content_unlock')); foreach ($blocks_info as $info) { $instance = block_instance('game_content_unlock', $info); $sql = "SELECT *\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{content_unlock_system} u\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE u.deleted = 0\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND u.blockinstanceid = :blockinstanceid"; $params['blockinstanceid'] = $instance->instance->id; $us = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params); foreach ($us as $unlock_system) { $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $COURSE->id)); $info = get_fast_modinfo($course); $cm = $info->get_cm($unlock_system->coursemoduleid); $unlock_systems[$unlock_system->id] = ($unlock_system->coursemodulevisibility ? 'Desbloqueado' : 'Bloqueado') . ' o recurso/atividade ' . $cm->name . ' (bloco ' . $instance->title . ')'; } } $mform->addElement('select', 'unlock_condition_must', 'O aluno', array(0 => 'Não deve', 1 => 'Deve'), null); $mform->setDefault('unlock_condition_must', 1); $mform->disabledIf('unlock_condition_must', 'condition_type', 'neq', 1); $mform->addElement('select', 'unlock_condition_unlocksystemid', 'Ter', $unlock_systems, null); $mform->disabledIf('unlock_condition_unlocksystemid', 'condition_type', 'neq', 1); // Achievement condition if ($game_achievements_installed) { $mform->addElement('html', '<hr></hr>'); $achievements = array(); $blocks_info = $DB->get_records('block_instances', array('blockname' => 'game_achievements')); foreach ($blocks_info as $info) { $instance = block_instance('game_achievements', $info); $sql = 'SELECT id FROM {achievements} WHERE blockinstanceid = :blockinstanceid AND deleted = :deleted'; $params['blockinstanceid'] = $instance->instance->id; $params['deleted'] = 0; $achievement_ids = $DB->get_fieldset_sql($sql, $params); foreach ($achievement_ids as $achievement_id) { $achievement = $DB->get_record('achievements', array('id' => $achievement_id)); $achievements[$achievement_id] = 'Conquista ' . (isset($achievement->name) ? $achievement->name . ' (' . $achievement_id . ')' : $achievement_id) . ' (bloco ' . $instance->title . ')'; } } $mform->addElement('select', 'achievements_condition_achievementid', 'Ter alcançado a', $achievements, null); $mform->disabledIf('achievements_condition_achievementid', 'condition_type', 'neq', 2); } $mform->addElement('hidden', 'unlocksystemid'); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'courseid'); $this->add_action_buttons(); }
/** * Automatically clean-up all plugin data and remove the plugin DB tables * * @param string $type The plugin type, eg. 'mod', 'qtype', 'workshopgrading' etc. * @param string $name The plugin name, eg. 'forum', 'multichoice', 'accumulative' etc. * @uses global $OUTPUT to produce notices and other messages * @return void */ function uninstall_plugin($type, $name) { global $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT; // recursively uninstall all module subplugins first if ($type === 'mod') { if (file_exists("{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/{$name}/db/subplugins.php")) { $subplugins = array(); include "{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/{$name}/db/subplugins.php"; foreach ($subplugins as $subplugintype => $dir) { $instances = get_plugin_list($subplugintype); foreach ($instances as $subpluginname => $notusedpluginpath) { uninstall_plugin($subplugintype, $subpluginname); } } } } $component = $type . '_' . $name; // eg. 'qtype_multichoice' or 'workshopgrading_accumulative' or 'mod_forum' if ($type === 'mod') { $pluginname = $name; // eg. 'forum' if (get_string_manager()->string_exists('modulename', $component)) { $strpluginname = get_string('modulename', $component); } else { $strpluginname = $component; } } else { $pluginname = $component; if (get_string_manager()->string_exists('pluginname', $component)) { $strpluginname = get_string('pluginname', $component); } else { $strpluginname = $component; } } echo $OUTPUT->heading($pluginname); $plugindirectory = get_plugin_directory($type, $name); $uninstalllib = $plugindirectory . '/db/uninstall.php'; if (file_exists($uninstalllib)) { require_once $uninstalllib; $uninstallfunction = 'xmldb_' . $pluginname . '_uninstall'; // eg. 'xmldb_workshop_uninstall()' if (function_exists($uninstallfunction)) { if (!$uninstallfunction()) { echo $OUTPUT->notification('Encountered a problem running uninstall function for ' . $pluginname); } } } if ($type === 'mod') { // perform cleanup tasks specific for activity modules if (!($module = $DB->get_record('modules', array('name' => $name)))) { print_error('moduledoesnotexist', 'error'); } // delete all the relevant instances from all course sections if ($coursemods = $DB->get_records('course_modules', array('module' => $module->id))) { foreach ($coursemods as $coursemod) { if (!delete_mod_from_section($coursemod->id, $coursemod->section)) { echo $OUTPUT->notification("Could not delete the {$strpluginname} with id = {$coursemod->id} from section {$coursemod->section}"); } } } // clear course.modinfo for courses that used this module $sql = "UPDATE {course}\n SET modinfo=''\n WHERE id IN (SELECT DISTINCT course\n FROM {course_modules}\n WHERE module=?)"; $DB->execute($sql, array($module->id)); // delete all the course module records $DB->delete_records('course_modules', array('module' => $module->id)); // delete module contexts if ($coursemods) { foreach ($coursemods as $coursemod) { if (!delete_context(CONTEXT_MODULE, $coursemod->id)) { echo $OUTPUT->notification("Could not delete the context for {$strpluginname} with id = {$coursemod->id}"); } } } // delete the module entry itself $DB->delete_records('modules', array('name' => $module->name)); // cleanup the gradebook require_once $CFG->libdir . '/gradelib.php'; grade_uninstalled_module($module->name); // Perform any custom uninstall tasks if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/' . $module->name . '/lib.php')) { require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/' . $module->name . '/lib.php'; $uninstallfunction = $module->name . '_uninstall'; if (function_exists($uninstallfunction)) { debugging("{$uninstallfunction}() has been deprecated. Use the plugin's db/uninstall.php instead", DEBUG_DEVELOPER); if (!$uninstallfunction()) { echo $OUTPUT->notification('Encountered a problem running uninstall function for ' . $module->name . '!'); } } } } else { if ($type === 'enrol') { // NOTE: this is a bit brute force way - it will not trigger events and hooks properly // nuke all role assignments role_unassign_all(array('component' => $component)); // purge participants $DB->delete_records_select('user_enrolments', "enrolid IN (SELECT id FROM {enrol} WHERE enrol = ?)", array($name)); // purge enrol instances $DB->delete_records('enrol', array('enrol' => $name)); // tweak enrol settings if (!empty($CFG->enrol_plugins_enabled)) { $enabledenrols = explode(',', $CFG->enrol_plugins_enabled); $enabledenrols = array_unique($enabledenrols); $enabledenrols = array_flip($enabledenrols); unset($enabledenrols[$name]); $enabledenrols = array_flip($enabledenrols); if (is_array($enabledenrols)) { set_config('enrol_plugins_enabled', implode(',', $enabledenrols)); } } } else { if ($type === 'block') { if ($block = $DB->get_record('block', array('name' => $name))) { // Inform block it's about to be deleted if (file_exists("{$CFG->dirroot}/blocks/{$block->name}/block_{$block->name}.php")) { $blockobject = block_instance($block->name); if ($blockobject) { $blockobject->before_delete(); //only if we can create instance, block might have been already removed } } // First delete instances and related contexts $instances = $DB->get_records('block_instances', array('blockname' => $block->name)); foreach ($instances as $instance) { blocks_delete_instance($instance); } // Delete block $DB->delete_records('block', array('id' => $block->id)); } } } } // perform clean-up task common for all the plugin/subplugin types // delete calendar events $DB->delete_records('event', array('modulename' => $pluginname)); // delete all the logs $DB->delete_records('log', array('module' => $pluginname)); // delete log_display information $DB->delete_records('log_display', array('component' => $component)); // delete the module configuration records unset_all_config_for_plugin($pluginname); // delete message provider message_provider_uninstall($component); // delete message processor if ($type === 'message') { message_processor_uninstall($name); } // delete the plugin tables $xmldbfilepath = $plugindirectory . '/db/install.xml'; drop_plugin_tables($component, $xmldbfilepath, false); if ($type === 'mod' or $type === 'block') { // non-frankenstyle table prefixes drop_plugin_tables($name, $xmldbfilepath, false); } // delete the capabilities that were defined by this module capabilities_cleanup($component); // remove event handlers and dequeue pending events events_uninstall($component); echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('success'), 'notifysuccess'); }
/** * @see plugintype_interface::get_settings_url() */ public function get_settings_url() { if (($block = block_instance($this->name)) === false) { return parent::get_settings_url(); } else { if ($block->has_config()) { if (!empty($this->rootdir) and file_exists($this->rootdir . '/settings.php')) { return new moodle_url('/admin/settings.php', array('section' => 'blocksetting' . $this->name)); } else { $blocksinfo = self::get_blocks_info(); return new moodle_url('/admin/block.php', array('block' => $blocksinfo[$this->name]->id)); } } else { return parent::get_settings_url(); } } }
include $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/' . $modulename . '/settings.php'; } $ADMIN->add('modsettings', $settings); } } } } // hidden script for converting journals to online assignments (or something like that) linked from elsewhere $ADMIN->add('modsettings', new admin_externalpage('oacleanup', 'Online Assignment Cleanup', $CFG->wwwroot . '/' . $CFG->admin . '/oacleanup.php', 'moodle/site:config', true)); $ADMIN->add('modules', new admin_category('blocksettings', get_string('blocks'))); $ADMIN->add('blocksettings', new admin_page_manageblocks()); $ADMIN->add('blocksettings', new admin_externalpage('stickyblocks', get_string('stickyblocks', 'admin'), "{$CFG->wwwroot}/{$CFG->admin}/stickyblocks.php")); if ($blocks = $DB->get_records('block')) { $blockbyname = array(); foreach ($blocks as $block) { if (($blockobject = block_instance($block->name)) === false) { // Failed to load continue; } $blockbyname[$blockobject->get_title()] = $block; } ksort($blockbyname); foreach ($blockbyname as $strblockname => $block) { $blockname = $block->name; if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot . '/blocks/' . $blockname . '/settings.php')) { $settings = new admin_settingpage('blocksetting' . $blockname, $strblockname, 'moodle/site:config', !$block->visible); if ($ADMIN->fulltree) { include $CFG->dirroot . '/blocks/' . $blockname . '/settings.php'; } $ADMIN->add('blocksettings', $settings); } else {
if ($quickmailblock = get_record('block', 'name', 'quickmail')) { $instance = get_record('block_instance', 'blockid', $quickmailblock->id, 'pageid', $course->id); } } /// This block of code ensures that Quickmail will run /// whether it is in the course or not if (empty($instance)) { $groupmode = groupmode($course); if (has_capability('block/quickmail:cansend', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_BLOCK, $instanceid))) { $haspermission = true; } else { $haspermission = false; } } else { // create a quickmail block instance $quickmail = block_instance('quickmail', $instance); $groupmode = $quickmail->groupmode(); $haspermission = $quickmail->check_permission(); } if (!$haspermission) { error('Sorry, you do not have the correct permissions to use Quickmail.'); } if (!($courseusers = get_users_by_capability($context, 'moodle/course:view', 'u.*', 'u.lastname, u.firstname', '', '', '', '', false))) { error('No course users found to email'); } if ($action == 'view') { // viewing an old email. Hitting the db and puting it into the object $form $emailid = required_param('emailid', PARAM_INT); $form = get_record('block_quickmail_log', 'id', $emailid); $form->mailto = explode(',', $form->mailto); // convert mailto back to an array